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The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court

In The High Court of Justice Antigua and Barbuda

St. John's Antigua
Claim Number: ANUHCV 2009-0149
Joint Liquidators'
Sixth Report to the Court
In the matter of Stanford International Bank in Liquidation

11 November 2014

1. Introduction
2. Highlights
3. Update On Recoveries Being Pursued
a. Swiss Assets
b. Canada - Claim Against TD Bank
c. Possible Claims Against Other Banks
d. Real Property Of Stanford International Bank
e. Real Property Of Related SIB Group Companies
f. Clawback Claims
i. Section 204 Claims
ii. Net Winners
g. Stanford Trust Company And Colombian Subsidiary
h. Other Litigation Claims
i. Law Firms
ii. Vingerhoedt
i. Bank Of Antigua
j. Former Liquidators' Costs
4. Distributions Update
5. Financial Position Of Estate
6. Antiguan Operations
7. Next Steps


We refer to the appointment of Marcus A. Wide and Hugh Dickson as the Joint
Liquidators (the JLs) of Stanford International Bank Limited (SIB) by Order
of the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda on 12 May, 2011. In accordance with
paragraph 18 of that order, we now submit our Sixth report to the Court.


The JLs Fifth report to the Court was dated 12 February 2014 ("the Fifth


In August 2014, the estate successfully completed the sale of a substantial amount
of SIB controlled land in Antigua for the gross sum of US$60m1 to Yida
International Group, based in China.


The distribution process for the first interim dividend of 1% is now well under
way and after some initial processing problems, the majority of those creditors
who have responded to the JLs communications with respect to the distribution
have been paid by either our distribution agent, ItalBank (San Juan, PR), or by
cheque. A significant number of creditors have not responded to the request to
select payment by cheque or wire transfer.


The Antiguan Court has appointed an Amicus Curiae (i.e., friend of the Court) to
advise the Court on the law and submit the approximately 900 objections of
persons who are opposed to the JLs application for directions regarding the
estates clawback claims against (a) those SIB depositors who would appear to be

All figures in this report are in US dollars.

subject to clawback claims by the estate under Section 204 of the International
Business Corporations Act of Antigua (S204 Claims) and (b) net winners.

The JLs are seeking the Courts directions regarding the appropriateness of the
estates intended pursuit of clawback claims given the magnitude and impact of
the issue on both sides of the fence. The appointment of an Amicus Curiae is
intended to help the Court make a just decision efficiently, without the need for
individual SIB depositors who oppose the JL's view to appoint and pay for their
lawyer to appear, unless they wish to do so. It is also expected to contain the cost
for both sides that having possibly multiple lawyers appear. In this regard the
Court has been directive with respect to the level of costs that either side can


The final list of issues to be resolved has been prepared on the basis of objections
articulated by creditors resisting clawback claims and legal research and
investigation conducted by the Amicus Curiae. This list of issues has been agreed
between the Amicus and the JLs, subject to Court ratification. A hearing date for
the substantive issues has not been set but is expected to occur in the first quarter
of 2015. If the Court authorises the JLs to pursue clawback claims, each
defendant to each such claim shall have an opportunity to present a defence and
to contest the claim when suit is filed.


We continue to discuss settlement options with net winners and those subject to
S204 Claims. We have settled with a number of those that we say are subject to
clawback claims from the estate at a discount, recognising there is still
uncertainty on the issue. This also recognises that the estate will seek full recovery
if the estate's clawback entitlement is sanctioned by the Court. Settlement now

also improves the estates cash flow, with the risk to those settling that the Court
fails to uphold our position. The depositors who have settled are immediately
entitled to participate in distributions.

With respect to the professional fees incurred and unpaid when the Former
Liquidators were in office, the JLs have agreed to a compromise of the majority
of the former legal advisors claims totalling $7.4 million, for $5.5 million before
interest. The settlement therefore resulted in savings for the estate of
approximately US$1.9 million. As the estate has not been in a position to pay out
these claims until recently we have had to concede interest on the balances
allowed to a total of US$100,000.


Efforts are continuing to resolve the remaining US$9.2 million of claims against
the estate arising from the activities of the Former Liquidators, the greater part of
which are the fees of the Former Liquidators themselves. These the estate is
ready to challenge in Court. The estate is also preparing a claim with respect to
losses incurred during the management of the Former Liquidators, which we
believe will more than offset any earned fee.


We are continuing our efforts to recover approximately US$210 million of frozen

assets in Switzerland in conjunction with the US Receiver and the US
Department of Justice. The administration of the Swiss mini-bankruptcy of SIB,
which is an ancillary proceeding to the Antiguan liquidation, has been transferred
from the Swiss regulatory authority, FINMA, to a private Swiss professional
bankruptcy trustee. The principle hold up in getting funds released for the
benefit of creditors is the indemnity entitlement asserted by SG Private Banking
Suisse ("Soc Gen"). This they say can be held by them against any amounts for

which they are found liable in the US with respect to claims brought against them
in the US Receivership.
2.10 We are assisting the Swiss authorities with their investigations into the role played
by Soc Gen and an employee in, inter alia, facilitating apparent money laundering
activity on the part of Robert Allan Stanford (RAS) and others. We expect this
investigation will be of great assistance, together with other information gathered
through independent investigation and examination, in assessing whether SIB
will pursue its own claim for damages against Soc Gen.
2.11 The Ontario Court gave a favourable preliminary judgement in respect of the
Dynasty Group action against TD Bank, in concluding that the alleged facts set
out in the Dynasty Groups amended statement of claim were sufficient to allow
the case to proceed to trial on all legal grounds asserted by the Dynasty Group.
The SIB estate has taken an assignment of this $18m action from a small group
of SIB depositors in Canada. The amended statement of claim contained
additional and material facts which were discovered by the JLs when conducting
inquiries in support of the estates $5.5bn damages claim against TD for
negligence and dishonest assistance. This decision has been appealed by TD
2.12 The Court in Quebec concluded that it was not the appropriate forum to deal
with the SIB estates $5.5bn damages claim against TD Bank. As a result, we are
pursuing what was formerly referred to as the placeholder claim in Ontario in the
same amount, and are not proceeding in Quebec. The principal hurdle to be
overcome is the two-year limitation period for pursuing this claim in Ontario. We
are confident that the estate discovered and instituted the claim in Ontario as

promptly as was reasonable under the circumstances, and that the Court will
accept that the claim is not statute-barred.

Update On Recoveries Being Pursued


The below table summarises the recoveries currently being pursued by the JLs
and the cash on hand.



Cash at bank

UK & Antigua (1)

Proceeds from Sale

of land to YIDA


Cash / Investments


Real Estate

US$ millions



Ring-fenced until
release of
Switzerland funds


Switzerland (2)


- Non SIB


Litigation Claims:

TD Bank
Other banks
Law Firms

Stanford Trust




Bank of Antigua


Former Liquidators




(1) The cash on hand excludes all amounts set aside for the first interim
(2) The Swiss money in this table represents the Antiguan liquidation estate's
approximate share of the total Swiss funds that will ultimately flow back into
the Antiguan liquidation estate. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement
entered into with the US Department of Justice and the US Receiver the
Antiguan estate will receive approximately one-third of the Swiss assets and
the remaining two-thirds will flow to the US Receiver's estate.
(3) The Former Liquidators initially filed a claim for approximately US$18
million in fees and disbursements against the estate.
The following sections provide further commentary on the status of each of these
a) Swiss Assets

Approximately $210 million continues to remain tied up in Switzerland. Our

efforts are on-going to recover these monies so that they may flow back into the
Antiguan liquidation and US SEC receivership estates in accordance with the
terms of the March 2013 Settlement Agreement, as explained more fully below.


The approximate breakdown of the $210 million of assets in Switzerland is as


Assets held by the Trustee of the Swiss SIB mini-bankruptcy proceeding

from Stanford Group (Suisse) AG $11 million.

Held in SIB Bank Accounts with banks other than Soc Gen $42 million,
subject to freeze.

Held in SIB Bank Accounts at Soc Gen $107 million, subject to Soc Gens
claim of lien and set-off which has been rejected by FINMA and is currently
the subject of court proceedings in Geneva.


Assets held in Bank accounts of related Stanford Companies $50 million.

These sums are held mostly in Swiss francs, divided between cash, a few equities
and bonds. Therefore the value will fluctuate both on the basis of movements in
the markets and the rate of exchange of the US dollar against the Swiss franc.
With the newly appointed Trustee in Switzerland we are doing what we can to
realise the more volatile instruments and convert them to US dollars. There are
substantial limitations on the extent to which we are able to do this.


The Settlement Agreement of March 2013, as approved by the Courts in the US,
UK and Antigua between the DoJ, the US Receiver parties and the Antiguan
liquidators, provides that the proceeds of liquidation of the Swiss assets be
divided up between the US and Antiguan estates. The split is approximately twothirds to the US estate and one-third to the Antiguan estate.


In anticipation that the Settlement Agreement would end the contest for the
frozen funds and allow the money to flow promptly, there was also agreement
that, of the money released to the Antiguan estate, the portion paid to the

Antiguan estate would be paid into a specific account in the UK for distribution.
It also provided that the sum of US$18 million reserved from the funds released
in the UK would be reserved for working capital in funding the Antiguan estates
on-going asset recovery efforts, to be released only upon release of the Swiss
assets as provided thereunder. In the event the agreement between the US
parties and the Antiguan liquidation has not resulted in the swift release of any of
the Swiss monies as other disputes, notably with Soc Gen continue as more fully
set out below.
Assets held by the Trustee of the Swiss SIB mini-bankruptcy proceeding
from Stanford Group (Suisse) AG US$11 million.

Until recently the Swiss regulator of financial institutions, FINMA, was itself
acting as Trustee in the Bankruptcy regarding SIBs mini-bankruptcy in
Switzerland, and had recognised the Antiguan proceeding as the only Foreign
Representative in the global winding up of SIB. After approximately $11 million
was recovered from Stanford Group (Suisse) AG (Kuesnacht), in the context of a
sentencing order issued by the Attorney General Office of Switzerland and
allocated to SIBs mini-bankruptcy, FINMA, due to the increasing complexity of
the case and the amounts involved, decided to appoint a professional bankruptcy
trustee in its place. Consequently, on 3 July 2014, Mr Christophe de
Kalbermatten, a Partner in the Swiss law firm of Python & Peter (Geneva) was
appointed as the Trustee of the Swiss SIB mini-bankruptcy in place of FINMA.


We have met with the new Trustee and as a result believe that having a
professional and pragmatic Trustee will prove beneficial in removing the

obstacles in getting the release of the frozen monies, for the benefit of both
estates and the creditors generally.

Before the net proceeds of recovery arising from the US$11 million currently
available to the Trustee of the Swiss mini-bankruptcy of SIB as well as any other
monies recovered in the future may be distributed, the Antiguan schedule of
claims will have to be approved by FINMA. While we have previously provided
reporting on the claims process and other matters relevant to the Swiss creditors
interests, it is clear that a formal report in affidavit format will be required to
demonstrate the claims process is collective, fair and not inconsistent with
principles of Swiss insolvency law, and specifically that Swiss creditors, which Soc
Gen assert should include them, are treated equally and fairly in the same manner
as all other creditors.
Assets held in SIB Bank Accounts at Various Banks Approximately
US$42 million

3.10 These assets were frozen in February 2009 by the Swiss Office of Justice (the
OoJ) in Berne, Switzerland on the basis of a request by the US DoJ. We are
working with our Swiss lawyers, the US parties and the Swiss authorities to
ensure that all remaining barriers to the release of these monies are removed. It
is our view that the swiftest way to obtain and distribute these assets is to flow
them to the Trustee of the Swiss mini-bankruptcy, who will then pay them out to
the SIB estate for distribution under the clear terms of the Settlement Agreement
and then out to creditors via the two estates. At this point we do not necessarily
have the agreement of DoJ to this mechanism being the most appropriate and

quickest routing. This remains a topic of discussion and we are open to being
shown a better and quicker mechanism if one exists.
3.11 In additional the following hurdles that need to be cleared to release the balance
of the Swiss assets:Assets held in SIB Bank Accounts at Soc Gen Approx US$107 million
3.12 These monies are subject to a claim of a lien and of set-off by Soc Gen. It claims
that it has the right to retain these funds to indemnify itself against claims
brought against Soc Gen in the US in connection with its role in providing
banking services to SIB. FINMA had rejected these claims, which then became
the subject of court proceedings in Geneva prior to the appointment of the
private Trustee. The Trustee of the Swiss mini-bankruptcy of SIB now has
carriage of this action to have the Soc Gen claim disallowed. It seems to us that
there is a certain illogic to the Soc Gen position, as if it is held to account in the
US for its actions in the fraudulent operation of SIB and the Stanford empire,
then it should not be entitled to indemnity from the assets of the SIB, which was
the victim of its actions. If it is not held to account, then there is no need of the
3.13 Should the Swiss courts finally reject Soc Gens claims, the process of
distribution will be the same as that applicable to the value credited to SIBs Bank
Accounts, and in respect of the US$11 million which derived from the liquidation
of Stanford Group (Suisse) AG.


Assets held in related Stanford Companies US$50 million

3.14 Approximately US$50 million in cash and investments are currently held with
bank accounts in the name of entities other than SIB, albeit related companies,
of the Stanford Group. The JLs have assisted FINMA and the Trustee of the
Swiss mini-bankruptcy of SIB to bring clawback actions before Swiss courts on
the basis that these funds are traceable to SIB, were paid over without apparent
benefit or value to SIB, and should be brought into the Swiss mini-bankruptcy of
SIB for further distribution.
b) Canada Claim Against TD Bank
3.15 A successful result against TD Bank could give rise to a dramatically higher

return of capital for the Investors than is presently possible, potentially to an

almost full recovery. As such we have made this a priority for the estate.
3.16 On 22 August 2011 the JLs commenced parallel actions against TD Bank in
Quebec and Ontario. Our position was that the Quebec action should proceed
on its merits. The Ontario action was commenced to preserve any limitation
period that may be applicable in that province. Accordingly, the Ontario action
was initially stayed.
3.17 The claim seeks the amount of US$5.5 billion in damages based on TDs alleged
negligence in the manner in which it provided banking services to SIB and/or
knowing assistance in facilitating the fraud committed on SIB by certain senior
managers of SIB. If successful, this claim could substantially repay the lost
principal of CD investors in SIB. It is our estimate that a very significant part of
the US$10 billion that was raised over the life of the fraud was run through the

TD account, and that the fraud could not have been perpetrated without the use
of the TD account.
3.18 TD Bank took the position that the most appropriate forum for the dispute is
Ontario. The Quebec court agreed. The JLs decided not to pursue an appeal and
instead are pursuing their Ontario action.
3.19 In May 2014, the JLs filed an amended pleading in the Ontario action. That
pleading contains the results of the JLs access to more documents in the US and
elsewhere, as well as the JLs extensive investigative efforts, which are on-going.
3.20 TD Bank delivered a bare-denial statement of defence in the Ontario action in
September 2014, coupled with a primary defence that alleges that the JLs' claim is
limitations barred pursuant to Ontarios two (2) year limitation period. The two
year limitation period commences running from the day on which a reasonable
liquidator, with the abilities and in the circumstances of the former JLs, first
ought to have discovered the claim.
3.21 The circumstances facing the JLs and the estate during the former JLs' first 4.3
months in office as liquidators from 15 April 2009 (the date of appointment of
the former JLs) and 22 August 2009 (two years prior to the date when the claim
was launched by the present JLs on 22 August 2011) included, subject to further
on going legal advice and investigation, at least the following problems which
mitigated against establishing that there was a fraud, the nature of the fraud and
the role of the correspondent banks: many of the relevant documents were unavailable to the Antiguan estate initially


there were no facts on which a fraud could be asserted until the James Davis plea
was announced
there was no information with respect to the manner in which the correspondent
accounts , including that at the TD, were operated nor on what terms, as a
consequence of these issues being primarily run from the US
there was no information on volumes of money funnelled through each of the
correspondent bank accounts
there was no information on which to assess the role on the correspondent
accounts and how that might have contributed to the concealment of the fraud
or abetting the fraud once the fraud issue was determined
there was pressure from creditors to recognise their claims
the estate had many contentious issues in seeking to recover liquid assets in the
UK, Switzerland and Canada in competition with the US Receiver and DoJ
the Liquidation had no authority to bring any claims in Canada, nor did the US
Receiver for some months
the actions the estate could undertake, including engaging forensic professionals,
were severely limited for want of funding
3.22 The JLs believe that, under these circumstances, a reasonable liquidator would
not have discovered the wrongful acts or omissions of TD Bank within this 4.3month timeframe. In addition, neither the US Receiver nor the former JLs had
the necessary legal authority to sue TD bank in Canada until 11 September 2009,
when the Qubec Superior Court issued an order of recognition favouring the US
Receiver, and rejecting the parallel application of the Former Liquidators seeking
the same status. This is significant in as much as no person was authorised to sue


TD Bank in Canada on behalf of SIB until some 20 days after 22 August 2009
(which is two years preceding the date when SIB sued TD in Ontario).
3.23 As the JLs anticipated, TD Bank has moved for summary judgment seeking to
dismiss the JLs action as being barred by the statute of limitations. The JLs are
resisting this motion vigorously, and are preparing their materials accordingly.
The limitations motion may be heard in the spring of 2015. A directions hearing
is set for 4 November 2014. Ontario counsel to the JLs have prepared an outline
of the reasons why the defence of limitation should be resolved at trial as
background for the hearing. In cases of complexity, the Court has the power to
direct that determination of limitation period issues be put to a full test at trial.
3.24 In addition, the JLs have taken an assignment of the proceeds of an US$18
million action by certain SIB creditors (known as the Dynasty Group) against
TD Bank. Those creditors recently moved to amend their pleading to include the
facts alleged in the JLs' pleading. In authorising the making of the Dynasty
Groups amendments over TD Banks objections, the Ontario court canvassed
the alleged facts and agreed they are legally adequate to justify a trial of the action.
3.25 Nothing in the litigation process nor our continuing investigation to date has
caused the JLs to think that SIBs claim against TD Bank is not appropriate or
not viable.
3.26 Legal actions of this nature are expensive to pursue, can take years to achieve a
result and require access to funds to pay for the expert witnesses, legal advisors
and investigators needed to advance the case. For example in support of litigation
we have already identified and interviewed more than 50 potential witnesses,


briefed and obtained opinions from 5 expert witnesses, reviewed over 10

terabytes of electronic data, reviewed hard copy records running to several
thousand "bankers boxes" and conducted the legal research to support the claim.
We have therefore set aside funds to cover the on-going costs of this litigation. In
the absence of the Swiss money being recovered in the near future we will need
to set aside the necessary funding to pursue this claim from the recent Antiguan
land sales.
(c) Possible Claims Against Other Banks
3.27 We continue to investigate whether we have viable claims against other banks
that also provided banking services to SIB. An application under s.236 of the
Insolvency Act (UK) has been prepared for filing in the High Court in London
for an order compelling HSBC to disclose all of its SIB records to the JLs. We
have provided a draft of this application to HSBC with a view to avoiding the
cost of a Court hearing, and obtaining voluntary disclosure. Negotiations along
this line are underway.
3.28 As discussed in Paragraph 2.7 above, we are gathering information to see whether
SIB should pursue a claim against Soc Gen in Switzerland.
(d) Real Property Of Stanford International Bank
3.29 The JLs entered into a sales and purchase agreement with Yida International
Investment Group (Yida) to sell the majority of the lands controlled by SIB
through subsidiary companies, and ultimately owned by Asian Village Antigua
Limited (AVA). The sale successfully completed on 29 August 2014 for US$60
million, before taking account of costs, taxes and commissions.

3.30 The sale was the largest land deal in 2014 in the Organisation of Eastern
Caribbean States and proved very challenging to close, especially as to
concessions agreed between the buyer and the Government of Antigua that were
put at risk by the General Election in June 2014, which essentially froze
Government initiatives and the negotiation for concessions required to complete
the sale, which were already slow, for some weeks prior to the election date.
There were also delays in clearing sufficient foreign exchange with the Chinese
central bank, which release of foreign currency is in essence "rationed".
3.31 In the event and despite the change of Government the newly elected Prime
Minister quickly determined that the sale was advantageous for development in
Antigua and put the needed concessions in place. The Government of Antigua
also agreed to make a significant concession to the SIB estate and its creditors by
agreeing to waive US$6 million in Appreciation Tax that could have been levied.
3.32 As noted above this land was owned by SIB via wholly owned subsidiary
companies incorporated in the Isle of Man and Antigua.

These holding

companies need to be formally liquidated in order to distribute the net proceeds

to SIB through its shareholding and settle the few intermediary creditors. This
process is underway and while SIB clearly has the interest in the proceeds, until
the process is complete these monies are legally not SIB's.
3.33 Following the payoff of the US$5 million secured loan obtained to provide initial

funding to the estate, together with interest of approximately $800,000 accrued

under the terms of the Court approved financing agreement, and payment of
certain transaction-related fees and disbursements, the net recoveries to the estate
from the sale of land to Yida are approximately US$49 million. See table below:-



Sale of Lands
Settlement discount


Secured Loan Payoff
Sales Commission and Consultancy
Inland Revenue Payments (taxes and stamp duty)
Antiguan Legal Fees
Escrow Fees


Net Recoveries

3.34 As advised in previous reports, we obtained $5m in funding from a third party
who secured their loan over the title to SIBs Antiguan lands. On completion we
were able to pay off the secured loan and the interest, which had been accruing at
12% per annum for a value of US$5.8m as indicated in the chart above.2
3.35 Pelican Island, the last remaining property owned by SIB controlled companies,
continues to be marketed for sale. We believe that the recent sale to Yida and its
significant development plans for that large block of land will assist us in
generating interest for the sale of this island which is in the same general area and
will benefit from some of the infrastructure improvements.
(e) Real Property Of Related SIB Group Companies
Stanford Development Company Limited (In Liquidation) (SDC)

3.36 The assets owned by SDC consist of Antiguan real estate, money owing by the
Government of St Kitts and Nevis, and money in a lawyers trust account. Efforts
have been underway to sell or recover these since the SDC winding up Order was

The loan also comes with an ongoing contingent liability to pay 2.5x/3x of the principal sum of the loan from
certain litigation that the estate is pursuing, as added interest. See further discussion on this at section 5.


obtained. It will be recalled that the petition was strongly defended and also
opposed by a creditor wanting another liquidator.
3.37 Recoveries will first go to pay the creditors of SDC before any surplus is paid to
SIB and against its subordinate capital advances totalling in the range of
$380million. The JL's of SDC report that its creditors totally approximately
US$10 million based on initial filings, and current estimates are that SDC's assets
have an realisable value in that same range. Therefore, depending on the ultimate
sales prices which are achieved, there may be realisations that will flow to SIB.
3.38 Over and above the confirmed employee claims there are substantial labour
claims for employees of other Stanford companies which are not in liquidation,
but which to the best of our knowledge are without assets. These individuals
assert that they are "de facto" employees of SDC and a Labour Board ruling to
this effect is being sought by them.
3.39 With legal counsel the SDC JL's met with the Labour Board to refute this
allegation as these were in fact separate operating companies with their own
payrolls. We also wanted to emphasise that we would resist any ruling that did
not provide a sound legal basis for the decision.
3.40 Recently, the sum of $1,799,968.31 was recovered by the SDC estate from the
Government of St Kitts (less $40,000 in legal fees charged by local counsel). This
sum represented the balance owing from a compulsory land acquisition (the
taking of a building belonging to SDC located near to the St Kitts airport). This
was a matter which took significant effort to accomplish, as initially there was no
inclination by the Government of St Kitts to deal with our demands.


3.41 A sale of airport lands and a hanger has been agreed to at EC$5.5million, but is
held up on closing by an Inland Revenue valuation at five times the agreed price,
which results in transfer tax being levied at almost 50% of the cash proceeds. An
adjustment is being sought as this valuation is clearly well beyond any sensible
interpretation of market value which we think is represented by the agreed price.
3.42 Other sales minor sales are completed and others are pending. The largest
property still to be sold is the bank's premises for which offers are being sought,
now that the SIB liquidation is making arrangements for alternate
accommodation for its limited operations and storage.
3.43 Examination of the lawyer with respect to an accounting for the funds in his trust
account related to SDC is pending.

Other Related Companies

3.44 Other companies in Antigua over which we have been appointed as liquidators
include Maiden Island Holdings, Stanford Hotel Properties and Gilberts Resort
Development. All of these companies own real estate in Antigua and these
properties are being actively marketed.

The major parcels are the Crabbs

shipyard and associated electrical generating and water plants, and Maiden Island
and Barnacle Point. Interest has been expressed in each of these although at
present we believe the prices being offered are below fair value.
3.45 Net recoveries which will accrue to SIB on the basis of its contribution to the
capital of these companies are likely to be in the range of $10 - $20 million.


3.46 We note that each of these companies are separate legal entities which are being
wound up through their own liquidation processes. These liquidations have to be
completed before the surplus proceeds can flow back to SIB.

We do not

envisage any issues arising which would prevent the surplus proceeds being
distributed to SIB. However, we cannot be certain of this until we sell the
properties and settle any direct creditors. At present we are not aware of any
substantial claims in any of these companies. The timing of this process is
dependent on the sale of the properties.
3.47 None of these entities, including SDC, had sufficient cash flow to pay for the

necessary preventative maintenance and insurance on their real

property. As SIB is the ultimate beneficiary of any surplus over the individual
company claims, funds to cover these expenses have been forwarded to preserve
values and ensure that no further deterioration takes place. These funds are
advanced on a priority basis and will be repaid from realisations. There is more
than adequate value to repay these advances together with reasonable interest to
the SIB estate, and the process of repayment has in fact commenced.
(f) Clawback Claims
3.48 As addressed in our last report, we are pursuing in Antiguan a direction from the
Court approval with respect to our intended claims against those SIB CD holders
who are in our view subject to clawbacks under the provisions of Section 204 of
the International Business Corporations Act (S204 Claims) or who are net



Section 204 Claims

3.49 As previously noted, we sought directions from the Antiguan Court in respect of
(i) whether we were entitled to hold back amounts from the first distribution
from those who are subject in our view to S204 Claims; and (ii) how to deal with
any objections received.
3.50 The Antiguan Court authorised us to hold back amounts from the first interim
distribution to those subject to the S204 Claims
3.51 However this did not resolve the bigger issue of the overall position, based on
our review of the detailed legal opinion we received with respect to the relevant
provisions of the International Business Corporations Act (Antigua) (the IBC
Act), of our ability to prevail on the issue of clawbacks under S204 of the IBC

Net Winners

3.52 The US Receiver has initiated actions to recover net wins in the US against SIB
CD holders. Net winners being defined as those who received more money out
of SIB, no matter how characterised, for example interest or credit card useage,
than they paid into SIB. The right of the Receiver to seek recovery of these net
wins has recently been affirmed by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit. The Receiver has only pursued those net winners within the scope of its
US mandate.

Our actions to clawback the net wins will not overlap with those
already taken by the US Receiver, but will extend to those outside of the


US Receiver's jurisdiction. We are working cooperatively with the

Receiver to ensure there is firstly no duplication and to assist each other
with collection where possible. This co-operation should enable us to
save significant costs.
Clawback overview
3.53 Our current estimate of the total value of the asserted clawback claims, both S204
and net winners, is in the range of US$1.5 billion, involving some 4,400 SIB CD
holders. If this estimate is proven to be correct, then the impact of the recovery
of clawback claims should result in an increase of approximately 20c on the dollar
to the prejudiced creditors (who represent about 80% of all creditors), in a
current scenario where if there are no major litigation wins, they would expect to
recover in total from both estates, 8c to 10c on the dollar. That is it could triple
recoveries to the "innocent" CD holders. This is a material situation which simply
cannot be ignored by the JL's, despite its controversial nature amongst the
clawback targets. As previously stated in our last report and in our website
postings, we believe that fairness in arriving at a proper pari-passu distribution
requires this redistribution, and does not create a new class of victim.
3.54 Realistically we do not expect to be able to fully recover the amounts involved if
we are correct in our interpretation of our obligation to clawback. However,
based on a 10% distribution before add back of S204 clawbacks recovered, which
we believe is a reasonable expectation outside any substantial recovery from
litigation, we would be able to holdback from distributions approximately
US$150 million, which would be sufficient to boost distributions to the
prejudiced creditors by 50% (i.e from 8%-10% to approximately 15%). We


regard this as a realistic minimum requiring little positive collection action or cost
on our part. We would therefore expect that with positive collection activity we
should be able to dramatically improve the recovery to the 8) creditors.
3.55 While the JLs fully appreciate that this is a controversial position, the strength of
the legal opinion which we obtained on the relevant provisions of the IBC Act,
combined with the very substantial adverse impact on the creditors who did not
benefit from the sort of pay-outs we are seeking to clawback, required us to fully
explore the issue and seek the intervention and guidance of the Court.
3.56 In order to determine what the objections were and provide a basis for contesting
the JLs position on clawback claims, we were instructed by the Court to solicit
objections from intended clawback defendants. Approximately 900 objections
were received by the JLs and presented to the Court. Further direction from the
Court was sought. The Court directed that these objections be collated, sent to
an Amicus Curiae (i.e., a friend of the Court), and that the interests of the
objectors be represented by that Amicus Curiae, who would also provide the Court
with his view of the law on the issues put before the Court around those
objections. This also prevents the need for multiple creditor representatives
appearing on essentially the same issue and transfers the cost burden from every
objecting creditor to the estate. At the same time any creditor who wishes to have
his own representation at his own expense is permitted to do that. The Court has
imposed cost restrictions on both the estate and on the Amicus in dealing with
this issue.


3.57 Mr Lenworth Johnson was appointed by the Antiguan Court as an Amicus Curiae
(the Amicus). A British barrister, Professor. Mark Watson-Gandy, of 13 Old
Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, has been appointed to assist Mr Johnson.
3.58 The Court directed that the JLs disclose to the Amicus all of the objections
received from the S204 defendants and net winners, which has now been
complied with.
3.59 On 30 May 2014 the JLs gave notice of the appointment of the Amicus to the
creditors/victims by way of publication on the SIB estates website. The
publication included a summary of the application which will result in the Amicus
and the JLs attending a Final Directions Hearing. The publication also confirmed
that the Court had provided investors with an entitlement to take part at the Final
Directions Hearing and any subsequent hearing on this matter, through their own
lawyers should they chose to do so at their own expense.
3.60 An interim directions hearing was held on 28 July 2014 where the list of issues
was considered by the Court, on a preliminary basis, in preparation for the Final
Directions Hearing, which is expected to take place in early 2015.
3.61 We note that when purchasing certificates of deposit from SIB each investor
agreed that the jurisdiction governing the relationship between SIB and the CD
holder was Antigua. As such it is our position that for all disputes with CD
holders the Antiguan Court is the only Court with jurisdiction, and its rulings are
binding on all CD holders and specifically those with respect to clawbacks.
3.62 At this point we are prepared to settle claims at a discount given that the Court
has not given its ruling on our position. The risk to those with whom we settle is


that in the final analysis we are not supported by the Court. However once we
have a final directions ruling, and assuming it is in our favour, we shall be seeking
recovery of the full value of the S204 claims and net wins.
3.63 Presently we have issued demands for payment on a select group of net winners
valued at US$70 million based in Latin America, principally in: Argentina,
Colombia, Panam, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Venezuela and Mexico.


formal judicial proceedings have been launched yet.

3.64 These efforts are bearing fruit. For example we have recently reached another
settlement in Venezuela for US$50,000, and are in the process of finalising
documents. We are also near to reaching a settlement with a reputable
Venezuelan Group with a claim of approximately US$1 million, and a Mexican
investor for approximately US$396,000.
3.65 The JLs have also made an application before a Court in Mexico for judicial
recognition of SIBs foreign insolvency proceedings. The recognition would
accompany the position in the negotiations of clawback claims against both netwins and S204 claims, and provide additional routes to recover assets located in
Mexico, for the benefit of all creditors of the estate.
3.66 Demand for payment of identified clawbacks has been or will be sent out to
approximately 400 investors who have submitted claims in the estate but who are
actually net winners. The total clawback claims against this group equate to
US$55 million.


(g) Stanford Trust Company (STC) And Colombian

Subsidiary (SCB)
3.67 The JLs continue with efforts to recover funds via STC over which Messrs Wide
and Dickson are also Joint Liquidators. We anticipate that the bulk of the
recoveries achieved in the STC liquidation, which has very limited creditors, will
be available to STC's shareholder. Stanford himself as the shareholder of STC is
accountable to the investors of SIB as a result of his action in stripping SIB's
assets into the other entities he controlled and SIB have a summary judgment to
this effect, which will permit the STC surplus to flow to SIB.
3.68 The principal asset of STC is its interest in a subsidiary brokerage company in
Colombia (SCB) which is in liquidation under a Colombian liquidator appointed
by us as JL's of STC. As a result of the efforts of SCBs Colombian liquidator,
SCB holds approximately US$12 million in cash. Of this US$8 million is frozen
by the Colombian Superintendent of Finance against a class action brought by
investors buying SIB CD's through SCB based on the alleged wrongful sale of the
CDs which have turned out to be essentially worthless. A similar claim has been
made in a group action in Medellin, for a limited number of named claimants.
3.69 There are also other claims in the estate, mostly with respect to commissions that
are claimed to be owing to salesmen. These claims are being resolved by the local
Liquidator, and the greater part have been already settled. At this point the funds
in the hands of the Liquidator are all invested and earning money. To date
earnings have exceeded the cost of operating the liquidation.


3.70 We are liaising with the Colombian liquidator of SCB in an attempt to resolve
this freeze of the US$8 million, which is subject to the Superintendent of
Finance's freezing order, and challenging the claims of the CD holders under the
class action.

The named investors who form part of the class action in Bogota

have claims against SIB totalling approximately US$2 million. It is incidental to

their damages claims that the US$8 million of SCB assets have been frozen.
3.71 However, we have been advised that all those who purchased certificates of
deposit from SCB would be entitled to participate in the class action and are
eligible to participate in the proceeds from any successful action. The total claims
of Colombian victims against SIB are approximately US$150 million. If the class
action were to be successful and all Colombian victims participated in the
proceeds from the US$8 million that would amount to a distribution to these
victims of approximately 5%, excluding any provision for contingent legal fees of
the Colombian lawyers representing the class action. We believe this will prove
to be less than a claim in the SIB liquidation will yield.
3.72 Our position is that a creditor has to select its route for recovery (i.e., either
Colombian class action or a claim in the SIB Antiguan liquidation and US
Receivership estates) and we cannot properly let one group recover more than
any other group. This is a position similar to that taken by the US Receiver who
as part of his distribution process is requiring confirmation from each CD holder
that they have no other source of recovery.
3.73 Therefore until this action is either settled or the Court makes a final decision, we
will not be making a distribution to any Colombian victims who could potentially
join this class action. As noted above the members of the class may be obliged to


disclose to the US Receiver that they have an expectation of a recovery outside

the winding up of SIB as a collateral source. We do not know if this disclosure
has been made, but preliminary discussions with the Receiver's agents suggests
they may not have.
3.74 We have met with the legal team representing the Class Actions on two
occasions, once directly with the lawyers bringing the action and the other in
settlement meeting under the direction of a mediator.

This last meeting took

place in August 2014. During this meeting we suggested that recoveries from the
SIB Antiguan estate were likely to generate a more favourable return in less time
than pursuing the Class Actions.
3.75 There was also extensive disclosure during this meeting, with respect to the
background of the SIB liquidation process, the activities up to date, the claims
process, news about the distribution of dividends, current efforts to recover
assets worldwide, and the current status of Colombian investors. At the end of
the presentation, the creditors/victims present were given the opportunity to ask
questions. We presented a proposal to settle the action on the lines of paying
forthwith the amount that they would reasonably expect to recover from the
known assets of SIB, and permitting them to participate in additional recoveries
down the road. In our view this meets our objective of them not getting a
"bonus" payment over other CD holders, but offers the advantage of timing and
3.76 One of the stumbling blocks to settlement seems to be the contingency fee of the
lawyers running the Class action and how that would be paid under our proposal.


3.77 Also it is not clear to us that there is, or has been communication between the
class action lawyers and all the other creditors that are eligible to participate in the
class. It is therefore unclear how to get a binding settlement for the whole class.
This is amongst the issues to be resolved in moving this matter forward and
ultimately repatriating funds to SIB.
3.78 This same offer was made to the lawyer for the group action in Medellin at a
meeting with him, also in August 2014.
3.79 In the meantime we have agreed with the SCB liquidator that both the group
action in Medellin and the class action in Bogota should be defended vigorously.
(h) Other Litigation Claims

Law Firm Claims

3.80 We have launched negligence actions in Antigua against US law firms, Proskauer
Rose LLP and Chadbourne & Parke LLP, which acted for SIB and failed to
protect its interests while doing so. These claims are based on a theory of liability
and damages that are substantively different from and not available in the US
proceedings against the same parties and therefore in our view stand separate and
apart. These claims have been filed in Antigua.
3.81 We attended a mediation meeting in Dallas in September 2014 with respect to the
Chadbourne & Parke claim with a view to achieving an all-party settlement. No
settlement was achieved at this meeting.
3.82 At this point, and while we are always open to settlement discussions, it is our
intention to proceed with our actions in Antigua.



Vingerhoedt Claim

3.83 We are prosecuting an action against a former President of SIB and a former
Stanford associate and insider, Frans Vingerhoedt, for the recovery of funds paid
to him without apparent justification. This matter was scheduled to be tried by
the Antiguan Court in November 2014. However, as a result of Vingerhoedts
appeal to the Court of Appeal of a pre-trial order concerning the admissibility of
certain evidence (see below), this matter will not be heard until next year.
3.84 Vingerhoedt recently challenged our intention to seek the admission at trial of
certain parts of the transcript of Stanfords criminal trial (rather than calling the
witnesses ourselves) to prove elements of our case. The Judge found that the
transcript is admissible as proof of what was said by the witnesses, but not of the
truth of what was said. Thus, we can refer to certain parts of the transcript to reenforce what we have independently corroborated with respect to what was said
by the witnesses. Also, the transcript can be used in cross-examination of
witnesses for defence.
3.85 Vingerhoedts lawyers have applied for permission to appeal against the Judges
finding and for the trial to be adjourned pending determination of the appeal
(assuming permission is granted).

We believe that the proposed appeal is

misconceived and have made a submission to the Court of Appeal that

permission should be refused. The Court of Appeal by its Order dated 23
September 2014 adjourned the issue and ordered that it be heard by a full sitting
of the Court of Appeal in Antigua on 24 November 2014.


(i) Bank Of Antigua

3.86 As advised in our previous report, a conflict with Grant Thornton office holders
was identified and Marcus Wide and Charles Walwyn had to resign as liquidators
of Bank of Antigua. Following this, Stuart Mackellar of Zolfo Cooper was
appointed liquidator.
3.87 SIB is a creditor of Bank of Antigua and we are in contact with Mr Mackellar to
monitor recovery prospects.

SIBs claim has yet to be admitted in this

liquidation. There is a possibility that the SIB estate will be competing against the
Bank of Antigua estate for some of assets in Switzerland. It is SIBs case that
these funds belong to SIB on the basis the funds were transferred without
apparent purpose and not for value from SIB's own accounts. A claim to
clawback these amounts to the SIB estate has been initiated in Switzerland.
(j) Former Liquidators Costs
3.88 We are moving forward with the judicial determination of the fees of the former
3.89 We were advised that the fees of the Former Liquidators professional advisors
are direct claims on the estate and can be adjudicated separately from the claims
of the Former Liquidators' themselves.

We were mindful of the cost of

challenging the value of these fees in Court, and therefore commenced direct
negotiations with a majority of the Former Liquidators legal advisors to obtain
significant reductions on their invoiced fees. We have successfully settled $7.4
million in claims of most of the legal advisors for $5.5 million. These settlements
resulted in savings for the estate totalling approximately US$1.9 million.


3.90 The fees of Vantis/FRP (the firms that the former liquidators worked for) are of
greater concern given the issues arising for the estate as a result of their time in
office as well as the amount claimed which we consider to be excessive in the
context of value delivered, especially given they were dismissed for cause after a
protracted fight.
3.91 In September 2014, we met with representatives of the Vantis/FRP parties in
London to discuss settlement of their claim for $9,191,133 in fees and remaining
disbursements and to express the areas of concern with respect to their claim.
3.92 We also put to them in writing subsequently, the issue of potential damages to
the estate caused by their conduct and delays they created in bringing forward the
application to deal with their potential replacement.
3.93 We have consulted with UK counsel and based on that advice we believe we have
a claim to bring against the former JL's which exceeds any value, if there is any, in
the work done for which they are seeking compensation.
3.94 It is our view that we both parties would be well advised to avoid the cost of
litigation both on the fee front and the estate's claim against the former JL's by
coming to an agreement both walk away at this point. It is likely however in view
of the sums involved that both the fees and our claim against the former JLs will
be litigated.


Distributions Update

A total of 16,216 creditor claims on SIB have been agreed at the time of the
declaration of the first distribution, with a total value of US$4.89 billion. These
claims are spread over 102 different countries with different banking systems and
rules with respect to receiving payments from overseas.


We have reconciled our claims with those admitted by the US Receiver with the
intention of both ensuring consistency in the amounts admitted and to
understand what claims were only admitted in one of the estates. As the US
Receiver has run his claims based on linked accounts with a common owner, and
ours are run on the basis of the individual legal owners, in number we have more


On the basis of values of claims by linking admitted accounts in the Antiguan

estate we have for practical purposes been able to reconcile the admitted claims
in the US estate to the Antiguan estate. However as the there is no "claims bar"
process under the Antiguan claims process, claims continue to be admitted as and
when filed. The right to participate in a distribution however is determined by
the date of filing, and late filers after the declared distribution date are only
entitled to share in subsequent distributions.


As previousy reported the Joint Liquidators announced their first interim

distribution to eligible creditors on 20 January 2014.

With the benefit of

feedback from the SEC Receivers claims payment process, the JLs decided to
offer creditors the option of receiving their distribution via wire transfer, cheque
or opening a bank account with our distribution agent, into which the
distribution could be directly deposited. After meeting with and obtaining

proposals from a number of banks active in the region we appointed ItalBank of

San Juan, Puerto Rico to be our distribution agent

All eligible creditors were contacted and requested to provide ItalBank with
written instructions choosing, and providing information, for their preferred
payment method. The relevant instruction forms and information requests were
also available on the JLs website.


Since our last report the distribution process has been a continuing event. What
has been surprising is that to date the response rate to this request for payment
instructions has been low despite several follow up solicitations. The JLs
therefore made the decision that if instructions were not received by ItalBank on
or before 31 October 2014, the remaining distributions would be made by


As the funds to make the distribution are held in a bank account in the UK under
the Settlement Agreement with the US parties, the cheques issued in US dollars,
are not in the same format as if they were US dollar cheques written on a US
bank account. This has caused some issues in having them cashed at branches of
banks not familiar with international clearing procedures, reflecting the problems
in trying to create a simple process that suits all 102 national jurisdictions.


The distribution processing time has been longer than initially anticipated. As
noted above this is due in part to factors including the challenges faced with the
various banking systems and the number of different jurisdictions where proven
creditors are located, and partly due to the KYC and AML issues that our
distribution agent was obliged to deal with to comply with its own regulatory


issues. In our search for an agent, this was a theme common to all those that we
approached and are not unique to ItalBank.

Also while we anticipated the vast bulk of applicants would provide their
documentation electronically, a significant number provided them in hard copy
format for which the review procedures require more human input and
processing. Finally much of the paperwork, electronic or otherwise, was
incorrectly filled out or conflicted with account opening documentation or the
admitted claims, and required correction by the submitting CD holder.

4.10 It also became apparent that resolving these unanticipated complexities strained
both the resources of ItalBank and our claims team in Antigua and created delays
in processing. Consequently the distribution process, which continues, has taken
dramatically longer than anticipated.
4.11 The SIB estate continues to receive and adjudicate claims in the liquidation.
Those creditors who file claims now or in the future will only be entitled to
distributions subsequent to the date of their filing.
4.12 As noted elsewhere the Court has endorsed holdbacks from the current
distribution for those who are subject to S204 Claims. The JLs are also holding
back distributions to those Colombian investors seeking relief and who may seek
relief in Colombia under the group and individual actions to prevent double
4.13 At 30 June, 2104 we had $34.6 million on hand for distribution after distributing
approximately $6.2million. Since then we have distributed a further $3.4 million
and we still have $24 million to distribute to those that have made no election.


Cheques are being prepared for distribution to those eligible to receive a

distribution, but who made no election.

Financial Position Of The Estate


We attach a Statement of Receipts and Payments to 30 June 2014.


Please note the following explanations with regards to the US$56 million held at
30 June 2014:

US$34.6 million represents funds which are allocated to the first interim
distribution but not yet been distributed as of 30 June 2014.

US$18 million has been set aside from the UK assets of SIB to provide
supplemental working capital to the estate. However, pursuant to the
Settlement Agreement of March 2013, this $18 million will only be released
for that purpose proportionately and as funds are recovered from the Swiss
frozen assets.


We had obtained funding for the estate to pursue litigation claims in the event
realisations were slow in coming or in adequate to fund what we believe will be
the biggest recoveries for SIB creditors. The costs of these funds was substantial
were they to be drawn down, especially beyond the minimum draw of $5 million.
As a result of the land sale and based on reworked budgets, the estate is now
funded sufficiently that it has repaid the base drawn down with accrued interest,
and it is unlikely that any further drawdowns from the $20 million Hamilton
Funding Facility will be required.



The minimum draw down gave rise to a contingent obligation to make payments
out of litigation recoveries, on a multiple of 2.5 to 3 times, the draw depending
on timing, and only if such recoveries are achieved. This was believed to be
preferable to sharing on a full contingency fee basis of a percentage of total
recoveries. In the unlikely event there are no litigation wins from the estate's
claims, no further payments would be required to be made to Hamilton.


We have summarised as a note to the Statement of Receipts and payments the

cash on hand, including the funds in the process of being made available to the
SIB estate from the sale of the AVA lands, and the current commitments with
respect to those funds. At present there insufficient unallocated funds to warrant
a second distribution. It is likely that until the Swiss monies are released a further
distribution will be made unless we are successful in settling any of the litigation
claims in process.

Antiguan Operations


For the period of the liquidation to date we have continued to occupy the SIB
building in Antigua and we have continued to employ several former employees
of SIB to assist us with the wind-down process. We have also employed
additional Antiguan staff to assist us with:

securing the electronic and hard copy records

operating the accounting system to access information for asset

identification, claims adjudication and litigation issues

background information and affidavits in support of estate claims


analysis of hard copy bank records for tracing purposes and asserting claims
against other Stanford related entities


claims administration and adjudication

distribution issues

organising records for storage,

other administrative tasks in support of the Liquidation

This has been relatively inexpensive as the rent on the building had been fully
prepaid, the owner SDC had no buyers for it and still does not, and there are
substantial savings and data security by using local knowledgeable staff over
professional staff at professional rates.


However now that we have substantially completed the claims adjudication

process, reviewed and organised the very substantial volume of hard copy
records, and the electronic records are uploaded to a searchable database, we can
begin to wind down the operations in Antigua, and remove the remaining staff
and any records that might need immediate review to smaller premises.


We will have to spend some time in ensuring that the current servers are
preserved so that we can in fact access any electronic data that is required as we
continue to prosecute our litigation claims.

Next Steps

We will complete the distribution of funds to creditors/victims from the first

interim distribution. Those creditors/victims who have yet to respond to requests
from Ital Bank for their preferred distribution method will receive a cheque.



The funding needs of the estate and claims of the Former Liquidators mean that
there are insufficient funds on hand to enable a further distribution to
creditors/victims at this time. Current funds in the estate are needed to pursue
recovery efforts that are underway and particularly the high value litigation


We continue to clean up other estate matters such as winding down the Antiguan
operations and the management of a substantial amount of records, so that we
can focus on these efforts to generate recoveries.


As noted above the litigation claims being pursued are very significant. However,
because of the nature of litigation and the uncertainties, it is not possible to
predict any final outcomes from this complex liquidation.


We will continue to drive the liquidations of the other Stanford entities in

Antigua or that are controlled through Antigua in the expectation that monies
from these will ultimately flow to SIB.


We will continue to work to recover the Swiss monies. Following receipt of these
funds we should be in a position to make a further distribution from the estate.

Respectfully submitted
Yours faithfully

Marcus A. Wide
For and On behalf of the Joint Liquidators
Stanford International Bank Limited In Liquidation


Receipts and payments statement account

UK recoveries
Non UK Recoveries
3rd Party Funding (Hamilton)
Settled legal claims
Settlement on pricing error
Recoveries of Preference Payments
Interest earned
Miscellaneous income

1 January 2014 30 June 2014

As of 30 June 2014




Less: Cost Awarded for removal of former



Total Receipts


Liquidators Fees & Expenses
Co-Lead Legal Advisors Fees And Expenses
Other Legal Advisors Fees And Expenses
Other Advisors Fees
Other Operational Expenses
Loans To Stanford Affiliates
Total Payments






Balance on Hand


Represented By:
Held for distribution (see report 4.12)


Supplemental Working Capital Account

(restricted see report 3.6)
Uncommitted cash on hand


Note: AVA Land sale income not included above.

Material receipts and commitments for the period
post 30 June 2014 are reported below.
Uncommitted cash in hand as at 30 June 2014

Sale of Lands (net of costs)



Costs Agreed
Accrued legal and liquidation costs


Former liquidator's advisor costs


Distributions subsequent to R&P date


Budget for litigation


Disputed Costs of the Former Liquidators


Uncommitted cash available further to AVA sales


Current uncommitted cash in hand


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