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Lisa J. Nash and Stephen R. Palmer

Energy BioSystems Corporation
4200 Research Forest Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Sulfur, nitrogen, metals and high viscosity in petroleum cause expensive processing problems in
the refinery. Conventional technology does not exist to economically remove these contaminants
from crude oil, so the problem is left for the refiners to handle downstream at a high cost.
Sulfur is the major concern for producers and refiners and has long been a key determinant of the
value of crude oils for several reasons. First, sulfur presents a processing problem for refiners.
Desulfurization offers refiners the opportunity to reduce the sulfur of their crude feedstocks before
they ever enter the refinery system, minimizing downstream desulfurization costs. Secondly, the
amount of sulfur in many finished products (Le. diesel, gasoline) is limited by law. The
regulations restricting allowable levels of sulfur in end products continues lo become increasingly
stringent. This creates an ever more challenging technical and economical situation for refiners as
the sulfur levels in available crude oils continue lo rise and creates a market disadvantage for
producers of high-sulfur crudes. Lower-sulfur crudes continue to command a premium price in
the market. while higher sulfur crude oils sell at a discount. Desulfurization would offer producers
the opportunity to economically upgrade their resources.
Metals in petroleum lead to two major problems for the industry. Combustion of these fuels leads
to the formation of ash with high concentrations of the metal oxides, leading to undesirable waste
disposal issues. Also, when crude oil is refined, the metals are concentrated in the residual
:G i a i i y i i c cracking where metals from the oil
fraction. The residual frnrtinn is nftczz:Lb:j:
deposit on the cracking catalysts. resulting in the poisoning of the catalysts and decreasing their
selectivity and activity. Like metals, nitrogen in oil also leads to the poisoning of the refinery
catalysts and also results in increased nitrogen oxide emissions upon combustion in car engines.
High viscosity significantly hampers the pumping, transportation, refining and handling of
petroleum. Common methods used to overcome problems associated with high viscosity include
heating, dilution and chemical additives. All are expensive and require specialized equipment
and/or safety procedures. Industry has long recognized the need for. a safe, economical and
effective method for reducing viscosity.
Biocatalytic processes for addressing these problems offers the petroleum industry potentially great
rewards. Studies by Energy Biosystems Corporation (EBC) have focused on the removal of
sulfur from crude oil and refinery streams by a microbial process, termed biocatalytic
desulfurization (BDS). Furthermore, preliminary work has also been performed (and patented) on
biocatalytic approaches to viscosity reduction and the removal of metals and nitrogen as additional
approaches to fuel upgrading. Here, results of work performed on the biocatalytic desulfurization
of crude oil will be presented.
Materials and Equipment. 40 mL shake flasks and 500 mL batch stirred reactors (BSRs)
were used to contact cells and crude oil. The reactor vessels are maintained at a constant
temperature of 30C by placing them in an incubator (shake flasks) or temperature controlled water
jackets (BSRs).
Cells. Derivatives of the Rhodococcus eryfhropolis strain IGTS8 (ATCC 52986) used in these
experiments are known for their ability to use organically-bound sulfur as the sole sulfur source.
These cells catalyze the transformation of dibenzothiophene (DBT) to 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2HBP)
and sulfate [ 1-31,
Oil. The crude oils used in the experiments were supplied by Texaco Exploration and Production
Technology. Figure I shows chromatograms resulting from the sulfur chemiluminescence detector
(SCD, sulfur-specific) of several crude oils. The sulfur contents range from 0.8 to 3.7 wt%. As a
control, a model oil consisting of hexadecane (HD) and DBT dissolved to -2600 ppm was utilized.

Procedures. A cell concentration of 12 to 50 g wet cell paste (WCP) per liter of total liquid
volume contained in the reactor was utilized. Frozen cells were first added to sodium phosphate
buffer (pH 7.5 at 0.156 mM) with 3% glucose. The cell slurry was placed in the reactor, agitated
at 1000 rpm and sparged with 0.2 vvm air. The oil was added in the ratio of 1 part oil to 3 parts
buffer. Shake flasks were taken down at specified times and BSRs were sampled at regular
intervals lo monitor sulfur concentrations. Samples were centrifuged at 39,000 x g for IO minutes
in order to separate the mixture of oil, water and cells. To ensure that any observed change was
strictly cell-dependent, parallel experiments were performed without cells.


Analytical Methods. An HP 6890 gas chromatograph with electronic pressure control and
detection by flame ionization detector (FID)and a Sieves model 350 flameless SCD was employed
for crude oil analysis. The column was a Restek RTX-5, 15 meter. 0.25 mm ID with a 0.25 pm
film thickness. The injection port was held at 340C. The oven temperature program bcgan at
50C and was held for 2 minutes. The temperature was then increased by 15C/minute lo 320C
and was held for IO minutes. A typical SCD chromatogram consists of a group of resolved peaks
above a broad envelope of sulfur compounds (Figure I).
A GCMS SIM method for the quantitation of Cx-DBTs and Cx-benzonaphthothiophenes (CxBNTs) in crude oil was performed using a HP 5890 Series I1 plus gas chromatograph with
electronic pressure control and mass spectrometric detection performed with an HP 5972 MSD.
The column was a Restek RTX-1, 30 meter, 0.25 mm ID with a 0.5 pm film thickness. The
injection pori was held at 290C. The oven temperature program began at I00C. increased at a
rate of 4Clmin to 3 15OC and held for 20 minutes.
Total sulfur quantitation of crude oils was performed with either a Horiba SLFA-1800H x-ray
fluorescence analyzer or a Leco SC-444 Sulfur and Carbon Combustion Analyzer with infrared
Sulfur XANES analyses were obtained at beam-line X-19A of the National Synchrotron Light
source (NSLS). Brookhaven National Laboratory. Work was performed under contract with the
University of Kentucky.


Biocatalyst Development
The development of BDS for crude oil is complicated by the fact that the oil has a very wide boiling
point range and that relatively little is known about the number and types of sulfur compounds and
their concentrations present in crude oils. The state of EBCs analytical capabilities has greatly
advanced IO characterize crude oil including sulfur content, sulfur speciation and quantification,
and physical properties. Many specialized techniques have been developed that have allowed us to
gain valuable insight into the substrate specificity of the catalyst.
We have shown that the enzyme system in the R. eryfhropolis IGTSB is extremely effective in
transforming DBT, BNT. benzothiophene (BT) and their alkylated congeners in crude oil. Sulfur
specific chromatograms of crude oil BDS samples reveal that the majority of these substrates have
been removed (Figure 2). These results have been confirmed by G C M S analysis developed to
quantify the levels of the DBTs and BNTs in the crude oil (Figure 3). These methods have also
revealed that the concentrations of these molecules were low in the crude oils tested and directly
correlated to the amount of sulfur removed.
Attempts were made to characterize the sulfur species remaining after BDS (referred to as Dsz
recalcitrant material or DRM). It was determined by XANES analysis that the majority of the
sulfur in the DRM of this material is thiophenic (Figure 4) and, therefore, good targets for the
IGTS8 catalyst.
A method lo isolate and identify sulfur compounds from various oils and their DRMs was
developed. The sulfur-containing species were selectively oxidized and converted to their
corresponding sulfones. The sulfones were then separated from the hydrocarbon matrix by solid
phase extraction (SPE). This powerful technique has allowed for the identification of the types of
sulfur compounds remaining in the treated crude.
Other biocatalytic processes are under investigation that will result in crude upgrading.
Biocracking has been investigated as a means to break down larger sulfur molecules so they will
be small enough to enter the cell and to reduce the viscosity. Attempts were made to isolate
organisms able to degrade compounds in the high molecular weight range. Proof-of-concept
experiments were performed and validated with methylenebis-DBT (MBD). The goal was to
isolate strains that could cleave the bond between the two DBTs. Soil samples were prepared and
incubated with MBD. These enrichments were serially transferred, then plated to purify colonies.
Individual isolates were obtained for further study.
In addition, if the sulfur bearing heterocycles contribute significantly to the viscosity of the oil,
biocatalytic oxidative cleavage of at least one carbon-sulfur bond adjacent to the sulfur
heleroatom(s) would result in the opening of the heterocyclic rings and sites of free rotation in the
molecules formed effectively lowering the overall viscosity [4].
It has been shown that metals can be removed from crude by contacting the oil with an enzyme that
degrades the metalloporphyrin molecules under conditions suitable for the removal and subsequent
separation of the metals from the oil. The metals that were removed by the method [5] include
nickel, vanadium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.


Removal of nitrogen is also being investigated as an additional approach to fuel upgrading. This
work is being performed at the University of Houston [6] and has been subsidized by EBC. Work
has focused on the carbazole-degrading Pseudomonad LD2. Approaches in progress include
isolation and characterization of the carbazole degradation enzymes, as well as the characterization
and cloning of the genes encoding these enzymes.
The goal is to put all these catalytic activities together either in a single biocatalyst or a consortia to
upgrade the petroleum by removing the sulfur, nitrogen. metals and reducing the viscosity in a
single process step.
Process Development
Shake flask and BSR experiments were performed to address process concerns, such as reaction
characteristics, separation characteristics, and catalyst stability and effectiveness. The effect of
these parameters were determined in a series of assays designed to compare initial rates of
desulfurization under a variety of process conditions. The assay results determined the optimum
process conditions for BDS. The key parameters evaluated were water to oil ratio (WOR), catalyst
to oil ratio (COR), mixing effects, oxygen demand, and temperature and pH optimum.
A process concept for the biodesulfurization of crude oil was developed based on the knowledge
generated. a bench scale unit was constructed and proof-ofconcept experiments were performed to
develop a design basis specifying performance criteria, unit operations and process parameters for
the biodesulfurization of crude oil. As part of the process flow diagram (PFD) development, a
general description of the expected site conditions and product stream attributes was compiled. In
addition, the process assumptions and equipment issues were delineated that were crucial to the

At this timc, we envision a simple system capable of running with minimum ooeratnr ;?!cn.tc:icr,
in the oilfield. The base case scenario for a field ycre:: i; u Laich reaction utilizing a pump and
inductor for mixicg xi icration. separations will be performed with standard oilfield equipment,
with desulfurized oil returning to storage and process water reinjected into a disposal well in the
field. The spent catalyst will be inactivated and landfilled. The stored product oil would be tested
for sulfur and other oil quality specifications prior to transport. Based on this process concept, the
identified process parameters and assumptions, the attached PFD (Figure 5) was developed.
Significant progress has been made toward the commercialization of crude oil biodesulfurization.
This progress includes the characterization of crude oil candidates for the BDS process; improved
biocatalyst performance that directly relates lo crude oil biodesulfurization; development of
analytical methodology, which led to breakthroughs in the characterization of DRM; development
of a process concept for crude oil BDS; and construction and testing of a prototype bench unit.
Technical hurdles still need to be overcome to achieve commercialization. The major obstacles to
the economical biodesulfurization of crude oil include catalyst specificity and rate. Work continues
to modify the catalyst to increase its effectiveness and to screen other organisms for additional
desulfurization capabilities. In addition, mass transfer and separations hurdles must be overcome
in crude oils with increased oil viscosity and density.

The authors would like to acknowledge the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
for support received through an Advanced Technology Program (ATP) grant for crude oil BDS.
Phil Gibbs and Richard Willson of the University of Houston for their work on denitrogenation.
Texaco Exploration and Production Technology for providing the crude oils and the many
dedicated people at Energy BioSystems Corporation.
[I] Kilbane, J. J. and K. Jackowski. 1992. Biodesulfurization of water-soluble coal derivcd
material by Rhodococcus eryflrropolis IGTSB. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 4 0 1107-1 1 14.

[2] , Monticello. D. 1. 1993. Biocatalytic desulfurization of petroleum and middle distillates.

Environmental Progress. 12: 1-4.

[3] Gray, Kevin A,, 0. Pogrebinsky, G. Mrachko, L. Xi, D. J. Monticello and C. Squires. 1996.
Molecular mechnanisms of biocatalytic desulfurization of fossil fuels. Nature Biotechnology.
14:1705- 1709.
[4] Monticello, D. J. and W. M. Haney. 1996. Biocatalytic process for reduction of petroleum
viscosity. U. S. Patent #5.529,930.


[SI XU. G., K. Mitchell and D. J. Monticello. 1997. Process for demetalizing a fossil fuel. U.S.
Patent #5.624,844.
[61 Gibbs. P. R., R. R. Riddle, M. J. Benedik and R. C. Willson. Biochemistry of carbazole
degradation. ACS Biotechnology Secretariat Symposium on Environmentally Benign Synthesis
and Biocatalysis in Remediation. Boston, MA, USA, August 23-27, 1998.

Figure 1. Example SCD Chromatograms of Selected

Crude Oils



Figure 2. BDS of a Target Crude Oil

mention llma (mlns)

Figure 3. DBT Concentrations Before and Afler BDS

for a Typical Crude Oil












Subslllutad D B T I



Figure 4. XANES Data for Various Petroleums









sulfur distribution

Figure 5: Proposed Process Flow Diagram for Crude Oil Biodesulfuriration


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