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A Minor Project Report



Submitted in the partial fulfillment of degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration
(2013- 2016)

Under the guidance of:


Submitted by:
BBA(G) III Semester


Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
Kapashera, New Delhi- 110037

Table of C O N T E N T S
Student declaration
Certificate by the guide
Chapter Scheme
List of Tables
List of Graphs
List of Chart if any
Page nos.

Research Methodology

1.1 Purpose of the study.......

1.2 Objectives of the study...
1.3 Research Methodology of the study..
1. 3.1 Data Collection- Primary & Secondary data...
1.3.2 Method of data collection.
1.3.3 Drafting of a questionnaire

Company Profile
About the Topic
Findings (If any)



I hereby declare that the project entitled AIRCEL MARKETING MANAGEMENT

under the guidance of Ms. MEGHA submitted in the partial fulfillment of degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration from Fairfield Institute of Management and
Technology, New Delhi. This is my original work and this project work has not formed
the basis for the award of any Degree to the best of my knowledge.



This is to certify that project title AIRCEL MARKETING MANAGEMENT is the
original work of RISHAB BATRA of BBA 3rd Semester and has been duly completed
under my guidance and supervision upto my satisfactory level.
This work has been done in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of BBA from Fairfield Institute Of Management and Technology and has not been
submitted anywhere in any other university for the award of any degree.

Signature of the Guide

It is pleasure to acknowledge many people who knowingly and unwittingly helped me, to
complete my project. First of all let me praise god for all the blessings, which carried me
through all those years.
I am particularly indebted to Director Dr. R.K Garg, Fairfield Institute Of Management
Technology, which inculcated in me utmost respect for human values and groomed me
up in the field of software technology to take on the challenges of the competitive world.
First & foremost, I would like to express my regards to Ms. MEGHA for her constant
encouragement and support. I would also like to express my immense gratitude towards
all the lecturers of our college for providing the invaluable knowledge, guidance,
encouragement extended during the completion of this project.
I extend my sincere gratitude to all my teachers and guide who made unforgettable
contribution. Due to their sincere efforts I was able to excel in the work entrusted upon
Last but not the least; I am greatful to my parents, my sister, my brother, my friends and
all well wishers for their moral support and encouragement during the entire period of

Signature of the student


Marketing is a pervasive phenomenon in the present-day world. Everyday, people are
exposed to marketing of goods, services and ideas. For example, when a salesperson sells
TV, a doctor treats a patient or a State Government asks people to get their vehicles
checked for pollution, each is marketing something to the targets. The techniques for
selling tangible products like TV, washing machine, air conditioner, motor car, etc. may
appear to be more aggressive than those meant for selling services and ideas which are of
intangible nature.
Definition of Marketing
Product-oriented Definition:
Marketing may be narrowly defined as a process by which goods and services are
exchanged and the values determined in terms of money prices. The American Marketing
Association has defined marketing as the performance of business activities that direct
the flow of goods and services through producers to consumers.
Limitations of this definition
Exclusion of non-economic activities: This definition limits marketing to
business activities and thus non-business activities like social marketing are not
Lack of customer orientation: It is assumed that customers will buy whatever is
offered to them their requirements need not be looked into before actually
manufacturing the product. The orientation of definition we sell what we make
must change to we make what we sell.
Customer-oriented Definition:
Marketing is the business process by which products are matched with the markets and
transfers of ownership are affected.

System-oriented Definition:
Marketing is a total system of interacting business activities designed to plan, price,
promote and distribute wants satisfying products to target markets to achieve
organizational objectives.
Nature of Marketing
Marketing is Customer-focused: Marketing intends to satisfy and delight the
customer. The activities of marketing must be directed and focused at the
Marketing must Deliverer Value: Marketer has to track customer needs and
deliver the product as per their requirements. This is not an end in itself. The
corporate strategy must be aimed at delivering greater customer value than
Marketing is Business: Marketer has not to search customers to seek response to
his products. Customer group is decided for whom the product is prepared and
Marketing is Surrounded by Customer Needs: Marketing starts with the
identification of customer needs and requirements. These are turned into probable
features that might satisfy the basic needs. The portable form of product is made
out and presented before the customer for approval.
Marketing is a Part of Total Environment: Total environment may be defined
as the combination of all resources and institutions which are directly related to
the production and distribution of goods, services, ideas, places and persons for
the satisfaction of human needs.
Marketing Systems Affect Company Strategy: Marketing has its own subsystems which interact with each other to form complete marketing system that is
responsive to company marketing strategy. Through the sub-systems, the
company monitors and adapts to the total marketing environment.
Marketing as a Discipline: The subject of marketing has emerged out of the
business which has derived its existence from economies. After emerging from
business, marketing has got its strength from related areas-law, psychology,
anthropology, sociology, statistics, mathematics because the related problems
strike heavily on consumer behavior, advertising, media, pricing, etc.

Marketing Creates Mutually-beneficial Relationships: The customer is the

focus of all marketing activities. But, during the last decade, the focus has shifted
to the way of doing business that is the strategy aspects of marketing. Here the
means of marketers are their knowledge and experience, and the result is in the
form of mutual beneficial relationship.
Scope and functions of marketing
The scope of marketing can be understood in term of functions that a marketing manager
performs. In most of the business enterprises, marketing department is set up under the
supervision of marketing manager. The major purpose of this department is to generate
revenue for the business by selling want satisfying goods and services to the customers.
The marketing manager performs the following functionsFunctions of research
Marketing research: it means the intelligence service of the organization.
Marketing research helps in analyzing the buyers habits, relative popularity of a
product, effectiveness of advertisement media, etc. its major task is to provide the
marketing manager with timely and accurate information so that better decisions
can be made. Marketing research is the systematic search for and analysis of facts
related to a marketing problem.
Product planning and development: a product is something which is offered by a
business firm to customers to satisfy their needs. It has great importance in all
other areas of marketing management. it is necessary to plan and develop
products which meet the specifications of customers. Products are the foundations
of any marketing program, the success of marketing department depends upon the
nature of the product offered to the customers. The product must be so designed
and developed that it meets the requirements of the customers.
Functions of exchange
Buying and assembling: procurement of raw materials, semi-finished or finished
products has gained great importance for the modern industrial and commercial
enterprises. Raw materials are purchased for production by the industrial
enterprises and finished goods are purchased for resale by the commercial
Selling: this is an important aspect of marketing under which ownership of goods
is transferred from the seller to the buyer. Sale may take the form of- a negotiated

sale, an auction sale. In case of negotiated sale, the terms and condition between
the buyer and the seller are arrived at by bargaining.
Functions of physical treatment
Standardization, grading and branding: standardization means setting up of
specifications of a product. Grades of agricultural products are based on these
specifications and standards. Industrial goods are given brand names by their
manufactures to convey to the customers that their goods conform to certain welldefined standards.
Packaging: packaging is traditionally done to protect the goods from damage in
transit and to facilitate easy transfer to goods to customers. Packaging has become
one of the essential services of modern marketing. It acts as a multi-purpose
arrangement. It gives protection to goods on its route from manufacturer to
consumer. It even protects the goods during its life with the user. Packaged goods
are generally more convenient to handle. Packaging also gives individuality to a
product. It makes easier for the consumer to identify a product by looking at its
Storage: goods are generally produced in anticipation of the demand. They have
to be stored properly in warehouses to protect them from any damage which may
caused by ants, moisture, sun, theft, etc. storage of goods in warehouses has
become an indispensable service these days. Goods are produced or procured well
in advance of the demand. They are stored in warehouses till they are actually
sold in the market.
Transportation: modern organizations produced on a large scale to cater to the
requirements of customers scattered throughout the country. This calls for
transportation of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption.
Transportation provides the physical means which facilitate the movement of
persons, goods and services from one place to another. Transportation creates
time utility in goods and services because speedy transport minimizes the time of
their transit. Transport leads to regional specialization.

Functions facilitating exchange

Salesmanship: personal selling is an important method of selling goods. It is
widely used in retail marketing. Salesmanship involves direct and personal
contact of the seller or his representative with the purchaser. It is the oldest known
form of selling and is the most important and recognized method of selling.
Advertising: advertising has become an important function of marketing in the
competitive world. It helps to spread the message about the product and thus
promote its sale. It facilitates creation of a non-personal link between the
advertiser and the receivers of the message. Business firms use several media of
advertisement to sell their products. These include newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, etc,
Pricing: determination of price of a product is an important function of a
marketing manager. Price of a product is influenced by the cost of product and
services offered, profit margin desired, prices fixed by the rival firms and
government policy. A good pricing policy helps in determining the varieties of a
product to be made or procured so as to satisfy the demands of various kinds of
Financing: financing and marketing functions of a business are inter-linked with
each other. The marketing department has an important say on policies of the
finance department in regard to cash and credit sales. Financing of customerpurchasing has become an integral part of modern marketing.
Insurance: a large number of risks are involved in exchange of goods and
services. Insurance helps to cover these risks. It facilitates the smooth exchange of
goods by covering the risks in storage and transportation. Loss or damage to
goods or property may arise due to fire, theft, natural calamities like flood or
earthquake and so on. People employed in business firms are liable to the risks of
the injury or loss of life due to accidents in the work-place. Business firms are
able to provide for protection against these risks by insurance companies.

Role of Marketing
Marketing plays an important role for profit as well as non-profit making organizations.
Non-profit earning organizations achieve their objectives through marketing.
For example, various promotional tools are used to make polio drop project popular. Role
of marketing in different situations can be explained in following way:
Role in a firm: Modern concept of marketing plays a significant role in achieving
objectives of firm. It emphasizes that consumer is the kingpin in the market so all
the activities of firm are becoming consumer-oriented. The designing, pricing,
quality of product, etc., everything depends upon the need and want of customer.
Role in the economy: Marketing plays an important role in the development of
economy. Development of an economy depends upon per capita income and
standard of living of people. Through marketing companies can provide better
goods and services for international standards.
Aircel Limited




Headquarters Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Key people

Gurdeep Singh, COO




Telecommunication operator


Maxis Communications (74%) [1]


Aircel is a mobile phone service provider in India. It offers both prepaid and postpaid
GSM cellular phone coverage throughout TamilNadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, North
East India, Orissa, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala,
Himachal Pradesh & Mumbai. Aircel was founded by NRI businessman C Sivasankaran.
Aircel is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Apollo
Hospital Enterprise Ltd of India.
It is Indias seventh largest GSM mobile service provider with a subscriber base of over
18 million. It has a market share of 6.3% among the GSM operators in the country. Aircel
is present in 17 telecom circles (including Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &
Kashmir, Kerala, North East, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, West Bengal and Delhi).
Aircel has also obtained permission from Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to
provide International Long Distance (ILD) and National Long Distance (NLD) telephony
Aircel Business Solutions (ABS), part of Aircel, is an ISO 9000 certified company. ABS
is a registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and International Chapters.
Aircel has won many awards for its services. Aircel got the highest rating for overall
customer satisfaction and network quality in 2006 by Voice and Data. Aircel was rated as
the top mid-size utility company in Business Worlds List of Best Mid-Size Companies
in 2007. Moreover, Aircel has been selected as the best regional operator in 2008 by
Aircel is one of the sponsors of the Indian Premier League Cricket Team Chennai Super
Kings, which is captained by Mahendra Singh Dhoni. It is also the major sponsors for
Chennai Open (the only ATP tennis tournament in India), and Professional Golf Tour of

Aircel is the seventh largest carrier in India. Its competitors are as follows:

Reliance Communications
Vodafone Essar
Idea Cellular
Tata Teleservices
Mts India


Maxis' expansion into Indonesia and India is another milestone in the aspiration to be the
regional communications leader of choice. Maxis currently owns 74% equity interest in
Aircel, India and 44% equity interest in NTS, Indonesia. These acquisitions give Maxis a
strong foothold in two of the world's most attractive high-growth, low-penetration

Maxis in India
Maxis completed the acquisition of a 74% stake in Aircel. Aircel is the fifth largest GSM
mobile service provider in India, serving over 20 million subscribers, and is the fastest
growing telecom company in India, achieving a growth of 71% over 2008. Aircel is also
the market leader in Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Assam and North East. Aircel has received
many awards including Best Regional Operator Award, No.1 in Overall Customer
Satisfaction Index and No.1 Overall Mobile Satisfaction Survey. Aircel was also rated
amongst the fastest growing Small and Medium Enterprises in the country.
Aircel is now a National Player in India, with operations in 18 of the 23 telecom circles.
Aircel offers services in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, North East,
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Kolkata. In addition, in 2009, Aircel
launched services in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh (West),
Uttar Pradesh (East), Mumbai and Maharashtra.
Having received mobile licenses to operate in all 23 circles, Aircel is poised to become a
Pan-India telecom player with planned expansion of its operations via commercial launch
in all remaining circles.
Besides GSM services, Aircel also provides International Long Distance (ILD) and
National Long Distance (NLD) telephony services. Moreover, Aircel is amongst the first
to pioneer WiMax in India, becoming the first operator in India and amongst the few in
the world to provide pan-city WiMax coverage in December 2006. The WiMax services
are targeted at the SME and enterprise markets, with coverage extended to the top 51
business cities across India.
With a broad range of new propositions for its customers and key initiatives on branding,
network coverage, innovative product and service offerings and refreshing customer
experiences, Aircel has charted out a path for continued growth and building the most
exciting telecom brands in India.
Aircel currently has more than 4,000 employees, with an additional outsourced workforce
of 3,000 across the country.

Aircel's current footprint is illustrated below-

About Aircel

As the leader in airborne communications for over 15 years, Aircel worked hard to
provide a revolutionary new broadband Internet service that changes inflight
communications and brings Wi-Fi to commercial airline and business passengers.
Aircel Broadband:
Unlike anything that comes before, Aircel broadband has been called the link for which
people have been waiting for bringing an exclusive, affordable high-speed data
connection that will truly change the way people fly. Passengers will be able to surf the
Internet, check e-mail, send attachments, and log into their office network using personal
Wi-Fi enabled laptops or mobile handheld devices.
The development for this technology began as the brainchild of Aircels President &
CEO Jack Blumenstein, and is being implemented with the help of Chairman Ronald T.
Le May, the former President and Chief Operating Officer of the Sprint Corporation.

FCC License-Holder:Exclusive
After winning the FCC auction for air-to-ground broadband frequencies in 2006, Aircel is
now the exclusive provider of Wi-Fi communications to airlines, business aviation,
military, government, and specialty aircraft across North America.
Targeted for a 2008 commercial launch, Aircel broadband will be easy to install with
relatively low cost. Initial service coverage will include the entire continental U.S., with
planned expansion to the rest of North America.
Exclusive Capabilities:
The following features will be available upon the launch of this service:
Nationwide inflight broadband services
Coast-to-coast, border-to-border U.S. coverage
Available to personal Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops and mobile
handheld devices.
Mobile broadband Internet service
Inflight portal with an array of information, entertainment, and destination-related
Simple per flight, daily, monthly, and yearly subscription pricing options
Aircel, the leader in airborne telecommunications for business aviation, has
developed the first affordable, North America-wide airborne broadband solution.
Aircel is the worlds leading provider of airborne communications. As winner of an
exclusive FCC frequency license in 2006, Aircel has built a revolutionary mobile
broadband network for commercial and business aviation. In 2008, the Aircel Network
and its inflight portal, Gogo, revolutionized the commercial airline passenger flight
experience by delivering a robust Internet experience at 35,000 feet. In addition, the
Aircel Network provides airlines with connectivity to operations and a path to enhanced
cabin services such as video, audio, television and more. A similar feature set is
available to Business aircraft operators.

About Gogo
Gogo, powered by Aircel, turns a commercial airplane into a Wi-Fi hotspot with true
inflight Internet access. Passengers with Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as laptops, smart
phones and PDAs, can surf the Web, check any e-mail, Instant Message, access a
corporate VPN and more.
Aircel Telecommunication offers broadband and telecommunication services. The
company provides Internet access, wireless broadband, land line connection, and system
maintenance and technical services. Additionally, it offers wiring, cabling, and
information technology, key phone, and maintenance services. The company was
founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It operates as a
subsidiary of Maxis Communications Berhad.

Company Profile
Ronald T. Le May- President & CEO

Ronald T. LeMay was named President and CEO of Aircel in July 2009, following three
years serving as the companys Chairman of the Board. During his time as Chairman,
Mr. LeMay worked closely with former President and CEO Jack Blumenstein on strategy
and operational matters. In addition, he worked with Mr. Blumenstein in the planning,
construction and completion of the Aircell Air-To-Ground (ATG) Mobile Broadband

Mr. LeMay is a 38-year veteran of the communications industry, having served as an

officer of Southwestern Bell, AT&T and Sprint. His Sprint career spanned 18 years and
included starting up Sprint PCS as its first employee and serving as its CEO.
Mr. LeMay also served as President and COO of Sprint from 1996 until his retirement in
2003, when he became and continues to serve as Industrial Partner for Ripplewood
Holdings, a private equity firm and one of Aircels investors. He also served as CEO of
Japan Telecom, a Ripplewood portfolio company.
Mr. LeMay holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Southern Arkansas
University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Arkansas. He has extensive
knowledge of communications markets, technologies, strategies and operational matters.

John Wade-Senior Vice President and General Manager - Business Aviation


John Wade joined Aircel in November 2008 as Senior Vice President and General
Manager - Business Aviation Services. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the
success and overall direction of Aircel's rapidly growing Business Aviation Services
division. He also assists CEO Jack Blumenstein in developing and meeting the company's
Business Aviation corporate and financial goals, with all functions of this unit reporting
to him.
Prior to Aircel, Mr. Wade served as Chief Technical Officer and General Manager at
inflight mobile phone and Internet provider On-Air. He was responsible for all of On
Airs Internet business, including sales, strategy, customer relationship management and
product development.

Mr. Wade has more than 20 years of experience in the avionics and inflight
communications industries, having also held positions at inflight Internet and
connectivity services provider Tenzing Communications, as well as PRIMEX Aerospace
Company, GEC Marconi In-Flight Systems and others.
Mr. Wade received his education at the University of Brighton, U.K., where he earned a
First Class B Engineering Honors Degree in Electronic Engineering and graduated at the
top of his class.
He is the co-author of two patents and throughout his career has been widely quoted
across business publications, as well as chosen to speak at international conferences and

Margee Elias- Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Serving as Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Aircel, Ms. Elias is responsible
for the companys legal and regulatory affairs and manages its human resources function.
Prior to joining Aircel, Ms. Elias served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of, a publicly-traded company, where she represented the company in a
number of significant matters including its recent acquisition by Pearson Education. Ms.
Elias was previously employed as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of
Centerprise Advisors, Inc. At both eCollege and Centerprise, she was responsible for all
legal and compliance issues, managed the human resources function, and as a member of
senior management, was a key participant in business and strategic planning decisions.
Ms. Elias was in private practice for more than a decade at Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom and Katten Muchin Rosenman, where she specialized in federal
securities law, corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions for clients across a broad
spectrum of industries.
Ms. Elias received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Northwestern University and a
Juris Doctor, Magna Cum Laude, from Loyola University of Chicago School of Law

Andrew E. Geist- Senior Vice President, Business Aviation Solutions

Andrew E. Geist is Senior Vice President, Business Aviation Solutions, at Aircel. In this
role, he is responsible for all aspects of sales, marketing and customer support in the
companys Business Aviation division, working to further its growth and success.
Mr. Geist has more than 20 years of experience in the airline and corporate aviation
markets. In his decade-long career with Aircel, he has been instrumental in helping the
company to attain industry leadership.
Prior to working at Aircel, Mr. Geist held roles in flight operations and management at
People Express Airlines, Continental/GP Express Airlines, Jeppesen and USAIG. He was
also co-founder and Vice President of an FAA-Certified Repair Station that pioneered a
revolutionary ultrasonic aircraft inspection program used throughout the industry today.
Mr. Geist is a licensed commercial pilot and flight instructor with more than 2,500 hours
of flight time in a variety of corporate aircraft. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Aerospace Science and Business Management from the Metropolitan State College in
Denver, Colorado.
He is an expert in the business and government aviation industries, with specific focus on
ground- and satellite-based airborne communications.

Fran Phillips- Senior Vice President, Airline Solutions

Fran Phillips brings Aircel nearly 20 years of experience within the aviation and inflight
entertainment industries. As Senior Vice President for Airline Solutions, Ms. Phillips
leads airline sales, program management and airline relationship management. Prior to
joining Aircel, Ms. Phillips served as a consultant with Connexion by Boeing, where she
identified customer requirements and directed the development of the Connexion system,
including web portals, content and web alliances. Ms. Phillips background includes
serving as both an executive and consultant while developing the inflight customer
experience for major commercial airlines. While with American Airlines, she
successfully launched its first full aircraft, in-seat video system and also introduced the
first generation of portable entertainment devices. In addition, she has been involved in
the development of inflight products and programs with companies such as Rockwell
Collins and Sony.
Ms. Phillips holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelors
degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Maryland.
Ms. Phillips is an expert on inflight entertainment and communications, airline revenue
management, consumer research and the customer travel experience.

Robin Salem- Senior Vice President, Strategy & Business Development

As Senior Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Mr. Salem is

responsible for leading the companys strategic partnership, alliance-building and
business strategy functions. Mr. Salem has significant experience in Wi-Fi and wireless
communications, built upon previous positions held in Silicon Valley. Mr. Salems most
recent experience includes serving as Senior Vice President of Business Development at
Nomadix, Inc., a leading Wi-Fi access gateway and web-content service provider.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Salem served as Vice President of Business Development &
Strategy for Motorolas cellular service business, as well as Vice President of Sales and
Marketing of CPDI, a leading telecom OSS/BSS and wireless data solution provider.
Mr. Salem holds a Masters degree in Economics from University of Essex, UK and is a
Chartered Accountant from England & Wales.
Mr. Salems expertise is focused on business development and strategy as well as Wi-Fi
and wireless communications.

Jack W. Blumenstein-Chairman of the Board

Jack Blumenstein was named Chairman of the Board at Aircell in July 2009, following
nearly seven years serving as the companys President and CEO. In his role as
Chairman, Mr. Blumenstein works closely with President and CEO Ron LeMay on
Mr. Blumenstein has been with Aircel for more than a decade. He joined the Aircel
Board of Directors in 1997, he was named Chairman of the Board in 1999 and in August
2002 was appointed President and CEO.
In addition to his responsibilities as Chairman of the Board, Mr. Blumenstein serves as
co-President and co-Founder of Blumenstein/Thorne Information Partners, L.L.C. and a
private equity investment firm. He is also a Director of AC Holdco, Datamark,
Consolidated Communications Holdings and ShopperTrak.
Mr. Blumenstein is a graduate of Stanford University and holds a law degree from the
University of California. He is a past Vice Chairman of the U.S. State Department
Delegation to the United Nations World Administrative Telephone and Telegraph
conference (WATTC) and has served on the U.S. State Department Advisory Committee
on International Communications and Information Policy.
Mr. Blumenstein is an expert speaker on the subjects of business and commercial aircraft
communications trends, inflight broadband communications, business management, new
venture growth and private equity investing.

Joe Cruz-Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer

Joe Cruz has been with the Aircel team since 2003. As Chief Technology Officer, Mr.
Cruz is responsible for leading Aircels engineering and technology group, which has
designed Aircels Broadband service. Mr. Cruzs experience includes senior executive
roles in the aviation, satellite and terrestrial communications industries with companies
including Ameritech Cellular and LG Electronics.
Mr. Cruz co-founded several technology development companies including Airfone,
Railfone, Personal Guardian, Med-Net and Intelli-Sens. He has contributed directly to the
development of CDMA technology and CDMA 3G enhancements for broadband data
communications and network capacity for mobile voice and data communications. In
addition, he is one of the founding partners of the CDMA Development Group (CDG)
and the CDPD Consortium of companies.
Mr. Cruz earned his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the
Mr. Cruz has been a leading expert for the media in the following: inflight
communications systems including, CDMA, satellite communications, air-to-ground
communications (ATG), Wi-Fi and cellular communications.

John Happ- Executive Vice President, Airlines

John Happ joined Aircel in April 2008 as the companys Executive Vice President,
Airlines. In this role designed to accelerate and strengthen Aircels penetration into the
commercial airline industry, Mr. Happ leads the group that serves as the companys
primary airline interface for sales and support, and is also responsible for Aircels
corporate communications and public relations initiatives.
Mr. Happ has more than 20 years of airline industry experience, and has worked in
executive capacities at Frontier, ATA, Hawaiian, Continental and Singapore Airlines. He
has played key marketing, strategic planning and operations roles, and has developed a
keen understanding of airline business models, strategic direction and needs. He has more
than a decade of executive committee representation experience and adds additional
senior-level customer insight to the company.
John Happ earned a Bachelor of Science degree from San Diego State University.
Mr. Happ has particular expertise in commercial and product strategy within the airline
industry, with proven experience in creating a differentiated customer experience and
new revenue streams.

Tom Weigman-Executive Vice President, Wireless Services

Tom Weigman has been with the Aircel team since just after the companys 2006 FCC
auction win. With a proven record of accelerating sales and profit growth for
communication services and consumer products companies, Mr. Weigmans role as
Executive Vice President, Wireless Services is to drive the service design, customer
experience, marketing programs and customer care capabilities for Aircels new
commercial broadband service.
Prior to joining Aircel, Mr. Weigman spent a decade with Sprint where he served as
Chief Marketing Officer, President of Multimedia and Strategic Services and as the
President of the Consumer Services Group. In earlier stages of his career, Mr. Weigman
built a solid base of marketing experience in management and consulting roles at a host
of consumer packaged goods (CPG), food and mass-market companies, such as Procter &
Gamble and Mars, Inc.
Mr. Weigman received a BS in Engineering from Lehigh University and an MBA with
distinction from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Weigman has guest lectured at business schools and management consulting firms
across the country. Mr. Weigman is a sought after speaker regarding consumer products
and services design, the future of inflight communications and entertainment and the
converging wireless, broadband, cable and content spaces.

Aircel Technology

Over the past several years, Aircel has been able to assemble an impressive collection of
patents, intellectual property, and cellular know-how.
Those achievements are clearing the way for us to bring about a new era in airborne
telephony, said Jack Blumenstein, Aircels President and CEO, while discussing yet
another patent issued to Aircel.
Patents and related telecommunications expertise are among the credentials that reinforce
Aircel's reputation as a technology leader.

Pioneering New Technology

Broadband Systems:
In 2005, Aircel was awarded the spectrum to permit broadband communications for
passengers of commercial airliners. A team of experts in the field of aircraft
communication, aircraft installation and telecommunication design was formed, charged
with creating the most innovative, effective and robust telecommunication network ever
designed to deliver Internet in the Sky for commercial airline passengers.
Operating at lightening speeds, the inseat passenger has complete access to the world of
the internet, including access to company VPNs, ISPs, Web mail, entertainment and
shopping websites. For in-cached services, the system also permits lightning speed for
upgrading the technology within the airborne system as well as the cached content
providing entertainment to the passengers.
Aircel was founded in 1991 with the idea that simple and affordable airborne
telecommunications could be made available to aircraft owners and operators.
Over the next eight years Aircel perfected its proprietary approach, while simultaneously
working through the regulatory requirements of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Using its unique, patented approach, which pioneered airborne cellular
telecommunication, Aircel entered full commercial operation in 2000. The Aircel
network met with resounding acceptance, which has since led to the sales of over 2,500
airborne telecommunication systems.
Integrating Satellite Technology:
Worldwide coverage is essential for high-end business aircraft. To offer a global solution,
Aircel became a hardware and service provider in September 2002. Aircel satellite
transceivers were developed and tested, and have now been selected by major business jet
aircraft operators.
Aircel systems allow people to use laptop computers, fax machines, Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs), and Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) on aircraft. Other technological
innovations include both corded and cordless handsets. With Aircel's link to the Iridium
satellite network, people can now talk anywhere in the world.

Integrating Cellular Broadband Services:

Aircel offers a nationwide network of cellular sites positioned for providing broadband
services for passengers in commercial airliners. Coupled with an airplane system offering
in flight entertainment and distributed Wi-Fi technology, Aircel offer a new and
innovative means to enhance to the overall customer's in-flight experience.
Integrating both Cellular Broadband and Satellite Services:
Aircel will soon offer a combined solution for the worldwide traveler, leveraging the
speed and low cost of a cellular broadband service with that of the ubiquitous worldwide
coverage using satellite services.
Leading the Way Forward
Satellite Services:
In 2003, Aircel received notification from the United States Patent Office that it was
allowed a patent on an aircraft telecommunications technology that will permit
passengers to use their personal cell phones while an aircraft is in flight. The Aircel
technology is a key step toward offering such a service to the world's airlines. The patent
also supports multiple communication protocols, such as CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access), GSM (now Global System for Mobile communications), and so forth.
The Aircel approach is dramatically less complex, lower cost, and more flexible than any
previously identified solution. Ken Jochim, vice president of engineering and operations
at Aircel provided further details, "Aircel's novel approach dramatically reduces the size,
weight, and cost of equipment required to provide cellular service onboard an aircraft.
Aircel is constantly innovating, and adapting new technologies to the unique demands of
the airborne environment. Current technology developments include onboard server
integration with wireless devices, messaging protocols, along with Voice over Internet
Protocol (VOIP), the increasingly-popular method of using the Internet as a global
telecommunication backbone.
In addition, Aircel is developing a migration path to use digital protocols for higher
bandwidth and expanded features. With all these developments, and strategic partnerships
within the industry, Aircel continues to lead the way with airborne telecom technology.

In Flight Entertainment and Broadband Services:

In 2006 Aircel was awarded a spectrum license in the 800 MHz air-to-ground frequency
band for broadband communication to commercial aircraft. The Aircel team worked with
Qualcomm Engineers in the development of an airborne system capable of providing
conductivity with a terrestrial network which included challenges of distance and speed
to ensure solid conductivity. Within Aircel the team developed in-plane cached services
within the airborne system to ensure robust entertainment to the airborne passenger.
The end result is a complete customer experience from entertainment to broadband
services. Those that have experienced the system have been wowed by Aircels
performance and the speed of connection to the Internet.
The Aircel team continues to expand on the success of its launch, building new cell sites,
enhancing existing technologies to provide the best in conductivity to its customers.
Aircel is a mobile phone service provider in India. It offers both prepaid and postpaid
GSM cellular phone coverage throughout Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
North East India, Orissa, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh &
Mumbai. Aircel was founded by NRI businessman C Sivasankaran. Aircel is a joint
venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Apollo Hospital
Enterprise Ltd of India. It is Indias seventh largest GSM mobile service provider with a
subscriber base of over 17 million. It has a market share of 6.3% among the GSM
operators in the country. As on date, Aircel is present in 11 telecom circles (Assam,
Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, North East, Orissa, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, West Bengal, Delhi). Additionally, Aircel has also obtained permission from
Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to provide International Long Distance (ILD)
and National Long Distance (NLD) telephony services.
Aircel has won many awards for its services. Aircel got the highest rating for overall
customer satisfaction and network quality in 2006 by Voice and Data. Aircel was rated as
the top mid-size utility company in Business Worlds List of Best Mid-Size Companies
in 2007. Aircel has been selected as the best regional operator in 2008 by Aircel
is headed by Shahid Mustafa who was asked to leave Hutchinson Essar Ltd-Mumbai.
Aircel is one of the sponsors of the Indian Premier League Cricket Team Chennai Super
Kings captained by Mahendra Singh Dhoni. It is also the sponsor for Professional Golf
Tour of India from 2009 onwards.

Aircel article
Aircel is a private company started in 1991 developing broadband for both private and
commercial aviation. Aircel is the only company in the United States authorized by the
FCC and FAA to use cellular frequencies for inflight communications.
Aircel holds over 20 patents relating to technology for airborne telecommunications.
Formation, based in Moorestown, developed two critical hardware components of
Aircel's Gogo Inflight Internet system: its Central Processor Unit (CPU) and the custom
built Cabin Wireless Access Point (CWAP).

The idea for Aircel began in 1991 in a barbecue restaurant in Denison, Texas, where
company founder Jimmy Ray first made sketches on a paper napkin for an affordable
telephone system for airplanes. Jimmy Rays subsequent investigation of the market and
exploration of alternate technologies resulted in the formation of Aircel.
On August 1, 2007, American Airlines partnered with Aircel to offer broadband on
American's flights. On September 13, 2007, Virgin America partnered with Aircel to add
broadband capabilities to their flights.
On January 22, 2008, American Airlines completed the first aircraft installation of the
Aircel Internet broadband connection. The technology will provide customers an Internet
connection, virtual private network (VPN) access and email capabilities.
On August 5, 2008, Delta Airlines announced it was installing Aircel's Gogo Inflight
system on all of its airplanes over the subsequent year.

Aircel Certifications
Aircel has gained certification for approval from a growing list of international agencies
and influential companies.
All Aircel telecommunication systems are approved by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the
United States of America. Aircel products are manufactured under a Parts Manufacturing
Approval (PMA) issued by the FAA.
The FAA has also granted Aircel numerous Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for
installation of Aircel products on a wide range of aircraft.

Aircel Leadership
Aircel has grown to become the world's leading provider of air-to-ground
telecommunications. Its products are offered as standard or optional equipment by
virtually every aircraft manufacturer in business aviation, and are installed to the worlds
three largest fractional ownership fleets, Net Jets, Flight Options and Citation Shares.
Since winning the FCC exclusive air-to-ground broadband frequency license in a 2006
auction, Aircell has successfully developed a groundbreaking new wireless broadband
service for domestic airlines, business aircraft and passengers. Aircel's Gogo Inflight
Internet service keeps airborne commuters connected to the world below.
Aircel is the world's leading provider of airborne communications. Aircel is hiring
talented professionals who share vision for providing premiere communication services
to the aviation markets and making broadband on airplanes a reality. This is a time of
rapid growth and opportunity and a chance to deliver a service that makes flying more
productive and enjoyable for the 700 million passenger flights. Gogo, powered by Aircel,
turns a commercial airplane into a Wi-Fi hotspot with true inflight Internet access. Aircel
is hiring talented professionals who share their vision for providing premiere
communication services to the aviation markets and making broadband on airplanes a
Tamil Nadu
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
North East

Aircel is providing the first true broadband network with wings, providing coverage on
select partnering airlines across the continental United States at speeds similar to what
people find on the ground. Once the aircraft reaches 10,000 feet and the captain gives the
okay to turn on portable electronic devices, just sign up and log in. The network gives
the freedom to live life uninterrupted, connecting people to the things in their life that
matter most.
Aircels coverage map depicts wireless coverage across the continental United States.
On rare occasions, some domestic flights may leave U.S. airspace while some route,
resulting in a temporary loss of connection. Even within a coverage area, there are
several factors, such as network changes, traffic volume, service outages, technical
limitations, signal strength, equipment, terrain, structures, weather and other conditions
which may interfere with actual service, quality and availability.
Company offering (products)
Aircel mainly deals in its core business of cellular connection. It provides variety of
products such as postpaid mobile connections
prepaid mobile connections
recharge vouchers
value added services
broadband connections
With the help of these products company operate its business in the market and company
launches other products but they can be depend on either the competition of customer

Aircel Prepaid
Aircel offers a tariff plan that fits to peoples usage and budget best.
With easy recharge options, people will never run out of validity again. Add to that
Aircels widespread network allows people to get the best cellular experience possible.


Andhra Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
North East
Tamil Nadu
UP East
UP West
West Bengal

Aircel Postpaid
Aircel offers postpaid plans which are tailor-made to suit the calling needs. People can
now explore the world of limitless possibilities by subscribing to an Aircel postpaid plan!
Aircels customer care is always ready to help and support to ensure people an exciting
and a trouble-free experience. Not only that, people also gets a host of exciting valueadded services along with your postpaid connection.


Andhra Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
North East
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal

Aircel VAS
Aircel offers a bouquet of Value Added Services, specially designed to give Aircel
subscribers a great experience and convenience. Value added Services includes services
like GPRS, WAP Portal and Caller Tunes.

Aircel Products
Innovation almost solves all the problems! And when innovation and technology joins
hand, it brings revolution!
Aircel offers a bouquet of Innovative products that are unique & simple to use with a
single minded objective of solving a real problem. Our products are unique in a various
ways to keep people one step ahead. Aircel is focused on demonstrating its versatility in
creating value to its subscribers through innovative products.
Aircel Receives Exclusive FCC Air-to-Ground Broadband License
Company reaches at critical milestone in development of revolutionary e-mail and
internet services for Aircraft passengers in the United States.
Aircel is proud to announce that the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has
officially granted the frequency license that will enable the company to provide exclusive
broadband connectivity to U.S. airlines and business aircraft, beginning in early 2008.
Aircels receipt for its new broadband license marks the completion of an air-to-ground
spectrum reallocation process set in motion by the FCC more than three years ago and
follows the auction in which Aircel emerged as the winning bidder.
The formal issuance of the FCC license is an important milestone on Aircels aggressive
path to introduce its groundbreaking array of wireless broadband services for domestic
airlines and business aircraft.
Jack W. Blumenstein. Aircel President and CEO, said, Receiving this exclusive air-toground broadband license is a historic event in the airborne telecommunications industry.
In just over a year, the flying public will have the ability to use their own Wi-Fi enabled
laptops and PDAs to communicate just like they do on the ground.
Aircel's new license means that it will be the exclusive service provider in the United
States for its new broadband service. It is also expected that broadband service
throughout Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean will be introduced at or shortly after
service launch in the U.S.

Aircel designs, manufactures, markets and supports a full line of airborne

telecommunication systems for the Business Aviation, General Aviation, Government
and Air Transport markets. A single-source, turn-key provider of equipment, service, and
technical support, Aircel simplifies airborne communications and keeps people in touch,
in flight.
Aircel Comics
Aircel Comics (a.k.a. Aircel Publishing) started as a Canadian publisher of comic books.
Aircel started with Barry Blair, Dave Cooper, Patrick McEown, and Guang Yap.
Illustrators such as Denis Beauvais and creators such as Dale Keown got their start at
Aircel. Charles de Lint also scripted several comic books for Aircel in the mid-1980s.
Notable comics and events
In the beginning (1983), Ottawa-based Aircel focused upon storytelling techniques
blending historical & futuristic fantasy from different cultures as the underlying theme
for each comic series. The Aircel comic book "style" featured high-quality color cover
illustrations with black-and white-images on newsprint for the interior of the comic book.
Samurai, Dragonring, and Elford were the first publications receiving international
attention, featuring line-art manga-styled illustrations. Around 1985, illustrator Denis
Beauvais collaborated with writer Barry Blair to create Warlock 5, highly regarded
among international comic collectors at the time, featuring high-realism mixed-media &
airbrushing techniques as a unique trademark style.
The first editions and back issues of Aircel publications sold for up to $350 each in
Ottawa comic-book stores. Aircel's the strong Canadian arts and music industry of the
1980s, was very promising.
Between 1989 & 1990, staff changes at Aircel left their acclaimed comic series in
uncertainty. New illustrators assumed responsibility for continuing some of the existing
series (e.g. Elford vol. 2, Warlock vol. 2). At the same time, public interest in comic
books decreased, affecting Aircel's niche market. After 1990, Aircel achieved some
commercial success with the Men in Black comic. It was first published by Aircel and
became a franchise that includes the cartoon Men in Black: the Series, and the movies
Men in Black and Men in Black II.
Financial problems caused Blair to strike a deal with Scott Rosenberg whereby Malibu
would be "lent" Aircel to publish a number of titles, in return for a financial assist.
Eventually Aircel's debts were paid off, Blair quit Aircel, handing Aircel over to Malibu.

Aircel comic titles

Titles (1983-1994)

Blood N Guts
Body Count
Body Guard
Born To Kill
Cat & Mouse
Dead Walkers
Dragonforce Chronicles
Dragonring vol. 2
Dragons In The Moon
Elflord vol. 2
Elflord Chronicles
Final Taboo
Fire Team
Gun Fury
Gun Fury Returns

Jungle Love
Leather & Lace
Leather & Lace Summer Special
Lizard Lady
Mummy's Curse
Rated X
Samurai vol. 2
Samurai vol. 3
Scum Of The Earth
Silver Storm
2000 Maniacs
Warlock 5
Warlock 5 vol. 2

Key People
Jack Blumenstein, President & CEO
Jack Blumenstein serves as Aircels President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr.
Blumenstein joined the Aircel Board of Directors in 1997, became Chairman of the
Board in 1999 and assumed his current role as CEO in August 2002.
In addition to his responsibilities as President and CEO of Aircel, Mr. Blumenstein also
serves as co-President and co-Founder of Blumenstein/Thorne Information Partners,
L.L.C. and a private equity investment firm. He is also a Director of AC Holdco,
Datamark, Consolidated Communications Holdings and ShopperTrak.
Mr. Blumenstein is a graduate of Stanford University and holds a law degree from the
University of California. He is a past Vice Chairman of the U.S. State Department
Delegation to the United Nations World Administrative Telephone and Telegraph
conference (WATTC) and has served on the U.S. State Department Advisory Committee
on International Communications and Information Policy.
Mr. Blumenstein is an expert speaker on the subjects of business and commercial aircraft
communications trends, inflight broadband communications, business management, new
venture growth and private equity investing.

Joe Cruz, Executive VP & CTO

Joe Cruz has been with the Aircel team since 2003. As Chief Technology Officer, Mr.
Cruz is responsible for leading Aircels engineering and technology group, which has
designed Aircels Broadband service. Mr. Cruzs experience includes senior executive
roles in the aviation, satellite and terrestrial communications industries with companies
including Ameritech Cellular and LG Electronics.
Mr. Cruz co-founded several technology development companies including Airfone,
Railfone, Personal Guardian, Med-Net and Intelli-Sens. He has contributed directly to the
development of CDMA technology and CDMA 3G enhancements for broadband data
communications and network capacity for mobile voice and data communications. In
addition, he is one of the founding partners of the CDMA Development Group (CDG)
and the CDPD Consortium of companies.
Mr. Cruz earned his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the

Reid Simpson, Executive VP & CFO

Reid Simpson joined Aircel in November 2007, further strengthening Aircels

management team. With more than twenty-seven years of business and financial
experience for both public and private companies, Mr. Simpson is responsible for
Aircels financial strategy and operations, optimizing the companys capital structure
based upon business plans and needs, as well as ensuring a strong finance organization
and a strong control and compliance environment.
Prior to joining Aircel, Mr. Simpson worked at Chicago-based e-college where he served
as Chief Financial Officer and was instrumental in the successful sale of the company to
Pearson PLC in July 2007. Prior to e-college, Mr. Simpson served as Executive Vice
President and CFO of CCC Information Services, Inc. Mr. Simpsons experience also
includes CFO and senior financial management positions at a number of public and
private software, business information and business services companies.
In addition to his new role at Aircel, Mr. Simpson is currently a Board member and Audit
Committee member for Datamark, Inc., a Salt Lake City-based strategic marketing
company serving colleges and proprietary schools.

Ronald Le May, Chairman of the Board

Ronald T. LeMay was named Chairman of the Board of Aircel in July 2006. As
Chairman, Mr. LeMay consults closely with CEO Jack Blumenstein on strategy and
operational matters. He also worked with Mr. Blumenstein in the planning and
construction of the Aircel Air-To-Ground (ATG) Mobile Broadband Network.
Mr. LeMay is a 36-year veteran of the communications industry, having served as an
officer of Southwestern Bell, AT&T and Sprint. His Sprint career spanned 18 years and
included starting up Sprint PCS as its first employee. Mr. LeMay served as President and
COO of Sprint from 1996 until his retirement in 2003.
Upon retirement, Mr. LeMay became Industrial Partner for Ripplewood Holdings, a
private equity firm, and served as CEO of Japan Telecom, a Ripplewood portfolio
company. He continues to serve as Industrial Partner for Ripplewood Holdings, one of
Aircel's investors.
Mr. LeMay holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Southern Arkansas
University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Arkansas.
He has extensive knowledge of communications markets, technologies, strategies and
operational matters.

Key Statistical about Aircel


Madras Area, India




Privately held



Company size

5000 employees

2008 Revenue





Common Job Titles :

Top Schools





Senior Executive




General Manager


Delhi University


Kendriya Vidayalaya :


Median age

31 years





Financial performance
Chennai based Aircel is beginning to play a major role in the financial performance of
Malaysias Maxis Communications over since it was acquired in March 2006 from
C Sivasankaran of Sterling Group.
Aircel has substantially increased its contribution in Maxis overall revenue as well as in
the EBITDA growth, besides the overall subscriber growth during the first quarter of
Aircels contribution in the Maxis overall revenue in the first quarter has gone up sharply
to 15% as against 10% in the previous quarters, while the contribution of EBITDA went
upto 9% as against 7% a few quarters ago, Maxis said in a communication to investors
In value, Aircel contributed around Rs 390 crore to the groups turnover of Rs 2600 crore
as against Rs 38 crore i.e. more than 10 times over the previous quarter.
Similarly, Aircels contribution on EBITDA was around Rs 122 crore as against groups
EBITDA of Rs 1300 crore, Maxis pointed out. The Indian arm was key to this increase in
the groups both revenue and EBITDA.







This was possible as the subscriber base of Aircel has more than doubled to 5.5 million as
of March 2007 as compared to 2.6 million a year back, taking Maxis total subscriber
base to 14 million during the quarter. Aircel managed to retain its market share in
Chennai and Tamilnadu with 26% and 29% respectively.
In the other five circles the companys market share rose from 9.3% to 11% in the current
quarter. In the last quarter under review alone Aircel has gained 1 million subscribers,
Maxis said.

GTL Infra, Essar in race for Aircel tower assets

Three major telecom companies have joined the race to acquire GSM service provider
Aircel Cellulars passive telecom infrastructure, valued at around $2.5 billion.
Essar Infratel has expressed its interest in acquiring Aircels tower portfolio, while
Wireless Tata Telecom Infrastructure Ltd (WTTIL) and GTL Infrastructure are in
advanced stages.
WTTIL is a Tata Teleservices Ltd (TTSL) subsidiary in which Quippo Telecom
Infrastructure, the telecom tower subsidiary of SREI Infrastructure Finance, has merged
its over 5,000 towers. Under the merger terms, the promoters of Quippo would hold a 49
per cent in the merged entity. GTL Infrastructure is an independent telecom tower
When asked, Quippo Group Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Sunil Kanoria
confirmed the development. We had submitted a non-bidding bid for Aircels tower
business, and now have begun due diligence procedures. We expect to complete the
procedures in the next couple of weeks, he said.
The three companies are joining others, including NYSE-listed American Towers, Bharti
Infratel and Crown Castle, who had earlier shown interest in Aircels telecom tower
Aircel Cellular, in which Malaysia's Maxis holds a 74 per cent stake, was looking at
either hiving or selling off its towers, so as to become asset-light and concentrate on its
telecom services. The company has over 11,500 towers in the southern and north-eastern

Personalities connected to Aircel


Bharti Airtel

Digvijay Singh
Vijay Kumar



Idea Cellular



Jyoti Randhawa



Tata Indicom

Anil Ambani
Om Prakash

Country Club

Shiv Kapur

Aircel Conferred with Excellence in Marketing

Mr. Gurdeep Singh, COO, Aircel Limited, Mr. Siddharth Behura, Secretary, DoT and
Mr. Gurudas Kamat, Minister of State, Communications and IT
Aircel Indias fifth largest GSM mobile service provider announced that it has
been honored with National Telecom Award 2009 for Excellence in Marketing of New
Telecom Service. The Award was presented to Aircel by the Honble Minister of State
Communications and IT, Mr. Gurudas Kamat.
Mr. Gurdeep Singh COO, Aircel Limited received the award and commented, We really
feel honored to have been chosen for the award and thank CMAI INFOCOM and
respected jury for this recognition. This award means a lot to us as this acknowledges our
Pan India Presence and further encourages us to become a Mass Iconic Brand that truly
believes in earning for itself a satisfied customer base, proud employees and competition
that respects us.
Aircel, a part of Maxis Communications Berhad, Malaysia, is Indias fifth largest GSM
mobile service provider with a subscriber base of over 22 million and is the fastest
growing mobile operator in the country.
Aircel launched its GSM Mobile Services in 8 circles this year. Aircel offers Innovative
telecom service and Pocket Internet is a live example that enables the Aircel subscribers
to connect to the Internet with just the click of a button and offers unlimited browsing,
dialer tunes, games, wall papers etc.
Aircel is also associated with the IPL, as it is the sole sponsor of the Chennai Super Kings
team. Aircel is on its way up as it offers fresh networks, simplified tariff plans, refreshing
value added and customer services.

Aircel Business Aviation Customer Service

Aircel Business Aviation Customer Service is always eager to assist people with
technical or billing assistance for their Aircel system.
E-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected]

Types of Budget used in Aircel

Sales Budget
Revenue Budget
Expenditure Budget
Administration Budget
Advertising and Promotion Budget
Other Budget
Capital Expenditure Budget

What is Budget?
A budget is a short-term financial plan which acts as a guide to achieve the predetermined goals.

Who makes the Budget?

In every organization, there is a separate budgeting team under the treasury department. It
makes budget with the help of following things:

Forecasting method
Past data
Future market conditions
Analyzing government policies, regulations

Method of Budget
Fixed: In this type of budget, the level of activity is already fixed and there is no chance
of increase or decrease in the level of activity.
Flexible: In this type of budget, the level of activity is not fixed. Or in other words, it
varies upon the level of activity which can increase or decrease the budget amount with
the change in the level of activity.


This project gives me great exposure to the consumer because it includes product
knowledge and the filed job. This project helps me to know the market practically. My
job was during this project to see the market share.
In term of purchasing power parity (ppp), India is the 4th largest economy in the
world and overtake Japan in the near future become the 3rd largest.
India has the youngest population amongst the major countries. There are lot of
people in the different income categories nearly the two third population is below
the age of 35 and nearly 50% is below 25.
There are 56 million people in middle class, who are earning us$4,400US$21,800 a year. And there are 6 million rich household in India.
The upper-middle and high-income household in urban areas are expected to grew
to 38.2 million in 2007 as against 14.6 million in 2000.


Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. Without a proper wellorganized research plan, it is impossible to complete the project and reach to any
conclusion. Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research
problem. Research methodology not only talks of the methods but also logic behind the
methods used in the context of a research study and it explains why a particular method
has been used in the preference of the other methods Research design.

Objectives of the research project

The subject matter for this research project is to study the behavior of the payment
system against the expenditure arises in during the operation.
This project consists of different objectives. They are as follows:
To know the payment settlement system.
To measure what is the major field of expenditure.
To know how the payment made against the expenditure.
To understand the link between different finance department.

Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of the investigation conceived so as to
obtain research questions and to control variance.
Descriptive research
The type of this research design for his research project is descriptive research. Under the
head of this descriptive research is based on the
Cross sectional studies.
The cross sectional studies are o two types:
Field studies
The complete research design is formulated with the following steps:
Identify and define the problem.
Choice of research design.
Determining sources of data.
Designing data collection forms.
Determining sampling design and sampling size.
Organizing and connecting the field survey.
Processing and analyzing the connected data.


As far as research methodology is concerned the data can be collected in only two
forms i.e.
Primary Data, and
Secondary Data
In this research work secondary data has been used.

In research, secondary data is data collected and possibly processed by people other than
the researchers in question common sources in secondary data for social include Census,
Large surveys and
Organization records
In sociology, Primary data is that data which you have collected yourself, and
Secondary data is which you have gathered from primary sources to create new
researches in terms of historical researches; these two terms have different meanings.

Primary sources: These sources are problem in hand sources such as- interviews
Secondary sources: These sources are those sources in which we get information from
indirect way. Example - magazines, journals.


There are two different types of sources that need to be established in order to conduct a
good analysis. The first type is primary source which is the initial material that is
collected during the research processes. Primary data is the data that the researcher is
collecting themselves using methods such as Surveys,

Direct Observations,
Interviews, as well as
ODS (Objective Data Sources)
Primary data is reliable way to collect data because the researcher will know where it
came from and how it was collected and analyzed since they did it themselves.
Secondary sources on the other hand, sources that are based upon the data that was
collected from the primary source. Secondary take the role of analyzing, explaining and
combining, the information from the primary source with the additional information.
Secondary data annalysis is commonly known as second hand analysis. It is simply the
analysis of pre-existing data in different way or to answer to different question than
originally intended.
Secondary data annalysis utilizes the data that was collected by someone else in order
to further a study that you are interested in completing common sources of secondary
data are social science survey and data from government agencies, including The bureau of census,
The bureau of labor statistics &
Various other agencies.
The data collected is most often collected via survey research methods. Data from
experimental studies may be used.


Sources of secondary data may be classified into quantitative and qualitative structures. Examples of qualitative sources are Biographies,
Newspaper, etc.
Today with the aid of internet capabilities thousands of large scale data sets are at the
click of the mouse for secondary data analyst. Globally there are many sources available.
These sources can arrive from the data arranged by Governmental 7 Private
Organizations, to data collected by any social researchers. Secondary data analysis is a
growing as a research tool in a modern day society. Social scientist have the opportunity
to explore massive amount of secondary data are vast, yet there are some concrete
sources in need of mention.

From basic aspects of measurement and meaning, we proceed to their application in
designing the instruments for seeking and recording data. Data may be obtained by either
observing or asking for them, or forms are needed for field used in observation and
interviewing. The accuracy and relevancy of the data gathered depend heavily on the
Function of questionnaires
Questionnaire is simply a formalized schedule to obtain and record specified and relevant
information with tolerable accuracy and completeness. In other words, it directs the
questioning process and promotes clear and proper recording.
Research limitations:
One must be aware of these limitations in advance so that one is clear about what
research can and cannot do:
First, research is not totally based on correct data because sources of information are


Contact Number:
Phone/Internet is used for following purpose:
a) Business
b) Official
c) Personal

Q1. Which network do you use?

1). Aircel
2). Idea
3). Vodafone
4). Other
Q2. Are you satisfied with the performance AIRCEL network?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
Q3. Are you satisfied with the customer care of AIRCEL?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
Q4. Are you satisfied with the network speed?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
Q4. How is the connectivity of AIRCEL?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad

Q5. Are the call rates are cheaper than other network?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
A). Std rates--------------------good----average----bad
B). Local call rates------------good----average----bad
C). Sms rates-------------------good----average----bad
D). Net browsing rates--------good----average----bad
Q6. Do you find this AIRCEL sim cards available easily?
1). Yes
2). No
Q7. Do you find recharge coupons available at places easily?
1). Yes
2). No
Q8. Performance of AIRCEL?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
Q9. How would like to scale overall AIRCEL network?
1). Good
2). Average
3). Bad
Q10. If you get any other option to avail some other network then what will you

Q11. Suggestions (If Any):


Primary objective
The main objective of filed survey during the project was to find out the market
share of the Aircel.
The main objective of research was to identify potential dealer and development
of these dealers. So Aircel can make them their direct dealer.
Find out the problem faced by the dealer in sales and the distribution.

Secondary objective
The Objective was to find out that how far the exhibitions are helpful in branding.
To enhances the knowledge about the marketing and branding activity.


Aircel should improve its network services.
More detailed customaries service is to be provided.
The training in shop demonstration should be given at frequent time interval and
feed back should be considered positively.
Aircel should try new dealer who have the potential. So they can target more

The marketing managers should make better relations with dealers and reputation
of the company.
Customer considers quality as their first preference, so the company should give
more stress on this.
The switching of customer from Aircel to other connections is due to the bed
after sell service in shop.
Company should also cater to the needs of sub dealers as some of the sub dealers
have potential of high sales.


Reference Website

Reference books
Research Methodology- C.R. Kothari, Second Edition
Marketing Management- S. K Grover & T. N Chabbra, fourth revised edition
Dhanpat Rai & Co.
Poonam Gandhi

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