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State Management

Today You Will Learn

The Problem of State

View State
Transferring Information Between Pages

CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

The Problem of State

How you store information over the lifetime of your application.
In a traditional Windows program, users interact with a continuously
running application.
A portion of memory on the desktop computer is allocated to store the
current set of working information.
In a typical web request, the client connects to the web server and
requests a page. When the page is delivered, the connection is severed,
and the web server discards all the page objects from memory. By the
time the user receives a page, the web page code has already stopped
running, and theres no information left in the web servers memory.
Advantage of Stateless Design:
Clients need to be connected for only a few seconds at most, a web server can handle a
huge number of nearly simultaneous requests without a performance hit.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
One of the most common ways to store information is in view state.
View state uses a hidden field that ASP.NET automatically inserts in the
final, rendered HTML of a web page.
Example: If you change the text of a label, the Label control
automatically stores its new text in view state. That way, the text
remains In place the next time the page is posted back.
The ViewState Collection
The ViewState property of the page provides the current view state
This property provides an instance of the StateBag collection class.
The StateBag is a dictionary collection, which means every item is
stored in a separate slot using a unique string name.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
//The this keyword refers to the current Page object. It's optional.
this.ViewState[Counter] = 1;
When retrieving a value, you use the key name. You also need to cast the
retrieved value to the appropriate data type using the casting syntax.
This extra step is required because the ViewState collection stores all items as
basic objects, which allows it to handle many different data types.
int counter;
counter = (int)this.ViewState[Counter];
A View State Example
A simple counter program that records how many times a button is clicked.

CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
public partial class SimpleCounter : Syatem.Web.UI.Page
protected void cmdIncrement_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int counter;
if(ViewState[Counter] == null)
counter = 1;
counter = (int)ViewState[Counter] + 1;
ViewState[Counter] = counter;
lblCount.Text = Counter : + counter.ToString();

The code checks to make sure the item exists in view state before it attempts to
retrieve it. Otherwise, you could easily run into problems such as the infamous
null reference exception.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
Making View State Secure
View state information is stored in a single jumbled string that looks like
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE"
value="dDw3NDg2NTI5MDg7Oz4=" />

As you add more information to view state, this value can become much
longer. Because this value isnt formatted as clear text.
The view state information is simply patched together in memory and
converted to a Base64 string.
Tamper-Proof View State
There are two choices to make View State more secure:
The view state information is tamperproof by instructing ASP.NET to
use a hash code.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
A hash code is sometimes described as a cryptographically strong checksum.
Private States: View state contains some information you want to keep secret, you
can enable view state encryption.
o You can turn on encryption for an individual page using the
ViewStateEncryptionMode property of the Page directive:
<%@Page ViewStateEncryptionMode="Always" %>

o you can set the same attribute in a configuration file to configure view state
encryption for all the pages in your website:
<pages viewStateEncryptionMode="Always" />
To convert auto to Always call Page.RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption()
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
There are three choices for view state encryption settingalways
encrypt (Always), never encrypt (Never), or encrypt only if a control
specifically requests it (Auto).
Retaining Member Variables
The basic principle is to save all member variables to view state when
the Page.PreRender event occurs and retrieve them when the
Page.Load event occurs.
o A member variable that will be cleared with every postback.
o If IsPostBack Then Restore variables.
o In Page_PreRender event Persist variables.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
It stores unnecessary information in view state, it will enlarge the size of
the final page output and can thus slow down page transmission times.
It hides the low-level reality that every piece of data must be explicitly
saved and restored.
To use this approach to save member variables in view state, use it
exclusively. That means refrain from saving some view state variables at
the PreRender stage and others in control event handlers.
Storing Custom Objects
To store an item in view state, ASP.NET must be able to convert it into a
stream of bytes so that it can be added to the hidden input field in the
page. This process is called serialization.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology

View State
To make your objects serializable, you need to add a Serializable
attribute before your class declaration.

Then it can be stored in View State.

Customer cust = new Customer("Marsala", "Simons")
ViewState("CurrentCustomer") = cust

It is needed to casting the view state object.

//Retrieve a customer from view state.
Customer cust;
cust = (Customer)ViewState[CurrentCustomer]

You can find more serializable classes in Visual Studio Help.

CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

One of the most significant limitations with view state is that its tightly
bound to a specific page.
Two basic techniques to transfer information between pages:
o cross-page posting
o The query string

Cross-Page Posting
A cross-page postback is a technique that extends the postback
mechanism, so that one page can send the user to another page,
complete with all the information for that page.
The infrastructure that supports cross-page postbacks is a property
named PostBackUrl, which is defined by the IButtonControl interface
and turns up in button controls such as ImageButton, LinkButton, and
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

To use cross-posting, you simply set PostBackUrl to the name of another
web form.
When the user clicks the button, the page will be posted to that new
URL with the values from al l the input controls on the current page.
ExampleA page named CrossPage1.aspx that defines a form with two
text boxes and a button. When the button is clicked, it posts to a page
named CrossPage2.aspx.
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="cmdPost"
PostBackUrl="CrossPage2.aspx" Text="Cross-Page Postback" />
Getting More Information from the Source Page
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

To get more specific details, such as control values, you need to cast the
PreviousPage reference to the appropriate page class.
public partial class CrossPage2 : System.Web.UI. Page
protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if( PreviousPage != null)
lblInfo.Text = You came from a page titled + PreviousPage.Title;

The page checks for null reference before attempting to access the
PreviousPage object. If its a null reference, no cross-page postback took
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

You can manually specify the reference by adding the PreviousPageType
directive to the .aspx page, that receives the cross-page postback right
after the Page directive.
<%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/CrossPage1.aspx" %>
This approach is more fragile because it limits you to a single page class.
Once youve cast the previous page to the appropriate page type, you
still wont be able to directly access the control objects it contains.
Thats because the controls on the web page are not publicly accessible
to other classes.You can work around this by using properties.

CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

The Query String
Another common approach is to pass information using a query string
in the URL.
This approach is commonly found in search engines.
The query string is the portion of the URL after the question mark. In
this case, it defines a single variable named q, which contains the string
Advantages of Query String
It is lightweight.
It doesnt exert any kind of burden on the server.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

Limitations of Query String
Information is limited to simple strings, which must contain URL-legal
Information is clearly visible to the user and to anyone else who cares to
eavesdrop on the Internet.
The enterprising user might decide to modify the query string and
supply new values, which your program wont expect and cant protect
Many browsers impose a limit on the length of a URL (usually from
1KB to 2KB). For that reason, you cant place a large amount of
information in the query string and still be assured of compatibility with
most browsers.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

//Go to newpage.aspx. Submit a single query string argument named recordID, and set to 10.

You can send multiple parameters as long as theyre separated with an

ampersand (&):
//Go to newpage.aspx. Submit two query string arguments: recordID (10) and mode (full).

It can receive the values from the QueryString dictionary collection

exposed by the built-in Request object:
string ID = Request.QueryString["recordID];

A Query String Example

The program presents a list of entries. When the user chooses an item by clicking the
appropriate item in the list, the user is forwarded to a new page. This page displays the
received ID number. This provides a quick and simple query string test with two
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

URL Encoding
One potential problem with the query string is that some characters
arent allowed in a URL.
It supports for all characters must be alphanumeric or one of a small set
of special characters (including $-_.+!*'(),).
Some characters have special meaning.
o The ampersand (&) is used to separate multiple query string parameters
o The plus sign (+) is an alternate way to represent a space
o The number sign (#) is used to point to a specific bookmark in a web page.

If you try to send query string values that include any of these
characters, youll lose some of your data.
To solve this problem URL encoding on text values before you place
them in the query string.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Transferring Information Between Pages

With URL encoding, special characters are replaced by escaped character
sequences starting with the percent sign (%), followed by a two-digit hexadecimal
Example: The & character becomes %26
To perform URL encoding, you use the UrlEncode() and UrlDecode() methods of
the HttpServerUtility class.
string url= "QueryStringRecipient.aspx?"
Url += "Item=" + Server.UrlEncode(lstItems.SelectedItem.Text) + "&;
Url += "Mode=" + chkDetails.Checked.ToString() ;
Use the UrlDecode() method to return a URL-encoded string to its initial value.
ASP.NET automatically decodes your values when you access them through the
Request.QueryString collection in query strings.
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Cookies provide another way that you can store information for later
Cookies are small files that are created in the web browsers memory
(if theyre temporary) or on the clients hard drive.
Cookies work transparently without the user being aware that information needs to be
Cookies can be easily used by any page in your application and even be retained
between visits, which allows for truly long-term storage.

Cookies are limited to simple string information.
Cookies are easily accessible and readable if the user finds and opens the corresponding
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


Some users disable cookies on their browsers, which will cause
problems for web applications that require them.
Users might manually delete the cookie files stored on their hard drives.
Both the Request and Response objects (which are provided through
Page properties) provide a Cookies collection.
Retrieve cookies from the Request object, and set cookies using the
Response object.
o To set a cookie, just create a new HttpCookie object.
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[Preference];
Set the value for Cookie
cookie["LanguagePref ] = "English"
o Adding values to the Cookie
cookie["Country] = "US" ;
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


o Attach Cookie to the current web response

A cookie added in this way will persist until the user closes the browser
and will be sent with every request.
Creating a longer-lived cookie, by setting an expiration date.
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);

Retrieve cookies by cookie name using the Request.Cookies collection.

HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["Preferences];

Check to see whether a cookie was found with this name.

string language;
if(cookie ! = null)
language = cookie[LanguagePref ];
CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


The only way to remove a cookie is by replacing it with a cookie that has
an expiration date that has already passed.
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(Preferences);
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) ;
Response.Cookies.Add(cookie) ;

A Cookie Example
To try this example, begin by running the page, entering a name, and clicking the
Create Cookie button. Then, close the browser, and request the page again. The second
time, the page will find the cookie, read the name, and display a welcome message.

CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology



CSE 409 Advanced Internet Technology


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