33 Geological Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic Surveys

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Advances in Regional Exploration

Paper 32

Geological Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic Surveys 40 Years On

Boyd, D. M. [1], Isles, D. J.


1 Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, The University of Adelaide
2 Director, Mineral Deposits Limited

Regional airborne magnetic surveys have been a key start point for resource exploration and development programs since the 1960s.
Growth in both the worldwide coverage and quality of such surveys has been enormous since then, and many mineral discoveries have
been made as consequence of these often freely available data sets. The critical developments in the application of magnetic surveys
have been image processing and satellite navigation. Great strides in data precision (particularly positioning) and diminished cost of
coverage have lead to surveys with broader coverage, tighter line spacings and higher quality magnetometry. This in turn has
enabled the more effective use of established numerical filters and transformations which, when coupled to imaging hardware and
advanced data visualisation schemes, allow users to extract an extraordinary range of geological information from the magnetic data.
Despite these developments and the consequent proliferation of high quality regional magnetic data in many countries, robust
geological interpretation of these data is not commonly achieved, and the writers believe that establishing better links between the
airborne data and the underlying geology requires more attention if full value is to be obtained from the surveys. This paper briefly
restates the fundamentals of the application of magnetic surveys and highlights the developments which have fuelled the expanding
use of such surveys in all facets of geological mapping. We comment on the interplay between advances in magnetics and those in the
understanding of mineral deposit formation and localisation. We present recent examples where large scale surveys combined with
incisive interpretation have lead to major exploration successes. We conclude by suggesting that future developments in this field
should produce more sophisticated integration of magnetic data with other geoscientific data, particularly hard geological data,
leading to more robust geological interpretations and more frequent economic discoveries. The notion that ready and inexpensive
access to large, high resolution aeromagnetic data sets provides an accelerating mechanism for resource discovery is also actively

Any strategist will tell you that a good start is essential for a
successful campaign -- whether it is it business, or love, or in a
mineral exploration program; you need to know where, how and
when to start. The senior author (DMB), started in the airborne
geophysical industry in the 1950s and presented the first
substantial account of the geological mapping capabilities of
airborne magnetics at the 1967 Mining and Groundwater
Geophysics conference ( Boyd, 1969). The purpose of this
paper is not only to reflect on the developments and
achievements in the ensuing 40 years, but also to promote the
need for more persistent and profound interpretations of the
ever expanding global collection of high quality airborne
magnetic surveys.
In resources development programs, whether it be for oil and
gas, minerals or the management of water resources, ready
access to a variety of informative data bases is essential.

Airborne magnetic surveys in particular, have proven to be a

most valuable start point to supplement geological and mineral
mapping in countries all over the world.
Magnetic surveys have been found to be very effective at all
stages of regional programs because of the widespread
distribution of magnetic minerals through almost all geological
terrains and the speed and cost effectiveness with which this
magnetic mineral distribution can be mapped. Magnetic
surveys also have the advantage that they are now widely
available on most continents.
Availability, or rapid and inexpensive acquisition of
diagnostic data, is a central factor in implementing resource
identification and development strategies. Time is a key
element in national development, and even more so for mineral
exploration companies, so timely availability of information is
crucial to the decision making process. Early availability of
regional magnetic data has proven to be the key to the success of
a significant number of large scale resource projects. In
developing countries, the need for not only the acquisition of
such data, but also its effective interpretation and broad

In "Proceedings of Exploration 07: Fifth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration" edited by B. Milkereit, 2007, p. 491-505

Advances in Regional Exploration
utilisation , continues to be a major consideration for
international aid agencies (Reeves, 2005 and 2002)
It is not the place of this paper to dwell on the underlying
physics of the magnetic method or the now highly sophisticated
technology of data acquisition, processing and visualization. But
it is important for interpreters to have a solid grounding in the
basic science underlying the interpretation, and to be alert for
problems which can arise from a misunderstanding of the
principles of acquisition and processing. Our emphasis is on
the end uses of magnetic data and the on-going need for
comprehensive interpretations which integrate the best available
geological data. The fundamentals of thorough interpretation
are often overlooked in our haste to meet deadlines and budgets
and custodians of these data sets need to be aware that full value
from a regional magnetic survey may only be achieved after
multiple interpretations which may span years or even decades.


An excellent account of the general practice in aeromagnetics
prior to 1967 can be found in Reford and Sumner (1964).
Outlined below in approximate chronological order are the
advances which have had a major impact since that time.
Digital acquisition became established in airborne surveys
by the early 1970s. This led to giant strides in data compilation
and enabled the application of a wide range of numerical filters
and transformations (Hood et al, 1979). The routine preparation
of vertical gradient maps was a most important advance at this
time. These developments greatly expanded our ability to
recognise and map particular aspects of geology from magnetic
Cesium Vapour and Helium Vapour magnetometers
provided the next major step forward bringing the smallest
discernable airborne magnetic signal down from around 1nT to
0.05nT or less. While data compilation uncertainties and the
general focus on strong magnetic anomalies delayed the
routine implementation of these magnetometers in airborne
surveys, the high sensitivity data now proves its worth,
particularly in sedimentary basin applications (Norman, 1993).
Image processing systems, developed initially for the
analysis of satellite data, found favour with the airborne
geophysics industry during the 1980s (Kowalik and Glenn,
1987). This heralded a new age in visualisation of the magnetic
data itself, but more significantly, opened the door to rapid and
effective integration of magnetic data with other geoscientific
data such as radiometrics, satellite data and ultimately digital
geological data (Spencer et al, 1989).
Real-time GPS navigation became a reality in the early
1990s and this has had a most profound effect on data quality
and cost of acquisition. Where previously positioning had been
one of the main sources of cost and data errors, GPS navigation
essentially automated the process and made it remarkably
reliable and inexpensive compared to all of the prior positioning
Steady developments and refinements in numerical
transformations have also taken place over the past 40 years.
While the methodologies of filtering (Bhattacharyya, 1972),
transformation (Baranov and Naudy, 1964, Nabighian, 1972),

inversion (McGrath and Hood, 1970) and automatic depth

determination (Naudy, 1971, Spector and Grant, 1970) have
been with us for many years, recent refinements in these
methodologies combined with the huge explosion in desktop
computing power have allowed previously difficult or time
consuming operations to become routine. Notable examples are
the refinements in Reduction to Pole in equatorial regions by
Campbell et al (1992), Li and Oldenburg (1993) and Keating
and Zerbo (1996); in 3-D inversion (Li and Oldenburg, 2001); in
enhancement of very small magnetic signals (Rajagopalan,
1987); and in automatic depth analysis, (Shi and Boyd, 1993).
This has greatly expanded the interpreters ability to clearly
view and map particular geological features represented in the
magnetic data.
In parallel with the above transformations, forward
modelling has progressed from somewhat cumbersome schemes
in the 1960s to highly sophisticated 3-D software which not
only facilitates speed and versatility in the modelling process,
but also incorporates effective visualisation of models in the
context of other data sets (Pratt et al, 2001).
For a more complete discussion of the evolution of airborne
geophysics in recent times, the interested reader is referred to
Reeves et al (1997) and Thompson et al. (this volume).
Advances have also been made in the understanding of the
magnetisation in rocks and how this impacts airborne magnetic
interpretation. Papers by Grant (1984a and 1984b), Clark (1997)
and McIntyre (1980) have significantly enhanced the geological
credibility in modern interpretation.
The style of regional magnetic interpretation has progressed
substantially in the past 40 years, building on the fundamental
principles outlined in Boyd (1967). Tucker (1983) consolidated
a number of detailed aeromagnetic surveys to form a regional
assessment of the Broken Hill District, which included a novel
and very useful correlation between magnetic horizons and
regional stratigraphy.
Whiting(1986) used detailed
aeromagnetic data to provide a comprehensive geological
assessment of a base metal project area in a poorly exposed,
complex metamorphic terrain and Corner and Wisher(1989)
integrated aeromagnetic and gravity data with known geology
to compile an enlightening solid geological interpretation of the
Witwatersrand Basin. Jaques et al, (1997) present a government
mapping perspective of geological interpretation in areas of
limited outcrop based largely on aeromagnetics. Rankin and
Newton (2002) used 400m and 200m spaced government data
covering the Musgrave Block in South Australia to compile (at
1:100,000 scale) not only a detailed solid geological
interpretation, but also a broad ranging synthesis of the tectonic
history and the potential controls on mineralisation. Rankin and
Newtons work covered the entire geological province (over
200,000 km) and provides an excellent model for modern
regional aeromagnetic interpretation.
A pertinent side issue in the progress of the utilisation of
magnetic data is its interplay with the advances in understanding
the controls on mineral deposit genesis and emplacement. On
one hand, clearer concepts in ore deposit targeting have led to a
clearer focus in magnetic interpretation. On the other hand,
higher resolution in magnetic surveys has led geologists to see
features at a range of scales which have added significantly to
ore genesis models. A good example of the former is the growth
in the sophistication of targeting for Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 493
deposits. Detailed studies of the behaviour of particularly
magnetite and hematite in these environments (eg, Skirrow et al,
2002), now allow explorers to postulate specific alteration styles
rather than simply, as previously, target magnetic anomalies.
In Archaean gold exploration, particularly in the arid, poorlyexposed regions of Australia and Africa, high resolution
aeromagnetic data has provided key structural information
allowing the construction of district and regional scale models
for orebody genesis (Isles et al, 1990).
A final, often understated development in the utilisation of
regional magnetic data has been the proliferation of large scale
surveys worldwide. These have included proprietary surveys,
non-exclusive commercial surveys and particularly government
and aid-agency sponsored surveys. Not only has the worldwide
coverage in high quality magnetic survey data spread
enormously, but the ready availability of much of this data
(often at negligible cost) has lead to a much more global
perspective by mineral explorers in particular. This has been
aided by a number of cooperative projects (eg, Fairhead et al,
1997) where disparate data sets have been stitched together to
provide coverage transcending geological and political
boundaries and facilitating interpretation at continental scales.

systematic approach to deciding what the data can tell us about

the geology.
A good interpreter is rarely a narrow specialist. The
interpreter of a geophysical survey needs to understand many
aspects of the project as well as his or her own geophysical
discipline. The interpreter may be a member of team in which
there are a number of specialists who focus on individual parts
of the program but the interpreter must be able to communicate
with all members of the team which will likely include
geologists, mathematicians and physicists as well perhaps as
economists and politicians. The interpreter should be able to
take a long view of the work as well as be involved in the
intimate detail of the many specialist aspects of interpretation.
Underlying the language and architecture of the magnetic
data are of the laws of physics and potential field mathematics.
To be useful to the geologist these data must be translated into
the laws and concepts of geology and this process of translation
is what we call interpretation. Figure 1 shows the location of
magnetic data sets presented in this paper.


Regional magnetic surveys come in various forms. Some
regional surveys started as part of a long term plan, others just
growed like Topsy as a number of independent surveys were
stitched together. Some regional surveys were flown high with
wide spacing as part of studies of continent-scale structure,
many were flown with the ground clearance of around 100m to
provide information about the near surface geology: others were
flown at heights of 10,000 m and the line spacing of the order of
10 or 20 km as part of the even more global scale studies of the
physics of the earth.
Magnetic surveys of the oceans, which were regional
surveys on a very broad scale, started as a matter of scientific
curiosity, developed as a matter of national security in defense
against submarines and provided the key evidence for the
revolutionary theories of plate tectonics. While not the focus of
this paper, these unusual applications demonstrate just how
important regional surveys can be in contrast to localized,
detailed surveys carried out over specific target areas.
In discussing the fundamentals of regional magnetic
application we take as given that survey design and data
acquisition, processing and enhancement are appropriate and
start by dealing with the stage which delivers the main outcome
of the survey.

Interpretation is at the center of all geophysical surveys. Every
time a geologist draws insight from an image he is carrying out
an interpretation and hence presentation of magnetic data must
be as meaningful for geologists as it is for their geophysical
colleagues. We usually, however, think of interpretation as the

Figure 1: Localities of magnetic image areas

Thorough and meaningful interpretation of a regional

airborne survey is a time-consuming and complex process
which, like geological mapping, may take years or even decades
before optimum value is realized from the data. Individual
phases of the interpretation will often take months of continuous
effort, and a useful rule of thumb for the allocation of time to the
initial, dominantly qualitative phase of interpretation is that at
least one (experienced) man-day is required per 1000 line
kilometers of data. A plan or philosophy of interpretation is
essential in order not to lose way or worse still, to prematurely
consider the interpretation finished or final. Descartes (1937)
prescribed four precepts or steps on the solution of complex
problems provide an ideal basis for this plan:
Accept nothing that you have any occasion to doubt:
Divide the total project into as many parts as seems
Solve the easiest problems first:
Review each step carefully to make sure you have missed

Advances in Regional Exploration

Figure 2: Aeromagnetic image of Australia comprising data entirely sourced from Geoscience Australia. The enhancement is a merge of TMI and 1st
Vertical derivative grids.

These precepts apply to magnetic interpretation in the following

Step 1: Accept nothing that you have any occasion to doubt
There are four main types of data on which the interpretation
will be based and each has its particular strengths and
weaknesses which must be acknowledged and addressed. Our
knowledge of each dataset is always incomplete, and in some
cases misleading, because it is statistically unrepresentative or
sometimes just plain wrong.
i. The magnetic data itself. Its main strength is its ability to
provide a uniform and unbiased map of the distribution of
magnetic minerals; minerals which are widespread in most
geological terrains. For example, The Magnetic Anomaly Map
of Australia (Tarlowski et al, 1997, Geoscience Australia, 2004)
provides an incomparable overall picture of the Australian
continent as illustrated in Figure 2. The 3-D distribution of
magnetic minerals which can be derived from magnetic data
holds a wealth of information on lithology, structure and
geological processes such as alteration and metamorphism.
Weaknesses of magnetic data include situations where key
geological contacts have no contrasts in magnetic mineral
content, and also the limitations of survey specifications:
surveys with wide line spacing or large terrain clearance will be
limited in their resolution of finer scale geological variations.
Errors in the magnetic map data may come about in many
ways and can produce pseudo magnetic anomalies which if
taken at their face value by an inexperienced interpreter may be
attributed to non-existent geological bodies or structures.

In older (pre 1990s) data the errors may be due to mislocation of the flight path, mistakes in transcribing the data,
shortcomings in correction for diurnal variation, heading and
parallax or to malfunctioning equipment. In modern surveys, as
mentioned above, these errors are less likely to occur, but
applications which use sophisticated analysis for deeply situated
bodies in the upper or middle crust, may encounter long wave
length errors introduced by drape flying and inappropriate
corrections for diurnal variation of the Earths field.
ii. Geological maps, sections and reports: Geological maps
are based on the often subjective observations of one or more
individual geologists; some geologists are very exact and
reliable observers, others are not. Geological data sets are
assembled from points where rocks have been studied in outcrop
or have been recovered from drill holes, in addition to inferences
drawn from features on the landscape or aerial photographs.
Geological maps compiled from interpretation of a limited
number of field observations can be very misleading.
Geological data will, however, always form the basis of our
interpretation. It is the fundamental means of limiting the choice
of models in an interpretation.
iii. Other regional geoscientific da t a s e t s such as
geochemistry, satellite imagery, radiometrics, gravity and
electromagnetics. Each of these has the potential to add new
and critical information to the interpretation and further
constrain interpretative choices, but rarely do any have the range
and degree of detail of geological information contained in
iv. Rock properties.
Measurements of magnetic
susceptibility and remanence provide the hard link between
rocks and the features observed in magnetic data. This crucial

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 495
data is unfortunately very rarely available in sufficient quantity
to significantly contribute to the interpretation. A particular
limitation is that these measurements require fresh rock which
may not be present in weathered or covered terrains. Rock
property data from drill holes is most valuable, but in many
regional programs, drill holes are rare. Indeed, drill holes are
usually an outcome of any regional interpretation! As rock
property data is accumulated, however, significant refinement
can and should be made to interpretations, and this can be
greatly enhanced where one central repository of petrophysical
data is maintained. The Geological Survey of Finland provides
a fine example of how this can be done effectively.
Conflicts between the above data sets will inevitably occur
and it is the resolution of these conflicts that underpins the
quality and value of the interpretation. Of particular note is the
frequent situation where observations from magnetic data are at
odds with well-established geological mapping. Where this
occurs both data sets require critical review and it is wise to
remember that the purpose of magnetic surveys is always to add
to the geological picture, not simply to confirm what is already
Step 2

Divide the total project into as many parts as seems


Regional interpretation is usually much too complicated to be

accomplished in one sweep, and it is necessary to break the
interpretation down into manageable tasks or stages which deal
with particular aspects and problems. As Einstein said "make
everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." This is good
advice for the interpreter and there are various ways dealing
with this simplification. While the initial purpose of the survey
and the prescribed outcomes will dictate the emphasis given to
each of the stages, a common template for interpretation
involves the following stages.
i. Choice of data and presentation type. The very first step is
to select and present the data in the most appropriate form for
interpretation. The choices of data type are many. Measured
(TMI) data may be complemented by numerous filters and
transformations which highlight particular aspects or
components of the data. The choice of data types will in part be
dictated by geological terrain, in part by the application and in
part by the personal preferences of the interpreters. An
underlying principle is that most situations require multiple (at
least 3) data and image types to reveal the full extent of the
geological information contained in the measured magnetic data.
A common mix in near surface mapping and exploration
applications is TMI, RTP (the TMI data reduced to the pole) and
1VD (the first vertical derivative of TMI), which emphasizes
structural detail.
In recent times, imaging systems with large, high resolution
screens have tended to displace hardcopy maps. Pixel image
format has also almost superseded the contour maps and stacked
profiles which were the standard forms of presentation prior to
the 1980s. While imaging systems undoubtedly have superior
versatility in data presentation to the old pen and paper medium,
we make two very important points.

Pixel image displays are inferior to contour line

displays at scales where data variations appear smooth.
This situation is common where data is zoomed to its
maximum practical extent.
The mechanics of drawing interpretive lines and
subdivisions on screen remain cumbersome, and
limiting the size and physical location of the data
display to a computer screen has certain drawbacks. A
particular example is the large hardcopy image
permanently displayed on the geology department
wall which continues to have exceptional value in
stimulating discussion and debate.
We suggest that judicious use of new and old formats is
needed in any comprehensive aeromagnetic interpretation.
ii. Mapping the geometric aspects of the magnetic data.
This stage involves the delineation of magnetic rock bodies,
areas of differing magnetic mineral zonation and patterns of
continuity and discontinuity. It may involve a component of
quantitative analysis to constrain depths and dips, etc, but it is
frequently a visual and qualitative process. This results in a
structural skeleton on which the geological flesh can be built.
An example of this process is presented in Figure 3.
iii. Assigning the most plausible rock units to subdivisions
evident in magnetic data. This may be straightforward where
ample, well mapped outcrop is present, but more commonly it
involves a large degree of educated guesswork. The task
becomes extremely interpretive when magnetic features are deep
and have no exposed analogues. Combining this map of
geological polygons with the structural skeleton yields a
crude solid geology map which emphasises magnetic features.
iv. Integration of the above with all established geological
information. This is the critical stage of interpretation. It is
invariably a slow and challenging process requiring resolution of
conflicts between data sets and a high degree of interpretive
judgment. The task is made easier if the interpreter has a strong
grasp of the local geological terrain as well as skills in
understanding the magnetic data.
The map resulting from the completion of this stage is a
solid geology which should be, as far as possible, true to the
geological facts and include all key features of the magnetics
expressed in geological terms. In some cases this will be close
to the end result of the interpretation.
v. The further stages are the cream on the cake and they
may take many forms. Where 3-D information is important to
the desired end result, a phase of focused quantitative processing
may be essential and this will usually require specialist
application of sophisticated software. Often the interpretation
will be used to refine and extend the depositional and
deformational history of the study area, again normally requiring
specialist input. Many surveys are directly aimed at resource
discovery, and the main output required by the surveys
commissioners is a target map. In this case input from the
ever-evolving specialist fields of structural and economic
geology is extremely important. Once again, the interpretation
process will always benefit from specialist knowledge of the
attributes of the target resources, and the concept of breaking the
process into small steps involving team members with a range of
skills becomes plainly apparent.

Advances in Regional Exploration

Figure 3: Kalgoorlie Golden Mile district detailed magnetic interpretation study. a- Distribution of outcop (after Keats, 1987), b- Image of merged
TMI and 1st vertical derivative (after Isles,1989), c- Interpreters structural skeleton(Stage1) with Stage 2 solid geology, d- Completed geological

Precept 3: Solve the simplest parts or problems first

This will apply in all of the stages listed above.
For example a very simple initial step in interpretation is to
directly compare the magnetic map and the geological map. This
should show at once which exposed geological units or parts of
units are magnetic and which are not. Where ample exposure is
present (and well mapped), this comparison may rapidly provide
new information on changes in lithology, stratigraphy or
alteration of geological units. This is a very simple but essential
first step in interpretation.
It is relatively simple to visually estimate the approximate
shape and orientation of a clearly defined magnetic rock body
from a well presented image, but less straightforward (and more
time consuming) to accurately determine depth, dip and edge
positions; this more laborious analysis of anomalies is often
more revealing when the interpretation questions have been
asked and properly defined. The compilation of a structural
skeleton will rarely require precise quantitative detail, which
may however be a critical element of stage iv. It is also
usually more productive to progress the interpretation to an
advanced stage in local areas where the geology and magnetics
make sense, rather than systematically work through the entire
project area.

The solution of the simple problems frequently places the

more difficult ones in a clearer context, and provides constraints
which make the latter more manageable.

Step 4.

Review each step carefully to make sure you have

missed nothing

It is a normal procedure to go back continually over the work

you have been doing to integrate the latest part into the earlier
parts. Some of the evidence viewed earlier will only make sense
when later information from interpretation becomes available.
Isolated fragments of information at an early stage may, when
reviewed, become important links in a chain of reasoning that
underpins the interpretation. It is also very easy in the
excitement of interpretation to lose sight of the main aim of the
project and the review provides the opportunity to put the work
back to proper perspective.

On-going Review
The concepts of staging and reviewing the interpretation process
also apply at the broader level. Regional magnetic surveys in
particular are designed to have a life span of decades and this
presents the opportunity for multiple interpretations, possibly for
a range of purposes and employing multiple interpreters with

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 497
diverse skills. The first interpretation of a new magnetic survey
is usually done under pressure of time and budget, and will
rarely include a comprehensive integration of all relevant
peripheral data. It is therefore very unwise to take this work as
being final.
Very commonly the initial interpretation will lead to field
investigation (such as drilling of targets) which immediately
provides data to modify, upgrade and revise the interpretation.
In this manner, magnetic interpretation should be regarded
simply as a component of geological mapping, whereby as time
passes, more and (hopefully) better data and ideas materialize,
leading to more detailed, sophisticated and (hopefully) useful
geological maps.
Of critical importance in mineral exploration is the review of
data when new concepts in ore deposit genesis are formulated.
An otherwise insignificant blip in a magnetic image may
become the key piece of information leading to discovery when
the magnetic data is reviewed with new targeting concepts.
Conversely, where new enhancements of magnetic data are
developed, a new look at data in mineralized environments may
be revealing and rewarding. Hence, periodic review and
revision of the interpretation is an important aspect of obtaining
full value from a regional magnetic survey
A good workman understands the capabilities of the product of
his trade. Magnetic interpreters must be aware of the range of
applications that their work may be used for, even if the initial
purpose of the survey is broadly or vaguely defined. With very
few exceptions, magnetic surveys are designed to map geology
(where bodies of minerals, oil and gas and groundwater are
included as elements of the geological map). This may take the
form of:
Driving solid geological mapping in poorly
exposed areas (interpolating between outcrops)
Initiating mapping in totally covered areas
(extrapolating from distant exposed areas) or,
Providing new geological insights in well
exposed areas.
While the last of these uses is rarely given as much weight
as the first two, the experience of both of the writers has been
that surveys in well exposed areas frequently reveal critical
features which change the perception of the geology and often
result in important new leads in exploration.
Modern magnetic surveys have been shown to have valuable
application in all geological terrains, and in recent times,
expanded use of such surveys has occurred in sedimentary
basins, mapping not only the conventional magnetic sources
(Gunn, 1997) but also extremely low order variations i n
magnetic mineral content which reflect changes in the non
magnetic sedimentary sequence (Norman, 1993).
Scale of Investigation
The scale and clarity with which this mapping is achieved is
controlled by the flight line spacing, the flying height and the
distribution of magnetic minerals. This can be quantified in
terms of the scale to which data can be zoomed without

breaking up. A reliable rule of thumb for the most detailed

scale of presentation and analysis is that scale where one
centimetre represents one flight line spacing (Isles et al, 1992).
Magnetic images should always be examined at two different
scales, differing by a factor of 4 or 5; this enables recognition of
structures of widely differing magnitudes.
Regional magnetic surveys cover large areas and their
purpose is usually to investigate the broadscale structures and
major lithological units, whereas specific exploration surveys
are usually tuned to a particular target style, in a geologically or
tenure-controlled area. While regional surveys deal with the
forest rather than the individual trees, and particularly allow the
delineation of very deep and/or crustal scale geological features,
a growing trend is for regional surveys to employ tighter line
spacings which approach applicability to direct exploration. The
1950s to 1970s delivered regional surveys of typically around
1-2km line spacing where such surveys in the 200-500m range
are now much more common. During the same period, line
spacings in typical detailed exploration surveys decreased from
200-300m to as little as 20m, and in many cases these ultradetailed surveys have been flown over considerable areas with
fixed wing aircraft at terrain clearances of around 20m
Hence in considering the uses of magnetic surveys and in
particular, regional surveys, we find that modern practice yields
an extraordinary range of possibilities from iron ore search to
sedimentary facies mapping and from studies of surficial
material to mapping the thickness of deep sedimentary cover.
We illustrate the three main uses of magnetic surveys with
examples from surveys of considerable areal extent, each having
a different commercial purpose.
The location of all data
examples presented in this paper are illustrated in Figure 1.

The Kalgoorlie (Golden Mile) district in Western Australia

The area presented is a miniscule part of a 750,000 line
kilometre, commercially available, non-exclusive data base of
200m-spaced magnetics and radiometrics covering much of the
Archaean Yilgarn Block. The Yilgarn Block hosts world class
nickel and gold provinces as well as significant occurrences of
tantalum, platinum group metals, volcanogenic massive
sulphides and uranium. The impact of this data base on
exploration in the province is discussed later in this paper.
Figures 3a to 3d illustrate the interpolate between outcrops
capabilities of magnetic surveys. The +50 million ounce
Kalgoorlie gold district (Ho et al, 1990) has limited outcrop and
the magnetic data largely, but not exclusively, through the
contribution of the mafic and ultramafic rocks, facilitates the
construction of a solid geology map. This not only maps the
distribution of key host rocks, but also provides an invaluable
structural framework on which the various models of gold
formation and distribution can be built. A fuller description of
the application of these data in the Kalgoorlie district can be
found in Isles et al (1990) and Keats (1987).

Advances in Regional Exploration
The Fowler 1:250,000 sheet area in South Australia.
Figures 4a to 4c illustrate mapping in covered areas using a
major part of the Fowler 1:250,000 sheet area which lies in the
southern part of South Australias predominantly Proterozoic
Gawler Craton. The area covers over 7,000 km and features a
relatively thin veneer of recent sediments with eight known
Proterozoic outcrops totaling less than 20 km. The image of the
magnetics shows a vast amount of contained geological
information and, while the interpretation may appear far-fetched
in the context of the exposed rock, it has been compiled by
extrapolation from and with reference to neighboring areas

where exposure is more abundant and magnetic data of

equivalent quality exists (Fairclough et al, 2003). This data and
interpretation formed a small part of the South Australian
Exploration Initiative (ONeil, 1994) whereby a state
government committed to fund a huge program of 400m spaced
magnetic coverage to stimulate exploration in this poorly
exposed but thinly covered and highly prospective mineral
terrain. The outcomes of the SAEI are discussed later in this
paper. Gunn et al (1997) provide an expanded view of the
methodologies of government mapping in poorly exposed

Figure 4: a) Surface geology from the Fowler 1:250,000 sheet area, South Australia (PIRSA,2006). b) 400m-spaced SAEI magnetic data
(PIRSA,1992) covering the area in fig 4a. The image is a merge of shaded TMI with 1st Vertical Derivative. c) Interpretation map based on
extrapolation from surrounding areas (after Fairclough et al 2002)

Kimberlite search data from the Flinders Ranges, South

The Flinders Ranges example illustrates the surprises that
frequently occur when high quality magnetic data is gathered
over well exposed and well mapped geology. The area is part of
a detailed proprietary survey flown in the Flinders Ranges of
South Australia in the search for kimberlites. It is a scenic area
with ample exposure of Adelaidean sediments which was
mapped in some detail in the 1960s, as depicted in the

published, now digital geological data shown in Figure 5 a

(PIRSA, 2006). While the regional aeromagnetic data produced
in September 1996 showed clear evidence of NW trending dykes
through this area, the existence and nature of the dykes was not
recognised or seriously addressed until diamond exploration
recommenced in the region in 2005 (Flinders Diamonds, 2005).
A subsequent detailed magnetic survey (Figure 5b) revealed
prominent dykes which form part of a major dyke swarm,
previously unrecognized despite the fact that the dykes are often
exposed (but may be very thin) as well as being clearly seen on
the regional aeromagnetic map flown ten years earlier. The

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 499

Figure 5: a) Mapped surface geology from the Burra 1:250,000 sheet area (PIRSA, 2006). All units apart from Neg(quartzite), Nep(tillite) and
Neu(arkosic sandstone) are predominantly siltstone. b) Detailed 100m-spaced magnetics over the area in fig 5a (data courtesy of Flinders Diamonds
Limited). The image is a merge of shaded TMI with 1st Vertical Derivative

distinctive magnetic low on the central part of the most

prominent dyke is a kimberlite pipe discovered as a direct result
of the magnetic survey. Both regional and detailed data also
highlight the clear magnetic definition of lithological and
structural patterns in a sedimentary package which in past times
would have been regarded as unsuitable for the application of
magnetic surveys.
Crustal Scale Features
One further illustration of the uses of magnetic surveys, and
particularly those covering very large areas, deals with the
recognition of crustal scale geological features which are not
apparent from geological mapping either because they have no
surface expression or because the nature of their surface
expression is too diverse or too widely distributed to be
recognizable in local scale mapping.
ODriscoll (1990) observed striking correlations between
patterns of distribution of mineral deposits and lineaments
recognized in continental scale data sets such as gravity,
aeromagnetics, satellite imagery and bathymetry. He described
these linear zones containing mineral deposits as corridors and
inferred that they are crustal discontinuities along which
metallogenic processes have operated.
While modern

geoscientific data sets reiterate the existence of these lineaments,

their specific nature remains poorly understood and the
mechanisms by which they influence the localization of
mineral, hydrocarbon and geothermal energy resources remain
However, the importance of these lower
crustal/upper mantle structures in exploration concept
development should not be underestimated. The Olympic Dam
discovery (Rutter and Esdale, 1985) is a prime example where
such concepts played a key role.
Our example is drawn from the Yilgarn Block and the data
is the one-mile spaced, federal government funded coverage of
the Australian continent. The feature of interest is the Menzies
Lineament, arrowed in Figure 6. It had been proposed on the
basis of Landsat and pre-digital presentations of the magnetic
data but largely discounted due to lack of outcrop support until
the magnetic data (gathered and compiled in the early 1960s in
analogue form) was digitized and image processed. While
debate on the nature of this feature continues, its existence is
confirmed in modern, high resolution data and its relationships
with the Keith Kilkenny Lineament (which does have substantial
expression in exposed rocks) and a number of gold districts
maintain its status as a feature of interest, particularly in the
study of gold distribution in the region.

Advances in Regional Exploration

Figure 6: Lawlers-Kalgoorlie-Norseman BMR (now Geoscience Australia) 1960s vintage 1-mile-spaced aeromagnetics illustrating regional scale
features and the major nickel and gold districts. TMI image after Isles et al, (1989).



Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources 1-Mile

Continental Coverage

The undisputed pacemakers in the utilisation of regional

airborne geophysical surveys have been Canada and Finland.
Both nations have had a history of prosperity growth from
mineral resource discovery and development, and both were
quick to recognise the likelihood of accelerated exploration
stemming from the open and inexpensive release of governmentsponsored data sets. Summaries of aspects of these regional
airborne programs conducted in Canada and Finland can be
found in Hood et al (1982) and Peltoniemi (2005) respectively.
In particular, the wonderful images of the regional, low level,
detailed aeromagnetic surveys in Finland (Korhonen, 2005,
Airo, 2005) have been an inspiration to other workers in the
field and have proved their worth by playing an important role in
discoveries (Ketola, 1987).
The writers have had close involvement with the evolution
of such programs in Australia and regard the events in Australia
as having benefited from prior lessons, particularly in Canada.
We relate three Australian examples where ambitious, long term
and expensive regional airborne programs have not only borne
fruit but clearly achieved their objectives, resulting in discovery,
development and the generation of wealth (and healthy taxation
and royalty revenue!).

The first is the federal government (Bureau of Mineral

Resources, now Geoscience Australia) program of 1-mile
magnetic (and radiometric) coverage based on the 1:250,000
map sheet system (Denham, 1997). In its initial stages in the
1950s and early 1960s, it may have appeared somewhat
flighty and academic, but when the Kambalda nickel deposits
were discovered by Western Mining Corporation in 1966
(Woodall and Travis,1969), the existence and ready availability
of data which reliably mapped the distribution of the potentially
nickel-bearing ultramafic rocks, rapidly focused the worldwide
exploration community on the most prospective parts of a vast
province of poorly exposed and unexplored Archaean rocks.
Many significant nickel discoveries were made and the value
of airborne magnetic data was cemented in the mind s o f
geologists, company directors and politicians alike. There is no
doubt that the regional magnetic data was an important factor in
the boom in nickel exploration which in turn led to a renaissance
in mineral exploration in Australia during the last forty years. A
modern representation of part of this vintage data is presented
in Figure 6, with the major nickel and gold districts marked.
This Australia-wide program had a role in a number of other
exploration successes in the 1970s, the premier example being

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 501
the discovery of the giant Olympic Dam copper-gold-uranium
deposit in central South Australia. The pre-existing government
data is given due credit for its role in the discovery (Esdale et al,
2003, Rutter and Esdale, 1985). The fact that regional magnetic
(and gravity) maps covering a potentially prospective area of
over 200,000 km were already available allowed the Western
Mining Corporation exploration team to focus on the extremely
difficult task of defining targets and justifying to management a
deep drilling program in a totally covered and untested area.
This remains a remarkable case history in concept development
and implementation by a skilled, multidisciplinary team having
unwavering support from management during a period of
subdued activity in the mining sector.
During the 1980s the program of airborne coverage
maintained its momentum, supported by a program of
converting older analogue data to high quality digital data
(Tucker et al, 1988). This enabled the ready use of integrated
data sets on the evolving image processing facilities and
spawned a feeding frenzy of regional exploration concepts, all
anxious to match the Olympic Dam success. The 1-mile
program was completed in 1997 and the resulting, now freely
available continent-wide data sets continue to form the
foundation of broad-scale resource investigation in Australia.
An important spin-off from this program was an increased
appetite for detailed magnetic data (Isles et al, 1989).

The Aerodata (now Fugro Airborne Surveys) Multiclient

Yilgarn Data
Thus, the second Australian example stemmed directly from the
first. During the early 1980s the value of the government 1mile magnetic coverage was found to be limited in the
blossoming gold exploration business and the impracticalities of
a multitude of detailed, postage stamp, often overlapping
proprietary surveys lead to the implementation of a novel and
highly successful multiclient approach to detailed airborne
magnetic surveying (Sands and Cunneen, 1983, Bullock and
Isles, 1994).
This 200m spaced coverage of most of the
prospective mineral belts in the Yilgarn Block now amounts to
over 750,000 line kilometres available in very small or very
large, client-selected blocks at a small fraction of the cost of
proprietary surveys. It has not only been a commercial success
for the initiating contractor, but has been a major contributing
factor to the numerous and significant gold and nickel
discoveries in the region in the past 20 years.
While it is difficult to quantify the contribution of this
detailed but regional scale magnetic coverage in the Yilgarn
Block to the many discoveries since the early 1980s , the
development of sophisticated structural models for gold
occurrence has unquestionably relied on interpretation of this
data and there are few, if any, presentations on discovery and
delineation of gold (and nickel) deposits in the region which do
not include critical reference to the detailed airborne magnetics.
Figures 3a to 3d, from the very first Aerodata Multicilent
survey, illustrate how the 200m spaced magnetic data
transformed a poorly defined geological picture into one of
considerable clarity and structural resolution.

The Cannington Discovery by BHP Minerals (now BHP

The Cannington Ag-Pb-Zn discovery in northwest Queensland
provides an example in the mould of Olympic Dam, but utilising
proprietary regional survey data. In the early 1980s BHP
Minerals (now BHP Billiton) formed a project aimed at
discovery of a Broken Hill Type lead-zinc-silver deposit. The
project involved numerous specialists and considered potential
BHT terrains worldwide. After a thorough investigation of
several such terrains, the Cloncurry region was selected as the
most attractive, based mainly on some critical similarities
between lithostratigraphic units in the eastern part of the
Cloncurry region and the Broken Hill Block itself (Walters et al,
2002). The ensuing program was initiated by the flying of
(proprietary) large scale detailed magnetic surveys and a
commitment to systematic follow up which was maintained for 6
years before the discovery was made. Part of this commitment
included in depth geological interpretation of the magnetics, a
challenging task considering the extensive cover and the
complex magnetic patterns in the most prospective regions.
Many targets and particularly many magnetic anomalies
were drilled prior to the discovery and a complicating factor was
the generally highly magnetic terrain within which a number of
magnetite-associated ore bodies such as Ernest Henry, Osborne
and Starra had been discovered. None of these was a BHT ore
body but their presence created a potential distraction and
undue emphasis on very large magnetic anomalies. BHPs
program achieved some early success in the discovery of the
Altia Pb-Ag prospect and the Eloise Cu-Au deposit, but
significantly the latter was not the target type sought and the
systematic search continued.
Figures 7a and 7b illustrate the highly complex and
magnetic terrain and the relatively unremarkable nature of the
magnetic anomaly related to the Cannington mineralisation (the
target of the discovery drillhole). The telling factor in the
discovery was the robustness of the exploration model and the
skilful application of this model to the interpretation of the
magnetics (Whiting, 1997). After drilling many such targets
with limited success over a 6 year period the persistence and
diligence was rewarded with a discovery which proved to
comprise 43.8Mt grading 11.6% Pb, 4.4%Zn and 538ppm Ag
(Walters et al, 2002). The key factors in the recognition of the
Cannington magnetic anomaly as a top priority drill target were:
the inference that it was located in the Soldiers Cap Group,
a sequence of rocks with remarkable similarities to the
Broken Hill Group.
the observation that the anomaly occurred in an area where
magnetic units displayed patterns suggestive of
polydeformational folding, a characteristic of the Broken
Hill district
the assertion that the anomaly was likely to be due to
magnetite-rich exhalite horizon, such horizons having a
close association with the lode rocks at Broken Hill.
Significantly, the area of Figure 7b is totally covered, the
nearest exposures of the prospective Proterozoic rocks being
almost 20km away.

Advances in Regional Exploration

Figure 7: a) Regional 200m-spaced aeromagnetics over the Cloncurry Region, NW Queensland. Shaded TMI image, data courtesy Geoscience
Australia. b) Section of the above data showing the Cannington magnetic anomaly.

Other noteworthy examples taken from further afield,

include recent successes stemming from regional airborne
geophysical programs have been in the Sultanate of Oman
(Denham & Jacques,1994, Al Azry et al, 1993) and in Chile
(Far West Mining Ltd, 2005). In both cases a large scale
program was formulated to explore for a particular commodity
and target type. The former program was government sponsored
and conducted with foreign government technical guidance,
while the latter was a joint venture between two mining
companies. Common to both was a clear focus and a
commitment to thorough interpretation and field follow up.

Remarks on Government-Sponsored Programs in General

The Canadian, Finnish and Australian examples in particular
provide a model for developing countries. The abandonment of
the concept of cost recovery for high quality airborne
geophysical data in favour of the notion that discoveries will
flow more rapidly and frequently if many competing groups
have ready access to the data, has paid dividends.
In the Australian example, state and federal geoscience
agencies embraced the virtues of acquiring pre-competitive
airborne geophysical data during the 1980s but found that
purchases, even at a fraction of the cost of acquisition, were
limited largely to major companies. Smaller exploration groups
perceived purchase of entire data sets as expensive and
unwarranted. They tended to acquire data only over their
immediate areas of interest thereby choosing to forego one of
the major benefits of these broad-scale surveys, that is the ability
see the big picture and the fine scale detail in the same data set.
The State of South Australia was the first agency to change
to a free distribution policy as part of its South Australian
Exploration Initiative (ONeil, 1994). This paid immediate
dividends in attracting greatly increased exploration expenditure,
particularly by junior companies. Discoveries have followed,
the two most notable (Challenger, Au and Prominent Hill, Cu-

Au) being ultimately made by junior companies. A further

significant outcome of the SAEI was the pressure created on
other states to follow suit in order to retain their share of
company exploration expenditure. Hone (1997) summarises
these developments in Australia and the writers are pleased to
report that ready and essentially free access to extensive, high
quality digital data sets through government agencies is now
established policy. We suggest that these programs of data
acquisition and ready release have played a major role in the
upsurge in exploration expenditure and consequent discovery in
Our message for countries which retain the policies of cost
recovery is that resource discoveries require sustained and wellfocused on-ground expenditure. Where multiple explorers are
competing for discovery in a region, expenditure rates increase
as does the pressure to rapidly and effectively define exploration
targets. Where high quality, regional data sets are freely
available to all, this competitive pressure is heightened and the
ability to develop and implement new and incisive exploration
concepts is enhanced. We reiterate here the importance of such
data sets in defining and finessing models for mineral deposit
formation and localisation. Exploration expenditure can then
become focused much more on testing targets and concepts
rather than defining them, and this undoubtedly accelerates the
rate of discovery. The benefits to any government of active and
well-focused exploration as well as the prosperity that flows
from discoveries far outweigh the potential revenue from cost
recovery on regional airborne surveys.

The past 40 years have delivered a proliferation of regional
magnetic surveys of increasing areal extent with tighter line
spacings and more precise magnetometer data. The tools with
which we manipulate and visualise the data have also become
highly sophisticated and free availability of data has become

Boyd, D.M. and Isles, D.J.

The key role played by regional magnetic surveys 503
government policy in a number of countries.
implementation of exploration strategies founded largely on the
interpretation of regional magnetic surveys has lead to numerous
mineral discoveries and has, in numerous cases, paid back the
initial expenditure on surveys many times over. It is not
uncommon, however to observe an absence of exploration action
and initiative where access to the data is restricted by cost
recovery policies.
The quality of acquisition and processing of magnetic data
has progressed well ahead of our efforts to fully interpret and
utilise the data. Despite some excellent examples of discovery
linked to astute interpretation of magnetics, we perceive an
overall shortfall in the return one would expect from a full and
proper exploitation of the burgeoning worldwide magnetic data
While technological developments are certain to take place
in future, there is a need to maintain perspective on the
fundamentals of interpretation and the inseparable links required
with hard geological data. It is when these links with geology
and ore body models are effectively maintained that new mineral
discoveries are made.

We thank Primary Industry and Resources, South Australia
(PIRSA) for providing the data in Figure 4 and also for
providing a good deal of the inspiration for this paper. We
particularly acknowledge Geoscience Australia for permission to
publish Figure 2 and for its role in facilitating ready access to
high quality aeromagnetic data throughout Australia. We also
thank Flinders Diamonds Ltd for making the proprietary data in
Figure 5b available for publication
Ken Witherly, Tom Whiting and David Tucker provided
astute suggestions on improvements to the paper. Tony
DOrazio, Robert Nicol and Heather ORafferty are thanked for
assistance in preparation of the data and manuscript.
The previously published image in Figure 3b is part of a
proprietary data base owned by Fugro Airborne Surveys. The
data in Figure 7 was originally a proprietary survey subsequently
acquired by the Queensland state government and is now part of
the national aeromagnetic data base maintained and freely
distributed by Geoscience Australia.
We finally pay tribute to the many colleagues in the
Australian and international airborne geophysics industry who
have contributed to a range of achievements in resource
discovery and development and have made the writers journeys
in this exciting profession both memorable and rewarding.

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