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Alfaro v.

Spouses Dumalagan
GR No. 186622 January 22, 2014
Perez, J.:
Petition for Review on Certiorari
Property: Land Titles and Deeds
Olegario Bagano sold a lot covered by a TCT and registered in his name to petitioner
Spouses Alfaro through a deed of absolute sale. The spouses then caused the immediate
transfer of the title in their names. They also paid the real property tax and constructed a
perimeter fence around the property.
The respondent Spouses Dumalagan, on the other hand, alleged that they are the real
owners of a portion of the subject property based on a notarized deed of absolute sale. To
prove their ownership and possession, they offered in evidence a Certificate of Completion
and a Certificate of Occupancy and electric bills. Right after they bought the land, the
Spouses immediately took possession of the property and built a nipa hut on it. They leased
the nipa hut to one Ramil Quiineza. After Ramils lease ended, several other tenants have
occupied and paid monthly rentals to the Spouses Dumalagan.
The Spouses Bagano filed a complaint for Declaration of Nullity of Sale with Damages and
Preliminary Injunction against the Spouses Alfaro. The RTC sustained the validity of the
Deed of Absolute Sale.
The Spouses Dumalagan then filed an action for the Annulment of Title, Preliminary
Injunction with Temporary Restraining Order and Damages against the Spouses Alfaro. The
RTC dismissed the complaint for lack of cause of action. According to the trial court, the
spouses Dumalagan failed to establish that the defendants were in bad faith when they
bought the subject property.
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the decision of the trial court was reversed and set aside.
According to the appellate court, the Spouses Alfaro cannot claim good faith because the
annotations written on the back of Baganos title have the effect of charging the petitioners
as subsequent buyers with constructive notice of the defect of the sellers title.
ISSUE: Whether an adverse claim continues to be effective after the lapse of the thirty-day
period provided in PD 1529
Section 70 of P.D. 152922 provides:
Whoever claims any part or interest in registered land adverse to the registered
owner, arising subsequent to the date of the original registration, may, if no other
provision is made in this decree for registering the same, make a statement in
writing setting forth fully his alleged right or interest, and how or under whom
acquired, a reference to the number of certificates of title of the registered owner,
the name of the registered owner, and a description of the land in which the right or
interest is claimed.

The statement shall be signed and sworn to, and shall state the adverse claimants
residence, and a place at which all notices may be served upon him. This statement
shall be entitled to registration as an adverse claim on the certificate of title. The
adverse claim shall be effective for a period of thirty days from the date of
registration. After the lapse of the said period, the annotation of adverse claim may
be cancelled upon filing of a verified petition therefore by the party in interest:
Provided, however, that after cancellation, no second adverse claim based on the
same ground shall be registered by the same claimant. x x x x
The above provision would seem to restrict the effectivity of adverse claims to 30 days.
However, the same should not be read separately, but should be read in relation to the
subsequent sentence, which reads:
After the lapse of said period, the annotation of adverse claim may be cancelled
upon filing of a verified petition therefore by the party in interest.
The law, taken together, simply means that the cancellation of the adverse claim is still
necessary to render it ineffective, otherwise, the inscription will remain annotated and shall
continue as a lien upon the property; for if the adverse claim already ceased to be effective
upon the lapse of the said period, its cancellation is no longer necessary and the process of
cancellation would be a useless ceremony.
Therefore, petitioners cannot claim good faith on the basis of the supposed ineffectivity of
the annotated adverse claims as the same have not been cancelled at the time of purchase.
Assuming arguendo that the annotated adverse claims expired on 23 March 1995,
petitioners still cannot claim good faith as they were fully aware that there were occupants
in the subject property other than the seller. Worse, they were also fully aware that an
occupant in the subject property bought the same; that aside from the nipa hut, there were
also other structures in the subject property, one of which was built by Epifanio Pesarillo.

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