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Quotation validity until


Offer No


Offer date


Terms of Payment





Reference doc


Customer Order N


Pay before delivery


Delivery Address

Invoicing Address

PO BOX 588

PO BOX 588

Contact information:

Tax number


Cdric Gley


+33 472810978


+33 472815020


[email protected]

Ship: Partial



Qty UoM

Unit Price



1 PC



2 PC



50 PC



6 PC





Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:


Customs Code:





Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:

5.602 KG

Customs Code:




Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:


Customs Code:



Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:




National Crane

Manitowoc Crane Group France S.A.S. - 66, chemin du Moulin Carron,

Tl : +33 4 72 18 20 20 Fax : +33 4 72 18 20 00
Capital de 41 735 310 Euros 632 045 837 R.C.S. Lyon

CS 60236,

69574 Dardilly Cedex,

France -

1 - Offer, Governing Provisions and Cancellation. This document is an offer or counter-offer by
Manitowoc Crane Group France SAS (Seller) to sell the goods and their accessories (Goods)
and/or services that are identified in this document to the buyer identified in this document
(Buyer) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Sale (Terms and Conditions), it is
not an acceptance of any offer made by Buyer. All sales by Seller to Buyer are subject to, and are
expressly conditioned upon assent to, these Terms and Conditions. Seller hereby objects to any
additional or different terms or conditions, and notifies Buyer that Seller is unwilling to sell on any
terms or conditions other than these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions and the
additional terms and conditions contained in or attached to this document, as supplemented by
agreed upon quantities and shipping dates (collectively, the Agreement), shall be the entire
agreement between Seller and Buyer on the subject of the transactions described herein; and
there are no conditions to this Agreement that are not expressed herein. This offer and the
agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of France excluding the
provisions of the Vienna convention (without reference to principles of conflicts of laws). The rights
and obligations of the parties hereunder shall not be governed by the provisions of the 1980 U.N.
Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Sellers place of business shall be the
court venue. However, Seller is permitted to start legal proceedings at the appropriate court at
Buyers place of residence.
No order may be cancelled or altered by Buyer except upon terms and conditions accepted by
Seller in writing; and no changes to this document or the Agreement will be binding unless set forth
in writing and manually signed by Seller in an Order Acknowledgment. This offer may be revoked
by Seller at any time before it is accepted by Buyer, and shall automatically expire 30 calendar
days after its date if Buyer has not accepted it before then. Neither Buyers acceptance of this
offer nor any conduct by Seller (including but not limited to shipment of goods) shall oblige Seller to
sell to Buyer any quantity of goods in excess of the quantity that Buyer has committed to purchase
from Seller at the time of such acceptance or conduct.
2 - Price. Unless otherwise specified on the face of this document or agreed to in writing, the price
for goods sold hereunder shall be at the Sellers distributor list price in effect as of the date of the
Sellers acceptance of the Buyers order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller may increase the
price of the goods upon notice to Buyer to reflect any additional increases in Seller's cost of
producing the goods. Prices are stated and payable in the currency set forth in the price list.
3 - Credit Approval; Payment Terms. All payment terms set forth in this document are subject to
Sellers approval of Buyers credit, in Sellers discretion; and if such approval is withheld, payment
shall be due in advance of Sellers performance. Except as otherwise agreed to in writing or
otherwise provided on the face of this document or in the preceding sentence, payment is due
immediately. Interest will be charged on unpaid amounts from the due date to the date of actual
payment at the lesser of (i) 18% per year, or (ii) the statutory rate permitted by applicable law, on
accounts more than 30 calendar days past due. Under Articles L.441-6 and D.441-5 of the
Commercial Code, any late payment automatically triggers, in addition to penalties, an obligation of
the debtor to pay a lump sum of 40 euros for recovery costs. Additional reimbursement may be
claimed against documentation when the actual recovery costs exceed the amount of the lumpsum reimbursement. If Buyer fails to make any payments in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement, Seller may, in addition to its rights and remedies provided hereunder or at law or
equity, (a) defer or suspend further shipments or provision of goods until Buyer reestablishes
satisfactory credit, (b) cancel the unshipped or unperformed portion of any order and invoice Buyer
for incurred costs and reasonable profit without any liability on the part of Seller for failure to ship
or provide goods, or (c) make shipment of goods to Buyer on a cash on deposit or cash in advance
basis. If production or shipment of completed goods, or other Seller performance, is delayed by
Buyer, Seller may immediately invoice, and Buyer shall pay, the percentage of the purchase price
corresponding to the percentage of completion; in addition, Buyer shall compensate Seller for
storage of completed goods or work in process during any such delay, whether stored at Sellers
facility or an independent storage companys facilities.
4 - Taxes and Other Charges. Any cargo insurance and any taxes including without limitation,
value added tax, duty, custom, import, inspection or testing fee, interest or charge of any nature
whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between
Seller and Buyer shall be paid by Buyer in addition to the prices quoted or invoiced. In the event
Seller is required to pay any such taxes or other charges, Buyer shall reimburse Seller therefor on
5 - Retention of title. Seller shall retain title to all goods delivered or to be delivered to Buyer until
Seller has received payment in full of the purchase price of the goods sold hereunder. During such
time as Seller has title to the goods, Buyer shall store or otherwise keep Seller's goods separately
from all other goods in such a way as to clearly indicate at all times that the said property remains
that of Seller. All costs incurred by Seller in repossessing the goods shall be paid by Buyer.
It is expressly stated that administrative documents, vehicle registration or registration certificate
issued upon delivery of goods do not constitute ownership title.
6 - Delivery, Claims and Force Majeure. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this document
or agreed to in writing, goods shall be delivered, ex works Sellers loading dock (as defined in
Incoterms 2010). Delivery of goods to the carrier shall constitute delivery to Buyer; and regardless
of shipping terms or freight payment, Buyer shall bear all risk of loss or damage in transit. Seller
reserves the right to make delivery in installments, unless otherwise expressly stipulated herein; all
such installments to be invoiced upon shipment of the first installment and paid for when due per
invoice, without regard to subsequent deliveries. Delay in delivery of any installment shall not
relieve Buyer of its obligations to accept remaining deliveries.
Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to Seller within 10 calendar
days after receipt of shipment; and failure to give such notice shall constitute unqualified
acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by Buyer. Claims for loss of or damage to goods in
transit must be made to the carrier, and not to Seller.
All timeframes provided by Seller, whether verbally or in writing, are good faith estimates of the
expected delivery date for the goods. Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to fill
Buyers orders within the time stated, but in no event shall Seller be liable for any damages
associated with Sellers inability to meet any such timeframes or deadlines, including, without
limitation, incidental or consequential damages arising therefrom.
7 - Changes. Seller may at any time make such changes in design and construction of products,
components or parts as Seller deems appropriate, without notice to Buyer. Seller may furnish
suitable substitutes for materials unobtainable because of priorities or regulations established by
governmental authority or nonavailability of materials from suppliers.
8 - Warranties. Except in relation to second-hand or used goods, the goods sold by Seller to
Buyer hereunder are warranted by Seller pursuant to Sellers applicable written warranty available
at or available upon request (the Warranty).
The warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether written, oral or implied, arising
by operation of law or otherwise, including, but not limited to, any warranty of satisfactory quality or
fitness for a particular purpose.
Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities,
damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense)
that Seller may incur as a result of Buyer or any intermediary purchaser extending any warranties
to its customers beyond the Warranty. Performance of the remedy provided in the Warranty shall
be Sellers sole obligation and the end-users exclusive remedy with respect to defective goods.
Any parts repaired or replaced under the Warranty are warranted only for the balance of the
warranty period on the part that was repaired or replaced.
9 - Consequential Damages and Other Liability; Indemnity. Sellers liability with respect to the
goods or services sold hereunder shall be limited to the warranty and indemnity provided in section
8 of these Terms and Conditions and, with respect to any other breaches of its contract with Buyer,
shall be limited to the contract price. Seller shall not be subject to any other obligations or
liabilities, whether arising out of breach of contract or warranty with respect to goods or services
sold by seller, or any undertakings, acts or omissions relating thereto. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, Seller specifically disclaims any liability for property damages,
penalties, damages for lost profits or revenues, down-time, lost good will, cost of capital, cost of
substitute goods or services, or for any other types of economic loss, or for claims of Buyers
customers or any third party for any such damages, costs or losses. Seller shall not be liable for
and disclaims all consequential, incidental, indirect and contingent damages whatsoever.
Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities,
damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense)

upon the negligence of Seller in designing, manufacturing, performing and/or selling such goods or
services, unless such losses, liabilities, damages or expenses are ultimately determined to be
attributable solely to the willful misconduct of Seller.
10 - Installation. If Buyer purchases any goods that require installation or erection, Buyer shall, at
its expense, make all arrangements necessary to install, erect and operate the goods. Buyer shall
install the goods in accordance with any Seller instructions. Buyer shall indemnify and hold
harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including
but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense) arising from or otherwise connected
with Buyers or its agents failure to properly install the goods.
11 - Technical Information. Any sketches, models or samples submitted by Seller shall remain the
property of Seller, and shall be treated as confidential information unless Seller has in writing
indicated a contrary intent. No use or disclosure of such sketches, models or samples, or any
design or production techniques revealed thereby, shall be made without the express, prior written
consent of Seller.
12 - Assignment. Buyer may not assign any of its rights, duties or obligations under this
Agreement without Sellers prior written consent, and any attempted assignment without such
consent will be void and of no effect or consequence.
13 - No Waiver. No waiver of this Agreement or any of its provisions is valid unless expressly
agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. No waiver by Seller of any default under this Agreement is
a waiver of any other or subsequent default. The failure of Seller to insist upon strict and timely
performance of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right
or remedy that Seller may have under this Agreement or at law, and shall not be deemed a waiver
of any subsequent default in performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
14 - Cost of Collection. In the event legal action is necessary to recover monies due from Buyer or
to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for all costs and
expenses associated therewith, including, without limitation, Sellers actual attorneys fees and
15 - Insurance. Unless otherwise specified on the face of this document or agreed to in writing,
Buyer shall be solely responsible from the point of delivery of the goods by Seller for all
consequences as a result of theft, loss or partial or total destruction, for any reason whatsoever,
including accidental reasons or as a result of force majeure. Buyer shall insure, at its expense, the
goods against all aforementioned Buyer has made full payment of all amounts due Seller, and
shall provide evidence of this insurance, upon request by Seller. Should Buyer fail to comply with
these requirements, Seller may, at Sellers sole discretion, within eight days following written notice
to Buyer, either cancel the sale and take back the goods, or procure such insurance at the
expense of Buyer.
16 - Spare Parts. Except in relation to second-hand or used goods, Seller shall determine in it sole
discretion the period of time for which it supplies spare parts manufactured by it; provided
however, in no event shall Seller supply spare parts manufactured by it more then ten (10) years
after the cessation of manufacture of this good. The supply of spare parts provided is limited to the
availabilities of the Seller.
17 - Services. The following terms and the general terms and conditions of service, erection and
dismantle of cranes (GMA GME) written by SPMDG and signed by FNTP and FFB available at:
http// 456971/publications, shall also apply to all services being
provided by Seller. In case of conflict, the present terms and conditions of Manitowoc Crane Group
France SAS will prevail. (a) Seller will repair or, at its option, replace any part which is or becomes
faulty if, in the opinion of Seller, the fault is in workmanship (and not the result of ordinary wear and
tear; negligence; acts of God; vandalism; abuse; misuse; neglect; accident or disasters such as
fire, flood, wind and lightning; overloading; unauthorized altered, modified or changed products or
parts; products or parts which have not been properly installed, stored, operated or maintained or
which have been improperly adjusted; any products or parts not manufactured by Seller), provided
that the fault is brought to the notice of Seller within twenty (20) days of the date of delivery of the
goods to Buyer on completion of the services. (b) The goods, while in Seller's possession are at
the risk of the Buyer and Seller shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods or their
contents howsoever arising unless the same is caused by the negligence of Seller. In the event of
such negligence, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement or at Seller's option, repair of
the lost or damaged goods and under no circumstances whatsoever shall Seller be liable for any
other loss, damage or expense suffered by the Buyer as a result of the loss or damage to the
goods. (c) If the goods are not paid for and collected from Seller's premises within twenty (20) days
of notice that they are ready for collection or if, where the goods are to be collected elsewhere, the
Buyer fails to collect them at the agreed time and place, Seller reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to charge for storage or disposal of them. (d) If Seller is required to go to a location
other then Seller's premises, Buyer shall be solely responsible to make sure such premises are
safe and suitable for the services to be provided by Seller. Seller reserves the right, in its sole
discretion to reject the premises if Seller determines they are not safe and/or suitable. Seller
further reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to charge if it is waiting for the site to be prepared or
if it leaves a site it determines not safe and/or suitable.
18 - Second-hand or used Goods. The Buyer is buying the equipment as secondhand equipment.
The Buyer has had an opportunity to inspect the equipment and is buying it in full knowledge of its
condition. The equipment is being sold to Buyer as is, where is, and with all faults; and Seller
hereby specifically disclaims any and all warranties and representations of any nature whatsoever,
express or implied, with respect to the equipment, including, without limitation, any implied
warranty or satisfactory, quality or fitness for a particular purpose, any warranty arising by course
of dealing or usage of trade.
19 - Place of Performance. Unless otherwise provided in Sellers confirmation order, Sellers place
of business shall be the place of performance.



Qty UoM



Gross weight:

17.55 KG

Customs Code:



Unit Price


6 PC



6 PC



2 PC



100 PC





Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:

7.278 KG

Customs Code:




Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:

0.168 KG

Customs Code:




Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:

3.302 KG

Customs Code:


Estimated Availability Date:


Country of Origin:


Gross weight:


Customs Code:




Total before VAT
1 666,32


Subject to the receipt of the order and validation of payment terms.

Orders received will only be considered definitive when confirmed in writing by ourselves (regardless of format)
with a document designated 'ARC (Accus Rception de Commande - Acknowledgement of Receipt of Order)'.
The present offer is governed by our general terms and conditions of sale attached at the back or available on
the website at the exclusion of any other document and any others terms and
conditions except in case of prior and written agreement from Manitowoc Crane Group France.



National Crane

Manitowoc Crane Group France S.A.S. - 66, chemin du Moulin Carron,

Tl : +33 4 72 18 20 20 Fax : +33 4 72 18 20 00
Capital de 41 735 310 Euros 632 045 837 R.C.S. Lyon

CS 60236,

69574 Dardilly Cedex,

France -

1 - Offer, Governing Provisions and Cancellation. This document is an offer or counter-offer by
Manitowoc Crane Group France SAS (Seller) to sell the goods and their accessories (Goods)
and/or services that are identified in this document to the buyer identified in this document (Buyer)
in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Sale (Terms and Conditions), it is not an
acceptance of any offer made by Buyer. All sales by Seller to Buyer are subject to, and are
expressly conditioned upon assent to, these Terms and Conditions. Seller hereby objects to any
additional or different terms or conditions, and notifies Buyer that Seller is unwilling to sell on any
terms or conditions other than these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions and the
additional terms and conditions contained in or attached to this document, as supplemented by
agreed upon quantities and shipping dates (collectively, the Agreement), shall be the entire
agreement between Seller and Buyer on the subject of the transactions described herein; and there
are no conditions to this Agreement that are not expressed herein. This offer and the agreement
shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of France excluding the provisions of the
Vienna convention (without reference to principles of conflicts of laws). The rights and obligations
of the parties hereunder shall not be governed by the provisions of the 1980 U.N. Convention of
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Sellers place of business shall be the court venue.
However, Seller is permitted to start legal proceedings at the appropriate court at Buyers place of
No order may be cancelled or altered by Buyer except upon terms and conditions accepted by
Seller in writing; and no changes to this document or the Agreement will be binding unless set forth
in writing and manually signed by Seller in an Order Acknowledgment. This offer may be revoked
by Seller at any time before it is accepted by Buyer, and shall automatically expire 30 calendar
days after its date if Buyer has not accepted it before then. Neither Buyers acceptance of this offer
nor any conduct by Seller (including but not limited to shipment of goods) shall oblige Seller to sell
to Buyer any quantity of goods in excess of the quantity that Buyer has committed to purchase from
Seller at the time of such acceptance or conduct.
2 - Price. Unless otherwise specified on the face of this document or agreed to in writing, the price
for goods sold hereunder shall be at the Sellers distributor list price in effect as of the date of the
Sellers acceptance of the Buyers order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller may increase the
price of the goods upon notice to Buyer to reflect any additional increases in Seller's cost of
producing the goods. Prices are stated and payable in the currency set forth in the price list.
3 - Credit Approval; Payment Terms. All payment terms set forth in this document are subject to
Sellers approval of Buyers credit, in Sellers discretion; and if such approval is withheld, payment
shall be due in advance of Sellers performance. Except as otherwise agreed to in writing or
otherwise provided on the face of this document or in the preceding sentence, payment is due
immediately. Interest will be charged on unpaid amounts from the due date to the date of actual
payment at the lesser of (i) 18% per year, or (ii) the statutory rate permitted by applicable law, on
accounts more than 30 calendar days past due. Under Articles L.441-6 and D.441-5 of the
Commercial Code, any late payment automatically triggers, in addition to penalties, an obligation of
the debtor to pay a lump sum of 40 euros for recovery costs. Additional reimbursement may be
claimed against documentation when the actual recovery costs exceed the amount of the lumpsum reimbursement. If Buyer fails to make any payments in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement, Seller may, in addition to its rights and remedies provided hereunder or at law or
equity, (a) defer or suspend further shipments or provision of goods until Buyer reestablishes
satisfactory credit, (b) cancel the unshipped or unperformed portion of any order and invoice Buyer
for incurred costs and reasonable profit without any liability on the part of Seller for failure to ship or
provide goods, or (c) make shipment of goods to Buyer on a cash on deposit or cash in advance
basis. If production or shipment of completed goods, or other Seller performance, is delayed by
Buyer, Seller may immediately invoice, and Buyer shall pay, the percentage of the purchase price
corresponding to the percentage of completion; in addition, Buyer shall compensate Seller for
storage of completed goods or work in process during any such delay, whether stored at Sellers
facility or an independent storage companys facilities.
4 - Taxes and Other Charges. Any cargo insurance and any taxes including without limitation,
value added tax, duty, custom, import, inspection or testing fee, interest or charge of any nature
whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between
Seller and Buyer shall be paid by Buyer in addition to the prices quoted or invoiced. In the event
Seller is required to pay any such taxes or other charges, Buyer shall reimburse Seller therefor on
5 - Retention of title. Seller shall retain title to all goods delivered or to be delivered to Buyer until
Seller has received payment in full of the purchase price of the goods sold hereunder. During such
time as Seller has title to the goods, Buyer shall store or otherwise keep Seller's goods separately
from all other goods in such a way as to clearly indicate at all times that the said property remains
that of Seller. All costs incurred by Seller in repossessing the goods shall be paid by Buyer.
It is expressly stated that administrative documents, vehicle registration or registration certificate
issued upon delivery of goods do not constitute ownership title.
6 - Delivery, Claims and Force Majeure. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this document or
agreed to in writing, goods shall be delivered, ex works Sellers loading dock (as defined in
Incoterms 2010). Delivery of goods to the carrier shall constitute delivery to Buyer; and regardless
of shipping terms or freight payment, Buyer shall bear all risk of loss or damage in transit. Seller
reserves the right to make delivery in installments, unless otherwise expressly stipulated herein; all
such installments to be invoiced upon shipment of the first installment and paid for when due per
invoice, without regard to subsequent deliveries. Delay in delivery of any installment shall not
relieve Buyer of its obligations to accept remaining deliveries.
Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to Seller within 10 calendar
days after receipt of shipment; and failure to give such notice shall constitute unqualified
acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by Buyer. Claims for loss of or damage to goods in
transit must be made to the carrier, and not to Seller.
All timeframes provided by Seller, whether verbally or in writing, are good faith estimates of the
expected delivery date for the goods. Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to fill
Buyers orders within the time stated, but in no event shall Seller be liable for any damages
associated with Sellers inability to meet any such timeframes or deadlines, including, without
limitation, incidental or consequential damages arising therefrom.
7 - Changes. Seller may at any time make such changes in design and construction of products,
components or parts as Seller deems appropriate, without notice to Buyer. Seller may furnish
suitable substitutes for materials unobtainable because of priorities or regulations established by
governmental authority or nonavailability of materials from suppliers.
8 - Warranties. Except in relation to second-hand or used goods, the goods sold by Seller to Buyer
hereunder are warranted by Seller pursuant to Sellers applicable written warranty available at or available upon request (the Warranty).
The warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether written, oral or implied, arising
by operation of law or otherwise, including, but not limited to, any warranty of satisfactory quality or
fitness for a particular purpose.
Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities,
damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense) that
Seller may incur as a result of Buyer or any intermediary purchaser extending any warranties to its
customers beyond the Warranty. Performance of the remedy provided in the Warranty shall be
Sellers sole obligation and the end-users exclusive remedy with respect to defective goods. Any
parts repaired or replaced under the Warranty are warranted only for the balance of the warranty
period on the part that was repaired or replaced.
9 - Consequential Damages and Other Liability; Indemnity. Sellers liability with respect to the
goods or services sold hereunder shall be limited to the warranty and indemnity provided in section
8 of these Terms and Conditions and, with respect to any other breaches of its contract with Buyer,
shall be limited to the contract price. Seller shall not be subject to any other obligations or
liabilities, whether arising out of breach of contract or warranty with respect to goods or services
sold by seller, or any undertakings, acts or omissions relating thereto. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, Seller specifically disclaims any liability for property damages,
penalties, damages for lost profits or revenues, down-time, lost good will, cost of capital, cost of
substitute goods or services, or for any other types of economic loss, or for claims of Buyers
customers or any third party for any such damages, costs or losses. Seller shall not be liable for
and disclaims all consequential, incidental, indirect and contingent damages whatsoever.
Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities,
damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense) that

upon the negligence of Seller in designing, manufacturing, performing and/or selling such goods or
services, unless such losses, liabilities, damages or expenses are ultimately determined to be
attributable solely to the willful misconduct of Seller.
10 - Installation. If Buyer purchases any goods that require installation or erection, Buyer shall, at
its expense, make all arrangements necessary to install, erect and operate the goods. Buyer shall
install the goods in accordance with any Seller instructions. Buyer shall indemnify and hold
harmless Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including
but not limited to attorneys fees and other costs of defense) arising from or otherwise connected
with Buyers or its agents failure to properly install the goods.
11 - Technical Information. Any sketches, models or samples submitted by Seller shall remain the
property of Seller, and shall be treated as confidential information unless Seller has in writing
indicated a contrary intent. No use or disclosure of such sketches, models or samples, or any
design or production techniques revealed thereby, shall be made without the express, prior written
consent of Seller.
12 - Assignment. Buyer may not assign any of its rights, duties or obligations under this
Agreement without Sellers prior written consent, and any attempted assignment without such
consent will be void and of no effect or consequence.
13 - No Waiver. No waiver of this Agreement or any of its provisions is valid unless expressly
agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. No waiver by Seller of any default under this Agreement is
a waiver of any other or subsequent default. The failure of Seller to insist upon strict and timely
performance of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right
or remedy that Seller may have under this Agreement or at law, and shall not be deemed a waiver
of any subsequent default in performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
14 - Cost of Collection. In the event legal action is necessary to recover monies due from Buyer or
to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for all costs and
expenses associated therewith, including, without limitation, Sellers actual attorneys fees and
15 - Insurance. Unless otherwise specified on the face of this document or agreed to in writing,
Buyer shall be solely responsible from the point of delivery of the goods by Seller for all
consequences as a result of theft, loss or partial or total destruction, for any reason whatsoever,
including accidental reasons or as a result of force majeure. Buyer shall insure, at its expense, the
goods against all aforementioned Buyer has made full payment of all amounts due Seller, and shall
provide evidence of this insurance, upon request by Seller. Should Buyer fail to comply with these
requirements, Seller may, at Sellers sole discretion, within eight days following written notice to
Buyer, either cancel the sale and take back the goods, or procure such insurance at the expense of
16 - Spare Parts. Except in relation to second-hand or used goods, Seller shall determine in it sole
discretion the period of time for which it supplies spare parts manufactured by it; provided however,
in no event shall Seller supply spare parts manufactured by it more then ten (10) years after the
cessation of manufacture of this good. The supply of spare parts provided is limited to the
availabilities of the Seller.
17 - Services. The following terms and the general terms and conditions of service, erection and
dismantle of cranes (GMA GME) written by SPMDG and signed by FNTP and FFB available at:
http// 456971/publications, shall also apply to all services being
provided by Seller. In case of conflict, the present terms and conditions of Manitowoc Crane Group
France SAS will prevail. (a) Seller will repair or, at its option, replace any part which is or becomes
faulty if, in the opinion of Seller, the fault is in workmanship (and not the result of ordinary wear and
tear; negligence; acts of God; vandalism; abuse; misuse; neglect; accident or disasters such as
fire, flood, wind and lightning; overloading; unauthorized altered, modified or changed products or
parts; products or parts which have not been properly installed, stored, operated or maintained or
which have been improperly adjusted; any products or parts not manufactured by Seller), provided
that the fault is brought to the notice of Seller within twenty (20) days of the date of delivery of the
goods to Buyer on completion of the services. (b) The goods, while in Seller's possession are at the
risk of the Buyer and Seller shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods or their
contents howsoever arising unless the same is caused by the negligence of Seller. In the event of
such negligence, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement or at Seller's option, repair of
the lost or damaged goods and under no circumstances whatsoever shall Seller be liable for any
other loss, damage or expense suffered by the Buyer as a result of the loss or damage to the
goods. (c) If the goods are not paid for and collected from Seller's premises within twenty (20) days
of notice that they are ready for collection or if, where the goods are to be collected elsewhere, the
Buyer fails to collect them at the agreed time and place, Seller reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to charge for storage or disposal of them. (d) If Seller is required to go to a location other
then Seller's premises, Buyer shall be solely responsible to make sure such premises are safe and
suitable for the services to be provided by Seller. Seller reserves the right, in its sole discretion to
reject the premises if Seller determines they are not safe and/or suitable. Seller further reserves
the right, in its sole discretion, to charge if it is waiting for the site to be prepared or if it leaves a site
it determines not safe and/or suitable.
18 - Second-hand or used Goods. The Buyer is buying the equipment as secondhand equipment.
The Buyer has had an opportunity to inspect the equipment and is buying it in full knowledge of its
condition. The equipment is being sold to Buyer as is, where is, and with all faults; and Seller
hereby specifically disclaims any and all warranties and representations of any nature whatsoever,
express or implied, with respect to the equipment, including, without limitation, any implied warranty
or satisfactory, quality or fitness for a particular purpose, any warranty arising by course of dealing
or usage of trade.
19 - Place of Performance. Unless otherwise provided in Sellers confirmation order, Sellers place
of business shall be the place of performance.


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