This Week at Aldersgate

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Today, November 16

This Week at Aldersgate

PACEM (lower level)

9:00 am
Revelation Class (208); Agape Class (108)
9:00 am
Childrens Sunday School
9:30 am
Praise Band Small Group (111)
10:00 am
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
11:15 am
Friendship Class (208), Seekers (108)
11:30 am
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
3:15 pm
Youth Praise Band (Sanctuary)
4:30 pm
Disciples Path (108)
5:00 pm
Youth help with PACEM (lower level)

Monday, November 17

PACEM (lower level)

6:00 pm
Finance (208)
6:30 pm
COSA (111)
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts Troop 119 (OS)
7:00 pm
Families Anonymous (108)

Tuesday, November 18

PACEM (lower level)

12:00 pm
10:00 am
Quilters Guild (FH)
12:30 pm
Friendship Luncheon at DoubleTree
1:30 pm
Alzheimers support group (208)
5:30 pm
Total Restoration Ministry (108)
7:00 pm
Sam Gibbs Circle (OS)

Wednesday, November 19

PACEM (lower level)

10:00 am
Fellowship of Friends (208)
1:00 pm
Staff meeting (Lead Pastors office)
6:15 pm
Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
5:30 pm
Small group prayer meeting (108)
7:30 pm
Chancel Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

Thursday, November 20

PACEM (lower level)

10:00 am
Mary Mills Circle (OS)
6:00 pm
Praise Band rehearsal (S)
6:00 pm
Backpack Program at Greer
6:30 pm
Sweet Adelines (OS)

Friday, November 21
PACEM (lower level)

Saturday, November 22
PACEM (lower level)
8:00 am
Sat. Morning Mens Group (208)

The Outreach & Missions

Team is coordinating the
Salvation Army Angel Tree
Program at AUMC.
Beginning November 23, we
will have the childrens names
on the Christmas tree in the
Sip & Chat area. In addition to
the youth angels, we will again
have the names of seniors in a
local nursing home. Please
consider selecting an angel tag
or a senior name from the tree
and purchasing an item of
clothing and a gift for the
person represented on the
tag. You may partner with
other families for larger gifts.
Tags and gifts must be
returned by December 14.
If you have questions about
the childrens Angel Tree,
direct them to Ann Brown
Questions about senior gifts
should be directed to Pat
Daniel or Nancy Berman.
Thank you!

CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
OS = Old Sanctuary
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center

November 16, 2014


PHONE: 434.973.5806 FAX: 434.973.1333

November 16, 2014 23rd Sunday After Pentecost 10:00 AM Worship Service
Commitment Sunday

Hallelujah Song
Praise Awaits You
Joyful Noise Singers

Kathy C. Bowen
Melody Bober

Rev. Scott Davis
Welcome to Aldersgate and to this worship experience! Please take a moment to sign the
attendance pad found at the end of each pew and then pass it down to your neighbor. If you
have a prayer request please complete the blue card found in your pews and pass it to the
ushers during the opening hymn.
*Call to Worship
Kay Ansell
This morning, Lord, we want everything to be for your glory.
We want our thoughts, our words, our songs, our church, our
community, our resources, our time, our lives: all to be for you.
Everything ours is yours, and we come together to declare this to be so,
Bless our time together with your holy presence. Amen.
*Opening Hymn 117

O God, Our Help in Ages Past


*Opening Prayer
Gracious God, who clothes the lilies and feeds the birds and cares for us, too, help us to
cease our worrying and all our strivings. Add to our lives, day by day, calm trust in you until
we find what we seek above all: your kingdom. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Come Now Children
All children are invited to come forward as the congregation sings: Come, now, children, this
is your time; God loves you, we love you, you are the gift of our church!
Childrens Message
Rachel Miller
Following the Children's Message children may return to sit with their families or attend
Children's Church (for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade) downstairs. Before Holy
Communion all children will return to the Sanctuary to sit with their families to participate in
Holy Communion together.
Scripture Lesson
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

Do Not Worry

Matthew 6:25-34
Rev. Scott Davis

Hymn of Prayer 349 (sing three times) Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Prayers of the People
A pause follows each prayer which ends with: Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Please join us in preparing for our upcoming Nativity Play! We will have practices on
November 23, 30, and December 7 from 5:30-6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Our Nativity Play
performance will be on Sunday, December 14th at 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary. We need 6
volunteers/youth to help "shepherd" our cast and we will be meeting on Sunday, November
16th for a special walk through before our first practice. Please contact Karen Smith by
November 16th at [email protected] if want your child(ren) participating in the Play
or you can volunteer. You may also pick up the Nativity Play letter located in both Children
Church rooms for more details.
The AUMC Youth are excited to announce that we have re-launched our fundraiser selling the
long-sleeve, orange, Aldersgate United Methodist Church shirts! Shirts are $20 each and a
portion of that comes back to the Youth Group to help raise money for our 2015 summer
mission trip! Shirts will be delivered to the church in late November for you to pick-up. If you
have access to the internet you may order your shirt by going to this link: http:// If you do not have access to the internet please contact
Rachel, she'll order the shirt for you and you can give her a check for the $20 made out to the
church. (Please make sure to give this to Rachel in person or put in her box in the office.)
If you have questions, please see Rachel. Be sure to get your order in no later than TODAY!
Advent Study "Not a Silent Night" by Adam Hamilton Imagine Jesus from Marys point of
viewproud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and
so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion
and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the
beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Marys beautiful baby.
Three times to choose from, beginning Sunday, November 30:
Sundays 9:00 - 9:45 AM contact: Mike Thornton - [email protected]
Sundays 7:00 - 8:00 PM contact: Mike and Laura Nelson - [email protected]
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 PM (for women, begins December 3) contact: Rachel Miller [email protected]
If you think you might want to lead your own group at a different time; please contact me so
we can talk! [email protected]
Calling all players! We are putting together a dramatic worship service on 12/21 at 5:30PM
and we need actors to help out with the service. The parts are easy to memorize and this is
the first time Aldersgate has put on a worship service of this nature. If interested, please reach
out to Chelsea Morse at [email protected] or give her a call at 434-806-5987. There
will be an interest meeting on 12/23 at 1:00PM in the sanctuary. If you are interested, please
reach out and let us know, we will find a part for you!

Time has really been flying by and it's time to gather goodies for our college student exam
care packages! We'd like to have candy (bars or hard candies), gum, granola bars, mints,
crackers, pretzels, nuts, pencils/pens, hot chocolate, popcorn, the ever popular chocolate, or
other small items that you feel a stressed out college student studying for finals would enjoy.
These packages let the kids know that they are in the thoughts and prayers of Aldersgate
members and let them know that they are not forgotten. We will be collecting through
TODAY, so leftover Halloween candy is just fine. If you'd like to contribute to the mailing
costs, you can leave money or checks in the office or in the offering plate marked for postage
for college care packages.
Call Susan Reed at 973-0766 or email
[email protected]. Thanks for your help with this ministry!
Wednesday Night Prayer: Scripture, prayer, silence, and conversation: Wednesdays 5:30 6:30 PM - Room 108. All are welcome to just show up and join us in prayer. No weekly
commitment required - if the Holy Spirit is moving you to prayer come join us for an hour!
Are you interested in leading/hosting or becoming part of a small group with a relaxed and
causal atmosphere that includes Scripture, food, and fellowship? Contact Mike Thornton at
[email protected].
Advent Brunch - Sunday, November 30th at 11:15 a.m. immediately following the combined
worship service. Come help us celebrate the beginning of the Advent Season by joining in
fellowship and enjoying some delicious food.
There will be sign-up sheets for food and help in the former sanctuary during Sip-n-Chat. As
soon as a date is decided for decorating you will be notified. If you have any questions please
contact Robin Oliver at 434-978-3553 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you!
Holiday Opportunities Please consider the gift of service to our church during the
Christmas Season. The Worship Team has the following two needs:
Volunteers to help decorate the church during the annual, "Hanging of the Greens", on
Saturday, November 29th at 10 am. Volunteers can meet Pam Ohlendorf that morning in the
Narthex just outside the sanctuary at 10am. As the first Sunday in Advent falls on
Thanksgiving weekend this year, we are in dire need of volunteers! For more information,
please contact Pam Ohlendorf at [email protected]
Christmas Eve needs: Extra ushers and communion servers are needed for all 3 Christmas Eve
services. No prior experience needed, just a willing and joyful spirit! We will train you, answer
any questions, etc. If you are feeling the calling or nudge to give this wonderful gift of service,
please contact either Anita Ratliff by email at [email protected]; or Laura Nelson at
[email protected] or 434-227-0340.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, we give thanks for all you have given to us and praise you for your astounding
goodness. Receive the dedication of our hearts, minds, and bodies for the ministry of your
church. Bless our offering for the work of your kingdom, and give us wisdom for the right
use of all you have provided, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The King of Love My Shepherd Is

Chancel Choir

Harry H. Shelley

*Doxology 95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Confession and Pardon 8
The Great Thanksgiving 23 (Musical Setting D)
The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Giving the Bread and Cup
All who are seeking to respond to the grace of Jesus Christ are invited to share in Holy
Communion. Following the direction of the ushers, please move to the Communion station
nearest you. You may also bring your Commitment Card and place it in a basket at the front.
Prayer after Communion
*Hymn of Commitment 405 (sing twice) Seek Ye First
*Passing of the Peace
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.
You are invited to join in food and conversation at Sip-N-Chat, to your left as you exit the

*stand as you are able

November 16, 2014 11:30 AM Worship Service

Welcome To Aldersgate and to this worship experience! Please take a moment to sign the
attendance pad found at the end of each pew and then pass it down to your neighbor. If
you have a prayer request please complete the blue card found in your pews and pass it to
the ushers during the opening hymn. Kindly silence all electronic devices as we prepare to
worship. We hope this worship experience is uplifting and revitalizing for you!
Worship Set


Childrens Message
Rachel Miller
Following the Children's Message children may return to sit with their families or attend
Children's Church (for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade) in room 106 downstairs.
Following the Worship service they may be picked up by their parents/guardians.
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

Do Not Worry

Matthew 6:25-34
Rev. Scott Davis

All who are seeking to respond to the grace of Jesus Christ are invited to share in Holy
Communion. Come to the Communion station as you feel led, receive a piece of bread, and
dip the bread in the chalice. Following communion you may pray at the kneeler.
The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, forever. Amen.
Community Moment:
If you are feeling called to get connected at AUMC we encourage you to talk to one of the
greeters or pastors to see how to get started.
Send Off

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

Peace Be With You.

Please Pray For Peggy Aglubat; Irylanna Butler; Alli Callender; Sandy Checchi; Nancy Clark;
Victor Connor; Helen Counsell; Eugene Deane; Harry Fluharty; Tammy Fritz; June Moon
Gaedecke; Chad Gittings; Kathryn Gray; Thomas Hamlin; Liz Hood; Nan Hutcherson; Roy Jones;
Jeremy Long; Zander Mawyer; Ralph Miller; Don & Pat Milleson; Art Oliver; Renee Parson;
Nancy Reed; Schwaner Family; Paula Smith; Bunny Taylor; Penny Troutman; Travis Whetzel;
Ernestine Williams; Dannie Wright
The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory
of Carolyns father, John Davis, by Chris and Carolyn Fuss.
Have an announcement to put in the bulletin or e-Note? Please send your submissions to
[email protected] AND [email protected]. Weekly deadline is Wednesday NOON.
Our church is in need of a Treasurer - if you are interested please call Greg Brown 434-3278763. Sybil Robertsons term as treasurer has ended, but she continues to hold the position
while we are searching for our new treasurer. Sybil has been a wonderful treasurer and we
thank her for all the great work she did and continues to do.
As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this year with family and friends, please remember
those less fortunate than we are and contribute food items to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.
Food that is needed includes:
Breakfast cereal: 16 - 18 oz. size
Peanut Butter: 18 oz. MOST NEEDED
Canned vegetables: 14 - 16 oz. size: Corn, peas, green beans, tomatoes, mixed vegetables,
potatoes (white & sweet), canned beans (baked, pinto, navy, lima, pork & beans), beets
Beef Stew: 20 - 24 oz.
Canned chicken or tuna: 13 oz. MOST NEEDED
Canned fruit: 16 oz
Canned Soups
Rice: 1 lb. bag or box
Macaroni and cheese boxed Cans of 100% juice
Pasta & Pasta sauce (NO glass jars)
Jam/Jelly (NO glass jars)
Sugar - small bag
Flour - small bag
Cake mix & icing
Baby food, baby cereals, formula, diapers
NOTE: Please check expiration dates and NO jumbo size containers please. Food Collection Bins
will be placed in the Welcome Center and outside the former Sanctuary/Sip n Chat area. Food
will be collected through November 30th.

Charge Conference, a gathering for all church members to reflect on the ministry of our
congregation, will be held November 19 at 7:00 pm in the Sip n Chat area. If you havent had a
chance to meet the Superintendent of the Charlottesville District, this is your opportunity.
Did you know Aldersgate has a virtual prayer wall? Just go to our website,,
and take a look at the "prayer wall" tab on the menu at the homepage. You may post a prayer
request and also pray for those requests that have already been posted. Be sure and visit
the prayer wall today!

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