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DATE: November 6, 2007

FIC #2007-416


18-20 Trinity Street Hartford. cr 06106
Telephone: (860) 566-5682
Toll-free (CT only): (866) 374-3617
Fax: (860) 566-6474

Junta for Progressive Action, Inc.;

Unidad Latina en Accion,; and
The Jerome N. Frank Legal
Services Organization,
Complainant(s) Notice of Special Meeting

John A. Danaher ill, Commissioner, Docket #FIC 2007-416

State of Connecticut,
Department of Public Safety,
Rcspondent(s) November 6, 2007

Transmittal of Proposed Final Decision

In accordance with Section 4-179 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Freedom of
Infonnation Commission hereby transmits to you the proposed fmding and decision prepared by the
hearing officer in the above-captioned matter.
111is will notify you that the Commission will consider this matter for disposition at a special
meeting which will be held in the Freedom of Infonnation Commissio'n Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity
Street, 1st floor, Hartford, Connecticut, at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 8, 2007. At that
time and place you will be allowed to offer oral argument concerning this proposed finding and order.
Oral argument shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. For good cause shown, however, the Commission
may increase the period of time for argument. A request for additional time must be made in writing
and should be filed with the Commission on or before November 7, 2007. Such request MUST BE
(1) copied to all parties, or ifthe parties are represented, to such representatives, and (2) include
a notation indicating such notice to all parties or their representatives.
Although a brief or memorandum oflaw is not required, if you dedde to submit such a
document, the Commission requests that an original and ten (10) copies be filed on or before
November 7, 2007. PLEASE NOTE: Any correspondence, brief or memorandum directed to the
Commissioners by any party or representative of any party MUST BE (1) copied to all parties,
or if the parties are represented, to such representatives, (2) include a notation indicating such
notice to all parties or their representatives and (3) be limited to argument. NO NEW
If you have already filed a brief or memorandum with the hearing officer and wish to have that
document distributed to each member of the Commission, it is requested that eleven (11) copies be
filed on or before November 7. 2007, and that notice be given to all parties or ifthe parties arc
represented, to their representatives, that such previously filed document is being submitted to
the Commissioners for review.
BOrder of the Freedom ofInfonnation Commission


In the Matter of a Complaint by Report of Hearing Officer

Junta for Progressive Action, Inc.;

Unidad Latina en Accion; and
The Jerome N. Frank
Legal Services Organization,


against Docket #FIC 2007-416

John A. Danaher III, Commissioner,

State of Connecticut,
Department of Public Safety,

Respondent November 6,2007

The above-captioned matter was heard as a contested case on October 31, 2007. at
which time the complainants and the respondent appeared, stipulated to certain facts and
presented testimony, exhibits and argument on the complaint.

After consideration of the entire record, the following facts are found and
conclusions of law are reached:

1. The respondent is a public agency within the meaning of§1-200(1)(A), G.S.

2. It is found that by letter dated July 12,2007, the complainants made a vvritten
request for copies of records, from January 1,2007 through the present, relating to the
respondent's participation in an immigration enforcement action that resulted in the arrest
of approximately 29 people in the New Haven area on the morning of June 6, 2007. The
complainants requested:

a. All records relating to the planning, coordination,

execution of and follow-up on the June 6 arrests~

b. All records of any communication with any officer or

staff of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
("DHS"), inc1uding,-but not limited to, the Office of the
Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement
("ICE"), pertaining to the June 6 arrests;
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 2

c. All records of any communication with any officer or

staff of the U.S. Marshal Service pertaining to the June
6 arrests;

d. All records of any communication with any officer or

staff of the New Haven municipal government,
including, but not limited to, the New Haven Police
Department. pertaining to the June 6 arrests;

e. All records pertaining to any communication with the

press about the June 6 arrests; and

f. All records detailing total staff time and money spent

planning, coordinating and executing the June 6 arrests.

3. It is found that, by the same letter of July 12,2007, the complainants also
requested copies of all records created after December 31, 2001 related to the following:

a. Any and all complaints received about the activities of

alleged immigrants, or Hispanics in general, in or
around New Haven, Connecticut, and all records
pertaining to any follow-up action taken in response to
such complaints;

b. All materials mentioning the New Haven municipal

identification .card and the "Elm City Resident Card,"
including but not limited to mention of the debate
before the New Haven Board of Aldermen and its
passage on June 4, 2007;

c. All materials mentioning the New Haven Police

Department General Order 06~02; and

d. All materials mentioning the creation, existence or

possibility of a "sanctuary" or policy of non-
cooperation of New Haven police officers with federal
immigration officials.

4. It is found that, by letter dated July 20, 2007, the respondent acknowledged
receipt of the complainants' request for the records described in paragraphs 2 and 3,
above. It is found that such letter indicated the respondent's intent to review and respond
to the complainants', but did not include copies of any of the records that the
complainants requested.
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 3

5. It is found that by letter dated July 31, 2007 and filed August 2,2007, the
complainants appealed to this Commission, alleging that the respondent violated the
Freedom ofInformation ("FOI") Act by failing to provide copies of any of the records
described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above.

6. It is found that the respondent gathered records from within his agency that
were responsive to the complainants' request. It is found that, because DHS prepared the
records, the respondent believed it was appropriate to give DHS the opportunity to
exempt information contained in such records pursuant to the federal FOI Act, 5 U.S.C.
§552. It is found that DHS reviewed the records and sent copies to the respondent that
included notations of what information DHS would exempt pursuant to the federal For

7. It is found that when the respondent received the records back from DHS, he
notified the complainants, by letter dated October 1, 2007, that he was providing copies
of records described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above. It is found that the respondent
provided 14 pages ofrccords, of which 13 pages contained redactions. It is found that the
respondent withheld entirely an additional 11 pages of records.

8. It is found that the records provided to the complainants and those withheld
entirely contained redactions of infonnation claimed to be exempt pursuant to both the
Connecticut and the federal FO! Acts.

9. It is found that on October 30, 2007, the respondent provided copies of some
of the same records to the complainant, but with fewer redactions. It is found that, on
that date, the respondent also provided redacted copies of three additional ~mails. It is
found that the respondent claimed the redacted information was exempt pursuant to
provisions of both the Connecticut and the federal FOI Acts.

10. Upon order of the hearing officer, the respondent submitted unredacted copies
of the records, described in paragraphs 9, above, for in camera inspection, which pages
shall be identified herein as IC-2007-416-1 through IC-2007-416-21. It is found that the
respondent failed to include with his in camera submission three e-mails (one dated June
4,2007 and two dated June 19,2007) that he provided to the complainants with
redactions on October 1, 2007.

11. Section 1-200(5), G.S., defmes ''public records or files'" as:

Any recorded data or information relating to the conduct of

the public's business prepared. owned, used, received or
retained by a public agency, '" whether such data or
information be handwritten. typed. tape-recorded, printed,
photostated, photographed or recorded by any other

12. Section 1-210(a), G.S., provides in relevant part that:

Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 4

Except as otherwise provided by any federal law or state

statute, all records maintained or kept on file by any public
agency, whether or not such records are required by any
law or by any rule or regulation, shall be public records and
every person shall have the right to . .. receive a copy of
such records in accordance with section 1-212.

13. Section 1-212(a), G.S., provides in relevant part that "any person applying in
writing shall receive, promptly upon request, a plain or certified copy of any public

14. It is found that the respondent submitted insufficient evidence that it was
reasonable to delay nearly three months before providing only 14 pages of copies of
records to the complainants.

15. It is concluded that the respondent violated the FOI Act by failing promptly to
provide the records described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above.

16. With respect to whether the records described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above,
are public records within the meaning of the Connecticut FOI Act, it is found that several
of the records that the complainants requested were prepared by the respondent, and
several others were prepared by DHS or ICE. It is found that DHS or ICE sent the
records it prepared to the respondent prior to the complainants' request.

17. It is found that the respondent "used, received or retained" the records he
received from the federal agencies and the records he prepared, within the meaning of § 1-
200(5), G.S.

18. It is found that the respondent also "maintained or kept on file" the records he
received from the federal agencies and the records he prepared, within the meaning of § 1-
210(a), G.S.

19. It is found, therefore, that the records described in paragraph 2 and 3, above,
are public records within the meaning of §§1-200(5) and 1-210(a), G.S.

20. Upon careful examination oflC-2007-416-1 through IC-2007-416-21, it is

found that the records consist of three pages of a Department of Public Safety
Investigation Report, a single page handbill, cover pages to two facsimile transmissions,
one page with a list of 29 names and corresponding identifying information. three pages
containing six e-mail messages, one page with a list of 32 names and corresponding
identifying information, and 10 pages of records that the respondent publicly identified as
the ICE "Operational OrderlPlan" for the New Haven arrests.

21. The respondent claims that the federal FOI Act. applied through §1-210(a),
G.S., exempts from mandatory disclosure the redacted information in all the records.
The respondent further claims that the Connecticut FOI Act also exempts from
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 5

mandatory disclosure the redacted information on the two lists of names (IC-2007-416-7
and IC-2007-416-11), one of the e-mails (IC-2007-416-10), and the "Operational
OrderlPlan" (IC-2007-416-12 to IC-2007-416-21).

22. It is found, however, that the federal FOI Act, by its express terms, applies
only to federal agencies. The federal FOI Act, 5 U.S.C. §551, defines agency, in relevant
part, as follows:

"[A]gency" means each authority of the Government of the

United States, whether or not it is within or subject to
review by another agency.

23. It is found that the respondent is not an authority of the Government of the
United States, within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. §SS 1.

24. It is found, moreover, that 5 U.S.C. §552 is not a "federal law" that provides
an exception to the disclosure requirement of §1-2l0(a), G.S. As the complainants
observed in their Memorandum of Law submitted in advance of the hearing in this
matter, it is found that a federal law provides an exception to §1-21 O(a)' s requirement of
mandatory disclosure only where the federal law prohibits disclosure. It is found that the
federal FOI Act requires agencies to disclose certain records, but does not prohibit
disclosure of any public records. "( 1) Each agency shall make available to the public
infonnation as follows ... n 5 U.S.C. §552(a). It is fOlmd that subsection (b) excuses
agencies from the affirmative duty of disclosure in certain circumstances. "This section
[(a)1 does not apply to ... ." 5 U.S.C. §SS2(b).

25. It is found, therefore, that the redactions to the copies of records provided to
the complainants that were based on a claim of exemption pursuant to provisions of the
federal FO! Act and §1-210(a), G.s., ru:e without merit.

26. With respect to the respondent's other claims of exemption pursuant to the
Connecticut FOI Act, the respondent contends that §1-21 O(b)(3)(D), G.S., pennits him to
exempt one line of the e-mail records (IC-2007-416-10) and the lO-page Operations
Plan/Order (IC-2007-12 through IC-2007-21).

27. Section 1-21O(b)(3)(D), G.S., provides in relevant part,

Nothing in the Freedom ofInformation Act shall be

construed to require disclosure of ... records of law
enforcement agencies not otherwise available to the public
which records were compiled in connection with the
detection or investigation of crime, if the disclosure of said
records would not be in the public intercst because it would
result in the disclosure of '" (D) investigatory techniques
not otherwise known to the general public ...
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 6

28. With respect to whether the records described in paragraph 26, above, were
compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime, it is found that ICE
compiled the records in anticipation of the service of administrative warrants on persons
suspected of having violated civil immigration laws. It is found that neither ICE nor DHS
undertook the operation for the enforcement of state or federal criminal law.

29. It is found that the respondent's role in the operation was to assist ICE agents
and facilitate their enforcement action. It is found that the respondent did not consider
the operation to be a criminal law enforcement activity. It is found that the operation
produced no arrests for violation of federal or state criminal law.

30. It is found that records compiled in connection with the detection or

investigation of administrative regulations are not compiled in connection with the
detection or investigation of crime, within the meaning of §1-210(b)(3), O.S. Thomas
and The Hartford Courant v. Legal Affairs Unit, State of Connecticut, Department of
Public Safety, Docket #FIC1996-153 (Internal Affairs report was not exempt, because it
was "an investigation into alleged violations of administrative regulations, and was not
compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime." (Emphasis in

31. It is found that none of the records described in paragraph 26. above, were
"compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime," within the
meaning of §1-210(b)(3), O.S.

32. The respondent nonetheless contends that disclosure of the records described
in paragraph 26, above, would reveal an investigatory technique not otherwise known to
the general public, within the meaning of §1-210(b)(3)(D), 0.8.

33. It is found that the records of the Operations Plan (IC-2007-12 through IC-
2007-21), are broad-based operating procedures. Details ofthe some of the procedures
reveal anticipated steps in the investigation that ICE undertook to prepare for the June 6
arrests. It is found that nothing in the Operations Plan reveals any technique of the

34. It is found that the claimed exempt infonnation in the e-mail message (IC-
2007-416-10) does reveal an investigatory technique of the respondent.

35. It is found, however, that none of the investigatory techniques revealed in IC-
2007-416-10 or IC-2007-12 through IC-2007-21 are otherwise unknown to the general
public, within the meaning of §1-210(b)(3)(D), G.S. It is found that the respondent's
investigatory technique, described in paragraph 34, above, is not at a level beyond what
the public perceives through television or other media, nor is it so detailed as to reveal
any unknown aspects of otherwise known techniques. Donovan v. Greenwich Police
Department, FIC1987-173, (remanded hearing, February 26, 1992).
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 7

36. It is found, with respect to the investigatory techniques revealed in the

Operations Plan (lC-2007-12 through IC-2007-21), that the Operations Plan does not
reveal any detailed information that is not already publicly available concerning the
widely known "Operation Return to Sender." It is found that Exhibits E and F in this
matter support the complainants' contention that any investigatory techniques in the
redacted records are not unknown to the general public.

37. It is found that the records described in paragraph 26, above, would not reveal
an investigatory technique not otherwise known to the general public, within the meaning
of §1-21 O(b)(3)(D), G.S. It is concluded that the respondent violated the Connecticut
FOI Act by failing to provide such records to the complainants.

38. With respect to IC-2007-416-7 and IC-2007-416-11, which are two lists of
names and accompanying identifying infonnation, the respondent claims that §1-
210(b)(2), G.S., permits him to refuse to disclose those records entirely.

39. Section 1-210(b)(2), G.8. pennits the non-disclosure of "personnel or medical

files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute an invasion of personal

40. The Supreme Court set forth the test for the exemption contained in §1-
210(b)(2), G.S., in Perkins v. Freedom ofInfonnation Commission, 228 Conn. 158, 175
(1993). The claimant must first establish that the files in question are personnel, medical
or similar files. Second, the claimant must show that disclosure of the records would
constitute an invasion of personal privacy. In detennining whether disclosure would
constitute an invasion of personal privacy. the claimant must establish both of two
elements: first, that the infonnation sought does not pertain to legitimate matters of public
concern, and second, that the disclosure of such information is highly offensive to a
reasonable person. The Commission takes administrative notice of the multitude of court
rulings, commission final decisions, l and instances of advice given by the Commission
staffmembers,2 which have relied upon the Perkins test, since its release in 1993.

41. The respondent claims the records described in paragraph 38, above, are files
"similar" to personnel or medical files, within the meaning of §1-210(b)(2), G.S.

42. It is found that the respondent failed to submit any evidence concerning the
nature or purpose of the information contained in the records described in paragraph 38,
. above.

43. It is found that the records described in paragraph 38, above, are not "similar"
files within the meaning of § 1-21 O(b)(2), G.8.

44. Accordingly, it is found that that §1-210(b)(2), G.8., does not permit the
respondent to refuse to disclose the records identified as IC-2007-416-7 and IC-2007-
416-11. It is concluded that the respondent violated the FOI Act by failing to provide
such records to the complainants.
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 8

45. With respect to the three e-mails, described in paragraph 10, above, which the
respondent provided in redacted fonn to the complainants on October 1,2007, but failed
to submit in unredacted foun for in camera review, it is found that the respondents failed
to prove that the redacted infonnation is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the
Connecticut FOI Act.

46. Accordingly, it is concluded that the respondent violated § 1-21O(a) and § 1-

212(a), G.S., of the Connecticut FOI Act by failing to provide copies of the three e-mail
messages without redaction to the complainants.

47. With respect to the complainants'request for records described in paragraph

3, it is found that none of the records provided to the complainants or submitted in
camera are responsive to that request. It is found that the respondent provided
insufficient evidence that his search for such records was diligent.

48. With respect to the diligence of the respondent's search for records described
in paragraph 2, above, it is found that the respondent did not attempt to obtain copies of
archived, deleted, or sent e-mail communications.

49. Accordingly, it is concluded that the respondent violated the FOr Act by
failing to prove that he provided all the records that the complainants requested, as
described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above.

The following order by the Commission is hereby recommended on the basis of

the record concerning the above-captioned complaint:

1. The respondent shall forthwith provide the complainants with unredacted

copies of the records previously provided with redactions to the complainants on October
1,2007 and October 30,2007.

2. As agreed by the parties, the respondent shall provide to the complainants an

unredacted copy of the record described in paragraph 2.f, above.

3. The respondent shall forthwith undertake a diligent search for the e-mail
communications described in paragraph 48, above. As agreed by the parties, the
respondent is to search for e-mails from April!, 2007 through July 12,2007. The
respondent shall provide the complainants with all unredacted copies of any records
produced by such search and shall providc an affidavit as to the diligence of his search.

4. The respondent shall forthwith undertake a diligent search for the records
described in paragraphs 3 and 47, above. The respondent shall provide the complainants
with all copies of any records produced by such search and shall provide an affidavit as to
the diligence of his search.
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 9

5. The respondent shall henceforth strictly comply with the requirements of §1-
210(a) and §1-212(a)~ G.S.

"'J~ 'ivf11lUxJ.>HJ1;'1-<1
Commissioner Vincent M. Russo
as Hearing Officer

Docket#FIC 2007-416 Page 10


A. Court cases

Payne v. City of Danbury, 267 Conn. 669 (2004); Director, Retirement & Benefits
Services Div. v. FOIC, 256 Conn. 764 (2001); Rocque v. FOIC 255 Conn. 651 (2001);

Dept. of Public Safety v FOIC. 242 Conn. 79 (1997); Conn. Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Commission v. FOIC, 233 Conn.28 (1995); Kurecza v. FOIC, 228 Conn. 271 (1994);
First Selec1man v. FDIC, 60 Com. App. 64 (2000); Dept. of Children & Families v.·
FOIC. 48 Conn. App. 467 (1998); Almeida v. FDIc' 39 Conn. App. 154 (1995); Dept. of
Transportation v. FDIC, Super Ct JD NB CV 01-0508810 (Schuman, J. 2001); City
Treasurer, City of Hartford v. FOle, Super Ct JD NB CV 99 0496222 (Cohn, J. 2000);
Rocque, Commissioner of Environmental Protection v. FOle, Super Ct JD NB CV 98
0492734 (Hartmere, J. 1999); Director, Retirement & Benefits Services Div. v. FOIC.
Super Ct JD NB CV 98 0492692 (Hartmere, J. 1999); First Selectman, Town of
Ridgefield v. FDIC. Super Ct JD NB CV 99-0493041 (McWeeny, J. 1999); Chainnan,
Bd. of Education Town of Darien v. FOIC, Super Ct JD Htfd NB CV 970575674
(McWeeny,l. 1998); Waters, Commissioner of State of Conn. Dept. of Administrative
Services v. FOrC. Super Ct JD HtfdfNB CV 96 0565853 (McWeeny, J. 1997);
Armstrong, Commissioner of State of Conn. Dept. Of Correction v. FOI~ Super Ct JD
HtfdINB CV 960563608 (McWeeny, J. 1997); Dept. of Children & Families v. FOIC,
Super Ct JD Htfd NB CV 96 0562546 (McWeeny. 1. 1997); State of Conn. Office of
Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities v. FOIC. Super Ct JD HtfdINB
CV 950554467 (McWeeny, J. 1997); Youngquist v. FOIC, Super Ct 1D HtfdJNB, CV 95
0554601 (McWeeny,1. 1996 and 1997); Cracco v. FOIC. Super Ct JD HtfdlNB. CV 94
0705371 (Dunnell, J. 1995); Cracco v. FDIC. Super Ct JD Htfd NB, CV 93 0705370,
(Dunnell, J. 1995); Cmcco v. FOIC, Super Ct JD Htfd NB, CV 94 0705369, (Dunnell, J.
1995); Simonds v. FOlC. Super Ct JD HtfdINB, CV 930704139 (Maloney, J. 1994);
Gallagher v. FDIC. Super Ct JD HtfdINB, CV 930531514 (Maloney, J. 1994).

B. FOIC Deoisions

Docket #FIC 2003-285; Frank C. Violissi, Jr. v. First Selectman, Town of Chester (May
26,2004); Docket #FIC 2003-074; Heather M. Henderson v. State of Connecticut,
Department of Public Safety, Legal Affairs Department (Dec. 10,2003); Docket #F1C
2003-020; Hugh Curran v. Mayor, City of Waterbury (Sept. 10,2003); Docket #FIC
2002~580; Ken Byron and The Hartford Courant v. First Selectman, Town of Westbrook
(Sept. 10,2003); Docket #FIC 2003-038 Chris Dehnel and The Journal Inquirer v. First
Selectman, To'Wll of Ellington (Aug. 27, 2003); Docket #FIC 2002-531Chris Dehnel and
Journal Inquirer First Selectman, Town of Ellington (Aug. 27, 2003); Docket #FIC 2003-
055; Robert Mack v. Director, State of Connecticut) Department of Correction, Labor
Relations (July 23, 2003); Docket #FIC 2002-345; Josh Kovncr, Chris Keating, and The
Docket #FIC 2007·416 Page 11

Hartford Courant v. Chief, Police Department, City of Middletown (July 23,2003);

Docket #FIC 2002-338; Amy L. Zitka and The Middletown Press v. Chief. Police
Department, City of Middletown; and Professional Standards Unit Supervisor, Police
Department, City of Middletown (July 23, 2003); Docket #FIC 2002-465; Fred Radford
v. Chaitman, Police Commission, Town of Trumbull; and Chief, Police Department,
Town of Tnunbull (July 9, 2003); Docket #FIC 2002-118; Kimberly W. Moy and the
Hartford Courant v. Superintendent of Schools, Southington Public Schools (Feb. 26,
2003); Docket #FIC 2002-020; Maurice Timothy Reidy and The Hartford Courant v.
Chief, Police Department, Town of Newington and Brendan Fitzgerald (Oct. 23, 2002);
Docket #FIC 2001-489 Jonathan Kellogg, Trip Jennings and Waterbury Republican-
American Chief, Police Department, Borough of Naugatuck and Rick Smolicz (Sept. 25,
2002); Docket #FIC 2002-173; Carrie J. Campion v. Director, Department of Human
Resources, Town of Fairfield (Aug. 28,2002); Docket #FIC 2001-425 Joseph
Mincewicz, Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division
of State Police; and State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division of State
Police (Aug. 28, 2002); Docket #FIC 2001-421 Jean M. Morningstar and University
Health Professionals Loca13837, AFT-CFEPE, AFL-CIO v. Executive Vice President for
Health Affairs, State of Connecticut, University of Connecticut Health Center; and State
of Connecticut, University of Connecticut Health Center; and Justin Radolf, M.D.,
Director, Center for Microbial Pathogenesis, School of Medicine, University of
Connecticut Health Center (Aug. 28, 2002); Docket #FIC 2002-093 Sean P. Turpin v.
Director, Department of Human Resources, Town of Greenwich and Steve Demetri (July
24,2002); Docket #FIC 2002-034; MariAn Gail Brown, Michael P. Mayko and
Connecticut Post Michael Lupkas, Comptroller, City of Bridgeport; Christopher Duby,
Chief of Staff, City of Bridgeport; Mark Anastasi. City Attorney, City of Bridgeport; and
Gregory Conte, Deputy Chief of Staft: City of Bridgeport (June 26, 2002); Docket #FIC
2001-364; Karen Guzman and The Hartford Courant v. City of New Britain Docket (June
26,2002); Docket #FIC 2001·180 James H. Smith and The Record Journal Publishing
Company v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division
of State Police; and State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division of State
Police (Feb. 13,2002); Docket #FIC 2001-129; Kimberly W. Moyand The Hartford
Courant v. Police Commission, Town of Southington (Feb. 13,2002); Docket #FIC
2001-251 Fred Radford v. Chief; Police Department, Town of Trumbull (Jan. 23, 2002)~
Docket #FIC 2000-624; Eric Gustavson v. Board of Education, Brookfield Public
Schools (June 13,2001); Docket #FIC 2000-557; Wendy John v. Richard Blumenthal,
Attorney General, State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General; Wil Gundling.
William McCullough, Phillip Schulz, Margaret Chapple, Assistant Attorneys General,
State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General; and State of Connecticut, Office of
the Attorney General (June 13,2001); Docket #FIC 2000-268; Michael Costanza and The
Day v. Director of Utilities, Utilities Department, City ofGroto~ and Mayor, City of
Groton (April 25, 2001); Docket #FIC 2000~ 198; William J. Stone v. Personnel
Administrator, State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Finance
and Administration; and State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation (April 20;
2001); Docket #FIC 2000-537; James Leonard, Jr. v. Chief, Police Department, City of
New Britain (March 28, 2001); Docket #FIC 2000-348; Bradshaw Smith v. Office of the
Vice Chancellor for Infonnation Services, State of Connecticut, University of
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 12

Connecticut; and State of Connecticut, University of Connecticut (February 28,2001);

Docket #FIC 2000-474; Robert H. Boone and Journal Inquirer v. Chief, Police
Department, Town of Windsor Locks (Jan. 24, 2001); Docket #FIC 2000-265; Lisa
Goldberg and The Hartford Courant v. Superintendent of Schools, Vernon Public Schools
(Jan. 24,2001); Docket #FIC 2000-569; Mary Hyde v. Chief, Police Department, Town
of Seymour (Dec. 13, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-049; Nicholas B. Wynnick v. Board of
Directors, Ansonia Public Library, Town of Ansonia (Dec. 13, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-
136; Thomas E. Lee v. Board of Education, Trumbull Public Schools; and Superintendent
of Schools, Trumbull Public Schools (Nov. 29, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-135; Thomas
E. Lee v. Board of Education, Trumbull Public Schools; and Superintendent of Schools,
Trumbull Public Schools (Nov. 29, 2000); Docket #FIC2000-086; Mitchell D. Poudrier
v. Superintendent of Schools. Killingly Public Schools (Sept. 13,2000); Docket #FIC
2000-173; Robert H. Boone and the Journal Inquirer v. Anthony Milano, District
Manager, Metropolitan District Commission; and Metropolitan District Commission
(Aug. 23, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-094; James D. Goodwin v. Communications
Specialist, State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services, Public and Government
Relations Unit (Aug. 9, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-022; Thedress Campbell v. City
Treasurer, City of Hartford (Aug. 9, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-137; Robert H. Boone and
Journal Inquirer v. Metropolitan District Commission (July 12, 2000); Docket #FIC
1999-560; Leo F. Smith v. Robert H. Skinner, First Selectman, ToWn of Suffield; and
Selectmen's Office, Town of Suffield (July 12,2000); Docket #FIC 1999-556; Delores
Annicelli v. Director, New Haven Housing Authority, City of New Haven; and New
Haven Housing Authority, City of New Haven (July 12,2000); Docket #FIC 1999-548;
Leo F. Smith v. Jolm P. Lange, Human Resources Director, Town of Suffield; and
Department of Human Resources, Town of Suffield (July 12,2000); Docket #FIC 1999-
547; Leo F. Smith v. John P. Lange, Human Resources Director, Town of Suffield; and
Department of Human Resources, Town of Suffield (July 12,2000); Docket #FIC 1999-
525; Leo F. Smith v. John P. Lange, Human Resources Director, Town of Suffield; and
Department of Human Resources, Town of Suffield (July 12, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-
118; Elizabeth Ganga and Connecticut Post v. Police Department, Town of Stratford
(June 28,2000); Docket #FIC 2000-095;'Ron Robillard and the Chronicle v. Chainnan,
Board of Education, Eastford Public Schools; and Board of Education, Eastford Public
Schools (June 28, 2000); Docket #FIC 2000-093; Megan J. Bard and The Norwich
Bulletin v. Chairman, Board of Education, Eastford Public Schools; and Board of
Education, Eastford Public Schools (June 28, 2000); Docket #FIC 1999-575; Bruce Kaz
v. Robert Skinner, First Selectman, Town of Suffield; and Ted Flanders, Building
Inspector, Town of Suffield (June 28, 2000); Docket #FIC 1999-519; Robert 1. Fortier v.
Personnel Director, Town of East Hartford; and Mayor, Town of East Hartford (June 14,
2000); Docket #FIC1999-550; James and Susanne Milewski v. Deputy Chief, Police
Department, Town of Clinton; and Police Department, Town of Clinton (May 24, 2000);
Docket #FIC 2000-005; Fred B. Feins v. President and Chief Executive Officer, Granby
. Ambulance Association, Inc., Town of Granby (May 10,2000); Docket #FIC1999-606;
Robert 1. Corraro and IBEW Local 90 v. To\VI1 Attorney, Town of Hamden; and
Electrical Contractors, Inc. (May 10,2000); Docket #FIC 1999-533; Donald J. Lanouette,
Jr. v.Chie~ Police Department, Town of Madison; and Police Department, To\VI1 of
Madison (April 26, 2000); Docket #FIC 1999-502; Christopher Hoffman and New Haven
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 13

Register v. Director ofPersonne1, State of Connecticut, Southern Connecticut State

University; and Personnel Office, State of Connecticut. Southern Connecticut State
University (April 26, 2000); Docket #FIC I 999-440; Anne Hamilton and The Hartford
Courant James Martino, Chief, Police Department, Town of Avon; Peter A. Agnesi,
Lieutenant, Police Department, Town of Avon; and Police Department, Town of Avon
(March 8, 2000); Docket #FIC1999-333; Lynn Fredricksen and New Haven Register v.
Chief, Police Department, Town of Madison; and Police Department, Town of Madison
(March 8, 2000); Docket #FIC 1999-289; Thomas Moran v. Director, Human Resources,
Town of Simsbury; and Department of Human Resources, Town of Simsbury (Feb. 9,
2000); Docket #FIC 1999-328; Victor Zigmund v. Director, State of Connecticut,
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Human Resources Operations,
Connecticut Valley Hospital, Whiting Forensic Division (Jan. 26, 2000); Docket #FIC
1999-100; Janice D' Arcy and The Hartford Courant v. Chie£: Police Department, Town
of Cheshire; Police Department, Town of Cheshire; Town Manager, To\VI1 of Cheshire;
and Town of Cheshire (Jan. 26, 2000); Docket #FIC 1999-355; Wayne Mercier v.
Patricia C. Washington, Director of Personnel, City of Hartford; and Department of
Personnel, City of Hartford (Nov. 10, 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-391; Jonathan F. Kellogg
and The Republican American v. Department of Education, City of Waterbury (Oct. 13,
1999); Docket #FIC 1999-161; Michael W. Cahill v. Chief, Police Department, Town of
Hamden; and Police Department, To'Ml ofHamdcn (Sept. 22, 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-
294; Robert J. Bourne v. Department of Public Utilities, City of Norwich, and City of
Norwich (Sept. 22, 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-293; Joseph 1. Cassidy v. Department of
Public Utilities, City of Norwich, and City of Norwich (Sept. 22, 1999); Docket #FIC
1999-040; Judith F. Machuga and State of Connecticut, Division of Public Defender
Services, Superior Court, G.A. 13 v. Chief. Police Department, Town of East Windsor;
and Police Department, Town of East Windsor (Aug. 25, 1999); Docket #FIC 1999-144;
Robert H. Boone and Journal Inquirer v. William Gifford, Chief, Police DepartmeIit,
Town of Windsor Locks; Police Department, Town of Windsor Locks; and Windsor
Locks Police Commission (July 28, 1999); Docket #FIC 1999-096; Paul Marks and The
Hartford Courant v. Chief, Police Department, Town of Windsor Locks; and Police
Department, Town of Windsor Locks (July 28, 1999); Docket #FIC 1999-064; Joan Coe
v. First Selectman, To'Wll of Simsbury; Director, Human Resources Department, Town of
Simsbury; and Town of Simsbury (July 28, 1999); Docket #FIC 1999-150; Andrew Nargi
v. Office of Corporation Counsel, City of Torrington; and City of Torrington (July 14,
1999); Docket #FIC 1999-135; Warren Woodberry, Jr. and The Hartford Courant v.
Acting Town Manager, Town of Rocky Hill and Town of Rocky Hill (July 14, 1999);
Docket #FIC 1999-015; Richard Manuel Rivera v. Superintendent of Schools, Torrington
Public Schools; and Board of Education, Torrington Public Schools (June 9, 1999);
Docket #FIC 1998-372; William C. Kaempffer and New Haven Register v. Police
Department, City of New Haven; City of New Haven; and James Sorrentino (June 9,
1999); Docket #FIC 1997-361; Dominick L. Santarsiero v. Director, Human Resources,
City of Stamford (June 10, 1998); Docket #FIC 1999-019; David K. Jaffe v. State of
Connecticut, Connecticut Lottery Corporation, Human Resources; State of Connecticut,
Connecticut Lottery Corporation, Security Division; and State of Connecticut,
Connecticut Lottery Corporation (April 28, 1999); Docket #FIC1998-325; Virginia
Oroark and The Day v. Freedom of Infonnation Officer, State of Connecticut,
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 14

Department of Public Health, O'ffice of Special Services, Communications Division; and

Agency Personnel Administrator, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health,
Human Resources Division (April 28, 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-208; Thedress Campbell
v. City Treasurer, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford (April 14, 1999); Docket #FIC
1998-265; Benjamin M. Wenograd and Service Employees International Union Local
760 v. John Roughan, Executive Director, East Hartford Housing Authority; and East
Hartford Housing Authority, Town of East Hartford (March 24, 1999); Docket #FIC
1997-363; Diana R. Raczkowski v. Mayor, Town of Naugatuck (March 11, 1998);
Docket #FIC 1997-307; Krystin Bratina v. Chief, Hartford Fire Department, City of
Hartford (March 11, 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-288; Christian Miller and the New Haven
Register v. Superintendent, Branford Public Schools; and Board of Education, Branford
Public Schools (Feb. 24, 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-255; Joan O'Rourke v. Chief, Police
Department, City of Torrington; and Police Department, City of Torrington (Jan. 27,
1999); Docket #FIC 1998-251; John Ward v. Beverly 1. Durante, Personnel
Administrator, Housatonic Area Regional Transit; and Housatonic Area Regional Transit
(Jan. 27) 1999); Docket #FIC 1998-163; Lawrence A. Butts v. Director, State of
Connecticut. Department of Environmental Protection,. Human Resources Division; and
State of Cormecticut, Department of Environmental Protection,. Human Resources
Division (Dec. 9, 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-162; Lawrence A. Butts Chairperson, State
of COIlllecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Human Resources Division;
and State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Human Resources
Division (Dec. 9, 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-232; Scott Clark. Amy Kertesz, Michael
Gates and the Ridgefield Police Union v. First Selectman, To'wn of Ridgefield; and To\Vll
of Ridgefield (Nov. 18, 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-193; Daniel P. Jones and The Hartford
Cow-ant v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Environmcntal
Protection; and State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (Nov. 18,
1998); Docket #FIC 1998-121; Ernie Cantwell and International Association of
Firefighters, Local No. 1073 v. Director, Personnel Department, City of Middletown and
Personnel Department, City of Middletown (Oct. 14, 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-120;
Ernie Cantwell and International Association of Firefighters, Local No. 1073 v. Director,
Personnel Department, City of Middletown (Oct. 14. 1998); Docket #FIC 1998-094;
Janice D'Arcy and The Hartford Courant v. Chief, Meriden Police Department, City of
Meriden and Meriden Police Department (Oct. 14, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-422; Joseph
A. Johnson, Jr. and Greenwich Time v. Chief, Greenwich Police Department, Town of
Greenwich; and Greenwich Police Department, Town of Greenwich (Sept. 9, 1998);
Docket #FIC 1998-023; Deborah Maynard v. Superintendent, Voluntown School District;
and Principal, Voluntowp. Elementary School. Voluntown School District (Aug. 12.
1998); Docket #FIC 1997-298; Allan Drury and The New Haven Register v. Chief, East
Haven Police Department, Town of East Haven; and Town of East Haven (June 10.
1998); Jonathan Lucas and Greenwich Times v. Director, Department of Human
Resources, Town of Greenwich; and Town of Greenwich (May 27, 1998); Jolm C.
Rettman v. Meriden Police Department, Internal Affairs Division; and Paul Rowen (May
13, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-318; Dennis Carnot v. Chief, Meriden Police Department.
City ,of Meriden; Internal Affairs Division, Meriden Police Department, City of Meriden;
Meriden Police Department, City of Meriden; and Paul Rowen (May 13, 1998); Docket
#FIC 1997-175; Matthew Brown, Ken Byron and The Hartford Courant v.
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 15

Superintendent of Schools, Plymouth Public Schools; and Board of Education, To\VIl of

Plymouth (February 18, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-123; Jolm Christoffersen and The
Advocate v. Superintendent of Schools, Stamford Public Schools and Director of
Personnel, Stamford Public Schools (Feb. 11, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-088; John B.
Harkins v. Acting Town Manager, Town of Tolland (Jan. 28, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-
085; Joe Johnson and Greenwich Time v. Chief of Police, Greenwich Police Department
(Jan. 28, 1998); Docket #FIC 1997-142; Laura Amon v. Program Manager, Affinnative
Action Division, State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation (Dec. 3, 1997);
Docket #FIC 1996-572; Ken Byron and The Hartford Courant v. Chief of Police, TO\lffi
of Wethersfield (Nov. 12, 1997); Docket #FIC 1997-238; Kimberley A. Thomsen and the
Republican-American v. Acting Superintendent, Waterbury Police Department (Oct. 29,
1997); Docket #FIC 1997-089; Steven Edelman v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut,
Department of Mental Retardation; and State of Connecticut, Department of Mental
Retardation (Oct. 22, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-551; Judith A. Amato v. Executive
Director, New Britain Housing Authority; and New Britain Housing Authority (Aug. 27,
1997); Docket # FIC 1996-539; Ann Marie Derwin v. Legal Advisor, State of
Connecticut, Department of Public Safety; and State of Connecticut, Department of
Public Safety (Aug. 27, 1997); Doctret#FIC 1996-592; Francine Karp v. Mayor~ City of
Bristol; Director of Personnel, City of Bristol; and Dennis Daigneault (July 23, 1997);
Docket #FIC 1996-243; Joanne C. Tashjian v. Personnel Officer, State of Connecticut,
Workers' Compensation Commission; and State of Connecticut. Workers' Compensation
Commission (June 4, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-322;Carolyn Moreau and The Hartford
Courant v. Chief of Police, Southington Police Department; and Susan Williams (May
28, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-465; John Gauger, Jr., Joseph Cadrain and Richard
Westervelt v. Kenneth H. Kirsclmer, Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of
Public Safety; Dawn Carnese, Legal Advisor, State of Connecticut, Department of Public
Safety; and Lt. David Werner, Commanding Officer, Troop liB", State of Connecticut,
Department of Public Safety, Division of State Police (Apri19, 1997); Docket #FIC
1996-315; David W. Cummings v. Christopher Burnham, Treasurer, State of Connecticut
(April 9, 1997); Docket#FIC 1996-521; Carol Butterworth v. To\WCouncil, Town of
Tolland (March 26, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-421; Jolm B. Harkins v. Chainnan, Tolland
Town Council (March 26, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-314; David W. Cummings v.
Christopher Burnham, Treasurer, State of Connecticut (April 9, 1997); Docket #FIC
1996"7119; David W. Cummings v. Jesse M. Frankl, Chairman, State of Connecticut,
Workers' Compensation Commission (March 26,1997); Docket #FIC 1996-215; Alice
M. Gray v. Chief of Police, Manchester Police Department, and Assistant Town
Attorney, Town of Manchester (Feb. 26, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-159; Carolyn Moreau
and The Hartford Courant v. Police Chief, Southington Police Department (Jan. 22,
1997); Docket #FIC 1996-124; Donald H. Schiller, Michael Kelley and The Record-
Journal Publishing Company v. Police Chief, Town of Southington Police Department,
and Town of Southington Police Department (Jan. 22, 1997); Docket #FIC 1996-134;
Betty Halibozek v. Superintendent of Schools, Middletown Public Schools; and
Supervisor of Maintenance and Transportation, Board of Education, City of Middletown
(Dec. 11, 1996); Docket #FIC1996-006; Joseph Cadrain and Richard Westervelt v.
Gerald Gore, Legal Affairs Unit, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety; and
State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division of State Police (Dec. 11,
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 16

1996); Docket #FIC 1996-153; Tracey Thomas and The Hartford Courant v. Legal
Affairs Unit, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety (Nov. 20, 1996); Docket
#FIC1995-419; Robie Irizarry v. Warden, Willard Correctjonal Institution., State of
Connecticut, Department of Correction (Oct. 23, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-368; Thomas
Lally v. Executive Director, State of Connecticut Board of Education and Services for the
Blind, and Special Projects Coordinator, State of Connecticut, Board of Education and
Services for the Blind (Oct. 9, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-403; Jesse C. Leavenworth and
The Hartford Courant v. Superintendent of Schools, Regional School District #7 (Sept.
25, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-361; Christopher Hoffinan and the New Haven Register v.
James J. McGrath, Chief of Police, Ansonia Police Department and Eugene K. Baron,
Brian Phipps, and Howard Tinney as members of the Ansonia Board ofPoliee
Commissioners (Sept. 25, 1996); Docket #FIC1995-358; Lyn Bixby and The Hartford
Courant v. State of Connecticut, Department of Administrative Services (Sept. 25, 1996);
Docket #FIC 1996-056; Francine Cimino v. Chief of Police. Glastonbury Police
Department; Town Manager, Town of Glastonbury; and Town of Glastonbury (Sept. 25,
1996); Docket #FIC 1995-343; JOM J. Woodcock, III v. Town Manager, Town of South
Windsor (July 24, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-324; John J. Woodcock, III and Kathryn A.
Halev. Dana Whitman, Jr., Acting Town Manager, Town of South Windsor (July 24,
1996); Docket #FIC 95~251; Lyn Bixby & The Hartford Courant v. Commissioner. State
of Connecticut, Department of Correction (July 10, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-252;
Valerie Finholm and The Hartford Courant v. Commissioner. State of Connecticut,
Department of Children and Families (May 22, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-193; Terence
P. Sexton v. Chief of Police, Hartford Police Department (May 8, 1996); Docket #FIC
1995-125; Chris Powell and Journal Inquirer v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut,
Department of Social Services (I\1arch 13. 1996); Docket #FIC 1995:-081; Bruce Bellm,
Kendres Lally. Philip Cater, Peter Hughes, Carol Northrop, Brad Pellissier, Todd Higgins
and Bruce Garrison v. State of Connecticut, Office of Protection and Advocacy for
Persons with Disabilities, Sharon Story and Marlene Fein (March 13. 1996); Docket #FIC
1995~074; Jeffrey C. Cole and W'fSBITV 3 v. James Strillacci, Chief of Police, West
Hartford Police Department (Jan. 24, 1996); Docket #FIC 1995-026; Curtis R. Wood v.
Director of Affinnative Action, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction (Jan. 24,
1996); Docket #FIC 1995-132; Michael A. Ingrassia v. Warden, Walker Special
Management Unit, State of Connecticut Department of Correction (Dec. 27, 1995);
Docket #FIC 1995-048; Jane Holfelder v. Canton Police Department (June 14,1995);
Docket #FIC 1994-351; Edward A. Peruta v. O. Paul Shew, Rocky Hill Town Manager
and Director of Public Safety; Donald Unwin, Mayor of Rocky Hill, William Pacelia,
Deputy Mayor of Rocky Hill; and Curt Roggi, Rocky Hill Town Attorney (May 28,
1995); Docket #FIC 1994-160; John Springer and The Bristol Press v. Chief of Police.
Bristol Police Department (AprilS, 1995); Docket #FIC 1994-077; Kathryn Kranhold
and The Hartford Courant v. Director, New Haven Health Department (Feb. 8, 1995);
Docket #FIC 1994-099; Frank Faraci, Jr. v. Middletown Police Department, Mayor of
Middletown, and Ivliddletown City Attorney (Feb. 2, 1995); Docket #FIC 1994-011;
Robert Grabar, Edward Frede and The News-Times v. Superintendent of Schools,
Brookfield Public Schools and Brookfield Board of Education (Aug. 24, 1994); Docket
#FIC 1993-279; Jay Lewin v. New Milford Director of Finance (March 23, 1994).
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 17

2. Affidavit of Eric Turner, January 9, 2002.


Eric V. Turner, having been duly sworn, does hereby depose as follows:

1. I am over the age of eighteen(18) years and understand the obligation of an


2. I am a member of the Connecticut Bar and am currently employed as Director of

Public Education for the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission, having first
been employed by said commission in ] 996.

3. I am providing this affidavit in light of the Supreme Court decision in Director,

Retirement & Benefits Services Division v. Freedom ofInformation Commission, 256
Conn. 764 (2001), in which the court apparently invites a reconsideration of Perkins v.
Freedom ofInformarion Commission, 228 Conn. 158 (1993). Sec, Director, supra at 782,
fn 13, 785 (Zarella, J. concurring).

4. As part of my responsibilities as Director of Public Education for said commission, I

have developed., organized and scheduled speaking engagements, seminars and programs
explaining the duties and rights established under the Connecticut Freedom of
Infonnation Act.

5. Since I assumed my current position in 1996, there have been approximately 290 such
speaking engagements, seminars and programs in Connecticut and I have personally
lectured in approximately 80 such speaking engagements, seminars and programs.

6. As part of the presentation I have prepared for such speaking engagements, seminars
and programs, the subject of the Connecticut General Statues Section 1-21 o(b)(2)
exemption for personnel, medical and similar files the disclosure of which would
constitute an invasion of personal privacy is stressed because of the great interest in that
exemption and the confusion generated by a series of inconsistent and contradictory court
decisions prior to Perkins, supra. See, e.g., Chairman v. Freedom ofInformation
Commission, 217 Conn. 193 (1991) (establishing "reasonable expectation of privacy"
test; query whether subjectively or objectively applied) and Board of Education v.
Freedom ofInformation Commission, 210 Conn. 590 (1989) (confinning a "balancing"
test), which was overruled by the Chairman case.

7. Since the Supreme Court ruling in Perkins, supra, all Freedom ofInfonnation
Commission staff members who conduct such speaking engagements, seminars and
programs discuss in detail the rulings in that case and its progeny.
Docket #FIC 2007-416 Page 18

8. As part of my responsibilities as Director of Public Education, I also answer telephone

and other inquiries from public officials and the public. Since my employment with said
commission, I have answered thousands of such inquiries, including hundreds of
inquiries concerning the COIlllecticut General Statutes Section 1-210(b)(2) exemption. In
responding to such inquiries I discuss in detail the PerJdns case and its progeny.

9. Based on the foregoing experiences, it is my opinion that the Perkins decision, and its
progeny, have had a beneficial effect on public officials and the public itseIfbecause they
can rely on a now long-standing and clear test with respect to the Connecticut General
Statutes Section 1-21 O(b)(2) exemption, which helps them determine whether that
exemption is applicable to the practical problems they encounter with respect to
personnel, medical and similar information. Indeed, the many court and Freedom of
Information Commission decisions applying the Perkins test have given public officials
and the public a now consistent body of law concerning that statutory exemption.

J. ~
Eric V. Turner

55: Hartford

Subscribed and attested to before me this 9th day of January, 2002.

Mitchell W. Pearlman
Commissioner of the Superior Court

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