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A utodesk A utoCA D M ap 3D 2015

Top reasons to buy

Model-based infrastructure planning and

m anagem ent
A utoCA D Map 3D 2015 helps users access, evaluate, and
share CA D and G IS data to m ake m ore inform ed decisions.

M anage C A D and G IS data in a single environm ent

W ith A utodesk A utoCA D Map 3D 2015 softw are, you can directly access and edit m ore inform ation in a
fam iliar A utodesk A utoCA D environm ent. Update draw ings, databases, and G IS inform ation using
standard A utoCA D com m ands to directly edit geom etry and object attributes. Read, w rite, and convert
data from a broad range of sources, including Esri, Bentley, O racle, G E Sm allw orld, and other
softw are providers.
Result: O verlay geospatial and CAD data and update files and spatial databases m ore efficiently by using
standard A utoCAD com m ands to directly edit G IS data. Better support CA D and G IS w orkflow s w ith tools
to read,w rite,and convert data betw een m ost standard form ats,including SH P and D G N .

Create m ore com plete base m aps

Easy-to-use "G EO MA P" com m and provides access to

A utodesk Maps service, w hich is part of A utodesk 360
cloud services.

W ith access to design, G IS, im agery, point cloud, and business inform ation in a single environm ent, you
can m ore easily integrate existing CA D and G IS data, as w ell as data collected in the field via survey and
G PS devices, to create m ore accurate base m aps. Im port data in a variety of form ats including Leica G SI,
CPlan RO , A SCIIpoint, and LandXML.
A utoCA D Map 3D includes a rich set of survey tools that enable you to m ore easily im port, com pute,
m anage, and utilize field m easurem ents acquired from G PS and terrestrial sources. The survey functionality
includes the ability to consum e custom field codes that can be m apped to database attributes.
Result: H elp im prove existing conditions data by m ore efficiently collecting and integrating as-built
inform ation.

Manage CA D and G IS data in a single environm ent.

Perform analysis for better insight

Conduct spatial analysis to better understand project im pact and help inform critical design and
m anagem ent decisions earlier in the process.
Your projects can gain faster stakeholder approval w hen you create and publish m ore inform ative m aps
and exhibits. A utoCA D Map 3D offers stylization, labeling, and annotation tools to help users m ore
accurately com m unicate project inform ation, designs, and ideas.
Result: Support m ore inform ed decision m aking by perform ing analysis to create m ore accurate,
inform ative m aps and exhibits.

A pply intelligent industry m odels

A utoCA D Map 3D helps you apply industry-specific standards and business process requirem ents, using
configurable data m odels for electric, gas, w ater, and w astew ater. Mapping and integrated spatial and
netw ork analysis m ake it easier to create stylized m aps and prelim inary designs that highlight specific
features, such as service areas, zoning districts, land usage, pipe and cable installation dates, and m ore.
Result: Im prove the value of the inform ation that inform s your decisions w ith intelligent industry m odels
and the ability to better analyze CA D ,geospatial,and asset data.

D irectly access A utodesk 360, and upload and share m aps

and draw ings w ith m ultiple stakeholders.

A utodesk A utoCA D M ap 3D 2015

Top reasons to buy

B etter visualize and evaluate existing conditions

Better evaluate existing infrastructure and provide project stakeholders more insight into real-w orld
conditions by using A utoCA D M ap 3D softw are together w ith A utodesk InfraW orks products. Create
data-rich 3D models that enable you to visualize infrastructure assets and spatial analysis results from M ap
3D against the backdrop of the built environment.
Result: Support better infrastructure design and m aintenance decisions by visualizing,evaluating,and
com m unicating existing conditions inform ation in a data-rich 3D environm ent.

Share m ore coordinated and consistent inform ation

Visualize infrastructure assets in a data-rich 3D

environment w ith A utodesk InfraW orks products.
M odel data courtesy of O kaloosa G as D istrict

Provide project stakeholders w ith a more convenient w ay to access planning and management data by
enabling access to maps via the w eb. A utoCA D M ap 3D 2015 w orks w ith A utodesk Infrastructure M ap
Server 2015 softw are, a w eb-based mapping softw are that enables users to publish CA D , G IS, and asset
information more quickly and cost-effectively to stakeholders via a w eb brow ser.
Result: H elp operations and engineering m ake faster,m ore inform ed decisions w ith access to w eb-based
dashboards,reports,and m aps.

Support design to as-built data flow

A utoCA D M ap 3D supports design to as-built data flow to G IS and other applications. It can also integrate
w ith other operational systems, such as customer care, ERP, outage, and w ork and asset management
Result: Support asset m anagem ent and operations by publishing enterprise data such as spatial,asset,
outage,and custom er inform ation.

Publish D W G TM data, including M ap O bject D ata. U se

spatial and object filters to specify w hich contents of
a D W G file to publish.

R eal people. R eal projects.

R ushm oor B orough Council, England
W e w anted to move to a position w here every user could connect to this data, confident they w ere
w orking w ith the most accurate, up to date spatial information w e possess.
Richard G reaney,G IS office for Rushm oor Borough Council
Sw issgrid, Sw itzerland
Its easier for us to apply business rules based on pow er transmission standards to our data. The softw are
can help spot and address errors intelligently. The softw are allow s us to edit the data models to better
match our preferences and regional requirements.
Zoran Brankovic,G IS M anager

W ith A utodesk Infrastructure M ap Server, create

mash-ups and w idgets from O G C services such as
G oogle Street View mapping service.

Y ork R egion, O ntario, Canada

N ow , our A utodesk solution integrates data directly from A rcSD E and gives us an inclusive view of the
pipeslocation, size, and surroundingsin less than 15 minutes. W e complete this task 16 times faster,
freeing staff for other tasks.
Scott Stover,M anager Corridor Approvals and Records

Now is the tim e to im prove your CA D and G IS data m anagem ent.

AutoCAD Map 3D 2015 softw are is available in Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite 2015.
To learn m ore about and to dow nload free* trialversions of Autodesk Infrastructure
Design Suite,visit w w w /infrastructuredesignsuite.
To locate a reseller nearest you,visit w w w /reseller.





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