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By Thomas J. Shroyer
(May 14, 2008)


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By Thomas J. Shroyer
Aggressive and sophisticated plaintiffs attorneys (and their independent
expert witnesses) frequently attempt to introduce claimed violations of
professional ethics into malpractice lawsuits. They do so because:

Ethics rules are often intuitive and easier than technical

professional standards for lay judges and juries to understand.

Rules of ethics can often be applied with flexibility and discretion by

testifying experts.

An ethics violation can motivate (inflame) the fact finder, leading to

a finding of aggravated liability or enhanced damages.

In short, a plaintiff with a plausible claim for conflict of interest or lack of

integrity may have an easier time persuading the jury to find a technical violation
and damages than would otherwise often be the case.
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
The source of professional ethics is the Code of Professional Conduct,
promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Code).
The Code has been enacted into the substantive law governing CPAs by the
accounting boards of many states. In Minnesota, for example, the Minnesota
Board of Accountancy has incorporated the Code into state law by reference, in
Minn. R. 1105.0250.

The lofty aspirations of the Code are introduced with a call for
unswerving commitment to honorable behavior, even at the sacrifice of personal
advantage. (ET 51.02.) Unlike other professions, accountants have made it a
distinguishing mark of the profession to don the mantle of responsibility to the
public. (ET 53.) Thus:
The accounting professions public consists of clients,
credit grantors, governments, employers, investors,
the business and financial community, and others
who rely on the objectivity and integrity of certified
public accountants to maintain the orderly functioning
of commerce. This reliance imposes a public interest
responsibility on certified public accountants. The
public interest is defined as the collective wellbeing of
the community of people and institutions the
profession serves.
In discharging their professional responsibilities,
members may encounter conflicting pressures from
among each of those groups. In resolving those
conflicts, members should act with integrity, guided
by the precept that when members fulfill their
responsibility to the public, clients and employers
interests are best served.
Those who rely on certified public accountants expect
them to discharge their responsibilities with integrity,
objectivity, due professional care, and a genuine
interest in serving the public.
All who accept membership in the American Institute
of Certified Public Accounts commit themselves to
honor the public trust.
(ET 53.01-04.)

The duty of integrity is the cornerstone of the professional ethics owed by

a CPA. The Code expresses this as follows:
Integrity requires a member to be, among other
things, honest and candid within the constraints of
client confidentiality.
Integrity is measured in terms of what is right and
just. In the absence of specific rules, standards or
guidance, or in the face of conflicting opinions, a
member should test decisions and deeds by asking:
Am I doing what a person of integrity would do?
Have I retained my integrity? Integrity requires a
member to observe both the form and the spirit of
technical and ethical standards; circumvention of
those standards constitutes subordination of
Integrity also requires a member to observe the
principles of objectivity and independence and of due
(ET 54.)
As has been frequently noted, most ethics issues concerning accountants
arise from alleged violations of objectivity or independence. These are separate,
but closely related concepts:

Objectivity is a state of mind, a quality that lends value to a

members services. It is a distinguishing feature of the profession.
The principle of objectivity imposes the obligation to be impartial,
intellectually honest, and free of conflicts of interest.

Independence, though closely related, takes a different tack by

precluding relationships that may appear to impair a members
objectivity in rendering attestation services.

(ET 55.)
Another hallmark of ethical behavior for a CPA is the exercise of due
care. This duty obliges each CPA to discharge professional responsibilities with
competence and diligence. (ET 56.01.) The elements of due care are:

Mastery of the common body of knowledge required for

designation as a CPA.

Non-ending commitment to learning and professional improvement.

Competence to handle all client engagements accepted by the CPA.

Rendering services with diligence, i.e. -- promptly, carefully,

thoroughly and with full observance of all technical and ethical

Adequately planning and supervising each professional activity

within the CPAs responsibility.

Finally, each CPA is required to be free from conflicts of interest in

discharging [their] professional responsibilities. (ET 57.01.)
Standard of Care
As this brief summary of the rules of ethics shows, it is often quite easy
for a plaintiffs expert witness to apply such broadly worded aspirations to the
facts and circumstances of individual malpractice claims. Thus, plaintiffs seek to
leverage violations of generally accepted auditing standards into violations of the
duty to comply with the ethical requirement to exercise due care.

In other

words, a lapse in tax return preparation is double counted as a violation of the

public trust -- or a lapse of professional integrity. Clever lawyers and their hired
gun experts weave these words and concepts into the very fabric of their
evidence and summations to the jury.
Conflicts of Interest
No doubt the leading candidate for inclusion in any lawsuit is a claim of
conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest are easily understood and are universally
abhorred. For proof, check this mornings daily newspaper -- the odds are that it
has at least one article alleging or discussing a conflict of interest by a politician,
government official, business or business owner.
It is, therefore, worthwhile to recite the rule on conflicts of interest:
A conflict of interest may occur if a member performs
a professional service for a client or employer and the
member or his firm or her firm has a relationship with
another person, entity, product or service that could,
in the members professional judgment, be viewed by
the client, employer, or other appropriate parties as
impairing the members objectivity. If the member
believes that the professional service can be
performed with objectivity, and the relationship is
disclosed to and consent is obtained from such client,
employer, or other appropriate parties, the rules shall
not operate to prohibit the performance of the
professional service.
(ET 102.03 102-2.)
Examples of conflicts include:

The accountant is asked to perform litigation services for a plaintiff

suing a client of the CPA or his firm.

The CPA has provided tax or personal financial planning services for
a married couple undergoing divorce.

In a financial planning engagement, the CPA suggests an

investment in a business or product in which the CPA has a
financial interest.

The accountant provides tax services for several members of a

family who may have opposing interests.

The CPA is asked to provide services for a buyer of an asset from

another client of the firm.

The accountant receives an undisclosed commission or fee for

making a referral to another professional or service provider.

(ET 102.03.)
Case Law Example
The interplay between a CPAs conflict of interest and a malpractice claim
was presented in a case decided by the Montana Supreme Court, Brevig v.

McCormick, 980 P.2d 603 (Mont. 1999). In this fascinating case, a sister and
brother jointly inherited equal ownership of a family-owned ranch, but later had
a falling out. An action was brought to dissolve their partnership, together with
other claims. During the lawsuit, the brother issued a subpoena to the CPA who
had worked on the underlying estate planning, with the siblings and their now
deceased father, some 13 years earlier.
The subpoenaed documents included correspondence between the CPA
and the sister concerning the fathers initial interest in establishing an irrevocable
trust granting the brother sole ownership of the entire ranch. In fact, the father

had gone so far as to have a lawyer draw up the trust agreement and had even
signed it -- but he never signed the deed legally required to transfer title in the
ranch to the trust. That was because the CPA quickly advised that the formation
of the trust would have serious, adverse tax consequences for the fathers estate
(and hence, for the brother).
After receiving the accountants advice, the father instead signed a will
granting joint and equal ownership in the ranch to the children. The accountant
learned of this decision in a communication from the sister -- who further
admonished the CPA not to tell the brother that his father had ever contemplated
giving him sole ownership because they did not want to upset him. The CPA
honored this request for confidentiality from his client.
Upon learning of this via the subpoenaed documents, the brother sued the
CPA claiming breach of a duty to have either made full disclosure to the brother
of the fathers abandonment of the unfunded trust or else to have withdrawn
from all further representation of any family members or interests. By virtue of
the CPA not having taken either step, the brother claimed he had been deprived
of the opportunity to persuade his father to revert to his initial plan to transfer
the entire ranch to him, either via trust or in a will.
On appeal, the Montana Supreme Court ruled as a matter of law that the
CPA owed a fiduciary duty to the brother, even though the only service rendered
by the accountant to the brother was the preparation of his annual tax returns.

In doing so, the Supreme Court rejected on its own motion the opinion of the
accountants expert witness that the CPA would have breached his professional
duty to hold the fathers wishes in confidence, under the rules established by the
Montana Board of Accountancy, if he had made the disclosure.

This court

decision, therefore, exemplifies the flexibility with which ethical concepts can be
applied in litigation and the proclivity of lay persons to make that application with
their own, subjective moral compass.
Waiver of Conflicts
One lesson for practitioners confronting potential conflicts of interest with
clients is to consider the possibility of proceeding with a conflict waiver. The rule
on conflicts expressly authorizes the use of a waiver to condone the CPAs
contemplated involvement in the matter giving rise to the conflict:
If the member believes that the professional service
can be performed with objectivity, and the
relationship is disclosed to and consent is obtained
from such client . . . the rules shall not operate to
prohibit the performance of the professional service.
(ET 102.03 1-102-2.)
In order to be effective, such a waiver should be comprised of these

It should be written.

It should disclose in a meaningful and understandable way exactly

what gives rise to the conflict for the CPA.

It should disclose in a meaningful and understandable way how the

conflict might jeopardize the interests of each client.

It should be signed by each client.

It should include a recommendation that each client seek

independent legal advice before signing the waiver.

It may include a release and hold harmless from any claim or

complaint that the CPA has violated any applicable professional
standard or rule of conduct.

In the end, of course, faithful adherence to the highest standards of the

profession are the ultimate safeguard against the embarrassment and harmful
effects of being charged with a violation of professional ethics.


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