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A Guide For Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Emails - Inbound and Outbound [ID 831982.1]
Modified: Feb 28, 2012



Priority: 3

In this Document
Last Review Date
Instructions for the Reader
Troubleshooting Details
Workflow Information Center, Diagnostics, & Community

Applies to:
Oracle Workflow Cartridge - Version: 11.5.9 to 12.0.6 - Release: 11.5 to 12
Information in this document applies to any platform.
E-Business Suite 11.5.9,11.5.10, R12, Workflow
Checked for relevance on 01-FEB-2012

The purpose of this document is to provide step by step troubleshooting techniques on Workflow Notification Inbound and Outbound Emails. This can also be used as a guide by the Workflow Administrators to troubleshoot any
inbound/outbound notification email issues.

Last Review Date

April 3, 2010

Instructions for the Reader

A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Details
I. Oubound Notification Emails:
1. Check if the notification is present in the recipient/user's Worklist/Notifications page.If it does not exist
then it means that notification itself is not created and need to check the corresponding workflow
status.You may also query the notification from the wf_notifications table

SQL> select recipient_role,notification_id,status,mail_status from wf_notifications where recipient_role like '&user_name';

The e-mail notification is sent only if all of following are true.
--Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED
--Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID
2. Check Recipient role has a valid e-mail address and notification preference MAIL%

SELECT email_address, nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, 'MAILTYPE'), notification_preference)

FROM wf_roles
WHERE name = '&recipient_role';
Recipient can receive email notification only if
-- notification preference is not set 'QUERY' / 'DISABLED' / 'SUMMARY' / 'SUMHTML'


-- recipient has valid email address

3. Check and ensure that the following Workflow Service Components are up and running.
Workflow Deferred Agent Listener
Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener
Notification Mailer



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Notification Mailer
-- If the Notification Mailer is not running, refer to the following note to troubleshoot the mailer
Document 242941.1 -- How To Troubleshoot Java-based Workflow Notification Mailer

4. The message makes two stops before it is sent as e-mail.

Send Event Raised -> Enqueued to WF_DEFERRED Queue --> Processed by Deferred Agent Listener -->
Enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT Queue --> Processed by Notification Mailer and sent as e-mail;
5. If an error occurs during dispatch of, the message is enqueued to
WF_ERROR queue. The Error Agent Listener dispatches the ERROR subscription for that executes WF_XML.Error_Rule.
Check the Sysadmin user Notifications/Worklist for error notifications to find the cause.
6. Run $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql for notification id and check the status of the message in
--PROCESSED in WF_DEFERRED - The message is enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
--PROCESSED in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - The message is sent as e-mail
--READY in WF_DEFERRED - Check if Deferred Agent Listener is running
--READY in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - Check if Notification Mailer is running
7.. Check for the volumes on the following queues

[SQL> select NVL(substr(wfe.corrid,1,50),'NULL - No Value') corrid, decode(wfe.state,0,'0 = Ready',1,'1 = Delayed',2,'2 = Retained',

3,'3 =
Exception',to_char(substr(wfe.state,1,12))) State,
count(*) COUNT
from applsys.wf_deferred wfe group by wfe.corrid, wfe.state;]
[SQL> select NVL(substr(wfe.corrid,1,50),'NULL - No Value') corrid, decode(wfe.state,0,'0 = Ready',1,'1 = Delayed',2,'2 = Retained',
3,'3 =
Exception',to_char(substr(wfe.state,1,12))) State,
from applsys.wf_notification_out wfe group by wfe.corrid, wfe.state;]
8. If the Message events are not moving out from the wf_notification_out queue , check the notification
mailer outbound thread count and ensure that it is >=1
9. Check the Mailer parameter Test address, if Test address is set to any email address note that all the
outbound notification emails are sent to the Test address only.
10. Ensure that Global Preferences --> Notification Style is set to one of the following values as desired.
HTML mail with attachments
Plain text mail
Plain text mail with attachments
Navigation: Connect to Applications as Sysadmin user and select responsibility Workflow
Administrator Web Applications --> Administration --> Global Preferences
11. Troubleshooting framework based notifications
a. Identify the notification as Fwk based, run $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql for the notification_id and
check the column Fwk Content value and if it 'Y' then it is Fwk based notification.



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check the column Fwk Content value and if it 'Y' then it is Fwk based notification.
b. Follow Document 339718.1 and ensure that mailer setup and system profiles are set

12. Basic steps to try in solving the outbound email issues,

a. Stop Notification Mailer, rebuild Mailer Queue using $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup.sql. This
will recreate WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT with new messages that are eligible to be e-mailed.
b. Bounce Workflow Mailer service.

II Inbound/Response Emails
1. Enable the Mailer inbound processing by setting the mailer parameter Inbound thread count=1 and
ensure that Notification mailer is up and running.
2. From the mail client check the mailer imap account inbox to see if the response email has arrived and is
in the unread status.
NOTE: Mailer will only read/process the unread emails.
3. Workflow Notification Mailer process the valid response e-mail from IMAP inbox and then parses
the content using NID string in the response e-mail and enqueues the event to WF_NOTIFICATION_IN and moves the message to Process
4. If a valid response email is moved to Discard folder, check if the same IMAP account details are shared
by the multiple notification mailers from the different instance.
NOTE: It's recommended to use a dedicated IMAP account with each mailer.
5. Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener listens to WF_NOTIFICATION_IN agent.
6. The message makes one stop before making it to the Notification Activity.

IMAP Inbox -> Mailer builds XML with response attributes and enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_IN Queue --> Workflow Inbound
Notifications Agent Listener consumes the messages and apply the response to the notification activity by running
the subscription.
7. Run $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql for notification id and check the status of the message in
8. If there is an error during response event processing the message is enqueued to WF_ERROR queue
9. If there is an exception/error while applying the response, the Inbound Agent Listener sets the
mail_status of the notification to INVALID and sends the INVALID response e-mail sent to the
Best Practices/tips:
1. Set the mailer parameter 'Processor Close on Read Timeout' to 'Y' i.e., select the checkbox for it.
2. Set the mailer parameter 'Expunge Inbox on Close' to 'Y' i..e., select the check-box for it.
3. Do not leave the mailer parameter 'NodeName' to default value i.e., WFMAIL but change it to a value as relevant for the instance type or name. Pre-, the NodeName must be WFMAIL.

NOTE: If the above troubleshooting did not resolve the problem and an SR needs to be created, please follow the following steps and upload the data to the SR:

1. Please follow Note 275379.1 (Script To Check What Workflow Related Patches and run to check installed patches) run and upload results to the SR.



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2. Please enable STATEMENT level logging:

a. From Self Service > Select "Workflow Manager" under "Oracle Applications Manager" > Click "Notification Mailers" > Service Components (Service Components: <SID>) > select Workflow Notification Mailer >
b. Click on Edit button > Advanced
c. Click on next until you are in the Details section (Step 2 of 8) > Change the log level field from Error To statement>
d. Click on Next all the way to "Step 4 of 8" and click Finish button.

3. Restart the Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services

a. From Self Service > Select "Workflow Manager" under "Oracle Applications Manager" > Click "Notification Mailers" > Service Components (Service Components: <SID>) >
b. Click "Workflow Mailer Service" under "Container" Column.
e. From "Service Instances for Generic Service Component Container:<SID>"page, click "Pull Down" button from the Start All/ Stop All.
f . Select Stop All > Go.
g. Wait for the Services to read Actual 0 Target 0 and Deactivated.
h. Run the following SQL to make sure service are stopped:

SELECT component_name, component_status, component_status_info

FROM fnd_svc_components_v
WHERE component_name like 'Workflow%';
i. Restart the mailer services using the "Start All" button.
j. Run scripted again from step "h." to see Services are RUNNING.

4. To test the state of Java Mailer, please run Java Mailer FYI test and provide the Notification ID (NID) to step 5.
a. Please log in to OAM
b. Select Workflow Manager from "Navigate to" LOV and click "GO"
b.1 Please run the following sql to make sure the user has a valid email address and the preference is enabled to receive notification.

select name, notification_preference, email_address

where name = upper('<UserName>');
b.2. If there is no valid email address, please assign email address from sysadmin > Security > User > Define form for the user and save. Also if the value for notification preference is disable, please enable that from the Self
Service Preferences page by selecting HTML Mail with Attachment (MAILHTML).
c. Click "Notification Mailers"
d. Click "View Details"
e. Click "Test Mailer"
f. Search "Recipient Role" and click "Go" then "Accept".
g. Click "Send Test Message"
h. One will get conformation Notification ID (NID) and provide that for the next step.
i. Please run the following sql to locate the new NIDs which will have one NID with "Message_Name = PLSQL_MSG" and Second with "Message_Name = OAFWK_MSG".

select *
from wf_notifications
order by 1 desc;



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5. Please provide the output of the $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql.

$ sqlplus apps/<Apps Password> @$FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql <NID1> <NID2> <NIDn>;
$ sqlplus apps/apps @$FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql 942537 942536 942535;
6. Upload Fresh log file from $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt i.e. the log file for the Active process for Workflow Mailer Service and Agent Listener services.
To retrieve the last 2 log files for Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services, run the following command:

7. Is the Instance in a Load Balancing Environment? If that is the case, then please check whether "WF Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent and Application Framework Agent" Profile options are set correctly.

a. "WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent" [WF_MAIL_WEB_AGENT] profile option is set to a physical Web Server host address (non-load balanced). The key here is if this profile option is not set, notification mailers will use
the Web agent specified in the Application Framework Agent profile option (APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT) instead.
b. "Application Framework Agent profile option (APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT)" is set to a virtual or load balancing URL like BigIP.
Note: If the profile options are not set properly, Notifications with framework regions such as REQAPPRV, FYI Notification with framework region ("Message_Name = OAFWK_MSG"), etc. will be affected. However, other notifications
with no framework regions like FYI Notifications ("Message_Name = PLSQL_MSG"), POAPPROV will not be affected.
One can check whether the affected notification has a Framework Region by running the following sql:

SELECT notification_id, message_type, message_name,

wf_notification.isFwkRegion(notification_id) FWK
FROM wf_notifications
WHERE notification_id IN (<NID>,<NID>,<NID>);
NOTE 332152.1 - (OWF H Diagnostics, Solutions and Information)

8. Please download and run

R12 Java Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test
from Note 748421.1 (Oracle Workflow ATG Support: R12 Java Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test).

a. Create folder, download and unzip "".


$ cd $APPL_TOP
$ mkdir ATG
$ unzip
$ pwd /d01/vis115102/visappl/ATG
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 vis11510 dba 64672 May 3 2010
-rw------- 1 vis11510 dba 129356 Jan 30 16:19
-rw-r--r-- 1 vis11510 dba 9356 May 3 2010 atg_supp_wf_email_notifications.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 vis11510 dba 468257 Jan 1 2002 sdf_core2.txt
b. Run the following SQL to collect necessary info before executing

. The SQL will collect all the info required to run the script except IMAP account password.



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select p.parameter_id,
v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,
fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in ('OUTBOUND_SERVER', 'INBOUND_SERVER',
order by p.parameter_name;
c. Run" per the steps from Note 748421.1.

Workflow Information Center, Diagnostics, & Community

Please reference the Workflow Product Information Center Document for Top Workflow Resources: Document 1320509.1
For additional help, please refer to one of the following documents on diagnostics to address current needs. Providing diagnostic output on an issue for support when logging a service request is very helpful.
Document 179661.1 for 11i or Document 421245.1 for Rel 12.x
Visit the Core Workflow community for help with industry experts or to share knowledge.
Please see Document 1186338.1 for recorded Workflow Webcasts.


How To Troubleshoot Java-based Workflow Notification Mailer

11i : Oracle Workflow Cartridge Workflow Java Mailer Setup Test
Java Notification Mailer Fails to Send Email Notifications with Framework Regions
Unable to Connect to Mail Store in Workflow Notification Mailer Logs
Oracle Workflow ATG Support: R12 Java Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test


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