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Liao Fans 4 LessonsQuotes From Original Work By Liao Fan of The Ming Dynasty
2. Liao-Fan Yuan was born during Ming Dynasty, in about 1550, in Jiangsu Province, Wujiang County.
Liao-Fan wrote a book, Liao-Fan's Four Lessons, which were written originally to teach his son, Tian-Chi
Yuan. The principal behind those lessons is that destiny can be changed through proper cultivation of
kindness and humility. Thus one should not be bound by fate but by one's own action.
3. Liao-Fan's Four Lessons
Liao-Fan was predicted by a wise monk, Mr. Kong that he would only live to the age of fifty-three and
have no son. At first, he disregarded this wise monk's words as farcical nonsense, but then other things
that Kong had predicted were rapidly coming true, which greatly disturbed him, but made him realize
the force of destiny. He then proactively made an effort to rewrite his fate. In relating his own life
experience in changing destiny, Liao-Fan, at the age of sixty-nine, wrote and taught these four lessons
to his son.
The first lesson shows how to create destiny. The second lesson explains the ways to reform. The third
reveals the ways to cultivate kindness and the fourth discloses the benefits of the virtue of humility.
This book, still in circulation after more than 500 years, is said to be the very basic foundation in learning
4. The First Lesson: Learning to Create Destiny
Creating Destiny is about forming ones fate rather than being bound by it. The Lesson of Learning to
Create Destiny discusses the principle behind fate and the knowledge necessary to change it. By relating
his own experiences and trials at changing destiny, Mr. Liao-Fan Yuan taught his son, Tian-Chi, not to be
bound by fate, but rather to put forth his best effort in practicing kindness and eradicating wrong-doing.
5. "Refraining from all
wrongdoing and practicing all forms of kindness brings about the reduction of disasters and the
coming of good fortune."
6. We cannot deny the fact that fate exists, but only ordinary people are bound by it. Fate cannot bind
those who cultivate great kindness.
Because their virtues accrued from kind acts are so great that these acts will alter their original destiny
for the better.
7. When a persons bad deeds are so great and powerful, they will cancel out the good fortune and
prosperity predetermined in his original fate and his or her life can be transformed from good to bad.
8. We create our own fate. Good or bad fortune is also determined by ourselves. When I commit bad
deeds, disasters are bound to strike. When I cultivate kindness, good fortune will naturally come my

Master Yun-Gu
9. Therefore, if one cannot reflect within ones own heart but instead blindly seeks fame, fortune and
long life from external sources, then this seeking will be in vain.
10. Both good and bad fortune are formed from ones heart. Wise people know that everything they
achieve or fail at in life are only consequences of their own actions and thoughts. Only an ignorant
person assumes that all is the work of fate and destiny!
11. Live as though everything of the past dissolved yesterday and all of the future begins today. If you
can accomplish this, then you are a person born anew.
12. "Those who are considered experts in the art of writing mantras but do not know the right way to do
it will be laughed at by spirits and gods."
Master Yun-Gu
When one asks for or seeks something in terms of changing fate, it is important that one does it when
the mind is still. In this way, wishes will be easily fulfilled.
13. "The way of the Heavens is not determined and neither is ones destiny. Destiny is not set, but is
only created and determined by oneself."
14. One needs to be able to detect ones faults everyday in order to correct them everyday. If one is
unable to detect any faults in oneself, then improvement of character is out of the question. There are
many intelligent people in the world who refuse to cultivate morality and virtue, and cannot put forth
diligent effort in their work. Their failures later in life are owed to a single word - laziness.
15. The Second Lesson: Ways to Reform
How can we be free from faults when we were not born as sages or saints? Confucius once said, One
with faults should not fear to correct them. Liao-Fan proceeded to tell his son about the three ways to
reform. First, one must feel shame; second, one must know fear; and third, one must have
determination and courage. If we were mindful of correcting even the tiniest mistake, then large
wrongdoings would naturally be avoided.
16. When a person is absolutely honest and truthful, ones heart is in agreement with the heart of
heaven. Therefore, when one can use this sincere attitude in interacting with people and everyday
matters, good fortune will naturally follow.
17. Shame is the greatest and most important word in a persons lifetime. Why? Because one who
knows shame, will put forth his or her best efforts into reforming faults and will eventually attain
sagehood or become a saint. One who cannot comprehend the word shame will be unrestrained and
immoral. This person will then be just like an animal.

18. If a person can have an overwhelming and courageous kind thought at the most important moment,
then it can cleanse away hundreds of years of accumulated misdeeds. This is just like only one lamp
being necessary to bring light into a valley that has been dark for a thousand years.
19. Though we make mistakes, it is good to correct them. But do not think it is all right to do bad things
now just because we can always regret and reform later. This is definitely not allowed. If one commits a
wrongdoing purposely, then the offense is even greater than before.
20. A minor fault is like a thorn sticking into our flesh and should be quickly removed. A big fault is like a
finger bitten by a poisonous snake. We must cut off that finger without hesitation to prevent the poison
from spreading and taking our life.
21. There are also three methods of practice to help us reform.
First is changing through action, second is changing through reasoning, and third is changing from the
22. Therefore, when things do not go the way we wish, it is because we have not cultivated our virtues
and morals, and have not accumulated enough merits to move others! We should always reflect upon
ourselves first and see whether we have mistreated others.
23. All mistakes stem from the heart; therefore, we change from the heart.
It is like getting rid of a poisonous tree.
If we want to put an end to it, we uproot it altogether so it cannot grow again.
The best way to reform our faults is through cultivating our hearts. If we are willing to cultivate our
hearts, then it is possible to purify our faults right away.
24. I practice this by writing down all my faults and reporting them to the earth, spirits, heavens and
gods. We also need to regret sincerely and wholeheartedly from morning to night without laxity. If we
can sincerely regret from one to two weeks, then one to three months, continuing this way, then we will
definitely attain results and benefits.
25. Oftentimes when we look back, we do not even see our own faults. This is because we are careless
and do not know how to reflect on our own actions. It is as if a cataract is growing in our eye. We
become so blind that we cannot even see that we are making mistakes everyday!
26. The Third Lesson: The Way to Cultivate Kindness
Though we may be good and virtuous in this life, we do not know what offenses we have committed in
past lives. The retribution for past misdeeds still has to be undergone. Therefore, in order to change a
bad life into a good life, we not only have to reform our faults, but also have to practice all forms of

kindness and build upon our virtues. Once the number of our kind deeds accumulates, our bad life will
naturally turn into a good life; thus, the practice of changing destiny can be proven!
27. "Families who perform kind deeds will accumulate good fortune, which can outlast many
28. If we practice kind deeds but do not learn the way to differentiate between right and wrong, we may
end up doing harm instead of good.
29. "It is like the shadow, following the body wherever it goes."
This is saying that doing good will always have its rewards and doing bad will alwayshave its
30. When kindness springs from within the heart, it is real goodness. When we do good just for the sake
of doing a good deed then it is false. In addition, when we do good without expecting anything in return,
it is considered real goodness. When we practice kind deeds for some other purpose than to benefit
others, it is false. Those who wish to practice true kindness need to contemplate all these differences.
31. "People who do not accumulatekind deeds will not attain good fortune. On the other hand, people
who do not accumulate bad deeds will not bring about great adversity."
32. If, instead, we always think of the deeds we have performed, looking for a reward of some kind, then
no matter how diligently we practice, even for an entire lifetime, the deeds will still be considered as
half goodness.
33. A truly honorable persons heart is only filled with love and respect for others.
34. A person needs to be taught and guided, just as jade needs to be carved and polished. When we see
people whom we feel have good potential for doing a good deed or working towards a proper goal, we
can guide, support, praise and encourage them, helping them succeed in their endeavors.
35. Since there are always more bad people around, good people are often taken advantage of.
Therefore good people often has a hard time standing on their own.
36. A person with compassion is a kind, virtuous and merciful person, while one without compassion for
others is unkind and without morals.
37. The Forth Lesson: The Benefit of the Virtue of Humility
It is important to know the ways to improve ourselves when interacting with others. The best way to do
this is to follow the virtue of humility. If people understand the virtue of humility, they also will
understand the importance of constant self-improvement. This constant self-improvement not only
includes the search for higher knowledge, but also encompasses the need to be more humane, to
perform better in daily duties and to improve communication with friends.
38. "Ones arrogance will bring one harm; humility will bring one benefit."

39. "When heaven wants a person to prosper, it will first bestow him with wisdom.
Wisdom can make a person honest and well disciplined.
40. Practicing kind deeds and accumulating hidden virtues all stem from the heart. As long as you
constantly harbor the intent to practice kindness and accumulate virtues, your merits will be infinite and
41. As long as I harbor good intentions; refrain from wrongdoings; do not offend the earth, spirits,
heavens, and gods; humble myself; am tolerant and not arrogant; then the earth, spirits, heavens and
gods will constantly have compassion for me. Only then will I have a foundation for my future
42. Those who are full of conceit are definitely not destined to be great. Even if they do prosper, they
will not be able to enjoy their good fortune for long. Intelligent people would definitely not make
themselves small and narrow-minded and refuse the good fortune they are entitled to.
43. Humble people are always willing to learn the strengths of others.
When others perform good deeds, humble people will learn and follow their examples. In this way, the
kind deeds that humble people can accomplish are boundless!
44. "Those who have their hearts set on attaining success and fame, will surely attain success and fame.
Those who have their hearts set on attaining wealth and position, will surely attain wealth and
45. A person who has great and far-reaching goals is like a tree having roots. A tree with roots will
eventually sprout into branches, leaves and flowers. A person who has set down great and far reaching
goals must be humble in every thought and try to relieve anothers burden even if the occurrence is as
insignificant as a speck of dust.
46. Furthermore, I am the creator of my own prosperity; if I truly want to create it, I will certainly
47. I think it is the same for those who are seeking to improve their lives by changing their destiny. If
people can expand the heart to diligently do kind deeds, accumulate merits, and put forth their best
efforts into character improvement, then both destiny and prosperity will be theirs to create.
48. The law of heaven takes from those who are arrogant and benefits those who are humble.
Thank You Very Much
Sompong Yusoontorn

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