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44 Court Street
Suite 906
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Phone (718) 488-7788

Case 1:14-cv-09069-GHW Document 1 Filed 11/13/14 Page 2 of 21





Plaintiff, KENNETH SMITH, by his attorney, Michael Colihan, as and for his complaint
in this action against the defendants, above named, respectfully sets forth and alleges as follows:

1. This is a civil action for damages brought to redress the deprivation by
defendants of the rights secured to plaintiff under the Constitution and laws of the United States
and the State of New York. The defendants, upon information & belief, without a warrant and
without probable cause, unlawfully arrested and falsely imprisoned the plaintiff. in Richmond
County for drug related offenses The plaintiff suffered loss of liberty and serious and severe
psychological injuries, the full nature and extent of which have yet to be determined. The
plaintiff did not consent to any confinement and it was not otherwise privileged.. The underlying
criminal case against the plaintiff was dismissed. By the filing of this complaint, the plaintiff

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now alleges that the City of New York & the New York City Police Department violated his
rights under 42 USC Section 1983 and 1988, the 4th Amendment of the United States
Constitution and New York State law. In addition, the plaintiff invokes the pendant jurisdiction
of this court to assert claims arising under state law. The plaintiff alleges that the incidents that
are the subject of their complaint are part of a pattern of false arrests and civil rights violations
against persons of color, as well as others, by members of The New York City Police
Department in Richmond County, especially in the 120th Precinct in the neighborhoods known as
Park Hill, Stapleton, Tompkinsville, Saint George and elsewhere. The motivation for these
unlawful arrests is overtime compensation for the arresting officers and the statistical needs of
the NYPD. The City has displayed a deliberate indifference to this unlawful and perjurious
activity by its employees.

2. That the jurisdiction of this Court is invoked under the provisions of Section 1331 &
1343 of Title 28 and Sections 1983 & 1988 of Title 42 of the United States Code, as well as the
Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Plaintiff further
invokes the supplemental jurisdiction of this Court pursuant to 28 USC Section 1367 to hear and
decide his New York State Law claims of false arrest, false imprisonment and the intentional and
negligent infliction of mental & emotional distress against the individual defendant police
officers. These state law claims form part of the same case and controversy as plaintiffs federal
claims under Article III of the United States Constitution.

3. Because plaintiffs state law claims are brought only against the individual defendant
police officers and allege intentional conduct, no notice of claim is required. In suits against

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municipal or county employees, as opposed to suit against municipalities themselves, service of

the notice of claim upon the public corporation shall be required only if the corporation has a
statutory obligation to indemnify such person under this chapter or any other provision of law
N.Y. Gen. Mun. Law Section 50- e (1) n(b).

4. Venue is properly laid in the Southern District of New York in that this is the District
where the claim arose, especially with respect to the managers of the City of New York and The
New York City Police Department who allow the unlawful acts complained of to continue.


5. Plaintiff respectfully demands a trial by jury of all issues in this matter pursuant to
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38 (b)


6. The plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is a 22 year old African American male and a
resident of the City and State of New York, in Richmond County. .

7 The defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK was and is a municipal corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the City and State of New York.

8. The defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK maintains, operates, manages and
controls the New York City Police Department ( hereinafter referred to as NYPD) a duly

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authorized police department authorized, organized and existing to perform and carry out all
functions of a police department as per the applicable laws, rules, statues and ordinances of the
aforementioned municipal corporation THE CITY OF NEW YORK.

9. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER DANIEL PANTALEO Sh. # 13293 was and
is an agent, servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK

10. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER JOSEPH TORRES was and is an agent,
servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

11. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER CHRISTIAN CATALDO was and is an
agent, servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

12. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER GREGORY HOWARD was and is an
agent, servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

13. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER KRISTEN WHITE was and is an agent,
servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .
14. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER PHILIP VACARINO was and is an agent,
servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .
15. That the defendant POLICE OFFICER GREGORY HERBERT was and is an
agent, servant and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

16 That the defendant SGT. HENRY CHERNYAVSKY was and is an agent, servant

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and employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

17 That the defendant SGT. IGNAZIO CONCA was and is an agent, servant and
employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .
18 That the defendant LT. SCOTT SWEENEY was and is an agent, servant and
employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .
19. That the defendant CAPTAIN MARK MOLINARI was and is an agent, servant and
employee of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK .

20. That the defendants POLICE OFFICERS JOHN DOE 1-10 were and are agents,
servants & employees of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK.
21. That on or about the 16th day of February, 2012, the plaintiff was walking lawfully in
the City and State of New York in the County of Richmond, near 225 Park Hill Avenue, which
is a short distance from his home.

22.The plaintiff was committing no crime at that time and was not acting in a suspicious
manner. He was not in possession of any contraband or controlled substances.

23. That while at the aforesaid time and place the plaintiff was unlawfully and without
just cause, approached, accosted, falsely arrested and falsely imprisoned by the aforementioned
officers of THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT who were agents, servants and
employees of the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK who were acting under color of law
during the aforesaid transactions .He was taken first to the 120th Precinct and then to the holding

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cells at 67 Targee Street, Staten Island, NY

24. The defendant officers continued to imprison KENNETH SMITH over 30 hours after
his unlawful arrest when he was released after the baseless criminal charges against him were
dismissed by Judge Alan Meyer of the Criminal Court of the City of New York and County of
Richmond. The plaintiff was wrongfully incarcerated The false charges brought against the
plaintiff by the defendants included but were not limited to violation of New York State Penal
Law New York State Penal Law 221.10 and 221.05 . The docket number was 2012RI001591 in
the Criminal Court of the City of New York and County of Richmond. Upon information &
belief the charges against the plaintiff were dismissed at his arraignment.

25. While the plaintiff was being held, his designated arresting officer , DANIEL
PANTELO with the acquiescence of other defendants, misrepresented facts in the police reports
and other documents that the plaintiff had committed offenses when in fact this was not true The
false representations included, but were not limited to, that the plaintiff possessed majajuana,
false representations as to the amount of marijuana, and the plaintiff s presence at 225 Park Hill
Avenue, Apt 6D, Staten Island, NY .The plaintiff was also subjected to a degrading search of his
private parts and genitals by the defendants.

26. Said false information and evidence, including the possession of majajuana was used
against the plaintiff and formed the basis of the criminal charges against him.

27. The defendant individual officers began said prosecution with malice and otherwise
caused said prosecution to be commenced against the plaintiff for the reason of obtaining a

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collateral objective outside the lawful and legitimate ends of the legal process, to watt avoid
discipline for the aforementioned abuse of authority, to obtain overtime compensation and to
obtain credit for an arrest.

28. Upon information and belief, defendants, including DANIEL PANTELO

misrepresented to the Richmond County District Attorneys Office and the Criminal Court of the
City of New York that the plaintiff had committed the crimes of New York State Penal Law New
York State Penal Law 22.10 & 221.05 .The docket number was 2012RI001589. .

29. That on or about February 17, 2012 the criminal matter against the plaintiff was
dismissed and sealed before Judge Alan Meyer in Part AP-AR1 in the Criminal Court of the City
of New York & County of Richmond.

30. All of the foregoing took place as a direct and foreseeable result of the
unconstitutional policies, customs and practices of the City of New York and the NYPD,
including, without limitation, the falsification of evidence, criminal court complaints and other
things to justify the arrest and prosecution of innocent people, including the plaintiff

31. The event complained of is not an isolated incident. Defendant CITY OF NEW
YORK, and its agents , servants and employees, especially its counsel, managers and supervisors
are all aware, from lawsuits brought in New York State Supreme Court and the Federal District
Courts for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York, which are matters of public record,
notices of claim, complaints filed with the NYPDs Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) and the CITY
OF NEW YORKS Civilian Complaint Review Board or CCRB that many officers of the

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NYPD, including the defendants, are not sufficiently trained regarding the law of arrest, the
definition of probable cause, and are engaging in a pattern of falsification to conceal their abuse
of authority and for other unlawful motives.

32. Defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK is further aware that such improper training
has often resulted in a violation of peoples civil rights. Despite such notice, defendant CITY OF
NEW YORK has failed to take corrective action. This failure to act was a direct result of the acts
complained of.

33. Further, upon information and belief, defendant CITY OF NEW YORK was aware,
prior to the incident that is the subject of this complaint, that the individual defendants lacked the
temperament, objectivity, maturity, discretion and proper disposition to function lawfully as
police officers. Despite such notice, the defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK has retained such
officers, and failed to adequately train and supervise them.

34. By reason of the foregoing, plaintiff sustained injury and damage as described above.


Deprivation of Rights under 42 U.S.C. Section 1981 & 1983
35. The plaintiff repeats the foregoing allegations

36. Each, every and all of the aforementioned acts of defendants, their agents,
servants and employees were performed and carried out under color of law.

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37. All of the above described acts deprived plaintiff KENNETH SMITH of the
rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed to United States citizens by the Fourth and
Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and in violation of 42 U.S.C. Section
38. The acts which are the subject of this complaint were carried out by the
aforementioned individually named defendants, including but not limited to DANIEL
PANTELEO, in their capacities as officers of the NYPD, with the entire actual and or apparent
authority attendant thereto, and with the intent to discriminate on the basis of race.

39. The acts which are the subject of this complaint were performed by the individually
named defendants in their capacities as officers of the NYPD, pursuant to the customs, practices,
usages, procedures and rules if the CITY OF NEW YORK and the NYPD, all under the
supervision of ranking officers of said department.

40. Defendants, collectively and individually, while acting under color of state law,
engaged in conduct and actions that constituted a usage, custom,practice, procedure or rule of the
respective municipal authority and defendant, THE CITY OF NEW YORK, which is forbidden
by the United States Constitution.
41. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to
compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.

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False Arrest/Unlawful Imprisonment under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983
42. Plaintiff repeats the foregoing allegations
43. The Defendants arrested the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH without probable
cause, causing him to be detained against his will for an extended period of time and subjected to
physical restraints.
44. The individually named defendants caused plaintiff KENNETH SMITH to be
falsely arrested and unlawfully detained.
45. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to
compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.


( Malicious prosecution under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 )
46. Plaintiff repeats the foregoing allegations
47. The individually named defendants began, initiated, commenced and
continued a malicious protection against the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH
48. Defendants caused the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH to be prosecuted
without probable cause until the charges against her were dismissed on or about February 17,
49. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to
compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.

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Abuse of Process under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983

50. Plaintiffs repeat the foregoing allegations

51. The defendants issued criminal process against the plaintiff KENNETH
SMITH by arresting him and falsely prosecuting him in Richmond County Criminal Court
52. Defendants, its agents servants and employees, by their conduct herein
alleged, caused the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH to be arrested and prose4cuted in order to obtain
an impermissible collateral objective outside the legitimate ends of the legal system, to wit: to
avoid discipline for their abuse of authority, to gain overtime compensation, and thereby violated
plaintiffs right to be free from malicious abuse of process.
53. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to
compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.
(Violation of Right to a Fair Trial under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983)
54..The plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in all preceding
paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
55. Defendants created false evidence against the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH
including false statements and physical evidence including majajuana.
56. Defendants used the false evidence against KENNETH SMITH in a legal
proceeding in the Criminal Court of the City of New York and County of Richmond.
57. By reason of the defendants creation, fabrication, and use of false evidence
against the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH, plaintiff suffered and experienced a violation of his
right to a fair trail as guarantied by the Constitution of the United States.
58. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to

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compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive

damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.
Failure to Intervene under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983
59.The plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in all preceding
paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

60. The individual defendants had an affirmative duty and obligation to intervene on
behalf of the plaintiff whose constitutional rights were being violated in their presence and with
their knowledge.
61. The defendants did not intervene to prevent or terminate the unlawful conduct
described herein.
62.By reason of the foregoing the plaintiff had his liberty restricted for an extended
period of time, he was put in fear of his safety, and he was humiliated and subjected to
handcuffing and other physical restraints.

63. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to

compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.


Supervisory Liability under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983
64. The plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in all preceding
paragraphs as if fully set forth herein
65. The supervisory defendants personally caused plaintiffs constitutional injury by
being deliberately and/or consciously indifferent to the rights of citizens in failing to properly
train, select, supervise and discipline their employees
66. By reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff KENNETH SMITH is entitled to
compensatory damages in a sum to be decided by a jury, and is further entitled to punitive
damages against the individual defendants in an amount to be determined by a jury, and, in
addition, reasonable attorneys fees, costs and disbursements of this action.

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Municipal Liability under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983

67..The plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in all preceding
paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

68. Defendants, individually and collectively, while acting under color of state law,

engaged in conduct that constituted a procedure, custom, usage, practice, rule and/or regulation
of the municipal authority THE CITY OF NEW YORK which violates the Constitution of the
United States.

69. The aforementioned procedures, customs, usage, practices, rules and/or

regulations of the NYPD includes, but is not limited to subjecting citizens to excessive force,
arresting people without probable cause and engaging in a practice of falsification to conceal
their abuse of authority. The wrongful acts include perjury and or lying under oath, known in the
NYPD as testilying, the planting of, and or perjurious statements with regard to controlled
substances , known in the NYPD as flaking and the making of false arrests to obtain overtime
compensation, known in the NYPD as collars for dollars

70. In addition, the NYPD engaged in a practice policy or custom of inadequate

screening, hiring, investigation, retaining, training and supervision of its employees that was the
moving force behind the violation of the plaintiffs rights as described in this complaint. By
reason of the failure of the CITY OF NEW YORK to properly recruit, screen, train discipline
and supervise its officers, including the individual defendants, In addition, despite receiving
countless notices of claim and complaints of the Supreme Court of the State of New York as
well as the United States District Courts for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York,
and the names and docket numbers of some of these are set forth below, the defendant the
CITY OF NEW YORK has tacitly ratified and authorized the conduct complained of, and has
displayed deliberate indifference to the acts and conduct complained of herein.

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71. That the City of New York, through a policy, practice or custom, directly caused
the constitutional violations suffered by the plaintiff.

72. The foregoing customs, policies usages, practices, procedures and rules of the
defendant the CITY OF NEW YORK constituted deliberate indifference to the safety, well
being and constitutional rights of the plaintiff.

73. A number of members of the New York City Police Department have been
convicted of crimes involving corruption, perjury, making false allegations against civilians and
other criminal activity.

74. In the year 2011, former Brooklyn South Narcotics Division officer Jerry Bowen
was convicted of homicide and attempted murder while he was under indictment for other
75. Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik was convicted of corruption related
crimes in connection with his employment with the NYPD and served time in federal prison.

76. .In Colon v the City of New York, Nos. 09 cv 8, 09 cv 9 (JBW) 2009WL
4263362 (EDNY November 25, 2009), the federal court stated that an informal inquiry by this
court and among the judges of this court, as well as knowledge of cases in other federal & state
courts has revealed anecdotal evidence of repeated, widespread falsification by arresting officers
of the NYPD.

77. Particularly in Richmond County, that has been a pattern of abuse and false
arrest by officers of the NYPD as evidenced by numerous lawsuits by persons of color, mostly
for drug related offenses. The actions include the following brought in the US District Court for
the Eastern & Souther Districts of New York Bey v v NYC, et al 09-03595 , Strong v NYC et
al, 10-01602, Brown v NYC et al 11-02277 , Stephens v NYC et al 11-05281 , Rhone v the

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City of New York , 12-cv-00747 Goodwin v the City of New York, 04-01482. Weston v the
City of New York, 06-1513 ; In this case the plaintiff was a 52 year old college graduate with no
criminal record who had suffered from a stroke shortly before the incident. The plaintiff, who
was employed at Wagner High School as a teachers assistant, also had to fight eviction
proceedings because he lived in an apartment owned by the New York City Housing Authority
.Nielson v the City of New York , Patterson v NYC et al 10-cv-00231 Lawrence v The City of
New York, 11-05066. Archipoli v the City of New York, 10-1986 , where there were several
plaintiffs, including a 17 year old boy, and 39 year old William Archipoli who was confined to a
wheelchair at the time as he suffers from muscular dystrophy The plaintiffs were in their own
home on Staten Island when P.O. Orsini and others entered 219 Jefferson Street. The officers
drew guns on all, including the wheelchair bound plaintiff. Criminal charges were filed and later
dismissed in Richmond County Criminal Court.;Coleman v the City of New York 11-2574,
Rosenblum v the City of New York, 07 cv- 02158. Thompson v the City of New York, Ohagan
v the City of New York 09-05597 Bennett The v City of New York, 11-1929.Bunche v the City
of New York, 10-cv-5731. Morrow v NYC et al 11- 03054 George v NYC et al 10-cv-02407
Morrow v NYC et a; 11-03054 Butta et al v NYC, 11-cv-02843, Hewitt v NYC et al 09-00214,
Goodwin v NYC 04-01482,, Olushesi v NYC et al 09- 01754, Patterson v NYC 10-00231,
Johnson,v NYC et al 10-02407, Canlo v NYC 11-00052, Bennett v NYC, et al 11-cv-01929, ,
Hosang v NYC , et al 12-00751, Tung v NYC, 08-00181, Green v NYC et al 09-01825,
Whittaker v NYC et al 08-03209, Mangal & Burton v NYC, 07-3777, Knox v NYC et al 0000027, and Kelly v NYC et al al 10-08438 This is a total of 36 separate actions. P.O. Vincent
Orsini has ben sued in at least 16 separate lawsuits.

78. With respect to the individually named defendants, the defendant the CITY OF
NEW YORK had notice of the following actions brought in the US District Courts for the
Eastern and Southern Districts of New York. The defendant the CITY OF NEW YORK had
actual notice of all these actions and those set forth in the preceding paragraphs since its Law
Department and Corporation Counsel filed notices of appearance in all these actions and
represented the defendants and or settled all of same:

Case 1:14-cv-09069-GHW Document 1 Filed 11/13/14 Page 17 of 21

As to defendant P.O. DANIEL PANTELEO, Collins v the City of New York, 13-cv03544 (EDNY), Almon and SMITH v the City of New York, 12-cv- 8313

As to P.O. GREGORY HOWARD ; Figeroa v the City of New York 09-cv-00861

(USDC- EDNY) Duncan v the City of New York, 12-cv-01565, (USDC- EDNY) Hunphreys v
the City of New York 12-cv- 02299 (USDC- EDNY)

As to defendant P.O. JOSEPH TORRES Robles v the City of New York, 14-cv- 02167
(USDC- SDNY) Vasquez v the City of New York,13-cv- 08340, ( USDC- SDNY) settled for

As to defendant P.O. PHILIP VACCARINO Conde v the City of New York, 11-cv03884, (USDC- EDNY), Martin v the City of New York, 11-cv-04507,(USDC- EDNY), Bell v
the City of New York, 11-cv- 01885, Smith v the City of New York, 12-cv-03639 Kpofolo v the
City of New York 11-cv-4901 (USDC-EDNY) Graham v the City of New York 14-cv- 02888

As to defendant P.O. CHRISTIAN CATALDO: Duncan v the City of New York, et al

13-cv- 3901 (USDC EDNY)

As to defendant SGT. IGNAZIO CONCA Sachs v the City of New York, 12-cv05006,Collins v the City of New York, 13-cv- 03544 (EDNY), Pringle v the City of New York,
12-cv- 00521, Perez v the City of New York, 11-cv- 03117 (USDC- EDNY), 06-06541 12-cv02299DAvilar v the City of New York, 06-cv- 06541 (USDC_ SDNY) Akoto v the City of
New York 13-cv- 01189

79. Despite the foregoing, the City of New York exercised deliberate indifference to the
aforementioned abuses against civilians such as the plaintiffs by failing to take remedial action.
The City failed to properly train, retain supervise discipline and monitor the defendants ad other
members of the service guilty of similar abuses. Upon information and belief, the officers
involved in these and other similar matters have been the subject of numerous CCRB and IAB

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complaints which the City has failed to properly investigate and or deliberately ignored.

80. The Citys failure to act resulted in a violation of the plaintiffs constitutional rights

At all times material to this complaint, defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK

had de facto policies, practices, customs and usages which were a direct and proximate cause of
the unconstitutional conduct alleged herein.

82. At all times material to this complaint, defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK
failed to properly train, screen, supervise, or discipline employees and police officers, and failed
to inform the individual defendants supervisors of their need to train, screen, supervise or
discipline the individually named defendants . The policies, practices, customs, and usages
were a direct and proximate cause of the unconstitutional conduct alleged herein, causing injury
and damage in violation of plaintiffs constitutional rights as guaranteed under 42 U.S.C. 1983
and the United States Constitution, including its Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments.

83. All of the foregoing acts by defendants deprived plaintiff of federally protected
constitutional rights, including but not limited to the right to:

Not to be denied liberty without due process of law

To not be subjected to false arrest and imprisonment.

To be free from the use of excessive force, assault and summary punishment

To have other officers intervene when a police officer abuses a civilian

To be free from malicious prosecution.

To be free from malicious abuse of process.

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84. As a result of the foregoing, plaintiff was deprived of liberty, suffered emotional
injury, pain and suffering, great humiliation, costs and expenses, and was otherwise damaged
and injured.

WHEREFORE, the plaintiff respectfully preys to the court for judgment upon each
cause of action as follows:
a. Compensatory damages in an amount which this Court shall consider to be
just and fair:
b. Punitive and exemplary damages in an amount which this Court shall
consider to be just & fair;
c. Attorneys fees in an amount which this Court shall consider just & fair;

d. Together with the costs and disbursements of this action and such other
and further relief which this Court may seem just & proper.

November 11, 2014.

This is an electronic signature

--------------/s/-----------------------------MICHAEL COLIHAN (MC-0826)
Attorney for the Plaintiff
44 Court Street
Suite 906
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 488-7788

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