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American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

ISSN 1557-4989
2011 Science Publications

Morphological Characterization and Variation in the Total Content

of Reducing Sugars in Wild Populations of Agave angustifolia Haw

Martin Esqueda, 1Aldo Gutierrez, 2Guadalupe Palomino,

Abisai Garcia-Mendoza and 3Teresa Terrazas
Centre for Food Research and Development, A.C.,
Km 0.6 Road to La Victoria, 83304 Hermosillo, Sonora,
Botanical Garden,
Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico,
3th External Circuit, Coyoacan Delegation, 04510, D.F., Mexico
Abstract: Problem statement: Bacanora, a spirit, is distilled from wild populations of Agave
angustifolia Haw. Loss of biodiversity must be taken into account when proposing sustainable
management actions for this resource. In this study we identified the morphological variants of this
species, as well as the weight and Total Content of Reducing Sugars (TRS) in the stem of the agave.
Approach: Twenty-three morphometric variables were measured in three wild populations of A.
angustifolia distributed along the western slopes of the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Sonora,
Mexico. The relationship of plant weight to stem TRS was evaluated using multivariate analyses.
Results: Canonical discriminate analysis explained 100% of the morphological variation with just two
canonical variables (p<0.01) and the Mahalanobis distances support the finding of significant
differences among the three populations. TRS content did not vary significantly among populations,
but did differ between individuals (p<0.01). Cluster analysis then revealed eight groups of
morphologically related plants. Conclusion: Based on this analysis and previous studies of genetic
variability and cytogenetic on the same individuals, morphologically and genetically related groups of
agave were detected and also had heavier stems and a higher TRS content. These plants can be
considered the basis for the selection of germplasm.
Key words: Agave angustifolia, morphological variability, total reducing sugars, wild populations,
chroma values, cluster analysis, Denomination of Origin (DO), Genetic Similarity Index
Approved by the Mexican government in November
2000, the DO establishes a set of rules and geographic
delimitations, conferring the exclusive right to make
Bacanora on growers in 35 municipalities located in the
mountains of the state of Sonora. The NOM-168-SCFI2004, i.e., the set of rules and criteria designed to
standardized quality parameters for Bacanora, was
approved on October 2005. Ironically, these laws have
favored the overexploitation of wild populations of A.
angustifolia, making it immediately necessary to
implement actions for the sustainable management of
this species.
The morphology of this agave differs depending on
where it grows. Near the coast of Sonora, the leaves are
shorter and broader in the middle. In the mountains,
under the shade of the trees, the leaves are narrower,
long and flexible. In the desert, its xerophytic

Agave angustifolia Haw. stands out from the
diversity of the Agave genus in northeastern Mexico
owing to its potential as both a crop and for
industrialization in the production of the spirit known
locally as Bacanora. Its use represents both
economically and socially promising activities for the
development of marginal communities in the Sierra
Madre Mountain Range in Sonora, Mexico (Solano and
Nunez-Noriega, 2003). This species is found along the
Mexican Pacific Coast down to Central America and is
also one of the main species used to make mezcal in
Oaxaca, Mexico (Garcia-Mendoza, 2002).
The economic aspect of Bacanora is backed by its
Denomination of Origin (DO) and a Norma Oficial
Mexicana (NOM, Official Mexican Standard).

Corresponding Author: Martin Esqueda, Centre for Food Research and Development, A.C. Km 0.6 road to La Victoria,
83304 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Fax: +52 (662) 280-0422


Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

characteristics are more marked: leaves are shorter,
narrow and have more teeth. The inflorescences
peduncle grows an average of 3 m in height, though at
times it reaches 6 m. The panicle is open, narrow and
up to 1 m long. The flowers are greenish-yellow ca. 5
cm long. Fruit are dry capsules, dehiscent, trilocular, 22.5 cm in diameter by 4-4.5 cm long. Seeds are black or
dark brown and triangular in shape (Gentry, 2004).
Agave angustifolia reproduces sexually and
asexually; the latter via rhizomes and bulbils. The
rhizomes are modified stems that grow underground
from the main stem, generating offshoots that develop
at the base and around the mother plants (Fig. 1) which,
once they reach the age of three years, can produce up
to six offshoots. The bulbils originate in the vegetative
buds that are present on the peduncle and the lateral
flowering branches, forming as a survival response of
the plant when, for any reason, it loses its flowers.
Sexual reproduction occurs via seeds. Flowering
generally begins at six years of age and the flowers
produce a copious amount of seeds. However, owing to
the fact that the majority of the seeds fall into an
adverse environment and are subject to a high degree of
predation, germination indices are low (Gentry, 2004).
The genetic variability of the three wild
populations of A. angustifolia sampled in this study has
been analyzed using Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism (AFLP), as were genome and karyotype.
The Index of Genetic Similarity (IGS) did not vary
significantly at the intra- or interpopulation level and
the dendrogram revealed three groups that partially
reflect the geographic distribution of the populations.
Some degree of genetic variation was observed in the
vegetative reproduction of this agave, with an IGS of
0.924 between the mother plants and their offshoots.
Total expected heterozygosity was high at 0.314, with
78% of the loci polymorphic and an intermediate level
of gene flow at 1.18 (Sanchez-Teyer et al., 2009).
Cytogenetic studies reveal that, although the level of
ploidy and the mean 2C-DNA were equal, the
karyotype formula, total genome length and the
asymmetry index varied significantly among the wild
populations of this agave.
The morphological, genetic and cytogenic
variability observed in A. angustifolia has potential for
the selection of promising biotypes with characteristics
that are desirable for future genetic improvement
programs. Based on the above, the relationship between
the morphological variability, the weight and total
reducing sugars content in the stem of A. angustifolia
were analyzed for three wild populations located in the
Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Sonora, Mexico.

Fig. 1: Agave angustifolia Haw. mother plant and her

offshoots in the Sonora Sierra Mountain Range,
Sampling area: The plants studied belong to three wild
populations of Agave angustifolia: Site 1 (S1) El Bajio:
294688 LN, 1090028 LO, Site 2 (S2): Los
Mochomos: 295558 LN, 1086004 LO and Site 3
(S3) El Chorro: 294245 LN, 1086821 LO, located
in the municipality of Nacori Chico, Sonora, Mexico.
Sample size: The random quadrat method was used.
Three 50100 m quadrats were set up per population, for
a total of 15000 m2 and the number of A. angustifolia in
each sampling site was counted to estimate the size of
the entire population. Plants were also classified
according to their height (h). For the morphological
analysis a number of adult plants were selected (h 1
m), so that sample size was approximately 10% of the
total number of adults observed. Thus, 10, 10 and 14
plants were collected from S1, S2 and S3 respectively,
with each assigned a number from 1-34. Eight months
after sampling, the adult plants were harvested and their
fresh weight and total content of reducing sugars
determined in order to analyze them in the context of
the morphological variables.
Morphological parameters: For each plant selected,
height and total diameter were measured. Three leaves
were cut from the center of the plant to determine the
dry/fresh weight of the leaves, mid-leaf width/total leaf
length, total length/width at leaf base, number of
teeth/leaf length, distance between teeth, tooth length,
width at tooth base, distance from the spine to the first
tooth, spine length and width at the base of the spine.
Color parameters were also measured using a Minolta
CE-300 portable colorimeter: luminosity (L*), Hue and
purity (chroma). This colorimeter records L* values, as
well as a* and b* factors, which are used to estimate
Hue [arcTan (b*/a*)] and chroma (a*2 + b*2)-1/2.

Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

According to the CIElab system, L* has values from 0
(black) to 100 (white), a* -60 (green) to +60 (red) and
b* -60 (blue) to +60 (yellow). Chroma defines the
degree of purity of a color; higher chroma values
indicate greater color saturation. Hue defines the tone
and a value of 0 indicates red, 90 indicates yellow,
180 green and 270 blue.

The canonical discriminant analysis is a powerful

tool for determining genetic or morphological distances
between groups of organisms. This multivariate analysis
extracts the components that maximize interpopulation
Vs. intrapopulation variability (Vaylay and Santen,
2002). It was found that two canonical functions were
significant (p<0.01) and account for 100% of the
morphological variation between populations, with 70.8
and 29.2% explained by canonical functions 1 and 2
respectively. Centroid values for the three populations
are shown in Fig. 2 and were significantly different
(p<0.01) with Mahalanobis distances (D2) of 23.58
between 1 and S2; 12.74 between 2 and S3 and 11.02
between 1 and S3.
When the limit of dissimilarity was set at less than
or equal to 1 based on the morphological parameters,
eight groups of plants were identified (Fig. 3). The
mean values of the morphological parameters of the
agave clusters present in this dendrogram are shown in
Table 2. Not all the plants that fall into a given cluster
belong to the same population (Fig. 3).
Based on these eight clusters and from less to
greater dissimilarity, Cluster I has the lowest
dissimilarity, with plants 19 and 20. These two agaves
had low diameter/height ratio, low dry/fresh weight,
narrow mid-leaf, wide leaf base, medium teeth and fewer
of them, quite separate from each other, large (long,
wide) spines that were quite far from the first tooth.

Content of total reducing sugars: The adult plants

sampled for the morphological analysis were harvested
in order to determine their fresh weight and TRS. Each
stem was cut in half longitudinally and a 50-100 g
sample was taken from the center of each half. The
sample was dehydrated at 60C to a constant weight
over 72 h. TRS was determined on a dry basis,
following the enzyme colorimetric method used to
measure total fructans (AOAC, 1995), modified for
TRS by eliminating the step for reducing the
monosaccharides obtained from the hydrolysis of
starch and sucrose and their respective derived alcohols.
These carbohydrates are quantified together with the
glucose and fructose obtained from the enzymatic
hydrolysis of inulin, the main polysaccharide in agaves.
Statistical analysis: To determine the cluster patterns
among populations canonical discriminate analysis was
used with the Pair wise squared distance between
Groups method and differences between populations
were measured as the Mahalanobis statistical distance
using the (SAS, 2008) version 9.2 statistical software.
Also, to define the groups of plants that were
morphologically similar with noteworthy characteristics,
cluster analysis was done using the UPGMA method and
fixing the dissimilarity index at a limit of 1.0. Variation
in TRS content was evaluated using a nested ANOVA
and to detect differences among the means, Tukeys test
was used with = 0.05.

Table 1: Mean value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation

for the morphological variables analyzed in Agave
Standard Coefficient
Morphological characteristic
deviation of variation
Plant diameter (m)
Plant height (m)
Diameter/height ratio
Plant volume (m3)
Leaf length (cm)
Mean leaf width (cm)
Mean width of leaf base (cm)
Leaf fresh weight (g)
Leaf dry weight (g)
Leaf dry to fresh weight ratio
Length/Width of leaf base
Length/Width at mid-leaf
Number of teeth
Number of teeth/leaf length
Width at the base of the spine (cm)
Length from the first tooth to
the spine (cm)
Distance between central teeth (cm) 2.49
Tooth width (mm)
Tooth length (mm)
Length of spines (mm)
Hue angle (Hue)
Purity (chroma)

Morphological variability among wild populations:
There were 503, 202 and 199 agave plants h1 in S3, S2
and S1 and the percentage of adult plants was 15.6,
14.4 and 22.5% respectively. Population density and the
proportion of adult A. angustifolia plants were
significantly greater in S3. The diameter and height of
the plants ranged from 1.4-2.1 and from 1.1-1.6
respectively. Leaf length was 90-120 cm and leaf width
was 5-7 cm (Table 1). The color parameters varied from
44-61 for L, 119-27 for Hue and 27-43 for chroma,
with means of 52.6, 123.2 and 34.7 respectively; dark
to yellowish green colors were recorded.

Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

Table 2: Mean values for the morphometric parameter, weight and total content of reducing sugars in the stem of Agave angustifolia grouped into eight clusters,
based on a dissimilarity less than or equal to 1
1.12 0.16
23.99 16.31
0.47 0.47 10.77
3.51 8.30
37.14 8.80 50.39
1.32 0.17
25.59 21.47
0.86 0.47 7.18
2.25 5.01
37.77 2.75 37.92
1.34 0.17
19.10 14.63
0.72 0.49 5.72
2.83 15.06
25.75 6.79 59.64
1.53 0.15
23.99 18.86
0.67 0.44 10.12
2.97 11.57
35.64 13.65 48.14
1.28 0.17
24.88 20.86
1.17 0.35 8.38
1.66 4.96
23.72 3.38 36.02
1.23 0.18
24.84 19.34
0.96 0.34 7.05
1.99 5.61
39.83 3.42 48.95
1.34 0.19
24.99 20.37
0.65 0.44 6.98
3.30 7.94
36.95 4.01 47.66
1.43 0.18
20.11 15.23
0.94 0.45 5.60
2.07 6.64
36.35 2.96 37.09
where, (A) plant diameter/height ratio, (B) dry to fresh leaf weight ratio, (C) length/width of leaf base, (D) length/width at mid-leaf, (E) number of teeth/leaf length,
(F) width at the base of the spine in cm, (G) distance from the first tooth to the tip of the spine in cm, (H) distance between central teeth in cm, (I) tooth width in mm,
(J) tooth length in mm, (K) spine length in mm, (L) luminosity, (M) hue, (N) chroma, (O) fresh weight in kg of stems harvested and (P) total percentage of reducing
sugars in the dry base

Fig. 2: Scatterplot of centroid values for three wild populations of Agave angustifolia ( S1 = El Bajio, S2 = Los
Mochomos and S3 = El Chorro) on two canonical discriminant variables. Mahalanobis distances in square
parenthesis and their probability values in parenthesis measure the extent of morphological diversity between
the populations. Dashed lines group the plants (numbered) of each population
material, leaves narrow at mid-leaf and wide at their
base, large, scarce teeth that are spaced out and a
large distance from the first tooth to the spine.
Cluster V has four plants (6, 11, 21 and 29) with
leaves that were narrow from the center to their base;
numerous teeth that were very narrow and close
together, with small spines and very close to the first
tooth. L* was low and chroma and Hue were high
(Table 2).
Plants 4, 5, 31, 32, 33 and 34 make up Cluster VI
and were characterized by leaves narrow at the center,
numerous teeth that were very narrow, very close to
each other and with very small spines and close to the
first tooth. L* was high and chroma and Hue were low.

Cluster II is made up of plants 7 and 18 which had

long, narrow leaves with the corresponding high values in
the length/width ratio for the leaf base and mid-leaf, very
small teeth, moderately separated, large spines far the first
tooth, with very high L* and very low Hue (Table 2).
Plants 16 and 25 make up Cluster III and were
characterized by short, broad leaves and the
corresponding low values for the length/width ratio for
the leaf base and mid-leaf, very large teeth, large
spines, with little space between the spine and the first
tooth, with very low L* and chroma values.
Cluster IV includes plants 3 and 12, which had a
high diameter/height ratio, a low proportion of dry

Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

Fig. 3: Dendrogram generated by the cluster analysis showing the eight groups of morphological variants based on a
dissimilarity less than or equal to 1. Site 1 (S1: 1-10), Site 2 (S2: 11-20) and Site 3 (S3: 21-34)
Cluster VII has plants 9, 10, 13 and 23, which in
general had a high dry/fresh weight ratio, long, narrow
leaves, scarce medium-sized teeth that were spread out
and had average sized spines. L*, chroma and Hue fell
within the overall mean. Cluster VIII includes plants 2,
17, 24, 25 and 27, which were characterized by a high
corresponding to the low values for the ratios of
length/width for the leaf base and mid-leaf, numerous
teeth, relatively close together and average in size and a
short distance from the first tooth to the spine. L*,
chroma and Hue fell within the overall mean (Table 2).
For the weight of the harvested stems, the clusters with
the highest mean biomass were those that grouped
plants (3, 12) and (19, 20), had a fresh weight of 13.6
and 8.8 kg, respectively.

Although several factors-the subtropical scrub
vegetation mainly associated with sarcocrassicaul
scrub, the sandy-loam texture of the soil and the soil
nutrients-were similar in the three wild populations of
A. angustifolia, the higher density and greater
development of the agaves in S3 can be attributed to the
microclimate of that site which receives natural
protection from the gentle surrounding hills resulting in
greater plant cover which, in turn, also offers some
protection. The agaves were associated with trees and
shrubs, particularly Acacia cochliacantha Humb. and
Bonpl. ex Willd., Fouquieria macdougalii Nash,
Opuntia spp., Prosopis spp. and Sapium biloculare (S.
Watson) Pax.
The morphometric parameters were similar to
those recorded by Gentry (2004), who mentioned that
the wild plants of A. angustifolia in Sonora, Mexico
have acaulescent, rosette growth, measure 1.0-1.5 m in
height by 1.5-2.0 m in diameter. Leaves are linear from
50-120 cm long, by 4-8 cm wide, ending in a strong
apical spine and with margins armed with small hard
teeth. Compared to the characteristics observed for wild
populations of A. angustifolia in the Yucatan, Mexico
by Colunga-Garciamarin and May-Pat (1997), the

Variation in the content of total reducing sugars:

Although no significant differences were observed in
TRS between populations (mean TRS: 44.7, 42.8 and
39.6% at 2, 3 and S1 respectively) with an
interpopulation mean of 42.4%, TRS did vary
significantly between individuals (P < 0.01). Plants 17,
11, 13, 19 and 16 from S2; 22, 34, 23 and 33 from S3
and only plant 3 from S1 all had % TRS significantly
above the mean.

Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

and S3 were 0.905, 0.938 and 0.930 respectively. The
value of expected heterozygosis and the proportion of
polymorphic loci were slightly lower in S1 (0.250 and
64.5%) than in S2 (0.264 and 67.7%) and S3 (0.263 and
66.2%). A low value for the genetic structure among
populations (0.175) and relatively moderate genetic
flux of 1.18 were observed, giving rise to a moderate
fixation index of 0.175 at the species level. The
dendrogram generated from the GSI had three major
groups that partially reflect the geographical
distribution of the populations.
This genetic differentiation is in line with the
geographic distances observed by (Barraza-Morales et
al., 2006; Sanchez-Teyer et al., 2009) and could
indicate that the wild populations of A. angustifolia
grow in an allopatric manner with the isolating
mechanism likely being physical barriers that prevent
gene flow, with the result that the populations are
The morphological variants could provide the
basis for the selection of promising biotypes, taking
into account the best characteristics and similarity
between plants regardless of where they come from.
The detection of plants that are genetically distinct
from the others, with a different morphology, greater
weight and higher stem TRS content, offers indicators
that strengthen the process of selecting sources of
germplasm, material for propagation, crops and

plants in the mountains of Sonora are generally taller,

have narrower leaves, longer, broader spines and larger,
more separate teeth. Also, A. durangensis shows a high
morphological variability within and among
populations, what makes its taxonomic delimitation a
hard task (Almaraz-Abarca et al., 2009).
It is not possible to conclude that the high variation
observed in the TRS content and in stem size is
exclusively the result of genetic variability among
populations. Since these are wild plants, the growth and
development of the agave, combined with
environmental factors play an important role in the
variability (Nobel, 2009; Nobel et al., 2002). However,
if we compare the dendrogram for morphological
variability (Fig. 2) with the genetic information
obtained for the same plants by Sanchez-Teyer et al.
(2009), we can see that plants (3,12) and (19,20), which
stand out for their weight and stem TRS content (Table
2), are morphologically and genetically related.
The first study of the genetic variability of A.
angustifolia in Sonora was done by Barraza-Morales et
al. (2006), with three wild populations located in
different municipalities. The greatest variation was
detected for the municipality of Nacori Chico, with an
expected mean heterozygosity at the population and
total levels of 0.26 and 0.31, respectively. This is why
this municipality was selected for later studies on
morphology, cytogenetics and genetic variability using
AFLP. Torres-Moran et al. (2008) observed that ISTR
molecular markers are worthy to typify species of
Agavaceae and detect intrapopulation variability too.
For S1 and S3, identified cytotype 42m+4sm+10st+4t
and for S2: 48m+2sm+6st+4t. Total genome length
varied significantly among the three populations with
means of 137.4, 113.7 and 129.6 m for S1, S2 and S3
respectively. The asymmetry index was similar for 1
and S3, which were different from S2.
Both cytotypes varied in proportion to the small
metacentric, submetacentric and
chromosomes, but were similar in the morphology of
their long chromosomes. Nuclear DNA content and
genome composition were equal in the plants collected
from the three sites (2C-DNA = 8.499 pg and 1Cx =
4165), all diploid. Together these differences provide
evidence for a process of differentiation among the
populations owing to structural rearrangements in the
group of small chromosomes.
The study of genetic variability of these three
populations done by Sanchez-Teyer et al. (2009)
indicated that the Genetic Similarity Index (GSI),
including all adult plants and their rhizome offshoots,
was 0.828. Narrow GSI average values were observed
within (0.853) or between populations (0.834), with no
significant differences. Average GSI values between
mother plants and their clonal offshoots from S1, S2

Leaf dimensions and structure and the arrangement
of teeth and apical spines (i.e., morphological variables
not related to the age of the species), allowed for the
differentiation of groups of plants. Weight and the
total content of reducing sugars in the agave stem,
added to the analysis of morphological variability,
allowed us to identify at least two clusters of plants
which could be selected as promising biotypes and a
source of propagation material. This is the first study
on the morphology and sugar content of A.
angustifolia from the Sierra Madre Mountains in
biotechnology studies would be very useful for
selecting specimens with desirable characteristics for
the sustainable use of this biotic resource.
Study is part of the doctoral thesis: Variability
cytogenetics, molecular, morphological and total
reducing sugar content in wild populations of Agave

Am. J. Agri. & Biol. Sci., 6 (4): 462-468, 2011

Nobel, P.S., 2009. Physicochemical and Environmental
Plant Physiology. 4th Edn., Elsevier Academic
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angustifolia developed in CIAD. We thank CIAD for

all of the assistance and facilities provided and
Fundacion Produce Sonora, A.C. for financial support.
Almaraz-Abarca, N., E.A. Delgado-Alvarado, V.
Hernandez-Vargas, M. Ortega-Chavez and G.
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Colunga-Garciamarin, P. and F. May-Pat, 1997.
Morphological variation of henequen (Agave
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Garcia-Mendoza, A., 2002. Distribution of Agave
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Gentry, H.S., 2004. Agaves of Continental North
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Tucson, ISBN: 9780816523955, pp: 670.


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