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Nacu vs CSC

November 23, 2010

Nachura J
Martin Lagmay
Topic and Provisions: Genuineness of Signature

On December 17, 1999, PEZA issued Memorandum Order No. 99-003,

prohibiting its employees from charging and collecting overtime fees from
PEZA-registered enterprises

Sometime in September 2001, Edison (Bataan) Cogeneration Corporation

(EBCC) filed a complaint against Nacu for allegedly charging it overtime fees,
despite Memorandum Order No. 99-003

Acting on the complaint, PEZA immediately conducted a preliminary

investigation, during which Atty. Norma B. Cajulis, PEZAs lawyer, interviewed
Rey Ligan, a document processor at EBCC. Ligan attested, among others, that
the overtime fees went to Nacus group, and that, during the time Nacu was
confined in the hospital, she pre-signed documents and gave them to him

On November 21, 2001, Atty. Procolo Olaivar (Atty. Olaivar) of PEZA Legal
Services Group requested the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to verify
the genuineness of Nacus signatures appearing on the Statements of Overtime
Services (SOS). Original copies of 32 SOS and a specimen of Nacus signature
were then sent to the NBI for comparison

On January 25, 2002, the NBI informed Atty. Olaivar that "no definite opinion
can be rendered on the matter" since "the standards/sample signatures of the
subject submitted were not sufficient and appropriate to serve as basis for a
specific comparative examination." The NBI then requested that, should PEZA
still want it to conduct further examination, it be furnished with additional
standard/sample signatures, in the same style and pattern as that of the
questioned document, appearing in official/legal documents on file, executed
before, during, and after the date of the questioned document

PEZA referred the 32 SOS, together with the same standard specimen of Nacus
signatures/initials, to the Philippine National Police Crime Laboratory (PNP
Crime Lab) for determination of the genuineness of Nacus signature appearing

In Questioned Document Report No. 052-02 dated May 3, 2002, Rosario C.

Perez, Document Examiner II of the PNP Crime Lab, stated her findings, thus
1. Scientific comparative examination and analysis of the questioned
initials/signatures IRENE NACU/I. NACU and the submitted standard
initials/signatures of Irene K. Nacu marked "S-1 to S-19" inclusive reveal
significant divergences in the matter of execution, line quality and stroke
2. Scientific comparative examination and analysis of the questioned
initials/signatures IRENE NACU/I. NACU marked and the submitted standard
signatures/initials of Irene K. Nacu marked "S-1 to S-19" inclusive reveal
significant similarities in the manner of execution, line quality and stroke
1. The questioned initials/signatures IRENE NACU/I. NACU marked "Q-1 to Q-6,
Q-11, Q-12, Q-13, Q-15, Q-19 to Q-21, Q-23 to Q-25, Q-27 to Q-32" appearing in

the twenty-two (22) pieces of Statement of Overtime Services and the

submitted standard initials/signatures of Irene K. Nacu marked "S-1 to S-19"
2. The questioned initials/signatures IRENE NACU/I. NACU marked "Q-7 to Q10, Q-14, Q-16 to Q-18; Q-22, Q-26" appearing in the ten (10) pieces of
Statement of Overtime Service and the submitted standard initials/signatures
of Irene K. Nacu marked "S-1 to S-19" WERE WRITTEN THE SAME PERSON.

Finding a prima facie case against Nacu, PEZA Director General Lilia B. de Lima
(Director General De Lima) filed a Formal Charge against her for Dishonesty,
Grave Misconduct, and Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service. It
was alleged that Nacu unlawfully charged P3,500.00 overtime fee from EBCC on
ten occasions (covered by the ten SOS which the PNP Crime Lab found to have
been written by Nacu), for a total amount ofP35,000.00

Nacu denied that the signatures appearing on the ten overtime billing
statements were hers. She averred that it was impossible for her to charge
EBCC overtime fees as the latter was well aware that PEZA employees may no
longer charge for overtime services; that she had no actual notice of
Memorandum Order No. 99-003; and that she caused no damage and prejudice
to PEZA and EBCC

During the hearing, PEZA presented the following witnesses: Rosario Perez, the
document examiner who examined the SOS; Atty. Dante Quindoza, Zone
Administrator of BEZ, who testified that Nacu was one of the officials
authorized to sign the documents; Romy Zaragosa, Corporate Relations
Manager of Covanta Energy, who attested that meetings were held on
November 17, 2001 and January 25, 2002, wherein Ligan testified that he gave
the payment for overtime fees to Nacu; Roberto Margallo (Margallo), Enterprise
Service Officer III of PEZA, who testified that he knows Nacus signature and
that he was certain that the signatures appearing on the SOS were hers; Omar
Dana, EBCC plant chemist, who testified that EBCC paid, through Ligan,
overtime fees to Nacu and some other persons; Elma Bugho, PEZA Records
Officer, who testified on the issuance of PEZA Memorandum Order No. 99003;7 and Miguel Herrera, then Division Chief of PEZA at the BEZ, who testified
that he was responsible for the implementation of PEZA rules and regulations
and for assigning examiners upon the request of zone enterprises and brokers

On February 8, 2005, the PEZA Central Board of Inquiry, Investigation, and

Discipline (CBIID), with the approval of Director General De Lima, found Nacu
guilty of the acts charged

CSC and CA affirmed. MR denied

Issue: WON the finding that Nacu is guilty of dishonesty, grave misconduct, and conduct
prejudicial to the best interest of the service is supported by substantial evidence
Held: Yes
Dispositive: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED
Argument of Petitioners:

Petitioners arguments focus largely on the weight given by the CA to the PNP
Crime Labs report, which, they insist, should not be given credence as it is
unreliable. Firstly, it was not shown that the questioned document examiner
who examined the SOS was a handwriting expert. Secondly, the signature
samples were, according to the NBI, insufficient references for a comparative
examination. Thirdly, the sample signatures used were obtained in violation of

Nacus right against self-incrimination. And lastly, the report merely states that
there were similarities in the manner of execution, line quality, and stroke
structures of the signatures, and that such conclusion does not translate to a
finding that the signatures appearing on the SOS are genuine

Petitioners also object to the CAs reliance on the statements made by Ligan
during the preliminary investigation, which were not given under oath. They
contend that Nacu was denied due process when Ligan was not presented as
witness during the trial, and that there were inconsistencies in Ligans

And finally, as an affirmative defense, they reiterate that Nacu was not aware of
the issuance and implementation of Memorandum Order No. 99-003. They
point out that there was, in fact, no showing that the said order had been
published in a newspaper, posted at the BEZ, or a copy thereof furnished to
Supreme Court:

Overall, the testimonies of the witnesses, the statements made by Ligan during
the preliminary investigation, and the findings of the PNP Crime Lab on its
examination of the signatures on the SOS, amounted to substantial evidence
that adequately supported the conclusion that Nacu was guilty of the acts
complained of. Petitioners allegations of unreliability, irregularities, and
inconsistencies of the evidence neither discredited nor weakened the case
against Nacu

For one, petitioners cite the PNPs findings as unreliable in light of the NBIs
opinion that the samples utilized by the PNP Crime Labthe same samples
submitted to the NBIwere not sufficient to make a comparative examination

We do not agree. The PNP and the NBI are separate agencies, and the findings
of one are not binding or conclusive upon the other. Moreover, as pointed out
by the Office of the Solicitor General in its Comment, the NBIs finding referred
only to the insufficiency of the samples given; the NBI did not actually make a
determination of the genuineness of the signatures. While the NBI may have
found the samples to be insufficient, such finding should not have any bearing
on the PNP Crime Labs own findings that the samples were sufficient and that
some of the signatures found on the overtime billings matched the sample
signatures. The difference of opinion with respect to the sufficiency of the
samples could only mean that the PNP Crime Lab observes a standard different
from that used by the NBI in the examination of handwriting

Instead of just discrediting the PNP Crime Labs findings, Nacu should have
channeled her efforts into providing her own proof that the signatures
appearing on the questioned SOS were forgeries. After all, whoever alleges
forgery has the burden of proving the same by clear and convincing
evidence.17 Nacu could not simply depend on the alleged weakness of the
complainants evidence without offering stronger evidence to contradict the

In any case, the CA did not rely solely on the PNP Crime Lab report in
concluding that the signatures appearing on the ten SOS were Nacus. Margallo,
a co-employee who holds the same position as Nacu, also identified the latters
signatures on the SOS. Such testimony deserves credence. It has been held that
an ordinary witness may testify on a signature he is familiar with.18 Anyone
who is familiar with a persons writing from having seen him write, from
carrying on a correspondence with him, or from having become familiar with

his writing through handling documents and papers known to have been signed
by him may give his opinion as to the genuineness of that persons purported
signature when it becomes material in the case.
Petitioners also posit that Nacu was denied her right against self-incrimination
when she was made to give samples of her signature. We do not agree. The
right against self-incrimination is not self-executing or automatically
operational. It must be claimed; otherwise, the protection does not come into
play. Moreover, the right must be claimed at the appropriate time, or else, it
may be deemed waived.20 In the present case, it does not appear that Nacu
invoked her right against self-incrimination at the appropriate time, that is, at
the time she was asked to provide samples of her signature. She is therefore
deemed to have waived her right against self-incrimination
Next, petitioners assail the credibility of Ligans statement because it was not
made under oath and Ligan was not presented as witness during the hearing.
Nacu was allegedly denied due process when she was deprived of the
opportunity to cross-examine Ligan
It is settled that, in administrative proceedings, technical rules of procedure
and evidence are not strictly applied. Administrative due process cannot be
fully equated with due process in its strict judicial sense
In addition, petitioners claim that there were inconsistencies in Ligans
statement. While Ligan allegedly stated that Nacu gave him pre-signed
documents during the time that she was in the hospital, and that these presigned documents referred to the ten overtime billings referred to in the formal
charge, the record does not show that Nacu was confined in the hospital on the
dates indicated in the said billings.
To set the record straight, Ligan did not specifically mention that the dates
indicated in the pre-signed documents were also the days when Nacu was
confined in the hospital. He merely said that Nacu pre-signed some documents
during the time that she was in the hospital, and that she gave these documents
to him. Neither did he state that these pre-signed SOS were the same ten SOS
cited in the formal charge against Nacu. It was petitioners own assumption that
led to this baseless conclusion
In Nacus defense, petitioners contend that she (Nacu) was not aware of the
existence of Memorandum Order No. 99-003. They aver that there was no
evidence showing that Memorandum Order No. 99-003 was posted, published,
and promulgated; hence, it cannot be said that the order had already taken
effect and was being implemented in the BEZ. Petitioners claim that Nacu had,
in fact, no actual knowledge of the said order as she was not furnished with a
copy thereof.
Nacu cannot feign ignorance of the existence of the said order. As correctly
opined by the CA, it is difficult to believe that Nacu, one of the employees of
PEZA affected by the memorandum order, was not in any way informedby
posting or personal noticeof the implementation of the said order,
considering that over a year had lapsed since it had been issued. From the
testimonies of the other witnesses, who were employees of PEZA and PEZAregistered enterprises, it was evident that the prohibition against charging and
collecting overtime fees was common knowledge to them.
All told, Nacu was rightfully found guilty of grave misconduct, dishonesty, and
conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service, and penalized with
dismissal from the service and its accessory penalties

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