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(424) 652-7814

[email protected]
November 26, 2014
VIA E-mail
Mike Johnson, Executive Editor of Coinfire
[email protected]

Cease and Desist

Mr. Johnson:
My law firm represents GAW Miners, LLC (GAW). On November 22, 2104, Coin Fire published an
article entitled GAW Miners lying about partnerships?, which contains grossly false and misleading
information relating to GAW and exposes Coin Fire potentially to significant civil liability. In sum,
GAW has not lied about partnerships. Coin Fires defamatory article has irreparably harmed GAW and
will continue to cause GAW to incur damages until it is withdrawn and/or corrected.
In the article, the author claims Coin Fire reached out repeatedly to GAW for comments. This is
blatantly untrue, as you surely know. No one at GAW was contacted to discuss the story before it was
published. If GAW had been contacted and given a chance to set the record straight, the article would
be dramatically different: it would be accurate. A representative of GAW is available to discuss with
you and the reporter the articles numerous material inaccuracies. You have until Friday, November 28,
2014, at 5 p.m. EDT to notify us that you will speak with a GAW representative and that conversation
must take place no later than Monday, December 1, 2014. The reason this conversation is so important
to GAW is so that GAW can provide the necessary credible facts to rebut the storys numerous false
and misleading claims.
In the meantime, GAW demands that Coin Fire immediately cease and desist from disseminating such
grossly false and misleading information by removing the article from its website. Although GAW is a
firm believer in free speech and a free press, Coin Fire has crossed the line with this article, and anyone
in GAWs position would understandably make similar demands.

GAW reserves all rights at this time (including the right to commence civil litigation against you and
Coin Fire if you do not met the terms above), and this letter is in no way intended to contain a complete
recitation of the facts and GAWs rights.
Best regards,
/s/ Brian Klein
Brian Klein

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