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Time for the play: an estimate of 70 minutes

Inspector Jenny Logan: a police officer in Edinburgh


Sergeant Grant: an officer helping Inspector Logan


Ronnie Campbell: in prison for murder.


Helen Robertson: a police doctor.


Jimmy Brown: a criminal.


Morag Mackenzie: Jimmy Browns girlfriend.


Craig Sinclair: murdered seven years ago.


Jean Drummond: Craig Sinclairs sister.


Robert Baxter: a business man.


Angus (Gus) MacLeod: a homeless man.


Tam MacDonald: a journalist.


Chapter 1: An escape and a murder

The escape of Ronnie Campbell.
Ronnie C. escapes from prison and an alarm is heard.
The murder of Morag Mackenzie.
After the scaped of Ronnie, Morag Mackenzie is murdered at Holyrood Park. The murderer
dressed in black stands behind of her and holds her head back with his right arm. Then he
cuts her throat, holding the knife in his left hand.
Later Jenny Logan was enjoying a warm afternoon sun Scottish Portobello beach, five kilometers
away from the center of Edinburgh when the phone rang.
LOGAN: Hello
GRANT: Grant here, ma'am.
LOGAN: It's my day off!! Grant,
GRANT: I know, I'm sorry, but Ronnie Campbell, the murderer, has escaped from prison.
LOGAN: OK! See you in my office about five minutes here.
Jeans and short-sleeved shirt over the swimsuit stood and walked to his car quickly. The Sergeant
Grant l was waiting in his office. He was 29 but looked younger. He had thick black hair and a large
black moustache. He held some papers in front reading "Criminal history: Ronnie Campbell".
LOGAN: Tell me what's happening?
GRANT: Campbell has escaped from prison van near Dundee at some point in the morning. The
police was moving him down to Saughton. After that, he stole a car, a dark blue Audi.
LOGAN: What have you done about it so far?
GRANT: We have informed the newspapers, radio and TV. We have given them the car number,
and described what Campbell was wearing.
Logan said nothing and thought for a moment.
LOGAN: Do you think it's dangerous?
GRANT: Possibly
Putting Campbells file on the desk and pointing to it. He opens his mouth to say something else
when the phone rings.

GRANT: Someones found a young womans body in Holyrood Park. They need us there
LOGAN: Today is my day off.
GRANT: No longer!
A little later, Logan and Grant enter Holyrood Park. Holyrood Park is one of the most beautiful
places in Edinburgh. Logan parked his car on the grass next to the street behind the last police car.
She gets off the car. The sky is blue and still makes good time but Logan begins to feel cold at the
injustice of such an early death of a young girl.
LOGAN: "Helen"
HELLEN ROBERTSON: Jenny, Hi there. A bad business, I'm afraid.
She turned to the body
HELLEN ROBERTSON: As you can see; someone cut hers throat with a knife. Almost separating
the head from the body and there is a lot of blood. - Time of death between the two three p.m.
probably. I cannot be sure until I carefully check the body.
Checking more closely at something in the dead body.
HELLEN ROBERTSON: Well, look at how the cut starts at the bottom of the neck here on the right
and finishes close her left ear. I would say the killer was behind her and held her head back with his
right arm. Then he cut the throat holding the knife in his left hand.
LOGAN: I can see how sure you are.
LOGAN: Thanks Helen, if you discover something more. Let me know.
HELEN: I'll let you know, one last thing, the killer will probably have blood all over his clothes.
LOGAN: OK! This detail will be useful.
LOGAN: If possible, we need to find the knife. Take some agents and search through the park.
GRANT: Right, madam
Grant moved away and started giving orders to some of the police officers standing around.
And a few minutes later, Grant went back to Logan Grant with Helen Robertson.
HELLEN ROBERTSON: I found this in her pocket, a dirty envelope which is inside this plastic

Logan takes the bag and holds it carefully, so that she can see the contents of the envelope. It is
empty. Behind the envelope are words such as eggs, bread, milk, matches. The shopping list for
someone else perhaps. On the front was the name of Morag Mackenzie without any address.
GRANT: You havent had time to read Ronnie Campbell's police record , but the name Morag
Mackenzie is in it. Shes not one of her favorite people.
LOGAN: Helen, could you give this to the scientists. I want to know if they find fingerprints. And I
want to know if they can tell me anything about the handwriting.
Logan turned to Grant.
LOGAN: Well said, it seems that Ronnie Campbell can be dangerous. You should tell me
everything you know about him.

Chapter 2: Visit to Jimmy Brown

GRANT: We were lucky to capture Campbell for the murder of Craig Sinclair.
LOGAN: Did you work on the murder?
GRANT: Yes but before you asked, I did not talk to Morag Mackenzie and I do not know if that's
her up there.
LOGAN: So what was there?
GRANT: We found a gun in a metal box in his kitchen. It was the gun which had killed Sinclair.
Campbell's fingerprints were all over the box.
LOGAN: What about the gun?
GRANT: Nothing, no fingerprints on the gun.
LOGAN: What did Campbell say about it?
GRANT: Well, he said the box was his but he had never seen the gun. He also said that he had
never been to Abbotsford Arms in his life. He said he did not know very well Sinclair, then why
would he want to kill him?
LOGAN: But you were sure you had the right person.
GRANT: Oh, yes!
LOGAN: That does not make him a murderer.
GRANT: True, but you wouldnt be surprised if he were.
LOGAN: What about Sinclair?

GRANT: A small-time criminal, too. He had never been in prison but was just good luck. He got
into fights, selling stolen CDS and stuff like that.
LOGAN: A good guy.
Logan got herself a cup of coffee. As Logan opened Ronnie Campbells record. She started asking
herself questions: Why had he escaped? Was that Morag Mackenzies body in Holyrood Park?
Had Morag seen Campbell in the Abbotsford Arms seven years ago? Had Campbell killed her? In
fact, did he really kill Craig Sinclair? Where was he now? He would not need new clothes since
Scotland prisoners wear their own clothes. But he would need money. Where would he get it?
At that time Grant returnes.
GRANT: No news from Campbell or Audi, Im afraid. But Im sure that was Morag Mackenzies
body on the hillside.
GRANT: Some of the officers knew her and described her to me. She lived with a man named
Jimmy Brown and he is not good at all. Hes part of all sort of criminal activities: robbery, stealing
cars, everything.
LOGAN: Do you have his address?
GRANT: Yes, "Springwell Place". Next to Dalry Road.
LOGAN: OK! Lets go.
Both Logan and Grant get to Jimmys apartment, they knock at the door and Jimmy opens the
door with an ugly smile on his face.
JIMMY: Well, its the pigs?
LOGAN: No, Im Inspector Logan of the Edinburgh police and this is Sergeant Grant (showing her
GRANT: So wed like to come in. Any problem? (Putting his face very close to Jimmy)
LOGAN: Do you know where Morag is, Jimmy?
LOGAN: What were you doing this afternoon?
JIMMY: Nothing

LOGAN: Come on, Jimmy lets have some answers (very impatiently).
JIMMY: I really dont know. She went out about midday.
LOGAN: Where was she working?
JIMMY: No, she doesnt work much. Not a real job, anyway. Not a nine to five kind of job.
LOGAN: Where does she get money?
JIMMY: I really dont know, some man. She calls him her Main Man. She gets the money from
him sometimes.
GRANT: Youre Kidding? You want to make us believe that some man just give her money. Why?
What does he do for him?
JIMMY: Its true. Really! I dont know what she does for him.
LOGAN: You dont know who this Main Man is, then?
JIMMY: No, but I think hes someone important. And even she has never told me. She always says
there are some things Its better to know.
LOGAN: So you dont know what she did for him? Was she going to see him today?
JIMMY: Probably. She made a phone call just before she went out. She was talking to him. In fact,
it sounded as if she wanted to see him. Why are you asking all these questions about her? Whats
she done?
GRANT: Where have you been all day?
JIMMY: Ive been here all day long (Very brave). Now come on, you two Ive answered your
questions. Whats all this about? Whats she been doing?
LOGAN: Youd better sit down. Im afraid, Ive got some bad news for you. She was murdered in
the park.
Jimmy starts crying.

Chapter 3: Bags of money

LOGAN: Now we need to visit Jean Drummond, Craig Sinclair`s sister. Her brother was
killed seven years ago. Probably she can give us some clues about todays murder at the
Logan and Grant go upstairs. Grant knocks on the door and it is opened by a woman in her
early thirties.
LOGAN: Mrs. Jean Drummond?
LOGAN: I'm Jenny Logan, the police inspector from Edinburgh. Sorry, I know it's too late.
Can I ask you some questions?
JEAN DRUMMOND: Sure, go ahead. Sorry about the mess. Do you want some tea?
LOGAN: Thanks, It would be nice. Sorry, but we have come to ask some questions about
your brother Craig and I am really sorry for his death. Im sorry to come around and ask
about the past, but it might be important.
JEAN DRUMMOND: Inspector, stop worrying about the past like I do. I was very sad
when Craig was killed but it was no great surprise. He was often in trouble and the police
were always coming round to our house to speak to him. He was my brother and I loved
LOGAN: Mrs. Drummond, I dont know if youve heard the news today, but Ronnie
Campbell, the man who was in prison for the murder of your brother, has escaped. And the
girl who was with your brother on the night he died, she was killed today.
Jeans hand flows up to her mouth and she looks very afraid of the news.
LOGAN: I really dont think youre in any danger. But of course we cant take any
chances. We could ask a policewoman to stay with you until we find the man who escaped
from prison.
JEAN: Yes, I think I would like that. My husband is away on business at the moment and I
dont want to be in the apartment alone. (shaking)
LOGAN: You said your brother was often in trouble with the police?
JEAN: I always knew my brother was a criminal. He always had money and he never had a
job. He used to buy and sell things that were stolen.

JEAN: I remember my brother said something strange. He said something like Im going
to get bags of money. I thought he would become very rich. Or maybe bags of money
were somebody he knew.I dont exactly know what he meant. He was drunk.
GRANT: Well, he had drunk far too much. What if he didnt say he was going to get "bags
of money"? What if he actually said he was going to get Bags money?
LOGAN: And who is Bag's?
Grant gave her a big smile
GRANT. Probably bags money is the same Main Man that Jimmy told us about.


Grant and Logan visit Robert Baxter at his business.
-Grant: is Robert Baxter Bags?
-Logan: You mean the same Robert Baxter who owns the great sport center.
-Grant: yes.
Logan: Well, tomorrow we will have to talk to Mr. Baxter.
Grant: Well, my lady
Logan y Grant are standing beside an indoor tennis court at the Robert Baxter Sport Centre
watching two men play tennis. And Logan knows from pictures she had seen in the papers that
this is Robert Baxter. The two men shake hands saying thanks for the game
When Baxter came off the court, Logan and Grant walked up to him.
Logan: Mr. Baxter, I'm Inspector Logan a police inspector from Edinburgh and this is Sergeant
Grant. (Logan is showing her ID)
-Baxter: yes, I think you are the Inspector, fine, I would take a shower first and then we could talk
in my office after I dress up.
-Logan: OK!
Logan After ten minutes,
Baxter: Coffee?

-Logan: No thanks
-Baxter: What I can do for you, Inspector? He took a cigarette and lit it with a golden lighter.
-Logan: Yesterday a young woman was killed in Holyrood Park.
- Baxter: Yes, I read it in the paper this morning
-Logan: Her name was Morag Mackenzie. Have you ever met her or spoken to her?
-Baxter: Morag Mackenzie? No I dont know her.
-Logan: she met a man named Craig Sinclair
-Baxter: Craig Sinclair. No, I do not think
-Logan: Well, that's all. Thanks.
-Baxter: Sorry I cannot help more. I hope you find the person youre looking for.
-Logan: I hope so too.
When Logan and Grant leave the room, they can hear Baxter speaking in his cell phone.
-Baxter : what do you mean hes not there? Find out where he is. Tell him the main man wants to
speak to him.
-Logan: What do you think? Grant. Baxter is the "main man" for Morag Mackenzie'
Grants phone is ringing
-Grant: that is good a question. I think you might want take this coming call. Its your journalist
friend. Tam MacDonald. He says he knows where Ronnie Campbell is.

Chapter 5: Catching Ronnie Campbell

Logan stops the car at the side of the road. She and Grant quickly get out and changes places so
that he can drive. As she gets back into the car, she picks up the phone.
-Logan: Tam, are you doing my work for me again? (There is a laugh at the end of the phone.)
-Tam: Jenny, my dear. I could never do as well as you. (Logan laughs too.)
-Tam: I heard that you were leading the search for Ronnie Campbell because and I'm looking at
him now.
-Logan: Where are you?

- Tam: He is sitting on the ground and I'm on the other side of the street holding out his hat for
people to put money in and Im on the other side of the road looking like a tourist at Jenner Mall
- Logan: at Jenner Mall Fast?
Logan: Are you sure it is Campbell?
-Tam: -I am now. I thought he was a beggar.
-Logan: Very clever! See you in a few minutes. Ill hung up.
Both Grant and Logan drive to the street where Jenner Mall Fast was. And suddenly they see a
man sitting on the ground begging for money with a hut. And the beggar realizes that they are
cops and stands up and starts to run.
- Grant: Police! Stop!
Logan starts running across the road after Campbell. Logan follows, pulling her phone out of her
pocket to call for help. As Campbell reaches the other side of the road, he turns right, running fast
along the side of the road looking for a way into the Princess Street Gardens. Suddenly, a short
red- haired person jumps out the crowd and threw his arms round Campbell legs. It is Tam
MacDonald. Both of them fall to the ground, with Campbell fighting to get away.
- Logan; are you looking to escape the prison, Campbell?
-Tam: Hi Jenny
- Logan: Well done, Tam. You are super hero.


Chapter 6: A good reason to kill

- Logan: Why did you escape from prison?
- Campbell. "because I wanted to get out.
- Grant: Do not mess with us (angry)
- Logan: Ronnie, you know that first, almost no one escapes. From there. Second, if you escape,
you stop. Third, the only way is to have friends outside to give you money.
- Logan: Do you remember the girl who said she saw you with Sinclair?
- Logan: - Do you remember her name?
- Grant: Ronnie Come here. Do you remember Morag Mackenzie. She was killed yesterday.
Someone cut her throat.
(He has a strange look on Ronnie. And he looks surprised and scared.)
Grant: The Inspector asked you why did you escape?
(He jumps out of his chair.)
Campbell: Stop it! I didnt kill Morag Mackenzie and I didnt kill Craig Sinclair. I didnt even know
she was dead. (Crying)

Chapter 7: Back to the first murder

Logan is walking down the street and a stranger calls her hen because some Scots people call
women "hen" if they dont know the womens name.
-MacLeod: hen
- Logan: hen? All right and you are?
-MacLeod: Angus MacLeod, at your service, madam. You can call me Gus.
-Logan: Gus where do you live?
-MacLeod: Here and there. Under the stars. I am a free man in a free world,
Logan laughs a little.
-Logan : Do you come round often?


-MacLeod: Oh, yes, Ive been coming round here for a long time. Since before you joined the
police. And since before they found a dead body over there.
-Logan: You were here then?
-MacLeod: Oh, yes, but I did not return for a long time. It was a bad business.
-Logan: I mean you were actually here on the night of the murder, Gus?
-MacLeod: Oh, yes.
-Logan: Then the police talked to you?
-MacLeod: No, no. I went away, it was a bad thing. Nothing to do with me.
-Logan: But you saw something that night?
-MacLeod: Oh, yes. I saw him.
-Logan: Did you see the body?
-MacLeod: I saw the body and I saw him too. The man who brought the body.
-Logan: You mean you saw the man who left the body there? Tell me about it
Logan finds a ten dollar bill in her pocket and gives it to him
-MacLeod: Oh well. I'd love to tell. That is very nice of you. Well, it was midnight and the car
stopped right here. (He points to a place close to where they are.)
-Logan: What was the man like?
- MacLeod: Big and tall and he was wearing a dark suit.
Logan: Are you sure?
MacLeod. Yes I am sure hen, I swear it. If you will excuse me, it has been nice talking to you but I
have important things to do. (singing quietly to himself and walking up the street)

Chapter 8: Trap a murderer

-Grant: Good news: Some divers have found a knife on Lake St. Margaret. It was at the bottom of
the lake in a plastic bag full of stones. The scientists have got it now.
-Logan: Great. Now we have to wait to see if its the knife that killed Morag Mackenzie. And I want
to see Robert Baxters criminal record.


-Grant: he hasnt got one, madam.

-Logan: But you told me about it when he was caught with a bag
-Grant: Yes, but he was only fifteen or sixteen when it happened.
-Logan: Well, that explains why we have no fingerprints
-Logan: Morning Grant, thanks for this (disappointed)
-Grant: Ive got news from the scientists about the knife. We are lucky.
-Logan: Come on
-Grant: It's the knife that killed Morag, blood is on it.
-Logan: OK! Good start.
-Grant: And surely the knife was in a plastic bag with stones because handle is wooden. The
murderer must have wanted to ensure that the bag was left at the bottom of the lake.
-Logan: Perfect and one of the fingerprints is the same as that on the envelope. "Excellent, now
Baxter is here yet?
-Grant: Yes. I've put him the room that you said and I gave him a cup of coffee. But I still do not
understand. We know that the murder knew Morag and we know the killer was left-handed.
Campbell and Brown both knew her and theyre both left-handed.
-Logan: Do you have a pack of cigarettes? Thank you. I'll return it later. OK! Go and talk to Baxter.
-Logan: Good morning Mr. Baxter. Thank you very much for coming here this morning. I have just
a couple of things I'd like to clarify.
-Baxter: Very good inspection.
-Logan: Okay, Cigarette?
-Baxter: Thank you. What's going on?
-Logan: You're not a bad athlete right?
-Baxter: Why? (Beginning to realize that something was wrong).
-Logan: What other sports do you play, as well as tennis?
-Grant: Football, squash. I've also played rugby and cricket. What's this all about?
-Logan: And like many good sportpeoplet, you are good with both hands right? You're totally
right-handed; you're also very good with your left hand too.

-Baxter: So?
-Logan: "Why," the person who killed Morag Mackenzie was left-handed.
-Baxter: It's Crazy. It is completely crazy. I told you that I never heard of it.
-Grant: Do you have mobile phone?
-Baxter: Of course
-Grant: And is this the number?
- Baxter: yes. (looking more worried)
-Logan: Yes. It was easy to get it. Last night Sergeant Grant got the phone records for Morag
Mackenziess apartment. Weve got envelope in the pocket which we found in of Morags pocket
and its got her name on and it would be interesting to compare the handwriting. And there are
fingerprints on it too.
-Baxter: Then maybe I did know her. But that does not mean I am the murderer. You dont know
-Logan: But we will know very soon. Look, we have found the knife with which they killed Morag
Mackenzie and it also had fingerprints.
Baxters head falls forward into his hands. Logan turns to Grant
-Logan: take Mr. Baxters fingerprints and organize a search for clothes with a lot of blood in his
business. I dont think well find them but, you never know, we may get lucky.

Chapter 9: The last pieces of the puzzle

-Logan: OK! Let's go back to the past and start, to the murder of Craig Sinclair.
-Grant: Yes, I have also been reviewing the murder file and, actually, Ive had some good luck.
-Baxter: Sinclair tried to steal money from me. Actually he did steal it. Then he began to tell
everyone, "I have money and Bag will never be anyone now I'm the boss. So I had to do
something to get my money back and let everyone knew I was still the main man.
-Grant: And you made us believe that Campbell killed Sinclair.
- Baxter Why not?
Baxter's shoulders go up and down.


- Baxter: I knew Campbell a little and I did not like him very well. He and Sinclair worked together
-Logan: Then put the gun in his apartment?
-Baxter: It was easy. I have enough practice entering homes without breaking a single glass.
-Logan: And what about Morag?
-Baxter: She did things for me from time to time. She was happy to tell the police that she had
seen Campbell with Sinclair that night. I paid her well. I continued to give her bits of work so I
could make sure she stayed quiet.
-Logan: Everything was going well until Campbell escaped.
-Baxter: Morag called me and told me. She had seen it on the news. She was worried that
Campbell would come and see her. She asked me to meet and to discuss the issue. The very stupid
woman wanted more money. Campbell escaped and the stupid woman thought it was a good
opportunity to ask for more money to keep, her quiet. Well she was right. Shes finally quiet now.
MacDonald comes in, shutting the door behind him.
-MacDonald: I heard it's all resolved.
-Logan: Yes. Robert Baxter Morag Mackenzie killed seven years ago he killed Craig Sinclair.
- MacDonald: Robert Baxter killed Morag Mackenzie. And seven years ago he killed Craig Sinclair
-MacDonald: Another "Great job" Jenny Logan.
-Logan: Thank you, but I am convinced that Ronnie Campbell would have preferred to have been
the Edinburgh police who had made this excellent work seven years ago.
-MacDonald: What about him?
-Logan: Well, first we need to review the Sinclair murder again.
- MacDonald: Will he get money for the time he spent in prison?
-Logan: I think it should be quite a lot.
-Logan: I think Ronnie Campbell will agree with you
-MacDonald: What about the dinner invitation?
-Logan: I have not forgotten. I'm tired. Come to my house first and decide where we're going to
eat later and do much more.


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