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House Corrino
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For the novel of the same name, see Dune: House Corrino.
Imperial House Corrino is a fictional noble family from the Dune universe created by
Frank Herbert. The Corrinos come to power after humanity's victory against the thinking
machines at the Battle of Corrin (from which they take their name),[1] and rule until
deposed by Paul Atreides approximately 10,000 years later during the events of the novel
Dune (1965).[2]

1 The original series

Giancarlo Giannini as Shaddam Corrino IV and Julie

Cox as Princess Irulan, from the Dune miniseries

1.1 Rule as Emperors

1.2 Exile
2 Prequels
2.1 Legends of Dune
2.2 Prelude to Dune
3 Corrino family tree
4 Computer game storylines
5 References
6 See also

The original series

Rule as Emperors
Members of this Imperial House rule as Padishah Emperors of the Known Universe for over 10,000 years, from the time of the Butlerian Jihad
until the defeat of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV by "Muad'Dib" (Paul Atreides) and the Fremen.[2] Shaddam IV has five
daughters, though only two play a part in the events of the Dune saga; the Bene Gesserit-trained Princess Irulan marries Paul in a political alliance
designed to effect his accession to the throne,[2] and her sister Princess Wensicia later plots to place her son Farad'n on the throne.[3]
The Imperial House Corrino's ancestral planet is Salusa Secundus, the original seat of imperial power since the Butlerian Jihad, but the Royal
Court is at some point moved to the planet Kaitain before the events of Dune.[4] The harsh conditions on Salusa Secundus allow the Corrinos to
develop the universe's most-feared military unit, the warrior-fanatic Sardaukar, the means by which House Corrino controls the Empire.[2]
The Prelude to Dune prequel trilogy (19992001) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson establishes that Salusa Secundus had been
devastated by atomics by a renegade House which is subsequently exterminated, their name erased from history. The planet is intentionally left as
a barren wasteland.[5]

Following their exile to Salusa Secundus by Paul at the end of Dune, the Corrinos gradually recover strength. In 1969's Dune Messiah, a bitter
Irulanfrustrated by Paul's love for his concubine Chani and his refusal to let her be the mother of his heirsconspires against Paul with
representatives of both the Bene Gesserit and Bene Tleilax. After the deaths of both Paul and Chani, a remorseful Irulan defects from the Bene
Gesserit and dedicates herself to raising their infant children, twins Leto and Ghanima.[6] Years later during the events of Children of Dune
(1976), Wensicia sets in motion a plan to assassinate the twins and place her son Farad'n, the grandson of Shaddam IV and the last hope for a
new Corrino Emperor, on the throne. The plot ultimately fails, and Paul's heirs Leto and Ghanima rise to power at the death of the Regent, Paul's
sister Alia. Leto is rendered sterile by the process of becoming a human-sandworm hybrid so, to continue the line, he reaches an agreement with
Farad'n: Leto will marry Ghanima in a political arrangement, but Farad'n (who will never rule or marry Ghanima) will father all future heirs apparent
to the throne.[3]
Following Leto II's death after 3,500 years of rule at the end of God Emperor of Dune (1981), Siona Atreides, a descendant of Farad'n and
Ghanima and the culmination of Leto's own breeding program, assumes stewardship of his empire with Duncan Idaho.[7] However, the Empire of
a Million Worlds ultimately collapses in The Scattering, as billions flee chaos and famine to seek new opportunities in unknown space. Some



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1,500 years later in the events of Heretics of Dune (1984), Duncan and Siona's powerful bloodline permeates the universe and lives on in such
luminaries as Miles Teg and Darwi Odrade.[8]

Legends of Dune
According to the Legends of Dune prequel trilogy (20022004) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, Imperial House Corrino is founded by
Viceroy Faykan Butler, the grandson of Xavier Harkonnen and grandnephew of Serena Butler. Faykan had married Jessica Boro-Ginjo, a
descendant of both the first Grand Patriarch Iblis Ginjo and also of the last Emperors of the Old Empire. In a speech given immediately after the
Battle of Corrin, the final battle of the Butlerian Jihad, Faykan takes much of the credit for the victory (though the battle was mainly organized and
carried out by Supreme Bashar Vorian Atreides) and announces that he intends to change his name to Corrino in recognition of this historic event.
He then combines the positions of Viceroy and Grand Patriarch into one office, declaring himself Emperor of Humanity.[9]

Prelude to Dune
The Brian Herbert/Kevin J. Anderson Prelude to Dune prequel trilogy (19992001) chronicles the years immediately prior to the events of
Dune. The novels explore the last years of the reign of Shaddam's father, Elrood Corrino IX (who is murdered by Count Hasimir Fenring at
Shaddam's request), and Shaddam's subsequent rise to power. It is also established that Shaddam has been complicit in the murder of his own
elder brother, the Crown Prince Fafnir, and had secretly administered contraceptives to his own mother, Habla, so she couldn't conceive
another son to rival him. The series also shows the origins of Shaddam's rivalry with Duke Leto Atreides I, and introduces Lady Anirul, the Bene
Gesserit mother of Shaddam's daughters.[5]
Prelude to Dune establishes the existence of Tyros Reffa, the illegitimate, secret son of Elrood and Lady Shando Vernius and the half-brother of
Shaddam. Introduced in Dune: House Corrino (2001), Tyros is the adopted heir of House Taligari from the planet Zanovar; believing Tyros to
be a threat to his throne, Shaddam attempts to murder Tyros by having several major cities on Zanovar destroyed killing 14 million people.
Tyros, who had never cared about the throne, seeks revenge by way of his own assassination plot against Shaddam. The attempt fails, and Tyros
is later executed. Before his death, genetic samples are secretly obtained by Ixian ambassador-in-exile Cammar Pilru that both prove Tyros'
parentage and allow for the possibility of an heir for Tyros' other half-brother, Rhombur Vernius of Ix.[5]

Corrino family tree

The following family tree assembles information from Frank Herbert's original novels as well as the prequel series Legends of Dune and Prelude
to Dune.

223 - 164

Butler family

Octa Butler
219 B.G.


174 - 87 B.G.

Rikov Butler
138 - 108

Rayna Butler
119 - 22 B.G.

Quentin Vigar
D. 88 B.G.

B. 145 B.G.

Jules Corrino

126 - 68 B.G.

(The Virgin




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Tabrina Ple

B. 52 B.G.

B. 50 B.G.

73 Padishah


B. 11 B.G.

Anna Corrino
B. 26 B.G.

3 other


Vutier Corrino

Fondil Corrino
9.843 10,018 A.G.

Yvette Hagal
10,024 10,075 A.G.



Corrino IX
9,999 10,156 A.G.

Habla Corrino
10,071 10,132 A.G.

10,070 10,123 A.G.

Corrino IV
10,119 10,212 A.G.

D. 10,176

Paul Atreides
10,176 10,219 A.G.

10,162 10,248 A.G.



B. 10,207

B. 10,198

Leto Atreides
10,207 13,725 A.G.

10, 164





Computer game storylines



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For the computer game Dune 2000 and its sequel Emperor: Battle for Dune, Westwood Studios included live-action cutscenes that employed
the same costuming style as David Lynch's 1984 movie Dune. These scenes told a non-canon
alternate storyline involving Arrakis, the spice melange and the Great Houses while introducing a
new Great House, House Ordos, to the Dune universe.
In Westwood's computer game storyline, a Corrino emperor named Frederick Corrino IV incites
three Great Houses (House Atreides, House Harkonnen and House Ordos) to wage a feudalistic
war on the planet Arrakis. When Emperor Frederick is later poisoned at the conclusion of the
game by his own Bene Gesserit concubine, the reign of House Corrino ends. At the beginning of
Emperor: Battle for Dune, the Spacing Guild pronounces the start of a War of Assassins
between the three aforesaid Great Houses for control of the Golden Lion Throne. Meanwhile, the
Sardaukar seek a new powerful House to serve. House Ordos procures a ghola of the deceased
Frederick Corrino from the Bene Tleilax, securing the loyalty of the Sardaukar and intending the
false Frederick to act as House Ordos' puppet on the Imperial throne.

Emperor Frederick Corrino IV, played by

Adrian Sparks, seated on the Golden Lion
Throne, from the computer game Dune

1. ^ Herbert, Frank (1965). "Terminology of the Imperium: CORRIN, BATTLE OF". Dune.
2. ^ a b c d Herbert, Frank (1965). Dune.
3. ^ a b Herbert, Frank (1976). Children of Dune.
4. ^ Herbert, Frank (1965). "Terminology of the Imperium: SALUSA SECUNDUS". Dune.
5. ^ a b c Herbert, Brian; Kevin J. Anderson (19992001). Prelude to Dune.
6. ^ Herbert, Frank (169). Dune Messiah.
7. ^ Herbert, Frank (1981). God Emperor of Dune.
8. ^ Herbert, Frank (1984). Heretics of Dune.
9. ^ Herbert, Brian; Kevin J. Anderson (20022004). Legends of Dune.

See also
House Atreides
House Harkonnen
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