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Proposal for conducting a marketing survey for opening a five star

hotel in pune

Submitted by

Krunal Meshram- 260614

Rahul Dhongade-260757

Jony Shakya- 260611

ISO 9000: 2001 certified



Mr. Client

Leading Group

City, state pin

Dear Client,
This has reference to the discussions we had with you on the 22nd
of October 2009 in connection with the market survey on
feasibility of five star hotels in Pune.

Based on the discussions we are pleased to submit our offer. The

offer is in the form of Annexure to this letter.

Annexure 1 Objectives of the study

Annexure 2 Research Design and Methodology

Annexure 3 Survey Process Chart

Annexure 4 Distinguishing features of Ram Consultants

Annexure 5 Time Activity Chart

Annexure 6 Investments and other terms

We are pleased to inform you that our expertise in the areas of

Market Research and Economic Feasibility Studies is unmatched.
We have carried out similar studies in the past to several
prestigious and large MNCs in India.

We thank you once again for giving us an opportunity to submit

this offer. We hope you will find it in line with your requirement. In
case you need any clarification, please feel free to call us at the
above tel. nos.

Thanking you and with kind regards

Ram Consultants

SR. manager

Objectives of the study:

1. To estimate the current annual demand for the following Services in Pune:
➢ Accommodation
➢ Amenities
➢ Conferences
➢ Other Services

2. To study the service delivery scene and understand the characteristics of the

3. To carry out a total price sensitivity analysis amongst the potential consumers of
the services under study and segment the market accordingly

4. Understand the prevailing attitudes to this category.

5. Determine the current salience of Hotel industry and competing players in the
relevant market.
6. Understand the key services associated with different types of hospitality

Research Design and Methodology

1 The methodology recommended would be qualitative and
quantitative in nature.

2 The first phase would be a qualitative phase. The aim of the qualitative
phase would be to obtain a consumer's perspective to this market, the
associated benefits and fulfillment of the need-GAP by the currently
available players and their offerings.
3 This would be followed by a quantitative phase, which would aim at
quantifying and validating issues that emerge in qualitative phase. In addition we
would also attempt to arrive at specific service feedback from different segments
that are of immediate importance to us, namely.

➥ Business class including females

➥ Leisure tourists
➥ Medical tourists
➥ Students

The aim of the study would be to obtain answers to the following



➢ How is the category, defined by the consumer?

➢ What are the consumer-desired satisfaction levels?
➢ What are the current penetration levels?
➢ What are the services/brands that make up this category, as perceived
by the target?
➢ What is the current behavior associated with this category? What are
the prevailing attitudes to this category?
➢ What is the service decision-making process? And, who are the key
influencers to the same?
➢ What are the factors considered during the decision making process?


➢ What is the level of awareness of various neighborhood attractive

➢ What should be the current salience for new hotel?
➢ What are the associations with the key services?
➢ What is the strength of the service?
➢ How price sensitive is this segment?
➢ What are the opportunities available for new hotel to exploit?
➢ What are the likes/dislikes associated with Leading Group of hotels?


➢ Which are the hotels that were ever tried, used most often and the
hotels used currently? Frequency of visit and no. of people per visit?
➢ What are the reasons for visit to pune?
➢ What are the satisfaction levels with the hotel on accommodation and
other services?
➢ What are the opportunities for the new hotel to exploit?

➢ Which are the hotels that were ever tried, used most often and the
hotels used currently? Frequency of visit and no. of people per visit?
➢ What are the reasons for visit to pune?
➢ What are the satisfaction levels with the hotel on accommodation and
other services?
➢ What are the opportunities for the new hotel to exploit?

➢ Which are the hotels that were ever tried, used most often and the
hotels used currently? Frequency of visit and no. of people per visit?
➢ What are the reasons for visit to pune?
➢ What are the satisfaction levels with the hotel on accommodation and
other services?
➢ What are the opportunities for the new hotel to exploit?

➢ Which are the hotels that were ever tried, used most often and the
hotels used currently? Frequency of visit and no. of people per visit?
➢ What are the reasons for visit to pune?
➢ What are the satisfaction levels with the hotel on accommodation and
other services?

➢ What are the opportunities for the new hotel to exploit?

4. The Target audience would comprise of:

• Decision makers
• Males & Females≥ 25 years of age except students
• Working / non-working
• SEC ‘A’ & ‘B’
• Quarterly visit  Rs.3/-

Sampling and Study centers

1. Qualitative Phase

➢ Will consist of in-depth interviews with the target audience, using

free flowing discussion guideline.

Study Centre Business class Leisure class Students

Pune 5 5 5

Quantitative Phase
➢ Will consist of face-to-face interviews with the target audience,
using a structured questionnaire. This phase will provide us with
a quantitative understanding of the various facets of this category.

2. The starting point will be the electoral rolls for the city from which areas to
be covered will be selected in a random manner.

Centre and Sample sizes

Phase Listing Detailed Interview

Pune 110 30 50 30
3. Survey Process Chart:

Data Acquisition.
Issuesconclusions and
Type of
the issuesorder
recommendations that etc.
of questions
to be etc.
Initial discussion with sample
customers (idea is to get a feel of the
issues involved)

The designing of questionnaire is a process, which involves the following steps:

➢ Questionnaire Design (Broad based approval of the customer would be taken at

➢ Pilot Field Work
➢ Modification of the Questionnaire
The data acquisition stage involves collecting the data from the various contact points at
the selected locations through a dedicated field staff

The data analysis stage would involve analyzing the data collected which would also
include ensuring the quality of data as a first step.

The conclusions/ findings would then be presented to the management.

4. The Distinguishing Features of RC:

1. Since 80 to 85% of the market research involves collecting data especially from
the hotel owners and traveling service provider dealers, the quality of the report
would depend on the quality of the field staff. RC has a well trained field staff
which is dedicated and can extract the right type and the right quality of
information from the target customer.

2. RC has on board several professional managers who have several years of

industrial experience in the concerned field coupled with management education

3. RC can offer and has offered in the past a multidisciplinary package involving
market research, project conceptualization, implementation etc,

4. RC has business associations in US. UK and Germany and hence happenings in

these countries are easily accessible to RC.

5. Being in this management consultancy business for almost a decade, RC has

good contacts with the various industry personnel and hence data can be easily

6. Organizations like ICICI, IDBI, World Bank have reposed faith and confidence in
RC. GS is empanelled list of approved consultants in these and many other
5. Time Activity Chart:

Sl. Activity Title Responsibility Number of Weeks for the activity

GS / Customer

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Frequency of service Customer

2 Further discussions on RC / Customer

understanding the parameters
etc or data base etc from the

3 Questionnaire preparation and RC

pilot field testing

4 Finalization of questionnaire RC / Customer

and the research plan (e.g.
database, sample etc)

5 Discussion with customer RC / Customer

6 Field investigation RC

7 Data Analysis and Report RC

8 Discussion with customer RC / Customer

9 Report presentation and RC

Investments and other Terms:

Our charges for the above study would be around Rs. 4.00 lakhs (Rs. Four lakhs) only plus
service tax as applicable.

Payment Terms:

50 % of the charges will have to be paid along with the order

30% of the charges will have to be paid in the fourth week

10% of the charges will have to be paid in the ninth week and

Balance to be paid on submission of the report.

Service Tax as applicable will have to be paid along with the above payments.

Other Terms:

1. This offer is valid for a maximum period of 5 weeks. For periods beyond 5 weeks from
the date of this offer, the customer will have to take a reconfirmation of the offer.

2. The survey report shall be for the exclusive purpose of the customer. No part of the
report can be shared or published with any other organization.

3. RC agrees not to undertake a similar work for the customer for a period of 3 months
after the submission of the final report.
Dear Guest,

We at the ABC try and do all we can to make your stay with us thoroughly enjoyable. However though we
succeed most of the times, there are times when we have faltered. Probably the best measure of how we
are doing comes from you. Could you therefore spare a few moments to fill in the following and giving us
your comments. We would like to put your suggestions to work and see if we can make your stay more

(Please put a cross wherever appropriate)

1) Were your reservation and check in handled smoothly and efficiently?

YES -------- NO-------

If NO, what was missing?

2) How was your Room?

➢ Clean YES -------- NO -----------

➢ Comfortable YES -------- NO -----------
➢ Were there adequate
Supplies of towels, soaps

Etc YES ------- NO -----------

➢ Was all the equipment

Working YES ------- NO ----------

3) Was the service of our staff satisfactory?

➢ Bell Boy YES ------- NO --------

➢ Receptionist YES ------- NO --------
➢ Room Boy YES ------- NO --------
➢ Telephone Operator YES ------- NO --------
➢ Room Service YES ------- NO --------
➢ Pool Attendant YES ------- NO --------
➢ Health Club YES ------- NO --------

4) Were you happy with our restaurants?

➢ Beach House YES ------- NO -------

➢ Pool side YES ------- NO -------
➢ Kiddies Corner YES ------- NO -------

4) How can we make your next stay comfortable?


5) Are you here on a vacation, --------------, conference ---------------------,medication____________,


6) Name: Company -------------------

7) Address: Room No

Thanking you for your help.

Sincerely yours

Leading Group


• Database cost = Rs. 0.30 p to Rs. 0.60 per record data.

(These databases are usually of
low value and contain many errors). Good Quality data
especially High Income data
including the cost of filtering etc. costs around Rs. 2.00 per
record. (This includes
replacement of wrong records (~ 10%) and also contains
bank details, cash withdrawal
data from ATMs or defaults in repayments etc. etc.)

• The cost per seat (i.e. per telephone operator also called as
an AGENT ) is aprox. Rs.
1200/- to Rs. 1600/- per seat per day.

• The cost includes the services of a

➢ Manager and Supervisor

➢ Agent (i.e. the telephone operator is paid around Rs.

3000/- to Rs. 4000/- per
month for domestic operations)

➢ Telephone Instrument.

➢ Basic MIS

• The cost does not include the cost of co ordination, special

MIS or Technical Support.

• For domestic telephone surveys, graduates are preferred,

while for international a post
graduate is preferred.

• On an average around 80 to 100 local calls per day.

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