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Samala vs Valencia

Respondents filed a disbarment case against Atty Valencia for
(a) serving on two separate occasions as counsel for contending parties; (b) knowingly misleading the court by submitting false
documentary evidence; (c) initiating numerous cases in exchange for nonpayment of rental fees; and (d) having a reputation of being
immoral by siring illegitimate children.
After respondents filed his ans the court referred the case to IBP for investigation, report and recommendation.
After a series of hearings, the parties filed their respective memoranda and the case was deemed submitted for resulotion.
January 12, 2006, respondent was found guilty of violating Canons 15 and 21 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
recommended the penalty of suspension for six months.
On May 26, 2006, the IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the report and recommendation of Commissioner Reyes but
increased the penalty of suspension from six months to one year.
(a) serving on two separate occasions as counsel for contending parties;
(b) knowingly misleading the court by submitting false documentary evidence;
(c) initiating numerous cases in exchange for nonpayment of rental fees; and
(d) having a reputation of being immoral by siring illegitimate children.
On serving as counsel for contending parties.
A case filed in the RTC entitled "Leonora M. Aville v. Editha Valdez" for nonpayment of rentals, herein respondent, while being the counsel
for defendant Valdez, also acted as counsel for the tenants Lagmay, Valencia, Bustamante and Bayuga by filing an Explanation and
Compliance before the RTC.
In Civil Case filed in the MTC Editha S. Valdez and Joseph J. Alba, Jr. v. Salve Bustamante and her husband for ejectment, respondent
represented Valdez against Bustamante - one of the tenants in the property subject of the controversy. Defendants appealed to the RTC.
In his decision dated May 2, 2000, Presiding Judge Reuben P. dela Cruz warned respondent to refrain from repeating the act of being
counsel of record of both parties in Civil Case.
But in Civil Case filed in the RTC entitled Editha S. Valdez v. Joseph J. Alba, Jr. and Register of Deeds of Marikina City, respondent, as
counsel for Valdez, filed a Complaint for Rescission of Contract with Damages and Cancellation of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 275500
against Alba, respondent's former client in Civil Case No. 98-6804 and SCA Case No. 99-341-MK.
Records further reveal that at the hearing of November 14, 2003, respondent admitted that in Civil Case No. 95-105-MK, he was the lawyer
for Lagmay but not for Bustamante and Bayuga albeit he filed the Explanation and Compliance for and in behalf of the tenants.
Respondent also admitted that he represented Valdez in Civil Case No. 98-6804 and SCA Case No. 99-341-MK against Bustamante and
her husband but denied being the counsel for Alba although the case is entitled "Valdez and Alba v. Bustamante and her husband,"
because Valdez told him to include Alba as the two were the owners of the property and it was only Valdez who signed the complaint for
But, while claiming that respondent did not represent Alba, respondent, however, avers that he already severed his representation for Alba
when the latter charged respondent with estafa, thus, the filing of Civil Case against Alba.
Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by
written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts.
A lawyer may not, without being guilty of professional misconduct, act as counsel for a person whose interest conflicts with that of his
present or former client. He may not also undertake to discharge conflicting duties any more than he may represent antagonistic interests.
This stern rule is founded on the principles of public policy and good taste. It springs from the relation of attorney and client which is one of
trust and confidence. Lawyers are expected not only to keep inviolate the client's confidence, but also to avoid the appearance of treachery
and double-dealing for only then can litigants be encouraged to entrust their secrets to their lawyers, which is of paramount importance in
the administration of justice.
An attorney owes loyalty to his client not only in the case in which he has represented him but also after the relation of attorney and client
has terminated. The bare attorney-client relationship with a client precludes an attorney from accepting professional employment from the
client's adversary either in the same case 21or in a different but related action. A lawyer is forbidden from representing a subsequent client
against a former client when the subject matter of the present controversy is related, directly or indirectly, to the subject matter of the
previous litigation in which he appeared for the former client.
In this case, respondent's averment that his relationship with Alba has long been severed by the act of the latter of not turning over the
proceeds collected in Civil Case No. 98-6804, in connivance with the complainant, is unavailing. Termination of the attorney-client
relationship precludes an attorney from representing a new client whose interest is adverse to his former client. Alba may not be his original
client but the fact that he filed a case entitled "Valdez and Alba v. Bustamante and her husband," is a clear indication that respondent is
protecting the interests of both Valdez and Alba in the said case. Respondent cannot just claim that the lawyer-client relationship between
him and Alba has long been severed without observing Section 26, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court wherein the written consent of his client
is required.
On knowingly misleading the court by submitting false documentary evidence.
Records reveal that respondent filed Civil Case on November 27, 2000 and presented TCT No. 273020 as evidence of Valdez's ownership
of the subject property. During the hearing before Commissioner Raval, respondent avers that when the Answer was filed in the said case,
that was the time that he came to know that the title was already in the name of Alba; so that when the court dismissed the complaint, he
did not do anything anymore. Respondent further avers that Valdez did not tell him the truth and things were revealed to him only when the
case for rescission was filed in 2002.
Upon examination of the record, it was noted that Civil Case for rescission of contract and cancellation of TCT No. 275500 was also filed
on November 27, 2000, before RTC thus belying the averment of respondent that he came to know of Alba's title only in 2002 when the

case for rescission was filed. It was revealed during the hearing before Commissioner Raval that Civil Cases were filed on the same date,
although in different courts and at different times.
Hence, respondent cannot feign ignorance of the fact that the title he submitted was already cancelled in lieu of a new title issued in the
name of Alba in 1995 yet, as proof of the latter's ownership.
Respondent failed to comply with Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility which provides that a lawyer shall not do any
falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court to be mislead by any artifice. It matters not that
the trial court was not misled by respondent's submission of TCT No. 273020 in the name of Valdez, as shown by its decision dated
January 8, 2002 dismissing the complaint for ejectment. What is decisive in this case is respondent's intent in trying to mislead the court by
presenting TCT No. 273020 despite the fact that said title was already cancelled and a new one, TCT No. 275500, was already issued in
the name of Alba.
A lawyer is the servant of the law and belongs to a profession to which society has entrusted the administration of law and the dispensation
of justice. As such, he should make himself more an exemplar for others to emulate.
On initiating numerous cases in exchange for nonpayment of rental fees.
Complainant alleges that respondent filed the following cases: (a) Civil Case No. 2000-657-MK at the RTC, Branch 272; (b) Civil Case No.
00-7137 at the MTC, Branch 75; and (c) I.S. Nos. 00-4439 and 01-036162 both entitled "Valencia v. Samala" for estafa and grave coercion,
respectively, before the Marikina City Prosecutor. Complainant claims that the two criminal cases were filed in retaliation for the cases she
filed against Lagmay docketed as I.S. No. 00-4306 for estafa and I.S. No. 00-4318 against Alvin Valencia (son of respondent) for trespass
to dwelling.
As culled from the records, Valdez entered into a retainer agreement with respondent. As payment for his services, he was allowed to
occupy the property for free and utilize the same as his office pursuant to their retainer agreement.
Respondent filed I.S. Nos. 00-4439 and 01-036162 both entitled "Valencia v. Samala" for estafa and grave coercion, respectively, to
protect his client's rights against complainant who filed I.S. No. 00-4306 for estafa against Lagmay, and I.S. No. 00-4318 against Alvin
Valencia for trespass to dwelling.
We find the charge to be without sufficient basis. The act of respondent of filing the aforecited cases to protect the interest of his client, on
one hand, and his own interest, on the other, cannot be made the basis of an administrative charge unless it can be clearly shown that the
same was being done to abuse judicial processes to commit injustice.
The filing of an administrative case against respondent for protecting the interest of his client and his own right would be putting a burden
on a practicing lawyer who is obligated to defend and prosecute the right of his client.
On having a reputation for being immoral by siring illegitimate children.
We find respondent liable for being immoral by siring illegitimate children.
During the hearing, respondent admitted that he sired three children by Teresita Lagmay who are all over 20 years of age, while his first
wife was still alive. He also admitted that he has eight children by his first wife, the youngest of whom is over 20 years of age, and after his
wife died in 1997, he married Lagmay in 1998. Respondent further admitted that Lagmay was staying in one of the apartments being
claimed by complainant. However, he does not consider his affair with Lagmay as a relationship 50 and does not consider the latter as his
second family. He reasoned that he was not staying with Lagmay because he has two houses, one in Muntinlupa and another in Marikina.
In this case, the admissions made by respondent are more than enough to hold him liable on the charge of immorality. During the hearing,
respondent did not show any remorse. He even justified his transgression by saying that he does not have any relationship with Lagmay
and despite the fact that he sired three children by the latter, he does not consider them as his second family. It is noted that during the
hearing, respondent boasts in telling the commissioner that he has two houses - in Muntinlupa, where his first wife lived, and in Marikina,
where Lagmay lives. It is of no moment that respondent eventually married Lagmay after the death of his first wife. The fact still remains
that respondent did not live up to the exacting standard of morality and decorum required of the legal profession.
Under Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
conduct. It may be difficult to specify the degree of moral delinquency that may qualify an act as immoral, yet, for purposes of disciplining a
lawyer, immoral conduct has been defined as that "conduct which is willful, flagrant, or shameless, and which shows a moral indifference to
the opinion of respectable members of the community. Thus, in several cases, the Court did not hesitate to discipline a lawyer for keeping a
mistress in defiance of the mores and sense of morality of the community. That respondent subsequently married Lagmay in 1998 after
the death of his wife and that this is his first infraction as regards immorality serve to mitigate his liability.
ACCORDINGLY, the Court finds respondent Atty. Luciano D. Valencia GUILTY of misconduct and violation of Canons 21, 10 and 1 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility. He is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for three (3) years, effective immediately upon receipt of
herein Resolution.
Let copies of this Resolution be furnished all courts of the land, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines as well as the Office of the Bar
Confidant for their information and guidance, and let it be entered in respondent's personal records.

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