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Investigation is the collection of facts to accomplish a three-fold aim:

1. toidentifythesuspect;
2. tolocatethesuspect;and
3. to provide evidence of his guilt.
In the performance of his duties, the investigator must seek to establish the six
(6) cardinal points of investigation, namely: what specific offense has been
committed; how the offense was committed; who committed it; where the offense
was committed; when it was committed; and why it was committed.
Protocol 1: Jurisdictional Investigation by the Territorial Unit Concerned
The Police Station, which has territorial jurisdiction of the area where the crime
incident was committed, shall immediately undertake the necessary investigation
and processing of the crime scene, unless otherwise directed by higher
authorities for a certain case to be investigated by other units/agency.
Protocol 2: Official Police Blotter
a. A Police Blotter is an 18 x 12 logbook with hard-bound cover that contains
the daily register of all crime incident reports, official summary of arrests, and
other significant events reported in a police station.
b. Asageneralrule,allcrimeincidentsmustberecordedintheofficial police blotter.
c. A separate Police Blotter, however, shall be maintained for offenses requiring
confidentiality like violence against women and children and those cases
involving a child in conflict with the law to protect their privacy pursuant to R.A.
9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act of 2004) and R.A. 9344
(Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006).

d. The duty police officer shall record the nature of the incident in the police
blotter containing the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) and one H
(how) of the information and inform his superior officer or the duty officer
regarding the occurrence of such incident.
e. Inansweringtheabove5Wsand1HandtheCaseDisposition,all such material
details about the incident, including the nature of the action or offense; the Date,
Time, and Place of Occurrence; the names of the suspect/s, the victim/s, the
witness/es, if any; facts of the case; significant circumstances that aggravate or

mitigate the event or the crime should be entered along with the identity of the
officer to whom the case is assigned (Officer-on-case); and, the status of the
Protocol 3: Investigation Team: Organization and Equipment
a. All investigators in any police unit must be a graduate of prescribed
investigation course with a rank of at least PO2 (pre-requisite to assignment).


Team Leader;
Evidence custodian; and
Composite Illustrator/Artist

c. Equipment of the investigator:

1. Police line;
2. Video camera;
3. Voice recorder;
4. Camera;
5. Measuring device;
6. Gloves;
7. Flashlight;
8. Fingerprint kit;
9. Evidence bag;
10. Evidence tag;
11. Evidence bottles/vials; and
12. Investigators tickler (contains the following)
a) Investigators checklist
b) Anatomicaldiagramform c) Evidencechecklist
d) Turn-over receipt
Protocol 4: Duties of the First Responder
a. Proceedtothecrimescenetovalidatetheinformationreceived;
b. Record the exact time of arrival and all pertinent data regarding the incident in
his issued pocket notebook and notify the TOC;

c. Cordon off the area and secure the crime scene with a police line or whatever
available material like ropes, straws or human as barricade to preserve its
d. Checkwhetherthesituationstillposesimminentdangerandcallfor back up if
e. Identify possible witnesses and conduct preliminary interview and ensure their
availability for the incoming investigator-on-case;
f. Arrest the suspect/s if around or in instances wherein the suspect/s is fleeing,
make appropriate notification for dragnet operations;
g. Prepare to take the Dying Declaration of severely injured persons with the
following requisites:
1. That death is imminent and the declarant is conscious of that fact;
2. That the declaration refers to the cause and surrounding circumstances of
such death;
3. That the declaration relates to facts which the victim is competent to testify
to; and
4. That the declaration is offered in a case wherein the declarants death is
the subject of the inquiry. (Section 37, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court).
h. Evacuate the wounded to the nearest hospital using emergency services;
i. Account for the killed, wounded and arrested persons for proper disposition;
10. Conduct initial investigation; and
11. Brief the investigator-on-case upon arrival and turn over the crime

l. Conduct inventory on the evidence taken at the crime scene; Inventory receipt
should be properly signed by the first responder, SOCO and the investigator.
Protocol 5: Duties and responsibilities of the Investigating Team
a. Take full control of the crime scene to include the conduct of crime scene
search; taking of photographs; making sketches; lifting of fingerprints; markings
of physical evidence; (Chain of custody) the transmittal of evidence to crime
laboratory; interview of witnesses; gathering and evaluation of evidence; followup of the case and the documentation and filing of appropriate charges in court.

b. Establish a command post in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene;

c. Designate a holding area in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene (for the
media, VIPs and other personalities present);
d. Conductcaseconferencewiththefirstresponder,SOCO,otherlaw enforcers and
rescue personnel;
e. Noteanysecondarycrimescene(ifsituationrequires);and
f. Release the crime scene after investigation.
Protocol 6: Investigation of Suspects
a. Procedureswhenarrestismade
1. Secure the person arrested (handcuff at the back);
2. Inform the arrested person on the cause of his arrest and his rights as
provided for in the Constitution;
3. Conduct thorough search for weapons and other illegal materials against
the suspect/s;
4. Use reasonable force in making arrest;
5. Confiscated evidence shall be properly documented and marked;
6. Bring the arrested person to the Police Station for investigation.
b. BookingproceduresoftheArrestedPerson/Suspect
1. The arrested suspect shall be fingerprinted, photographed and subjected
to medical examination to include liquor and drug tests.
2. Conduct record check.
Protocol 7: Taking of Sworn Statements of Suspects
The execution of a suspects WAIVER as stipulated in Art 125 of the RPC shall
always be done in the presence of his chosen counsel or any independent
Protocol 8: Taking of Sworn Statement/s of the Witnesses
a. Sworn Statement or Affidavit of complainant/s and witness/es must be taken
immediately by the investigator-on-case.
b. Affidavit of Arrest of arresting officers must be taken immediately not later than
24 hours.

c. In Inquest cases, the investigator-on-case and the arresting officer/s shall

observe Art. 125 of the RPC.
Protocol 9: Preparation of Reports and Filing of Charges
The Investigator-On-Case shall submit the following:

After Operation Report;
Final Report after the case is filed before the prosecutors

office/court; and
e. AccomplishmentReport.
Protocol 10: Procedure in the Release of Crime Scene
a. Ensurethatappropriateinventoryhasbeenmade;
b. Release is accomplished only after completion of the final survey and proper
documentation of evidence, witness/es, victim/s and suspect/s; and
c. If the crime scene is within a private property, the same must be released to
the lawful owner witnessed by any barangay official. In case of government
facility, it should be released to the administrator.
Protocol 11: Follow-up of Case
The investigator shall conduct police operation to identify and apprehend
suspect/s based on the results of the initial investigation conducted.
Protocol 12: Preparation of Case Investigation Plan (CIPLAN)
The conduct of police operation involving sensational cases, high profile and
heinous crimes must be covered by Case Investigation Plan.
Protocol 13: Attendance to Court Duties
The investigator-on-case and arresting officers shall endeavor to ensure their
attendance during court hearings while COPs/Heads of Units shall supervise and
ensure the attendance of witness/es.
Protocol 14: Uniform of the Investigator
Prescribed uniform should be worn by investigators when conducting
investigation so as to identify them as PNP personnel.


a. Information Data gathered by an investigator from other persons including
the victim himself and from:
1. Public records;
2. Private records; and
3. Modus Operandi file.
2. InterviewSkillfulquestioningofwitnessesandsuspects.
3. Instrumentation Scientific examination of real evidence,
application of instrument and methods of the physical sciences in detecting
The main objective of a police investigator is to gather all facts in order to:
PhaseI Identify the suspect/s through (1) confession; (2) eyewitness testimony,
(3) circumstantial evidence; and (4) associate evidence;
PhaseII Locateandapprehendsuspect/s; and
Phase III Gather and provide evidence to establish the guilt of the accused.
In proving the guilt of the accused in court, the fact of the existence of the crime
must be established; the accused must be identified and associated with the
crime scene; competent and credible witnesses must be available; and the
physical evidence must be appropriately identified. The investigator must know
by heart the elements of a specific crime.

Written notes (what you have seen or observed);
Plaster cast;
Written statements of subject(s) and witnesses.

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