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Mailam Engineering College

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai & Accredited by
National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi)

Mailam (Po), Villupuram (Dt). Pin: 604 304


UnitII [2 & 16 Marks]

Subject Name: Data Structures

Subject Code: MC9214

: 2012 2013

Semester: I
Prepared By: Mrs. V.Rekha, MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Subject Incharge



Mailam Engineering College

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
& Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi)

Mailam (Po), Villupuram (Dt). Pin: 604 304

Data Structures MC9214

Binary Trees Operations on binary trees - Binary Tree Representations node
representation, internal and external nodes, implicit array representation Binary tree
Traversals - Huffman Algorithm Representing Lists as Binary Trees

Part - A

1. What is meant by Tree?

A tree is a finite set of elements or nodes. If the set is non-empty, one of the nodes is distinguished
as the root node, while the remaining (possibly empty) set of nodes are grouped into subsets, each of
which is itself a tree. This hierarchical relationship is described by referring to each such sub-tree as a
child of the root, while the root is referred to as the parent of each sub-tree. If a tree consists of a single
node, that node is called a leaf node.
2. Define Path.
A path is a sequence of nodes in which each node is adjacent to the next one. Every node in the
tree can be reached by following a unique path starting from the root.
3. How to find the height of a tree?
The height or length of the tree is the level of the leaf in the longest path from the root plus 1.
By definition, the height of an empty tree is -1.
4. What is meant by Subtrees?
A tree may be divided into subtrees. A subtree is any connected structure below the root. The first node
in a subtree is known as the root of the subtree and is used to name the subtree.
5. What is Binary Trees?
A binary tree is a tree in which no node can have more than two subtrees. These subtrees are designated
as the left subtree and right subtree. Each subtree is a binary tree itself.

6. Draw a binary tree?

Right Subtree

Left Subtree

7. How to calculate the height of a binary tree?

The height of the binary trees can be mathematically predicted. The maximum height of the binary tree
which has N nodes,
Hmax = N

A tree with a maximum height is rare. It occurs when the entire tree is built in one direction. The
minimum height of the tree, Hmin is determined by,
Hmin = Log2 N + 1
8. What is the purpose of balance factor?
To determine whether tree is balanced, the balance factor should be calculated.
If HL represents the height of the left subtree and H R represents the height of the right subtree
then Balance factor,

A tree is balanced if its balance factor is 0 and its subtrees are also balanced.

A binary tree is balanced if the height of its subtrees differs by no more than one and its subtrees
are also balanced.

9. How could you say tree is nearly complete?

A tree is considered nearly complete if it has the minimum height for its nodes and all nodes in
the last level are found on the left.
10. How the Binary tree is representation?
A binary tree is a tree which is either empty, or one in which every node:
has no children; or
has just a left child; or
has just a right child; or
has both a left and a right child.
A Complete binary tree of depth K is a binary tree of depth K having 2k 1 nodes.
11. List out the primitive operation on binary trees?
maketree( ):Which allocates a node and sets it as the root of a single-node binary tree.
setleft(p,x) : Which sets a node with contents x as the left son of node(p)
12. Write the algorithm of binary tree?
1. Identify the branch from the parent to its first or leftmost child. These branches from each parent
become left pointers in the binary tree
2. Connect siblings, starting with the leftmost child, using a branch for each sibling to its right sibling.
3. Remove all unconnected branches from the parent to its children
13. What is meant by Binary tree traversals?
A binary tree traversal requires that each node of the tree be processed once and only once in a
predetermined sequence.

14. What are general approaches to the traversal sequence?
o Depth first traversal
o Breadth first traversal
15. What is DFS?
Depth first traversal, the processing proceeds along a path from the root through one child to the
most distant descendent of that first child before processing a second child. In other words, in the depth
first traversal, all the descendants of a child are processed before going to the next child.
16. Write down the steps to calculate the Inorder Traversal
Traverse left subtree in inorder
Process root node
Traverse right subtree in inorder
17. Write down the steps to calculate the Preorder Traversal
Process root node
Traverse left subtree in preorder
Traverse right subtree in preorder
18. Write down the steps to calculate the Postorder Traversal
Traverse left subtree in postorder
Traverse right subtree in postorder
Process root node

19. What is meant by Binary search tree?

Binary tree that all elements in the left subtree of a node n are less than the
contents of n, and all elements in the right subtree of n are greater than or equal to the
contents of n.
20. Where the binary search are used?
Used in sorting and searching.
21. Draw the structure of binary search tree?

22. List out the applications of Binary Trees?

Find the duplication element from the list.
Sort the number in Ascending Order
Expression Tree
23. Write down the operations of binary search tree?
The basic operation on a binary search tree(BST) include,
Creating a BST
Inserting an element into BST
Deleting an element from BST
Searching an element
Printing element of BST in ascending order.
24. How to searching an element in BST?
Searching an element in BST is similar to insertion operation, but they only return the pointer to
the node that contains the key value or if element is not, a NULL is return;
Searching start from the root of the tree;
If the search key value is less than that in root, then the search is left subtree;
If the search key value is greater than that in root, then the search is right subtree;
This searching should continue till the node with the search key value or null pointer (end of the
branch) is reached.
In case null pointer (null left/right child) is reached, it is an indication of the absence of the node.
25. How to finding Minimum Element in a BST?
Minimum element lies as the left most node in the left most branch starting from the root. To
reach the node with minimum value, we need to traverse the tree from root along the left branch till we
get a node with a null / empty left subtree.
26. How to finding Maximum Element in a BST
Maximum element lies as the right most node in the right most branch starting from the root. To
reach the node with maximum value, we need to traverse the tree from root along the right branch till we
get a node with a null / empty right subtree.
27. How to deleting an element in a BST?

The node to be deleted can fall into any one of the following categories;
1. Node may not have any children ( ie, it is a leaf node)
2. Node may have only on child ( either left / right child)
3. Node may have two children ( both left and right)
28. Define Threaded binary tree.
In binary trees, left and right child pointers of all leaf nodes(empty subtrees) are set to NULL while
traversing the tree. Normally, a stack is maintained to hold the successor of the node in traversal.
Replacing such NULL pointers with pointers to successor in traversal could eliminate the use of stack.
These pointers are called as threads, and such a tree is called threaded binary tree.
29. What is called as right in-threaded binary tree?
If right child pointers nodes with empty right subtree, may be made to point its successor then the
tree is called right in-threaded binary trees.
30. What is called as left in-threaded binary tree?
If left child pointers nodes with empty left subtree, may be made to point its successor then the
tree is called left in-threaded binary trees.
31. How to implementing a right in-threaded binary tree?
To implement right in-threaded binary tree we need info, left , right and an extra logical field
rthread is included within each node to indicate whether or not its right pointer is a thread.





32. What is meant by Heterogeneous Binary Trees?

Information contained in different nodes of binary tree is of different type. Such a tree is called
Heterogeneous Binary Tree.
33. What is called Huffman tree?
Huffman tree are used for developing an optimal encoding scheme for the given frequency of
occurrence of each symbol in a message (string). Find the two symbols that appear least frequency and
assigned them with different bit using 0s and 1s. And combine these two symbols whose code represents
the knowledge that a symbol is either 0 or 1 frequency. Such a way the Huffman tree is constructing for
remaining symbols in the given message.
34. Draw the structure of Huffman tree?

4. D34. This way, the nodes with the highest weight will be near the top of the tree, and have shorter

35. Define internal and external node.

The internal path length of a tree is the sum of all lengths of all paths from each internal node to
the root
The external path length of a tree is the sum of all lengths of all paths from each external node to
the root

36. Draw expression tree for the expression:

A * B - (C + D) * (P / Q)





37. Write the difference between strictly binary tree and complete binary tree.
Complete binary tree is a binary tree in which all the levels must be filled from the left to right.
After filling one level then only we can move on to the next level. Full and Complete binary trees
are different. All full binary trees are complete binary trees but not vice versa.
Strictly Binary Tree: Here each will have exactly two child nodes except the leaf nodes
38. What is the maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k?
The max. no. of nodes in a binary tree of depth k is 2k-1.
Max. no. of nodes in a binary tree of depth k =
= 20 + 21 + 22 + + 2k-1
= 2k 1
39. What are the different representations of nodes in the tree? [UQ Jan 2010]
Array Representation
Linked List Representation

40. Show that in a complex binary tree, the total number of edges is given by 2(n t 1) where
nt is the total number of terminal nodes.
[UQ Jan 2012]

In the above complete binary tree nt is 4, so 2(nt 1) = 2(4-1) = 2(3) = 6

Therefore the total number of nodes is 6.
41. Convert the linked list into a binary tree.

[UQ Jan 2012]

42. List the application areas of Huffman algorithm.

[UQ Jun 2010]

Almost all communications with and from internet .

Most image files for Huffman encoded.
Most music files for Huffman encoded.
Used in mainstream compression format from GZIP. WINZIP, JPEG, PNG,
43. Write down the algorithm for inorder traversal of a binary tree?

Traverse left subtree in inorder

Process root node

Traverse right subtree in inorder

Algorithm inoder traversal (Bin-Tree T)

If ( not empty (T) ) then

[UQ Jun 2010]



Inorder_traversal ( left subtree ( T ) )

Print ( info ( T ) ) / * process node */
Inorder_traversal ( right subtree ( T ) )

44. Draw the linked representation for the following binary tree? [UQ Jan 2010]


1. Discuss about Binary Trees.

A binary tree is a tree in which no node can have more than two subtrees.
These subtrees are designated as the left subtree and right subtree.
Each subtree is a binary tree itself.


Right Subtree

Left Subtree

The height of the binary trees can be mathematically predicted. The maximum height of the
binary tree which has N nodes,
Hmax = N

A tree with a maximum height is rare. It occurs when the entire tree is built in one direction. The
minimum height of the tree, Hmin is determined by,
Hmin = Log2 N + 1

Given a height of the binary tree, H, the minimum and maximum number of nodes in the tree are
given as,
Nmin = H
Nmax = 2H 1

If the height of the tree is less, then it is easier to locate any desired node in the tree.
To determine whether tree is balanced, the balance factor should be calculated.
If HL represents the height of the left subtree and H R represents the height of the right subtree
then Balance factor,


A tree is balanced if its balance factor is 0 and its subtrees are also balanced.
A binary tree is balanced if the height of its subtrees differs by no more than one and its subtrees
are also balanced.

A complete tree has the maximum number of entries for its height.
The maximum number is reached when the least level is full. The maximum number is reached
when the last level is full.



Complete Trees (at levels 0, 1, and 2)

A tree is considered nearly complete if it has the minimum height for its nodes and all nodes in
the last level are found on the left.



Nearly Complete Trees (at level 2)

2. How the binary tree is representation in array? Describe briefly.

[UQ Jun 2010]

A binary tree is a tree which is either empty, or one in which every node:
has no children; or

has just a left child; or

has just a right child; or

has both a left and a right child.

A Complete binary tree of depth K is a binary tree of depth K having 2k 1 node.
Level 1
Level 2

Level 3

A very simple representation for such binary tree results from sequentially numbering the nodes,
starting with nodes on level 1 then those on level 2 and so on. Nodes on any level are numbered from left
to right as shown in the above picture.
This numbering scheme gives us the definition of a complete binary tree. A binary tree with n
nodes and of depth K is complete if its nodes correspond to the nodes which are numbered one to n in the
full binary tree of depth K.
Array Representation:
Each node contains info, left, right and father fields. The left, right and father fields of a node point
to the nodes left son, right son and father respectively.
Using the array implementation, we may declare,
#define NUMNODES 100
struct nodetype
int info;
int left;
int right;
int father;
struct nodetype node[NUMNODES];
This representation is called linked array representation.
Under this representation,

info(p) would be implemented by reference node[p].info,

left(p) would be implemented by reference node[p].left,
right(p) would be implemented by reference node[p].right,
father(p) would be implemented by reference node[p].father

The operations,
Example: -

isleft(p) can be implemented in terms of the operation left(p)

isright(p) can be implemented in terms of the operation right(p)



Fig (a)

Fig (b)

The above trees can be represented in memory sequentially as follows


The above representation appears to be good for complete binary trees and wasteful for many
other binary trees. In addition, the insertion or deletion of nodes from the middle of a tree requires the
insertion of many nodes to reflect the change in level number of these nodes.
3. How the binary tree is representation in linked list? Describe briefly.
The problems of sequential representation can be easily overcome through the use of a linked
representation. Each node will have three fields LCHILD, DATA and RCHILD as represented below




Fig (a)

Fig (b)

In most applications it is adequate. But this structure makes it difficult to determine the parent of
a node since this leads only to the forward movement of the links.

Using the linked implementation,
we may declare,
stuct nodetype
int info;
struct nodetype *left;
struct nodetype *right;
struct nodetype *father;
typedef struct nodetype *NODEPTR;
This representation is called dynamic node representation.

Under this representation,

info(p) would be implemented by reference pinfo,

left(p) would be implemented by reference pleft,
right(p) would be implemented by reference pright,
father(p) would be implemented by reference pfather.

4. List out the Primitive Operations on binary trees with separate examples?
(1) maketree() function
Which allocates a node and sets it as the root of a single-node binary tree, may be written as
NODEPTR maketree(x)
int x;
p = getnode();
pinfo = x;
pleft = NULL;

/ * getnode() function get a available node */

(2) setleft(p,x) function

Which sets a node with contents x as the left son of node(p)
int x;
if(p = = NULL)
printf(insertion not made);
else if ( pleft ! = NULL)
printf(invalid insertion );
pleft = maketree (x);


4. Discuss about Binary Tree Traversals with in.

A binary tree traversal requires that each node of the tree be processed once and only once in a
predetermined sequence.

The two general approaches to the traversal sequence are,


Depth first traversal

Breadth first traversal

In depth first traversal, the processing proceeds along a path from the root through one child to
the most distant descendent of that first child before processing a second child. In other words,
in the depth first traversal, all the descendants of a child are processed before going to the next

In a breadth-first traversal, the processing proceeds horizontally form the root to all its children,
then to its childrens children, and so forth until all nodes have been processed.

In other words, in breadth traversal, each level is completely processed before the next level is
Depth-First Traversal

Breadth-First Traversal

5. Explain about inorder, preorder & post order with separate examples and algorithms.
[UQ Jun 2010 & Jan 2012]
There are basically three ways of binary tree traversals. They are:
1. Pre Order Traversal
2. In Order Traversal
3. Post Order Traversal
In C, each node is defined as a structure of the following form:
struct node
int info;
struct node *lchild;
struct node *rchild;
typedef struct node NODE;
Binary Tree Traversals

( Recursive procedure )

1. Inorder Traversal

Traverse left subtree in inorder

Process root node

Traverse right subtree in inorder

Algorithm inoder traversal (Bin-Tree T)
If ( not empty (T) ) then

Inorder_traversal ( left subtree ( T ) )

Print ( info ( T ) ) / * process node */
Inorder_traversal ( right subtree ( T ) )



The Output is : C B D A E F

2. Preorder Traversal

Process root node

Traverse left subtree in preorder
Traverse right subtree in preorder

Algorithm preorder traversal (Bin-Tree T)
If ( not empty (T) ) then
Print ( info ( T ) ) / * process node * /
Preoder traversal (left subtree ( T ) )
Inorder traversal ( right subtree ( T ) )

Output is : A B C D E F
3. Postorder Traversal

Traverse left subtree in postorder

Traverse right subtree in postorder
Process root node

Algorithm postorder traversal (Bin-Tree T)

If ( not empty (T) ) then
Postorder_traversal ( left subtree ( T ) )
Postorder_traversal ( right subtree( T))
Print ( Info ( T ) ) / * process node */

The Output is : C D B F E A

6. Write the Non Recursive algorithm for Inorder Traversal.

#define MAXSTACK 100
inorder_traversal (tree)
struct stack
int top;
NODEPTR p; = -1;
p = tree;
{/* travel down left branches as far as possible, saving
pointers to nodes passed */
p = p left;
/* check if finished */
if ( !empty (s) )

/ * at this point the left subtree is empty */


printf(%d \n, pinfo);

p =pright;
}while( !empty (s) || p! = NULL );

/* visit the root */

/* traverse right subtree */

7. Write the Non Recursive algorithm for Preorder Traversal.

#define MAXSTACK 100
preorder_traversal (tree)
struct stack
int top;
NODEPTR p; = -1;
p = tree;
/* travel down left branches as far as possible, saving
pointers to nodes passed */
printf(%d \n, pinfo);
/* visit the root */
/* push the right subtree
on to the stack */
}while( ! empty(s) || p! = NULL )
8. Discuss about binary search tree with an example and its applications.
Binary tree that all elements in the left subtree of a node n are less than the contents of n, and all
elements in the right subtree of n are greater than or equal to the contents of n. Binary tree are used for
the purpose of sorting and searching.


Applications of Binary Trees

1. Find the duplication element from the list
Binary tree is useful data structure when two-way decisions must be made at each point in a
process. For example find the all duplicates in a list of numbers. One way doing this is each number
compare with its precede it. However, it involves a large number of comparisons.
The number of comparisons can be reduced by using a binary tree.
Step 1: from root, each successive number in the list is then compared to
the number in the root.
Step 2: If it matches, we have a duplicate.
Step 3: If it is smaller, we examine the left subtree.
Step 4: If it is larger, we examine the right subtree.
Step 5: If the subtree is empty, the number is not a duplicate and is placed
into a new node at that passion in the tree.
Step 6: If the subtree is nonempty, we compare the number of the contents
of root of the subtree and entire process is repeated till all node
/* read the first number and insert it into a sinlge-node binary tree */
tree = maketree (number);
while(there are numbers left in the input)
scanf(%d, &number);
p = q = tree;
while ( number ! = info(p) && q ! = NULL)
p = q;
if ( number < info (p) )
q = left (p);
q = right (p);

if(number = = info(p) )
printf( %d %s , number, is a duplicate);
else if ( number < info(p) )
setleft( p, number );
setright(p, number);
(2) Sort the number in Ascending Order:
If a binary search tree is traversed in inorder(left,root,right) and the contents of each node are
printed as the node is visited, the numbers are printed in ascending order.

For convince the above binary search tree if it is traversed inorder manner the result order is,
30, 46, 50, 58, 60, 70, 77 and 80 is ascending order sequence.
(3)Expression Tree
Representing an expression containing operands and binary operators by a strictly binary tree. The
root of the strictly binary tree contains an operator that is to be applied to the results of evaluating the
expressions represented by the left and right subtrees. A node representing an operator is a nonleaf,
whereas a node representing an operand in a leaf.
9. Explain the operations of binary search tree with separate algorithm.
The basic operation on a binary search tree(BST) include, creating a BST, inserting an element into
BST, deleting an element from BST, searching an element and printing element of BST in ascending order.
The ADT specification of a BST:
Create BST()


Create an empty BST;

Insert elt into the BST;


Search for the presence of element elt and

Set x=elt, return true if elt is found, else
return false.


Find minimum element;


Find maximum element;

Ordered Output()

Output elements of BST in ascending order;


Delete elt and set x = elt;

a. Inserting an element into Binary Search Tree
Algorithm InsertBST(int elt, NODE *T)
[ elt is the element to be inserted and T is the pointer to the root of the tree]
If (T= = NULL) then
Create a one-node tree and return
Else if (elt<key) then
InsertBST(elt, Tlchild)
Else if(elt>key) then
InsertBST(elt, Trchild)
element is already exist
return T
C coding to Insert element into a BST
struct node
int info;
struct node *lchild;
struct node *rchild;
typedef stuct node NODE;
NODE *InsertBST(int elt, NODE *T)
if(T = = NULL)
T = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
if ( T = = NULL)
printf ( No memory error);
tinfo = elt;
tlchild = NULL;
trchild = NULL;
else if ( elt < Tinfo)
tlchild = InsertBST(elt, tlchild);
else if ( elt > Tinfo)

trchild = InsertBST( elt, trchild);
return T;
b. Searching an element in BST
Searching an element in BST is similar to insertion operation, but they only return the pointer to
the node that contains the key value or if element is not, a NULL is return;
Searching start from the root of the tree;
If the search key value is less than that in root, then the search is left subtree;
If the search key value is greater than that in root, then the search is right subtree;
This searching should continue till the node with the search key value or null pointer(end of the
branch) is reached.
In case null pointer(null left/righ chile) is reached, it is an indication of the absence of the node.
Algorithm SearchBST(int elt, NODE *T)
[ elt is the element to be inserted and T is the pointer to the root of the tree]
1. If (T= = NULL) then
Return NULL
2. If (elt<key) then
return SearchBST(elt, Tlchild)
Else if(elt>key) then
return SerachBST(elt, Trchild)
return T
NODE * SearchBST(int elt, NODE *T)
if(T = = NULL)
return NULL;

/* elt is less than the key in root */

/* elt is greater than the key in root */

if ( elt < Tinfo)

return SearchBST(elt, tlchild);
else if ( elt > Tinfo)
return SearchBST( elt, trchild);
return T;

c. Finding Minimum Element in a BST

Minimum element lies as the left most node in the left most branch starting from the root. To
reach the node with minimum value, we need to traverse the tree from root along the left branch till we
get a node with a null / empty left subtree.
Algorithm FindMin(NODE * T)
1. If Tree is null then
return NULL;
2. if lchild(Tree) is null then
return tree

return FindMin(Tlchild)
3. End
NODE * FindMin( NODE *T )
if(T = = NULL)
return NULL;
if ( Tlchild = = NULL)
return tree;
return FindMin(Treelchild);

d. Finding Maximum Element in a BST

Maximum element lies as the right most node in the right most branch starting from the root. To
reach the node with maximum value, we need to traverse the tree from root along the right branch till we
get a node with a null / empty right subtree.
Algorithm FindMax(NODE * T)
1. If Tree is null then
return NULL;
2. if rchild(Tree) is null then
return tree
return FindMax(Trchild)
3. End
NODE * FindMax( NODE *T )
if(T = = NULL)
return NULL;
if ( Trchild = = NULL)
return tree;
return FindMax(Treerchild);
e. Deleting an element in a BST
The node to be deleted can fall into any one of the following categories;
Node may not have any children ( ie, it is a leaf node)
Node may have only on child ( either left / right child)
Node may have two children ( both left and right)
Algorithm DeleteBST(int elt, NODE * T)
1. If Tree is null then

print Element is not found
2. If elt is less than info(Tree) then
locate element in left subtree and delete it
else if elt is greater than info(Tree) then
locate element in right subtree and delete it
else if (both left and right child are not NULL) then
/* node with two children */
Locate minimum element in the right subtree
Replace elt by this value
Delete min element in right subtree and move the remaining tree as its
right child
if leftsubtree is Null then
/* has only right subtree or both subtree Null */
replace node by its rchild
if right subtree is Null then
replace node by its left child\
free memory allocated to min node
return Tree
NODE *DeleteBST(int elt, NODE * T)
NODE * minElt;
if(T = = NULL)
printf( element not found \n);
else if ( elt < Tinfo)
Tlchild = DeleteBST(elt, Tlchild);
else if ( elt > Tinfo)
Trchild = DeleteBST(elt, Trchild);
if(Tlchild && T rchild)
minElt = FindMin(Trchild);
Tinfo = minEltinfo;
Trchild = DeleteBST(Tinfo, Trchild);
minElt = Tree;
if (Tlchild = = NULL)
T = Trchild;
else if ( Trchild = = NULL)
T = Tlchild;
Free (minElt);
return T;

10. Write a short notes on Threaded Binary Tree.
A binary tree is threaded by making all right child pointers that would normally be null point to the
inorder successor of the node, and all left child pointers that would normally be null point to the inorder
prededessor of the node.
In binary trees, left and right child pointers of all leaf nodes(empty subtrees) are set to NULL while
traversing the tree. Normally, a stack is maintained to hold the successor of the node in traversal.
Replacing such NULL pointers with pointers to successor in traversal could eliminate the use of stack.
These pointers are called as threads, and such a tree is called threaded binary tree.
If right child pointers nodes with empty right subtree, may be made to point its successor then the
tree is called right in-threaded binary trees.
If left child pointers nodes with empty left subtree, may be made to point its successor then the
tree is called left in-threaded binary trees.
Right in-threaded Binary Trees.(150) 1.17
Note : The last node in the tree not threaded. In example F is at rightmost and not threaded.
Implementing a right in-threaded binary tree:
To implement right in-threaded binary tree we need info, left , right and an extra logical field
rthread is included within each node to indicate whether or not its right pointer is a thread.





Thus a node is defined as follows :

struct nodetype
int info;
struct nodetype * left;
/* pointer to left son */
struct nodetype *right;
/* pointer to right son */
int rthread;
/* rthread is TURE if right is NULL
(or) a non-NULL thread */
typedef struc nodetype *NODEPTR;
We present a routine to implement inorder traversal of a right in-threaded binary tree;
p = tree;

/ * traverse left branch */

q = p;
p = p left;
if(q ! = NULL)
printf(%d \n,qinfo);
p = q right;
while(qrthread && p!=NULL)
printf(%d \n, p info);
q = p;
p = pright;
}while(q! = NULL);
q = NULL;
p = tree;
q = p;
p = p left;
if(q ! = NULL)
printf(%d \n, qinfo);
p = qright;
while( q ! = NULL && p = = NULL )

/ * traverse left branch */

/* node(q) has no right son. Back up until a left son or the tree root is
encountered */
p = q;
q = pfather;
}while( ! isleft(p) && q ! = NULL);
if ( q ! = NULL)
printf(%d \n,qinfo);
p = qright;
}/* end while */
} while (q ! = NULL);

11. Write the algorithm for Heterogeneous Binary Trees
Information contained in different nodes of binary tree is of different type. Such a tree is called
Heterogeneous Binary Tree. To represent such a tree in C we may use a union as follows:
#define OPERATOR 0
#define OPERAND 1
struct nodetype
short int utype; / * operator or operand */
char chinfo;
float numinfo;
} info;
struct nodetype *left;
struct nodetype *right;
typedef struct nodetype *NODEPTR;
float evalbintree (tree)
float opnd1,opnd2;
char symb;
if( treeutype = = OPERAND)
/* treeutype = = OPERATOR */
opnd1 = evalbintree(treeleft); /* evaluate the left subtree */
opnd2 = evalbintree(treeright); /* evaluate the right subtree */
symb = treechinfo;
/* extract the operator */
/* apply the operator and return the result */
return oper(symb,opnd1,opnd2);
12. Explain about Huffman Tree with an algorithm and example. [UQ Jan 2012 & Jun 2010]
Huffman tree are used for developing an optimal encoding scheme for the given frequency of
occurrence of each symbol in a message (string). Find the two symbols that appear least frequency and
assigned them with different bit using 0s and 1s. And combine these two symbols whose code represents
the knowledge that a symbol is either 0 or 1 frequency. Such a way the Huffman tree is constructing for
remaining symbols in the given message
Once the Huffman tree is constructed, the code of any symbol in the alphabet can be constructed
by starting at the leaf representing that symbol and Climbing Up to the root. Initially the code is assigned
to NULL. Each time a left branch is climbed 0 is appended to the beginning of the code; each time a
right branch is climbed 1 is appended to the beginning of the code.

To read the codes from a Huffman tree, start from the root and add a '0' every time you go left to a
child, and add a '1' every time you go right.
Then, repeat these steps until there is only one node left:

Find the two nodes with the lowest weights.

Create a parent node for these two nodes. Give this parent node a weight of the sum of the two
Remove the two nodes from the list, and add the parent node.

This way, the nodes with the highest weight will be near the top of the tree, and have shorter codes.


/* initialize the set of root nodes */

rootnodes = the empty ascending priority queue;
/* construct a node for each symbol */
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
p = maketree(frequency[i]);
position[i] = p;
/ * a pointer to the leaf containing the ith symbol */
while ( rootnodes contains more than one item)
p1 = pqmindelete(rootnodes);
p2 = pqmindelete(rootnodes);
/* combine p1 and p2 as branches of a single tree */
p = maketree( info(p1) + info (p2) );
pqinsert( rootnodes, p);

/* the tree is now constructed; use it to find codes */
root = pqmindelete(rootnodes);
for( i=0; i<n; i++)
p = position [i];
code[i] = the null bit string;
while( p ! = root )
/* travel up the tree */
if( isleft(p) )
code[i] = 0 followed by code[i];
code[i] = 1 followed by code[i];
p = father(p);
13. Explain the various representation of binary tree in detail with suitable example.
[UQ Jan 2010]
A tree is a finite set of elements or nodes. If the set is non-empty, one of the nodes is distinguished
as the root node, while the remaining (possibly empty) set of nodes are grouped into subsets, each of
which is itself a tree. This hierarchical relationship is described by referring to each such subtree as a child
of the root, while the root is referred to as the parent of each subtree. If a tree consists of a single node,
that node is called a leaf node.

A simple tree.
Basic Tree Concepts

A tree consists of a finite set of elements, called nodes, and a finite set of directed lines, called
branches, that connect the nodes.

The number of branches associated with a node is the degree of the node.


When the branch is directed toward a node, it is an indegree branch; when the branch is
directed away from the node, it is an outdegree branch.
The sum of indegree and outdegree branches is the degree of the node.
The indegree of the root is by definition is zero.

A leaf is any node with an outdegree of zero.

A node that is not a root or a leaf is known as an internal node.
A node is a parent if it has successor nodes that is, if it has an outdegree greater than zero.
Conversely, a node with a predecessor is a child. A child node has an indegree of one.
Two or more nodes with the same parent are siblings.


Level 0

Internal Nodes

Level 1

Level 2
Level 3





Sub Tree



A, B, C, G
B, F, G, C, H, I, J, D, E
{ B, F, G }, { D, E }, { H, I, J }
F, D, E, H, I, J

A path is a sequence of nodes in which each node is adjacent to the next one.
Every node in the tree can be reached by following a unique path starting from the root.
The level of a node is its distance from the root. Because the root has a zero distance from itself,
the root is at level 0. The children of the root are at the level 1.
The height or length of the tree is the level of the leaf in the longest path from the root plus 1. By
definition, the height of an empty tree is -1.
A tree may be divided into subtrees. A subtree is any connected structure below the root.
The first node in a subtree is known as the root of the subtree and is used to name the subtree.


Anna University
Part -A
1. What are the different representations of nodes in the tree?

[Ref. No.: 39]

2. Show that in a complex binary tree, the total number of edges is given by 2(nt 1) where nt is the
total number of terminal nodes.

[Ref. No.: 40]

3. Convert the linked list into a binary tree.

[Ref. No.: 41]

4. List the application areas of Huffman algorithm.

[Ref. No.: 42]

5. Write down the algorithm for inorder traversal of a binary tree?

[Ref. No.: 43]

6. Draw the linked representation for the following binary tree?

[Ref. No.: 44]

1. How the binary tree is representation in array? Describe briefly.

[Ref. No.: 2]

2. Explain about inorder, preorder & post order with separate examples and algorithms.

[Ref. No.: 5]

3. Explain about Huffman Tree with an algorithm and example.

[Ref. No.: 12]

4. Explain the various representation of binary tree in detail with suitable example.

[Ref. No.: 13]

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