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VELS Unit Planner Yr 7 INDONESIAN TOPIC 2 Team: LOTE: Jackie Year Level: 7

Step 1
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)
Key Concept Indonesian Greetings
(Generative topic / why? /
big idea)

Focus Essential Learning Domain: LOTE

(Including dimensions) Standards:

Students introduce themselves, greet and farewell others using the appropriate register and reproduce modelled use of language. They
exchange simple information on topics such as daily routines and aspects of their world. They talk about themselves in response to
questions, and ask questions in response. Students manipulate modelled language. They read or listen to passages and extract basic
factual information on defined topics.

Supporting Domains Domain: LOTE

(Including dimensions) Dimensions: INTERCULTURAL KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS

students actively contribute to the establishment of a physical and language environment in the classroom that reflects the language and
culture. They select, interpret and present knowledge about the language, its speakers, and countries where it is spoken.

Understanding Goals 1 2 3 4
(Written as essential How do you introduce How do you hold a basic What are the different times
questions or statements) yourself in Indonesian? conversation in Indonesian of day, days of the week, and
using the correct sentence greetings for each of the
structures? times of day?

Step 2
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)
Sequence Understanding Performances of Understanding Ongoing Assessment Reference to
Goals (Criteria, feedback & reflection) specific VELS
Introductory Introduce the times of day and play basic Vocabulary tests, participation in games.
Performances games to assist students to remember.
(Tuning in)

Guided Inquiry Looking at the different times of day in Research, discussion and develop awareness
Performances Indonesian in comparison to the times of day in of differences.
(Finding out / Australia.
sorting out /
going further)
Culminating Oral presentation/ Interview to an audience. Listen to others presentations, self and peer
Performances Speaking about self and holding a conversation assessments.
(Making with others in Indonesian. Speaking in Indonesian and confidence
conclusions /
taking action)

Step 3
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)

Weekly Overview
(Units may vary in length. A 6 week timeframe is not prescriptive)
Week 1 Times of day,
Week 2 Greetings,
Week 3 General Questions, oral presentations

Week 4
General Questions and word order structures.
Week 5 Topic 1 Bagus Sekali Text Book

Week 6 Trip to McDonalds


Bagus Sekali 1 Text and Work book

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