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By Herbert W Armstrong
ne of the most impor
tant doctrine s Jesus
Christ has put in His Church
is that of the "Old" and
"New Covenants." WHY
should these be misunder
stood? For that matter, WHY
s hould the Sabbath truth, the
annual Holy Days and festivals, tithing, healin g or even
sa lvation ? Yet they are
God has made a number of
covenants , among them the
Noachian covenant, the Abra

hamic covenant, what we

call the old covenant with the
n a,ion Israel , the separate
Sabbath covenant of Exodus
31:1218, the Davidic cove-

nant, etc.
In fact it might be of passing
interest to know that my first
"sermon ," if it could have been

calIed that , was a message to

Church of God people near Jefferson, Ore., on a covenant that
appeared to be news to them the separate Sabbath covenant of
Exodus 31: 12-1 8. Whether
worthy to be called a sermon or
not , it was enthusiastically received with joy - for those people loved the Sabbath and rejoiced in recei,:,ing new light concerning it.
However. I am concerned here
only about the "Old Covenant
and the New Covenant. "
Covenant defined
Let me f irst define covenant.
Webster defines the word as " a
usually fonmal, solemn and binding agreement: compact." In [he
biblical usage a covenant is a contract or agreement, solemnly
binding, under which God promises certain rewards or blessings,

conditioned on man ' s promise of

A grave mistake very often
carelessly made is to confuse the
word covenant with testament.
We speak of the New Testament
and the Old Testament Scriptures.
A testament is not a covenant,
and a covenant is not a' testament.
Yet common usage seems to confuse them . It is important , at the
outset, to understand the difference.
The word testament is defined
as an act or written instrument by
which a person bequeaths or wills
certain of hi s possessions to
another. It mayor may not be a
conditioned will. It is not necessarily pa yment or reward for
work or obligat ion performrd .
The old covenant between God
and the nation Israel was NOT a
te stament or will. It was an
agreement by which the children
of Israel covenanted with God to
obey Him , and God promised
material and national blessings
and dominance. BUI He did NOT
give - or promise to give - the
Holy Spirit and eternal salvation .
Before proceeding further,
let' s get everything in its proper

Adam had to choose

The first man, Adam. was required to make a choice. The
super archangel Lucifer, having
become Satan the devil , an im- '
mortal spirit being of tremendous
supernatural power, was there
w hen Adam and Eve were
created. In order to QUAUFY to
receive God's Holy Spirit symbolized by the tree of life and also to restore the government of God to earth, Adam had
to make the choice of whether to
reject Satan and Satan's attitude
and way and choose to obey God
and the government of God.

Shortly after most of you receive this issue of the tabloid Good News you will be receiving your first copy of the
new Good News magazine, reborn alier a two-year absence. It will be filled with encou raging and timely articles
as well as a number of new features to give all of you a
rich diet of spiritual food . We hope it is as inspiring to you
as it was to us during its preparation.
You will also be receiving The Worldwide News on a
regular biweekly schedule beginning Jan. 2. We look
forward to serving you through both publications and
welcome your comments.
Dexter H. Faulkner
Managing editor

But Adam chose to reject God

and believe Satan. He made the
fateful decision - for himself and
his posterity, which is tbe whole
world. God drove out the man
from the Garden of Eden and shut
mankind off from access to the
Holy Spirit - except such as
God should specially call.
We need the above background to understand. Too often
people start viewing biblical
teaching in a manner comparable
to tuning in a movie two-thirds of
the way through. We need this
background of what went before.
But God had called Noah and
saved humanity alive through his
God had called
Abraham , Isaac and Jacob (Israel), fathers of the PROMtSES.
Ono of the promises to Ablaham
was multiple "seed " - nations,.
the promised land-materialnational greatne ss.
Four hundred thirty years after
Abraham God called the descendents of Abraham , Isaac and Israel, to be a special people of God
and to inherit the promised land.
Other nations were still CUT OFF
from God. God had specially
prepared and called Moses.
Through Moses God made the
proposition to the Israelites . He
gave them their choice .

God' s proposal to Israel

God proposed to the Israelites:
" Ye have seen what I did unto
the Egyptians ... Now, therefore, IF ye will obey my voice
indeed, and keep my covenant ,
then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people
." (Exodus 19:4-5).
There was a very large IF in
this covenant agreement. But the
people glibly agreed. " ... All
that ttre Eternal hath spoken we
will do ... " the y promised.
So the covenant was ratified by
blood (Exodus 24:4-8). It was
a lso a marriage covenant by
which Israel promised to obey
her Husband. It made them a
separate NATION. Jts basic law
was the spiritual Law - the Ten
Commandments. He gave them
His civil law of statutes and
judgments to govern them as a
nation . He also gave them, as a
CHU RCH or Congregation, the
law of Moses - a sacrificial law
as a substitute for the sacrifice of
Christ to remind them of sin and a
ceremonjallaw of ph ysical works
(Greek, ergon in New Testament) , rituals , and things to do
morning. ooo~ and night - a

temporary substitute fo r the Holy

But something was wrong with
that covenant. Religionists generally seem to blame the wrong
on God. What was wrong was the
flagrant disobedience of the people.

New covenant propbesied

The prophet Jeremiah summed
it up: "Behold the days come,
sai th the Eternal, that I will make
a new covenant with the house of
Israe l , and with the hou se of
Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their
fathers . .. which my covenant
they brake , although I was an
hu sband unto them , saith the
Eternal: but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the
house of Israel; After those days,
saith the Eternal. I will put my
law in their inward parts, and
write it in their hearts; and will be
their God, and they shall be my
people" (Jeremiah 31:31-33).
This prophecy was inspired by
one of God's hoi y prophets to
become part of the FOUNDATION
of the C hurch of God under the
New Testament. And so, in
teaching the Church, this was
quoted in Hebrews 8:6-10.
Mos t Protestant churches
teach that the fault with the old
covenant was God's law, and that
as the old covenant was made
with 1srael the new wi ll be made
with GENTILES - and as the old
had law, the new abolishes God's
Ten Com mandments and is based
wholly on PROMISES. Our ministers need to know how to meet
that erroneous teaching .
The new covenant is made also
with the house of Israel and the
house of Jud ah (Hebrews 8:8). A
Spirit-begotten gentile becomes
one of Israel spirituall y, of the
household of GOD (Ep he sians
2: 19).
It will remedy the fault of the
old cove nant (d isobedience of the
people) and will be made wit h
tho se in whose hearts is the
spiritual law of God, as these
sc riptures say .

Old covenant a marriage

The old covenant was made
with the carnal children of Israel
and was a marriage contract in
which Israel engaged in whoredom exceeding individual human
The old covenant was made
people on their PROMISE
to obey . They disobeyed . The.

new shall be made only with a

Spirit-born Church, a people
who , in this mort al lifetime .
through Christ and the Holy
Spirit, have OVERCOME Satan (as
Jesus did, and as the first Adam
failed to do) , have been begotten
of the Holy Spirit, ha ve already
PROVED their obedience. The old
covenant was made with sinning
mortals. The new will be made
with righteous immortals!
Now, where are we, today?
Both Israel and Judah violated
their solem n agreement with God
(actually who became Christ) . As
a wife, they spirit ually ran off.
Finally God gave Israel a bill of
divorce. Yet, even after that He
entreated Israel to return to Him
- but she wouldn ' t.
To make that Old TeslameT'.t
marriage finally end, Christ, her
Husband, died. so that she might
be cleansed of her sins and become party to the New Testament. In Romans II we read of
how converted gentiles are like
branches of a wild olive tree,
broken off and grafted into the
natural olive tree of Israel. But it
shows how the natural branches
broken off because of sin may
also be grafted back into the Israel tree.

What are we under TODAY?


The old covenant is ENDED.

The apostle Paul sa id , ".
God; Who also hath made us able
ministers of the new testament~
not of the letter, but of the spirit:
for the letter killeth, but the spirit
giveth life" (ll Corinthians 3:6).
Vet the ne w covenant HAS
and conditions have been revealed to us through Christ. We
ministers preach it. And even
though as a final MARRIAGE
COVENANT it has not been made
- that is, in contract language,
signed , sealed and delivered,
those whom God has called are
privileged to have God's law
written in our hearts, to have the
life-begetting s in-overco min g
Holy Spirit to open o ur minds to
spiritual UNDERSTAND IN G , to
guide us in God' s ways,. and.
within us, to EMPOWER us to
overcome Satan and DO THE

Some have misunderstood

But some have seriously
MtSUNDERSTOOD - hopefully
not any of o ur ministers. Seeing
(See COVENANTS. pa.. 8)

-'--- ----- --'-- ....,. ...,..



. How to watc h world news

When Je sus Christ said,
printed media. We simply cannot
"Watch ye therefore and pray 81
rely on 'television news to watch
ways, that ye may be accounted
world events.
worthy to escape all' .lthlde
As far as publiqtions are con~
thing ~," Christ meant watch
cerned, there are many different
world events-fulfilling prophecy.
ways, of evaluating them . For ex:'
But how?
ample, there is the reputable or
One way, of course, is tp be
quality press. This includes the
there o:n the scene. For ~xample, . New York Times, The Wall Street
those who will be in Jerusalem
Journal, "The Christian Science
when the abomination of desolaMonitor , the Washington Post,
.tion is set up {Matthew 24:15)
Time, U.S. News and Newsweek.
will be able to witness prophetic
These are trustworthy sources of
events f~sthand.

/ news although they

But seeing events foretold in . some bias and have atotally secular
Bjble prophecy with your own
ey~s is lIot practical for most of
SPecialized publications
rus .' We must rely on s~ondary
sourCes such as newspapers and
Other news sources specialize
in various topics. There are final)
The all ~i mportant key to watchcial publications , such as Fortune
ing world news is knowing what to
or. Business Week, which -teport
look for :
important events in the state of the
Most of today 's newspapers
economy. There are publications
Me; so filled with useless news: tha.t are devoted
to various geo
soci~1 happenings and trivia that
graphical regions, such as Asia,
significant items may be buried in
Africa, Canada or Japan . Examan obscure corner or - as happles are Asia Week (Asia), To the
pens often w'ith television news
Po int - (Africa), ' Mac/eons
- aren't reported at all.
(Canada) and Pacific Community
(Japan),. There are even
:,Two types of prophecies
specialized publications 'on the
. There are two types of Bible
Middle East (Middle East
prophecie s. The first concerns
Mon"itor) and the European
ongoing social and worldwide
Common Marke't (European
conditions. These include the ful
Community) . Most of these will be
fillment of the first four seals of
found in the periodicals section of a
the book of Revelation (war,
good library.
famine, disease and death) and
Some publications take a forth
ongoing social ills that the bibli
right:political stan . TWis means }~',
cal prophets sai d would be ex tant
that their interpretation of events'
in our day . Such conditions in
is colored by their own, often nar
cJude rampant immorality
row, p.olitical outlook. Often ,
(Jeremiah 5:78); juvenile del in
. do not report news , but
quency . Osaiah 3: 12); econom ic
merely ~ interpret it . . However,
troubles (Isaiah 1 :22 , Haggai
can be valuable for spot
I :6); secularism (II Peter 3:35);ting some important events. For
and crime (Ezekiel 7:23}.
extreme leftist publica
The, second type of prophecy
tions, such as The Nation or New
involv~s lhe specific movement
Times (not to be confused With the
of men and nations. There are at
magazine that appears on many
least seven such movements th~t
American newsstands - this one
we should be watching for:
put out by the government 'of
I. The decline of the Israelite
the Soviet Union itself) do agood
peoples. This includes the iocred
job of reporting neoNazi activ
. ible re,treat of British and Ameri
ity, especially in West Germany
can strength around the world.
and Latin America. On the other
2. The rise of a united Europe.
, r ightofcente r periodicals
3.1bi r,i~ 'ofa beast personalsuch as Conservative Digest do a
ity to head the united Europe.
good job of reporting the decline
. 4. The ri"se of the false prophet.
'of the Israelite peoples and the
5 . The invasion of the Middle
moral decay in modern s~c iety.
East by the forces of a united
Finally, there are foreign pub
lications . The mosl reputable and
6. The moving of the Vatican
useful for following prophetic
10 Jerusalem and the involvement
of the papacy in the region.
everits are the London Times, the
.London Daily Telegraph (an ex
7. The preparation for physical
destruction of modern Is[aelite
cellenl source of news on Europe
and Africa), the l,.ondon
peoples. This entail s, among
other things, the military potenEconomist (one of the mosl com
tial of any European union.
plete news weekliesjn the world),
the Jerusalem Post, die Welt, die
But knowing what to watch for
Zeit, and the Frankeuter AUeg
is useless if we don't know which
news sources are likely to report
il. ,No one secular news source is .
Radio and television news .c an
"entirely satisfactory . For the
be useful in helping us 10 hear .and
bu4gefs of mosl of us , a subscripsee what is going on, but actual
tion lO.a bigcity daily "is probably
cove rage of import ant ne~s
the best that we can do or afford.
eventS is limited by time . FurtherWe also should not neglect the
more . television news repoiring '
Work's own publications. World
is often superficial and biased in
events of truly prophetic signifif.avor of political liberalism....
cance - whether it be the blowTelevision and radio give only. a.
by.~ blow decline of modem Israel
small fra ction of the range of,
or the election of a new JXlpe news that is cov ered by the
get reported in our own publica


~- I

tions ..

This issue's column was

wrillen by Jeff CaJk.ins~ -veierall news analyst for the
Work '.!" Ne ......!" B!.! re!!u.

As vital end time prophetic

events happen with inerea's ing
frequenc), it becomes ever more
import.3n! 10 wtllch world e ....ents.

; ~=' ~"'~"~~"~
" ~


Monday, Dec. IS, 1978

~rave per ilfo r W~st.

PASADENA - The situation in
Iran is becoming more critical by the~
day:-Dec . 10, hundreds of thousands
- of Iranians s urged through the streets
of Tehran , the capital, in a mammoth
anti shah protest. The -nt:.xt day, a
ShHte Moslem high day, more than a
millio n turned out, l1}any Shouting,
"Death. to the shah." Remarkably ,
the " referendum in the streets"
enc\ed without the bloodshed many
feared would erupt .
The twoday Tehran outburst was
the biggest street demonstrati o n
against Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi since his foes - both- o rthodox Moslem leaders and the
leftwing political oppo'sition began the current campaign to oust
him J I months ago. A key political
opposition leader , Karim Sanjaby,
said it was' 'the best evidence that
force cannot stop this nalionai
movement. " . .
Dream finished

Let ters

. 'GN' articles appreciated

Thank you very muc h for your rece nl
articles in The Good News : J a1ways look '
forward to reading Ihem , and I must tell .
you how much 1 learn , It is sure good to
have good strong spiritual Illeat in the
pages of The Good News . 1 never realized
how much I missed il."
Ann Przemielewsk i
Buffalo, N.Y.

"'" -* "'"
I read the article in The Good News on
" How the Worldwide Church of God
Came into Being." It has helped me 10
become inore familiar wflh God's Church
and how ' it i~ recorded in the book of
Revelation . ] hope there will be more anic1es on this subject as they are very helpful to me 10 learn about Gocr?Work.
Michael Grimes
Nashville. Tenn.

* . -tr *
Let me take the lime to thank you and
all those who make it possible for us to

receive The 'Good .,\leW!. Wc ~ait patiell1ly for tbe next i ssue as they are very
Il: (See" LETTERS; p.'ge 12 F~ :1.;

to the southwest and Iraq to the north.

The other Persian Gulf states critical
to Western oil s\lpplies - Kuwait,
Bahrain and Qatar - are even more
vulnerable to communist pressure
than-Saudi Arabia.
Nearly all of the region 's oil
wealth passes down through the Per
si~n Gulf, pa'S! the narrow Strait of
Hormuz . The Ira{lian navy keeps this
sea lane open - and holds the Soviet
fleet at bay.
Thus , an eno~mous stake for the
free world rides on Iran and its
Peacock throne. The Telegraph
article quoted earlier emphasizes
Iran's pivotal position. " Where Gulf
oil is concerned , Persia is the key.

than anything else, women have

startedto wear the veil again in pub
lie - even though the thin shroud
often reveals blue jeans underneath. '

Since Britain withdrew from the area

there is .no other miHtary power to
ensure its. stability. Neither ~Saudi
Arabia nor the smaller Gulf states
could begin to fill this role'. If Persia
What next?
changes sides only massiv.e Ameri
The big qu~stion, of course , is.
can military intervention could save
what kind of government would Iran
the rest . .
have if the shah is forced out. Would
"The country ~alled Iran has never'
it be a constitutional monarchy ; with
been a nation. It is an empire; an
perhaps the shah stepping down in ' "' empire made up of Persian-speak ing ,
favor of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi,
Turkishspe aking, Arabspeaki ng.
K'u rdish-speak ing and Baluchnow 171 Or would the political oppoSition, if it emerged victorious in a
speaking .peoples. All except for the
Persjan~speakin g .element have a
free election, demand .the scrapping
of Ihe Peacock throne altogether?
close k.inship with 'peoples across the
border in the Soviet Union. Af
Whether the Pahlavi dynasty goes
ghanistan . and Iraq . , Iran ha s only
or stays will have great impact on
Middle EasteFn and world affairs.
been held together by allegiance to
the'Peacock throne. )f the shah were
According to the Associated Press ,
Dec. 11: "The Carter Administration
ovenhown the empire could well
, breakup into its cOJ:nponent parts; at
has given full backing to the shah of
Iran without explaining why his sur
worst to become one or more Soviet
republics , at ~st to be partitjone;d-.,,~ hpportan(~,9 U, ~. nalian,a!
between Easf ana West." -.
security. The reason, one offICial
said" is simple: Some of the
The prospect of the Soviet Union
alternatives to the shah are so bleak.
having its own warm water ports th,at public discussion cif them could
and worst of all in Iran where the Red
aJarm the Americ~n people ,.
navy could bottle up.the free world's
" The principal concern is that the
prime energy sources ~ is sending
entire Persian Gulf could be up for
strategic planners back to the drawgrabs if Iran; the most populous and
ing ooard in many Western capitals,
militarily powerful country in the
trying to figure out what to do if the
area, falls into unfriendly hands . One
very worst happens in the postshah
possibility in the postshah era is the
emergen,ce of a staunchly Moslem
Even a unified but neutralized
regime closely identifie.d with radical .
Iran, no longer desirous of selling its
Arab states such as Libya. Those
oil wealth in quantity to the West: no
states have made the shah' s ouster
longer capable of acting as the
part of their struggle against Israel, ... "policeman of the Gulf," would
which now receives a substantial por
leave a dangerous political vacuum
tion of its oil imports from Iran ."
in this most geopolitically- seositive
Chief Moslem opposition leader
region' of the world.
Ayatullah Khomaini warned from his
ex iIe in Paris Dec. 11 that when an
Islamic governmen.1 takes over it
would never recognize Israel and
would stop all sales to Israel and all
co untries that had supported the '
CI':-cULATlON: 55,000
shah's regime .
The Good News is pubWshed biweekly, exIsrael is heavily dependen.1 upon
cept during the Church's annual Fall Fest!-Iranian oil. The United States is
val, by the Worldwide Church of God .
committed to make up th~ difference
Copyright 1978 Wor1dwide Church of
~. All rights reserved.
to Israel sho uld this source dry up .
Editor In chief: Herbert W. Armstrong
Western Europe and Japan are far
Maneglng .dltor: Dexter H. FaUlkner
more dependent upon Iranian oil than
A.IIt.nt .....11. .ng tttor: Klaus Rothe ;
is the United States.
.MOeI... edftora: SheNa Graham, Dennis
Another scenario has,.the shah' ab
R. Robertson: "yout thor: Scoff Ashley:
dicating with a military government
"Local Church "-WI" .dltor: Vivian
taking over. Unable to control the
Rothe; compoIIUon : ~im McAnally ;
drcul.tkm: Roland Aees, DIane Derrick
social cbaos, a proSoviet junta next
NOTICE: The Good Newl; c~nnot be reassumes power, similar to whal resPonsible
Iorthe retumofunsolicitedarticles
cently, occurred in neithboring Af
and photographs.
ghanislan. The Afghanistan example
SUBSCRlPTklNS: SUbscriptions are sent
is particularly frightening with the
automatically to the members of the
announceme nt last week that the Af
Worldw)de Church of God. Address all
communications to The Good News, Sox
ghan leader~ signe~ a 20-year' ' peaae
l1t, Pasadena. CaNf. , 91123. Additiona!
and friendship" treaty with the.
mailing offices: Sox 44, Station A, Van
Soviet Union.
cower, B.C.

As far as force goes, raw military

power still rests with the shah and his
flercely loyal 430,OOOman military.
Yet , underneath what is increasingly __
a facade oftx>wer, the fabric of modern Iranian life is cru~blin& rapidl y.
The shah has apparently abandoned his dream of turning Iran into a
firsHate industrially deVeloped na
tion and major military power by
1990. Orders for billions of dollars
worth of sophisticated weapons from
the United States and Europe have
been canceled, as have plans -for
eight nuclear power plants . .
Strikes have crippled Iran 's.
economy. The treasury lost over $1
billion in oil revenue during the re
cent 15day strike. The shah has
given in 10 demands foi more equal
disl!ibution' of oil wealth ..
ernmenl workers have had th.eir
'salaries":"ooubled overnigtlt, fueling .
the nation's inflation rate, which in
tum has harmed the peasants and
.Iowerclass workers, intensifying
their frustration with the shah's gov
At the rpot of the strife is Moslem
anger over the shah's drive' 10 west
emize han. In this he unwittingly
played into the hands of the Moslem
priesthood , the ayatollahs (high
priests) and the mullahs (rank-and
file priests). Writing in the LondonI'
Telegrpph , British Minister of Parlia
ment julian -Amery asserts that "the
ayatollahs and mullahs are in a desper
ate mood. Unless they stop Persia [the
British press often uses the ancient
name for the country] becoming a sec- . '
ular and Western type society their ,


if sha h goes

authority and wealth will be unde~

mined meversibly." ..J_
The religious leaders have sue .
ceeded in transmitting their fears to a
significant segment of the Iranian
public, who up until this year had
rather enjoyed the materialistic fruit s
of Iran's modernizatio n. ,
All this has now come to a ~reech
ing halt. In Tehran 108 of the city's
115 theaters ~ symbols of Western
"decadence" (and some were show
ing mildly tx>rnographic films) have been gutted by fire or smashed
beyond repair., Restaurants have
switched off their' neon signs and
stopped selling alcohol, banned
under Koranic law. Out of fear more

The 1'e1 10 Ibe


. A . leftist Iran would cause shud~

ders thro.ughout . the Persian Gulf,
panicularly in, Saudi Arabia, which
has always looked to Iran as a buffer
against ~.10scow. The Saudis are al1110S1 encircled by proSoviel regimes
as it H)..!Li E\hiopia'!1I1(j' South'Yemen"

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Monday, Dec. 18, 1978



By Herbert W , Armstrong
HA V, HEARD many small
religious groups, usually
following . one human
leader, speak of "our
Group," fully believing
that their little unit or as.semblage is A,.PART of the
Some have left God's
Church saying, "I have not
left Christ -I've only left that
organization. I worship Christ
in my own way."

~ -.-''''' ..

\-'-:. iii . . Hi~ apostles and in His

There are many indivjdual and separate
Chilrd. .
The Holy Spirit had WORKED
'Groups' differing in belief and organizain Jesus' body. Now it worked in
tion, yet supposing they are a PART of
the collective BODY of t.he
Church . Therefore ' the Church
the BODY-OF CHRIST. Are they?
now became the BODY of Christ
- the BODY in which God's
Spiritual. organism - all speakforming miracles in Christ's
thinking on this sober question.
Spirit was "doing the work."

ing the sa!)1e thing - all joined to

the one Vine and hearing fruitall in the organized Church built
upon the FOUNDATION of the
apostles and the prophets, with
Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone, having grown iQto a
the Lord,
Are they reaUy IN' Christ?
,TOGETHER and cQmpacted in
Time [s now short. We are in the
~hat which' every joint supplieth?
very last days! "Christ is
OR, will It be a conglomeratIOn of
coming soon - .to MARRY God's
disunited : 'GROUPS" and deChurch. In Revelation 19:7 the
nominations and a number of isoChurch is called "His WIFE."
lated individual "Ctiristians,"
This ver~ says, " Let us he glad
who have followed Christ in their
and rejoice, and give honor to
own way?
him: forthe marriage of the Lamb
Those who' have gone off,
is come. and illS WIFE hath made
either alone or in a small isolated
herself ready."
group, will. say: "We have not
We are in sobering times gone away from CHRIST - we
the last days when .. HIS WIFE"
have only left that organization.
must be MADE READY for Christ's
We no longer have a pan in what
it is doing, but we worship Christ
in our own way."
Will these "loner" individual
"Christians," or these many' litThey might refer to Mark
tie isolated ' GROUPS" constitute
9:38-40: "And John answered
pan of the wife made ready?
him, saying, Master, we saw one
casting out demons in thy name,
In Matthew 2S it is written,
and he followeth not wi th us: and
" . " . the bridcm-oom came;. and
yie 'forbad' Ilfiri: 'becau~se he"",lfolfliey#[htfi1v;;e '~e~dy went U; ~lth
loweth not us ._ But Jesus said,
him to the marriage: and the door
Forbid him not: for there is no
was shut" (Matthew 25:10).
man which shall do a miracle in
The very eternal LIFE AND
DEATH QUESTION right now is: . my name, that can lightly spe_ak
.. lust WHAT is the wife that has . evil of me. For he that is not
against us is on our part. "
made herself ready? Is it one
united, organized, compacted,
Notice, these people were per-

name - oy His authority Jesus did not say they shall enter
God's Kingdom. He merely said,
"Let them alone." Now put this _
together with other scriptures on
the same theme . Ag~in Je sus
said, '~Let them alone," in
Matthew 15:14. But He also said
(verse 13), ".
Every plant,
which my heavenly Father hath
not planted, shall be rooted up.
Let them alone: they he blind
leaders of the blind. Arid if the
blind lead the blind, both shall
fall into the ditch."
And again, Jesus said, "He
that is not with me is against me;
and he that gathereth not with me
scattereth abroad" (Matthew
Again, "He that is not with me
is against me: and he that
gathereth not with me scattereth "
(Luke 11:23). Those not WITH
HIS CHURCH, are scattering and
against Him.
, But consider FURTHER:

Often it seems God puts things in .

Christ organized Church
my mind on first awakening. in
And Christ organized that
the morning.
Body - the begotten children of
This morning God was ",ading
. God, and therefore " . . . the
my mind in thinking abOut the
household of God ... built upon
BODY OF CHRl~T, which is the one.
the foundation of the apostles and
and only TRUE Church of God.
prophets, Jesus Christ himself
WHY is the Church caUed "the
being the chief comer stone; In
BODY of Christ"? God the Father.
whum all the building fitly'
sent Jesus into this world with a
framed together groweth unto an
MESSAGE from ooD~-That message
holy temple in the Lord"
concerned the now . soon-coming
(Ephesians 2:19-21). is the
KINGDOM OF .GOD. Jesus taught it"
TEMPLE to which Christ ~s comto His original apestles - He
ing (Malachi 3: I). The Church is
proclaimed it in the synagogues
here called a TEMPLE - fitly
and in pUblic. Jesus said, "'I can
together and compacted
of mine own self do nothing
- closely knit TOGE!HER.
. ." (John 5:30) .. B~t " ... the
Father that dwelleth in me, .
The only PURPOSE of the
he doeth the works" (John
14:10) . .
Jesus came to DO SOMETHING!
now the BODY in which the Holy
Every one God has ever called
Spirit is working. And God set in
the Church, to ORGANIZE it,
since Adam has been called fot a
DUTY - to DO_ SOMETHING apostle~ prophets: pastors and
and that something always has
had to do with PREPARING FOR
CHRIST. And Jesus pictured Himself as .THE VINE, and we of His
Jesus taught the KINGDOM OF
I Body of Christ is united
Church are the BRANCHES on that
" G9.!1-,~I!..Y::M .th"'J:!oJy .~RiJ:it ~IN
.. Vjesus -ChriSt 'j~ going ~t~.~maITy - Him tliit did "the works." After
vine. "Not"ice it - stqdy it - in
John 15 : Jesus is not SEVERAL
He had finished the work the
BODY OF CHRIST. Now is that
Father had assigned liim, perSEPARATED VINES - He is one
B.ody united, organized on a
sonally, to do in Hi s human life ,
vine! The member~ of the BODY
. united and firm FOUNDATION, or
He was crucified, resurrected and
OF CHRIST are the BRANCHES! an assortment' of " loner" indithen ascended into heaven. Then
but not separated, isolated
viduals and variOUS "groups"?
He seht the SAME HOLy SPIRIT
that had worked in Him, to work
.(See SEPARATE, page 81
I was ay.'akened t~is morning


By Herbert W , Armstrong
n an effort to mislead and
draw away Gdd' s people
and tithes, ,he misleading
idea is now being circulated
that this MAN (not Church)
also preaches the Gospel.
So, why not divide your

tithe, sending half to the

man and half to God's
CHURCH or else send it
alternately to each.
Satan is subtile, and he does
deceive even the ' greatest of
men. Let's honestly consider
that crafty suggestion.
I) The tithe is GOD'S tithe, not
yours. and is to be sent to Go.D ' S
CHURCH, where Christ, alive and
well , is actively working, directing and blessing.
2) God has only ONE Church,
and that Church has a few
hundred local congregations
worldwide, all a PART - and an
integral working part - ' of the
ONE spiritual organism, the
WorldWide Church
Yod, .


which is "built upon the

FOUNDATION of the aplstles and
prophets, Jesus Christ himself
being the chief comer stone; In
its many local congregations]
groweth unto an holy temple in
the Lord." Its whole body (with
it$ many local congregations
which every joint supplieth, according to the effectu~l working
[together] . .. of every part
. " (Ephesians 2:20-21, 4: 16).
Jesus Christ does not HEAD,
guide and work in any competing
man or c hurch. Christ IS NOT
DIVIDED! Christ's Body is led on
earth, UNDER HIM, by His chosen
apostle whom HE appointed and
used in BUILDING His Church in
our time. God ' s TRUE Church is
. performing the FUNCTION of the
Church - carrying Christ's
Gospel message to all the world.
3) The man who wants half of
God's tithe does not speak the
same thing. On the one hand he
att~mjJts .to draw. your.. support

saying, "I preach the Gospel too

so give me half the tithe. "
(The Baptists, Lutherans,
Catholics, all profess to .preach
the Gospel- but it's not the same
Gospel.) Then on the other hand
he contradicts himself - speaks
out of the other side of his mouth
- saying he does not agree with
God's Church ahout Church eras,
about this and about that!
No, brethren, he does NOT
preach the same GospeL He was
attempting to water down God's
true doctrines and oppose its doctrines and its apostle and to become the self-appointed head of
God's Church.
That's why he was D1SFELLOWSHIPPED from God ' s
Church. He VI AS NOT speaking
the same thing. GOD'S CHURCH
cannot speak with an UNCERTAIN
4) This man is NOT a Church of
God. A man can incorporate
himself, under man ' s law, usi ng
the NAME of a Chutch :.-. and he
carne as close to the name
"Worldwide Church of God" as
QECEIVE and mispossible,


lead brethren into thinking he is

Dick or Harry" can incorporate

himself, with the signatures of a

couple other men as "directors"
in the name of a c hurc h . BUT
THAT DOES NOT make him ~
church! This effott to deceive, by
u sing a name so close to
"Worldwide " Church of God, is
possibly subject to civil prosecution as an attempt to defraud and
receive money under false pretenses.
Of course, God's Church will
rely on . Christ for protection.
However, since he intentionally
incorporated under a name so
close to "Worldwide Church of ,
God, " and it tends to conf\1se and
harm God's Church, steps have
been taken to prohibit his incor- poraring or operating under that name in any other states.
.. ,
5) This disfellowshipped man '
is not preaching any "gospel"
into all the world for a witness
.unto all nations. His preaching is
aimed only at you in God's
Church, to draw you away from
the. Church headed by Je'sus

Christ. He does not preach any

gospel to the world to teach those

who know not Christ's Gospel.

He seeks only ' to unsettle you
who have already accepted
Christ's true Gospel. His whole
effort is a resentful and bitter one
tp "GET" - not to "GIVE ."
One member wrote . stating
clearly which is GOD:S Church. It
I) Where GOd~STRUTH is. Not
with one disfellowshipped for
trying to water down that tRUTH.
2) Where God'Slrue Work is
going out to the WHOLE WORLD .
. ':3)" 'Where Christ's chosen
apOstle is..
God's tithe is to be PAID to
GOD'S Church, where CHRIST is
working. Jesus Christ does not
work in twol "churches," one
co mpeting agai nst and trying to
draw members from the other.
Christ is NOT DIVIDED!
God doe s not have two churches
- only the ONE Church that
Jesus Christ founded in A.D. 31
and raised up to carryon in OUR
time through His own chosen



Monday, Dec:

18, 1978



The flIst six proofs of the

true Church appeared in The
Good News, Nov. 20 and
Dec. 4. This installment"
concludes with Proof No. 7.
By Herbert W Armstrong

shall soon have the magic push

The living CHJUST is coming to
button century 21 - with such an
array of gadgetry produced by . . one of His fIrst acts will 'be to
technology that human labor will
depose Satan! The CAUSE of the
lie all but eliminated, and the world's evils will be removed!
heJesus, after His resurreCtion,
dazzled by material technology.
ascended to beaven, in clouds tak
churches calling theming Him up out of sight. He shall
selves "Christian" do not But, of course, this would not rid
return in clouds, '
us of human nature. Crime would
know that the true Gospel is
escalate, family life would break
The mighty Lord shall descend
with a SHOUT.! - with the voice oft
down completely, morals would
the archangel and the trumpet of
sink even lower -:- if possible!
God. The dead in Christ shall rise
2} We shall have more and
know nothing of what the
in a glorious resurrection to SPIRIT
more evils, and, with nuclear
earth will be like under the
IMMORTALiTY! The Uving in
Christ shall tben be ca'ught up in
destruction, humanity will soon
They know nothing of the
the air ' with\ them , cluJ.nged to
be erased from the earth .
only GOOD NEWS in today's
spirit immortality - to MEET the
3} Some say tbe world's only
world of the WORLD'S'
Lord in the air (I
hope, now . to escape cosmocide
' Thessalonians 4:16-17).
is to form one gigantic world govDon't laugh at the wOJd'
Christ's feet shall stand that
ernm~~nt, controlling the only'
UTOPIA! It isregarded in today' s
same day on the Mount ofOlives,
military power and weaponry troubled world as an;
of J.eru'salem (Zechariah
yet in the same breath the~ admit
- impossible JOKE! Webster's dic14:4) . The immortal saints sball
tbeimpossibilityofit. WHO would
tionary defines it.."an imaginary
be continually with tbe Lord sit on the throne RULING the
and indefinitely remote place; a
reigning with and under Him frotP
world? The Uniied States and
.place of ideal perfection, espe
over a11~Ilations!
Europe would never accept 'a
cially in laws, government and
With Satan gone , tbe KINGDOM
Communist in supr~me -com-'
sOcial-conditions; a~ impractical
mand :-TJje "COmmllnists' -",obld ' --OF-OOD'-Shall be:'sd up 'irfpOw~r."'
scheme for social improvement.
Everyone whom God has called
never accept an American or
~UI of this world of Satan's has
Jesus Christ was
impractical . Western European. ~
been called to a special mission
dreamer .. His Gospel was ihe
- . WHY? - yes, WHY should we
preparing for this Kingdom! c
GOOD NEWS that a corning UTOPIA
have a world where more than half
is REAL - it is SURE! .
. of all its people live in illiteracy,
Stop and TlDNK fWHY should it . abject poverty, filth and squalor,
be restored , worldwide! The hube impossible to bave ideal permans
left on earth-will be ruled
racked with diseases and pains
fection - in laws, government No mortal humans will -r ule
and without hope:]WHY? - when
and 'social conditions? WHY?
- only those wbo PREPARED and
the human mind can produce tbe
QUAUFIED to rule during their
" Human pature," you an ~
marvels of te<;hnology , the com
earthly life after receivingGod's
swer? Yes, bUI as shown earlier.
puter, send men to the moon and
human nature was NOT created in
back, transmit photog-raphs from
us by GOD - was NOT born iI(us:
the surface of Mars to tbe earth?
The government organization
It has been injected into humans
Can' t we realize there has to be
God has not revealed in specific
by the "prince of the POWER OF
a CAUSE for all these evils - and
detail bow His government wiJI
THE AIR," Satan, who is so powthat the GREAT MAJESTIC GOD has
be organized. He does reveal tQat
erful that he surcharges the air - power to eradicate the causes and
it shall be government from the
with his morbid attitude of gloom,
usher in,a REAL utopia? Don't sell
down. Christ will be KING of
resentment , rebellion , selfishGod 'short!
kings over all nations, It is specifness, vanity , strife. $ata n
_ The two alternatives
ically revealed that King David
broadcasts in self-centered
of ancient Judah, resurrected,
attitudes, and the "human" spirit
Let's face it! Right now there
be king over the nations de
in every human is tuned in on his
are two alternatives. Either there
scended from the 12 tribes of anwavelength! Thus Satan is now
does exist tbe living almighty GOD
eient Israel (Ezekiel 34:23;
actually' WORKING IN the people
of supreme mind and power, who
27:24-25; Jeremiah 30:9). Jesus
of this disohedience (Ephesians
will very soon intervene and SA VE
Himself revealed that tbe 12 orig
2:2) ,
inal apostles shall sit on 12
HUMAN EXTINCTION is now imBut when the glorified CHRIST
thrones, each ruling one of these
comes in supreJ)1e POWER and
nations (Mattbew 19:28; Luke
There is no other alternative!
GWRY to rule all nations, Satan
But thank God , tbere is the
will be totally restrained from
As a theocracy , with governGOOD NEWS of the soon-coming
humanity . ACL will be'called to
ment from the top down , it also is
salvation and eternal life ""':":'""" and,
revealed thatOod the Fatber is the
as God 's people now are, will:
supreme LAWGIVER, and-head
When the supreme Crebecome partakers of the DIVINE
Christ and therefore ABOVE
ator-RULER comes again to
NATURe! (II Peter 1:4).
ALL. Tbe Kingdom of God is tbe
earth, already crowned as KING of
.. Human nature " will be
FAMILY OFGOD- and the Father
kings , in supreme POWER and
GONE! Tbe earth will be as full
is supreme .head over His ,family!
GLORY and all the holy angels with
of the knowledge oftheEternal ~s
Him, the gentile nations actually
Jesus Christ is coming as KING
tbe ocean beds are full of water
will FIGHT to resist Him!
of kings and LORDoflords, so the
(Isaiah 11 :9).
Kingdom of God shall combine
But ", , ,their flesh shall conScience's postulate of
Church and state, as did ancient
sume away while they stand upon
the FllTURE
Israel- with Christ earthly King
tbeir feet, and their eyes shall conWorld-famous
sume away in their holes, and ' and LORD,
their tongue shall consume away
foresee three possibilities for the
future .
in their mouth" (Zecha,iah
a worldtut ojffrom God, God has
14:)2), <, . . ... . . ,,. ..
J) :,S~JIl~ ..,op,timis!s .. think .we.
caUed 'out o( Ihe .world thpse pre,,




WHERE is the one and only true Cl1urch

tOday - . the Church 'founded 'by Jesus
Christ in A.D. 3.1? Seven major eyeopening proofs identify it unmistakably; ,
de stinated, And in every instance
the call has been to . a definite
DUTY, and also in every case that
d~ty has been on~ PREPARING FOR
God called Abraham ._All the
PROMISES of our eternal salvation
were given to Abraham , and we
inherit them from the fact Ab
raham is the " father Of tbe faith
ful." This reveals that Abraham
will have higher position in the
Kingdom than Davio.-He will be .
. Then again, tbe Scriptures .use
the phrase" Abraham , Isaac and
Jacob, " grouping them together
as a team, All the PROMISES were
repromised also ,t o ]saac and to
Jacob. Thisindicatestbey shallbe .
a headquarters TEAM - next
under Christ - over both Church
and state, with Abraham chairman of the team. In'Luke 13:28,
Jesus said definitely that Ab
raham, Isaac and Jacob shall be in
that ..glorified Kingdom.

O,!, I:o.vernmenb over aU

available in bookstores, begin

ning' spring, 1979.

When ALL sball be called

Theone original true Church of .
God 'is UNIQUE in the .knowledge
OFF FROM GOD - its inhabitants
who were uncalled are therefore
have been neither" saved" nor
" lost." But THEY HAVE BEEN
As Jesus said, many would go
out claiming to represent Him,
proclaiming that Jesus was the
CHRIST (Messiah)
24:45, II Corinthians 11:1315).
Millions have been deceived
about all these sincere people are they "LOST"? Of course not.
. t;lut neitber did they receive the
"salvation" they were deceived
into expecting . They simply were
not - YET - judged: THEY
SHALL BE - all who have diedin the resurrection of the Great
White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:1I-13).
Salvation shall surely come to
all who '- on'ce the TRUTH
' is revealed, and they are undeceived - are as wi~ling as
they diougbi the ywerejri tbe false '
salvation they were'deceived Into
accepting! This will include many
whom our readers may have supposed were "lost." It is a
Now.noticeMattbew25:310n .

When tbe KINGDOM - the divine FAMlL Y of God - reigns on,

earth,- it shall be the ONE GOYERNMENT over ALL nations.
There shall beoNE God, ONE government, ONE religion ,
In lhe. transfigurati~n v.ision,
"W ben the Son of man shall
Peter, James and John saw Christ
come in his glory , and all the holy
transformed into the' GLORIF1ED
angels with him , then shall he sit
Christ, His face shining as the sun
on the throne of his glory." Com
(Matthew 1,7:1-7), and with Him
bine that witp other scrIptures al- '
in the Kingdom Moses andElij3h.
ready covered. When Jesu s
These ' two, in the vision , rep- , comes in His glory, He will come
resentedthe offices of Church and
as He went to heaven - in clouds,
Tbe dead shall rise - in a resurBoth Moses and Elijah, in their
recrion - first, then the living in
human lifetime, qualified for
Christ shall be instantly changed
chief positions in Church and
to spirit immortality and be
state, respectively. next under
caught up in the air with tbem to
Abraham , Isaac and Jacob meet the descending Lord, Hi s
Moses over all national
feet sh'!JI stand that same day on
GOVERNMENTS - Elijah over
the Mount of Olives. The resurChurch. It was Elijah who reo
rected and changed saints shall be
stored KNOWLEDGE of the worcontinually from tben with Him .
ship of the true God.
Then He shall sit on the throne of
All these men. who were . His glory - in the City of David,
CALLED 'to special missions, by
God during their physical human
All the holy angels will be with
life, were prepared and-qualified
Him . In Revelation 12 we find
for these positions iii. the
that a third of die angels followed
Lucifer into rebellion. But what
Actually, the preaching of the
about all these HOLY angels- tbe
Gospel and spread of religion IN
other twothirds? I have said angel
THE KINGDOM , will be primarily.
creation was not COMPLETE until
by their own decision CHARACTER
ALL shall be called, and the deci- either righteous or evil- had
sion will be made individually by
been formed "in them. What about
each person, ]t is significant that
this two-thirds of ange.1s , here
Elijah had founded THREE . called HaL Y! God does not reveal
COLLEGE'S (II Kings 2:3 , 5 ;
HOW their character and therefore
4:38) at Bethel, Jericho and
their creation, was completed.
Gilgal, teachingGod 's TRuTHina
But, in some manner not revealed ,
world corrupted by false
it is apparent the two-thirds had
paganized education .
formed holy attdrighteous characFor further details of the orter , for here they are called HOLY
ganization in the KINGDOM OF
angels, and in many parts of both
GOo, .see our book, TomorrowOld and New Testaments the y are
.(S,," S~VEN PROOFS. 'P'9' 51 : (,
WiultJt .Wi./I Be.Like.. .This,will-be , ..

hand,. but the goats on the -left.

Then [verse 34] shall the King say
unto them on his right hand,
Come, ye blessed of my Father,
tinu,;: " ... and he shall separate
inherit the kingdom prepared for
them one from another ... " (rememher the dead and living IN - you from the foundation of the
Christ had already been sepaAll then still living will he
rated and risen to meet Christ in
. Those who decide for
the air. This separation 'r efers to
Kingdom ~ with Satan
the still-living MORTALS - who
then out of the way- WillrNHERIT
had not previously been calledthe KingdOm of GOd - he BORN
who had; up to now, been cut off
from God and from salvation. But
"Then [verse 41] shall he say
now, with Christon the throne and
also unto them on his left hand,
Satan gone, ALL are spiritually'
Depan from"me, ye cursed, into
called! Now continue, still verse"
everlasting fire, prepared for the
32: " ... as a shepherd 'divideth
devil and his angels [demons]."
his sheep from the goats. And he
That fire has been 'described
shall set the sheep on his right

(Continued from page 4) '

described as definiteliholy and in

God's service.
All nations


Now continue, Matthew

25:32, "And before him [Christ]
shall be gathered all nations.
This can refer onl~ tothe people in
all nations still remaining alive at
that time - all MORTAL, human ,
fleshandblood iople.
Remember, many who ha.d
heen called -and truly convened
will then he silting with Christ inHis throne at Jerusalem. Con-


Monday, Dec. 18, 1978

ahove ....,. the face of the eanh

becoming ,3 molten inferno burning up the monal incorrigible. However, this fir'; will. not
take place until the end of the
Verse 46, And these shall go
away .into everlasting " punish:--;-:
ment: but the righteous into life
eternal." That "everlasting
punishmept" has been construed
by the deceived to mean "'everlasting punishING - ' but it is
.punishMENT- and the wages of
sin is DEATH (Romans 6:23).
True, some few scriptures speak
- and the decei~ed misconstrue
this to mean an eternally burning


hell. Often I have illustrated this

before audiences .by placing a
small piece of paper in a metal pan
and lighting it. I say to the audience, "Now watch! Thisfrre shall
not he quenched!" Then I PUt the
remaining ash on the floor, .step
?n ;~~ and quot~ Malae:hl 4:3,
they shall he ashes under

< ." .

the soles of your feet.


' liesaheadofallhuinanswillingto
BEUEVE. when ' called! :
' Gpd has revealed to His one arid
only true original Church, small
and persecuted. yet . vigorously




VISITOR, .t o put it
T ,HEmildly,
was astonished!

He was witnessing something .he had ,never hoped

to see.

He was professor of Comparative Religions -at one of

the world ' s gre~t universities, visiting a Canadian Festival site of .th;; world's
largest annual Church con-

clave. this, however, . . was

We have covered seven major proofs to

identify the one and only true Church
founded A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ. We
come now to the true story of that Church
TODAY - . the only voice in the wilderness of today's religious Babylon giving a
hopeless world its ONLY and SURE HOPE!

one of the smaller of scores

of such convention sites encompassing the earth. Seven.
thousand were here assemgratifying experience. We don't
bled for the eight-day .Festipreach a gospel of DOOM ~ but
of joyous HOPE - coming' in
At once the visitor was 'imour generation!"
pressed by an atmosphere re~
freshingly dijje;erii. And Iie'liaa'
'The story of a unlquoi
visited many church conven:commission
lions in many countries.
The true -story of today's .
Had these people heen odd or
Worldwide Church of God is
fanatical it would have been no
the story of t1)o -!,ppearance on
new experience. He was well
earth of the real Jesus Christ
aware of religious groups who
more than 1,900 years ago. It's
generated a temporary emothe story of His message from
tional fervor in meetings. He
God to mankind. And it' s the
was familiar, too , with those
story of God's rejuvenating His
that were siiffl y formal - and
people with His Spirit and vitalunhappy. But here he was exity to carry that message of
periencing something unique to
SURE HOPE to this world's last
his knowledge.
The professor happened io he
]t is a~iomatic that for every
sitting next to one of the miniseffect there has to he a cause.
ters of the Worldwide Church of
There has to he a CAUSE for
all the evils in the world today
"These members," he volun'- the widespread immorality I
teered , " obviously are stable
the revolt of youth, the trend
and solid people, and they seem
toward drugs, the broken bomes
to radiate an inner happiness
and rising divorce ' rate . the esthat is genuine. Life to them
calating crime, the almost gen~
seems to have purpose' and
eral unrest, the rioting, viomeaning. It's an enjoyable and
lence, wars.
healthy experience I can't quite
By the same token, there has
find words to describe. to be a CAUSE for the condition
"Yes," smiled the minister,
peace, harmony and gener3J.
"life does have mea.ning to our
radiant happiness the visiting
people. And they do radiate the
professor experienced. .
inner joy you have observed,
. Isn't it pertinent to ask WHY
because their lives have been
science and technology seem
changed by God's Holy Spirit,
to point the wa~ to such
and they are panicipating in and
a desired state for all human
prayerfully backing the spreadsociety? To ask WHY education
ing w.orldwide of Christ's .trUe
does not teach THE WAY to a
Gospel messag~ - , the same
better life - WH'y religion has
message originally proclaimed
failed so dismally to make this a
by Christ Himself.
better world - WHY goverh" But," continued the minis.
committed _ to bettering
ter, .. we now are li ving in the
the lot of their peoples,
very generation that shall see
have- never found THE WAY to
that message fulfilled. It is
God's time for that message of
-There has to. be a: cause!
world HOPE to be again pro~ c1aimed in p:twer, worldwide.
There is a cause, There is
When one knows he is having a , something refreshingly different. And it shines forth from
pan in giving a dying world its
ONLY HOp.!r , it js'; indeed; a
multiple' thnusalids of"hmnes"

scattered around the world.

broadens and expands one's

horizons. Self-centeredness
constantly shrinks one ' s mental
and spiritual outlook inwardly.
l.~ is/ to man today, astonishing ' to learn that jesus, Peter.
Paul and all the first-century _
apostles taught ohe9ience to this
inexorable spiritual law - the
WAY OF LOVE. It is surprising to
most to learn that the Bible
plainly' shows that the religion
_of Christ is A WAY OF LIFE as
well as a living FAITH.
This spiritual law was set in
living motion as the loving gift
of humanity 'S Maker to -C",USE
every desired GOOp.

shall not live by bread alone,

but by every word of God."
Pinpoint Chure" hist';ry
The Bible is the Word of God in
Jesus Christ was sent into . this
These people are memhers of
writing. lts entire teachings are . world as a messenger bear,ing
the. Church . of . God., J\l]ll.\!l,n. . il10
ba!l'clon..lhis . God,~ente[ed,;lY,ay
the'-mb'st"'V-i tal 'and imiiortar;lf _
our day as the 'World-of life - the spiritual law.
mes'sage ever sent from God to
wide Church of God. This
- The Church of God knew , in
mankind. Th ~ was foretold by
Church is unique ip. practicing
the days -of the first-cent\lry
the prophet Malachi. His mes_C hristianity as A WAy "OF LIFE
apost)es - as it knows today sa_g e was the greatest NEWS
as well as a faith - even as it
that the God-centered way of
ANNOUNCEMENT ever to fallon
aid originally in the days of the
LOVE is an inexorable spiritual
human ears . It should have
first-century apostles.
LAW in -active motion. It is 'a
rocked this world and shaken it
Its members are motivated
law as real - as inflexibly reto its foundations. The word
with PURPOSE, inspired by
lentless even though as invisible
Gospel means good NEWS! It
. knowing the transcendent
~as the laws of gravity and in_was ne~s of an earthshflking
human potential. They know the
,ertia. ]t is a law that governs aU
future event.
true values. They 'have found
relationships between man and
Jqus' Gospel -~the message
THE WAY that makes life truly
man and between man and
He brought to humanity from
meaningful, rewarding , abunGod.
God - was the good NEWS o(
This law of ' LOVE is sumthe Kingdom Of God - - the
.' It is the way the whole world
marized scripturally by the Ten
soon-coming WORLD GOVERNought to he living. And what is
Commandments. ]t may be diMENT of the almighty GOD to
that WA Y OF LIFE?
vided into the two "Great
rule all nations and bringIt is the WAY of LOVE - the
Laws'" - love to Gocl.and love
us PEACE at last! ' Also, His
wholesome wAy of , outgoing
toward man'. It was set in living
,stupendous announcement inconcern for the good and welmotion by our Maker as the
,eluded the fact thaI' humans, on
fareof others equal to selfCAUSE of all GOOD. Its transrepentance and ' faith, could -beconcern. It is the way of
~ression is ,the CA USE of all
come actual begotten children
cooperating, serving, helping,
of God, could he BORN AGAIN
sharin~ - .o f consideration and
- horn of God, entering that
This God-centered way of life
Kingdom when set up.
- the way of outgoing concern
More imp:trtant. it is the WAY
~ inspired and empowered by
That message was uGin
of humility .. and of obedience
the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
-shining in a dark world. But it
to, reliance on and worship soleof God - is the CAUSE of the
is recorded ; "And this is the
ly toward God. It is the
fresh, sparkling happiness the
condemnation that light is come
GOD-centered way .
visiting professor sensed at the
into the world, and men loved
The other road travel s the
Church convention in Canada .
darkness rather than light, be'sELF-centered way of vanity,
It does not produce a temporary
cau5e their deeds were evil" selfishness, greed, lust, unconand artificial exhilaration or
(John 3:19).
cern for others, competition, . pseudo-spiritual jag, but a perJesus thrist was sent into this
envy, jealousy, strife, resentmanent -inner peace, and a faith
world, the Son of God, hom of
that i-s a unique confidence, ' the ' virgin Mary in the -likene ss
ment "'a gainst authority. bitterness , even hatred . It seeks self- . and stability. which reassures
of-human flesh, to start this when there are trials and even ': WORK ~OF GOD .
advantage in every deal.
The Chureh of .God has be"'Church emPOwered by
needed but sadly scarce com:'"
. lieved, from the days of Christ's
Spirit of God
rnodity in this confused wor'"
original apostles, that the Christoday. This WAY OF UFE is payHe came with the tremendous
tian religion is that of Christ ing off among Church of God
announcement of the Kingdom
of His teachings and of the expeople in joyous happiness;
of God. He came also to conample He set. Jesus taught this
successful living and abundant
quer the god of this world,
-giving way. He said, .. It is
Satan the devil, and thus qualify
more blessed to give than to re(See T-HE WORlDW.DE; pag8 6) .
cei Ve , ' ~'. Also. ,He said,,:.' '.Man .
This GOD-cente;ed way '-'

WHY unique


Monday, Dec . 18, 1978



of HAPPl'N FsS, JOY in abundance1~34, and publishing The Plain
try . The local congregations
But almost half of the mem(Continued from page 5.
and plenty, under the living aIITruth, Felj. 1, soori were abto become the King of the
were small. in most not
hers were very vocally follow- '
sorbing all of Mr. Armstrong's
powerfuI and glorified ~esus
ers of A ,1'1. Dugger and the
world-ruling Kingdom of God."L more than 35 to 50. There was
Stanberry church,- The dispute
at that time limited evangelistime .
He came also in the h um"n
oyer Stanberry politics entering
II) the '.summer and autumn of
tic effort, though mostly inefflesh for the suffering of death',
_' It finally hecame clear that
1933'; Mr ; Armstrong gave a
fective. But now God's time
ihe Church and Mr. Dugger's
- to pay by His shed blood the'
the Stariberr.y Church of God
.had come for !;lis last warning
series of lectures in and around
fitness for offICe". was heating
had been the . remnant of the
penalty of human sin - for all
up toward a fistfigh!. ,
Eugene, Ore" proclaiming the
,. Sardis" era 'of the Church
have sinned '-::-1.hus reconciling . message to go to the wholetrue
repentant believers to God and
(Revelation 3: 1-6) and that the Mr., Armstrong leaped to his
The great commission be'and THE WA Y OF LIFE that
inaking possible.the gift Qf eter- '
feet. "-s aying, "Brethren, rm parent Church at Eugene was
ortly an invited guest......;. but
comes a far more complex and '
oa.! life" through His resurrecproduces peace, true success
the start of the : Philadelphia"
siZable operation today than it
may I say a few words? -You all
and real happiness. The reera (Revelabon 3:7-13). This
wa~ in the first century. The
was the era when ' Christ, living
know, as recorded in the' first
.sponse was spontaneous and
Jesus said that, of Himself,
world's population has multiheyond expectation. This raised
Head of the Church, ,was
He could ac~omplish nothing chapter of Job, that when the
plied many times over. We live
it was the POWllR OF GOD - the
sons of God came' togeth,e r,
OPENIN'G DOORS for proclama-up the parent Church of the pres\ in a different, far more mechanSatan -.came also" You know
ent era of God's Church Holy Spirit of God within Him
. tion of His Gospel.
- that accomplishcq the work.
known today as the WORLDWIDE
. ical and compiex world today.
also that in the 12tI! chapter of
Phenomena! Ilf!lwth :
CHURCH 'OF GOD. An invitation
Before His ascension into
In 1930 the Oregon memhers,
Revelation it is revealed that the
God now began opening
heaven after His resurrectiotL
followed to speak, on Radio Stapeople Satan .is most angry with
ih order to revitalize the Work
doors for a Spirit-empowered
from the dead, Jesus como( God, incorporated under the
tion KORE, then Eugene's only
are those who keep the comWork to leap forth (Revelation
name, ~'OregQn Conference of
radio outlet. . Frank Hill, owner,
. manded His disciples', whom He
mandments of God. SATAN IS
t'!e Church of God. "
I:iERE! I am going to drop to my
. had trail)ed and taught this message, to remain in Jerusalem
knees right .here and ask God to
New le~dership drafted
until this same ' Holy Spirit of
restrain Satim and' give- lis
'. "The tifTJe had come for God's Work to
'God entered within them, to
PEACE. It's up to you whether to
'prepare the . way for the soon-coming
of Herbert W. Armstrong had
empower them, 'T he Spirit of
go oli fighting or kneel with me
occurred in the spring of
Messiah to supreme power and glQry .a nd
as I pray,"
God, dwelling in the human
body of Jesus, had started the
On arising, there w.e re wet
the wonderful WORLD TOMORROW!"
eyes, but no angry voices.
Work of God, After Christ's aswondering ""Where is God's
cension to heaven, this sa"me
These people were sincere .
suggested a weekly half hour , 3:7-8) . The Work from this
one . true Church?" had heen
Spirit of God energized the
. They had just allowed emotions
point grew ' in power and scope
program to give this missing
meeting with these brethren in' . to rise. The state conference
collective body - the Church.
at 'the rate of 30 percent per year
dimension in education, expo"NOT
The Church thus became the
wAs agreed, to and immediately
over the next 35 years .
sure to a wider ~udience" He~
"Body of Christ."
incorporated as a separate body.
The .first week in 1934 The '
himself, contributed substanHaving been a magazine and
. Under those apostles, the
This Oregon Conference was
,Tomorrow program went
newspaper 'writer, Mr. AnnChurch of God, during the next'
anxious to .. get things moving
the air. It met with an imMeanwhile,
several years, was imbued with
in proclaiming the Gospel."
mediate resp:mse, considering
God, Seventh Day, headquarter1921, . heen writing in article
vitality and power. Its initial
The Sta.n berry ministers had
the small power and limited
ing at Stanberry, Mo., had
form n,lUch he had been so engrowth was phenomenal. Then,
done almost nothing. and effec_
of the station. It was
.Ieaderthusiastically learning from the
after two years, "There was a
tiveness had been nil.
of the very smallest wattthen
great persecution against the
Now they !,rged Herbert
(which never helongs in GOD'S
age for commercial broadcastMrs. Armstrong had shown
Church which was at Jerusalem;
Armstrong to cqme into the
Church) by one vote. Mr. Duging - 100 walts. Gradually the
Some of these manuscripts to ladies
and they were all scattered
ministry full time and lead them
program went ' on more and
of the Church of God. They had
in getting things moving,"
stations. By 1942 the 'pro'
been .impressed-" Many of them
Realizing Mr. Armstrong haa '
W!"rk had ebb~d
gram "had gained national covereffort to "draw away followers
[manuscripts) appeared on the
the background, the business
! age in the United States and ]:>y
Before A.D. 70 the real Work
front page of the Church's weekly
experience , the education, vision,
1945 it betame a daily program.
of God of proclaiming the gooa
paper, The Bible Advocate,
know- how and energy, they saw . Dugger annoullced a new
It grew until ' it 'purchased

news of the coming worldwide
puBlished at their national head;
the opportunity of getting the
more wattage ' of radio time than
Kingdom of God, had lost its
quarters, Stanherry, Mo.
Gospel going out into a modern . -for the ,Church and now
claimed Jerusalem as world
any program on earth using
momentum, due to the Roman
Oregon members began urgcomplex world in real power.
headquarters - even though
radio and TV ,slaio.ns worldwide
ing Mr. Armstrong to speak hemilitary invasion and Roman
By now convinced the call to
more than 50 million watts
persecution. That , w'orldwide
fore them. He had refused, s~y
the ministry had truly 'come
of power weekly reaching an es
- and Salem as U.S. headquarWork of God continued to ebb
ing he had found revealed in the
from God, Mr. Armstrong was
timated 100 million listeners .
through the 'centuries to scarcely
. Bible that the ministry is a proordained.
The PkJin Truth magazine,
Those in ' the newly raised-up
a trickle,
fession n9 man is free 10 choose
A new era, new life
Church of God at Eugene, Ore., , monthly, developed into one' of
- The Roman Empire, in coop- he must be c1early .called to
knew that the Dugger '''Bible
the fin~st quality magazines in
eration with the Babylonian
it by the living Chris!.
It was under his leadership
the world, with a circulation of
fonn of organization" was NOT
mys,t ery religion (Revelation
However. discovering what
that a new era of the Church of
more than three million" copies,
he knew would he "new light"
17:5) had SUPPRESSED the true
God was entered, revitalizing
five languages. Ambassador
Gospel. The true Church sufon the Sabbath question
the Church, injecting into it new
College was founded in
brethren fell for it - at fIrst to these people, Mr. Armstrong,
fered great persecution and marlife and vigor by the Spirit of
Pasadena', Calif. , in 1947, as
and wante~ to -go into it. Mr.
tyrdol1),' It had heen forced to
at last, had feU impelled to
God to, get Christ's Gospel the educational arm 'o f the
Armstrong and the Church at
speak, revealing it to them. /
His MESSAGE - going OUt with
continue a~Semb1ing sec'retly,
'Church - for producing .an
Eugene, now growing rapidly,
",ed ministry ,and training
. 'were providentially restrained
from joining.
"many people for administrative
';The Spirit of God, dw~lIing in the human body of Jesus, had
personnel.... "
started the Work of God. After Christ's ascension to heaven, this
continue fellowship with the
The Church founded the Amsarrie Spirit of God energized the collective body - the Church.
Oregon Conference brethren. " bassador lntemational Cultural
Mr. Armstrong, who 'had heen
Foundation (AlcF), through
The Church thus became the 'Body of Christ. '"
"nominated" by the new Dugwhich it carries on many 'chariger organization as :"'one of. the
table and humanitarian projects
underground 'in the main.
Then in November, 1930,
power to the whole world.
70 leading elders " (although
in many parts of the world.
The Church continued asMr. and Mrs. Armstrong had
Much more than human ex. In ' 1.968 the living Christ
there never w"ere anywhere near .
sembling, but more than the
. heen invited to attend a business
perience and know-how was rethat number of ministers In it)
opened a NEW DOOR to Mr.
meeting being held in a
regular assembling Qf memhers,
quired .
conse~ted to cooperate with Armstrong through which to
it had been given a JOB to do - " _ member's hOme near Jefferson,
Once again God was sending
the Salem people:" NEVIER
carry Christ' s Gospel message'
proclaim the message to the . :.Ore. This meeting was' called !o
forth and infusing into His
JOINING and never receiving
into many countries . By invitaorganize Oregon members into
worl,d in PoWER. And i~ had not
Church His Spirit of POWER.
"salary or money in any 'form
tion, Mr. Armstrong came to
been getting the job done!
. a separate Oregon 'Conference
have very cordial personal meetThe time had come for the
from them. This cooperation
That vital POWER of God's _ of the Church of God,
ings with emperors. kings, prescontinued until late 1937. But
final message of God for this
Spirit that had worked dynam-. ,<,. Immediately division among
meanwhile, GOO'S WORK,
idents, prime ministers and
present world to go with great
!Cally ill Christ and ill the fIrst-! _" the members surfaced. It was
others in high office in Asia,
through the Eugene 'Church,
impact. 'The time had come for
century ajJostles , hid scarcely",::;.,fIl~Qbably a majority of the
Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa,
God' s Work to prepare the way grew until it absorhed all of Mr.
been workmg In the Church""""':~~regon members wpo wanted to
for ,tbe 50on-coming Messiah 10
Armslrong's time. HE DID NOT ' Central and South America .
That Work, by the early 20th . split off fromtlle Stanberry
supreme power aDd glory aod the
Since 1968 Mr. Armstrong has
century, had become virtually
headquarters and incorporate in
the one at Stanberry - he had
visited ~6re than 70 countries
dead (Revelation 3:1).
, order to keeJl their own tithes in
The time when by the act of
around the world and has reEITHER!
ceived special honors from
I\y 1927 in the United States, '
Oregon. They were dissatisfied
God His government will he reBut the raising up of the
members continued to assemble
that the Church was doing virstored on earth, ruling all naJ"an, Israel, Jordan, the
tionS' w-ith WORLD pOVERN!
regularly in their local congrelUally nothing to carry -out the
Church at Eugerie, and the start
Philippines , South Africa,
MENT! It will he a world Of-PEACE,
gations scattered over the coungreat commissio'ri to the world. .
Kenya , Liberia and others.
of the radio broadcast Jan. 8,


The li00D NEWS

MOl\day, Dec. 18, 1978


By Raymond F. McNair
PASADENA- There are approx-

and .fa lse
cially during the 1960s) who forced
pose, for the estabfishmept o~ this
revisions .that actually tended to
imately 3,000 colle.ges and uni ver.. The development of the man
downgrade educ..ation.
A~bassador opens its doors
Richard Berendzen, provost of
himself, h~s character, right sense of
sities in the United States. Does
America. and the world, need Am- .
values, knowledge of the real pur
An;terican University in Washington,
Amba'Ssador College first opened
pose ofHfe and the law s that govern
D.C;., recently summed up the dibassador? What can this unique colits doors in the fall of 1,947. Many
lege offer that other institutions of
happiness, pe,ilce and abundant
lemma in modern .education:
trials beset the college from its-incephig~er learning do not give"to their
.. Academic standards in higher eduwell:being is neglected. Modern
tion . But under the courageous, unstudents'?
cation have been declining in the past
education commits the crime of decompromising leadership of its foundThe founder and chancelfor of
veloping the machine while failing to
few years. /1' sa naiional disgrace."
er, Mr. Armstrong, Ambassador
Ambassador College, Herbert W.
develop the man.
And quite .recently, some of the
weathered all of those storms.
.. At Ambassador College, stu- Armstrong, answered this question:
big universities (like Harvard Uni
Speaking of the early years of
dents find the true values. They learn
"I was never called to engage in
versity and the University of CaliforAmbassador, Mr. Armstrong re ,the real purpose of human life. Life
the college bf4siness. But in 1947 the
cently sa id:
nia) are encouraging students to a~
takes on true meaning. Emphasis is
need had become imperative toestab"During the first three years of
quire a broadly. based, liberal arts
The dilemma of modem education
upon characler b~i1ding. Students
lish an educational arm of the Church
Ambassador's life I personally," education. They are 'beginning to-acquire a well-rounded, broadening,
on the college level.
fought and bled and died, so to
realize that many. students tend to
Mr. Armstrong aptly described the
balanced education. There is not only
"It definitely was not because this
speak, to keep this leaven [Of secspecialize in one narrow field of endilemma of modern education. He
mind development, but also that of
world needed another college. There
deavor and fail to get a liberal 'arts
. ularism and materialism) out - to
personality. true culture, poise and
.~ere too many ofrhis world's institumake it truly God's own college" _ education. This fact recently I~d
.. Something is criminally wrong
emotional maturity.
Harvard officials to revise its curtions of higher education already!
(The Good News. _July 3).
in education .today!
. "The Ambassador policy is based
"B ut the living God had caused
. riculum so that studen fs wi.J1 be
~rom the inception of Amb~s
.. Ambassador College came on
upon the recognition thaI true educame 'to real ize the serious need for a
sador, there were many who opposed
forced to take more courses in the
the world sc.ene free from the shacktion is not of the inlellect alone but of
college to train an educated ministry
area of I) literature and arts, 2) hi s-_
the way the college was being run.
les of materialism <!nd the errors of
'the whole personality - not alone of
for His Church and other personneL to ,
They didn't want it to be run God's . tory. 3) soc ial and philo sophical
tradition . Ambassador has dared to
technologies, sciences and ' arts, but
fill the increasing need for adminisanalysis, 4) science and mathematway.
recapture the Irue values - to blaze
an understanding of the purpose of
'its, and 5) foreign languages and
trative offices.
worldly concepts of education into
new trails, while retaining all that is
For this purpose it had to be
the college. Mr . Armstrong withsound and that has been proved ggod
which. govern our lives, our God"The trouble is not simply that the
stood all attacks and continued guidGod ' s kind of college - utterly
in educational experience.
relationship 'and human relation
sciences have djsplaced the
ing Ambassador along the path . of
unjq~e in the. world. No college or
"Educational institutions, generships, Not a memorizing of knowl- .
humanities . The humanities, as cuitheological seminary extant filled
God"s way. God continued to be the
~lly, _ bave grown so large that reg
edge alone but a thorough training in
rently taught an4 stu<i;ied, are as
center of every class and activity in
this PUIJX>se" (The Good News, July
imenJed assembly line processes
self-discipline, self-expressi9n, cuI17).
the college. And Ambassador Colmuch ' addicted to specialized scOOIhave
replaced individualized instrucBut exactly what kind of a college'
Jural and ~haracter development . Not
lege l!.Qt only survived - it thrived!
'" arship as are ' the scientific departtion . The student has lost his identity.
bQok learning Qnly bui broadening
would God want for the training of
ments to highly specialized research.
Development of personality and iniToo much specialization
those 10 be used in His Church and
trave}, and .experience; not only hearThe trouble rather is that the broadly
tiative .is largely sacrific.ed.
His worldwide Work?
ing and learning but doing.
In today's educational morass,
educated generalist {the man with a
.. Moral bars have toppled
" In other words," concluded Mr. - many are coming to see that modem
After much thought and prayer,
liberal arts education] has become an
with crass
Armstrong, "the curricula are
education is in deep trouble. There is
Mr. Armstrong was forced to the
endangered ~pecies. The ev~r
planned to give students a broad, culconclusion'that God did not want him
far too much specialization, and pre'i-'creasing spe( ialization of knowland emotional development is ne- '
ciOl;lS little being taught in the field of '
to found a "Bible college" or some
tural background - a foundation for
edge in all fields has almost comglected, produces lopsided, unbalgeneral education to equip young
the art ofliving happily, usefully, SI)(>
pletely displaced the generalist."
kind of a " theplogical seminary."
So stated Mortimer J . Adler, chairman
God wanted the students of His coldangtrous.
emphasis upon character building
problems they will soon face in a
lege to receive a brofld, &eneral type .
of the board of ed itor s of the
. "There can be. no well-balanced,
and spirit ual development -is aptly
complicated world.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (NfwSof -instruction, a liberal arts educabroadening and worthwhile educastated in the Ambassador motto: 'ReIn America, and in much of.
tion, not a narrow, restricted Bible
week. Aug . 21).
tion where the true values have be- ..- capture TpJe Values' ," (Bulletin of
educ~t ion only. It became clear that
today.'s modern world, academic
The bas.ics at Ambassador .
come obscured from view, where
God ~i~n't ~want the, kind of college
Ambasst;lfi,!r C;:ollege, 1 ~6~~7)1 .
that would graduate ~, ' Bible-quotlng
, These words clearly express the n partly-due to the pressures of militant
But at Ambassador College, the
: character :b'Uilding is a lost and disfoundational paltcy, the ve ry purfreaks." But He wanted to train
(See UNiQUE, page 11)
carded art and minds are filled with
student s on many campuses (espe
well-educated students who taught a wide variety of subjects,
which would give them the breadth
and depth of knowledge necessary
for them to become leaders , bpth
today and tomorrQw!
It was clear that the "large,
assembry-Iine colleges and universities were missing the mark. They
were turning out to be institutions of
higher learning where God and His
way of life were neither recognized'
nor taught, where large numbers of
students lost their identities.

followed the ;pen house. Later in the
evening a Walt Disney movie, The
Apple Dumpling Gang, was shown.
. The open house had a western
theme , and participants were encouraged to wear appropriate costumes,

Headquarters Church members got

a tasteofcollegelifewhenthestudents
of Ambassador Co.llege held an open
house Nov. 5. Mayfarr', Terrace Villa
and Grove Terrace, all student dor
mitories. were opened for visitors.
A country style roast-beef dinner

Explorer-adventurer John Goddard addressed the Ambassado.r College. faculty and student body in an
assembly Dec. 5 in the Ambassador
. . . Auditorium.
Me. Goddard, who has addressed
asSemblies at all three Ambassador
camp,qses in 'past years, narrated a
film of hi $ recent trip 'to the
Galapagos Islands and mountaineer

EXPLORER Explorer-adventurer John Goddard addresses .the Ambassador COllege

faculty and stvdent body in Am- ,
~assador Auditorium. Dec : 5.
[Photo QY ~Gott ;(Ighleyl

ing expeditions on Mt. Hood ' in

Oregon and Mt. Ranier in WaShington. He also showed films he had
taken while piloting one of the
Goodyear blimps, flying some of the
Air Force's most advanced fighter
aircraft and a hot-air balloon, formation skydiving and bang-gliding.
.Mr. Goddard, a resident of La
Canada, Calif., streSsed the importance of setting and achieving gOals
and described how he, at age 15,
listed 127 goals he wanted to atcom '\
pUsh ' in life. He has accomplished
over 100 of these to date, although he
commented that he adds to the list as
new activities and -adventures come
to mind .

'" fr


During the past semester the Sab

batical Ministers Club in Pasatlena

WEEKEND IN THE WOODS -' , Students and members of Iheir

ch,aperons' farnJI.i!3s pose ,for. a snat at their: Dec~ t to 3 ,w eekend re.tre@t1'

who discussed "What Is a Minister?" At the Nov. 8 meeting Stanley

R. Rader wa's guest speaker, relating '
some of his personal experiences and
discussing characteristics of success
ful people he has known at ' many
levels of business and society.
Raymond McNair, deputy chancellor of Ambassador College, spoke at
the meeting Nov. 22, speaking about
his 30 years in the ministry .

Highlights of the weekend were

walks and drives around the area.
films of some of Herbert W.
Armstrong's early telecasts, dances.
table games and discussions with the
ministers and their wives.

'" '" "'.

The AO]bassador ' College stu9.e~t

. body presented The Bong ShOw, 'a
takeoff on TV'sGong Show ., before a
packed house of Pasadena Church
members in the AmbaSsador College
Recital Hall Dec. 9.
Despite heavy fog and icy mountain
Masters of ceremonies were stu
roads, about 35 Ambassador College
,dents Dave Myers and.. Paul Wilstudents spent Dec. I through 3 in a
liams with Dean of Students Greg
rented house at the Lake Arrowhead
mountain resort area 30 miles east of . . Albrecht and ministers David Antion and Bernie Schnippert servPasadena.
ing as judges for the students' acts.
The students are members of theFirst place went to a band called
men's "Monday Night Live" club
Tohuski and Bohuski and worst place
and the wom~n's Monday night club
went to a skit entitled "Queen Tut."
and were accompanied by sabbatical
ministers Steve Smith and Vincent
After the show banana splits were
Szymkowiak and 'their families.
served in the college Student Center.

'" "'. '"

left, and participate jn a discussion with sabbatical minister Steve Smith .

. .. '.!....... .

. a~d his wif_~di9~.t JP.h?tQ .Q.Denni$ Go~~~loJ:.




Rumors' and Jheir' mongers

By Bob Fabey
PASADENA - T~lk about rumor

Monday, Dec. 18, 1978

brotherly relations is found in
Leviticus 19: 18: "Thou shalt not
..... avenge, nor bear any grudge again(st

in the wrong. Together they create

na've found that people deprived of
rumor .and spread it. . All
authoritative news tend to speculate.
Either individually or with other inboth their quests for self-esteem.
is usually too simplistic. Communi- .
Christ's prophecy ihat ., he 'that exalts '
cation people know that rumorcan ' be ~ ", .terested parties, they poo.1 what ina good sign because it show's interest. . formation they have to fQrnl reasonhimself shall be abased'.' seems to
Somebody cares about the person
able estimates of the whole story.
have been overlooked. Their goal is
being discussed. His actions are imto be exalted in the eyes of those
There are other reasons. Events
ix>nant and significant.
around them. That may be their only
are discussed for purely entertainreward.
People talk about what is of inment value. Just to keep life and the
them. We have given our
Or" it may nol. When the blind
conversation interesting.
lives to this Work. We arecpnce;:rned
lead the blind in this way, it is not
Another common reason is to beabOut -every facet of its operaiions.
only they who fall into the ditch.
stow status on -the teller. But the
We care about the triumphs and the
Hundreds may fall. with them, be-specialists who study these things tell
troubles. We discuss them both. We
cause the conclusions they arrive at
us that people who give information
wanl to know particularly about the
spread usually have an ugliness
outside of official' channels usually
~leadership what they are doing,
and a viciousness about them that
distort the news by distilling it
thinking, planning or even dreading.
could make a "Iiule one',' stu!llble. If
("leveling" in rumor argot) because
Because those activities will affect
that happens, another reward may be
of 1) time considerations (long disthe Work and us.
the promised millstone.
tance calls are costly), or 2) the con~
We do not discuss what is of no
People appear 10 have an ungodly
:t'ersation is on a tact that only ininterest to us.
volves the news in part (on a tangent)
fascination .with the negative and igI(our hearts (and treasure) are in
or 3) the bits that suppon the teller's
noble. The worse the rumor, the fastthe Work, we will surely talk about
own ' opinion are highlighted while
"er it travels. Presumably more want
it. And so we should. The problem, of
to hear it and tell it.
those that conflict are diminished
~ourse, is how we talk about it.. As
Shaky at best.
To God, builders and suppliers of
Herbert Armstrong. has, said about
ugly rumors reveal more about themAn ego trip for some
everytning from shotguns to sex, it is
selves than they do about the truth of
not the thing, but the misu~ of the
For some it is an ego trip to know.
the people and events they seek to
thing. thal'is wrong.
something others don't. Of course, if
report. He said He will have a little
And talking about the Work and
those around'" tbem are unaware of
chat with them about it in the future.
the people in it has been misused their ignorance, the joy of knowing is
Matthew 12:36. '
- diminished. So, a bit of baiting is
The age of cynicism
called for. The techniques vary from
silly to stupid. They are never sophisThere' is still another reason. This .
The demand for news
ticated. This bait becomes the whole
is the age of cynicism.. So many
morsel to the one who receives it;
cover-ups have been uncovered. so
First we must remember the old
unless he can pump more out. But if
many "facts" have been proved
marketplace princip~e of supply and
not, that will have to be his meal for
fraudulent. so many stories demdemand. If demand for news exceeds
that day. He will add_ th~t piece to
onstrated to be specious, that we of
the supply in nonnal channels. inothers from different sources in an
this age are forced to view everything
terested parties begip to rely on each
attempt to form a more complete picwith' doubt and .disbelief. There is no
other for information. So any barriers
, innocence.
ture. In doing so. he will share his bit
tbat hinder the rapid dissemination of
, (a kind of barter) in discussions with
news such as censorship (i'n govBut that o'utlook does not belong: in
others. The more "others" the beternment or a boardroom) or physical
the Church.' If it is, we are not overter. Additional pieces of informabarriers arising in catastrophies
coming the world, it is overcoming
tion are added or discarded as seems
(earthquakes, war. etc.) encourage
us . We WQuld be 'accepting: the atbest.
titudes o.f a dying society instea~ of
1nvestigator.s , in studying rumors,
Both the baite: and the bait!!.d arc;. '!)dhe ~!~ l of qod ~hat leads to life;. If
we infer that Church leadership is
suspect or evil, that they willingly
deceive us and are selfishly motivated, we are actually saying that
Christ is not ruling His Church as He
(Continued from page 3)
And the apostles had been taught
Christ pictu~ed Himself to Johl)
(Revelation 1) as standing in the
Apostles held responsible
middle of His churches with the
Separated 'Christians," or
angels completely in His control 'But the various individuals did
.. groups" .are branches broken
totally involved! He wanted the
not decide for themSelves what
oJffrom the VINE - the BODY OF
Church to know that He is aware,
to say, believe or speak - nor
active and in charge.




The Father is the Husbandman

- the Vinedresser. Every branch
of this grapevine (the Church)
that does not bear fruit for the
Kingdom, the Father prunes it-

did they individually receive the

truths from Christ. But God
taught the apostles, and He

Responsibility demands


Ibe children of thy people, but thou

shah love thy neighbor as thyself: I am

the Lord."
The Jewish scholars ~xpound
the famous last phrase by saying,
"Let the honor and the prope~y of
your f~l1owman be as dear to you as
your own." Frankly, the honor and
name of our brothers hasn't been as
"dear" to us as God's law 'says it
should be. And that is the basic yardstick He 'uses in judging us in human
relations. That should be a sobering

Jesus prayed for


Jesus Christ's last nighton earth as

a human being was an emotionetched evenJ. He knew He would nOt
be physically present with His
Church till His return. He knew the
weaknesses. sins . faults, power struggles and selfish attitudes of those
around the table with Him - and of
those who would come later. He also
knew they all had pride. that ancient
adversary of peace and , harmony in
the Church of God. So He prayed.
If you examine the theme of that
prayer in John 17, you will fmd it is
unity . ".
Holy Father, keep
through thine own name those whom
thou hast given me , that they may be
one ... ,. He asked for God's special
help to keep us together. That the
wills, wants and pride of the members of Christ's Body would not
cause disharmony. And-in case anyone wanted to argue about what unity
is (as surely 'many WOUld)" He added
"'as we are." As close and mutually
respectful as the Father and the Son.
There is no finer example or standard
for measuring unity.'
With all that has happened over the
last several years. the ans~er to Jesus
Christ's prayer is probably the most
,pressing need for the Church today.
~ We should all be praying for.oneness
- esPecially now :
Most things take action as well as
prayer before they are accomplished.
Unity is no exception. It takes .positive action 10 produce unity - by

Words can bring

us tpgether
If words have divided us, words,
coming from a right spirit, can help
bring us togetner.
To begin. every member of the'
Body of Christ should let the honor
of hi.s fellows be as dear to him as
his own.
. When someone' s name comes up
in conversation , make your words

When something' or someone

needs correcting, He can and does
correct. He waits. He is criticized for
cuts it off - that the organized,
delay. He ac;ts. He is censured fQr
no divisions. We must all speak
united vine may bear MORE
severity . Part of the "livingby ,faith"
is trusting Him to govern His own
. the apostle responsible that what
When there are some in the
they all speak. and believe is the , Body. Especially the leadership who
Church who cause division or sow
bear the responsibility of their office.
(Continued !rom page 1)
RIGHT thing!
the seeds of discord, God says,
Responsibility demands accountabil~
that the old covenant has ended
But there was no "Doctrinal
.. mark them . . . and AVOID
and supposing the old covenan(
Committee" nor group of other
THEM" (Romans 16: 17; see also
If we believe He is the Head, 'our
. and the old testament are one and
ministers or lay members who
II Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15).
words should show it. If we do not,
the same thing, they reject, for
voted on doctrine , and practice.
there is no reason to belong to this
The Church will bear more fruit
example, Malachi 3:8-12, which
Christ gave all that to Hi, Church
when the 'dissidents, those who
makes failure to PA Y the tithe
Remember. the Church is His
obey not the Work, those ' who
When Christ comes' - SOON
each OWES to God lhe SIN of
bride. With all our flaws, He is makcause division and discord, are
--:- and the HEINOUS
ing us into a clean, righteous and
SIN of stealing from GOD at that!
made herself ready and will enter
faultless bride to marry forever at His
Also br.a nches of a grapevine
In the days of Jesus' ministry,
in with Him to the marriage return. You would not view with
cut off cannot bear fruit. They
favor .anyone who besmirched the
t~e writings we now call " the
the NEW COVENANT - and the
reputation of your bride-to-be. Nor
Old Testament," were not called
To the Church of God at
does He. Reyelafion 12:9-11.
(Matth~w 25:10). Others who
that. In fact the old cov~nant was
Corinth, the apostle Paul wrote
Our thinking should n.ot be deterwere.alone, or vario!ls," groups"
that all in the Church must SPEAK .
mined by the hostile, wrathful, disThose writings then were called
will then cO!Jle and knock on the
trusting and unforgiving world in
THE SAME THING , that there be no
"t1!e law, the prophets and tbe
door - but C~rist will s~y, ", .
divisions among us (see I Corinwritings, " or the "Psall1)s.'
I "NOW YOU !:'OT" (veise 12).
out of it. Our minds must be trans- .
thians 1: 10).
When Jesus said, ."Think not
God:s Church has sorely
formed into the truly converted
Now FROM WHERE does the needed a spiritual reawakening
that I have come to destroy the
Christian mind that in an open and
Church receive ,the doctrines
and revival. But the recent Feast
or the prophets," 'He was
honest way follows Christ and the
and teachings they must all
of Tabernacles 'gave evidence
saying that He did not corne to
leadership He puts over us.
speak? THtNK ON THIS! The
that the needed revival is ,well
end the Old . Testament (as we
Perhaps the greatest problem is the
Chq.rch, as Christ organized it,
under way. IT MUST CONTINUE,
now call them)Scriplures. God's
way many feel free to speak about or
for very soon; now, the Church
CHURCH is built on the very
listen " to critical words abOUt a
will have to have MADE HERSELF
brother in the Church or in the minis-

convey the love and respect due a

brother in Christ. 1 am not suggesting
we all become Pollyannas. ' You can
disagree with someone respectfuily.
(The British have developed this into
an art form. For the French, it is a
duty of civilized men!) The key is to
assume that if he were present he
would put forward sound reasons for
his actions or words that are at least
as valid as yours.
Next, the supply of news from of'ficial sources must come closer to the
demand : Not that the supply will
e.ver equal ttle demand . That is impossible. But for years there has been
room for improvement.
Man'y rumors involve finance,
Stanley Rader aqg even Mr. Armstrong himself. So Mr. Rader, as Mr.
Armstrong's .~ssistant and treasurer'
for the Work , is holding forums for
employees at Pasadena. He asks for
any question on any subject from the
floor. The enquirers have .been candid in their questions. Mr. Rader has
been equally candid in his replies.
S~ that everyone can benefit from
the~ forums, the transcripts are published in The Goot! News. Regular
forums of this type are planned for
the future. This openness and candor
wiU help to stop the rumor mill.
Keep division


Finally. the seditious practice of

fracturing into camp s ' within the
Church must stop. That is what Satan
did; he got aU those around him to
view with suspicion and malice those
that we're not members of their
"sphere" group!
There ~ should not be' "we" and
"they" within the Body of Christ.
We should all be "us."
Christ gave clear commands to
keep division out of His Church. He
said, "if your brother shall trespass
against you" (Matthew 18:15) or if
' has ought against thee"
(Matthew 5:23), go to him directly
and get it. solved. That instruction
. was given- by Christ personaUy. . ~
How many reasons can most of us
give for not doing it? Regardless of .
the excuse, we are not doing what
God. says. Disunity is the result.
God's Church has gone through an
extremely trying, sorrowful time . If
we can learn and grow from it, as a
Body, God can use us more effectively.
,Words, conversations, fellowship
will always be a part of the Church of
God. If those,words are of a spirit that
helps Christ's fin-al prayer to be fulfilled, God can put us in a position to
bring light to all who are in the house . If
not, we deserve to be hidden under a
bushel. .



.~ REAI?'y! . .

.. " Hy, ..Jh", .~~s'c Bible te,~<;hjng 9~ .

being the chief cornerstone!

Much of the Church's doctrine

and teaching comes from the

as their writings are re-

corded in what toqay we call Old

Testament Scriptures.

The Old Testament Scriptures

record for us, today, all the history 'of ancient Israel, the old cov-

enant and God's dealings under

that covenant.

The Worldwide Church of

God is based on THE WHOLE

Those CALLED of God are

privileged to live according to the
conditions of the NEW covenant.

though the actual covenant has

not bCen , as we might say today .

yet "signed, sealed and deliv.

ered." Those NOT called s.peciall y by God are, as were all
outside Israel in Old Testament
times, cut off from God - not
being now judged - neither lost
nor saved, Their time is yet to

TI1E flloPHETS, Je~u~ . qlrjst " , come!


Monday, D ec. 18, 1978


Worldwide Church of God full-time international ministry


Herbert W. Armstrong
Dibar Apartian, Pasadena; Calif.
(French Work); Frank Brown, Great
Britain; Leslie L. McCullough,
Canada; Dean Wilson, Australia~

(Photos below)
Colin Adair, the Philippines ; Dibar
Apartian, . France; Stan Bass, the
Caribbean; Martin Bode and Frank
Schnee, German Woll<; Frank Brown,
Great Britain, Scandinavia and Black
Africa; Abraham de Bree, the Netherlands ; Walter Dickinson, Central ' and
South America; Roy McCarthy, South
Africa; Leslie L. McCullougti, Canada;
Bob Morton, New Zealand; Dean Wilson, Australia and the Far East.

Colin Adair, Manila (Metropolitan),
Philippines; Charles Bryce, Regina, Sask.;
Harold Jackson, Enugu and lagos, Nigeria;
Robert Morton, Auckland, New Zealand.
George E. Patrickson, Calgary (North),
Alta.; Richard R. Pinelli, Toronto (West),
Ont.; Frank Schnee, Pasadena , Calif.
(German Work); Colin Wilkins, Montreal
(FrenCh), Que.


" and Pembroke, Ont. ;

John Adams, Ottawa
Craig Bacheller, Moose Jaw and Swift Curre nt. Sask.; John Bartholomew. Durban
~~~roeean and Non:Eurol?""!:'L s.,outh />:fStan Bass. Castries. St. Lucia, Kingston,
Jamaica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and St.
Georges, Grenada; David R. Bedford, Bristol, England; Robert H. Berendt, Edmonton
(North), Ana.
Robert C. Boraker, Bricket Wood and'
Channel Isles, England; Daniel Botha,
Cape Town (European) and'Retreat, South
Africa; Etienne H. Bourdin, Angers, Nancy.
and Paris, France.

A. Barry Bourne, Lancaster and Manchester, England; Jean Carion, Brussels,

Belgium; John S. Comino, Cairns, Mackay '
and Townsville, Australia ; F. Jack
Croucher, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gavin N. Cullen, ' Sydney (South) and
Wollo_ngong, Australia; Alan Dean, Sydney



(West), Australia; Bruce Dean, Bundaberg,

Emerald, Maryborough and Rockhampton,
Rodney Dean; Frankston and Melbourne
(South) , Australia; Walter Dickinson,
Pasadena, Calif. (Spanish Work); William
T. Dixon, Devonport, Hobart and Launceston. Australia; Neil Earle. Calgary (North),
Thomas Ecker, Toronto (West), Ont. ;
John R. Elliott, Chilliwack, B.C.; Robert Elliott, Peterborough, Ont. ; Marl< A.B. Ellis,
Ballyrnena and Belfast. Northern Ireland.
A. Kent Fentress, Grande Prairie, Alta.;
Kenneth Frank Jr., Brandon, Man., and
Moosomin, Sask .; Lyle J . Greaves,
Kelowna. B.C.; Lawrence Greider Jr., Barrie,Ont.
Kerry W. Gubb, Morwell, Australia; Gary
R. Harvey, Palmerston North and Wellington, New Zealand; Sidney M. Hegvold,
Dubi n, Ireland; Eie Hofer, Victoria, B.C.
David House, Godalming, Lewes , Read-

C. Miller, Saskatoon, Sask.; Robert J . Millman, ~~mloops ~nd Salnl0l"! Arm, B.C. 1 + PaCifico Z. Mirto, Camarrnes Sur and

-Laguna, Philippines; Robert: J . . Mitchell,

Sydney (East), Australia; Owen B. Murphy, .
L10ydminster and North BattlefoJd, Sask. ;
Peter Nathan, East Rand, South Africa.
David K. Noller, Brisbane' (Soutti and
West), Australia; Alvin Nordstrom, Courtenay, B.C.; Brian W. Orchard, Melbourne
(North and West), Australia; Pedro S. Ortiguero, Pampanga, Philippines; Royston
Page, Winnipeg (South), Man. ; Stu'art Powell, Bricket Wood, England; William Rabey,
Cornwall, Ont., Lake Placid , N.Y., and
Montreal (English), Que.; Jose Raduban,
Cebu, Iloilo C~y and Negros Occidental,
Philippines; Charles Ranchie: Red Deer and
Wetaskiwin, Ma. ; Robert Regazzoli, Ballarat, Bendigo and Shepparton, Australia;
Fran Ricchi, Sarnia, Ont; T. Victor Root, Hambur.,g and Hannover, West Germany;
Terrence Roth, Prince Albert and Tisdale,

Encardio Benitez, Don Carlos, Kiars and

Misamis Oriental, Philippines; Francis Ber.gin, Bricket"Wood, England; Martin Bode,
Bonn and Duesseldorf, West Germany;
Chuck Boehme, Cornwall, Ont. .
Adriaan Botha, ' Durban (European and
Non-European), South Africa; Jonathan
Buck, North Battleford, Sask. ; Percival Burrows, Toronto (West), Ont ; Gilbert Carbonnel, Martinique, West Indies; Abraham de
Bree, Lnrecht, Holland; Glenn Ooig, Prince
Albert and Tisdale, Sask.; Erick S. Dubois,
8asse Terre and 'Point-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe; William Duncan, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Robert Flores II, Mor.terre.y, Mexico ;

Richard Forkun, Toronto '(East) , Ont.;

Pablo Gonzalez, San Juan, Puerto Rico; L
Toluta Ha'angana, Tonga; Gordon Harry,
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
. Alfred Hellemann, Salzburg, Austria;
Bernard Hongerloot, Montreal (Fre nch),
Q,ue. ; Sydney J. Hull, Johannesburg (Eur,,pean ' and Non-European), South Africa;
David Hulme, Johannesburg, South Africa;
Mohan Jayasekera, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
-Walter S. Johnson, Vanco uver, B.C.;

ing and Southampton, England ; Ronald L.

Sask. ; S. Rainer Salomaa, North Bay, saun
Howe, Winnipeg (East), Man .; Colin J .
Ste. Marie and Sudbury, Ont; Roland Sampson, Hamilton, Bermuda; Bob Scott, Quebec
Jackson, Perth (North), Australia.
John A. Jewell, Plymouth, England; Greg
City and Trois-Riviere s. Que.
Karl Karlov, Hamilton and Tauranga, New
B. Johnson, Athabasca and Westlock ,
Peter Shenton, Aarlius, Denmark, BasilZealand; Gary King, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.;
Alta.; S. Douglas Johnson, Thunder Bay,
don, Ipswich and Norwich, England, Oslo,
Paul Linehan, Dauphin, Man ., and Yorkton,
Ont.; Terry Johnson, KingstOn and Smiths
Norway, and Stockholm, Sweden ; Lyle V.
Falls, Ont.
Lloyd H. Longley, Perth (North), AusSimons, Kitchener, Ont.; Douglas E. Smith,
Robin G. Jones, London (North and _ Toronto (East), Ont
tralia; Bienvenido Macaraeg,' Benguet and
South), Maidstone and Orpington, EnDavid M. Stirk; Hull, Leeds, NewcastlePangasinan (East and West), Philippines ;
gland ; John B. Karlson, Frankfurt and
on-iyne and Sheffield, England; Norman
Edmond D. Macaraeg, Davao Del Norte
Stuttgart , West Germany ; Colin Kelly,
T. Strayer, Vancouver, B.C.; Arthur Suckand Davao Oriental, Philippines.
Christchurch, New Zealand.
ling, Birmingham, .Northampton and NotDavid Magowan, Liverpool and StokeClyde Kilough, Winnipeg (North), Man.;
on-Trent, England; Bryan Mathie, Johan.tingham, England.
Rodney G. King, Toowoomba, Wandoan
nesburg, South Africa; Don Mears, WinPaul A. Suckling, Bricket Wood, Enand Warwick, Australia; Kenneth R .
nipeg (South), Man .; Alfredo Mercado,
gland; Colin Sutcliffe, Canberra, Temora
Kneebone, Halifax, N.S .; Michael
Guadalajara, Mexico ; James Muir,
and Wodonga, Australia; Gordon R. TerKneebone, Roseau, Minn., and Winkler,
Geneva, Switzerland , and Lyon , France.
blanche, Pretoria (European and NonMan.
Frank W. Nelt~, Pietermaritzburg, South
European), South Africa; Edward C. TupA. Paul Kneebone. Fredericton, Moncton
Africa; Carlos Nieto, Bridgetown, Barper, Adelaide, Australia.
and St. John, N.B.; Sam Kneller, Paris,
bados; Laurie Nyhus, Edmonton (South),
Thomas D. Turk, Mexico City, Mexico;
France; Jack Kost, London, Ont; Jonathan
Bruce C. Tyler, Ballarat and Geelong,
Alta.; Donat f>icard , Montfeal (French),
Kurnik, Penticton, B.C., and Tonasket,
Ausfrafia; Andre E. van Bel~um, Johannes- "
. .
Alan Redmond, Red Deer and' Wetasburg (European and Non-European),
H. John Larkin, Grafton and Newcastle,
'South Afri'ca; 'DenniS' \tan~ E)evente( Ae-- .. kiwiri; Alta. ; John W. Reedy, Windsor, Ont.;
Australia ; Dennis Lawrence, Evansburg,
gina; Sask.
. Thomas Root, Bern and Zuerich , Switzer.Alta'. ; George W. Lee, Vancouver, B.C.;
Anthony Wasilkoff; Haminon, ant ; Glen
"'land; David A. Sheridan, St. John's, Nfld.
Kenneth S. Lewis, Bunbury and Perth . Weber, Prince George', B.C .; Dennis
Philip Shields, Edmonton (North), Alta.;
(North and So,h), Australia.
Wheatcroft,.Didsbury, Alta. ; A. John White,
DavidJ: SilCOX, London (South), Maidstone
Kevin O. Lulham, Melbou'rne (East),
and Orpington, England; Victor Simpson,
East London, King Williamston and Port
Australia; Cecil E. Maranville, Lethbridge,
Elizabeth, South Africa.
Bridgetown, Barbados.
Alta. ; Kingsley 0-. Mather, Nassau,
Peter Whitting, Sydney (North); Aus'Adrian Smith, Halifax, N.S.; H. Guy StilBahamas; Rodney. H. Matthews, Gold
tralia; Richard Wilkinson, Trail, B.C.; Will
born, Moosomin, Sask.; Ronald J. StodCoast, Australia.
dart, Bulawayo and Salisbury (European),
Wooster, Edmonton (South), AlIa.; Maurice
Yurkiw, Dauphin, Man., and Yorkton, Sask.
Rhodesia; Henry C. Sturcke, Sherbrooke
Roy V. McCarthy, Johannesburg, South
(English and French), Que. ; Leo D. Van
Africa; John McLean, Grafton, Australia ;
Pelt, St. Catharines, Ont.
Peter D. McLean, Caboonure and Gympie,
Australia; Rodney R. McQueen, Brisbane
Kenneth B. Webster, Salmon Arm, B.C.;
(East), Australia.
Bill Whitaker, Cape Town (European),
Bernard Andrist, Geneva and Neuchatel,
South Africa; Owen Willis, Nairobi, Kenya;
Switzerland; Bernard Audoin, Bordeaux , .
John Meakin, Aberdeen, Edinburgh,
Chin Gee Yong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Nimes and Toulouse, France; Ross Beath,
Glasgow and Kilmarnock, Soctland; Pieter
Bathurst and Blackheath, Australia.
and Singapore.
Michielsen, Calgary (South), Ana.; Ronaid









Dec , 18, 1978


T~ Ambassador College Agenqo R~
gion!!l Office in MANILA, PtJi!tppines,
held an open house forthe Manila brethren
the aftemooh of Nev . 5. About 200 people
came to see the new office facility, which
was acquired last August. The office occupies half orlhe ninth floor of the Fedman
Suites building, located in Legazpl Village. ' Makati. a burgeonin.g business and
commercial metropolis in the country.
Guests were guided through the administrati\'t offtces and -given refreshments.
The Manila Office was established in
1962 , Johnny Logrono .
Elbert ,Alias, New York area COOl-

member and driver-salesma n for Great

Lakes Distributors, conceived the idea and
met with pastor George Kackos and JameS
Ayers Jr.. sales manager fOl Pabst Blue
RibbOn, to work o ut arrangements.
Out of 80 volunteers, 35 were selected
io work on Sunday. Nov. 19, opening
cases of broken beer bottles ; sorting tbe
good from the broken . washing the good
boules and making eight-pack canons.
The group finished twice the number"of
canons Mr. Ayers thought possible forone
day'swork. The bottle bdgade netted S600
for the local church fund. Jean Cox.

The women of t~ LAKE OF THE
OZARKS, Mo., church worked with the
YOU members to present a Thanksgiving
celebration Nov . 25 . Turkey with all the
trimmings was served family style by the:
YOU girls to Church members dressed in
costumes depicting the ftrst Thanksgiving. Of the many games for the children,
including musical chairs to'lhe theme from
Star Wars, the children panicularly enjoyed the critter race. where each had to
call his entry to rac~ out of the circle. The
black beetle won fust place. completely
outdistancing the cricket, ~ the worm : the
cockroach and the turtle (who had stage
fright). Some oftlle ladies panicked when
the winning critler co uldn 't be
mediately located. Mrs. Ray Roberts.
About 350 brethren of the




bull, V>(ho celebrated her 90th
birthday Nov. 18, was presented a
bouquet of nine red roses, one for
each decade of her life, and white
carnations from the Bricket Wood,
England, church by pastor Paul
Suckling. Mrs. Turnbull has been a

Church member since Sep-

tember, 1968.

dinator . visited CAPE TOWN, South Africa. Oct. 31, conducting a Bible study for
the Retreat and Cape Town congregat ions,
who combined for the event. He discussed
his impressionsof his travels through West
and East ! Africa, relating present conditions to the world tomorro:w . The next
night local elder Peter van der Byl held a
barbecue at his home so Mr . Atlas could
get to know more of the brethren. Three
weeks previous. evangelist Gerald
Waterhouse visited the church, painting a
glowing and inspiring picture ofllle world
tomorrow in a marathon 3% -hour sermon.
Henri }'orluin.
Tht IDNSDALE, Ill.. congregation
(Chicago Southwest) held a farewell tea
Nov. II in honor of Carl Gustafson . who
has been the church's pastor for seven
years. The G ustafsons and their four children are returning to their nalive state of
Wyoming, where they plan to settle in the
area of Centennial, near Laramie, close to
the aging parents of Mrs . Gustafson. Preceding the lea the congregation presented
the Gustafsons a gift certificate. and the
Hinsdale Women's Forum gave them a
decorative wall clock. Paul P. Dzing .
A week later, Nov. 18, the NANUET,
N. Y . brethren said farewell to Edna Demarest, deaconess and one of the area's
pioneer members. She wasgivenacorsa~e
by A udrey Reynolds and a gift by Gerald
Backhus on behalf of the Nanuet .and
Woodbridge, N.J., churches. Mr. and
Mrs. Demarest, who have lived for 37 .
years in the small town of Old Tappan, _
N.J., and have battled many health problems during the last 10 years, are moving to
Pennsylvania to live with their son. Three
o( their children have graduated from Ambassa<k>r College. each from a diff~fe.nt
campus. Mrs . Demarest was among the
original membe'rs of the lust New York

churches gathered at the Airport Holiday

Inn for Sabbath services and the second
annual YOU Thanksgiving Ball. Deacon
Harold Maybury of Syracuse gave the
sermonette, speaking to the teens 'on the
proper way to ha"ve fun. SP,ecial music,
"The Lord' s Prayer." was sung by Syracuse YOU members Charlotte Maybury
and A1vin Hazelwood. Then Dan Bierer.
pastor of the Buffalo, N. Y ., church; delivered the sermon on the ' importance
YOU to tbe Church.
That evening about 85 teens from the
Binghampton . Buffalo, Rochester . and
Syracuse churdles danced to the music of
Downtown Connection. The theme of the
dancewas "ThisOne's fo r YOU," and the
haU had been decorated, under the direi:tionofKen and Diane Witter, with live trees
and fall harvest items such as cornstalks,
squash and pumpkins . Jake Hannold.
One- half hour after Sabbath services
Nov. 18 members of the TERRE
HAUTE, Ind ., church met for theirSust
so.cia!. Pastor Steve Nulzman later announced that the social was attended by 95
percent of the congregation. After a potluck dinner, Jeff Osborne was master of
ceremonies for the after-dinner entenainmenl. then the adult s played table games.
the teens and young adults danced and
Aoyd and Ruth Spencer kept the children

busy with relays and games. Julie Hopkins

went home with the door prize. qndy
_ Hopkins.
~ ___
The TRENTO~, N.J., members postponed their regular social-snack hour after
services Nov. 18inordertoen joyapotluck
luncheon and a Bible study . Thomas Oak- .
ley, Trenton church elder, inspired participation from all, ftrst ans,wering questiop;s from the children and gradually '
working through the emire congregation
present, also answering writlenquestio ns.
Jim Stokes.
The first fall socia l of the
VANCOUVE R, B .~.; church Noy. 18
featured 21 entertainment skits by children
OPEN HOUSE - Members of the Manila, Philippines, church
ages 3to 12. The program included songs,
dance routines, recitations and instrumenthemselves to chicken sandwiches , canapes and pineapple juice
tal music. The evening, which began with
the Manila Office's open house Nov. 5, From left are Bessie
a potluck meal, ended with movies for the
Tagaca, Arlene Baguio and O.B. Pangilinan. (See " Church Activities,
" this
children and dancing for the adult!! to
page.) [Photo by Jun Rustia)
prerecorded disco and big-band music .
Lorna A. Lukinuk.
Spykerman. Clive Waltus.
were recognized and new officers anThe WATERTOW N, S.D., ' church
It was role-reversal night for the
nounced . Darla Wilson was appointed
sponsored a potluck social Nov. 19 to
LAUltEL, Del., Spokesman Club Nov.
president; Susan Culpepper, vice presiwelcome the visit from the church's previ18 as the men cooked a potluck dinner and
dent; Cindy Norris, secretary-treasurer;
ous pastor and his wife, An and Linda
the women delivered the speeches. The
and Tracy Detter, sergeant at arms.
Dyer~and their son Wesley. Table games
. theme for- the evening was "What Every
The Athens girls' volleyball team reand lots of conversation accompanied tbe
Wife Wishes Her Husband Knew About
ceived a trophy for its fIrst-place win in
several games of volleyball . Mr. Dyer is
Women ;" with Ann Hampton, Bobbi Rutdistrict competition, and local YOU coor;
presently pastoring the Indiana and AI
ter, Janet Frank, Barbara Culp 'a nd Pat
dinator Doug McCoy and his wife TraCey
toona. Pa., churches. DianTtJ! Skorseth.
Larrimore speaking on the topic. B"bywere given ~ p)aq!tle in appreciation for
sittingduring the program was provided by
their service and dedication . After the potthe YOU members under the direction of
luck meal, which was organized by Susan
Vannetla Chase. Elaine Walker.
Culpepper, several teens performed musiThe Ambassaqor Women's Association,
cal - and vocal pieces . Entertainmen t
of the HOUsrON (Tex.) West church
chairman was Sussn Lassiter. Darla Wilsponsored an exciting evening of food, _
fun, fellowship and dancing Nov. 18 to
The camp fire girls of the headquarlers..
commemorate its first year as a club. The
churches in PASADENA combined their
Eighteen men who attend the
guests wefe mernbersofth e FamilyCo-op
Nov. 24, each donating giftTILBERG
Club, the Houston West Spokesman Club.
wrapped, used toys in good condition to
Netherlands,! churches held their first
and Ed Marrs, pastor of the church, and hi,S
needy children. The girls plan to '"adopt"
meeting of the new Tilburg Spokesman
wife. A professional dancer demonstrated
some of the children by continuing to save
Club Nov. 13. Bram d~ Bree, pastor of
. the triple Latin hustle, . the newest disco
used toys and clothes 'for them and inviting ,
both ch....ches, is club director. and offidance to be released in New York. to those
them to several outings. The project is in
cers are Jan Blaauw, president; ~artin van
attending. Sharon Johnson.
cooperat ion with the headquarters OutZanten, vice president; Paul Ursem. secThe Women's Club of the SARNIA,
reach program. Carol Nelson .
retary, Frans Peeters, treasurer; and Ben
Ont., church met Nov. 9 for a rollerBr!lni~g, sergeant at arms. Meetings are
. The culmination of a week of daily YES
skating party ,followed by a potluck meal.
held every two weeks in the Dutch lancoloring and drawing contests at the
Plans were made for the next meeting,
guage r'Club members have a completely
ANCHORAG E, Alaska, Feast of Taber:
will center around macrame . The
ttans)ated version of the manual available
nacles was another contest to see who had
Spokesman Club also held its fust meeting
to instruct them in goals of the club and
the best pictures. The Anchorage YES
of the season. Roben Maruschak is the
theY speeches. The men are' also looking
children met No.... 4 to share their impresnew president. Iva Mae Gri~s.
forward to a community-service project
sions of the Feast, then the judges awarded
during the 1978-79 session. Paul Ursem.
prizes to the winners. The children had
and drawn more than 900 BibleThe BRIGHTON , England, church
oriented pictures. Winners from the Analso has a Spokesman Club now, directed
chorage church were Samantha Ann Elby Peter Noon. The dub's sixth meeting,
ledge (for ages 9 to II), Danny Franks
Nov. IS , was a ladies' night. with to~
(ages 6 to 8), Kristel Pbears (ages 3 to 5)
icmaster Keith Hartrick's thought.
and Mikey Pickett (creative drawings).
provoking subjects gaining enthusiastic
Winners from other church areas were
response from most of those present, espeATHENS, Ga . teens, their families
Rachel Robinson of Fort Wonh, Tex . (for
cially Mary Noon and Jenny Tompseu .
and friends attended their annual YOU
ages 9to II), Arra Mentor of Idaho (ages 6
After a half-hour break forcotree, biscuits
awards banquet Nov . 18. Mark Louderto 8) and Stephen Robinson of Fort Worth
and mints , toastmaster John Ward mtromilk aod Darla Wilson were named as
(ages 3 to 5.). Mik.e Pickett .
duced the speakers: Michael Oram. Roj
delegates to this year: s YOU conference in
Beaumont, John Ives and Stephe n
During Sabbath services Nov. 18 at the '
Pasadena. and last year's club officers
CINCINNAT I (Ohio) East c hurch , 56
children received Certificate of Attendance awards for completing their first
year in the YES program . The childre n are
divided into four age-groups for the c;lasses, which are held every other Sabbath.
Twelve of the children were promoted to
the next level, and five from the o ldest
group ~ere advanced to the church's YOU
Bible-study group that meets Friday evenings at the home of Cincinnati East pastor
Reinhold Fuessel. Mike Bramknburg.
The EVANSVILL E (Ind.) Eagles
YOObasketba llteamtook itsuniformsou t
of summer storage to play the first game of
the season Nov. 18. Theplayersan dcheerleaders traveled to Bow.ling Green . Ky. ,
where th~y took on the Bullets. Tbe game
went into twoovenimes , throwing the fans
into hysteria. The Eagles, however., flew
on high-powered octane to the very end,
conquering the Bullets 65-60 . Wilma




CilY church, which w"' paslored by CAli

Ion Smith, and has anended most of'the

New Jersey c h ....ches . Lynn Sandland.
Too many volunteers came forward
when a request was made for a TOLEDO,
Ohio. chul'(;h money-makin g project. sorting ,broken beer bottles at Great Lakes
Distributors in Tol.e~o. Frank Klett,

BOTTLE BRIGADE - Toledo, Ohio, members take time out

from sorting broken beer boHles and assembing
eight-pa,* cartorys. (See "Church Aclivities,." this page_) [Photo
by Gene Davis) . .

for "Local
Church News" must be
pos,tmarked no later than 14
days after the date of the
event reported on and be no
longer than 250 words. Reports lacking the date of the
event cannot be published.


Monday, Dec. 18, 1978


Ast\eville. N.C. boy, Cfint Edgar. ,NC!v. 19. "'p.m.,
5 pound. 4112 ounce,. now 2 boy.,.

A CV AREZ, Da vid and Louise (Orlega) 01
Albuquerque, N.M., girl. Isabelle Ilene, NOli. 27,
10 a .m., 7 pounds 1 ounce, Hisl child.

~':~~a~'~,~j<!i~~A~.~8~~~':, ~~~8ha~~~
8 pounds 1 l ounces, first child.

~~~q~;~~,o~~M.~nt!y~S~I~ejo~~,U~~~I~1 ,o~
p.m., 9 pounds 2 ounces, now 1 boy, 1 girl.

GRIFFIN , Gene and Nancy (Windom). 01

Jacksonyllle, Ark., boy. James Allen. Nov. 22,

10:45 a.m., a pouflds 12 cune,s. now 2 boys.

HAWKER. Geolge and Gwen (Allison), 01

Durban, Soulh Alfie., girl, Aaylesn Gwen, Nov.
13, 11:29 p.m., 1 pounds 8 ounces, first chlld_

~::C~:n:Fg~~~~ ~,J~i~lr8em(E8:~~~,O~~~~
5:50 p.rn " 10 pounds, now 3 boya.
HUNTLEY , Mark Ind Laur. (Bloom), 01

~~~s~~:h5 ~~~:Ol\;~~'::. ~r:t"~h~~' 17,

JACaUES , Danny and Denise (Edger) . 01

Happy 25th annlversa(y, Mr. and Mfs. Marion F.

Wystt Jr. , Irom all your kids, with lots at love.

SlOTSVE , LOuiS and Marie, at Saskatoon,

Sask . girl , Kristin Lee , Oct. 3. 11:23 p.m .. 6
polKlds 9 ounces. now 2 girts.

LEIKER, Curly and Tamy, 01 Hays, Kan .. boy,

Shad Tyson, Nov. 1. 4 :11 p.m. , 8 pounds 8",
ounces, r'IfIN 1 boy. 2 girls.

TANNERT, Walter and Ann, 01 Tucson. Allz ..

boy, Mark WIlliam, Nov. 24.11 :10 a.m:. 10
pounds, now 2 boys.

'. PURSLEY. Herberl and Slephanie (Parker). 01

San Jo.a, CaM!. , boy, Herbert John. Nov. 4. 9
pound, 4 ounces, now 1 boy, 1 girl.

~.~.~;~~~~~ 'I~~6u~~e~~ :S~~h~gv. ~,


VARNADO. Maurice and Be"y (Rogers), of New '

Orlean., La . girl. Anne Elizabeth. Nov. 1~ . 2:11
a.m. 7 pounds 2 omC8S, now 1 boy. 2 gills.

RISING, Stuart and Jil l, 01 Dunlon 'Graan ,

England, girl, Abigail Ellabeth. Nov. 14, 6:24
a.m., 6 poWlds 13 ounce" now 2 gitt8.

WEB~nER. Ken and Km (Griswold), 01 Salmon

Arm, B.C .. boy, Zachary Chad, Nov. 23, 7:38
a.m., 7 pounds 1 ounce, r.ow 1 boy, 2 gins.

~=~~', Z~~.~ir~,"Ja~~e7;~ ~~I~,i~Ji. ~~

1:33 p.m .. 1 pounds 4 ounces, now 3 girls .

ZERBE , Tom and Linda ( Re i noehl), 01

Harri.burg, Pa" gifl, Tammy lee, Nov. 10, 8
poundS 14 ounces. now 1 boy, 1 9~.


Wendy C. Brownson, daughter 01 Mr. snd Mrs.
. Vernon C. Brown son of Sanla Rosa, Calif" and
Geo"rey S. Barg, son of MI. snd Mrs. Wilbur Berg
01 Redondo Beach, Calif., were unlled In
marriege Oct. 3 In thf! Ambassador ColieRe Fine
Art, Recital Hall: Wilbur Berg. copastor of ttie
Long Beach, Ca~I . church, offlci8led. Best man
was John Stryker, and ma id ot honor was
Christina Brownson, The couple now reside at 99
To~a , Ifvlne, CaMI ., 92114.
Gerald Knott oi W~lard, Oh!O, and Nancy Muncy


. 01 Dingess, W .Va .. were united In marriage Nov.

1 t al 4 p .m. with Steve BOlha , paslor 01

~~~ =;::~~.t 'Z;'~~' ~:

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hunter of Jefferson, Ga., are

happy 10 an.nounce the engagement 01 their
daughler. $turley, 10 Edgsr J . Hardaway 01 Gary .
Ind . Both Shirley and Edgar are lorme r
Ameassador College sludents. The wedding is
planned lor May.


Mr. and MIS. Clitlord Hlx happily announca the

W~~r~~s~n I~:o~~~:~~t' M~;~~a~':r:,y!~

Saxon , Sept. 10 in Anoka. Minn. Bonnia

lu'Idberg, Marilyn Jeni son, Sue Hixand loriHlx,
all sisters of the bride, were attendents. The
oouple new reside In Natchez. M'6&.

Ambassador College. Tha wedding is planned for

eartynext lall.
Mr. and Mrs. Cherles Clark Sr. , 0/ Memphla,
Tenn" are happY to announce the for1hcoming

=~~g:o~'~~:~.a:~r~~: ~,:~=~r: ~~~~

:'dge,. Miss. The wedding is planned. lor Dec.

Our c:oupon baby this issue Is Joanna

QehmaJ1oWicz, dau!11tal 01 Joe and Dorothy
Ochmanowlcz of Wafton, N.Y.

Last name

Father's 11rst name

Mother's malden name*

Church are" or cIty. 01 residenca/state/country





Mo.t he,'s first name

first and middle names


Month of birth




No, of sons you now have

i!~~~: J3n!,~E::~:~~:~~~~:~~
Rogers, Ark. A July wadding
Pasadena. _

planned in


~ (Continued from page

main emphasis is still on getting a
good, broadly-based, libera:l-arts
education. Here. only a few courses
are tailored toward helping students
earn a living. Most courses, howeve'r, are designed to help students
learn how to live - how to live abundant , full , happy, productive live~.
At Ambassador, we not only stress
the develo'pment of the intellect , but
are equally concerned with developin g the personality and character of
the students . This is far more fmportant than m~re mind development.
In order .to develop a well rounded, truly educated , happy, student, we realize it is necessary for
stude nts to have many different types
of experiences.. Most .o f the students
al Am6assador are working tfleir way
through co'lIege , and most of ihis student employment is provided by the
Also, during the college year, vari'e us trips are planned for the broadening of the student's life ..A number of
s t\Jdents annually . take trips to
Europe, the' Middle East or to other
parts of the world to further broaden
their knowledge of this planet and of
its peoples,
Currently, we are planning to' send
a number of Ambassador st udents to
work during the summer of 1979 on
an important archaeological site in
. Jerusalem. '

Ambassado["s ideal location

Ambassador College is ideally 10
cated in beautiful , sunny Southern

ICAlifumilt "'-' Where' temper:rt= are


pastor of tha Sp!'ingfield. Mo., church, performed

the ceremony. Michael Fosler served 'as bast

Mrs. Hendricks' family extends its appreciation for the encouragement, cards,
letters and prayers for Mrs, Hendricks
throughout hei illness ,

~~~~~,?:~~nK~:~U~~~~ ~~~"?r.}he

Time of day . I,welght

OP.M ,

Jennifel Knowles and Roger Fowler were united

in ma"iage in Mldhurst, England, Aug, 13.
Psrents of the couple are Helen Knowles' and the
late Peter Knowles of Mldhurst, and Violet Fowler

No, of daughters you now have

~onNdO:c~!~p~~n'D~~f~a~d~u~e~ ~e,::tr::;nll ~~:

Godalmlng, England, churCh. The couple now
reside al Kendalia Cottage, The Brickfiek:ls.
RadIen. Helts. EngleRt.


KELLOGG, Minn . --: Melvin D .

Edelbach, 74,diedNov.12. A member of
God' s Church since 1958, Mr. Edelbach
is remembered for hisexamplesof"never
give up no matter what the odds ."
Richard S~uta, pastor of the La -Crosse,
Wis. , and Rochester, Minn .. c hurche s,
Mr. Edelbach is survived by his wife
Wilma, six sons,. four <laughters, 45
grandchildren, II great-grandchildren
and two sisters.

Mrs. Hendricks is. survived by her husband Phil and three children.

:~~~~n'i:~~nH":~rj:;: N~~~;~~!~~ =2:~

CHICAGO, 1II. - Stella Makatura.

65,diedNov,11 after a heart attack. She
was a member of God's Church for 10
years. Roger Abels, minister of the Chicago
Southeast church, officiated at the funeral
services Nov. 13.
Mrlj, Makatura 'is survived by six children : Stephen, Ronald . Louis , Julie
Benefield, Mary Marurane and Fran
Sheets; and '19 grandchildren.

NANUET; N,Y . - Betty Ann' Hendrick.sdied Oct. 24 after a long battle with
cancer . She i~ fondly remembere4 by her
brethren, especially for her contributions
to special music .

MI. and Mrs. Glen Kirkpatrick 01 Portales. N.M .



O'b ituaries

TRANOUAOA, Martin and Nancy (Oorman), of

RICHARDSON, Mike and Barbara (Lamb), 01

LaFayette, Ala., girl, Barbara Michelle, Oct. 12,
3:59 p.m., 8 pounds 5Yl OIJl'lC8S, nCIN 1 boy, 1 girl.

We'd like to let the readers

of The Good News know
about you r new baby as
soon as it ar~ves. Just fill
out this coupon and send it
to the address given as
soon as possible after the
baby is born.

To Mom and Dad tMr. and MIS. H. Fleming):

Happy lourth anniversary, Nov, 27. I <hope
S:Omeday I can give my ch~dren the example you
two have given rna in lust thrae shor1 years. Love.
your daughter, Ray Ann.

SKORSETH, Kenneth and Dianne (Oerdng), 01

Watertown, 5 .0 .. girl. Glenda Lee, Oct. 11 , 10:20
p.m .. 7 pounds 7 ounces, r.ow 1 boy, 2 girts.

LARABY , Jame, and Maria (Gasserl). 01

Applelon, WI.:, girl, Nicole Ann, Ocl. 19, S:S6
a:m., 1 pound, 14 o unc!" , now 1 boy,. l girl.


To Mom snd Daddy : Lynn, Sob, Aprll and Don

wish you. heppy anniversary. You have shown
us Ihat marriage is nol the end 10 a Rle. bul the
sharing ot two' separate people . We love you

SHIELDS, Philp and Carole (Beeston), 01 Edmontcm,

AlIa , girl. Rachel Oanielle. Nov. 30. 4 :40 p.m.. 6
pounds, ftrst dlild.

KAPLAN, Mark and linda (Martin). 01 Midland,

Tex . girt. Rachel Elzabath. Sept. 22, 8:25 am" 7
pound. 11 OtJnces, !"ON 2 girls.

SHE\IlANE, Tony and Chery\, d Brickel Wood.

England. boy. Mlcnael Benjamin. Nov. 18. 3:05
a.m., 9 pounds 15 ounces, now 3 boy~.


campus in America. With beautifully

agreeable to mental and physical aclandscaped grounds, and an artful
tivity most of the year .
blend of newly designed and arWithin only minutes from the colchitecturally pleasing college buildlege , stuqents can be at one of South
ings (Ambassador Auditorium, the
, em California's beaches, climbing in
the mountains or experiencing beau- . Student Center , Ambassador Hall ,
. the Administration Building) and the
tiful desert life.
older but architecturally pl.easing
And Ambassador is ideally
dormitory buildings , which once
situated from a cultural standpoint.
served as stately homes for multiMr. Armstrong has long stressed the
millionaires, Amb~ssador students
importance of students learning to
are truly privileged to work and study
appreciate good ml!sic, art and other
in the most beautiful and uplifting
forms of culture. Within easy reach
~nvjron ment to be found on any
of the cO.lIege are a number of incampus in the world.
teresting museums, libraries and
concert halls. Ambassador Au
The world needs Ambassado['
ditorium is the finest '(for its size seating about 1,250) aud~jtorium in
Why does the world need Ambassador College?
the world and regularly plays host to
well-known performers such as Artur
Simply because Ambassador is the
Rube nstein , Vladimi{ Horowitz ,
oftly place on' earth where God' s
Pearl Bailey and Gene Kelly,
-'"Word (not some denominational
creed or ' the atheistic concept of
The student body of Ambassador
evolution) is taught faithfully, Here
College, acaeducatiOnal institution , is
just over 300. Last year. it soared to
the Word of God is truly the foundaabout ~ ,200, but with that num~r the
tion of every class, every activity familylike atmosphere at Ambasof everything. This doesn't mean that
sador all but. disappeared. Currently ,
students act religious or speak in a
admi ssions are restricted to an undersanctimonious manne;r. They do not
graduate enrollment of about 550.
try to act religious, but they do Iry 10
live a truly God-like way.
Under the present progra~, the
Ambassador students are living
lnscribed over the door of the
happy lives filled with purpose and'
beautiful Ambassador Hall (former
home of multimillionaire, Hulett C.
determination. There are many inMerritt) are these wordS: " Tbe-Word
teresting extracurricular activities
(sports events, dances, talent shows ;
of God IS the Foundation of KnO\~'l- sing-alongs', fo"rums , assemblies ,
. edge. t t
special lectures and top-r'ank c~n- .
At many of ' this world's instit~certs) to fill the lives"ofAmbassador
tions of higher learning ; little culture
students with interesting variety .
is being taught and no,hing about :
We at Ambassador College sinGod's way . ~ But' at Ambassador, leecerely believe Wf: are blessed with the
tures are given concerning proper eiiq;,;cttc and culture. We wa.,t to make
most 'bcautiful campus en earth!
Sure that all graduates- oj AmbassaAmbassador has twice been given the
award for having the most bea\lMtI~ ~ H\iot ~re 'n.tlJY ~~ It~';tat InHIVidulaThj~ II! .~\.~

Patsy Ann Moffett, daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs.

George A. Ross of Baltimore, Md., and Dell Mark
Annis, son of MI. and Mrs. Oscar T. Annis 0.1


Wheatland and Ca. per, Wyo., churche.,

performed the ceremony. Rose Annis was maid
01 honor and F. David Annis was best man.

.Mail your announcemer'lts to: Announce,ments.

The Good News, Box 111,
Pasadena. Calif., 91123,

When students are given intensive

Church, Chur~h Educational Propersonality and character training
grams for Children and Youth,-and
(along with proper mind develop- '
History of Christian Thought.
ment) they are head and shoulders
Additional r:equired cou[,ses: above the average graduate. When
English Composition and Fundamenthey are taught to be honest , moral,
.. to1' of Speech.
temperate, to work hard and be. diliTwo semesters of GreekiLatin Litgent in everything they do, when they
erature in Translation, American Litare taught to live and respect not only
eniture, English Literature or History
God, but their fellowman, then they
of Western Civilization ,
are bound to be successful citizens of
Two semesters of Introduction to
this planet .
Anthropology! Archaeology, International
Relations or General PsycholBecause of the fine example of
many graduates of Ambassador ColTwo semesters of either Mathematlege ~ their employers have often said
ics in the- Modem World or Fundathat they
hire as many graduates
fnentals of Physical Science and four
of Ambassador as they can get.
Ambassador College is already ; semesters 'of physical education.
Electi"e cou['ses: Survey of the
back on the track! We have already
Arts , Painting, Principles of Manrecaptured the true values. which are
, Personal and Family Fi- _
generally overlooked by the institunance , Classical Civilization:
tions of higher learning of this world.
Greece, Clas s ical Civilization: .
Course listing
Rome .
Introduction to Computer Science,
The foilowing are proposed
Computers and Program,ing, Prepcourses for the Fall 1979 semester
and four-year program .
aratory English, English as a Second Language .
Fou.r-year prog[,am requi['ed
'-i: Elementary French. History of the
theology courses: Principles ofLivUriited State.s , Ancient Israel, Basic
ing, life and Teaching of Jesus,
Clothirig Construction, Introductory
Early Christian History .
Textiles, Fashion Analysis, Beginning
-Old Testament Survey I and II,
.Doctrines of the Worldwide Church
:'. N~trition, Basic Food Study, in~ of God. and Biblical ScholarShip I
troduction toMass Communications,
and 'lI.
Reporting 'and Newswriting , Basic
And 18 units selected from: EpisPiano, Basic Voice, Ambassador
ties of Paul I and n, General Epistles,
Chorale, Introduction to' Logic.
,Minor Prophets, Old Testament
'C amp Leadership, Child Growth
and Develppment, Adolescent DeNew Testament Prophecy, Invelopment, Counseling and Intertroduction . to Old Testament He\liewing,
brew I and II, Introducti~n to New
Psychology of Leauership , M arTestament Greek I and II, Ancient Is:
riase and th~ FamilYI Elementary
rael. Homiletic s.
spani s ~ '1 ahl1 Public' fSpeak'ih'g :': ' r \ ' '
fl.) !dkenf!llo.\-t ' \o(' Ser'vfc~;' '':i~ ri''~ ih'e






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- United
area coordinators will be traveling to-

Pasadena some days before the

ministerial conference scheduled for
Jan. )5 to 18 , according to C. '
,Wayne Cole, director of Cpun;:b
. '.
The preconferen ce planning
meetings, which will include discussions on manpower, will be held Jan.
10 to , 12-~

:::::::::;:::; :':':::::::::::::':::::':::::::::::.::.:.:::::.':'"

Ambassador Auditorium Jan. 4.

The performance iS 'sponsored by

Dolores Hope . Kathryn

Crosby and the Ambassador Foundation for the benefit of the Bing
Crosby Youth Fund.
This is the fourth network tele
vision special to originate in AmbasS!dorAudito rium. Thefirst,in 1977,
was Bing: Sub&equent shows were

- - -

Gene Kelly - An American ill

Pasadena. and 1ast August, Ford

PASADEN A-A fire in an office

in the Hall of Administration caused
the building to be evacuated the
morning of Dec . 7 .
Because of un'u sually cold
weather . employees had moved a
portable heater into the office, and its
extension cord apparently overheated, igniting wiring, draperies
and credenza.
'R ichard Sedliadk, Correspondence Course director, was visiting the offJCe about the time the fire
was discovered and manag~d to
quench the blaze before firemen arrived. The building was evacuated as
a precaution . The building's insurer
presented Mr. Sedliacik with a $100
check Dec . 14 for his quick action, .
whicl;1 prevented .potentially ' major
damage t~ the office and 'building.

PASADENA - Tbe year of 1978

was ~. a period of accomplishment
and'" aci:ievemen t ," according to
R,chard Rice, director 'Of the
Work's Mail ProceSSing Center here ,
According to figures 'from his department , from Jafluary to November
7.6 mil1ion Plain Tr..wh magazines
were mailed and an additional nine
million were distributed through
newsstands in the United States.
Also 1. J million copies of The Good
News. nine million letters, 730,000
Correspondence Course lessops and
four million otbe"r -pieces of literature
were mailed out to requesters and

Motor Co.'s 75th anniversary show.

On Feb. I, Ihe Pe.arl Bailey show
will be taped at Ambassa~or.

- - -

- - -

- - -

PASADENA - A gala benefit

performance of The Bob Hope Show
television special (NBC) with guest
stars Debbie Boone, Pat Boone and
Sammy Davis Jr" will take place in

PASADENA - Ministerial Ser

vices has released the name of the
following man recently ordained as
local church elder, Joseph E. Popeof
Columbus, Ga .

" This is the first seminar presented to the deaf. butit is hoped that
.it will open the door and provide the
foundation so that the entire Human
Potential seminar series can be pre
sented to the deaf community. ,. said
Mr. Hampt~n .
AlcoholiSm seminar
While in the area , Mr. Hampton
conducted an Alcoholism Awareness
Seminar follOWing. Sabbath services
in the New York Church on Dec.


Some 250 people, half of whom

were members , half nonmembers . at
tended the seminar held in the New
York Society for 'Ethical Culture
building. Mr. Hampton and others
talked about the symptoms of alcoholism, teenage alcoholism, how to
help a loved one who drinks too much
and community resources available to
coalcoholics (family members of alcoholics). Dr. Ross Fishman, director
of educational training at the New

Dec. 18,


Fit:st n(it ive Nig eria n l !rd ain ed

VICTORIA ISLANJ:?, NigeriaAt the Feast. of Ta.bernacles here.,
. Lateef Edalere was ordained as a
local elder in the ministry of Jesus
Christ. He is the first black African in
this era of God's Work to be ~rdained
to the ministry.
The ordination was conducted by
Harold Jackson, director of the Work
in that area of Africa, and Elbert
Atias , a visiting area coordinator
from the United States,
Mr, Edalere is a 39year-old,native
Nigerian 'who left home in 1962 to
pursue an education in Great Britai!,"!.
He successfuUy completed his college training, majoring in management accounting and computer systems analysis. He worked in these
fields while in coiIege.
When he left Britain in 1974 for
the purpose o.f serving as ' ~hief ac
coumant in the Nigerian office of an
internationally known British ftrm,
he ~as accounting systems manager
for four large firms and was serving
21 other companies in computer services.
Mr. Edalere has been a member of
God ~s Church since i974 . He was
ordained as a deacon in 1975 and was
hired by the Church in 1976. His
responsibilit ies included handling
m'ail .and business matters. His linguistic ability Ole ~aks at least six
languages) , business acumen and
knowledge of his country and its customs have been of immense help to
Mr, Jackson in establishing and
'maintaining the church in Nigeria.
Mr. Edalere and his wife Yvonne ,
a native of Jamaica, have been mar
ried for 12 years. They have two
daugl:ners, Athena, II, and Allison,
8; and twin sons, Paul and Peter, ,7 .

Sem inar s mee t ruCQliol ~hallenge

NEW YORK - An Alcoholism
Awareness Seminar for the deafwas
called a landmark for the Work's
Human Potential Outreach Program
by Dale. Hampton , director of the alcoholism section of the Human Potential Center in Pasadena.
Mary Mosleh, 'a New York
Worldwide Church of God member,
, interpreted the entire seminar, which
included the movie,lIYo u Left Me.
the story of a family affected by al
The program was presented Nov.
26 in the St, Jean of the Baptist Auditorium here ana was cosponsored
by the Lexington School of the Deaf,
Speakers in addition to Mr. Hampton
included Bill Burnstine, director of
child care at Lexington.School of the
Deaf. a representative of Alcoholics
Anonymous World Service and a
member of AJAnori..
- The seminar was videotaped with
plans to produce a 16~mm. film for
distribution to deaf communitie s
around the wQrld.


-.,. York affiliate of the Nati~nal Council

on Alcoholism . also s}X>ke.
A panel of professJonals was on
hand to answer questions on youth
and adult drinking problems .
" Alcoholism is .a family affair,"
said Mr. Hampton. His advice to
those attending the seminars is to find
out what they can do to -help the per
son they love who drinks too much.
" Because you care, become aware, ,.
he said. '

,Workshop for ministry

. New York area coordinator Elbert Atlas invited Mr. Hampton to

. RRST ELDER - Lateef Edalere, shown here wtth his wWe and
childrW!, is the first black African to be ordained into the ministry
in the ,
modern history of the Church. [Photo by Elbert Atlas]
Mrs. Edalere is trained in commer
cia! secretarial science ahd worked
for the BBC radio and TV for more
than seven years.
Two deacons were also ordained at
the same services. They were Elijah



. (Continued from page 21

inspiring and have helped us in our daily
living. It is the best ever, and we al>
predate receiving it free.
.Helen Kokinda
Hazleton , Pa.


I appreciate so much your listing of the

WWCG ministers . Some we don't hear of
very often and wonder where they are
located . Good N~ws is really great,
Elsie TUrko.vsky
The Dalles, Ore.

Back to magazine .
I was glad to read thai Th~ Good N~ws
is going back to magazine style, We
Church members need the spiritual meat
that will be in The Good N~ws.
Calvin Lashway
Las Cruces, N.M,

We're eagerly looking forward to seeing a '"meatY;:"bib lkal Good News as
well . as a biweekly Worldwi(k N~ws to
. keep us informed and up to date on news
of the Work, Both should prove to be
..... valuable in keeping the flock fed.
David W. Bruno
Duluth , Minn.

address some 40 ministers and their

wives here Dec. 3. Mr. Hampton
said he conducted a workshop for the
'Forum' belps ellmhiate rumors
ministers on how 10 deal with the
We wish to thank you very m,\tch for a
problem of alcoholism in their local
very informative "Forum" section ofTh~
"The problem of alcoholism is
going unchalleng ed, " said Mr.
Hampton, who sees the thrust Qfthese
and other seminars as meeting that
challenge .

* *

Chukwudi (pronounced Choo-koode) of the Lagos, Nigeria, church apd

Lazaru s Ekwebelem (pronounced
Equib-a-Iern) of the eastern congregation of Oguta, Nigeri~ , in troo state.
Good News. Your thoughtfulne ss in

opening up this section is very commendable indeed : There was a time when we
did not know whal was happening in the
Church but were afraid to ask lest we be
branded as nosy. And otbers were reluctant to tell what they knew lest they be
accused of rumolTl!ongering, Now your
very timely "Forum" has totally eliminated Ihe system of gelting ' news fromheadquarters through gOS$ips, rumor~ and
whispers. Your sincerity, candidnes~ and
humilily are very evide!1t in all your videotaped interviews and your answers .
Paul B. Salibad
Honolulu , Hawaii

We appreciate the new changes in


GoodNews and we like the "Forum" by

Mr. Stan Rader very much. We look forward to The Good N~ws each month, also
The Plain TrUlh,
Mr. and Mrs. Ash
Salem, W. Va.

Cor rect ion

In our Dec. 4 issue, The . Good
News released a list of date s when
Alcoholism Awareness Seminars
would be conducted in a number of .
cities by the Work' s HUman Potential
According to Dale Hampton, director of the alcoholism section of the
Human Potential Center, the list
printe;d is actually 'tentative and subject to change,

CHALLENG E OF ALCOHOLISM - Dale Hampton,le ft, holds a seminar

on the problemsof alcoholism in New Yor!< Dec. 2. Just days earlier
held a similar seminar in NewYor!<, W this time. for the deaf.
Mosleh, above left, lnterprets Mr. Hampton's message through
la(lguage ..[Photos by Norman ,Champagoe and JamesCapo] ,

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