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Eur Respir Rev 2012; 18: 114, 198212

DOI: 10.1183/09059180.00005509
CopyrightERSJ Ltd 2012


Recent advances in COPD: pathophysiology,

respiratory physiology and clinical aspects, including
A. Bourdin*, P-R. Burgel#, P. Chanez", G. Garcia+, T. Perez1 and N. Rochee

wing to its major and better recognised burden from

both individual and societal perspectives, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an area of
intensive epidemiological, fundamental and clinical research,
leading to the publication of more than 10,000 papers each year
in the PubMed database. Among these, many report important
advances in the understanding of and care for COPD.
Epidemiological aspects are the topic of another manuscript
in this issue of the European Respiratory Review [1], while the
treatment of COPD and its exacerbations will be addressed in
other reviews in upcoming issues. Thus, the present paper will
focus on more fundamental aspects of pathophysiology,
resting and exercise lung mechanics, respiratory muscles and
gas exchange, together with more clinical topics, including
respiratory symptoms and comorbidities. The purpose of the
authors is clearly not to be exhaustive but to focus on points
that are likely to have some impact on clinical practice in the
relatively short term.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD in Western
countries. Cigarette-associated noxious agents injure the airway epithelium and drive the key processes that lead to
specific airway inflammation and structural changes [2]. Once
these agents are removed, repair processes should, ideally,
bring the airways back to their normal structure and function.
In general, an inadequate repair process is thought to play a key
role in the development of chronic airflow obstruction in some,
but not all, smokers. Indeed, in many subjects most of the
inflammatory changes continue despite smoking cessation [3].
This failure of bronchial inflammation to resolve might
contribute to systemic changes and ongoing bronchial and
lung matrix degradation. In addition to persistent airway
inflammation, other major phenomena involved in the disease

*Respiratory Medicine, Hopital Arnaud de Villeneuve, Montpellier, Service de Pneumologie,

Cochin Hospital, and ePneumologie et Reanimation, Universite Paris Descartes, Paris, "Universite de
la Mediterranee, Marseille, +Service de Pneumologie, Hopital Becle`re, Clamart, and 1Pulmonology,
CHRU, Lille, France.
CORRESPONDENCE: N. Roche, Pneumologie et Reanimation, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, 1 place du Parvis
de Notre Dame, F-75004 Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected]
Received: Sept 01 2009; Accepted: Sept 05 2009
PROVENANCE: Submitted article, peer reviewed.



initiation and progression include increased oxidative stress

and proteaseantiprotease imbalance. Several studies have
established that airway obstruction in COPD is due to changes
affecting small airways and lung parenchyma while the
contribution of proximal airway epithelium remodelling is less
clear [46]. The decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 s
(FEV1) in COPD is mainly related to thickening of the walls of
small conducting airways and obstruction of these airways by
mucous exudates [7].
Oxidative stress and proteaseantiprotease imbalance
Oxidative metabolism is over-activated in COPD [8]. The major
external source of oxidants is cigarette smoke. Bronchial
inflammation involving phagocytes, such as neutrophils and
macrophages, adds an internal production of oxidants. Antioxidants such as the glutathione system and the haemoxygenase
(HO)-1 pathway may counteract oxidative stress. This complex
antioxidant system may be insufficiently efficient, since a reduced
HO-1 expression has been described in macrophages from lung
tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of smokers with COPD
[9, 10]. Moreover, the subtle molecular regulation of HO-1 and its
key protein regulators, such as Nrf2, Bach1 and Keap1, is
modified in COPD. Western blot, immunohistochemical and
laser scanning confocal analyses have revealed that the level of
Nrf2 protein level is significantly decreased in whole lung tissue
and alveolar macrophages (cytosol and nucleus) in patients with
emphysema compared with smokers without emphysema.
Conversely, Bach1 and Keap1 levels were increased in patients
with emphysema. These modifications were associated with a
parallel decrease in the expression of HO-1, glutathione
peroxidase 2 and NQO1 at the cellular level in macrophages,
which was inversely correlated with airway obstruction and
hyperinflation indices, indicating a profound defect in this
potential antioxidant system [11].
Proteases are produced by various cells within the airways.
Their activity is regulated by the production and release of
antiproteases, such as a1-antitrypsin, secretory leukoprotease
inhibitor and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs).
Inherited a1-antitrypsin deficiency is a well-known cause of
COPD with a predominant emphysematous phenotype [12].
Cigarette smoke inhibits the activity of antiproteases and
phagocytes are a major source of proteases; the macrophages
from COPD patients have been shown to be less able to release
TIMPs in response to stimulation. COPD outcomes, such as


lung function and morphometry assessed by high-resolution

computed tomography, were found to be related to changes in
sputum content of proteases/antiproteases [13]. Proteases
interact with the lung extracellular matrix, which leads to
elastin and collagen degradation and then to the lung
destruction that characterises emphysema. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)2 expression has been shown to be related to
lung peripheral inflammation and COPD progression [14].
Inflammatory cells
Neutrophils are granulocytes that have been associated with
COPD and the corticoresistance reported in this disease. Their
number is increased in BAL, sputum, bronchial glands and
smooth muscle of patients with COPD. The lung periphery is
not spared and distal lung inflammation is mainly of
neutrophilic phenotype in COPD. The increase in neutrophil
numbers can result in an increased release of oxidants and
proteinases, perpetuating the imbalances in favour of lung
destruction. In addition, neutrophil elastase increases macrophage and epithelial cell activation and represents a major
stimulus of mucus production and secretion by epithelium
goblet cells and glands, which is a hallmark of COPD. This
increase in neutrophil number and activation is due to the
production of several cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-8
and CXC chemokine ligand (CXCL)1. Receptors for IL-8 are
present on blood and sputum neutrophils and, to a lesser
extent, in epithelial cells. This cytokine is a potential target for
innovative therapeutic avenues in COPD [15]. Increased
eosinophil numbers have also been reported in COPD patients
during exacerbations, but their relevance to COPD changes is
less clear than in asthma and their presence is associated with
corticosteroid response [16].
Macrophages are found from the trachea to the alveoli. They are
attracted and activated by smoking. Thus, increased numbers of
macrophages are present in the airways, distal airways, BAL
and sputum of patients with COPD. They are mostly derived
from migrating monocytes: few divide in situ. They migrate into
the lung in response to various chemoattractants, such as CC
chemokine ligand (CCL)2 and CXC chemokine receptor
(CXCR)2. They display features of activated cells related to the
severity of the disease [17]. They perpetuate lung inflammation
by releasing several mediators, including oxidants such as
H2O2, superoxide anion, proteases (MMP9) and growth factors
and chemokines. Macrophages are orchestrators for the recruitment and activation of mononuclear leukocytes (monocytes and
T-lymphocytes). Additionally, they release transforming growth
factor-b, which contributes to the airway wall changes [15].
Dendritic cells are also activated by cigarette smoke exposure.
However, cigarette smoke induces both the release of IL-8 and
the suppression of Toll-like receptor 9-induced interferon
(IFN)-a secretion by plasmacytoid dendritic cells [18]. This
activation may contribute to neutrophilic inflammation and
poor immune response to viral infection, leading to recurrent
exacerbations of COPD. The population of dendritic cells is
increased in the airways of smokers but there is no definitive
data involving dendritic cells in the course of COPD in smokers.


hypothesis put forward in order to better understand COPD

progression; T-regulation may play a role in this possible B-cellmediated response. T-lymphocytes are present in the airways of
COPD patients [21]; both CD4+ and CD8+ cells have been
described, with a predominance of CD8+ lymphocytes correlated
with the decrease in lung function. T-helper cell type 1 (Th1) cells
expressing CXCR3 receptors are activated by IFN-c. There are
some data relating the role of CD8+ cells to the persistence of
adenoviral infection. Leptin is a complex mediator produced by
adipose cells and is involved in various metabolic processes,
including the energy balance. Leptin has been described as a
potential regulator of lymphocyte lifespan within the airways of
COPD patients [22]. It has the potential to act as a proinflammatory cytokine, promoting the attraction, activation and
survival of mononuclear cells in the airways. The production of
RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed
and secreted) is increased, as shown in the sputum of patients
with COPD. This cytokine activates and recruits T-lymphocytes,
inducing the release of various products that alter type-1
pneumocytes, contributing to emphysema. Regulatory T-cells
(Tregs) are special T-lymphocytes that are important for the
control of immunity and in preventing autoimmune reactions by
inhibiting T-cell responses [23]. The best described population of
Treg is CD4+, and expresses CD25 and a transcription factor
FOXP3. In COPD patients, Tregs were reported to be decreased
or increased in number in BAL, and associated with B-cells
follicles [24]. Th17 are recently described lymphocytes linked to
neutrophilic inflammation and able to abrogate FOXP3 and
Tregs. Conversely, they release IL-22 and promote IL-10 and
epithelium remodelling.
Structural changes
The permanent airflow limitation that defines COPD might be
linked to structural changes. Emphysema is characterised by a
loss of lung parenchyma with a possibly increased apoptosis of
endothelial and epithelial alveolar cells. In proximal and smaller
airways, the bronchial epithelium is modified. Squamous cell
metaplasia and goblet cell hyperplasia are hallmarks of smokinginduced COPD. The loss of CC10+ cells (Clara cells) in the distal
airways is another finding in this disease. Subepithelial changes
are not specific to asthma and basement membrane thickening is
significantly greater in endobronchial biopsies from COPD
patients when compared with normal subjects [25]. The glands
are enlarged and increased in number. The smooth muscle mass
is increased but there are controversial reports on its contribution
to airflow obstruction, in comparison to the findings reported in
asthma. These pathological changes translate to hypersecretion
and airway obstruction. All these features of remodelling have
been attributed either to the direct deleterious effect of the
cigarette smoke content or to an indirect effect of persisting
inflammation in the airways [26].

B-lymphocytes are important agents in the adaptive immune

system. They have been found to participate in COPD inflammation [19], being organised in follicle-like structures and related to
the severity of the disease [20]. A specific antigen reaction is a

During recent years, several major advances have occurred in
the comprehension of respiratory physiology in COPD. Many
may have significant clinical implications regarding the disease
definition and diagnosis, estimation of prognosis using functional indices, assessment of therapeutic indications and
response to treatments. They mostly relate to spirometry,
exercise testing, pulmonary mechanics and respiratory muscles.






Optimal criteria to define COPD-related airflow obstruction
The definition of obstruction remains a highly controversial issue.
Current Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
(GOLD) guidelines continue to define airflow limitation by a
fixed FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC) threshold of 0.7,
independently of age and sex. This is in marked contradiction
with American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory
Society (ERS) guidelines, which clearly recommend that the
lower limit of normal (LLN) criterion is used. Several large series
in which investigators assessed lung function in adults challenge
the GOLD guidelines. The first study [27], performed in 14,506
adults, found that the fixed ratio (as compared to the 1993
European Community for Steel and Coal (ECSC) study [28]) has a
high negative but a low positive predictive value, particularly in
patients aged .50 yrs (fig. 1): the false positive rate was 33% in
the 6170 yr age range. Similarly, in the NHANES-III (Third
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) population,
the proportion of older adults misclassified by the fixed ratio
was nearly one-fifth, whereas nearly one-half of young adults
were false-negative with GOLD guidelines, in comparison

Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC

a) 1.0

All these studies converge to challenge the diagnostic value of

GOLD criteria, which aimed to simplify the diagnosis of
airflow obstruction and COPD, and be applicable for a simple
screening in a worldwide perspective. The false-negative rate
in young subjects at risk and the false-positive rate in older
patients appear unacceptably high in these recent studies. The
LLN seems to be much more reliable for defining obstruction,
particularly for screening purposes. The impact of these
studies on future GOLD guidelines remains to be determined.


Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC

b) 1.0



Age yrs



Post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) to

forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio in subjects aged .50 yrs. Red line corresponds to
the fixed 0.7 cut-off, the black line to the age- and sex-specific lower limit of normal
(LLN). Red circles represent false positive subjects with the fixed ratio, green ones
are true positive according to LLN. Reproduced and modified from [27] with
permission from the publisher.


with the fifth percentile criteria [29]. A third study compared

the GOLD and British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines (FEV1/
FVC ,0.7 for both, BTS requiring also a FEV1 ,80% predicted) to
published equations (including ECSC/ERS) and their corresponding LLN [30]. The prevalence of airway obstruction
according to these criteria was evaluated in the NHANES survey,
a health survey in England (UK) and a longitudinal study in
Dutch population. With most prediction equations, the LLN was
,0.7 at a mean age of 42 yrs in males and 48 yrs for females. The
prevalence of obstruction with the 0.7 criterion reached 45% in
healthy subjects aged 60 yrs or more. Using LLN derived from
prediction equations lowered the prevalence to between 12.3%
and 15.5% in healthy lifelong nonsmokers. Underestimation of
airflow obstruction in younger patients with the GOLD criteria
was confirmed in a longitudinal study [31]. Among adults aged
2044 yrs included in the European Community Respiratory
Health Survey (19911993) and re-evaluated in 19992002, the
LLN criteria detected 5.1% of patients with airflow obstruction,
among whom only 45.6% were below the 0.7 cut-off. Subjects
with airflow obstruction that were missed by the fixed ratio were
younger and 64% were females. During follow-up, the proportion of subjects exhibiting a FEV1 ,80% pred, chronic cough or
phlegm, or being treated for respiratory problems was significantly higher in misidentified subjects than in those without
airflow obstruction by both criteria.


Reversibility in COPD
COPD is usually defined as a poorly reversible obstructive
disorder. However, previous data showed a wide range of
reversibility in clinically well-defined COPD. This hypothesis
was verified in the UPLIFT (Understanding Potential Longterm Impacts on Function with Tiotropium) trial data, which
included at baseline a reversibility test with a combination of
high-dose ipratropium (three puffs) and salbutamol (four
puffs) [32]. FEV1 and FVC responses were highly variable
according to chosen criteria (ATS/ERS: .200 mL and .12%
from baseline; .15%; .10% pred). A majority (53.9%) of
patients reached the ATS/ERS threshold for reversibility.
Older patients, those with a better St Georges Respiratory
Questionnaire (SGRQ) score or those with low number of packyears were less responsive with this criterion. The proportion
of patients with volume response only (FVC) increased with
the severity of airflow obstruction. Although this responsiveness was obtained in optimal conditions (high dose, adequate
withholding of previous drugs, spirometry at peak bronchodilation) and varied greatly according to applied criteria,
it appears larger than expected and precludes the use of these
reversibility criteria to differentiate COPD from asthma. In
clinical practice, reversibility is often assessed in COPD
patients by spirometry alone. However, thoracic gas compression during forced expiration is a major event and flow at the


mouth may considerably differ from the thoracic volume

change measured by plethysmography. Dedicated software
analysing expiratory flow versus box volume signal has been
developed previously to estimate FEV1 corrected for gas
compression (NFEV1). Bronchodilators decrease lung resistance and expiratory flow limitation, which may also reduce
gas compression during expiration, i.e. the difference between
expired lung volume and volume measured by a plethysmograph. An index of gas compression was defined as (NFEV1FEV1)/NFEV1. This per cent compression was much higher at
baseline in COPD (32%) than in controls (10%). Thoracic gas
compression (per cent compression) decreased after albuterol
only in COPD patients. Multiple regression analysis showed
that 23% of FEV1 improvement was predicted by reduction of
gas compression. The relevance of this new index for
predicting the clinical benefit of bronchodilators remains to
be determined, as forced expiration strongly differs from
resting and exercise conditions.
Exercise testing
Field tests as prognostic tools and markers of therapeutic effects
The 6-min walk test (6MWT) remains the most popular test for
the evaluation of exercise tolerance in COPD patients. It is
simple and well standardised, but its interpretation criteria
remain controversial. The prognostic value of the walk test was
evaluated every 6 months in a large cohort of COPD patients
of variable severity [33]. Receiver operating characteristic
curves were used to define the best prognostic cut-off, which
was 350 m, corresponding to 67% and 54% of predicted
according to the equations of ENRIGHT and SHERRILL [34] and
TROOSTERS et al. [35], respectively. A potential bias in the study
is the under representation of female patients, for whom a
specific cut-off might be useful. The advantage of this fixed
cut-off is to simplify the interpretation of the 6MWT, in
comparison with predicted values, which are rarely used in
clinical practice.


effect size and standardised mean response and changes in

patients achieving a validated minimal important difference
with classical instruments (SGRQ, Chronic Respiratory
Questionnaire (CRQ) and the feeling thermometer). The
standard error to the mean across studies was 35 m (,10%
from baseline) and the empirical effect size was 42 m. The
proportion of patients achieving an improvement .35 m was
50.7%, which was comparable to the CRQ response rate
(60.4%). Among the 19 analysed trials, a response .35 m was
achieved in 12 (63%), whereas only 15% were positive with the
54 m cut-off.
Although less currently performed than the 6MWT, the shuttle
walk test offers the advantages of being perfectly standardised
and highly related to peak oxygen consumption. The minimum
clinically relevant improvement with this test needed to be
defined for clinical use and trials; this analysis was done in
patients assessed before and after pulmonary rehabilitation [39].
Perceived change in exercise performance was evaluated by a
Likert scale. Mean shuttle walking distance increased after
rehabilitation, with no relationship between baseline value and
subsequent improvement. Mean improvement was 47.5 m for
patient feeling slightly better, and 78.7 m for those reporting
better exercise tolerance.
Endurance shuttle testing may also be performed, usually at
80% of maximum test. With the sensitivity of the 6MWT to
bronchodilation being controversial, the responsiveness of
endurance shuttle was tested after a single dose of salmeterol
in 20 stable COPD patients (baseline FEV1 52% pred) [40].
Dyspnoea and inspiratory capacity (IC) were also measured
every other minute during the test. Despite a moderate
improvement in FEV1, a marked increase in exercise performance (160277 m) was observed with active treatment.
Dyspnoea also decreased at isotime. IC manoeuvres performed
with a portable exercise monitor were not acceptable in 12 out
of 20 patients and the reduction of dynamic hyperinflation in
the remaining patients was of borderline significance.
Endurance shuttle test appears to be a promising tool for the
evaluation of new drugs, although the minimal clinically
important difference with this test remains to be determined.

Besides 6-min walk distance, pulse oximetry is currently used

to monitor the test and may add useful information. The
prognostic value of peak desaturation during the test was
evaluated in COPD patients from Spain and the USA [36]. The
mortality rate of those with exercise desaturation (arterial
oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry (Sp,O2) ,90%
or a drop of .4 %) was nearly doubled. Exercise desaturation
was not confined to patients who were severely hypoxaemic at
rest, since the best cut-off value of arterial oxygen tension
(Pa,O2) to predict desaturation was ,74 mmHg. A distance
,361 m also predicted mortality in patients with FEV1 ,50%
pred, confirming the cut-off value defined by COTE et al. [33].
However, in multivariate analysis Sp,O2 decrease was no longer
a significant predictor, whereas resting Pa,O2 remained in the
model. The 6MWT is currently used to evaluate the impact of
treatment. The classical 54 m defined by REDELMEIER et al. [37]
as the minimal significant difference is, to date, the only
available criteria. Most clinicians find it too high in daily
practice, especially for patients with severe COPD, and this
goal is reached by few drugs in therapeutic trials. The
threshold values for improvement were reanalysed by PUHAN
et al. [38] in COPD patients included in previous rehabilitation
trials. They used three complementary methods: reproducibility determination (standard error to the mean), empirical

Focusing on this population, OFIR et al. [42] evaluated exercise

tolerance on a cycloergometer in patients with stage 1 COPD
(post-bronchodilator FEV1 91% pred), compared with controls
matched for age and sex. Dynamic hyperinflation was evaluated
by the standard IC technique. In patients, peak oxygen uptake
(V9O2) was reduced by 20% and a significant increase in end
expiratory lung volume (0.540.34 L) appeared at the end of
exercise, together with a rapid, shallow breathing. Ventilatory
requirement for a given workload was higher and dyspnoea/
work slope was steeper in COPD patients. Dyspnoea for an
80-W workload was highly related to inspiratory reserve
volume and IC in the whole study population. As stated by



Exercise tests to assess the mechanisms of exercise limitation

Dynamic hyperinflation is a key component of COPD and
occurs when ventilatory demand increases, particularly during
exercise [41]. Its relationship with exercise limitation is well
established in moderate to severe COPD patients. However,
patients with milder disease often complain of dyspnoea, a
symptom poorly correlated with the level of airflow obstruction.




the authors, their COPD group may not be perfectly representative of mild COPD patients discovered by screening, as they
exhibited increased plethysmographic functional residual capacity, markedly decreased forced expiratory flow between 25%
and 75% of FVC and a low diffusing capacity of the lung for
carbon monoxide (DL,CO). In addition, gas exchanges were not
evaluated. In practice, dynamic hyperinflation should, therefore, be considered as a potential cause of dyspnoea even in
mild COPD patients. Besides ventilatory limitation, dynamic
hyperinflation may also have haemodynamic consequences
through changes in intrathoracic pressures. This hypothesis was
previously demonstrated in healthy subjects during experimental flow limited exercise [43]. It was tested in GOLD stage 3
and 4 patients characterised by a severe resting hyperinflation,
defined as an IC/total lung capacity (TLC) ratio ,25% [44],
which was previously shown by the same team to be a negative
prognostic factor [45]. Haemodynamic compromise was indirectly assessed by the oxygen pulse. It was significantly
decreased in COPD patients at rest and during exercise.
Oxygen pulse at peak exercise was also significantly correlated
to resting IC/TLC ratio in the whole population (fig. 2). The
relationship was, however, smaller in the COPD group alone
(r50.46). At isotime during the test, oxygen pulse was always
lower in patients with IC/TLC ratio .25%. However, in
multivariate analysis, handgrip force was the most significant
predictor of peak O2 pulse. Abnormal kinetics of cardiac output
during exercise were also demonstrated in COPD patients,
together with a lowered kinetics of peripheral microvascular O2
delivery [46]. Improvement of cardiac output during exercise
with Heliox [47] further supports the detrimental role of
hyperinflation, which increases intrathoracic pressures.
These studies confirm the complexity of mechanisms limiting
exercise in COPD, with a variable combination of central
(dynamic hyperinflation and cardiac output) and peripheral
(muscle atrophy and dysfunction) factors. Determination of the
predominant mechanism in individual patients might prove


Peak O2 pulse mLbeat-1







IC/TLC ratio %



Correlation between inspiratory capacity (IC)/total lung capacity

(TLC) ratio and oxygen pulse at peak exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) patients (#) and controls ($). r50.65; p,0.0001. Correlation is
lower in COPD patients (r50.46). Reproduced from [44] with permission from the



useful for targeted treatment. Haemodynamic parameters

might prove useful in the selection of patients for lung
reduction surgery.
Pulmonary mechanics
Expiratory flow limitation and forced oscillation
Expiratory flow limitation (EFL) is a major consequence of
COPD as it promotes dynamic hyperinflation, particularly
during exercise. EFL may be detected by the negative expiratory
pressure (NEP) method, but its availability is limited, and it may
be replaced by the simple but qualitative abdominal manual
compression. The forced oscillation technique (FOT) can also be
used to detect EFL [48]. Breath reactance (the out of phase or
imaginary part of the pressureflow signal) is analysed during
the application of forced oscillation at 5 Hz. In case of EFL,
expiratory reactance falls as the oscillatory signal cannot pass
through the choke points. The concordance between FOT and
NEP has been evaluated in COPD patients [49]. Using FOT, EFL
was detected in 53% of patients, whereas a high proportion of
tests (24.8%) were considered unsuitable for NEP analysis. The
two methods disagreed in only 7.9% of cases. Post-bronchodilator improvement of EFL was detected by FOT in 13 out of 15
patients. FOT thus appears to be an attractive technique for the
noninvasive detection of EFL, with the additional advantage of
an automatic, objective algorithm. The relevance of impulse
oscillometry (an alternative to forced oscillation) to evaluate
reversibility was also assessed in COPD patients [50]. At
baseline, variations of resistance and reactance between
inspiration and expiration were larger in COPD patients than
in controls. After tiotropium administration, FEV1 increased by
only 4% in COPD patients, whereas all components of impulse
oscillometry improved. The improvement of peripheral airway
resistance was assessed by the difference between low
frequency (5 Hz) and high frequency (20 Hz) resistance (also
called frequency dependence of resistance). Only inspiratory
resistance improved significantly post-bronchodilator. The
better sensitivity of inspiratory parameters and, particularly,
reactance for the evaluation of the bronchodilator effect was also
observed in flow limited patients (fig. 3) [51]. Frequency
dependence of resistance was also improved after bronchodilator, suggesting a reduced heterogeneity of the respiratory
system. In addition, changes in reactance followed those in
inspiratory capacity.
Forced oscillation resistance and reactance provide useful
parameters for the assessment of COPD severity [52]. The
technique may also detect significant changes during recovery
from an exacerbation. Time course of FOT and spirometry
improvement was assessed on three occasions over a 6-week
period after an exacerbation in COPD patients [53]. The largest
part of improvement was observed at 1 week. Although
spirometric changes were significant, the largest improvement
was seen in inspiratory and expiratory reactance, whereas
resistance did not decrease significantly. Changes in reactance
correlated with improvement in symptoms and health-related
quality of life (SGRQ) scores.
FOT has the advantage of being noninvasive and effort
independent, and is thus applicable to patients with severe
dyspnoea. Its usefulness in the long-term follow up of COPD
patients remains to be determined [54].





Values % pred




















Xrs R5R19

Changes of a) spirometric, plethysmographic, and b) impedance

data at 5 Hz induced by bronchodilator in flow limited (h) and nonflow limited (&)
patients at baseline. % pred: % predicted; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s;
FVC: forced vital capacity; IC: inspiratory capacity; SVC: slow vital capacity; RV:
insp: mean
residual volume; TGV: thoracic gas volume; TLC: total lung capacity; R
tot: mean whole breath
exp: mean expiration resistance; R
inspiration resistance; R
resistance; Xinsp: mean reactance during inspiration; Xexp; mean reactance during
tot: mean total reactance; DXrs: mean difference in reactance; R
expiration: X
mean difference in resistances at 5 and 19 Hz. #: p50.04; ": p50.05; +: p50.001;

: p50.031. Reproduced from [51] with permission from the publisher.

Nitrogen washout
The single-breath nitrogen washout test (SBN2) is a classic test
of small airways involvement [55], although its prognostic
value in early COPD remains controversial [56, 57]. The
relationships between SBN2 and airway inflammation were
evaluated in COPD patients not taking corticosteroids [58]. The
slope of phase III increased with neutrophil inflammation as
assessed by bronchial biopsies, BAL and induced sputum. The
most significant relationship was found between the slope of
phase III and BAL neutrophil elastase/neutrophil ratio, even
after adjustment for FEV1 level. The SBN2 test was unrelated to
the presence of other inflammatory cell types. These results
confirm the role of neutrophilic inflammation in small airways
and/or alveolar dysfunction. Monitoring of SBN2 could be
useful for the evaluation of new anti-inflammatory strategies
in COPD, although multiple-breath washout might be more
sensitive in this context [59, 60].

Respiratory muscles
Inspiratory muscle endurance
Although not routinely measured, inspiratory muscle endurance (IME) is probably more relevant than inspiratory muscle
strength (as measured by maximal inspiratory pressure (PI,max))
in COPD, particularly for the evaluation of the impact of
inspiratory muscle training (IMT). The test may be performed
with a constant threshold load or an incremental one. A
previous study showed a significant impact of a high-intensity
IMT on incremental endurance test, dyspnoea and walking
distance [61]. A second study compared the responsiveness of
the two techniques after IMT using interval training [62]. IMT
significantly improved the performance during both tests, but
the incremental test appeared more sensitive. However, patients
modified their breathing pattern during training, shortening
inspiratory time and duty cycle. Thus, a precise evaluation of
treatment effect justifies an adequate control of the breathing
pattern during the test. IME testing might also help to select the
best COPD candidates for IMT [63] or other innovative
approaches [64, 65].
Neural respiratory drive
Mechanical abnormalities (hyperinflation or increased work of
breathing) together with cellular and molecular alterations
lead to diaphragmatic dysfunction in COPD, although some
compensatory mechanisms exist [64]. Neural respiratory drive
may be assessed by diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG) but
few data are available in COPD. LUO and co-workers [66, 67]
have developed a specific oesophageal catheter with multiple
electrodes, allowing an optimal sampling of diaphragm EMG
and neural drive. The same electrode was used in COPD
patients to enable a comparison to age-matched healthy
controls [68]. EMG during spontaneous breathing was normalised as the percentage of individual maximal EMG (defined as
the maximal EMG value obtained during inspiration to TLC,
PI,max, maximal sniff manoeuvres or maximum voluntary
ventilation) and thus expressed as EMGdi % max. In
comparison with controls, COPD patients exhibited a markedly increased neural drive (EMGdi % max) at rest (mean 28%
versus 9%). In COPD patients, EMGdi % max was inversely
correlated to FEV1 (fig. 4) and vital capacity. EMGdi % max
reached 51% in the most severe patient, indicating a major
increase in load/capacity ratio. Unfortunately, the relationships between these EMG data and dyspnoea, health-related
quality of life or relevant pulmonary function test parameters
(hyperinflation, airway resistance and exercise tolerance) were
not determined. Therefore, the clinical relevance of this
method remains to be assessed.
It is now widely acknowledged that COPD clinical manifestations are not restricted to the respiratory system: it is of utmost
importance to recognise that the impact of COPD on individuals
is the consequence of both respiratory and extra-respiratory
features of the disease, in order to offer the global and integrated
care that is required to improve the patients health status.
Extra-respiratory diseases associated (and possibly causally
linked with COPD) will be the topic of the following section of
this review. Here we will focus on the impact of exacerbations,
cough and sputum production and dyspnoea.





Electrode pair






Electrode pair






Time s



EMGdi % max


Time s









FEV1 % pred






Vital capacity % pred



Representative diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) tracings at rest (a and b) and during maximum voluntary ventilation (c and d) in a healthy subject (a and c)

and in a severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient (b and d). Relationship between diaphragm EMG (as a percentage of the maximum; EMGdi % max) and e)
forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1; r250.4; p,0.001) or f) vital capacity (r250.61; p,0.001). Reproduced and modified from [68] with permission from the publisher.





The definition of exacerbations has been the topic of several
reviews, guidelines and consensus statements, which reflects
that it does not represent a trivial issue [6971]. This point is
illustrated by the finding that only half of diary-detected
exacerbations are reported to physicians [71]. One consequence
is that it may be difficult to compare data on exacerbations
from studies with various definitions of these events.
However, data on the long-term impact of COPD exacerbations provide quite convergent results.
Previous studies suggested that a subset of patients exhibit
exacerbations more frequently, which is not explained only by
the severity of airflow obstruction [71]: more recently, a study of
severe, early-onset COPD probands and their relatives found
that predictors of frequent exacerbations were chronic cough
and phlegm production, episodic wheezing, pneumonia, active
smoking, exertional dyspnoea and lower lung function [72]. A
familial aggregation of exacerbations was observed, suggesting
a genetic component of the frequent exacerbator phenotypes.
Obviously, the occurrence of an exacerbation is associated with
an increased risk of hospitalisation and death. However, it also
impairs patients health status quite dramatically, as demonstrated by BOURBEAU et al. [73] (fig. 5). In this study, patients
were instructed to report all increases in respiratory symptoms
that lasted o24 h. Despite these efforts towards early identification and care for exacerbations, these episodes were associated
with marked (up to a mean of 14 points) worsening in SGRQ
impact and activity domains. During the second week following
the onset of exacerbation, a clinically significant deterioration of
impact scores was still observed in 37% of patients. The change
in health status that accompanies exacerbations is largely
related to their impact on daily activity, which is itself the
consequence of airflow obstruction, dyspnoea and impaired
exercise tolerance (as illustrated by the 1.4-point increase in the
BODE (body mass index, FEV1 for airflow obstruction,
dyspnoea, and 6-min walk distance for exercise tolerance) index
that is observed during exacerbations).


Finally, in a cohort study COTE et al. [75] showed that frequent

exacerbations have a negative long-term impact on the BODE
index, a well known prognostic factor in COPD.
Exacerbations should not be considered as purely respiratory
episodes: they are associated with systemic inflammation, the
persistence of which predicts their recurrence [76] and is
associated with poorer prognosis of COPD [77]. In addition,
exacerbations are associated with an increase in depressive
symptoms when they occur, which is easily understandable,
and their repetition is associated with an increased prevalence
of depression at steady state [78], which participates in health
status and daily activity impairment.
Cough and sputum production
Chronic bronchitis was included in the 2006 GOLD classification as stage 0 COPD. It has since been removed from this
classification and is now only considered to be a clinical
signature of an increased risk of developing COPD. These
changes were the consequence of attempts to find the best
compromise between communication requirements to improve
COPD awareness in the population and scientific data. Indeed,
chronic bronchitis is not present in all COPD patients and
initial studies assessing its prognostic value in smokers gave
conflicting results [79]. An analysis of the Copenhagen City
Heart Study found that chronic bronchitis was not an
independent risk factor of subsequent occurrence of airflow
obstruction once tobacco smoking was taken into account [80].
However, the so-called GOLD stage 0 was associated with an
excess rate of FEV1 decline. Furthermore, other studies showed
an increased incidence of COPD in males with chronic
bronchitis [81] and an increased disease severity in patients
with severe a1-antitrypsin deficiency-related emphysema who
exhibit chronic cough and phlegm production [82]. In addition,
symptoms of chronic bronchitis are of some prognostic value
when survival is considered [83, 84].
Exacerbations could represent one of the links between chronic
sputum production and prognosis, since sputum production is
associated with more frequent exacerbations, which in turn are
associated with a poorer prognosis, as oulined above. For
instance, a cohort study of 433 COPD subjects found that

Importantly, patients with frequent exacerbations are also

characterised by other pejorative long-term outcomes, including a more rapid decline in lung function, poorer health status
at steady state and increased mortality [71]. Corresponding
data have come from cohort studies including unselected
patients in a real-life context. They leave an important
question unanswered: are the poorer long-term outcomes
causally linked to exacerbation frequency and severity, or are
all these features independent consequences of an increased
disease severity? Recently, ANZUETO et al. [74] gathered data
from two 1-yr randomised placebo-controlled trials testing the
effect of a bronchodilator in almost 1,000 patients with
moderate-to-severe COPD. In the placebo group, they confirmed that higher exacerbation frequency is associated with
more loss of FEV1, impairment in quality of life and increase in
dyspnoea with time. Interestingly, they also found that a lower
exacerbation frequency after pharmacological intervention was
associated with more marked changes in terms of lung
function, dyspnoea and health status. Such results do not
allow the conclusion that there is a causal link between
exacerbations and other outcomes, but they do suggest a
possible temporal relationship.

and 1 and 2 weeks later, as compared with baseline values. Data taken from [73].







Week 1

Week 2

Mean changes (worsening) in St Georges Respiratory

Questionnaire activity (h) and impact (&) domains scores at onset of exacerbations




with a greater frequency of moderate-to-severe airflow obstruction and dyspnoea (Medical Research Council (MRC) grades 45)
in males, suggesting a sex effect influencing the impact of COPD
on health status. Another Spanish study in daily practice found
that the variable affecting the disease burden the most (as
assessed using the clinical COPD questionnaire) was dyspnoea,
followed by the degree of airflow obstruction [92]. Similar
findings were provided by several other studies, underlying the
major role of dyspnoea as a determinant of health status [93].

Relative risk of having at least two

exacerbations per year



Moderate Severe

10% decrease in FEV1



Moderate Severe
Chronic cough and
sputum production

Effect of independent predictors of frequent exacerbations (i.e.

forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and cough and sputum production) in a

cohort of 433 patients with chronic abstructive pulmonary disease: relative risk (95%
CI) of having at least two exacerbations during the previous year are presented for
all, moderate and severe exacerbations. Data taken from [85].

frequent exacerbations (at least two within the previous year)

were reported by 55% of COPD subjects with chronic bronchitis
and by 22% of patients without this feature (fig. 6) [85]. In that
study, logistic regression found that FEV1 and chronic bronchitis
were the only independent predictors of frequent exacerbations.
These findings were in line with that of the prospective East
London COPD cohort follow-up [86] and of a cross-sectional
study of general practitioner-diagnosed COPD [87].
One difficulty when studying the impact of chronic bronchitis is
that it does not appear to be a stable feature in COPD, being
markedly influenced by smoking continuation or cessation [80].
Studying its relationship with exacerbations is also difficult,
since cough and sputum production are themselves features of
exacerbations [85]. Finally, there are few tools to assess their
clinical impact on patients [88].
Thus, an important question remains open, i.e. is it worth
targeting the pathophysiological mechanisms (such as epidermal
growth factor receptor [89]) that play a role in sputum production
when trying to modify the natural history of COPD?
Dyspnoea and health status
The most global measure of COPD impact on patients is
obviously health status or health-related quality of life. As
mentioned above, exacerbations and their frequency are major
determinants of health status. Dyspnoea and its consequences
for activity represent another major determinant of health
status. Other symptoms such as fatigue must not be underestimated [90]. Interestingly, the symptomatic impact of COPD
on individuals may be modified by sex.
In a wide study using the Short Form-12 generic health-related
quality of life questionnaire in .9,000 COPD patients in daily
practice, health-related quality of life was found to be poorer in
females, older subjects and patients with more severe COPD [91].
The poorer health-related quality of life in females contrasted


The influence of sex on how COPD affects health-related

quality of life is not restricted to a global, quantitative effect on
scores: it is also characterised by variations in the determinants
of health status: DE TORRES et al. [94], who also found worse
health-related quality of life scores in females than males using
the SGRQ, performed separate analyses of these determinants
in males and females. Dyspnoea was again the most potent
predictor of health-related quality of life in both sexes. Exercise
capacity (6-min walk distance) and comorbidity (Charlson
index) were other independent predictors of health status in
males, while oxygenation (Pa,O2) was the only one in females.
In both sexes, physiological variables reflecting the severity of
airflow obstruction (FEV1) or hyperinflation (IC/TLC ratio)
were related to health-related quality of life in univariate but
not multivariate analysis. This finding may appear surprising
at first, but it is most likely related to the obvious interaction
between these variables and dyspnoea: interestingly again,
another paper by the same team found that independent
determinants of dyspnoea were also different in males and
females (n550 per group) [95].
Dyspnoea is related to both respiratory (hyperinflation and
impaired gas exchange, etc.) and extra-respiratory (muscle
dysfunction, heart disease, anaemia and depression, etc.)
features of COPD. Its role in health-related quality of life
impairment relates to the unpleasantness of the symptom itself
and to its effect on daily activity, which can be measured using
questionnaires or motion sensors (pedometers or accelerometers). Several studies found that, even in moderately severe
COPD (GOLD stage 2, BODE score 1), daily activity is notably
reduced [96]. A similar, although nonsignificant, trend also
exists in mild disease. The reduction in daily activity worsens
with increasing severity and is paralleled by increasing
dyspnoea MRC grade (fig. 7). It correlates with every individual
component of the BODE score, higher correlations being
observed with the GOLD stage and BODE score. Some extrapulmonary parameters are also correlated with measures of
daily activity, independently of GOLD stage and BODE score;
they include left cardiac dysfunction (as assessed by levels of Nterminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and echocardiography)
and systemic inflammation (as assessed by C-reactive protein
(CRP) levels) [97]. Among respiratory physiological variables,
maximal voluntary ventilation appears to be more associated
with daily activity than markers of severity of airflow obstruction (FEV1) and hyperinflation (IC) [98].
All these correlations lead to an important question: what are
the causal relationships here and what is their direction? For
example, are reduced physical activity and systemic inflammation relatively independent markers of severity? Are
patients with systemic inflammation sicker in terms of, e.g.
muscle or heart dysfunction, which impairs their activity? Or



Level of physical activity

a) 2.0









GOLD stage



34 510
BODE score


MRC grade

Level of physical activity by Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage, BODE (body mass index, FEV1 for airflow obstruction, dyspnoea,

and 6-min walk distance for exercise tolerance) score and dyspnoea Medical Research Council (MRC) grade in 163 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Physical activity level o1.70: active; 1.401.69: predominantly sedentary; ,1.40: very inactive. CB: chronic bronchitis. Reproduced and modified from [96] with permission
from the publisher.

does regular physical activity exert a protective effect against

systemic inflammation? The same questions remain unanswered for exercise capacity (as measured using 6MWT or
maximum V9O2) or lung and respiratory muscle function (as
measured with DL,CO or maximal expiratory pressure) [99],
which all correlate with daily activity. A protective effect of
daily physical activity on general and respiratory health in
COPD has been suggested by longitudinal data from the
Copenhagen City Heart Study. In enrolled patients, regular
activity at entry in the study was associated with lower rates of
exacerbation, death and lung function decline during followup [100, 101].
Implications for routine practice
In patients with COPD, careful assessment of symptoms and
their impact is required in order to define targets for intervention.
On average, from a respiratory perspective, health status is
mostly impaired by exacerbations on the one hand and dyspnoea
on the other, with its negative effect on daily activity. Other more
general factors, such as fatigue or comorbidities, play an
important role. The respective role of respiratory and extrarespiratory determinants of health status likely varies markedly
between individuals and sex may be involved in these variations.
Therefore, the approach of the COPD patient has to be
individualised using appropriate measurement tools. In routine
practice, careful medical history of exacerbations, questionnaires
on cough and sputum, dyspnoea, activity and health status are
available. However, although they all have been validated for
collective use in clinical studies, their relevance for individual
care is not firmly established, especially with regards to health
status measurements.

chronic illnesses occurring in patients with COPD have been

called comorbidities (i.e. coexisting chronic disorders or
diseases, regardless of whether the comorbid conditions were
or were not directly related to COPD) [104] or systemic
manifestations (implying that COPD was responsible, at least
in part, for these coexisting illnesses). This section describes
major chronic illnesses found in patients with COPD, reviews
the evidence linking COPD with these illnesses and examines
their impact on morbidity and mortality in patients with COPD.
Chronic illnesses and their prevalence in COPD subjects
Systematic assessment of coexisting illnesses has highlighted
their high prevalence in subjects with COPD. For example, in a
recent large study of inpatients and outpatients with COPD
undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation, 51% of the patients
reported at least one other disease in addition to COPD [105].
In this study, metabolic diseases (systemic hypertension,
diabetes and/or dyslipidaemia) and heart diseases (chronic
heart failure and/or coronary heart disease) were the most
frequently reported comorbid combinations (61% and 24%,
respectively) [105]. Several studies revealed that COPD subjects
often suffer from other illnesses, including nutritional depletion
characterised by low body mass index and/or low fat free mass
index [106, 107], osteoporosis [108], tobacco-related cancers
(e.g. lung cancer) [109, 110] and neuropsychiatric disorders
[111113]. Although the prevalence of various coexisting
illnesses in patients with COPD varied greatly among studies,
depending on the different methods used to ascertain comorbidities and the different population samples [114], patients
with COPD consistently had a high prevalence of coexisting
illnesses. Major chronic illnesses present in patients with COPD
and their potential consequences in COPD subjects are listed in
table 1.

COPD has been primarily considered as a respiratory disease
characterised by permanent and progressive airflow obstruction, but the importance of extrapulmonary manifestations has
not been acknowledged until recently [102, 103]. In recent years,
investigators have focused their attention on the findings that
many COPD patients suffer from other chronic illnesses. These

High prevalence of coexisting chronic illnesses is not limited to

COPD subjects, but has also been reported in patients with
other chronic diseases. CHARLSON et al. [115] studied 5,861
consecutive patients seen in a general medicine practice at an
urban academic medical centre in New York, NY, USA. An







Major chronic illnesses present in patients with

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); all
may contribute to health status impairment

Extrapulmonary disease

Possible consequences in
COPD patients

Cardiovascular disease

Increased mortality
Increased dyspnoea (chronic heart failure)
Reduced physical activity

Cancer (including lung cancer)

Increased mortality


Increased mortality
Low fat free (muscle) mass
Skeletal muscle weakness
Increased dyspnoea
Reduced exercise capacity


Increased dyspnoea
Possibly increased mortality




Increased mortality


Increased respiratory infections

Obstructive sleep apnoea

Pulmonary hypertension

interesting finding was that major chronic diseases (e.g.

congestive heart failure, dementia, ischaemic heart disease,
stroke, diabetes, cancer, asthma, COPD, depression and
hypertension) were associated with at least one of the other
diseases in 6090% of cases [115]. Furthermore, 26% of patients
had three or more chronic diseases [115]. A major question is
whether coexisting chronic illnesses found in COPD subjects
are merely related to common risk factors (e.g. aging, tobacco
smoking and genetic predisposition) or are also consequences,
at least in part, of the pulmonary and/or systemic inflammation that characterise COPD.
Pathogenesis of coexisting chronic illnesses in COPD
The possible impact of COPD on coexisting illnesses has been
particularly studied for cardiovascular diseases. Retrospective
cohort studies have found that patients with COPD have
increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (e.g. coronary
heart disease and chronic heart failure) and/or cardiovascular
events [116, 117]. In these studies, risk factors for cardiovascular
diseases (e.g. smoking) were not systematically taken into
account and no conclusion could be drawn regarding the
potential role of COPD in developing cardiovascular disease.
SIN et al. [118] analysed subjects included in the NHANES
follow-up study and concluded that individuals in the lowest
FEV1 quintile had increased cardiovascular mortality and
increased mortality from ischaemic heart disease, independently of age, sex and smoking. These authors suggested that
the lung processes may be causally linked to cardiovascular
disease because airway inflammation can incite and propagate
systemic inflammation (e.g. CRP and fibrinogen), which in turn
may contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis [118, 119].
In a recent population-based study, logistic regression models
adjusting for age, sex, race, smoking, body mass index and


education found increased prevalence of hypertension and

cardiovascular diseases in COPD subjects with severe airflow
obstruction (GOLD stage III and IV), further reinforcing the
hypothesis that COPD was causally associated with cardiovascular diseases [120]. Recently, JOHNSTON et al. [121] studied the
relationship between the severity of airflow obstruction, based
on GOLD criteria, and the prevalence and incidence or
recurrence of cardiovascular diseases in a large cohort of US
adults (n514,681 subjects), aged 4564 yrs, from 1987 to 2001.
These authors confirmed a crude association between lung
function impairment and prevalent and incident or recurrent
cardiovascular diseases; importantly, this association was
greatly reduced after adjusting for covariates, including age,
sex, race, smoking, comorbid hypertension and diabetes,
cholesterol levels and fibrinogen levels, indicating that the
association between COPD and cardiovascular diseases may be
largely mediated through established risk factors [121]. Thus,
although COPD subjects clearly experience increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, it is yet unclear whether
COPD significantly contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases or whether these findings merely reflect the
high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in this population.
An original relationship may exist between COPD and lung
cancer. These two diseases often coexist and lung cancer is a
major cause of death in subjects with COPD (see below).
Although these findings have been ascribed to cigarette smoke
exposure, lung cancer has long been known to be more
prevalent in COPD subjects compared with smokers [110].
Recently, two separate groups studied the relationships
between airflow obstruction, emphysema and lung cancer in
current and ex-smokers undergoing repeated low-dose computed tomography scans for early detection of lung cancer
[122, 123]. These studies revealed that emphysema, which
occurred in 3040% of long-term smokers, was related to lung
cancer independently of sex, age, smoking habits and airflow
obstruction [122, 123]. Although the biological mechanisms
relating emphysema to lung cancer remain unknown, it was
suggested that bronchoalveolar stem cells (BASC) proliferate to
replace damaged alveolar cells and that abnormal BASC
proliferation due to carcinogens present in cigarette smoke
may result in lung cancer [124]. It is likely that common
mechanisms are involved in COPD/emphysema pathophysiology and in lung carcinogenesis.
SIN et al. [108] reported an increased prevalence of osteoporosis
and osteopenia in males and females with COPD. Potential risk
factors of osteoporosis present in COPD subjects include
nutritional depletion, smoking, hypogonadism, reduced physical activity and corticosteroid therapy. Importantly, the prevalence of osteoporosis increased with airflow limitation
independently of age, smoking status, medications, physical
activity and body mass index [108]. A recent study also
suggested that emphysema was associated with osteoporosis
independently of body mass index, smoking and age in a small
cohort (n565) of male COPD subjects [125]. These studies
suggest that biological mechanisms may directly link airflow
limitation and emphysema to osteoporosis. Such a direct
relationship has also been suggested for several other coexisting
illnesses (e.g. anaemia). However, no data show unequivocally
that COPD is directly responsible for osteoporosis and other
coexisting illnesses.


Implications for care

Current therapies (e.g. bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids), which are mostly targeted toward airflow limitation and
airway inflammation, have only shown modest impact on
overall mortality in COPD subjects [126, 127]. The recent
recognition that coexisting illnesses are highly prevalent and
have a negative impact on patient functioning and mortality
has opened new therapeutic opportunities. For example,
cohort studies have suggested that therapies targeting cardiovascular diseases (e.g. statins and beta-blockers) [128, 129]
reduce mortality in COPD subjects, but these findings will
require confirmation in randomised controlled trials [130].
Recently, FABBRI and RABE [131] proposed that COPD should
be considered as a component of a broader syndrome that was
called chronic systemic inflammatory syndrome. The
authors proposed that patients should be diagnosed with this
syndrome if they had three or more components of the
following: age .40 yrs, smoking history .10 pack-yrs, symptoms and abnormal lung function compatible with COPD,
chronic heart failure, metabolic syndrome and increased CRP
[131]. They also proposed that novel strategies involving a
comprehensive approach to management of COPD risk factors
(e.g. smoking and inactivity) and careful assessment and
treatment of coexisting illnesses may dramatically improve
mortality and patient-related outcomes. Therapeutic trials are
urgently needed to confirm these interesting hypotheses.
As detailed above, COPD is a complex disease with both
respiratory and extra-respiratory consequences, which all
impact on patients health status. This underlines the need
for the multidimensional assessment of COPD patients, as with
the BODE score [132]. However, the use of such tools needs to
be preceded by multiple validation studies: it was very
recently shown that their predictive value may vary between
settings and populations. Indeed, the BODE index overestimated 3-yr all-cause mortality by 39% in a Spanish cohort
of 342 patients, while it underestimated it by 36% in a Swiss
cohort of 232 patients [133]. Recalibration improved the
performance of the score as a predictor of prognosis. But it is
also important that scores used in clinical practice fit not only
to specialist settings but also to primary care. In that respect,
CELLI et al. [132], the developers of the original BODE index,
studied a simplified BOD score [134]. In their study, PUHAN et
al. [133] developed and validated a new index called ADO
(age, dyspnoea and airflow obstruction (FEV1)). In their
cohorts, ADO and recalibrated BODE had similar accuracy
for risk prediction [133]. This study emphasises the need for
careful validation of prognostic scores in various settings,
before their use is widely disseminated.
The recent years have provided clinicians and researchers with
major advances in the understanding of underlying mechanisms in COPD, although several questions remain unanswered.
In this constantly evolving context, regularly updated guidelines are here to help clinicians to optimise care for their
individual patients [103].


None declared.

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