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Answer the following letter:

Dear Sally,
How are you settling down in your new school in Cork? Our class is quite different since you left. It's
much quieter for a start. All the teachers are remarking on it!
We had an English test yesterday. When Mrs. Byrne came in today with the results she was so mad
there was nearly smoke coming out of her ears!
Phil Martin and Sandra Byrne have split up. Phil is really down in the dumps, but otherwise
everybody is in great form. We are all going down to the club in the Sports Centre on Friday night. It's a
pity you won't be with us.
Write soon and tell us all about Cork. Goodbye for now.
2. Answer the following letter:
Dear Joe,
Greetings from Cork! Now that we have settled in our new house I am having a house-warming party
to celebrate. I am inviting some of the gang from Dublin and some of my new school friends from Cork.
The fun begins at 9pm on Saturday, 3rd March. Why not come down on Friday night and stay for the
weekend? I have asked Sandra and Brian to stay over also.
The train leaves Dublin at 4.15pm and arrives in Cork at 7.30pm. My dad will meet you at the station.
Let me know as soon as possible if you can come.
3. You have just spent the weekend with your friend in the country. Write a letter thanking him/her.
4. You have been asked to your cousin Paul's 21st birthday party on Friday 15th April at 9pm. In
your copy write your reply letting him know if you are going or not.
5. You have just received a very expensive birthday present from your godmother. Write a letter
thanking her for the gift.
6. Your class teacher is sick in hospital. Write a letter to her/him on behalf of the class. Dont forget
to give the news and gossip.
7. Write a letter to yor friend, Sam letting him know how your trip to Brasov is going.
8. Write a letter you would send to your friend from a camping holiday with your family.
9. Write an email you would send to your brother or sister from a holiday with your friends family
in Spain.
10. You have recently bought a 3-in-1 stereo set from Murphy Electrical Stores, Talbot
Street, Dublin 1. It has broken down and Murphy's have repaired it once. Now the CD part of it is broken
and you would like a new one but Murphy's have refused to give you one. You have decided to write to the
manufacturers/makers of the stereo to complain. Write to the manufacturer: Sonny Electronics Ltd.,
Newtown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, and include these details:
Name of shop where you bought it
Date you bought it
Model number (WVF 200GB/34)
What is wrong with it
What you want them to do
11. Write a letter to your Principal telling him/her of a bullying situation in the school that you know
about. Tell him/her what has happened, how long it is going on for and what you think is needed to
improve the situation.

12. Write a letter to your local politician asking for more bins to be put in your area to
improve the litter problem.
13. Write a letter to your favourite radio station asking them to have less stories of teenagers
behaving badly and more about the good things teenagers do in their communities.
14. Emily writes to congratulate her Auntie and Uncle on the birth of their new baby girl.
15. Write an email to your friend telling him/her about a typical weekend in your life. Include info
about what you do in the morning/ afternoon / evening and how you feel at the end of the day.
16. You have just spent a month in England doing an English course at a language school.You stayed
with a lady called Mrs. Grigson while you were there. Write an email to Mrs. Grigson thanking her
for your enjoyable stay and ask her to send you the diary you left in your room by accident.
17. You are going to spend a week at your English friends house and you arent sure what clothes to
take with you or how to get there. Write him/her an email asking your questions.
18. You spent three weeks at your English pen-friend's house. You are back now. Write a letter to
your friend's parents thanking them for their hospitality and explaining how your visit helped
you improve your English (120-180 words).
19. You won first prize in a short story competition. Send your English pen-friend an email telling
him/her the news and how this could change your life (120-180 words).
20. Answer the following email:
Dear Janie,
You're not going to believe this! Remember that short story competition I entered? You know, the one for
It's a Wonderful Life magazine? Well I won! I'm so excited, I'm on cloud nine! Not only will my story be
coming out in next month's magazine, but I also get 100 euros! I even get my picture in the paper. This
could change my whole life. You know how badly I wanted to become a writer. I'm so happy!
Talk to you soon.
Take care,
21. Answer the following email:
Dear Peter,
Hi, how are things with you? Thanks so much for inviting me to your house. I'm so excited that I can't
wait! There are just one or two things I'd like to ask you before I come.
I was wondering what clothes I should bring with me for the week I'll be staying with you. You say the
weather is usually good at this time of year, so I'm packing mainly light clothes. Should I bring a pullover
and a jacket in case the evenings are chilly? What do you advise?
Could you also please give me some idea of how to get to your house? I'll probably be coming by
train, in which case, could you send me some directions on how to reach your house from the station?
Do write back soon and please give my best wishes to your parents. I'm really looking forward to
seeing you.
Best wishes,
22. You are going to spend a week at your English pen-friend's house and you aren't sure what
clothes to take with you or how to get there. Write him/her an email asking your questions (120-180

23. You are on holiday in a country cottage. Send your pen-friend a letter describing your holiday so
far and inviting him/her to spend a week with you (120-180 words).
24. Your cousin has invited you to go on a five-day cruise. Write him/her a letter refusing the
invitation and explaining why you aren't able to go (120-180 words).
25. Answer the following email:
Hey Kim,
Hi! How are you? What are you doing this Saturday? I'm holding a fancy dress party at home in the
afternoon and I'd love you to come.
I'm planning a big party with our old schoolfriends. There will be lots to eat and drink. I've decided to
give the party a spooky theme. So make sure you get dressed up.
You'll probably be coming by train, won't you? Just give me a ring from the station when you arrive
and my parents will come and pick you up. I expect the party will go on quite late so you can stay the
night. We can share my room.
Well, I really hope you can make it. It seems ages since we last met. Please let me know if you can
26. Answer the following email:
Dear Hannah,
As Mum has probably already told you, I'll be taking part in the music festival in your town this summer.
I'm planning to stay for at least a month. Last night I was looking at hotels in the area on the Internet. Do
you think the Hotel Aphrodite would be a good place for me to stay? If not. do you know of any other
places that might be suitable?
Also, my mum told me that you are keen on keeping fit and are a member of the local gym. I was
wondering whether I could join as well? I'd like to stay in shape over the summer.
Finally, I'm hoping to earn some money while I'm there. I've worked as a waitress before. Do you know of
any cafes or restaurants that I could work in ?
Thanks very much for your help, Im looking forward to hearing from you!
27. Answer the following letter:
Dear Sally,
Hi! How are you? Hope exam revision is going well. I'm writing because I'd really like your advice
about a problem I have.
As you know, I've always wanted to become an actress. Well, I've now decided to drop out of college
and enrol full-time at drama school. The problem is I've discussed it with my parents and they refuse to
support my decision. How can I make them change their minds?

Another thing ... a few months ago, without telling my parents, I applied for a drama school scholarship.
Well, I just received a letter notifying me that I've won it! Do you think I should tell my parents about the
scholarship? What do you advise me to do?
Please write back as soon as you can.
Lots of love,
28. Answer the following letter:
Dear Francois,
Hope all is well with you. I'm so excited you're coming to London on the 11th. Please tell me what
time you are arriving at the train station and I'll come and meet you. Only, there's a problem: How will I
recognise you? I've only seen your photo that you sent me two years ago!
As you will be staying with us for two weeks, we're going to go to Brighton to meet the rest of my
family. We're staying with my sister, Eileen, who is a student at the University of Brighton. You'll love it
If there's anything else you would like to do while you're on holiday with us, please let I me know.
Speak to you soon,

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