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Hamburg Sd Standard Claim Procedure

Issued: 18-10-2011

1) Foreword: Whenever filling a Claim against Hamburg Sd (HS), all claim handlers must be
guided that HS, as a German Company, its extremely aware about order and proficiency
while addressing communications and any available proofs related therewith.- HS its
highly committed to answer all claims and e-mails addressed, as long as they receive a
proper description of facts, proofs and title to sue against them. In order to proceed
accordingly, all claim handlers must fulfill requirements highlighted in this procedure
2) Procedure:
How to start a claim:
Before addressing any communication (by e-mail or skype phone call) all claim handlers
must peruse extremely carefully all available facts and proofs. It is highly recommended to
fix an excel spreadsheet stating all available documentation, time bar, and client reference
N. No such communication must be addressed if any of the following documentation its
missing or pending:
2.1. Regarding the title to Sue:
Letter of Authority It might be released by our client in the most general style,
however, whenever starting a claim it must be attached accordingly;
Assignment of Rights duly signed by cargo interest (shipper or local consignee) It
has been vested that many of the standard fruit sales are performed by a local
vendor (not final consignee) to whom we dont have any relation (not even as
insured), turning difficult to obtain such document. Nevertheless, in order to
proceed accordingly, the referred situation must be informed to our clients, prior
releasing any or whatsoever communication against HS, so that they can retrieve
any available document that may enable our claim;
2.2. Regarding available proofs:

Documents in Spanish / Portuguese: Non such documents shall be addressed

without its corresponding English translation.- Please note: Prior attaching any of
the referred documents, each claim handler must peruse each translation,
regarding it clearly refers to the translated documents.- Furthermore, in each email or communication must be tagged that the addressed documents are a free
translation of the original Spanish / Portuguese documents.As part of our standard claim handling procedures, all our communications must
be addressed in English.- Opponents expect our utmost proficiency on this.- Please

note that missing a word might misguide the line of our claim. Furthermore,
addressing a document partly in Spanish / Portuguese, its considered extremely
rude, even if such reference is careless to the case, hence its very important to
address such communications as referred. Each business unit has a fellow partner
that may assist you to address your communications accordingly.ii)

In order to prove any alleged fact, claim handlers may use alternatively, survey
reports, consignee quality reports, trusted affidavits, formal complaints (before
any public authority), photographs, and whatsoever supporting documentation
that rightfully proves damages attributable to the carrier. Nevertheless, in order to
avoid further long negotiations and e-mails exchanges with HS representatives
(timeless efficient), whenever addressing a claim, each claim handler must at least
submit the following:
-Survey Report (or its equivalent if unavailable);
-B/L Copies;
-Packing List (if available);
- Sales Invoice; &
- Salvage Sale or Destruction Certificates (if available)
It is highly recommended to address all available documentation at once, if any of
the above stated is unavailable or still pending to be addressed by recovery
interest, such situation must be clearly indicated in the claim notice.

How to request for a time extension:

It has been argued that many claim handlers has requested for time extensions few days
before the case is time barred. Notwithstanding, we receive cases few days/weeks before
its time barred, no such request must be addressed to HS before it is agreed with our
client and Zass Supervisor. Pursuant with the afore stated, prior addressing any claim to
HS, each claim handler must advise Zass Client, recovery possibilities, addressing
accordingly time bar conditions. Therefore in other to request for a time extension, claim
handlers must:

Do it at least within one month before the case is time barred; and
Request it for three months (in order to avoid further requests on the same

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