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1. What is socket? How it is implemented?
2. What are the different system calls on client side and server side
3. How to convert single client into multiple clients handling in server?
4. What are the differences between SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, and
SOCK_RAM? What is their level of implementation?
5. Explain need of sock adder_ in structure and IN ADDR_ANY.
6. What is FIFO? How to implement Multiple FIFOs. Disadvantages of
7. Which are the different IPC Primitives? Explain Why IPC Primitives are
8. Explain the purpose of RS algorithm? What is Public and Private Key?
How to find public and private key in RSA algorithm?
9. List some Cryptographic algorithms?
10. What is congestion? Explain leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm?
What are its disadvantages of each?
11. List other congestion control algorithm.
12. What are the disadvantages of RSA Algorithm?
13. What is the need for routing protocols? List some routing protocols.
Which are common routing algorithms used by routing protocols
14. Disadvantages of Distance vector routing. Explain the method to
overcome such disadvantage.
15. What is CRC? What is the need for CRC? Which Layer it is
16. Can CRC be employed for error correction if so how.
17. Explain steps of error correction and error detection. What is encoding
and decoding, why it is required?
18. What is Hamming code? Can it be used for error detection and
correction how?
19. What are linear block codes? Explain their advantages.
20. What is protocol? List some protocols. How to modify existing
21. Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Layer Model?
22. Difference between Router, Bridge, Gateway channel. In which layer it
is used?
23. Difference between hub and switch. Which is more compatible and
24. Explain various Ethernet standards.

25. Difference between IP and MAC address.

26. In which layer ATM protocol is used? Explain the purpose.
27. In Which layer or protocol which converts IP to MAC Address.
28. Which are the different collision detection protocols?
29. Which are the different channelization protocol and explain their
30. Explain term error rate, bandwidth, throughput transmission delay,
BER, Interarrival time. What is unit of bandwidth?
31. What is congestion/contention Window? How it is constructed and
managed and by which layer?
32. What is ping utility? How it is implemented?
33. Which are different parameters in ICMP protocol? Explain purpose of
34. List and explain different link types. Differentiate its characteristics.
35. List TCP and UDP Properties?
36. Why TCP is more reliable than UDP?
37. Is data rate and bandwidth are same?
38. Difference between ESS and BSS. Explain various elements
composing the structure of BSS.
39. Explain various factors that results in congestion and collision.
40. Explain QOS and different measures taken for implementing QOS in
41. List different N/W topologies.
42. Difference between Data rate versus Throughput.
43. List the meaning and term used for data in different layers of TCP/IP
protocol suite.
44. Difference between intranet, internet and Ethernet. What are the
relationships between these network types?
45. What are the main functions carried out in data link layer?

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