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Test C1


LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Language Competence Test for Mariners

Level C1 Voc
Reading 1
Read the 5 regulations.
After each regulation there is a statement about it. Decide if the statement is right or wrong.
A licence or certificate may be suspended or revoked upon proof of criminal conduct.
Statement: A person with a criminal record cannot apply for a licence
1. The Authority may deny a vessels transit if any of the established requirements is not met.
Statement: Your vessel cannot enter the canal unless it complies with the rules.
2. Vessels shall inform only of incidents that interfere or hinder safe navigation in Canal waters.
Statement: You must report all accidents.
3. Commercial passenger vessels shall be given preference over other vessels in transiting the
Statement: Passengers are our priority.
4. A vessel in danger, or in an emergency situation, or in need of assistance, may use a nondesignated anchorage area.
Statement: All ships must use the specified area for anchoring unless there is an emergency.
5. Vessels receiving a favourable inspection report shall be admitted for entrance to the canal.
Statement: After entering the Canal your ship will be inspected.

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Reading 2
Read the 5 sentences and decide what kind of documents they come from by choosing from a,
b and c.
You will have at least a rudimentary knowledge of large diesel engines, air compressors, fridge
systems, pumps, boilers and other ancillary equipment.
a. engineering manual
b. job description
c. training summary
1. All personnel must hold government-issued certification when working aboard liquid-carrying
a. Instruction Manual
b. Job description
c. Safety regulations
2. If leave is given in connection with supplementary training which is in the interest of the
company, then an agreement can be made about taking the time off from work.
a. Training manual
b. Port regulations
c. Employment contract
3. A look-out by sight and hearing must be maintained so as to make a full appraisal of the
situation and of the risk of collision.
a. Navigation regulations
b. Health and Safety manual
c. Operating instructions
4. The indicator shows green when the filter restriction is acceptable and red when it is not.
a. Employment regulations
b. Port entry restrictions
c. Operating manual
5. Goods must be accompanied by a W8 from the warehouse to the quayside. However, currently,
the W8 need not be presented for discharge from the port.
a. Cargo handling warning
b. Customs regulations
c. Rules of entry to port

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Reading 3
Study this Bill of Lading and answer the questions.
Frank Spencer Ltd., Edinburgh, UK

Port of unloading

Hispanic International, Madrid, Spain

Forwarding agent
European Road Freight

Exporting carrier
Maersk Mary Rose

Containerized vessel

3rd June

Port of loading
Number of packages

5th June

Domestic routing instructions

Products in reusable packaging
Description of commodities

Gross weight
590 kg

Declared value 6000

Freight rates


Ocean freight


Transfer of document fee

Grand total



1. What is the Maersk Mary Roses passage plan? (give places and dates)
2. Who is importing the goods?
3. What type of vessel is the Maersk Mary Rose?
4. How much will the cargo be insured for?
5. How is the cargo packed?

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Reading 4
Complete the report by filling the gaps with the sentences provided. Write the letter of the
sentence in the gaps. There is one sentence you do not need.
The first one is done as an example.
a. The skipper cut the engines.
b. They were dark skinned and wearing western style clothing.
c. However, the small boat continued to close on the Tropicana.
d. Very soon afterwards the vessel began to sink.
e. There was no response to the call.
f. Four armed men boarded.
g. It was a small blue wooden craft with an inboard motor.

Piracy in the Gulf of Aden

At approximately 0730 UTC on the 27th January, the skipper of the Tropicana spotted a small boat
dead ahead. (1) _g_The boat was about ten metres long. It had no deck or superstructure. There
were tree branches around the gunwale that made a canopy. On board were a number of men.
The skipper of the Tropicana was suspicious and immediately ordered a change of course and an
increase in speed. (3) _______ As the pirates drew abeam, they opened fire. Several shots were
fired into the Tropicanas hull.
The captain immediately went above deck into the cockpit area and waved his hands above his head
to stop the shooting. The pirates indicated that the Tropicana should stop. (4)________ At this point
the Second Mate sent out a Mayday on the vessels VHF radio. (5) ______
(6) _____ One of them, who appeared to be the leader, ordered the skipper and crew to move
forward to the bow. Whilst one of the pirates held the crew at gunpoint, the three others proceeded
to remove the Tropicanas radio and ransack the vessel.

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Listening 1
You will hear five sentences spoken over VHF radio. Choose the best reply to each sentence.
Look at the example. If you hear Im taking on water fast, over, the best reply is (b). Underline the
best reply.
a. Advice: use drinking water only.
b. How long before you sink? Over.
c. Affirmative: fast water ahead, over.
a. Where is the fire?
b. Is the fire under control?
c. Mike Victor, please proceed to Santa Cruz.
a. Thank you captain. Harbour buoy is on your port side.
b. I confirm: harbour buoy on bearing 009
c. Roger, the harbour buoy is off your starboard side.
a. What is the location of the oil spill?
b. How long is the oil spill?
c. Roger, you are five zero zero metres from the oil spill.
a. I am 3km from light ship. My bearing is 9.
b. I am 30km from light ship. My bearing is 90
c. I am 13 km rom light ship. My bearing is 19
a. Are you taking on water?
b. Is the damage below the waterline?
c. Do you need to take on water?

Audio text
1. This is Mike Victor Santa Cruz. We have a fire in our hold, over.
2. Harbour buoy is now visible at green zero nine zero, over.
3. Oil spill extends five zero zero metres, over
4. Please confirm that your position is zero three kilometres from light ship on bearing zero zero
5. My hull is damaged below the waterline.

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Listening 2
Listen to the exchange on the VHF radio and complete the record.

MV Santa Maria
Date: 09.08.09
Position / Waypoint
Southampton harbour entry

Navigation notes

Weather conditions

3. Escort launch stands off ___________m

1. Wind speed: ________________

4. Speed; _______________

2. Tide: ______________

5. Launch ETA: ___________

Audio text
MV Santa Maria:

Southampton Port Authority, this is Marine Vessel Santa Maria. Call

sign: X-Ray Bravo Foxtrot Delta. Request permission to enter harbour.

Southampton P.A.:

X-Ray Bravo Foxtrot Delta, this is Southampton Port Authority. I

confirm: You have permission to enter harbour. Please be advised of
adverse weather conditions: Dock Head wind speed is one four knots.
Tide is two decimal six metres. Advise caution, over.

MV Santa Maria:

Request harbour entry information, over.

Southampton P.A.:

X-Ray Bravo Foxtrot Delta, Harbour Masters launch will escort you.
Launch will remain four zero zero metres from your vessel. Please
maintain speed of zero five knots and stand by for further instructions,

MV Santa Maria:

Southampton, do you have ETA for launch? Over.

Southampton P.A.:

Santa Maria, Answer: Affirmative. ETA is two zero minutes: zero eight
two one UTC. Stand by, over
X-Ray Bravo Foxtrot Delta, standing by.

MV Santa Maria:

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Listening 3
Listen to a Met Office radio broadcast and study the questions.
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Which region of the world is affected by the cyclone?
2. Where is the centre of the cyclone at midnight?
3. How strong is the wind expected to be on Monday?
4. Where can you read further information about the Cyclones track?
5. When can you hear more information?

Audio text
Warning of tropical cyclone, issued at eleven fifty five UTC on Sunday twenty ninth of February.
A cyclone warning for a severe category four cyclone is now current for sea areas around the coast
of Western Australia.
At midnight, severe tropical cyclone Monty was estimated to be one hundred and eighty five
kilometres west northwest of Coral Bay and moving southwest at 10 kilometres per hour. The centre
of the cyclone is located within thirty kilometres of Latitude two zero decimal one South, Longitude
one one five decimal two East.
Very destructive winds with gusts to two hundred and fifty kilometres per hour are likely to develop
during Monday. Tides are likely to rise significantly above the normal high tide mark with
damaging waves and strong currents.
A chart showing the track of the cyclone is available at: w-w-w dot b-o-m dot gov dot a-u slash
The next broadcast will be at fourteen hundred UTC.

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Listening 4
Listen to a ships skipper and his first officer giving a joint report on an accident at sea.
Choose the correct answers from a, b and c.
1. Which words best describes the state of the crew at the time of the accident?
a. tired and miserable
b. high morale
c. exhausted and careless
2. What was the effect of the lightning?
a. It was pretty.
b. It illuminated the sea.
c. It turned night to day.
3. Regarding the time the accident happened:
a. Both men agree on the time.
b. The Skipper changes his mind about the time.
c. The Skipper disagrees with Mr Patel.
4. Where was Johannsen when the lightning struck?
a. next to the radio
b. working on the antenna
c. on the roof of the bridge
5. What is Johannsens present condition?
a. poorly but stable
b. a little unwell
c. dangerously ill
Audio Text
First Officer:

First Officer:
First Officer:

The accident happened in really bad weather. Thered been heavy seas for
several days, isnt that right Mister Patel?
Yes Skipper, thats right. The decks were awash and although everyone was
pretty tired, they were handling the conditions well.
That night, the night of the accident; we were in the middle of one of the
worst lightning storms I have ever encountered. It was pretty dramatic: bolts
striking the water all around the hull and the decks all lit up; werent they? It
was as bright as day.
Yes sir, thats right. I reckoned it was just a matter of time before we were hit.
At about midnight a bolt struck the roof of the bridge. Midnight, was it, Mr
Patel, or earlier?
A little later, I think, Skipper. Maybe twelve thirty.
Mm, I think youre mistaken there. Lets say midnight OK? About midnight.
Anyway, it was like fireworks. Sparks were flying and there was smoke. I
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Test C1

First Officer:

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

saw sparks fly from an antenna. Thats when the radio was knocked out.
Johanssen, one of the deckhands, was at the radio and he got a bad shock. I
think hes OK though. Youve been to sick bay, havent you Mister Patel?
How is he?
The doc says the lads got second degree burns and a broken arm. The
lightning threw him two metres through the air and he landed on his arm and
it broke. But hell live.

Speaking 1
Interlocutors copy
1. Can you tell me about your qualifications?
2. Tell me about your first voyage.
3. What was the worst voyage you ever made?
4. What are the qualities of a good mariner?
5. How do you avoid boredom at sea?
6. What kind of people should definitely not become seafarers?
7. How big a problem is alcohol on board vessels?
8. Are mariners more superstitious than other people?
9. How big a problem is piracy in the twenty first century?
10. What are the good and bad things about a mariners life style?

Speaking 2
Read the report and discuss the following questions with the examiner:
Was the Maritime and Coastguard Agency right to allow the skipper of the Bowbelle to keep his
masters certificate? Why? / Why not?
In 1989 the pleasure cruiser Marchioness and a dredger the Bowbelle collided on the
River Thames.
Both vessels were moving down the centre of the river the Marchioness in front and
the Bowbelle behind - when the Bowbelle hit the stern of the Marchioness. The Bowbelle
then forced it underwater "like a bicycle being run over by a lorry". Fifty one people died.
The Bowbelles skipper had drunk six pints of lager the afternoon before the collision. An
investigation showed that the causes of the disaster were:
a. poor visibility from each vessels wheelhouse
b. the fact that both vessels were using the centre of the river
c. poor look outs on both vessels
Later that year, the authorities decided that the skipper of the Bowbelle could keep his
masters certificate.

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Writing 1
Read the report and use it to write an appropriate notice to crew giving information and
Dangerous use of mobile phones while a vessel is underway
The maritime community is being warned of the dangers of using mobile phones on the
water, following a number of recent deaths caused by mariners being distracted by their
mobile phones at critical times.
The safety bulletin acknowledges that while mobile phones may serve a useful function
as a back-up means of emergency communication, their use by seafarers to receive or
make calls or text messages while at sea needs to be strictly managed. Risks of
accidents are highest, the bulletin says, when a vessel is underway in the following

at speed
in poor sea conditions
in conditions of restricted visibility
close to other vessels
close to navigation hazards

Writing 2
Write 250300 words on one of the following topics:
1. Describe the events of an accident or maritime error you have witnessed.
2. Explain what should be done about alcohol abuse on board ships. Use the following headings:
a. the problem
b. attempts to deal with the problem
c. my recommendations
3. Describe the different responsibilities of the following crew members:
a. First Mate
b. Steward
c. Boatswain (Bosun)

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Test C1

LCCTV Sample Test Level C1 Voc

English Language for Mariners

Version 1.0
Oct 2009

Answer Key
Reading 1
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
5. Wrong

Reading 2
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. b

Reading 3
1. Leaves Grangemouth on 3rd June, arrives
Barcelona on the 5th June
2. Hispanic International
3. container ship
4. 6000
5. 10 reusable cartons

Reading 4
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. e
6. f

Listening 1
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. a

Listening 2
1. 14 knots
2. 2.6 metres
3. 400
4. 5 knots
5. 0821 UTC
Listening 3
1. West Australia / Sea areas west of Australia /
Western Australia
2. 185 k WNW of Coral Bay
3. 250 kph
5. 1400 UTC

Listening 4
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. a

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