Nautical Notes: Principal's Column

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November 13, 2014

Volume 1, Issue 13

Nautical Notes
Principals Column
Here are some items that
will be of interest to you!

Inside this issue:

School Store Opening

A Page from the Media

Notes from the Nurse

PE News

PTO Corner

PTO Business Partners

Career Fair

Special points of interest:

LMES PTO Budget - The

PTO presented the 20142015 budget to the membership at the PTO meeting
on Nov. 11. The budget
was approved .
School Receives an "A"
Lexington-Richland School
District Five again has received an overall A rating under the current federal accountability system.
The formula used for this
rating is part of the states
approved Flexibility Request from certain provi-

sions of the Elementary

and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA), commonly
referred to as No Child
Left Behind (NCLB). District Five is the only district
in the Midlands with the
A rating. The ratings,
released in October by the
South Carolina Department
of Education, shows all
schools in the district received either an A or B
rating. LMES received an
A Rating!! Congratulations to our students, staff,
and families for your
work!!School districts also
receive a state report card
rating, which will be announced later this month.

SALES days are November

17-19. Bring the whole

family to shop
from 4:00-6:15 PM on
Monday, November
17 for our Family Evening Event. Prize drawings will be held at 4:30
and 5:30 for a chance
to win a $25 gift certificate to shop the fair!

Calendar of Events

Book Fair Family

Event 4-6:15 pm


Dining for Dollars
El Poblano
Dining for Dollars
Grouchos of Chapin





MAP Testing


Operation Angel

More information will be

shared as it is received.
Support the Education
Foundation during your
Holiday Shopping!
American Education
Week Remembrances - I
am encouraging our students to write to their former teachers/staff as a part
of our American Education
Week emphasis. Parents
can also write!! Educators
love to get letters from the
students and families that
they have taught or are
teaching now! Take the
time to say "THANK
YOU" to someone at
LMES during this week
celebrating Educators!

Page 2

N a u t i c a l

Our LMES School Store will
open the
week of November 10.
The store is
open on designated days
from 7:207:40 a.m.
must check in with their
homeroom teacher and get a
pass in order to shop in the
store. Each grade level is
assigned a shopping day.
TUESDAY: Grades 2 and 3
WEDNESDAY: Kindergarten and 4th grades



THURSDAY: 1st and 5th


A Page from the

Media Center
Check out the November/
December newsletter from
the Library Media Center!
Topics include book fair,
genre suggestions, holiday
book lists, holiday apps, fall
research projects, and more!
Scan the QR code to go directly to the info or visit

N o t e s

CHANGES Holiday Meals

Items sold in the store along

with the

(Wednesday, November 19
and Wednesday, December 17)

Erasers: 50

Turkey w/Dressing -orCountry Style Steak

Dinner Roll
Green Beans -or- Sweet
Potato Souffle
Rice Pilaf
Fruit Cup

Highlighters: $1.00
Memo pads: $1.00
Pencils: 25
Pencil grips: 50
Pencil pouches: $2.00
Pencil sharpeners: $1.00
Pens: $1.00
Rulers: $1.00

*Chef Salad & PB&J will

also be offered*

Message from Las

Clases de Espanol
El mercado viene!
The market is coming!
through our friends at GOoDworks.
Items for el mercado
may be dropped off in
the office or dropped
by Sra. Gonzlezs

Hola! This year, las clases de

espaol will be holding our annual mercado from Dec. 8
Dec. 12th. Again,
our students will be
able to bargain and
purchase items with
their well-deserved
pesos. As usual, we are seeking
donations of items for our market anything from small school
supplies to PR items and kids
meal toys. So please remember
us as you clean out those toy
boxes to make room for this
years holiday gifts!

Since MAP testing will be taking
place that same week, el Mercado
will be more low-key and will not
require lots of volunteers. Our students will be focusing on communicating in Spanish in an authentic
Many thanks for your help in making this happen for our students!

In addition to items for our

students to purchase for themselves, they will also be able to
purchase items for donation to
needy children in our community

Seoras Gonzlez y Fultz

Volume 1 ,

I s s u e

Page 3

Notes from the Nurse

Health Benefits
of Drinking More

As a whole, we are made up

of 70% water. Water regulates every function in our
bodies. Water flushes out
waste and toxins. It also
transports all the necessary
nutrients we need to look
and feel good.
Not drinking enough water
is similar to depriving that
less-than-vibrant plant you
water every few weeks. The
plant will survive, but at
what expense?
Benefits of drinking water include:

Helps digest food

Lowers Blood pressure

Lessens Asthma

Eases Depression

Metabolizes fat

Supports healthy hair and


Carries more blood and

oxygen to your face

Eases irritability

Regulates body tempera-

ture so you don't get too cold or

too hot

Suppresses appetite

Prevents water retention

Reduces stress

There are many aches and

pains that most people attribute to being sick or tired that
are probably just a case of
dehydration. Even a lack of
concentration and focus can
be attributed to a lack of water. It only makes sense, considering our brains are made
up of 90% water. Those nagging headaches we often get,
that most people shrug off as
part of life, can also just be a
case of dehydration. What
about those painful joints that
we complain about? Water
works as a lubricant: When
we're hydrated, the two opposing surfaces (for example,
the femur and the tibia at the
knee) will glide freely, causing less pain.
Since water is so good for so
many things, make sure you
and your kids are wellhydrated at all times!

They had 30
boys in grades
2-5 train for 8 weeks to run a
5K. Run Hard completed
their end of the season 5K on
Saturday November 8. We
had 5 LMES students finish
in the top 5 for their grade
level. They will advance to
the Run Hard championship
on Nov. 22nd.
2nd Grade: Ethan T.,
3rd Grade: Meetze M.,
Jack C., and Lucas P.

important thing we
can teach our

PE News
Congratulations to

The single most

children is

4th Grade: Dobson R.

and Mikey Z.,
5th Grade: Saint H.

Active Gamecock USC

Volleyball Review
We had over 200 students
earn free tickets for themselves and an adult
for the USC vs. Alabama volleyball
game last Saturday. Many of LMES
students showed up
this past Sunday to
support the USC
volleyball team. Although it
was a very intense game,
USC did not win.

Students who turned in their

winter Active Gamecock Logs
will receive their free tickets
to two USC basketball games.
We had 205 students complete
the winter challenge. Tickets
will be sent home in the near

Lester Laminack

S D 5 L R C

Lake Murray Elementary School

1531 Three Dog Road
Chapin, SC 29036

Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement

Phone: 803-476-4600
Fax: 803-476-4620

Our purpose at LMES is to educate, empower and

encourage students in a safe and
nurturing environment .


Lake Murray
Elementary School

Claire Thompson, Principal

[email protected]
Boyd Hainsworth, Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Kelly Reese, Admin. Assistant Principal

Chart the course

Lead the way.

[email protected]

PTO Corner
Thank you to our
Business Partner Patrons.
Please support these
businesses, as they have
contributed to our
Platinum paw
AVSX Technologies
Human Capital Solutions
Integrity Insurance
Zesto of Chapin
Tims Gas Depot
Gold Paw
DK Nails

Nov. 20th
El Poblano

Nov. 25th
Grouchos of Chapin

ART Work
Our PTO has sent
student art and
forms for ordering to
teachers to
send home.
Parents will
need to return
the form for ordering
by Nov. 20.
Please send these
home when you get

them so that parents

can consider what
they would like to
purchase and return
the forms before the
deadline. Thank you
to our art
teachers for
your help with
the art work
and to class
room teachers
for helping to send
home and to receive
back the orders from

Human Capital Solutions, Inc

219 Shores Edge Drive
Chapin, SC 29036
Phone: (803) 407407-2620

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