8 Evaluare Hamlet

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1. Ce stiti despre Shakespeare?

2. Care sunt principalele opere ale lui Shakespeare?
3. Care sunt problemele cu care se confrunta eroii lui Shakespeare?
4. Cum ar fi viata noastra fara Shakespeare?

What do you know about Shakespeare?

Which are his most important plays?
What problems do his heroes confronted with?
How should be our life without Shakespeare?

Fisa de lucru
1. Read the following context, then write at least 5 questions about it and answer
THE MOST INFLUENTIAL WRITER in all of English literature, William Shakespeare was born in 1564 to a
successful middle-class glove-maker in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Shakespeare attended grammar school. In 1582
he married an older woman, Anne Hathaway, and had three children with her. Around 1590 he left his family behind
and travelled to London to work as an actor and playwright. Public and critical success quickly followed, and
Shakespeare eventually became the most popular playwright in England and part-owner of the Globe Theater. His
career bridged the reigns of Elizabeth I (ruled 15581603) and James I (ruled 16031625), and he was a favourite of
both monarchs. Indeed, James granted Shakespeares company the greatest possible compliment by bestowing upon its
members the title of Kings Men. Wealthy and renowned, Shakespeare retired to Stratford and died in 1616 at the age of
fifty-two. At the time of Shakespeares death, literary luminaries such as Ben Jonson hailed his works as timeless.
Shakespeares works were collected and printed in various editions in the century following his death, and by the
early eighteenth century his reputation as the greatest poet ever to write in English was well established. The
unprecedented admiration garnered by his works led to a fierce curiosity about Shakespeares life.
Shakespeare was the author of the thirty-seven plays and 154 sonnets. The legacy of this body of work is immense. A
number of Shakespeares plays seem to have transcended even the category of brilliance, becoming so influential as to
profoundly affect the course of Western literature and culture ever after.
Hamlets famous speech in Act II, lead to great benefits for society as a whole. What a piece of work is a
man! How noble in Reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like
an angel, in apprehension how like a godthe beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! Ce minunat lucrare e omul,
ct de nobil i este inteligena, ce fr de numr i sunt facultile, alctuirile i micrile, ct de chibzuit i de admirabil
e n faptele sale, ct de asemenea unui nger n puterea sa de nelegere, ct de asemenea unui zeu: frumuseea lumii;
pild a vieuitoarelor;
This is the world in which Shakespeare places his characters. Hamlet is faced with the difficult task of
correcting an injustice that he can never have sufficient knowledge ofa dilemma that is by no means unique, or even
uncommon. And while Hamlet is fond of pointing out questions that cannot be answered because they concern
supernatural and metaphysical matters, the play as a whole chiefly demonstrates the difficulty of knowing the truth
about other peopletheir guilt or innocence, their motivations, their feelings, their relative states of sanity or insanity.
The world of other people is a world of appearances, and Hamlet is, fundamentally, a play about the difficulty of living in
that world.



2. Answer the questions individually!
a. Who are the main characters of the play? R:
b. Why is disappointed Hamlet?
c. Who did kill Hamlets father?
d. Who had married Gertrude, the widow queen? R:
e. Where did study Hamlet?
f. Who is Hamlets best friend?
g. Why didnt kill Hamlet Claudius when he had the occasion?
h. Why did Hamlet kill Polonius?
i. Who was Ophelia for Hamlet?
j. How did Ophelia dead?
k. Why did Laertes hate Hamlet?
l. How would Claudius kill Hamlet?
m. What did happen in the final scene?
n. Could Hamlet achive his revenge?


3. Circle the right answer(s):

a. What kind of play is Hamlet? 1. tragedy 2. comedy
3. tragi-comedy
b. What is its great theme? 1. madness 2. revenge
3. love
c. Hamlet was :
1. melancholic 2. contemplative 3. guilty
d. The final scene was: 1. bloody
2. has a note of hope 3. glorious
4. Make groups of four and discuss about these questions! Try to answer them! Write
down your own point of view!
-Can we have certain knowledge about ghosts?
-Is the ghost what it appears to be, or is it really a misleading fiend?
-Does the ghost have reliable knowledge about its own death, or is the ghost itself deluded?
-How can we know for certain the facts about a crime that has no witnesses?
- Can Hamlet know the state of Claudiuss soul by watching his behaviour?
-If so, can he know the facts of what Claudius did by observing the state of his soul?
-Can Claudius (or the audience) know the state of Hamlets mind by observing his behaviour and listening
to his speech?
-Can we know whether our actions will have the consequences we want them to have?
- Can we know anything about the afterlife?

5. What is your opinion about Hamlets famous soliloquy: To be or not to be?

Read the following paragraph for help!
The Mystery of Death
The question of his own death plagues Hamlet as well, as he repeatedly contemplates
whether or not suicide is a morally legitimate action in an unbearably painful world. Hamlets
grief and misery is such that he frequently longs for death to end his suffering, but he fears
that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to eternal suffering in hell because of the
Christian religions prohibition of suicide. In his famous To be or not to be soliloquy (III.i),
Hamlet philosophically concludes that no one would choose to endure the pain of life if he or
she were not afraid of what will come after death, and that it is this fear which causes complex
moral considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.

6. Describe your favourite character!

7. Read the following analysis of characters and underline the qualities that you
like the most in each person!

Analysis of Characters

Hamlet, the protagonist, has fascinated audiences and readers for centuries, he is enigmatic. When he speaks, he
sounds as if theres something important hes not saying, maybe something even he is not aware of. The ability to write
soliloquies and dialogues that create this effect is one of Shakespeares most impressive achievements.
Hamlet the embodiment of the ideal Renaissance prince refined and cultivated, sensitive and idealistic, brave, generous
and brilliantly intelligent. Confronted with the moral corruption around him, Hamlet feels all his certainties destroyed. His
new consciousness that somethings rotten in Denmark plunges him into a nightmare, in which all the values on which he
had relied have lost their meaning. In Hamlets tormented soul, the balance and confidence of the Renaissance man have
been replaced by scepticism and mistrust.
The sign of this confusion is the typically baroque motif of Hamlets madness, which is only partly dissimulated. Madness
becomes the refuge of the sensitive conscience from moral chaos. Denmark has become a prison for him.
Claudius, the major antagonist is shrewd, lustful, conniving, a corrupt politician who manipulated others. The villain
of the play, Claudius is a calculating, ambitious, driven by his sexual appetites and his lust for power, but he
occasionally shows signs of guilt and human feelinghis love for Gertrude, for instance, seems sincere. Claudiuss
speech is compared to poison being poured in the earthe method he used to murder Hamlets father.
Gertrude Few Shakespearean characters have caused as much uncertainty as Gertrude, the beautiful Queen of
Denmark. She use men to fulfil her instinct, which makes her extremely dependent upon the men in her life. Hamlets
most famous comment about Gertrude is his furious condemnation of women in general: Frailty, thy name is
woman! She never think critically about her situation, she immediately runs to Claudius after her confrontation with
Hamlet. Her natural grace and charm seem to indicate a rich, rounded personality, but these are her only
Horatio - Hamlets close friend, who studied with the prince at the university in Wittenberg. Horatio is loyal and
helpful to Hamlet throughout the play. After Hamlets death, Horatio remains alive to tell Hamlets story.
Ophelia - Poloniuss daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom Hamlet has been in love. Ophelia is a sweet and
innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. Even in her madness and death, she sang songs
about flowers.
Fortinbras - The young Prince of Norway, whose father was killed by Hamlets father. Now Fortinbras wishes to
attack Denmark to avenge his fathers honour.

8. The play seems to raise more questions about Gertrude than it answers. Work in pairs and try
to find answers!
-Was she involved with Claudius before the death of her husband? R:
-Did she love her husband?
- Did she know about Claudiuss plan to commit the murder?
-Did she love Claudius, or did she marry him simply to keep her high station in Denmark?
-Does she believe Hamlet when he insists that he is not mad, or does she pretend to believe him simply
to protect herself?
- Does she intentionally betray Hamlet to Claudius, or does she believe that she is protecting her sons
secret? R:

9. Read Act I, Scene I and answer the questions!

Act I, Scene i:
Elsinore. A platform before the Castle.
[Francisco at his post. Enter to him Bernardo.]
Ber. Who's there?
Fran. Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.
Ber. Long live the king!
Fran. Bernardo?
Ber. He. Get to bed, Francisco. Well, good night. If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus,
The rivals of my watch,
Fran. I think I hear them.Stand, ho! Who is there?
[Enter Horatio and Marcellus.]
Hor. Friends to this ground.
Mar.Bernardo has my place. Give you good-night.
Ber. Welcome, Horatio:Welcome, good Marcellus.
Mar. Peace, break thee off; look where it comes again!
[Enter Ghost, armed.]
Ber. Looks it not like the King? mark it, Horatio.
Hor. Stay! speak, speak!
[Exit Ghost.]
Mar. 'Tis gone, and will not answer.
Ber. How now, Horatio! You tremble and look pale:
Is not this something more than fantasy? What think you on't?
Hor. Before my God, I might not this believe.
Mar. Is it not like the King?
Hor. 'Tis strangeit comes again.
[Re-enter Ghost.]
Hor. Stay, illusion! Speak to me:
[The cock crows.]
Hor. Speak of it:stay, and speak!Stop it, Marcellus!
Mar. Shall I strike at it with my partisan?
Hor. Do, if it will not stand.
Ber. Tis here!
Hor.'Tis here!
Mar. 'Tis gone!
[Exit Ghost.]
We do it wrong, being so majestical,
Ber. It was about to speak, when the cock crew.


When did this scene take place?

Who did meet each other?
Which were the key words to recognize themselves? R:
Who looked pale and why?
Who did appear in this scene?
Why left that strange creature?



Fisa de observatie







Final Test Paper

Choose the right answer!
1. How did Claudius murder King Hamlet?
(A) By stabbing him through an arras
(B) By pouring poison into his ear
(C) By ordering him to be hanged
(D) By poisoning his wineglass
2. Where is the university at which Horatio and Hamlet studied?
(A) Paris
(B) Oxford
(C) Constantinople
(D) Wittenberg
3. Which of the following characters cannot see the ghost?
(A) Marcellus
(B) Hamlet
(C) Gertrude
(D) Horatio
4. Which of the following characters survive the play?
(A) Fortinbras, Horatio, and Osric
(B) Prince Hamlet, Polonius, and Gertrude
(C) Claudius, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern
(D) Ophelia, Laertes, and King Hamlet
5. How does Ophelia die?
(A) Claudius stabs her
(B) Hamlet strangles her
(C) She slits her wrists
(D) She drowns in the river
6. Who is the last character to die in the play?
(A) Horatio
(B) Hamlet
(C) Claudius
(D) Fortinbras
7. Who speaks the famous To be, or not to be soliloquy?
(A) Claudius
(B) Hamlet
(C) The ghost
(D) Laertes
8. Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the traveling players play?
(A) Claudius is praying
(B) Claudius is asleep
(C) Claudius pleads for mercy
(D) Gertrude is in the next room
9. Who killed Fortinbrass father?
(A) Prince Hamlet
(B) Laertes

(C) Fortinbras
(D) Hamlets father
10. Which character speaks the first line of the play?
(A) Bernardo
(B) Francisco
(C) Hamlet
(D) Horatio
11. In which of the following years was Hamlet most likely written?
(A) 1570
(B) 1601
(C) 1581
(D) 1610
12. Which of Claudius and Laertes traps for Hamlet succeeds in killing him?
(A) The poisoned cup
(B) The sharpened sword
(C) The poisoned dagger
(D) The poisoned sword

The key:
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. D

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