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The Scholarship will take effect from the enrolment date (unless specified otherwise) and
subject to the following terms and conditions:

Curtin Sarawak Postgraduate Research Scholarship (CSPRS)

You will be provided with a tuition fee waiver plus a tax-free stipend (RM 2,000 per
month in 2014) for the period stated in the letter of offer subject to your academic
progress achieving a Good Standing status in the Annual Progress Report as reviewed by
the annual Research Review Boarding meeting and as recommended by the Curtin
Sarawak Graduate Studies Committee. The scholarship may only be used for the course of
studies in respect of which it is awarded and shall not be used for any other purpose.


Student Obligations
a. This award is conditional on your adherence to the Higher Degree by Research
Regulations of Curtin University Sarawak for PhD/MPhil Degrees for the entire
duration of your studies.
b. You are required to engage in teaching related activities within your Faculty to a
maximum of 8 hours per week in the teaching semesters.
c. You shall diligently and to the best of their ability apply themselves to the successful
completion of the degree.
d. You are required to conform to the rules (including disciplinary provisions) of the
University. If at any time during your enrolment the University does not consider
your progress to be satisfactory, you will be placed on conditional status and/or the
award may be terminated.


Withdrawal from the University

If you withdraw from the PhD/MPhil program, you will be required to reimburse 100%
of course fees, stipend and any other costs incurred to the date of the withdrawal, and
the funds shall be reimbursed within a period of sixty (60) days. This reimbursement
may be waived at the discretion of the University.


Termination of Scholarship
The University will terminate the scholarship:a. if within the period of study, the University is of the opinion that you have
behaved badly or recklessly or have neglected your study or have failed to show
a satisfactory progress report or have breached any part of the offer;
b. if you abandon or changes the enrolment before the completion of the study
without the permission of the university;
c. if you withdraw from the course due to any reason(s) whatsoever or your
enrolment is terminated on grounds of misconduct or poor academic
performance during the period of your study.
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In any of the above situations the University, according to its discretion, may terminate
this scholarship and clause (3) in this Terms and Conditions shall be effective and the
sum of money shall be paid to Curtin Sarawak University within a period of sixty (60)
The University will also terminate the scholarship or reduce the amount of the fee
and/or stipend if you are in receipt of other scholarships or funding from other sources.


Visa and Student Pass Information (for international and non-Sarawakian students

It is your responsibility to ensure that you hold a valid student visa and student pass
while studying in Sarawak, Malaysia. If your student visa and student pass expires,
you may be required to leave Malaysia. The International Office provides assistance
in applying for your student visa and student pass prior entry to Malaysia. They also
provide assistance in renewing your student pass on annual basis. You are required to
go through medical checkup upon arrival in Sarawak. The scholarship does not cover
the costs of the student visa, student pass and medical checkup.

International Student Insurance (ISI) (For International students ONLY)

All International students studying in Malaysia is required to purchase and maintain

ISI for the duration of their studies. The scholarship does not cover the costs of ISI.


This scholarship cannot be transferred to another campus of the University. You are
expected to complete the candidature at Curtin University, Sarawak Campus.

Provision of False or Misleading Information

If the University knows or has reason to believe that you have provided false or
misleading information to the University in relation to your enrolment or the CSPRS, the
University will immediately:
a. re-assess your entitlement to the CSPRS; and
b. notify the Malaysian Immigration Department of the suspected offence and any
other relevant information requested by the department.

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