AgilePoint DemoEnvironment

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Demo Environment

AgilePoint BPMS for SharePoint

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Document Revision r5.0.9
August 2014


Disclaimer of Warranty................................................................................................................................. 3
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................... 3
Government Rights Legend......................................................................................................................... 3
Virus-free software policy............................................................................................................................. 3
Document Revision Numbers.......................................................................................................................3
AgilePoint Documentation in PDF and HTML............................................................................................. 4
Opening the Documentation Library............................................................................................................ 4
Finding Information in the Documentation Library....................................................................................... 5
Downloading Files and Sharing Links from the Documentation Library...................................................... 5
Contacting AgilePoint Sales......................................................................................................................... 6
Contacting Customer Support...................................................................................................................... 6

Demonstration Environment............................................................................. 7
Downloading the AgilePoint Demo Environment........................................... 8
Installing the AgilePoint Demo Environment..................................................9
IT Equipment Request Process......................................................................10
Running the Process as Administrator......................................................... 12
Setting Up Demo Process Users....................................................................14
Creating Demo Users in Windows.............................................................................................................14
Adding Demo Users in AgilePoint............................................................................................................. 14
Assigning Demo Users to Roles................................................................................................................ 15
Assigning Manager.....................................................................................................................................15

Running the Process as Multiple Users........................................................ 17

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9


Disclaimer of Warranty
AgilePoint, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, by or with respect to anything
in this document, and shall not be liable for any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose or for any indirect, special or consequential damages.

Copyright 2013 AgilePoint, Inc. All rights reserved.

AgilePoint, Inc. and AgilePoint's products are trademarks of AgilePoint Inc. References to other companies and
their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purpose only.

Government Rights Legend

Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the applicable license
agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
(Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14, as applicable.

Virus-free software policy

AgilePoint recognizes that viruses are a significant security consideration for our customers. To date, we have
had no report of AgilePoint BPMS carries any virus. AgilePoint takes the following measures to ensure our
software is free of viruses upon delivery:

AgilePoint is built on top of Microsoft .NET framework. The pre-compiled executable is a.NET Common
Language Runtime (CLR) application, not a native machine binary. As far as is known at this time, there are
no viruses that infect .NET CLR executables.

The virtual environment for the product packaging process in is fully isolated and protected, and anti-virus
software is installed and running during packaging.

The deliverable package is scanned by anti-virus software before upload to our customer download site.

Document Revision Numbers

AgilePoint documentation uses the revision number format rX.Y.Z. The letters and numbers in this revision
number can be interpreted as follows:

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9


r - Indicates "revision." This helps to differentiate the document version numbers, which start with v.

Y - The major document revision number. This number typically changes only when either there is a new
AgilePoint release, or there are major changes to the document.

Z - The minor document revision number. This number is incremented each time the document is

X - The major version number for AgilePoint BPMS to which this document refers. For example, AgilePoint
releases 5.0, 5.0 SP1, and 5.5 would all have an X value of 5.

AgilePoint Documentation in PDF and HTML

AgilePoint documentation is provided in both print-friendly (PDF) and web-based (HTML) formats.

Advantages of HTML Documentation

HTML is the primary delivery format for AgilePoint documentation.

All hyperlinks supported. Links in PDFs are only supported in certain contexts.

Unified, global search across all documentation. PDF documents allow you to search only within the context
of a given PDF file.

"One-stop shopping" for all information related to AgilePoint BPMS.

The HTML documentation is updated more frequently than the PDF documentation. Web-based
documentation is updated periodically between AgilePoint releases to address errors and omissions, but the
PDF documentation is updated only at the time of a software release.

Advantages of PDF Documentation

PDFs can be more easily printed, archived, and transferred (such as by FTP or email) than HTML
For more information, see Downloading Files and Sharing Links from the Documentation Library in the
Documentation Library.

Opening the Documentation Library

To open the AgilePoint Documentation Library, do the following.

You must have a valid account on the AgilePoint Support Portal.

1. Log on to the AgilePoint Support Portal.
2. Click Documentation.
3. On the Documentation page, click the documentation library for your AgilePoint release.

For AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 SP1 and higher, the web-based documentation library opens in a new tab or
window in your web browser.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9


For releases prior to v5.0 SP1, a download starts for a Zip file with the PDF documentation for your

Finding Information in the Documentation Library

The information in this topic will help you to locate information in the AgilePoint Documentation Library.

Using the Table of Contents

The table of contents in the AgilePoint Documentation Library is divided by content areas. For example, the
Installation section includes all the information you need to install AgilePoint BPMS. The AgilePoint API section
includes information about the AgilePoint APIs.
You can use the Table of Contents to explore the AgilePoint documentation content and find the information you

The web-based documentation includes a centralized search for all documentation content. To search for
1. In the AgilePoint Documentation Library, click the Search tab. In the Search box, enter 1 search team, and
click Search.
The search results display in alphabetical order by topic title.
It is important to understand that the third-party software AgilePoint uses to generate web-based
documentation allows only 1 search term. More than 1 search term will cause the search to fail.
AgilePoint recommends using a relatively unique search term to find the information you need. For example,
entering a common term, such as "process," will return a high percentage of the total documentation topics
in the search results.
2. Browse the list of topic titles to find the information you want.

The PDF documentation is provided mainly for the purpose of printing and archiving. To print a set of
1. Navigate to the main page of the Documentation Library from which you want to print.
2. In the list of documents, click the document name in the PDF column.
3. From your PDF reader software, print the portion of the document you want.

Downloading Files and Sharing Links from the

Documentation Library
You can download and share files AgilePoint's documentation library as you would in any other web page. Note
that if you send links to recipients, they must have a Support Portal login to view the file.
These procedures are common examples based on Internet Explorer with the Adobe Reader plug-in. Exact
procedures may vary depending on your web browser, PDF viewer, and email client configuration.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9


Share a Link to an HTML Topic

1. Navigate to the topic you want to share.
2. Copy the URL in the Location box in your web browser.
3. Paste the URL in an email, IM client, etc.

Share a Link to a PDF Document

1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to the Documentation Library home page.
2. In the PDF column, right-click the name of the PDF file you want to share.
3. In the quick menu, click Copy shortcut.
4. Paste the URL in an email, IM client, etc.

Save a Copy of a PDF Document

1. In Internet Explorer, open the Documentation Library home page.
2. In the PDF column, click the name of the PDF file you want to share.
3. In the Adobe Reader plug-in, click Save button.

Contacting AgilePoint Sales

AgilePoint is a leading Business Process Management System (BPMS) provider created by a team of driven
people who strive to incorporate the principles of relentless innovation for the benefit of our customers. Our
mission is to help companies of any size attain and sustain operational success through process excellence.
Headquarters: AgilePoint Corporation 1916C Old Middlefield Way Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Tel: (650) 968 - 6789
Fax: (650) 968 - 6785
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
International: For AgilePoint EMEA and AgilePoint Asia Pacific, please call the AgilePoint Corporate Office for
contact information.

Contacting Customer Support

To contact AgilePoint Support, please submit a ticket on the AgilePoint Support Portal: http://
If you do not have a Support Portal account, you can send an email to request one: [email protected]

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Demonstration Environment

Demonstration Environment
This document provides instructions for downloading, installing, and using a set of fully functioning
demonstration processes from AgilePoint. These processes allow you explore AgilePoint processes in a live
Some of the processes in the Demo Environment use InfoPath forms. InfoPath integration is a paid, add-on
component that is not available for all editions of AgilePoint BPMS. For more information, contact AgilePoint

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Downloading the AgilePoint Demo Environment

Downloading the AgilePoint Demo

To download the AgilePoint Demo Environment, do the following.


A compatible version of AgilePoint BPMS installed in your environment.

SharePoint 2010 or 2013 installed in your environment.
AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installed in your environment.
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code service is running.
SharePoint 2010 or 2013 User Code Host service is running.

1. In a web browser, navigate to one of the following links, depending upon your installed version of

SharePoint 2010 -

SharePoint 2013 -

2. Download the installation demo environment installation file to your SharePoint machine.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Installing the AgilePoint Demo Environment

Installing the AgilePoint Demo Environment

To install the AgilePoint Demo Environment, do the following.


A compatible version of AgilePoint BPMS installed in your environment.

SharePoint 2010 or 2013 installed in your environment.
AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installed in your environment.
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code service is running.
SharePoint 2010 or 2013 User Code Host service is running.

1. Download the AgilePoint Demo Environment installer.
2. Double-click the file OneClickDemoInstaller to extract the installer files to your local machine.
3. Navigate to the expanded installation folder.

1. Double-click the file Setup.exe.
2. The installer checks the following items.

If all the checks pass, click Next.

If any checks do not pass, fix the issue as described in the following table, and click Recheck.



Checking version of SharePoint

Install a supported version of SharePoint. Each

Demo Environment version supports only 1
SharePoint release.

Verifying AgilePoint Feature activation

Install AgilePoint SharePoint Integration.

Verifying Microsoft SharePoint Foundation

Sandboxed Code service is started.

Start the required windows service.

Verifying SharePoint 2010 User Code Host service

is started.

Start the required windows service.

3. Select the SharePoint site collection to which you want to deploy the AgilePoint demo process application,
and click Next.
4. On the Installation Log screen, when the installation is complete, click Finish.
5. The SharePoint site opens with the demo process application.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

IT Equipment Request Process


IT Equipment Request Process

The IT Equipment Request Process provides an in-depth introduction to AgilePoint BPMS functionality.

Process Model

Problem Statement
Fulfill a request for physical equipment from an IT department.

Instructional Goals
This process will enable you to:

Run an AgilePoint process.

Interact with input forms for a process.
View and modify the source files for a process.

Business Requirements

IT Equipment can include computers, servers, mobile devices, and landline telephones.
Landline phones do not require manager approval, but all other requests do.

Form Technologies
This process is provided using 2 form technologies:

InfoPath - A full-featured form that includes:

Custom css/branding
Show and hide dynamic fields
Dynamic repeating tables

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

IT Equipment Request Process


SharePoint ListForms - A form using SharePoint ListForm functionality.

The inability to add customized form elements is a technical limitation of SharePoint ListForms.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Running the Process as Administrator


Running the Process as Administrator

You can run the IT Equipment Request process using InfoPath forms or SharePoint List Forms.
Running the entire process as a local Windows administrator is the simplest way to experience the IT Equipment
Request demo process. When you run the process as Administrator, you can complete each step without
needing to log on as a different user. However, you do not see the unique views for each users in the AgilePoint
Web Parts.
To run the demo process as a local administrator, do the following.
For more information about running the process using multiple users, see Setting Up Demo Process Users and
Running the Process as Multiple Users.


The AgilePoint BPMS demonstration environment is installed on your machine.

You are logged on as the AgilePoint Administrator.

1. Open the SharePoint site AgilePoint Demo Site.

This site opens automatically after you run the AgilePoint Demo Installer.
Alternately, use the desktop shortcut that is created by the AgilePoint Demo Installer.

2. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click IT Equipment Request - InfoPath.

SharePoint ListForms - Click IT Equipment Request - ListForm

1. On the IT Equipment Request page, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Add document.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Add new item.

2. Complete the IT Equipment Request form as required.

3. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

4. Click the My Tasks tab.

5. Refresh the page.
6. On the task list, find your process. In the Task drop-down, click Open Manager Approval.
Note: Click View Process in the Task drop-down at any time to view the status of the process, such
as where it is in the approval or fulfillment phases.
7. On the approval form, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Approve.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Running the Process as Administrator


SharePoint ListForms - Click Approval

8. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit & Close.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

9. Refresh the page.

10. On the AgilePoint Task List Web Part, find your process. In the Task drop-down, click Open IT
Note: Click View Process in the Task drop-down at any time to view the status of the process, such
as where it is in the approval or fulfillment phases.
11. On the IT Fulfillment form, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Ensure Completed is selected.

SharePoint ListForms - Ensure Processed is selected.

12. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit & Close.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

13. Refresh the page.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Setting Up Demo Process Users


Setting Up Demo Process Users

In a real-life scenario, the same user would not run a process from beginning to end. Each participant would
have his own login, his own view of the process, and his own tasks to perform.
For security reasons, an installation program cannot create users on your machine. So if you want to observe
the process running for multiple users in your AgilePoint demonstration environment, you must create and
assign some demo users for the process.

Creating Demo Users in Windows

To create demo users for the AgilePoint IT Equipment Request process, do the following.

1. Log on to the AgilePoint Server machine as a local administrator.
2. Access user accounts for your machine. For example, click Start > Control Panel > User Accounts.

1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, create 3 users. The following names will be used throughout the
AgilePoint demo documentation. You can use any user names you like (for example, the actual users within
your environment), but you must keep track of the users for your own reference.


Adding Demo Users in AgilePoint

To add your demo users to AgilePoint, do the following.


Create demo users in Windows.

1. Click Start > All Programs > AgilePoint > Enterprise Manager.
2. On the AgilePoint Enterprise Manager logon page, enter your user name and password.
This may be a user name and password specific to AgilePoint, or it may be the same as your Windows
account. This is determined by your AgilePoint administrator.
3. On the Enterprise Manager Main Page, click Users.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Setting Up Demo Process Users


Repeat the following procedure for each of the following users:


To add a user:
1. On the Users page, click Add.
2. On the Add User window, enter the following information for each user:

User Name
Full Name
Email Address

Assigning Demo Users to Roles

To assign demo users to AgilePoint roles for the IT Equipment Request process, do the following.


Create demo users in Windows.

Create demo users in AgilePoint.

1. Click Start > All Programs > AgilePoint > Enterprise Manager.
2. On the AgilePoint Enterprise Manager logon page, enter your user name and password.
This may be a user name and password specific to AgilePoint, or it may be the same as your Windows
account. This is determined by your AgilePoint administrator.
3. On the Enterprise Manager Main Page, click Roles.

1. On the Roles page, click Engineer.
2. On the Role Members page, click Add User(s) as Member.
3. On the Select User window in the Registered Users list, select David.
4. Click OK.

Assigning Manager
To assign a manager to a demo user, do the following.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Setting Up Demo Process Users



Create demo users in Windows.

Create demo users in AgilePoint.
Assign demo users to roles.

1. Click Start > All Programs > AgilePoint > Enterprise Manager.
2. On the AgilePoint Enterprise Manager logon page, enter your user name and password.
This may be a user name and password specific to AgilePoint, or it may be the same as your Windows
account. This is determined by your AgilePoint administrator.
3. On the Enterprise Manager Main Page, click Users.

1. On the Users page, select Bob.
2. Click Edit.
3. On the Edit User window in the Manager list, select Sandy.

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Running the Process as Multiple Users


Running the Process as Multiple Users

Do the following to run the IT Equipment Request process as multiple users.


Set up demo process users.

1. Log on to the AgilePoint demo machine as Bob.
2. Open the SharePoint site AgilePoint Demo Site.

This site opens automatically after you run the AgilePoint Demo Installer.
Alternately, use the desktop shortcut that is created by the AgilePoint Demo Installer.

3. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click IT Equipment Request - InfoPath.

SharePoint ListForms - Click IT Equipment Request - ListForm

1. On the IT Equipment Request page, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Add document.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Add new item.

2. Complete the IT Equipment Request form as required.

3. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

4. Click the My Tasks tab.

5. Log on to the AgilePoint machine as Sandy.
6. Open the SharePoint site AgilePoint Demo Site.
7. On the task list, find your process. In the Task drop-down, click Open Manager Approval.
Note: Click View Process in the Task drop-down at any time to view the status of the process, such
as where it is in the approval or fulfillment phases.
8. On the approval form, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Approve.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Approval

9. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit & Close.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

Running the Process as Multiple Users


10. Log on to the AgilePoint machine as David.

11. Open the SharePoint site AgilePoint Demo Site.
12. On the AgilePoint Task List Web Part, find your process. In the Task drop-down, click Open IT
Note: Click View Process in the Task drop-down at any time to view the status of the process, such
as where it is in the approval or fulfillment phases.
13. On the IT Fulfillment form, do one of the following:

InfoPath - Ensure Completed is selected.

SharePoint ListForms - Ensure Processed is selected.

14. Do one of the following:

InfoPath - Click Submit & Close.

SharePoint ListForms - Click Save

AgilePoint BPMS v5.0 R2 SP1

Demo Environment r5.0.9

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