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How to Become Closer to God as a Christian

If you feel as a Christian that you could be closer to God, here are some ideas and activities to help you
glorify God and be closer to God. God loves you more than any other living thing. He created you and
by doing the following, you are becoming closer to Him.

Pray. Though this may seem obvious, pray twice or more a day to God. Make sure the words
come from your heart Imagine yourself coming before him and seeing his majesty as you pray.
Worship his majesty! Yet, He wants to be your best friend [bf], who is more than just and right,
Holy God, The Judge, for "He is [perfect] Love".
Don't try to be proud/boastful, or pray anything fancy: just try to address everything big in
your life -- but nothing is too little to ask about or for help and wisdom.
Confess your sins to Him. Pray for all your problems in your life right now, and other stuff that
is really important to you. You can try making a prayer journal, if you aren't comfortable with
praying, or you would like to record your petitions and their results.
Ask your Christian friends about prayer, if you aren't the best at prayer, or look around
and read articles online. has a great prayer system that tells you how to pray for
yourself, other believers, etc.
Think about God is always right next to you, (He is always with you) like a really close friend.
If you do this, you'll probably find yourself talking to God more and more. This automatically
brings you closer to him. You will really benefit by worshiping God and seeking to be filled with
the Holy Spirit.
Talk to your church's youth minister, priest, pastor or children's-teacher/or -pastor about
questions you have. In general, they have studied the Bible and likely have asked many of your
questions themselves. Ask that person things you want to know about God: why does He allow
the free choice for us to sin; why does He allow/or (possibly) make His people suffer; how are
there troubles when doing "good"; why did He let His Son suffer, bleed and die on the cross for
all people (even killers); why did Christ need to return to the Father in Heaven; why did He send
the Holy Spirit, etc. You will learn many things about God that you didn't know. This
information, also, will help you to explain God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to your nonChristian friends.

Read the Bible. The Bible is the written word of God. Try to read your Bible daily through a
reading plan. You can find tons of reading plans online, try to find one that you find works for
you. This one is amazing, and will have your devotional readings aligned for learning something
new every day:here is your list. Devotionals help so much, they explain passages in ways that
relate to our lives, and explains a lot! You can buy your own, our find some online. A great book
that spells out the promises of God, which are true even in the difficult times of life, is "Always
True" by James MacDonald. He directs you to Scriptures that will encourage you and give you
hope in tough times.
Pay attention in church. You'll learn a lot more and feel more in tune with God. Take notes in
church!!! This helps tremendously and later on, you can review them and figure out how to apply
principles to your own life.
Participate in church. Singing in church, and doing the actions you're supposed to do (bow your
head, stand up, sit down, etc.) is not enough. Volunteer as much as you can, help others, etc., and
be blessed.
The best way is to be honest in your thought, feeling, action. God is purer than any person, so
the more you are pure, the more, not only you, but God will touch your heart and fulfill your
deepest desires.
Resist violence and fights. Stay balanced and ethically serene. Read the Bible for help on
keeping an eternal cool.
If you are Catholic, go to Confession at least once every 2-3 months. It will help you to live a
more Christian life, and become closer to God.
Whether you're a child, a teenager, or adult -- try to "hang around" people of the same
faith; so your own faith will grow stronger, including when 2, 3 or more persons agree for
God to answer. This doesn't mean you can't also be around people that don't believe, but
whenever you pray, have faith for what you ask -- because -- if you don't believe, you won't
become closer to God enough for a full, daily walk in Christ.


Reading your Bible every day is essential in growing closer to God. If your not sure where to
read, try studying John. Before you read, ask God to open up your heart, soul, and mind to
whatever he wants to show you. Read one or two chapters a day, (maybe one in the morning and
one in the evening, whatever works best with your schedule) and really think about what the
writer is saying. Pray as you read, and talk to God about what those verses mean. This is an
EXCELLENT way to grow closer to Him, as long as you do it every day.
Relax and trust God. If you feel as though your problems in life are too overbearing, step back
and accept God's plan which is always Good: not bad. "Cultivate faithfulness... 'Trust' in the
LORD, and 'do good'...
Don't repeat prayers that you don't feel. God wants you to have a conversation with him, not to
read empty words to him. Think of him as your friend.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous--for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go!" Joshua 1:9.
You don't have to become a priest, deacon or pastor, to become really close to God. You can do
that through your individual prayers, trusting God in simple "down to earth terms" of childlike
faith (or actually as a child)!
Jesus said, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind;' and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' "
Attend youth groups and adult retreats to light a new fire inside you.
Be careful that you won't forget about God. It's very easy to forget, but always focus on God.
Seek Him early. Seek Him while he may be found.
When you do bless others in real ways then you will receive "blessings" that you can not contain.
Your "cup" will overflow to bless others even more.
Try not to get angry. When people get angry they seem to lose faith in God. But if you do get
angry, try and calm yourself down.
This can't be something like you just want to get into heaven or get whatever reward, but it has to
be something that you do for others, diligently. It's not easy, but the rewards are real and are
Knowing the fact that God is our most intimate father, who is gazing upon us with infinite love all
the times, is vitally important for us to get close to him.
Do not be only self-centered as you pray. Remember that God has his own reasons, for His
timeline, and so trust Him in that.
Seek Him because: It is impossible to please God without faith:
For he that comes to Him must 'believe that he exists',

And that He is a rewarder of those who 'diligently seek Him'.Hebrews 11:6 (Hebrews 11:6).
Always thank, praise and glorify God (for everything He has done or may do for you) regardless
of anything good or bad in your life.
Realize that whatever happens may be a result of a "third person(s)" involved in personal
actions/inaction, opposite of some of your prayers, and God does not contravene disagreeable
parties. They, having freewill, might not follow Christ or God, nor stop their misconduct that can
involve you. It could, thus, depend (regrettably) on those severely "out of (refusing) God's will".
If you do get angry, okay be angry but do not sin such as fighting, causing injury or damages to
others stuff. Do not allow the sun to set on your anger."; so, get over it that same day.
'Delight' yourself 'in the LORD' and he will give you the desires of your heart. 'Commit' your way
to the LORD..." (Psalms 37:2-5)[1]

Whenever you have a problem, ask God to help you. He may not solve it the way you want, but
you will probably be happy with the results. Jesus said, "Ask, and it [what you ask] shall be given
you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."[2]
"Let not your hearts be troubled" John 14:11. Humble yourself (surrender and bow down) toward
God, and He will lift you up.[3]



"Pride leads to a fall and a haughty spirit to destruction!" the Bible states. So, think more highly
of others, i.e.: try to make a habit of being of service, courteous and thoughtful to share God's
love with them.
Do not be proud -- for, false humility means that you are: proud of your humility and of your
achievements without rightly praising God and others.
" 'When did we see you hungry and not feed you, and when did we see you naked and clothe
you?' they will ask. I will tell them 'Whatever you do' [good, bad or indifferent] 'to one of the least
of these My children, you do to Me!' ", Jesus will say at the judgment.
A child or youth can rarely stop parents from separating, and a family breaking up, when the
husband and/or wife determinedly wants it (a divorce, for example).

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