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Unit 7:

Social Policy
Unit code:


QCF level:



The aim of this unit is to enable learners to investigate the origins of social policies and their impact
on health and social care services.

Unit abstract
This unit covers the many factors that influence social policy, including historical, conceptual, political,
regional, national and other agents of social change. Learners will explore their effect on social policy.
It will be possible to encompass a variety of health and social care sectors in the delivery of this unit.
Analysis of social policy will enable learners to evaluate sufficiency and deficiency in provision.
Tracing developments from 1945 to the present, learners will compare and contrast major competing
perspectives and examine key contemporary issues for policy makers, welfare recipients, providers
and stakeholders.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
1 Understand the significant historical and contemporary landmarks in social welfare provision
2 Understand the origins of social policies
3 Understand the impact of social policies on users of health and social care services
4 Be able to carry out an investigation into recent developments in health and social care policy.

Unit content

1 Understand the significant historical and contemporary landmarks in social welfare provision
Social policy: definition of; distinguishing social policy from organisational policy
World War II and its effects on provision and attitudes to welfare: Beveridge and Bevan and the
inception of the welfare state; the range of social policy eg income maintenance, employment and
benefits, health, housing, social services, education
Post-war: consensus and differences eg the influence of Butler, Gaitskell; ending of consensus; The
New Right and Thatcherism; New Labour and social inclusion; devolution; personalised services

2 Understand the origins of social policies

Ideology: universalism; individual liberty/laissez-faire; ideological issues, eg poverty, eligibility, means
testing and targeting, family and community values
The roles of institutions: Parliament; the European Union; local government; devolved government;
government agencies; other relevant roles eg political parties, committees, enquiries
Influences on policy: movements and pressure groups; campaigns; the media; users of services;

3 Understand the impact of social policies on users of health and social care services

How impact can be measured: methods eg service user feedback, research, statistics, organisational
policy responses, practice experience; difficulties in measuring impact
Broader strategies: behind individual and organisational roles; how policy is implemented; how and
why problems are defined in certain ways
The impact of policy on specific groups: positive and negative impacts on eg older people, children,
people with disabilities, youth offenders; successful policy implementation (barriers to, characteristics
4 Be able to carry out an investigation into recent developments in health and social care policy
National models and the living laboratory: England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales
Current initiatives: as relevant to learner and home country eg gender, ethnic issues, poverty and
social security, health and health services, community care, disability, crime and criminal justice

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria for pass

On successful completion of
this unit a learner will:

The learner can:

LO1 Understand the significant

historical and contemporary
landmarks in social welfare

1.1outline significant historical and contemporary

landmarks in social policy

LO2 Understand the origins of

social policies

2.1analyse the processes involved in the development of a

key Act of Parliament

1.2explain how the changes in ideological approach since

1945 have impacted on contemporary social policies

2.2evaluate different influences on the development of

social policy, including ideologies
LO3 Understand the impact of
social policies on users of
health and social care

3.1analyse how social policy is implemented by

organisations and practitioners
3.2explain how the impact of social policy on users of
health and social care services can be measured
3.3evaluate the impact of a specific policy on users of the
relevant health and social care service

LO4 Be able to carry out an

investigation into recent
developments in health and
social care policy.

4.1evaluate a recent development in health and social care

4.2analyse the differences in formation and adaption of
social policy initiatives from other national perspectives.


This unit has links with, for example:

Unit 8: The Sociological Context of Health and Social Care

Unit 11: The Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care
Unit 19: Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care.
This unit also has links with the National Occupational Standards in Health and Social Care.
See Annexe B for mapping.
This unit also has links with the National Occupational Standards in Leadership and Management for
Care Services. See Annexe C for mapping.

Essential requirements
There are no essential requirements for this unit.

Employer engagement and vocational contexts

The vocational experiences of learners are invaluable in providing case material, particularly with
support from employers or placement supervisors.
Observation visits could be useful, for example to the National Assembly for Wales.

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