Essay On Aids

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Today, there are 5.1 million people in India living with HIV/AIDS.

half of all new infections are reported among people between 15 to 24 years
old. This fact necessitates that any effort to turn around current prevalence
rate must involve youth with age appropriate plan of action. Counting on
these imperatives SALSEP has put the energy, creativity and leadership of
young people at the center of the fight against HIV/AIDS by building their
knowledge and shaping ideas and attitudes regarding sex and sexuality.
Know AIDS for No AIDS forms the core of this school level intervention.
The execution of this wide reaching programme is carried out by a team.
One teacher from each school is identified and trained as nodal teacher to
carry out SALSEP activities at the school level. Then there are District and
State Resource Groups and Master Trainers who are responsible for overall
coordination and training respectively.

World AIDS Day

is observed every year on 1








December. World


organizations, community organizations, and individuals with an opportunity

to raise awareness and focus attention on the global AIDS epidemic.

AIDS is a medical condition. A person is diagnosed
with AIDS when their immune system is too weak
to fight off infections. Since AIDS was first
identified in the early 1980s, an unprecedented
number of people have been affected by the global
AIDS epidemic. Today, there are an estimated 33.4
million people living with HIV/AIDS and each year around two million people die
from AIDS-related illnesses.

Sexual Contact
HIV is spread most commonly by sexual contact with an infected partner.
Thetransmission occurs with the contact between sexual secretions of one person

with the rectal, genital or oral mucous membranes of another.

Through injected drugs

HIV frequently is spread among users of illegal drugs that
are injected. This happens when needles or syringes
contaminated with minute quantities of blood of someone
infected with the virus are shared.
Through a blood transfusion.
HIV was transmitted through transfusions of contaminated blood
or blood components. Because Many times the donated blood not
goes through HIV testing. But today, because of blood screening
and heat treatment, the risk of acquiring HIV from such
transfusions is extremely small.

When AIDS first surfaced in the United States, no
drugs were available to combat the underlying
immune deficiency. Over the past 10 years, however,
therapies have been developed to fight both HIV
infection and its associated infections and cancers.
Although there is no treatment currently available that
can totally cure people from HIV or AIDS. A number of therapies have been
developed to help them stay healthier and live longer. Some medications target HIV
itself, to reduce the virus's assault on the immune system, or to even prevent the virus
from entering human immune cells. Other treatments are used to treat or prevent
specific opportunistic infections that threaten the health of people with HIV-damaged
immune systems.

Since no vaccine for HIV is available, the only
way to prevent infection by the virus is to avoid
behaviors that place a person at risk for infection,
such as sharing needles and having unprotected
sex. Prevention is the key to personal protection
against HIV and AIDS. Being aware of behaviors

that increase the risk of infection and taking preventive measures can substantially
reduce a person's likelihood of becoming infected with HIV. The Prevention involves:

Safer sex practices

Drug use and limiting HIV exposure

Minimizing HIV exposure from medical procedures

Situation in J&K
SRINAGAR, Sep 29: Thirty nine people have died of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the Valley from 1999-2013.
In Jammu region, HIV has claimed 275 lives in the same period.
According to the latest figures of Jammu and Kashmir Aids Prevention and
Control Society (JKAPCS) Jammu and Kashmir has 3750 HIV patients.
Jammu division has 2406 HIV patients registered while Kashmir has 373
such patients as on August 31, 2013.
Data revealed by the JKACS earlier in December, 2012 stated 3492 cases of
HIV in Kashmir. From 2005-2011, 223 patients died of HIV in the state. In
2011, 3066 HIV positive cases were registered in the state. In 2010, there
were 2649 HIV patients in Jammu and Kashmir (76 in Kashmir, 582 in
Jammu) which numbered at 2222 in 2009.
According to official statistics, of the 4,846 test samples taken in the year
2008 only three persons were found to be HIV positive, and of the 4,840
samples tested in 2009 not one was found positive.
Currently, 1101 patients are registered at Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART)
clinic Jammu and 141 in ART center Kashmir. Last follow up cases
(patients which did not show up for follow-ups) number at 163 in Jammu
and 41 in Kashmir. In view of less number of HIV patients, state has only
two ART center-each in Jammu and Kashmir division.
Last follow up cases are those about whom we have no information. They
did not turn up to us after their last consultation, officials at JKAPCS said.
According to the Jammu and Kashmir State Aids Prevention and Control
Society, the State is a low prevalence state where the mean prevalence rate
of HIV infection among high risk groups (STD) is 0.3% and among low
risk groups (ANC) is 0.04 %, as per various Sentinel Surveillance rounds
conducted during last eight years.
Officials at the JKAPCS say the rising figures on HIV cases in the state are
due to the diagnosis of the infected patients.

The awareness about the disease has increased. People are coming forward
to get the tests done and receive treatment.
Officials said Kashmir is witnessing a declining trend in HIV cases.
The increase is due to the diagnosis as more people are coming forward to
get tests done, official said.
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Some quotes

Give a child love, laughter and peace, not AIDS.

Our meaning is to make our little planet Earth a better
place to live, to stop wars, disarm nuclear missiles, to
stop diseases, AIDS, plague, cancer and to stop
pollution. Uri Geller
Because of the lack of education on AIDS,
discrimination, fear, panic, and lies surrounded me.
Ryan White
You can't get AIDS from a hug or a handshake or a
meal with a friend.
To me, AIDS is an international epidemic and every
country can be affected by it. Therefore, it can be
discussed on an international level. Unfortunately,
AIDS doesn't require a visa. Abbas Kiarostami

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