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Bio-Rad Molecular Imager® VersaDoc™ MP 4000 System

Sole Source Specifications

The Molecular Imager VersaDoc MP 4000 System is manufactured solely by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
It is a unique multi-imager for visualizing non-isotopic samples such as fluorescent, chromogenic and
chemiluminescent labeled samples. This versatile system is easily customized to accommodate today’s
applications and tommorow’s research. Unique LED epi-illumination and UV transillumination sources
are both supported for optimal imaging and uniformity. The flexibility of the VersaDoc MP 4000 is the
cornerstone of this system. Red, green, and blue LED-based illumination enables versatility for multi-
fluorescence and multiplex imaging. Broadband UV excitation allows for larger Stokes shifts and better
discrimination between excitation and emission wavelengths. The Windows and Mac compatible
software included with the VersaDoc MP 4000 allows for complete acquisition control and analysis of
gels, blots and films.

The features below and their benefits together combine to make the VersaDoc MP 4000 System a unique
offering to researchers.

1. Only system with patented true dynamic flat fielding using external reference plate. This eliminates
imaging non-uniformities caused by variations in the optical path due to zoom setting, illumination,
and/or lens.
2. Flat fielding correction results in a CV of ≤5% over the entire imaging area.
3. Only system with filters positioned between camera lens and camera, resulting in no mis-registration
between multi-channel images.
4. Only system that uses F-mount lenses, which are much higher optical quality than c-mount lenses.
5. Modular design allows upgrades to higher end cameras or future cameras, eliminating future
6. Custom filter positions allow flexibility for future techniques.
7. Application based software for ease of acquisition. User chooses the application (e.g. Protein
Gel>Flamingo) and the correct filter, gain, illumination source and binning are selected automatically.
8. Linear range of 3.4 orders versus approximately 2 orders for film.

Feature Benefit
♦ Red, Green, and Blue LED (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)
Epi-Illumination - Versatile multiplex imaging and analysis of gels, blots,
and arrays
- Visible excitation reduces damage to precious
- Highly uniform, CV of ≤5%, for quantitative illumination
- Class 2 laser excitation efficiency, without the cost of a
laser scanner
- Fully integrated into hardware and software design,
promoting ease-of-use

♦ UV and White Light Trans-Illumination (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)
- Analysis of blots, film, and opaque samples
with UV and white light

♦ Broad Bandwidth UV (290-365nm) (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)

Illumination - Excites a large variety of fluorophores
- Greater stokes shift for better spectral
discrimination and higher signal-to-noise

♦ White Light Excitation - Analysis of colorimetric and densitometry


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Feature Benefit
♦ Visible, UV and White Light (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)
Illumination - Faster scan times than laser based point

♦ Sample tray, highly absorbent (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)
- Reduces background fluorescence close to zero
counts, enhancing signal-to-noise ratio

♦ Cooled CCD Camera (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)

- Pixel Size (6.8 x 6.8 micron) - Improved general sensitivity
- Blue Sensitive CCD - Improved chemi sensitivity
- Cooled by -15°C - Reduced background and greater signal-to-
noise ratio with longer integration times for chemi
-Microlens technology - Allows for increased light collection efficiency
- Thermoelectric Cooling System - Very stable temperature and rapid adjustment
-16-bit Data Acquisition - Highly quantitative, 3.4 orders of linear
dynamic range
-2184 x 1472 Pixel Array - High quality images, high resolution

♦ Customized Image Acquisition (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)

- Dark Current Subtraction - Removes electronic background noise from
- Dead Pixel Correction - Corrects for all dead pixels on CCD
- Hot Pixel Correction - Corrects for all hot pixels on CCD

♦ Lenses (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc 4000)

- 28-80 mm Zoom Lens - Allows variable spatial resolution to approximately
- Aspheric Optics - Enhanced image uniformity
- 50mm, f1.4 Fixed Lens - Allows high light collection efficiency, ideal
chemiluminescence imaging
- Optional 105 mm Lens - Allows spatial resolution to 60 µm.
- Supports Custom Lenses - Customers can use any Nikon F-mount lens
with a minimum focus distance less than or
equal to 0.65m for greatest flexibility

♦ Large Imaging Area - Imaging area of 25 cm x 25 cm

♦ Filters (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)

- Eight (8) Position Filter Wheel - Accommodates a large number of fluorescent,
chemiluminescent, chemifluorescent, and
colorimetric techniques
- Custom Filters - Allows flexibility for future imaging techniques &

♦ Multi-Channel Imaging (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)

- Acquisition multiple fluorophore colors
- Multiplexing of standards and unknowns allows greater
sample throughput and MW accuracy

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Quantity One® 1-D Analysis
Acquisition Software
Feature Benefit
♦ Unlimited copies of (Sole Source Specifications for VersaDoc MP 4000)
Quantity One Basic ♦ Provided in addition to the full license copy provided with
each instrument. Users can now take advantage of a
number of useful analysis features without the need to
purchase additional licenses (See Bulletin 2908)
♦ Quantity One Analysis ♦ One free full version license provided with each system
Software sold in addition to unlimited copies of Quantity One Basic.
Quantity One provides the user with tools to analyze and
quantitate 1D gels and blots, arrays, and colonies by use
of volume analysis or band analysis. A number of
annotation and display features are available. Quantity
One is compatible with PC and Mac platforms.
♦ Provides greater ease-of-use and automation
♦ Application based software requires no user
knowledge of instrument settings.

♦ Multi-Channel Viewer ♦ Allows users to overlay colorimetric standards and

chemiluminescent samples

♦ 3-D Viewer ♦ Enables better assessment of band or spot features

♦ Quick guides for ♦ Promotes ease-of-use workflow

Printing, Volume, Band,
Colony Counting,
Differential Display,
Phylogenetic Tree, and
VNTR Analyses
♦ Band, Lane, Matching, ♦ Complete menu of reports to fit needs of different users
Image, Phylogenetic,
Similarity Matrix, and
VNTR Reports
♦ Archiving of Band ♦ Saves time on analysis of similar samples
Detection Parameters
and Standards
♦ 17 Pre-saved Bio-Rad ♦ Convenience for faster MW determination
♦ Mac and PC ♦ The VersaDoc MP 4000 and Quantity One are compatible
compatibility with both Mac OSX and PC platforms
♦ Network versions ♦ Network versions of the Quantity One software is available
as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10-user network license configurations
♦ CFR compliance ♦ An additional Quantity One software module is available to
assist users with meeting CFR Part 11 compliance

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