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The physics of productivity: Newtons laws for getting

stuff done


ames Clear [] writes about using behavioral science to master your habits
and improve your health. His free guide, Transform Your Habits []

, has been downloaded more than 80,000 times. This post originally appeared on his blog
[] .

In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published his groundbreaking book, Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy [] , which described his
three laws of motion. In the process, Newton laid the foundation for classical mechanics and
redefined the way the world looked at physics and science.
What most people dont know, however, is that Newtons three laws of motion can be used as an
interesting analogy for increasing your productivity, simplifying your work, and improving your




Allow me to present this analogy as Newtons Laws of Productivity.

Newtons First Law of Productivity

First Law of Motion: An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity,
unless acted upon by an external force. (i.e. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest
tend to stay at rest.)
In many ways procrastination is a fundamental law of the universe. Its Newtons first law applied
to productivity. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.
The good news? It works the other way too. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. When it
comes to being productive, this means one thing: the most important thing is to find a way to get
started [] . Once you get started, it is much easier to stay in
motion. [1, 2]

So, whats the best way to get started when you are stuck procrastinating?
In my experience, the best rule of thumb for getting started is the 2-Minute Rule




[] . [3]
Heres the 2-Minute Rule adjusted for productivity: To overcome procrastination, find a way to
start your task in less than two minutes.
Notice that you dont have to finish your task. In fact, you dont even have to work on the primary
task. However, thanks to Newtons first law, youll often find that once you start this little 2minute task, it is much easier to keep moving.
Here are some examples
Right now, you may not feel like going for a run. But if you put your running shoes on and
fill up your water bottle that small start might be enough to get you out the door.
Right now, you might be staring at a blank screen and struggling to write your report. But if
you write random sentences for just two minutes, then you may find that useful sentences
start to roll off your fingers.
Right now, you might have a creative block and be struggling to draw something. But if you
draw a random line on a sheet of paper and turn it into a dog, then you might get your
creative juices flowing.
Motivation often comes after starting. Find a way to start small. Objects in motion tend to stay in

Newtons Second Law of Productivity

Second Law of Motion: F=ma. The vector sum of the forces on an object is equal to the mass of that
object multiplied by the acceleration vector of the object. (i.e. Force equals mass times acceleration.)
Lets break down this equation, F=ma, and how it can apply to productivity.
There is one important thing to note in this equation. The force, F, is a vector. Vectors involve
both magnitude (how much work you are putting in) and direction (where that work is focused).
In other words, if you want to get an object accelerating in a particular direction, then the size of
the force you apply and the direction of that force will both make a difference.
Guess what? Its the same story for getting things done in your life.
If you want to be productive, its not merely about how hard you work (magnitude), its also about
where that work is applied (direction). This is true of big life decisions and small daily decisions.




For example, you could apply the same skill set in different directions and get very different

[] Note: the idea for this image came from artwork
created by my friend, Oliver Emberton, in his wonderful post titled, Life is a game.
This is your strategy guide. [] Thanks Oliver!
To put it simply, you only have a certain amount of force to provide to your work and where you
place that force is just as important as how hard you work.

Newtons Third Law of Productivity

Third Law of Motion: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body
simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. (i.e.
Equal and opposite forces.)
We all have an average speed [] that we tend to perform at




in life. Your typical levels of productivity and efficiency are often a balance of the productive and
unproductive forces in your life a lot like Newtons equal and opposite forces.
There are productive forces in our lives like focus [] ,
positivity [] , and motivation
[] . There are also unproductive forces like stress
[] , lack of sleep [] , and
trying to juggle too many tasks at once [] .

If we want to become more effective and more productive, then we have two choices.
The first option is to add more productive force. This is the power through it option. We gut it
out, drink another cup of coffee, and work harder. This is why people take drugs that help them
focus or watch a motivational video to pump themselves up. Its all an effort to increase your
productive force and overpower the unproductive forces we face.




Obviously, you can only do this for so long before you burn out, but for a brief moment the
power through it strategy can work well.
The second option is to eliminate the opposing forces. Simplify your life
[] , learn how to say no [] , change your
environment [] , reduce the number of responsibilities that you
take on, and otherwise eliminate the forces that are holding you back.




If you reduce the unproductive forces in your life, your productivity will glide forward naturally.
Its like you magically remove the hand that has been holding you back. (As I like to say, if you
eliminated all of the things distracting you from being productive, you wouldnt need tips on how
to become more productive.) [4]
Most people try to power through and hammer their way past the barriers. The problem with this
strategy is that youre still dealing with the other force. I find it to be much less stressful to cut out
the opposing forces and let your productivity naturally flow forward.

Newtons Laws of Productivity

Newtons laws of motion reveal insights that tell you pretty much everything you need to know
about how to be productive.
1. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Find a way to get started in less than 2 minutes.
2. Its not just about working hard, its also about working on the right things. You have a
limited amount of force and where you apply it matters.




3. Your productivity is a balance of opposing forces. If you want to be more productive, you
can either power through the barriers or remove the opposing forces. The second option
seems to be less stressful.

1. Psychology studies have also revealed that it is easier for us to stay in motion once we have
started. Actually, what the studies show is that our human brains have a strong urge to
finish tasks that we start. We dont like leaving things unfinished or partially done. This is a
widely research phenomenon known as the Ziegarnik Effect, named after the Soviet
psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik.
2. After writing this post, I found out that Stephen Guise has also written about the idea of
objects in motion, stay in motion in his book, Mini Habits
[] .
3. The 2-Minute Rule originally comes from David Allens best-selling book, Getting Things
Done [] .
4. This idea of analyzing supporting and opposing forces, which is sometimes referred to as a
Force Field Analysis, was first thought up by Kurt Lewin. This is the same man who is
responsible for Lewins Equation []
Thanks to Rob Norback [] for sharing the idea behind the third law of
productivity, which sparked this post. And to Sir Isaac Newton for being a man ahead of his time
and for being a bold mofo who owned his rockstar hair [] .








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