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Ultrafilesearch - search help

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILES & FOLDERS SEARCH PARAMETERS

- '*' asterisk: Any group of characters in the Filename, e.g: '*.txt' finds all
.txt filetypes
- '?' question mark: Any character in the Filename, e.g.: 'Name?.txt' finds 'Nam
e1.txt', 'Name2.txt' & 'NameN.txt'
- Using both: e.g.: 'Name??.*' or '*.tx?'
Wildcards Mask: Separate the Mask with any of the following characters:
- '\' (backslash)
- '/' (slash)
- ':' (colon)
- '"' (quotation mark)
- '<' (less-than)
- '>' (greater-than)
- '|' (pipe)
e.g.: 'WildcardsMask1:WildcardsMask2"WildcardsMaskN' or 'WildcardsMask1|Wildcard
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILES & FOLDERS LENGTH NAME SEARCH
- Can filter for "Name", "Folder" and "Full Path" Length at the same time.
- For each of these Length you can:
Filter for Length Names Larger than, Smaller than, Equal to, Not Between
or Between a specific Length range.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTAINING TEXT SEARCH: txt, html, csv, exe, dll, obj. Using iFilter Add-ons all
ows also PDF, XLS, DOC, XLSX, DOCX
It's possible to specify the "Search Text" in 2 Modes: "Words" (Text) and "Phras
es" (Text).
Mode: "Words" (Text)
To search for more than one word, simply separate words with a space (' ').
Mode: "Phrases" (Text)
In this mode it is possible to input not only phrases but phrases and words t
To search for more than one Phrase and/or Word separate them with the Charact
er: '|' (pipe)
"Match Any" if at least one of the Words (or Phrases) must be present in the
"Match All" if all the Words (or Phrases) must be present in the file.
"Whole Words" (or "Whole Phrases") to search for whole Words (or Phrases).
"Case Sensitive" to search the Words considering the distinction between uppe
rcase and lowercase.
"Without" to search for files that do not contain the words or phrase specifi
"Use Text Filters" allows to use Filters to extract Text contained in Encoded
During a search, it is possible to ignore some File Types: Hidden, System, Im
age, Audio, Video.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEARCH INSIDE DOCS USING 'TEXT FILTERS'

1) Select from the Menu: 'Settings->Select Text Filters...' to see the text I
Filters available.
2) To enable the use of a Filter you must click on the corresponding Checkbox
3) Press the button "OK" to confirm.
4) Click on "Use Text Filters" checkbox that is located in the "Containing Te
xt" tab.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MULTI & BATCH RENAME:
- In a list are displayed for each file: the "Folder", the "Current Name" and th
e "New Name".
- At the beginning the Filenames in the column "New Name" are set equal to those
of the column "Current Name".
- At the current list of Filenames, "Current Name", you can apply one or more Ru
les grouped by the type of function they perform.
- At the Base Filename, Filename without the Extension, you can apply this types
of Rules: "Remove", "Change", "Insert".
- At the File Extension can be applied these type of Rules: "Modify Ext."
- To apply a type of Rules, click on corresponding checkbox & select/type in req
uired Parameters
- In the column "New Name" you can instantly see the effect of the executed Rule
s and the Parameters that have been set.
- NOTE: It is advisable to select and set the rules according to the sequence in
which they are performed.
Available RULES: (in order of sequence performed)
- Rules applicable to the Filename (without extension):
1. "Remove from the Name"
1.1) "Trim Spaces"
1.2) "Remove content in Brackets"
1.3) "Remove Characters"
1.4) "Remove Text" - You can specify more than one Character or Text
to be removed by clicking on the "Add" button or by typing the Pipe Character '
1.5) "Remove Spaces"
1.6) "Delete Characters"
2. "Change to the Name"
2.1) "Replace Text" - You can specify more than one character or tex
t you want to replace, clicking on the "Add" button or typing the pipe Character
2.2) "Change Case to"
3. "Insert in the Name"
3.1) "Add Sequence"
3.2) "Add Text"
- Rules applicable to the Extension:
4. "Modify Extension"
4.1) "Replace Text" - You can specify more than one character or tex
t you want to replace, clicking on the "Add" button or typing the pipe Character
4.2) "Change to"
4.3) "Change Case to"

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