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Impact of Varying Entry Behaviour on Students’ Academic and Psychological Outcomes

in Higher Education: The Case of PPC and FPC Students at Debub University
Demewez Admassu1 Mehadi Abdo2 and Tesfaye Semela3
ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of varying curricular
experience on the psychological well-being and academic achievement of students of
higher education in Ethiopian context. The target population was first-year
students who were admitted to the university possessing different entry behaviors.
The first group includes those admitted in 2003/4 academic year after two years of
pre-university preparatory programs in secondary schools based on the results of
the University Entrance Examinations (UEE) (or the PPC group) and the other batch
was admitted in 2002/03 based on the ESLCE results (the FPC group). A
representative sample was drawn from four randomly selected facilities and
colleges affiliated to the Debub University. Data was interpreted using bivariate
and multivariate statistical analyses. The results show that PPC and FPC students
differed to statistically significant extent in academic self-concept and academic
achievement in favor of the latter. However, no variation was found in perceiving
the way how their instructors treat them in class. Generally, achievement at the
university is significantly predicted (p<.05) by academic self-concept (ASC),
perceived instructors treatment (PTT), entry behavior, and gender. On the other
hand, college major choice does not relate with their academic performance. Yet
most PPC students (80%) than their FPC counterparts (63%), reported to join
departments as per their own choice ( 2=8.52, df =1, p<.01). Yet majority of the
students from PPC group expressed dissatisfaction over their merger with their FPC
counterparts (2=48.2, df =1, p<.0001). Implications of the findings for planning
instruction in HEIs are discussed.
Key Words: Entry Behavior, Academic Self-Concept, Teachers’ Expectations, Academic

The newly introduced educational reform has left two groups of students in its
higher education institutions (HEIs) with the same course requirements. These
groups vary in terms of their secondary school curriculum experience. One group of
students enrolled in the 2002/03 academic year was those admitted under the
previous four-to-five year undergraduate degree program. The other groups of
students were admitted under the new arrangement having undergone a two-year pre-
university preparatory program and expecting a three to four years university
education including those admitted to medical schools having a revised five-year
MD curriculum.
At Debub University, as it is the case in similar other institutions of higher
learning, the two groups were taught together despite their varying curricular
experiences. The first group of students are commonly classified as: “First-year
after completing the pre-university preparatory program (PPC for short) i.e. PPC
stands for “Preparatory Program Completers”, while the second group is designated
as first-year after completing the freshman program (FPC for short; i.e. FPC
stands for “Freshman Program Completers”) though the latter group already spent
one year at the university. In spite of this fundamental variation in entry
characteristics, the two groups were taught and assessed on the same footing.
This paper posit that the equal treatment of these groups of students having
varying curricular experience should have affected their academic achievement as
well as their psychological well-being- via affecting their academic self-concept.
Apparently, instructing these groups together relegated the basic difference in
their previous experiences and it ruled out the fundamental step in planning any
instructional program. It can be argued, therefore, that merging the two groups of
students having differing educational history in the same classroom on the
assumption that the pre-university program would compensate the freshman program
was inappropriate. This is should not be interpreted to mean that PPC group is not
fit to be educated in higher education institutions; rather, the FPC group had the
advantage over PPC group at the very least, due to the sheer one year stay on
campus not to mention the fact that the average Grade Point Average (GPA) for
admission was significantly lower for the PPC category [GPA of 2.00 and 101 on
University Entrance Examination (UEE)]. On the other hand, when attending classes
together, students of the PPC group at an apparent disadvantage because the
novelty of the material to be learned was not actually the same for both
categories of students.
On the bases of the above argument, the present study attempts to examine the
impact of possessing vary curricular experience (i.e. entry behaviour) on students
academic and psychological outcomes in the context of a tertiary education
institution. This helps to devise strategies to deliver quality higher education
in the future based on experiences of the past including learning from previous
mistakes in the expanding higher education system in Ethiopia.
The following are the objectives of the proposed study:
• Revealing whether or not the existing University Entrance Examination (UEE)
predicts success at Debub University.
• Investigating the degree to which variations in entry behavior (PPC vs. FPC)
produced real differences in academic achievement at the university as measured by
a two-semester cumulative Grade Point Averages (cGPA).
• Uncovering the extent which entry behavior influences students’
psychological well being i.e. in terms of self-concept of ability and their
perceived instructors’ expectations about their academic abilities.
• Examine whether or not gender differences exist in academic self-concept,
perceived teachers’ treatment, and academic achievement?

In this section, it is endeavored to provide a theoretical and empirical backdrop
to present study. Accordingly, relevant studies have been adequately reviewed to
establish the link among the study variables. In particular, research results that
assessed the existence of a systematic relationship between students’
characteristics with the level of academic achievement, teacher expectations, and
academic self-concept are dwelt upon.
Instructors’ Expectation and Academic Achievement
There is sufficient evidence to suggest that teachers’ classroom behavior and
expectation about students’ performance directly predicts subsequent academic
achievement (e.g. Cooper 1979; Copper, Findley & Good 1982; Carr & Kurtz-Costes
1994). On the other hand, teachers do not behave in quiet the same way across
situations and across varying individuals or groups of students. Young people, in
turn accurately perceive instructors’ perception of themselves and other students
(e.g., Weinstein 1985; Weinstein, Marshall, Sharp & Botkin 1987). Hence, college
students experience varying labels of expectation of their instructors. The
perceptions of varying level of expectation from their instructors, in turn,
influences their academic self-concept (Burns 1982) because the reactions of their
teachers convey a message (e.g., via facial expressions and gesture) about their
abilities which also related with academic achievement.
Thus, the proposed study attempts to find to what extent college students’
perceived their teachers expectation about their ability differ as a function of
their entry behavior. Furthermore, it endeavors to uncover the extent to which
college instructors’ expectations of their students mediate the relationship
between entry behavior and achievement in college.
Academic Self-Concept: Conceptualization and the Link with Academic Achievement
To start with, it is appropriate to provide a conceptual clarification about the
psychological construct self-concept. Self-concept is generally defined as an
evaluated set of perceptions, beliefs and attributes that one has for him or
herself. More precisely, Hattie (1992:32) defines self-concepts as “knowledge and
appraisals about aspects of self considered salient by the knower”. According to
Burns (1982), self-concept as a set attitude to the self is composed of two
elements: self-image and self-evaluation. Hence, self-concept as self-attitude
combines: (a) self-image – what the student sees when she/he looks at
himself/herself, (b) affective intensity evaluation – how strongly the person
feels about these various facets; and whether the person has favorable/unfavorable
attitudes of various facets of that image, and (c) behavioral possibilities – what
a person is likely to do in response to his/her evaluation of himself or herself
(Burns 1982: 3)
Self-concept is one of the oldest and the most important psychological constructs
in the social/behavioral sciences (Marsh 1990c). The enhancement of self-concept
and the benefits of feeling positively about oneself on choice, planning,
persistence, and subsequent accomplishments transcend traditional discipline and
cultural barriers. Maximizing self-concept is, therefore, recognized as both a
critical goal and a means through which other important outcomes are achieved not
only in educational settings, but also in diverse disciplines including child
development, sport/exercise, health, social services, psychology, and management.
In their model of effective schools, Bookover and Lezotte (1979) concluded that
maximizing academic self-concept, self-reliance, and academic achievement should
be the major outcome goals of school systems. Due to this, renowned researchers in
the area (e.g., Marsh 1990; Marsh et. al. 2001) educational policy statements
throughout the world list the development of positive self-concept as one of the
most important goals of education. Therefore, studying academic self-concept is an
important educational outcome that deserves consideration in educational
psychology research. This is because, though self-concept begins to be formed from
childhood, it continues to develop and start to solidify in adolescence. Hence,
since college students are in this critical age their academic performance may be
affected by background characteristics such as varying entry behavior or differing
learning environment.
Even though self-concept as a general psychological construct conceived as an
attitude about oneself is important in educational settings, particularly in
academic self-concept, which is a derivative general self-concept, found to be a
reliable predictor of academic success or failure (e.g., Köller & Baumert 2001;
Ludtke, et al. 2002Marsh 1990; Marsh et. al 2001). Specifically, an appraisal of
academic competence made by students in the form of self-reports or self-concept
has been shown to be associated with important educational outcomes such as
academic motivation and achievement. Byrne (1984) reviewed an abundant self-
concept research published until early 1980s, concluded that there exist a
positive correlation in areas of academic achievement and corresponding academic
self-concept components. Later studies also confirmed the existence of these
relationships. Quite recently, studies made to find out relationships between math
self-concept and mathematics achievement documented a significant association
(e.g., Ludtke, et al. 2002; Köller et al. 2000; 2001). Therefore, self-concept is
considered to be an important variable in current research particularly in the
field of educational psychology which has been used to explain and predict
students’ achievement and college major choice (e.g., Köller & Baumert 2001;
Ludtke, et al. 2002; Marsh 1990; 1991).
On top of the apparent predictive relationship between academic self-concept and
achievement, students school/classroom environment (for example, school
environments with highly competitive class of students or with less
competitive/low or achieving students) affect the development of their students’
academic self-concept differently. The section that follows discusses how the
environment of learning (in this case, differing frames of reference) in relation
to students’ composition in their level of academic abilities affects academic
self-concept and in turn academic performance who are within it.
The Impact of Differing Frames of Reference on Academic Self-concept: The big-
fish-little-pond- effect and reflected glory effect
Similar to I/E Model, Marsh (1990, 1991) has made a remarkable contribution in
solidifying the relationship between what is referred to as a big-fish-little-pond
effect influences students’ academic self-concepts. The metaphor BFLP describes
the phenomena that two students (in this case fishes) who are in the same academic
performance levels but attending in different classrooms or schools with varying
performance levels tend to have differing self-perception of their own abilities.
In other words, the student (a big fish) in a school/class with a weak performance
(a little pond) tends to have a higher self-perception of her/his abilities as
compared to the student (little fish) in a school / class with a strong level of
performance (big pond). On the other hand, the impact of a reflected glory effect
demonstrate that when students who have developed a positive self concept of
ability due to low level or average academic performance of their group gradually
show a decline in their self concept when they discover the context has become
highly competitive as they join college where there are more able students than
themselves (Marsh 1990).
On the bases of the theoretical, empirical, and substantive observations discussed
above the following assumptions are formulated:
• In this study, we argue that PPC and FPC students had different frames of
reference. FPC students have developed a frame of reference consistent with the
ability level of freshman students during the first year of the university
experience. Similarly, PPC students did the same during the preparatory program.
Thus, since the two groups had been exposed to varying educational environment
whereby they developed differential sense of academic competence consistent with
the ability level of a given group. The fact that the cut-off-point for admission
to the university was different for two groups, it can be argued that average
ability level of the two groups was different at the point of entry. The students’
knowledge about the lowered GPA points for PPC group and relative to the FPC (GPA
of 3.2 and above) group differentially affects their academic self-concept. Thus,
an average achiever from FPC group is a ‘big-fish’ among low ability class;
correspondingly he/she would have an elevated academic self-concept than an
average achieving student from the PPC category.

• It is hypothesized further that, since, the average admission requirement

for PPC category was significantly lower than the average admission of the FPC
counterparts, it is expected that the latter would on average out-perform the
former. In addition, since, instructors’ expectation of success depends on
previous academic performance; the average FPC student would receive higher
expectation of success than the average PPC student.

The sample was drawn from randomly selected faculties and colleges of Debub
University. The target population was all second year students who were admitted
to the university possessing different entry behaviors. The first group includes
all students who were admitted in 2003/4 academic years after two years of pre-
university preparatory programs in secondary schools and passed the University
Entrance Examinations (UEE) after scoring GPA of 2.00 and over (1.80 GPA for
girls) in the Ethiopian General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE);
and which are commonly known as “PPC” (i.e. First year after preparatory)
students. The second category includes those who underwent a one-year freshman
program (the FPC group) after successfully passing The Ethiopian School Leaving
Certificate Examination (ESLCE).
The study participants were selected based on a multi-stage probability sampling
procedure based on the location of the affiliated colleges and faculties. In step
one, Awassa and Dilla were selected using a simple random sampling technique. In
step two, overall, 325 students were randomly selected to participate in the
survey. To ensure the proportional representation of all faculties/colleges and
departments within the University, a stratified random sampling procedure was
used. However, relatively high non-response rate was seen among participants of
the public health faculty. Finally, 254 respondents returned a usable
questionnaire. The response rate was 78.2 % which is acceptable in educational
research (Warisema 2000).
The distribution the actual participants were as follows: 95 (37.4%) Dilla College
of Teacher Education, 66 (28%) Faculty of Natural Sciences, 78 (30.8%) Faculty of
Technology, and 14 (5.5%) College of Health Sciences.
Instruments of Data Collection
Data was collected using both qualitative and quantitative procedures. The
quantitative analyses was based on information obtained from students’ performance
records, academic self-concept, students’ perception of teacher expectation about
students’ performance, and a questionnaire was used to assess students’ socio-
demographic characteristics.
Performance Records. High school completion results: The Ethiopian General School
Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE), and UEE scores for PPC category and
scores on the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination (ESLCE) for FPC
category. The criterion variables were a two semester cumulative grade point
average at Debub University (DU-cGPA) in 2003/04 academic year.
Academic Self-Concept (ASC): A five-item measure of academic self-concept was
adapted and translated into Amharic to assess students’ self-assessment of their
academic competence to succeed in college and university setting. A sample item of
the measure include: “Given my ability, I don’t’ think that I would be able to
complete my university education”. The respondents rated the items on a five-
point Likert-type “Agree-Disagree” scale. The internal consistency reliability of
the ASC measure was found to be high (Cronbach alpha = .79)
Perceived Teacher Treatment (PTT): Students’ perception of their instructors’
expectation of their ability and probability of success in college was assessed
based on a Likert-type “agree-disagree” scale that was developed by the
investigators based on the conceptual frame work and empirical evidences available
in the existing literature (e.g. Cooper 1979; Copper, Findley & Good 1982; Brophy
& Good, 1970; Tesfaye 1997) was used to assess PTT. Sample item include: Most of
my instructors often expect me to score high grades”. The internal consistency
reliability for the 10-item measure was quite acceptable (Cronbach alpha = .62)
Method of Data Analysis
The methods of data analyses used in this study comprised univariate, bivariate
and multivariate statistical analyses procedures. Specifically, descriptive
statistics zero-order correlation, Chi-square test, F-test, and Moderated
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses was employed. Data entry and analyses
will be performed using SPSSWIN version 11.


Descriptive Analysis
The following table depicts the distribution of the study participants across
selected demographic characteristics. The data show that four college/faculties
were fairly represented among a total of 8 colleges and faculties at Debub
University. However, the proportion of participants was low due to high rate of
Table 1
Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants
Variables N %
Gender Male 200 78.7
Female 54 21.3
Age 20 or less 82 32.3
21-25 165 65.0
26-30 5 2.0
Over 31 2 0.8
Marital status Unmarried 241 94.9
Married 13 5.1
Region Addis Ababa 53 20.9
Amhara 53 20.9
Benishangule 3 1.2
Diredawa 2 0.8
Oromiya 79 31.2
Harari 2 0.8
SNNPAR 21 8.3
Tigray 41 16.1
Faculty DCTE 95 37.4
FNS 66 26.0
FT 78 30.8
CHS 14 5.5
Residence Rural 24 9.1
Urban 230 90.9
Overall 254 100
DCTE: Dilla College of Teacher Education
FNS: Faculty of Natural Sciences
FT: Faculty of Technology
CHS: College of Health Sciences
Attitude towards the Induction Tutorial
Before the official start of the first year course at Debub University, a two-week
tutorial program was conducted to encourage students revise concepts in core
subject areas that are relevant for their studies. With regard to the importance,
study participants were asked to give their opinion as to the importance to the
courses that they have taken first semester.
As depicted in Table 1, the study participants’ are described by age, gender,
region, and place of residence. Accordingly, males are well above three-quarter of
the total sample (male = 78.7% and female = 21.3%). Seen in terms of age group and
marital status, about 97% of the students were less than 25 years out of which
only 5.1% are married.
The distribution across regions further reveal the underrepresentation of some
like Benishangule which only 1.2% of the total. Whereas, Amhara and Addis Ababa
represented by equal proportion (21%). In terms of place of residence, as
expected, the overwhelming majority (91%) were from urban areas which reveal the
minimal share of students with a rural background (9%). This is a rough
indication of the disparity in participation at tertiary level disfavoring less
developed regions and the rural young population. i.e. the data shows no
representation from Afar and Gambella Regional states and very negligible level of
participation of the rural young population.
Career Choice
Among the most frequented reason for low performance of Debub University students’
has been that they have not chosen a particular field of study. The following
table depicts the proportion of students who joined a given department with or
without their choice.
Table 2
Did you choose the field that you are now attending at DU?
Responses PPC FPC 2
Yes 112 (80) 63 (63)
No 28 (20) 37 (37)
Total 140 100
*p<. 01; df = 1, numbers in parenthesis are column percentages

Asked whether students have joined their respective streams as per their choices,
80% of the respondents from the PPC group said that they have chosen the
department and only the remaining 20 % said that they did not. On the other hand,
the picture seems a little different in case of FPC i.e. lesser proportion from
FPC confirmed that they have joined a field of their own choosing. As a result,
the analyses showed significant differences between PPC and FPC (2 = 8.52, df =1;
p < .01)

Table 3
Importance of the Induction tutorial (PPC students)
Response N %
Very Important 17 11.9
Important 53 37.1
Undecided 40 28.0
Not important 18 12.6
Not at all important 15 10.4
Total 143 100
Asking PPC students about the importance of arranging a two-week tutorial program,
the following results were obtained: Of the total 143 PPC students responded to
the item, 17(11.9%) and 53 (37.1) said it was “very important”, and “important”
respectively. While 33 (23%) said it was not important. The remaining 40 (28%)
respondents were, however, in ambivalent situation whereby they could not decide
as to its importance or non-importance. Taken together, however, it can be
discerned that the majority 70 (49%) believed that the tutorial was important for
their subsequent studies.
Table 4
Does the merger of PPC and FPC affected your performance?
Responses PPC FPC Total 2
Yes 127 (75.6) 41(24.4) 168(73.7)
No 15(23.6) 45(76.3) 60(27.3)
Total 142(62.3) 86 (37.7) 228(100)

** p < .0001, df = 1
Significant differences were obtained between PPC and FPC (2 = 48.2, df = 1; p
< .0001) over the issue of merging the two groups. Most PPC students (75.6%) said
that their merger with FPC group negatively affected their grades while the FPC
group did not see the merger as a problem.
In order to find a bivariate relationship among the study variables and screen
those that may have a stronger predictive relationship of success at university, a
bivariate correlation anyeses were run (see: Table 5). The results show that DU-
cGPA was significantly correlated with all predictors except with „Age“ and
„Career Choice“. Significant correlations was observed with Gender (r = -.22, p
< .05), Residence(r = .13, p < .05), Program (r = .46, p < .01), National
Examination (NE) (r = .48, p < .01) College Entrance Examination (UEE) (r = .40, p
< .01), Academic Self-Concept (ASC) (r = .42, p < .01), and Perceived Teachers’
Treatment (PTT) (r = .24, p < .05) .
This shows that College Entrance Examination (UEE) and ESLCE and EGSLCE both
being National Examinations (NE) for completion of the General Education in the
old and new education system respectively found to significantly predict success
at the university. In addition, academic self-concept (ASC) and perceptions of
teachers’ treatment (PTT) were found to be significant predictors of achievement
at Debub University.
Table 5
Inter-correlation matrix of selected study variables
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Age - -.15* .09 .29** -.04 -.33** .07 -.04 -.02 .09
2 Gender - -.09 .06 .25** -.24** .02 -.19** -.04
3 Residence - .14* -.07 -.13 -.04 -.07 .04 .13*
4 Program - -.48** -.07 .20** .23** .10 .46**
5 NE - -.58*** .05 -.30** -.13* .48**
6 UEE -.24** .40** .17 .40**
7 Career Choice - -.06 -.08 ..00
8 ASC - .42** . 42**
9 PTT - .24*
10 DU-cGPA -
* p< .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
Note: Reference categories: Gender = Female; Residence = Urban; Career choice =
joined with own choice; ASC = Academic Self-Concept Score; PTT = Perceived
Teachers’ Treatment Score.

PPC and FPC: Differences in Achievement and Academic Self-Concept

One of the major objectives of the present study was to examine whether
differences exist in academic achievement and academic self concept between PPC
(i.e. students who joined the university after completing the preparatory programs
in their respective high schools) and FPC (students who completed their freshman
course at Debub University). The following table summarized the results of the t-
test computed.
Table 6
Means, SDs, and t-test results computed for DU-GPA and ASC
Variables Group N Mean SD t
DU-GPA PPC 144 2.65 1.15 -.8.15***
FPC 106 3.78 1.00
ASCa PPC 144 19.30 4.03 -3.69**
FPC 103 21.10 3.46
a Maximum possible score for ASC measure was 25; ** p< 01; ***p< .001
The data clearly reveal that FPC students were superior in academic achievement as
well as academic self-concept. On average, an FPC student (Mean = 3.78, SD= 1.15)
outperformed his/her PPC (Mean = 2.65; SD = 1.00) counterpart. A similar scenario
is apparent when one looks into academic self-concept scores. An average PPC
student reported to have a lower self-concept compared to an FPC student.
Nonetheless, the average PPC student scored well above the average on ASC measure
(Mean = 19.3; SD = 4.03) though it was markedly low compared with its FPC
counterparts (Mean = 21.1; SD = 3.46).
Gender Differences: Teachers’ Treatment, Academic Self-Concept and Achievement
It is documented that gender differences disfavoring female students were found
with respect to academic self-concept (e.g., Tesfaye 2004) and perceived teachers’
treatment (Tesfaye 1997). The present study also addressed to what extent females
and males differ in their academic performance (taking their CGPA at the
university as a dependent variable) perceiving their instructors treatment and
their self-concept of academic ability.

Table 7
Means, SDs, and t-test results computed for DU-GPA and ASC by gender
Variables Group N Mean SD t
DU-CGPAa Male 197 2.73 1.21 -.3.49**
Female 54 3.78 1.71
PTT Male 194 34.67 5.22 .55(ns)
Female 53 34.21 6.06
ASC Male 194 20.46 3.81 -3.12**
Female 54 18.63 3.88

** p < .001;
a DU-CGPA was based on rating the category: Excellent: 3.5 and above = 5; Very
good: 3.00 - 3.49 = 4; Good: 2.5 – 2.99 = 3; Pass: 2.00-2.49 = 2; and Fail: below
As can be seen from Table 7, males out performed females in academic self-concept
(t = -3.12, p < .001) and academic achievement (t= -3.49, p <. 001); while no
difference that achieved a statistical significance (t = .55; ns) was found in
perceiving the way how their instructors treat them.

Regression Analyses
In order to reveal those factors that are significant in determining their
performance at the university, a multiple regression analyses were run in three
steps. Table 8 presents summary of the results.

Table 8
Hierarchical Multiple Regression with CGPA as a Dependent Variable
Variables Step I Step II Step III
B β B Β B β
Gender -.592 -.200** -.548 -.185** -.472 -.160**
Residence .381 .129* .251 .085 .221 .075
Age .051 .021* -.189 -.078 -.129 -.053
NEc -.282 -.241*** -.213 -.183**
Programd .922 .373*** .852 .345***
ASCa .055 .173**
PTTb .022 .098*
R2 .062 .333 .379
adj. R2 .051 .319 .361
R2 Change .062* .270** .046**
df 3 2 2
* p < .05; ** p< .01; *** p <.001
a ASC = Academic Self-Concept;
Gender (reference category: female), residence (reference category: rural)
b PTT = Perceived Teacher Treatment
c NE = National Examination- it refers to the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate
(ESLCE) Examination and the Ethiopian General School Leaving Examination (EGSLCE)
d Program – represents the variations indicating the two groups: One underwent the
pre-university preparatory program (PPC) and the other group with freshman program

As shown in Table 8, Step I portrays the regression coefficients of demographic

variables – Gender, age, and residence. Apparently, all are found to be
significant predictors of academic achievement (in this case DU-cGPA). Meaning,
male students achieve higher that females (because the regression coefficient is
negative for gender variable: β = -.200, p <.01), students who attended high
school in urban areas outperformed their rural (β = .129, p <.05) counterparts,
and older students scored higher than younger (β = .021, p <.05) ones (the maxi
mum age being 31). The overall contribution of these variables that built the
equation in Step I was statistically significant (R2 = .062, p < .01). In this
regard, gender has significantly but inversely predicted achievement at
university. This is because; female students scored lower than males. Similarly,
students with rural backgrounds are generally underachievers.
In Step II, achievement in national examinations [ESLCE for FPC group and EGSLCE
for PPC group] and type of program [Preparatory (PPC) vs. Freshman(FPC)] were
found to be good predictors of success at tertiary level . Specifically, the
regression coefficients indicated that national examination (β = .241, p <.001)
and type of program (β = .373, p <.001) found to be significant predictors. In
other words, high scores either in ESLCE or EGSLCE was associated with high GPA at
the university. Regarding the type program variable, on the average, FPC group
achieved higher than their PPC counterparts.
The inclusion of the above two variables in Step II substantially boosted the
magnitude of explained variance to 33.3% with additional contribution of 27 % (R2
Change = .270, p < .001) of the added variables.
In Step III, psychological variables, specifically academic self concept (ASC) and
perceived teacher treatment (PTT) scores were added to the equation. Both
variables were found to have meaningfully predicted achievement (ASC: β = .173, p
<.01; PTT: β = .098, p <.01). The increase in the overall prediction can also be
rated as significant (R2 Change = .046, p <.01).
On the other hand, the entry of the NE and Program variables had a diminishing
effect on the strength of Age and Residence. A closer look at Table 8 reveals that
Age and Residence have lost their statistical significance in Step II. This may be
due to the moderating effect of previous achievement in the National Examinations
(NE) depicting that a student with high scores in ESLCE or EGSLCE would not be
affected by his/her rural background to achieve high at university. A similar
argument applies to the diminished effect of Age on university achievement.
However, the effect of Gender variable was found to retain its strength despite
the mediating effect of academic academic-self concept (ASC) and perceived
teachers’ treatment (PTT). This is partly because female students, one average
scored significantly lower than their male counterparts (see: Table 7). Therefore,
the effect of gender persisted despite effect of motivational variable such as
academic self-concept due to its direct predictive relationship with academic
In short, student gender, scores in National Examination (ESLCE or EGSLCE GPA),
academic self-concept (ASC) found to reliably predict success at Debub University.
In other words, female students more than males, low achievers in national
examination, students having low academic self-concept and students who perceived
unfavorable perception of teachers’ classroom treatment (or behavior) than those
perceived favorable treatment would likely to achieve high at Debub University.

On the bases of the results presented in part three, significant findings have
emerged that worth further discussion. This include: (1) the effect of entry
behavior –i.e. difference between PPC and FPC students in academic self-concept
(ASC), and academic achievement (as measured by their cGPAs at Debub University),
the usefulness of the induction tutorial, and attitudes about the merger of the
PPC and FPC groups for instruction and evaluation. (2) Gender effects on academic
achievement, academic self-concept, and perception of instructors’ treatment. In
the section that follows, we will dwell upon the above mentioned points at length.

The Impact of Variations in Entry Behavior

The present study found important results that can be attributed to variations in
students’ entry behavior. These include differences in achievement and academic
self-concept. With regard to achievement differences which were based on a
cumulative Grade Point Average of the first and second semester scores in the
2003/04 academic year) indicated that, on average, the students from the FPC
category achieved significantly higher than their PPC counterparts. Similarly, PPC
students generally rated themselves as having low academic self-concept as
compared to the FPC students. This is consistent with the recent psychological
literature in a sense that low academic self-concept goes with low academic
achievement or performance (e.g.; Marsh 1990). However, one important empirical
finding in the self-concept research is described as: “Big-fiesh-little-pond
effect”. A metaphor represents the phenomena that students who scored above
average in low ability group or class normally report high academic self-concept.
On the other hand, a student who achieve low in high ability classroom but still
better than the one who scored high in low ability class normally report low
academic self-concept than the student who actually scored lower than did his/her
counterparts in the high group. This difference in academic self-concept between
these two individuals is caused by the context in which they attended the courses.
Linking this notion with the study context, it can be argued that the FPC
students, as group have high ESLCE GPA than do the PPC group– the minimal GPA
being 3.4 for boys and 3.2 for girls respectively.
On the contrary, in 2003/04 the minimum admission criteria for PPC group to join
HEIs was 101 out of 500 in National University Entrance Examination (UEE).
Therefore, it is hard to argue that these groups were drawn from the same
population of students to begin with. The superiority of the FPC in the group
average by its self boosts their academic self-concept simply due to the ‘big
fish-little-pond’ phenomena (Marsh 1990). Moreover, to the disadvantage of the PPC
group, students in the FPC category have spent one year at the university and they
are familiar with routines of the university system. Thus, due to the direct
effect of academic self-concept on academic achievement not to mention the fact
that additional experience as a freshman student, the merger of these groups with
differencing entry behavior was not appropriate and proved to have adversely
affected their academic self-image and achievement at the university. This has
been clearly revealed by the PPC students’ reaction about the merger of the two
groups, majority rating it as wrong (76.5%). Of course, most PPC students valued
the tutorial even though there was much to be desired in the way how it should
have been implemented. If the two-week induction tutorial could be effectively
utilized to meet its desired objectives, it would have helped students (of course
came with varying experience depending on the quality of high schools they have
attended their pre-university preparatory programs) to come to a common starting
point upon which they could have built on the subsequent course works.
Contrary to the growing skepticism among university leaders regarding the
treatment of PPC by instructors, it was reported by the same that they are not
differentially treated. In other words, no significant differences were observed
between PPC and FPC group in perceiving the way how they were treated in class.
However, the multivariate regression analyses revealed that achievement at Debub
University was significantly affected by entry behavior (PPC vs. FPC), previous
achievement in National Examination (ESLCE and EGSLCE), academic self-concept, and
perceived instructors’ treatment.
The Effect of Gender
One of the major objectives of this study concerns revealing the effect of gender
differences in academic achievement, academic self-concept, and perceived
instructors’ treatment. In addition, revealing the contribution of the gender
variable in the overall multiple prediction of academic achievement at Debub
From the results this study, it can be discerned that females are under-
represented. This is in agreement with the findings of a recent study (Tesfaye
2004) conducted on a similar population of female university students. The study
showed that female participation rate at Debub University was low due to high
female dismissal rate. The underlying causes of female under representation, among
others, include the low academic self-concept that resulted in low achievement
which in turn made college women more vulnerable to academic dismissal. This can
be confirmed by the fact that female students as a group, reported low academic
self-concept and their average cGPA was significantly lower than male students.
Consistent with this, similar studies in a Western culture reported that, compared
to their male counterparts, females achieve low and report low in academic self-
concept in specific domains. For example, recently, Marsh et al. (2001) found that
females scored low math self-concept but high in verbal self-concept compared to
male counterparts. In another study conducted among German high school students
found out that female students who reported low academic self-concept have had low
achievement in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Similarly, males scored
significantly lower in language and verbal ability (OECD 2000) compared to
But what makes the present study different is that the focus is not on domain-
specific self-concept and achievement in specific areas, but rather it underscores
the difference in general academic self-concept and overall academic performance.
The former assesses female level of self-confidence to succeed at the university.
Perhaps this may require a further scrutiny in which discipline (s) females have
low or high academic self-concepts.
Regarding the ways how their instructors treat them in class, females did not see
low treatment that discourages success. This is an encouraging sign signifying the
tendency that instructors are becoming aware of the impact they would possibly
make due to their uncensored sexist languages and open negative remarks that
unfavorably influence female success in higher education institutions.
Taken together, the following conclusions could be drawn:
• Clearly there is a marked difference disfavoring PPC students in academic
self-concept and academic performance. In fact, low academic self-concept to begin
with, would result in low academic achievement. Thus, the apparent possibility is
that on top of the induction tutorial, priority must be given to increase their
academic-self-concept than giving too much content in a very short time. This
perhaps may include how they should study to survive in higher education
institutions. The induction period should be seen as a window of opportunity to
familiarize them with the changed environment.

• Since academic self-concept is a robust correlate of academic achievement,

it undoubtedly influences the motivation of students to succeed in competitive
situation. Thus, building students’ confidence at the point of entry is necessary
to all kinds of students in HEIs. Particularly important is, however, to those
with compromised background academic experience (such as students coming from
disadvantaged regions and underrepresented social groups) since they are victims
of initial inequality.
• Similarly compared to male counterparts, female students reported low
academic self-concept. This seems to have eroded their confidence so as not to put
extra-effort to succeed. Apparently, the low performance at Debub University as
confirmed by their average DU-cGPA, seems to have resulted from their low
academic-self-concept. It is desirable, therefore, to ponder on the problem of
female attrition in the face of women under presentation. To a certain extent, it
can be argued that the affirmative action allows girls to join HEIs, but
certainly, it is not the panacea to overcome gender inequality. Thus, it is
desirable to investigate it’s the causes of female attrition to see the bigger
picture that would help to remedy the situation. One of the areas in addressing
women underrepresentation due to lack of academic success, is to launch women
confidence building programs, that is not confined to university campuses but
rather beginning from primary school as the gender difference start to surface as
early as that.


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