R : L Wee MR W 5choolm K Oow S F" M Whe Nce He LP M Ust Co Me - by Alb. RC

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Seventy-Ninth 1{ear


Whole Nu~bel' 6751


r~:=l WEE~~~MR~~W5CHOOlM~K~oow~s~F"~~m~' Whe~

. ~.nce~:~He~lp~M~ust~~Co~me~-=-==.~-==-==-~By==Alb.==rc







P repare b "J
Columbul epl rte: .

~ . . . e ........."

" ' "


Do,,'~ lo~getl


The Senior elM;

Jl)ay will be given next Thul'IIday and
Friday evenings, namely, May 12 and
18. The performanee will IItart
promptly at 8 .o'clock. and will be
held In the local Gym. "ColUllna" is
a three act comedy, with loads and
londs of humor.. The ftl'llt cast wUl
give the play Thur/lday night, May
12, while the 'eecond cast will prelIent it to the publie Friday night,
~ay 13;

Bowersville, 6.
J ameslowll, 1.
Spl'ing' Vulley, 6.
Wuyn esvill e. 4.

COLUMBUS, OJUO- When members of the Gei1erul A8l!embly return

next week they are going to have a
tremendous amount of work to do beThe Warren county Beld and traek
fore they finally get awa~. There is
ulready some talk thll~ Instead of ad- meet will be riven at the county fair
journinl{ they will recellll. thu8 re- ~oundlJ Friday, May 6. Waynesville
peatlng a mistake they have made has been practicing for the past lIev'for the past five yea",. It would be eral ~eeb and bope to gain a good
just like it to- recess again, for there lItandlng amone the relit of the counis absolutely no. leadershiv of either ty sehool..
body that is worthy of the name,
Never before in all the hiatory ~f
The HIgh School nine win '."e~t
Cenerlll AlISemblies haa there been ,t he Centerville nine on Center,vllle.
such a leaderle88 body. Controlled fteld Wedne/lday, May 4. It III the
by the Republicans, whQ hoped to de- deel,re of W. H. S, to have a large
elop gubernatorial t1'm ber the two number of rooters to show Center~ranches huve f~ught J)etw~en them- ville that they ate not the only ones
selves, ignored advice from those who are loyal . to their 8chool
T.... J
with the best interests of the parW.
at heart. and today the finaDchd eon,~unlor-Senior banquet wu a
dition of the State was nevel' more huge lucceu. . A tlrree-eourse dinner
serlousy . tangled. Governor Donahey ~u served by the Eutern Star .t 7
is really to .llend In. IIpeclal mellllage 0 cloek. After the third ~ul'lle eome
-when the membe"' 'return this week, wonderful bu~ prialnal toJlllts were
that iii Nlid will make mighty good alven. Tbe welcome tout or rather
reading. There II no queation but larewell to~t w.. alven. ~y, W~e
. that the members themselves realize. Turner, preel~ent of the. JUDlor clua.
that good 'political spanking and .Ellubetb Henkle, prelldent of the
lecture Is due each and every ol;le of ~nior Clallll then, in bebalf of the
Tbe facul!,.
them and .t hey' hate like ever)1;hing Seniol'll, r!8Ponded.
to ba've tlae 'puni8hment inllicted by a ~..t w,p .gIven by Mr. Moom.aw ~nd
Democr.t. But .tha~ i, ' justi "bat I. hlt ,lupplYIOf Jokel, which never runa
going to bappen thill week. And any out ,wu altogether fitting .nd funon.e that thinks Vic Donahey d!ln't ny_ . ~e Ju~lor re.p~nse wu alven
InlOW' how to lay on the verbal luh, by Carolilfe Swamel. After the
n n't followed political eventa In touta the membel'll Qf the fac;ulty,


The Triangle League for mally
cued its season Sunday, May 1st.
announced the league
the Miamis, Spring Valley,
Bowersville, Wilmington, Modern CHOOSE HIS WARS
Woodmen of Dayton and Jamestown.
, There are t hree playing grounds-Waynesville. Wilmington and
. "There is no 1I1e 88ve in protefna."
Valley, and there will be a game on Wise -chemists, gathered at Rich
t hl! Waynesville diamond every Sun- mond, Virginia. say It and add, "eDdny during the season.
vi ronment and chemical agency ue
'rhe Miamis oppunents for last the dominant facto", of life."
Sunday was the Spri ng Valley team.
That may be true, and IItfll 10U
The ga me W IiS lin unusulllly fl18t one, need not accept "the chemical COIlnnd although t he Miamis got the cept of the origla and development
sho;t end of t he contest, the game of Ufe."
was exciting throughout.
Quite u crowd IWllS present,. 01If mhabit,llnts of another world,
t hough the impression had been giv- where machinery hI unknown howd
en out that t he ndmission would be study an automobile supplied with
SoC:, This is wrong, . The admission gas and ele~~icit~ and runninc, ~e7
is t he same as usual, elCcept that t he w~uld asy, No lile In tble macbilla
ladies are IIdmiUed fl'ee. Children WIthout gas, Iron, PB and electric\.
are chlnged 16c,
ity are all of t hat automobile."
In ~he crowd and prominent in the
Ther would overlook j~lt one litnffnirs of t he game, was William tJ ~ thing, namely, . ~he mtelllgence
Shroyer, pr sid nt of t he
that put gas, electrICIty and steel toLeague. Mr. Shroyer is taking
~ether, mounted them on pneumatic
an interest in the llll\gue, and is do- res a,nd,. set the~ going.
everything he can to mak e IIffairs
So 1t IS with life; Explain it u
move smoothly.
you. please, but don t forget the IDFollowing is t he score:
telltgence back of it.
We are proud of our national prolE perity and high wages. Boot-lenerl
AB .R H PO A 1 are even 'prouder of their prolperlt7
Lambert, 3b .",,, .. .. .... 6 1 2 2 0 and high wagell. Thle Ie IIhown by



Uh:e:r~:n:v:h:::I::::y::'be r:~;':~~:~~}~=:t~;:;~ URGENT NEED OF

~.~ng~~~~n~:~g:iJh:.::dn~;'::: Il~n:~:t~eth~ic~:-:.
witb abort prorram. The tittl. .

'W. C, 1. U, HAS
~':~~!0.\lb.:.: : : : : ::J i ga : ~ ~o~~~~n~~~in~~di:~:'t!~!Jto{afr~J
GROUP INSTITUTES ~~o~~:,e, :.::::::::::::~ , ~ ~ ' 1~ ~ ~e~n~~~!;t~ari~~Z:E~~~e~::


ed owners of pueenger automq-

oneral Auembly. Thll savine came

bout u a TllsuU: of the eamp.lgn
wt. ed bu the Ohio State Automobile

Ia I
auocl.tlon throu,b ita E egie .. t ve
c m~litee. ,President A.. lI~tendorl, of the sta~ ~clation, i8 eJa.
ted 0~J; 'tlI1. victory, u . I.t wu the
econd r~d~etlol) :of the .licenlle tall
t hat baa bien achieved. ~o yean
1Ut'0 the taX
cut In half, foll011l:ed by 1he ' furth.r reduction of 6fty

Sunday'. Gamo.

Wilmington Night Hawks, 7

Dayton Modern Woodmen, 6.

. '

L. Cline, p .. " ............. 6


and to..pa,.

clt ...
Compton, 1 b ........... ,4 1 1 4 0 used to get only ISO to ,'87 a week.
playlet w.. Yen' .ucceufuUy ,ben
I f r ft . cial aid
--. A
t' t
t W C T U
Wright, cf ............... 4 l i t 0 jIb t I
an .. the oreb~ was enjoJ8d ~t f
thHConf appe. fth
nall~_.' __ lppl
tit t mos lD ehrelsd lDgith' M' . . d Noglrle, II! ....... ", ...... 1 . 0 1 0 0
W88 ambitious," ..ys. ~e, "80
\yo The Freaomen -.rain wiU enter- or
e re ugees 0
' "
. s ue was
e . w
a~on an
_ _ _ _ _ _
put me on a runner, and I sot
taln the High II!bool and f'acultywith flood d,latriet bu been ..nt In and
One ' of ~he unpopular ' elements Franklin; April 22. Excellent repor~s T tal
36 6 14 27
' 60 a night."
a party next 'Frid.y night, Ma7 6.
Waylle TOWll.hlp" quota bu bee~ .bout being hig,hly, moral and good 's of .work and departments carried 0
" ................... ,..
He worked on the "converted IUb.
ndIIed to ,aoo. So far 'leu tbari that we try to malse, other p!,op)e be were given ' by t he president and diMIAMIS
chaser 5<:-217/' Uncle Sam thUl .up.
The landaeapiaic .t the HlCh School half' of the amoant hI.a ).en p.ld, g~od.
N?body objjectB to a ma?'s r ectors of departments. The plan of
the rum-running boat at HI'building is pro~ Ane.
and our clttsenl are requ~ted to being 88 rIghteous liIJI he would like work lor, the ye~r Willi stressed.
Nixon, cj... , .. , ..... " .... 1 0 0 '0
prices, There is nothilll' JJb
PlO~ Ihrubl h.ve beel! planted, ' the reapond' Uberall7 to tllil ~t need. to be; they object ,,!hen that man
A splendid paper on Law Enforce- Duke, If .................... 3 0 1 0
.-rd baa been leveled up .nd nice
trlee to make othel'll nghteous. There ' ment was prepared and read by Mrs. E. Burton, 58 .......... , <1 1 1 2
ne" pow.r motor hu been purch...
Is one th.lng d~arer ~o th!l buman soul 'Ball, of Mason.
Hopkins, of .......... : .. ..4 1 1 2
Hay will be cheap thla year 011
~~d~!'~~.re=:e=I~:. th~~t ed. It will now be poulble to keep
t~::'e~oang rIght: It Ie . doing as it Special music . was one leoture H. Burton, e..... ..... " .. 4 0 0 6
for cropa will be beavy, Al.
ta th
will atUl 'be
the grue mow". all .ummer, whlcb
d U.
the evening sessIon. Another paper, ~atterthwatte, p ....... 4 1 2 0
t~e fanr:t r lI~willle aJld jobber ....
ceJll!M! ll, ere
approlt- wUl be a ' rreat Improvement 'over
Regulatln~ peop e an te mg t em "Sobriety First," was prepared and T, BuTton, 3b ,...., .... 4 L 1 1
ay, p cell
'1 chan",. Late
Imately tI6,000,OOO; for maintenance th41 put IUlDmera.
not to do tlnnga m.l' gratify our o~ ('cad by Mrs. Stotter, (If Franklin. McClure, Ib ,...... ., .... ,3 0 0 12
will be delayed and "hut,
_ ---.:.- _
' . .
wllity alld Becure ~mmediat~ obedl- Mrs. Fannie, Fries, president of Barton, 'Sb " .. ,,,.,, ..... 1 0 1 4. ~...Y.I!':~;~~w..,1'II
about a too h..")'
t;nd repall'll ot' the liipw.ys that will
come throu~h' the .origlnal PSOlln~
. .

e,!ce, but it is a p6lrr w~y to Improve MontgomerY county. was present; Hough. rf " ..... ,.... ,.. 2 0 0
tax ot ~o cents, whUe tile, .ddltlon .
. \.
. .
and 88ng a beautiful selection and A. O'Bonnon ., ..... , .. ,,1 0' 0
.uddenly too WI
al one. CeDt a ,p Uon w11l produce. '
".e rural "olllen of Watren counIf you bnnlr up h~Ue ~J!he a~- ~ve aD interesting talk.
' B. O'Bllnnon 2b " ...... 2 (). 0
0 fa~f1
high winde or hea,,),
. , " , t7 'have' aked their. HODle Agent, Miu cording to aU the rules of chUd breed ' Posters were exhibltlld and the
' _ __ _ _ _ _ raIDS, and athletic youU getltlema
sufficient .moUllt fO:f ne" Jllgllwa,
construction each ye~r. WhUe the
Mra. JQllephl~e Gibbons. ...d 'JII W.UI for an ute~n co~ne In in&', If you keep him al,:,aY!' carefl,l1l1 program closed with a bea~tlful Bo- Tolals .,.... .......... " .. 33 4 'I 27 4 pl~ase notice: When the 'wheat ItaD:
Ohio State Automobtle auoelatlon years, for nearly 60 J!An a ~dent ....~bll! coo~el'J' tor next wlnte~. removed from temp,tation and pre- 10 .. ~ Love a Little Cottage " bY' Al18 over-developed, the bead of tJui
oppoHd auy 'n.creue 1ft the paollne o~ SUgar , Cre!,k townlhip and U. To be well prepared for thilprC!jeet eerve him, as It wne, In syrup until b~a:ta Welcb Mrs Stahl a~compan- Spring V .... 1 1 3. S 1 1 1 0 3-14 wheat containing tbe gralh II fMb ...
tax, the laet that It MeUred redue- ~do.w of Patrick GI~bons. \. elled
abould conllder our veaetable he I. twenty-one .nd then tum hint ist A ture~n di;'ner V:as enjoyed Miamis " .. ,, 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1- 7 Too much atraw means too little
tlQn In the lIcenlle tax ia ,viewed Ill! ber h!)me in 'BeUbrook at 10 o'eloalt cardena now. Th. foUo1rinc plana loose, he 'Will probably faU before and the institute was unanlmollslY .
victo!)" ," It"Dl mean that ~e own- Sunday night. Sbe bad been in faWDc haw been lubmlttec1 by Mr., Tuulnc', aome goo-goo-eyed charmer before declared to 'be most interesting and
And too much mlUlcle mean. too
el'll Of. JI~enler ean wlU pay only ,h Ulth f(lr ftv ..Jean but not- In the Ohio State Ulllvel'lllty Hortl,cul, h. hu gone around the block. .
?ttle brain.
about one-half a eent, Incnue in
rioul condition. until neentl,.
tUJ'al lpelalilt for the f,.m1ly vegThe lureat way to learn and to P At H
A ril 27 a u '

be beld at her etable ,uden.

grow in thle world is to make your ~stltut:~~Il~~:g ~aYnea:"i1I:r:n~
. '
Unle~ inhabitants at. IDfltDfO..glUI ~lt In.lead of one ~nt. Oftlclali ' ~lIeral ..me81
of the Ulioc:~tlon 'r~' also graUfted te- home 'Frida yafternoon at 1
If a q~artel'o&cre garden" Pl'C!P- own mls~kell and EIUffel' the penalty 9 re nl! was held
The ro ram
ed, the. Western mind runa to ,...,.
, over; defeat ef tIl.e compullolJ Uabll- o'cloc1'-- BUrW In Miami cemeWlJ. erl7 planned aad managed, It ahoutd of them. , Only, wh!l~ we hllve ,erred cOJ\.~~ted' of special'readings PbygMrs.
phllosophr' Tbe JopllD N....
It y lnlurallce bill. Advocates o( that ;rhe i!aaket will be opened at the auppl, family of ~ people with alld luffered for it <do w. learn thor- 'c 11 tt and Evel
Penn' a oel1'l
..Herald says, f As to street a1gn., ned
meuur~ cohtended It ,'wou)1I bririg grave that friends bere maj
all the vegetabl.. theT need through- oughly not ~ err. If you . tell peo- ";u~ Supscribe '~y AlbI:ta' J'eleh'; "
'em and' leap." And the Richmond
about Mdllctlon In a.to ~ddellta, the, remaIu.
out til. IUmmer and . .nln' and pie bow to go straig'ht, Borne spirit of oj 1 I cti
' b M 8 TUcker and
The lollowmg letter was
quote. a phUoaoPhical ...
....hUe tile 'UIIO~tlon oftered ,th. 1'8ltorilll' for winter UH. '11belle vag- independence in thElm wiD lead them ~ca ~~.ee ~:r' Yson; . "Home ODd by the board of co unty commissionIllI f?lIows.
"Kileing ,is abou~ to
.ulta III ' qUchullett& ~h.re aucb a
MI'II; ElIsabeth ltadman, who for etablu will be far .uperior to aD7 to violate your instructionll.
rs. ,~ :
carried so far that everY 1acI,.,
law ~, in el\'ec;t to prove the!r :QP~ Mvenll Jean wu a realdent of :Way- that eaD b. purcbUeCl on the marOne of the thinge: man finda out as ;Mother,
rs. LIlIan
. An ex- (>entJemen- Enc\osed I am pleased is likely to get &0 tlre4, of. It that
sit e con~n,tlbn. 'Stat'ilUc. abow mo- aeevllle, died .t the home of her .... ket bec:auae the, wUl be fre.b. he groWl older ia that the wisdom cellent paper was read.
to send .you a check for $600 toward H may go utterly out of faabiolJ."
tor fatalltlea have not b.eD' redu~ ~ In DartoD, Saturday, April la, Sweet corn 108M a la11re pereen~ and caution 'for whleh he has paid so II ~rs. ~~a
:a~:~, cof n~ng- the stone and gravel crusher wbleh Tbe St. Joseph (M.o.) New Pr-.
b, the p.....e of .,. CQJDpuleory In- aftir a 10111' WD....
TIl. funeral of Ita aupr ..,hel! jerked toJ' a half Iireat a priee in antrerlng and other- .e t d
e~ uOt th rd ou d ' u- you are .purcbaslng.
saY8, "lfhe girls have responded,_
lIur~nce law. I~ would lIave &lao"niCe wu h.w 'II WedD~ the
Peal aJld creea bean., dete-- wiae cannot be handed on to his lIOn. 818 e
.roug 0
e ay an gave
I am sure you nre making no mil- nobly to the appeal for .t he obluTadded ,ao.oo to ,&0'.00 annual taX to ,J7t\, an~ burial wu .t Dayton.
rlora,te rapidly when plekiecJ a abort People bave to learn thlnga for them a splendid ~ddress.
take, Our connty has l1ix crullhers ance of paint-up week."
the op~~on of a pauencer ear.
.. an1 o~ ...eptablee. ' selva in tbe bitter achool of experi -
and we consider . them, the f.o undat\on '
A tle~o . 1applying " tor adm"'loa
~afn the ,.uoel,Uon . qlafm. , the
C'anaIwa, I0Il of Mr. anel
~te the veptable en~.
t f
fQr tbe success of OUl: roads in Cham
to a. Govet:nment .trBfniJlw eamp ....,' ,
credit ,of def..Ung .. meuure .that ~ c.o,.. c.m.han. died at 'the cardell 10 that It II ~l. to the , The trouble witll correcting peonnua III a I~n
paign , county~ and, by the way,
told bY' tbe W.r Department that
~u14 lI.,! plac.d ,th, ' ~lftr:of au- olJle of bJj uaele ha J)QtoIl, TIl.... hom.': .\ ,.outham aloP,8 II to b. pre- pIe 18 that it i8 li.bl~e to destrOY more
' ' .
,roadll are being imita~d now in
rules .makes it iI)lPollllble. to ~ .
On ~ciay Gv~ntng, May, 6, the ty CoUn,tiCR. of.phio, and the work
tom b.Ue"JJ,CeJile pl.tea e~c1lU1lvel1 .ln ~ar, Apr$1 18. Death .... the reiUJt ferred beean.. the lIOn will warm u~ .t~n lt. bulldll np. . The constant hll,~.
him. /Regulations 88y 'colored mlli ')
tI!~ ~I~a"d. :.of ~ountf a\ldlto.....1 tlje of an lnJIU'J I1IItallJed ~hi1. plaJiDI ,Daore llulcklY. In the Ipriq. Sou,tli- it ' o( criticIZing &I),d fault-fin.d ing IB ,Rt. ~ev. ~~eodore I. Reese, aishoJ! the State . i~ undeJ: ~he
enl ~Bt iri colored reirtmenf&.
plan for I5tl~~ dlatrlbu~lo/l 'Will ~ina~ buli:et baD.
em Ilopel pt the m~lD~m. .K eep fatal to love. If, the~efore, you val- OoadJutor of the I?locese of S.o~th~m of an engmeer who. 18 a nrl3dtlct
' for colored , young an.n wl11
u ~ lt hall been.
Eeverti attellded Wapaerrw, hlg1i thl;. prdell In Pte open; .bade gro_ ue the affeC1tion of:, anyon~ it ia al- Ohio, wll1 make hi! IInnllal . Vlsltatton our county road work.
Whi.Ch . may eolv, ~
. , ' ..
BIlhool and traduated \a the clUI of ~r '....~bl...
"aye _beat, to treat him With Appre- to St.. Mary's c~urch ' to p'reae~ and
I know t hat you arc dOIng good
S~e!thQ'dera in . the . C;:~eyeland U24.
........... '0 . P......-LOcatAi the elation, not criticism.
'adminIster the rIte. Of. confirmation. work In Warren county and I con- problem.
~roadcastl!lg 00., owners ,a nd operaThe funeral ..mea 'WM beld Id perman.nt eroptl, ~cb . u uparqwI . The only aure i'oad tei righteouQ Everyone is cordially ' Invited to gratuJate you on your determlnaHowever, it wbltes have the ria'ht
ton of .tatlon W/A Y l i that city. tile home o'f b" puent. ill Ki.aonnd rhubarb ~ona the f.pc. at one _conduct , is to grow a force within be present.
tion to have good toads everywbere. to decide in what re~mont. &Ji4'
. have .r.cted Col. ;.t'had H. l!rown .for Sat~y, April 80, Rev. Lanly,"_
ilde of 'tlie pnIen. alIO the .hot bed. oUl'llelvell that Ihalll make U8 right - - --Very truiy yours,.
camps colored younc meil 111&,. ' en- .',
m.r 'aeeretll,ry of .tate, u ,tlieir pm- ~r 'of the Main IlJtreet"'PJ'eIbJterla~ From thia point plan the e.ul,. , ...... !,01lB.
A. force 8uperinipolled upon Subscribe for . the Miami GaNtt..
roU, it would seem only fait- to I .
ldent pd reneral . croulll8l. .CoL cllurch, Lebanon, oftlcla~. , JI~ .tabla lUeh u ' onloDa, ,adi,lbea, IIPln lUI by some. ne eISI~ i8 only temporathe colored young men deelde ill wW .
l!rown w.. In WgJllnr,tO,n
weelt was In 118I0Il. .
" .
.. ;
. ~~b. Th_ l'o_ can ". 18 to ; 15 a;Uy effective. .
particular wars'. they woulel' be ' . ..' ,
Ineha..,art. How.ver, it III b~tter
This is why' democracy" is better
,w here he app~.iI lMt10re ,t he IDem;
,- tien ot.-the t~e~ raCtlo comm~
1.. "
to have the.. roft 24 ID h.. .. part (O!, a people, tUI.n anY ,a.utocrpcy.
.Ion, .nd ~~red a new \W~V. lenrth . ' .;
10 that .l1Ql'H Clul~vatlOD . ea~ ~~ p~~- 'Tney .tumlile fo~rard making their
. Ii
Jacob Wasae~an, ableGe.iuo~
for ~JA.Y. , Sln~e iii Bl'IIt "ro~\lU- '
tlced. At laUt; Plall tile ~ ,Part 0~\'11 lIi~I"ke.. 'tIbeae are mbtakes,
~ ~
oveli~t, author of "The Wor(Cl";n:
. k ~Ing ':U1I~ .tatton h.1 bel!n op. .tlq "
of tbe g~en ' tor borae eqltl'Oltl'i'~' perhaptl, they ,would not have made
, Ale
lu~jon," can "find no ' happJneu 'ba
on' ~$6 me~l'II; .~\lt Iii new . 8:Chld!>ale , Tu~.Yi . May 10. will b. el~
. -up Next plant l.~uce, ~bbacl! and ea.ill it an autocrat rulod them, but they
~h16 country." . He .calla Chieaco'
tnd"tl'll\1 life '!intensely depHltalncIt
. ' hleb ih'\~n~red Jbl~ -k, putl it da,. in :WaJlleavlUe, by ~rder ,!f ~. IBower ptants: Mark the .carrot and learn better from them than they
,: on '441 ~.v. ~e~l'JIo Col. Brown ri..... .coqncll, The Itrettl ;J!l..~ p8l'llDiprowa ~"Ia quic, Iennl~t- J,arn' from ,the"en:'Ol'II committed .by
Chicago's industrial worltm~h'
.' .NfI elabOrate pl~ a~ beltl" made el.~ of JUbbf41! that hal c:opaecwd iog lleed l~e ' radilhu. . llo,r' beet an autocrat. '. .
call Mr. Wll88ermah's life fft~
, for tbe,programa of thJI , ~tlon, one durmlr the winter. ailel COUII~Il " baII aeed If you h.~e no plan"", B,.thia
.'-.. ,
' The popUlarity of our "Test 0 ' Ten" feature Is ever:growing, and if depressing. It is hard .to j~da:e- 'I.e
of, ~e he!at _~n~wn ~. raello fanl ot decided that It wm be an oPpo~ufe time eorn and potatoes ' ~o}lld. be
you aren't yet playing the game you are on your way to becoming a back prairie ~og in. hill U~e '9l~ . ~'
the ~~ ! , '
, , " , " ' time (or the ",UN commnnitJ to jo n . p1anted~ Tomatoes,
P~t, . ~"
n\\rnber. Everybody in WaynesvlJl is Il8king the questions which ap- be as ' happy as Napoleon !1ci01dil8 lIP
The H.rvepbul'll clua" play, "His p'ear in every i88Ue. Don't be the exception. Start with this tcst-which at the pyramids. 'The .p~ . . .
. The'.eaison: f eatChlnt tiau 'ci 'ad ill . a ' ntIeral, Cle&!1-uP ~d at! ottl- are Wt ~ptI plallted. ' The, followl.
.' Saturdilf nlirhta:' and 4until i June 9\S ~~ ~. ;ed to ~~~ti
ing yeat ~~e~e th.~:lJual p::::~ Fatber' .Nlece," will be given at the is o. very Simple one, and for whIch your sco re should be 90 per ~ent.
dpesn't have to go to st. Hel.....
an peP,On wbo ,e found with
Q:or , " : u~
~ ~t ' en p~. Be....n ~ a~ e
.~ Town '$iill May 9 llnd 10. T1!e cla~1I .
.In tl.'po.....loft'::J. ln for " he.v, Ine ~~'~l' to. .. ~.,. :::tin..... "'...a !_ ~~'Hth~ ......
11 e.n. Plaat-F'or' the .,_ ..~on wIll'(J;e: ~ye~ at tile M. E., .
. '

Napoleon crollsed the AJPIi' ~':~


-r .
,r-.... \ ~.n ~II
-t; te

9 ureb Sunday evtllung Hay 16, by


ter and teld th
~t jauF:~~:n~eGor m1~u..
Itl ~qd ol(f.., oa 01' ~CI. ,ll", e~ ih,ed . f~mlly_1X 'p~pl~e ' Rev: ' G,' -So TuQ':er ~d commence 1. Who
Commander-inChief of man g~vernor at the present ~me.? lid him on the ?" d "t t1m~UIII ~
~ar tr ~ t , :o~e " e
~ f i 1'q~", JIq !O.
foUoW:iQ ', qqantltie. ,1(111 ., be , .bOuilment Win be 1b';"20 "The clue roll
tho D.' S. ~rmy and Navy during O. Who 18 kn6wn 118 the most l?csgre ac .~m....
sen In. ue on .
eve~ ore; 0 ~

wht: I ) . "
,. '
'lnclijelea p.via B~I'an' Winston Cline , 1918? . ."
. .
imistic philosopher?
t ::PU~I~:' J::fd:O~~f!:. :ia ~~!!l ~'nME'l
B~. 10,o 'fee~ of ~. .; ~rrote,. ahd; ceeU ~D.
2. In' what land ' are white elephants 7. yvhnt cou~~y. is. referred to as
.~ ~
'd I
I tiI '.llf
. . 100 t"~ of row., atrinC b,ant. ..c~ On. Mal 20 the .nnu&1 field' meet sacred? ,
John I,Jull.
tb~: :fo'l"f ad ~1'8- . ' .
' . '
plaatlQ ' I~O, 'IMt, 'lOt: ~W8': ~ma ..sid Wet dinner will be h'eld oil the 3. Wbat b the na~e of .the Presi- 8. What 1B the hardest known 8UbaeuonriJU












ll::SI f'





Clean-Up Da,



rd '

_til.... ' - ,




=~~h ~~ftED
.n~ othlfSo b~ for baIi

flah, s:ropplu-

btU cl vn a baOl bhte, ~~..

J une i 6 '" n
pt:o...,won nn
.I_n !pana .,aI~" p:q~.. the 'pUt
~upd~da ' of' ",~ , II.lIa~e b.-a eaqi)t br . q l " of
.~,..., .~ a big ,time' " ~
~h8~ tn~ ~1lliP111 ,0""
--.-..:.....- '.

. '.

. ' T

',MakID, our

::~ ~~~:
~:'~~~'1;~~!~ ;~~ a:::;p ~tl~;1:a:Il,:~ ~t~~eY~!t\he r~eent Eue~r~- 9 E:!:~~ uation,~l
111; . . ,...
-p"f:.t1; . CUCUIII~ lleeon~ P~~.



E '


".'. ,. .

. -


will be given fot ,the
t;ic Congr'!S8 held?
10. Name - In what
com, Reb ~~er!.!! edftJl.ta;. (,f, ~eth~ewldel;mftlelee~d' 6. Has any .tate in the uniob a WO . pawn used. .
lido. '
. ,..v~"uo 1. eomle
~ on fieIh
~e~ ~rid",JJ.fo:v ~e day. .
; (The co~t ~Wera ~ be ,p~bl!ahed next week)

melou,' thiDa:
PIail"-;' 100 fed f



1---;0. :.0 be


of" ........



, .;


Til A e'ti
~ .. IP~
a o:~ mtcJ : ' IlJq ~f~" " ~ ~
IIi). &, 'at. ~baaOlJ. fW:tia. " ...~ .wI"" bJ,"~
taDt- .' ..... , ,
.... ~
of the Jl~ OJ_bad '~or ilt . nlWf ..... of litttaee,~~: ~
'H :'~ I ':
the m.t.lppl " I~ ....................Upl"ll. IAiit PJihtbara 'of
Wane" ~oaD~1 Clu~ W t;ten
~ beeIII, t1IJIIlJ!! aDil. ea)i....
ed w ,a.oo.
.:.l) ,
......... , . WfDtIar ~
~ . W. ~"k. '&!Id ~- Ann.
Tb ,1IH of the Pe1lalN ~D,
II . . .
' ~.., IIc~, of ~.. ~. ~o~'
0pp0IIt. tM falr poUDdl, .... Mea . ..... ' ,...... u..~-' " ... III IAbeIlon, ~, April 21.
~ d . . ..,. tile .,... or- . . ." ~ " ._ .., ~....
Ih "~IT naIded III
I. VI. LfMo1iI: of n.,to., t.ft ...
doatacL . . . . . . 1M will .... "
, '. . .
!Ie ... nIa~~
T1I1In4at It uee &0 &owr . . . . . . . . f'.o.t. . . a.or,; I. W
... -f'I~ ,,110 __ ~
~'~ .. ~~ . . . .
, ...... , . . . . . . . . . . .
.........., . '
.GI' ,ll~_








w. . ,-

M"C ."
a"a..,. c ray



." '.'


':". mE

. ,\

, .
1. . Spam.

. :Answel'll' to


la8t W ~ek's QU~.tioDi


., I d urtIa , ""'~nc CO~T,

. II. Rutberf,d .D. gafe~
eorg . ~oJ;&ee Lorimer.
8. Snobbisltne...
, 7. Beethoven. ' .
4. Lak. IIlcbJpn, Lak. SapeJ!or, 8. ~iheteellth AmendlJlelli.
~t!rs!urOn, Lab Ede ADd. ~~ 9.
~ 'pal. bd wad.- atteild ~
..' no 00.'
10 South &~_
' - - . . , .,. . . .IroloOI..........


,, :'_-



r."urt lluthol'iz4.'d Jonathan It

"x('c!ulor of the" tate of Mar~
\., ~t~Cf! l't ~ lio prr shll,reo foJ' fifteen
: h (lI'C of 'i Pl'r .Ct-ll t cumulative pref" "I'ud IIIl'k (If (lu: Kr K r Or eery

F. D. DAK.lN

---Work is tire jrreatrllt IIln -II' IIle ~lIud Ullkln~

inc that ,was CIVil!' cOllf Tred \)I,on
1I1't fl . (\d , th
prlce.s at which
l!'ltaill , hnre' or .fack M the statt'
uguliLus 'and M ry Rc(tse to AnWOl'k i. ' 'h pow r hlll1111lfl r ' 'hat
Wnh .. W, aarhis, hould II Ilold na. Dillon, 26 nt:rC8 o( land In afcm forgs U, dro 1\ Ir n of humanity
G. lI\lt chin~nn , .Il'ull1'di n nI Jean- ~o\....ns hip. .
into th finest ste I.
[0 HulchhlKtln, ,tiled lii~' ueth nco
Geo If .\Y. J lIl\:k to Albert, T. /md
W,wk ii. tb oM tl1Y'm ot H,Il~h'ity
Dolla Jon s,' J Q{I. 30 'lcr 8 of Innd it~ in which 111 n Cl\n hOI1()mbly '(lmp t
lit Ty E. , nll uce, l\dlllini~tTutrix o.f nl 'm 'l'p.
wi th tlch ' olher for the Cl'r~lIin liP'
~hone 61-2
the c ulle of Will. T. Wallace. filed
Birdie Jack t o Albert T. ond 'Della lilt \)f society.
h~I' in v"II\ory unel Ilppr isen1cnt:
Jones, t09 .3 0 a:crell of land in Sa
Work guide~ .mor 'people al nl;
Jillrry J. W leh. c cutor of the I m Tp.
t he highway 01 ri ~hteou 8 ne !!S than
I ot /-:ln l,IU Welch, .111 d l\is in
Cutherine Helherger III Iv y omhs, nil , , ~he l' fpr-mntorl 9 ' 0 ,
- - - - - - - - -.-0:-- - - - - - vl'lIlury " 1Il1 lIlIl'l'ui H lnl'nl.
1 town lot in t llso n.
combined .
EI'II,,:;L B UlIg. liulnr. or t he esLn\;()
Duvid H. fi'y La Henry
Work unites ~h o' pcrso nK, ills'liTHE WIDOW'S RIGH:r
For the Housewife
of onrllll HauA' 1\1 d his inVunl(ll'Y 3 t o\vn lot.~ il} Springboro.
I lit i 1\11, com munities and cuuntril'9
unll tq lllrni~eli l ent .
Ge o~' Wcghont to ~Lhel May ~ hlll Illlrn est1y co-op era te lor t he fit.
" Tlil ~ i8 II JmlVC question," said
Uirdic Ja k elecLed not to take un- Helms, 78.06 IlCO.res of land in Doer tninm nt of a worthy cl\use.
Ro'l lsl fl from th~ st\-cull '<I tend r lhe Widow, liS lhey decided where to
field Tp.
Wo rk binds . the n!lliOn 8 o f the cut ~ IIr' bctbcr i1 cnnl(ecl without bllrY the bOll), of hel' deceAsed hU 8dt)r t ht) will 0'( GeOl'ge W. Jock.
ourt ordered thnl certain r eal
Anna' Keechlc! to fyrtlc Ll\n
!lrth together with bUllus ot metal WilleI'. '('a I' til(' outfiiuc lit 11 hi ~ h hlll\d.
est.uw bclon~ing 10 William E. May- berg, 27. 37 acrell of land In IIlem in ('Ommon brotherhood.
temp('ratul't' til k"rp thl' ""'Ill juicns
Cl', incompet nt. lie appraised.
tow nship.
WC!I'k l'niRes lhe III cliotl'e mR n of \vithin, tll~1\ lu\\,{'f 1I\l' t",I\ IICI'lI lUI'C'
The first and finn l account o( Carl
Oliver P. Shl'pm'd to Adum Weil- \'isi 1\ ~ l1d pu'rpose to the level o~ som whllt IIn(1 l't'Il-L f<u' t 5 to IW
R. Bradstr et, a dmr. of th!) eslate of :tel, 66 acres of' land in learcreek the ~('niu8 .
minu tt'''' lu th" pound.
"\'o u didn't l 11 lIIe 't his watch
Mnry J. Brad t re et, WIIS approved, township.
Work nloll e! Illnkes tho Sll ulmlh II
wou l(ln't go when r bought it."
allow II nud confirmed.
W. W. ShUl'ts to arlos Sargent, clay of rest.
"Wrll. lhe manufact1lrel' didn't say
Th first and fina l account of Mnry 2 town lots In outh Lebanon .
Work finds the young old in wI sTo cook lurnips lOr ruLnlJugns a
E. Easton, lI(lmlll isu'lIlrlx of ilie es.
bnrlcs Tram pler to Ebi Tromp- dom.
quirk way. ~tJ~ ill fnir!)' th in ~ lice', UI1)/1 hill!: a hout it. so I th ought It was
Deetj)el d
Work kee p~ the vld yOIlIlA' in !Joel)' ullcl cook 1" )1' I r, to :W millutCll in n Hccrot."
t.!tle of I~ l ora B. Gray, wus approv. ler, GO.:! I Ilcres 0 r Ilin d In
cd, allowed nnd confirmed.
lind soul.
lighUy ~alteJ 11'11 r. Dl'Ili n, l1lR>lh
'rho !icelond und Ifnnl account or.
Robc!rt L. StE!ltcnkllmp to William
Work lifts nlUn 10 t he moun tain an d ~el1~on with . h\llt~r.
i;n ~H o
A. C. Vllil, guardian of S. I. Pal. Schasler, 2 tow n lots in Lovelllnd penk of thOUgJlt(u l medita tion from pl'o pl c hke Ow sl ll':~ I IItlact, I ~vl ~h
fray WIIB approved, nllowed and Purk.
wbich he can catch II glimpse of t he plenly 1),( butt,c)' '11 ' Il'( O\'CI' t us.
Marianne S, Pettit to Solomon Eternal.
The !Second account of Lizzie G. Fred, 1 town lelt In L banon.
Work move~ rnn varcl the hund "
hil(h-('I\ who profll
not to lik
Thom pson, gURrdian of Irma Thomp
Rose Ann Batiks to Ed C. und E I- of lhll clock during t h hours o f milk I1r eggs w ill oCten eRt cu~l :lld s.
SOli, WIUI al)provecl, nllowed and COll- la Janney, 1 t OWlI lot in Franklin.
om('lets. milk pu cldings, mil k-vI'gaiufirmed.
G . T. Flowers to Barl and Mary
Work presen 'e!l life !l0 thnt it is ble soups and gg.milk dl'ink ~ if well
illwored . The \\'i ~c vnl'('nl, hll \\' 'v, The first and final account o.f Re Ba!'nthouse, 106 acres of land in const.nntly ~we (! t lind refreshing.
beeca A. McKinney, ndmin.iatratrix Union Tp.
Work mllillloins" mind and muscle cr , will not clI lI attenlion to lhe inof the eBtate ()f Alexander Mc&inLew S. Limber~ to Idll Criss, 105. vibrant to tbe challengo of now op- grcidiC'nls of such dishes, lIut simply
portunitie.'1 uJld responsibilities.
offer them uS u multor of CClUI'MC in
ncy, was approved, allowed and con- 71 acrea of land In Snlem Tp.
F ull y 1~l1lli l' peri for Good
Work SOWB the seed of al
thoir r g uln r plnce in the I11cal.
Tho first and final l\ecoUnt of Geo. COMMISSiONERS' ALLOW ~NCES conduct and reaps a l1invest 01 peace

LIl .. ~e DisplllY Room.

F. Smith, admr.
. te ofd DorPen'n. Mor"on
andVV contentment.
Alk 11 I'IS I I'l ~cO I0 1' It I Ulnmu
' m, tllereth of the est.a
JO $70'I
k.' h
h '. . h
Ambulance Service
0 th
' y . E . S ml, wns approve , 1I - Follen BIIme $15' C W Unglesby
'. or IS t e cur ew of t e IIlg t
't I I I
" II
h d th
lowed and confirmed.
' .'
': I ~
J B' and tho ellrly messen""'r of th day.
I H I OU . nov" l
Th fi t
f iI
1.. Undertaking Co., buna, <100, . .
Wk' tb
le v d
strong sonp or strnng wnshlllJr pow.
T ... 1' 1'HtlN~: 7
Od rs acdcioun fOG
Woodward, BOldjers' burial com., .
or IS
e rOYII roa to , earn- derB or wllHhing "od
The dnrk
D armo y guar an 0
, RIng.
' .
h k
' d Ipodit1'; W m. R 0b'InI!On, s.nme, '1', un.
. ~WiU .'
color on Illumll1ul\1
1'"1l,; lind ll te ns ll ~
Lealie Simll pleaded not gllllty to sc a , was approve, a owe an Hoel Post, G. A. R., Memorial Day
unt~r, in Industrial mny b r ubbed off with whiti\1~ or
a charge of selling liquor and tim., confirmed:
allowance, $25; Jno_ Kell Post, same,
Educatl.o n MagaZine.
with v ry tin ijtl, I wllol, I' dlsso1v- _~------------or trial was set at Wednesday
The' . W1J\ of. Marsball Sutton Waf! Sol S'-vens
'2'", Gran - ,
... (I r vmeKll
1'1 U t d
, same. "
eu b y tJ H! 1\Cln
r nr (I
9 a. m., hIS bond to be '750.
M '
M B well a dm f th vUle Tllurston l'ost, same, $25; Rus
oxnllc arid. All lI~idK should be
~~teal'1fn EI'
H 'lI filrd' ()h' . e
McElfresh J'ost, same, Loyal Lethoroughly \Vllshod ~,fT.
lIalic or.id
eS~t a
d mer .owe, t. e
18 \D- gion, BIIme, '2~; Rillp" P. Snook Post
- -- .
is a poiSfln I'Uld ~hould be 80 nlnrke'd
veno'ry an appralSemen
same, $26; Offi~:e Outfitters, supplies
It is said t hat 800,000 Americnn ~nd kept out. of the \I'll of childr n'
I')'B E. Wltthnger vs. T~e Warren
Mary W. Tucker, IIdmx. of the es- $4; The Woodw.ard-Weil.Stanage Co. tou l'ists will go to Frnnce this year.
COIIIION PLEAS PROCEEDINGS County ~oard of Oommissloners for tate of Charles S. ~ucker, filed her Slime, ,66.50; Bell Press, same, $18' That ought to enallle t he

A~' of habeas corpuB' Waf!' grant money only, amount $1000.
inventory and . llppralsement.
Bllme supplies $2 The
Fr8l\ch \;0 collect enough money
, The idea tha t hot br ads ontAin
eel to &, W}'att.
. Aliee Taylor, a !'pioor by Ethel
Charles J. Waggoner, executor of Blank Boc;>k Mfg. Co.,
'5.76; pay the wbole debt.
harmful ' gases has no I'eientifl supFREE OF CHARGE
Court ...va judgment in favor of Mldlam VII. IGenn Taylor for
tile o~tate of . Eleanor S. Maxwell, Mme, s upplies, $10; The Oregonia
port. . Fresh IIrend mucle ofl good inCALL US ANY TIME AT OUR
tilt .plaiutitr.. c. H. Eichelberger in vorce. .
filed hIS sale ,bill. .
Bridge Co., repairs, $19.16; The TIlY
There. have been . ovo~ , a
grooients c:ontain ~ nothing liarmful
WI JQlt .,.fnat Carl M. Foreman, ~harles Bowles vs. Ruth. Bowles, Oh~rles Fitts was .appomted an lor Tra.ctor Co., sprocket chain $9.17 y ara of peace and ~Iendly
to either . child~en o~ adults. Fresh
for ,UIOO with interest. De!endants for divorce. .
apprrus~r of the estate of W!1" E. J . K. Spencer, bridge lumber, $181.- co~rB~ between America a-n d
howe~el', is rnther moist and
to{pa,. co~ .
Ma:;y Oollllls vs. Chades Collins, Moyer. In place of Alfred Gilpm.
32; Donnell Schuyler, work of con- Bnt.aln. But now that.. \>~
a yo.un g child may est it
Court found that Roy Wiant had for divorce.
The estate of Sam L. Iron~
tract, fl07.90: same in full of con- cal
have sent Able.
lIffictent chewing. The
Phone 8
~ J&~uDy :imprisoned under or
fouI\d to be exempt from Inhentance
$287; Bangham Motor Co., reto London, ""e wouldn't blame
pat't6 are neces.snri1 cn wed. ! -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4c' q{ the Ma10r of Lebanon, and
pairs, $2.48; Howard Null, material, J?hn BuU If he were to break off
the, f resh brea d 18 eru. ty, j t
U wp" , ~mand,ed to the custody of
P,oof 0:( publication of . the
Jesse S. GrosB was appointed adml $5; . Robert H'o ward, aame, $7.60: diplomatic relations i~medlately.
is entir Iy sl~.It{\ll1e J,o'r children.
die _~
pointment of Elijah J Darragh
of tho estate of Jane Presbaugh and Horace Johns ' SBme $7 50' Carl
"- - - -j Edward Fox and Chas Blaclcford
Adam Roesch
grader y,ep~irs ' . '''2:'
. ", Sam Smith for new executrix of tbe est.ote ~f . '0.
ougiihl'l\t tthllOe
ijiW'.1ru overrUled.
rah. wns filed.
. .
mond Bishop, buck driver, $7.
so' pea'Ceful they didn't do An'''fhln ...
' _1I&riO~ r..mbert pleaded. no~. guil~roof , of publicntrlon ?f the
Lebanon - CItizens N~tlonlll Leslie Schultz; opel'~ting malntai~- but launder ahirt8 and make
Q' o~ ~II of possessing lnt~x- ' pOll1tment of John O. WIl on a8
and 'l'rust Co., trustee 1D the er, ' 61.01; Int,e rnational Ha.r vester mein? ' "
,- - - i~ Uquor and. was (ound gullty' ministrator of the 'estate of Sarah
of E. R. Snook, filed ita see- Co., 2 trucks" '8,298,60: Frank
Wlfe---l-"Here's .a 8~Ory .of a man
National Bank
11,. the com and fined $100 and ,Wilson wRsfiled.
and a c c o u n t . .
Burak, Tepairs, $4.15; Harlan Whit11 Coolidge ~nd Smith sbould b'e ~ :Arabia who ' sold his wife for a ,Will. DrawD
cei... -.
Proof of 'publication 'of the apSales. made by DaVId E. Dunham, aker, bridge relPair material, $9.20; t he opposing candidates in 1928 '
~ol'8e .' You . WOUldn't sell Jl1q fol' a
Wayneaville, Oh!o
Co,," appointed Guy Gaynor guar pointment of A. 1)0an Brackney as exe~utor of the estate of Martha 'E. H. D. Can:oll, sund, 75c; G, F. Flow- think how much fun tne campaign )jone, would you, dnr1in~7"
,clian of Pearl SchoU and Nelson administrator of ilie estate of Flor- ~hlt~ w~e aPtrOved :fad confirmed. ers, gJ:Bvel, $3.30; Orville Parkhill, poeta will have writing songs and , Hupby- "Of cQlmle not, dear.
ShoD, minorS. '
ence E. Brackney was filed. .
u~ rY!ln, g\I.ar n of Bertha stone, $9; l'iar!)ld Sw~eney, gravel, mak1ng Cal. rhyme with At
But I'd hate to have ~ny one tempt
Court ordered that partition olf
PI'oof of pu~licatlon of the ap- a~h fi ed hiS ~~account..
f66.75; Bevan and SUngley, same,
Admiral SI 8 says ttl t th b ttle me wjth a really good carl"
~ ~tate be- made il'\ ' favor of all pointment of gattie Binkley as ad- ' te /~p01't o. e a'pp~aI8ers,
$22.75; Spencer and Armitage, 8ame; ship ill dbsof.!te liB
e a
Jl;.Utiea. iDt'ereated in the cue of Jos- ministratrix. of the estate of George ~o;n <ll 0 t!p~al8e c~rtalD
$232:90; same, gravel, $170. A. R. but it ' still gives usa a
epbh)., Scho'ol VII. bDog'ene Schub- A. BinKley was filed.
e on~ ng d . ~orged ~yer
.p- T.bompson, delivering tavel, $20 ... feeling to know that U 1 S:m
' Oenti.t
b.,t et aL
Proof of publication of the ap- prove an con rm~ .
26; Howard C'Gok, stone; $691.60; a flo '
nc e a
Co\ut' ..ranted II divoree to Scott ,pointmeot nf Boyd S. Rathgeber as , E. B. Dakin was appointed admr. The Standard Oil 00., gas -and'
. ck Of em arollnd.
; Guest (to hostess) - "My de~ ,
I4ttl~ iq .hia . ~ against Daisy Lil- ecutor of t he estate of Emma, Bur- W
~e.....o,L nebo.rahdDakin'''''f\d 11~1.24:; ~-FredSnyder;- lIay
.!fhe feU~w who alvf~ ~fQaea
whe.re did your wondertu~ lIb'inc. of Way" ...r .II" National e 1r 81_ . "

ton w~s filed,
. W. We19h, Obayles E wardzl and 1248.26: v. ,W. Tompkins, same, give an;vthlDlI" fo~ foreIgn mliasic)nEl\pearl8 come trom? YOQ aon't mind
The, cue of tl;te W. H. Kiefaber
Proof of pllbli.<!atlon of tn~ ap- A. T. J!loler, a,ppralsers, I.
$107.05; same, $222.40; F. M. 001 is now going around . with a .
my asking, do you?"
(fO. \'110. Bnce aDd Magdalene Mar- pointmel\t of W. Chester MaJ!,1e as The ~11 of BuSton H. ' Robertaon lins; lal!le, ' $2.3 0.(0: Eden
oll~,.I-told,y.ou'Bo look 011 hi8,f~~e.
Hoste8S-Cortai~ly not.
alIaD ~ dJm~d, the defendants executor of the estate pI A1l1l1On L. was adml.t ted to probate. '
~e, '128:~0; .ame, BIIme,
If there is any wet party in
f1P'I.e from -oysters!"
Office-Am.n Bid..
~ ,~vc ~0IIta: ,',
.' . Spcnce was rue~. .
90: ,A. T. Rettig same, ,281.86: C. campaign n,ext Y4!1~r jl1Bt, think h~~Wj:~+':::=:=====i:'::'==========::::::~
J.\i~n~ PettiS pleaded .not guilt)'
P1:oof of pubhcat,ion of n notice of
E.B, radbury; sa'~e, '152.3~; J\ls. W. much fun ita memliers will have to a ~ of poSsessing bQ,uor, and estate8 for settJel1l,l!nt Waf! -filed.
Wesley Wilson South, factory DaVis, same, ,1.85.76; Harlan Whit- ing around ~ singing "Ale alo '
~ triat .waa set for Wednesday:, Court. a~thori~ed Sarah Ann' Deck worket; of Morrow anll Flora ,Belton, cre, BIIine, $1.68.60; P. B. Monce, gan'B all here."
same, '84.40; W. S. Graham,
. '
APril 27 at 9 a. m. Be pleaded- e1", ' adUuDlstratrlX of tbe estate of also a factory worker; of }I'o rrow.
nDtY .to a ~e of selling UquorlBcnry M. Deeker, to distribute 'cer- Goorg'e W. Hawke, farmer, of $48:85; E. W. (~uiuiby, same, $
A Massach,!setts man dancing
~il WU fined ,200 and , coats.
. taln bonda.
Clnrksvllle. and Anna McCray: 'Of 20; Ben ,B. Sonor, gra,vel, $7.50
. Black BottOm threw 'is 1mee
:.. _
joint. Who sbYIl thal the Ylln~B.eJ!il.
are unemoijonal?
.Th~ real . ~ptlmi8t , is the
---believes that China and
~UJ-"W:hat 1~\l8ine88 are fOU now ieo will ' settle dow1l' on'; of
in, 'Jackl"
'. .
<lays and, cause .no further trouble.
Jack-"l'm i'n the lumber busi'
. , .... '
. History t~llll us t~ Socrates
BUl-"Well, you have got a good from drinking the poisoned
lock . . WhiCh 'ma~ in'dicate __'" .... ~~'"
head.-for lumber!'
.. - '.
had boofJeg'gers even in.
In Engl~d they. refer to the womTeacher-"Wby, every time I en between 21 and 80 as the Clapp.,
breathe a Chlnaman diell"

vote. 9ver .herp in America . they

Voice from tl1Ie ReBr-"Why d9U't don't 'b~gin, to be 8aP~rI " " mo"
you ,try cloV~s1"
,j' ',.. until Ijfter thirty.. '

'"I;wn to RcliR;fOf ~lississippi Ho'ne~s

Insurance '~gency.

Gerie.ral 1 urance


Waite" McClure
J. E. McClure






HafV'eyshurg Fert:IIZ'er. CO.





Dr. John W. M'Hler





Se. .e You Better an .. Save You




. '~TE know tira-how to select the best-how to help you take care of ~

and get the mo~ out or them. We sell Firestone Gum-Dipped ' Tires
amI.Tubes-alaO Oldfield Tues and Tubes.
Both Fuestol'1e and Oldfield The8 are scientifically designed and manufactured by The .Fuestone Tire and Rubber Co. Mr. Harvey S. Firestone it "
~: ~nt and active head of the Company and under his ~anagem:ent ~y
' outstanding developments and improvementl or

Prlo.. .

economy, safety and comfort in tira .have been

made. He is the acknowledged leader in lowerinl
tire costs and fought almost a lone battle to secure
lower crude rubber pric~ from .a foreign mon~
Iy. He has saved, ' and is saving, milllODl of
dollars every year for car owners.
Through the Firestone policy of selling ab.d
distributing dir.ect to dealers ~brough l~Pac:toiy
Branches and Warehouses. we reCeive &abo clean
stocks of tires of the highest qualitY at prices wbl~
are the lowest in the hiitory :of .the ind~trv, and
we pass these advantages in ' quality and low price
on to our customers.

.. 'au\'":'N OW! '

'Po,> ~ "" AMI!

N I c ,.-(e. L.

,G'A Z T_T E.



1'0, liS

AD orCllnllllc
t" 1'f\!;Ulfl ~ tlu; \l8l' or
SlrM l~ lu ~h c VIIII'h'"\) ot \ ILl' 11('0,'11 I
0111". ij~ I' ro"n .. uHl n", V.III"lt".


Ilnterell at th. Po.tomce at Waynuv me,. 0., aa Seconcl Olul Mall Katter

It or~lu.'"(\{.1 1. \' I h , 1


Calculagraph Makes Correct

Charg~ on All Toll Tickeb

11 n f

are on Vll1u~ 01 \ V,l )' UH v il l .:, "lnll' "f I

Mr. and Mra.
SJ-:.l "('lON ! -'L'h lJ "'II'I} " , f h I. h" 'ILK
,t he sick list.
tl 8i'~ d In lht*'
... tllnlllwt' td ti d ' Ir.whldl l
~, ~ CRANE, Editor aad Publl.b.r, W.)'........, OW.
n y fjel u O/i tl'lnn, lIot"JW Ultfu 0 ... (1 t H "
MI'1I. Alice Erwin, of Greenfield, n\-<ihlcle,
Jf.' ld h or-sU's. ZlIl) nuns.: 01~rtl n ..
r\J ll lr!rl1I1C\'
was a weekend &,ueat of :Mis!! May n tr. 01' whe ll.t1 . 0 1' Lltl
SlIblcnption Price, n.lio per year,
lUH.td or
IILJj1;lib l {: " t . llf~h\l.~ \.Itdt,,1 'I ~ Jl
c or\vera ncQ 0 1' an e~'It" ur t..ra"J;",,1 "ltln"
lnn(l, l!X ~ pUnK 1l1 ,"uHIt {'"'' r ..- 1111,1
, ElizabElth Blackford anll Ruth Gray On
(j,(by uorl;t!l:.,..
ill THlN ~-J\fllin SI" bot 1"0111 III I\'''
are nursing broken arms I both
S lro t t
rJ'IyJ<lr f.;tr t~ (lt~ NO,r l h ~lrHf't.
Rulting 1;l'om falls. '
f rnrn Thl nl' ill roet to 1'flll .:lI r~l I.
h t u uy ottllKnft l Cd 1\;" the LJl1S hW fol~ O!'
Mrs. Laura Shldlllker, Mrs. W. P. Qonl\'c. l .d dls trl" t within ""hi vlllng,.
WED N.ESDAY , MAY., 1927
3-'Vh oevcr Oi!~' Il ll . ~ H. lOu
McCarren and Mm. E. M. Villars for ' Jv!l e-..rnnN
hic l e in nlHl up u u UI ( \ ' NII" 'I t t,r
~---"::~~~~~l-'y,eu...sJlI.Oj:lJ)llng in Dayton, Monday,
l (l~hwil ' (I f t h o V 11 tn 1;"
" -n,V III 'l'<! .
\' 111 (" Ohio , u l a 6 1J I1C li gTl ' .\-itll' fll fll\ 114
I n:n I', t
Our bnseball bOYl1 met with deCeat
. Jof an a<\vertisement in
,,01' th e whltt./ (,':,rrll\ UN,' ultd l h~\ tot ' II
when they journeyt!d to Spring Val. ,"'ra
issue. oC one of our
t I LlIt! III.W a l rlll nH or K III ~ h :-'Irt ' e t !t ri l l
lElY for n game WEldnesday evening. I flJ.;hWH)", ... hull h \' tll ' I'II11' (1 ""lilt) p fJ H
The WO rli t Mississippi flood in a backed women's mll,Plzirlemo--pi<:tur11I 1 ~ d('lHcnn,'1'
0111 1
""",1,,,1 01'11
hUI:ldred years. Town ~ wiped out, ing u beautiful young lady en.lo]'inlrl
On last Thursday aIt~rn oon Wol- l lwr l \') ( f\t1et III'U1\ f' o}IIV i c U 4 n lIwnw f
s hull 110 tJnoft. ILK h fir,-.t HiLft,er pl'u vldltti.
millions of Rcres flooded, all crop a restful smoke. And, the
ter "Nip" Henry Ilnd Gail Gordon A rut' of "r)(H~ ll J.(nal c r t ha n f(ftc l! fI
proij pccta for this year gpne, lives aimed to "sell cigarettell to women. It
( t fi) 11111 )r'! HII h o ur I II th
lHll\ ln l ' K~ 01'
mnde n catch of 79 pumpkin-sced sun cun
g lJi l ,,1 Il o ,' Uon or Ow \ II I U~H. H I '
a lld Inillions ot dollars lost.
How ill clel'erly done-every word-every
fish out of Flat FOIk.
IIIUI ' . '
I h:1 11 (\\"l1t Y (IV,. c:t (', J "li l f'\~ all
s.rr iou!!ly Will Congress deal with thiR line is feminine In appnl-and-hljt", I II ttl h" T 1.01'11 lIlt th"" f\Or flhu 1l hu
al'l'1l -n-IE HAlJP "MAT FEO 'lUll,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A..
Collett on "t'I IiH' 1'~\~ I l: \~ "' d ' I\r't.' fir n rat .> t r tt lh' Ol1
llroblelll? WhBt will t he Govern- Mild ' as May,
1. 1'1' I hAn I~ 1'\ ' Hi((Ql llhlt ' n 11(1 pr\\ Ih'I .
WOULD'rt>U" If' "t'OI/ WSfUi
Thursday afternoon, attended the
Look back. Can you Imagine
Dlt!nt dl) while waiting for Congress
S,x."J')( N ~ _ \'I 'hl (' I r-H ~ h!l ll pUI 'I, 011
~ MAIoI, 'YOU ~ "-AIC.
wild ding of Miss I,ucille Legg and At .. I " ,'trf' I' l In " Hid " l lI a~" Wl lh l hu
to uct7 Will it ntt.ack: nnd solve the ~he puritans would have done to Hor-n-IE" MO/oJe-/ 'IOU MAOW 11.1'
Mr. Carl CQwan, nt the Friends 1'1 1(111, WhCl' I :1 nt I h t' \1 1' 1; ur ~urb 11 111'
problem fal' up the river at t he ace Greeley and hil old Tribune had
AI-X) 6PaJO IT' AU..
~J;:~l~t(O~fld"~I:1 ~~;:''.hC~'~~t.t~ ~"tr'n~l'" '~:I~
in Xenia.
Or will you reap a few he carried an ad. in hla paper:
If.! SOW! 0l1-IeR. "Tt)W!.I,
~1J"(iC l to MlIl S U .... ' l . :10111 rh:ht w hI H' l ~
y a rs hence, "Worst }o' lood in All "Smoke up, girlll--Clay and com-cob
t o Ii
nu t V \'" I' l' lJ.;ht._~q , (I XI I n ( ' h. ~
WoU.o'lUll, tJOIU't
t it .. c lirli or cll,11 litH', aUf\ "I\tI1l
pipes for grandma."
admired . The refreshments consist- rrnllt
plIl' ku,' un tl w 1!: n~t .,1111' uf l\l!1I 11 SIII'e.1
The weuther seems determined to
ed of fruit jello, white nnd chocolnte 1i f\leI \rh lc1. , i-hH.l l Ii la,,, 1 n l I"a :sl "I&.:'h " ( 1 ~) if , l"h. ,t-! fl' OIl I I lv ,'oll 10 nl r ulel
do its worst in the Mid-West. Tor-,
cake. Geneva received many little tN"
w fly COJlN II'I Il' LN J 10 "',tiel ~jl'p( t b \' 11.
nadaes sn9 cloudbursts are followed
l-1I "'hwn~' U (' I)IU' t nl"l1t or tile Stu-'l e
gifts from her friend s.
Ohio. ,,'nel n il \- " l jl"' II '~ l'urk c d 11.110 11
by a cold wa~e ,ruinous to crops.
Strt~ ,t " l,If ~11i , 1 \ 'illt\1-:t, sha H hU.V d
Mr. and Mrs. George Denny a nd a1"t lNIAt
So me day the human race will manAimee Semple McPherson hal had
th r ee (3, f.II.'l HI.JlCC butw e tu
Miss Ruth entertained to dinner, Sun tI,. "chltlo" folD Il Rl"lc"ll.
IIge this planet better than it is man- her hair bobbed-and like Samaonf41:"':(: TIO~ 5- 1( ... Iud l hp un lnwful
afed now and l~arn to regulate the the Tem{lle falls.
ll n r \ ' .. h lc lo I t \ 1 11 :t lc ~ a I lUl' n
' I' R('ctinn Il f :\lulrl anLl North
earth's temperature aa well as we

Cauliflower should be cooked in on Charles and Mary Edith Doster, and Inl81
'X:'I'JO", ~ -T hr nrl"Ur Or ope
reguloto the. temperaturo of an apart
uncovered vessel and only un~il it is Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cossum and (I f IUly " ,,,h\( lo Hhu ll g l up wh on
II ,:;-h t ia Il lrtp l :ly. " I, n.u t! PI'OCOOU
ment hOUBe or steamship. Surplus
Thmk-tanka are like ,gas-tanb ID tender. This keeps it white and at- family.
~ 1'(' CIl ll F!"h t I..: rl lR pl Hy t'd III
11 heat at the Equato't will be diverted one rellpe~t-they Won t take you tractive.
Mr. and Mrs. Rulph Stephens and { e l'tjcc.lIu ns ('o nl rt.l1f\~1 I))' Bll t OIllElLIc
1-0 the Arctic Circle. And when you anywhere If they are empty.
~lglIll l lI"'hl"1 "t th" dle l,lIlY or Il",her
--0Bon, Max, of Xe.ni.u, were Sunday Or
'l\uUon I "hl n
"f,h l c l e or pod 8do away with excessive heat alid el'
Peanu t.~ make good sandwich fill- dinner guests of MI'. and Mrs. A. S. trla n ~h n ll he JHl r ll1 l tt cd to en t or Q.
el Inler"ceLion. flodcst rl(ln ~ proceasive cold you , will do ' away with
"It is better to have loved and ing i'- you put the roast 8helled nuts Collett. In the afternoon t hey all cctr ding
on Ir r e n II gll t shall hllvo III
tornadoes, typhoons; etc.
have alimony than never to have
through a coarse meat grinder and motored to Germant own to see Rob- rl ghl ot W IlV 0 \ 'eJ' v hlcles mn.kl nlt
n. 8hnll e ,' OOB Slr 01
Some wUl call that "nonsenso." ed at all," i8 the new Reno philoa- then stir In enough cream to make ert Collett, at Miami Military Insti- Int J'lIcc tione.trla
s III Str ee t crossings \In
They would have called radle;!, ftylng ophy.
gr n light.
the mixture easy to spread. Be sure tute.
SEC'l'ION 1- Any p "80 11 who I hnll
machlnell, submarines utter nonsense.

to add aalt. This filling will not be
vi lute nllY of ~h ' 1"'ovlalol1s ot lbl ~
What m?n can imagin~ they can do.
"My wife thinks I am the only pasty.
s hall . u pon co nvic tion thor _
spent the week-end with their teach- ordinance
or. be punhthed b y Il fi n e o t nOl t e8M
. They w,lll regulate thlS earth from man in the world," said a well known
-0er, MiS!! Rosetta McMillon, at her than Ono Dolin.,. ', U 'OO'h nnd cosls or
the Arctic to the Antarctic, aU round local man last week, "whose wife is
Rolls can be rewarmed aaUllfaepr08ecull on. nOr more t 0.11 Ono Run dred Doll n.r. ($100.00) . nl1d coat. or
the Equat~r, temperature and 1'1!-ln- perfect."
torily if they are brushed over wIth home near Port WOJiam. Edith Bo- prosec
ull on.
fnIl. That, of course, is thouaands
e e..
milk and put in a covered pan to Grace Constant.
SE TION 8..JI'he ord lnane
7. 19 27:.. 1. hereby r epenled.
of years ow~y. . . - .
The ideal husband, the model steam through. After the rolls are
SEJC'rI ON 9-Thl. ordln(lnce 8hn\l
Lightning played havoc at the home tnke eftect nnd be JlI torco Ifrom nnd
Oontrol of MIBSlssiPPI fioods can flPouse is the man who Undell'lltan,d.._ lheated through, take the cover oft
be accomplished -now, whenever the and doesn't act dumb when he is
pan so as the outside will get of Wm. Carr, Friday morning about ~:~~.r til onrll OlOt period o.lIowed by
3 o'clock. It came in by the way of
Pusoed May- 2. 1027.
Government ~ecldes to spend ~a litt).e kicked under, the table:
crisp again.
Qt Its money. The value of water
A'Ues tT. D. 'ROGERB. Mayor.
--0the radio aerial, breaking all the win
Impounded, diverted' and used would

If you are planning and equlping dow8 in the front (If the house and
L . A.. Zlllfl\fEr;h~N.. Clerk.
excee9 the co~ of the undertaking.
The Ark in the Missinlppl ftood iI a kitchen, think first, last, and all knocking oft a quantity of plaster in
the Federal directed Red Cron and the time of the work to be done In the upper hall. Luckily no member
its freely donated five millions of It. Don't make the room too big. of the family was iqjured, except
Esla te or All ~1
, . c~~~
dollars for telief work.
Make a kitchen oblonJ eo that work that Herbert Carr cut his hand on
Notice IA herelly "Ivon
A . g ills has b en .Iu l) "PPO
centers can be g'l"ouped to better ad- broken giaS!!.
. " cUto" or the
We . have lIl1t-nad and .greed that
a new 'era in our national life ill here.
How do the Filipino. expect to
-0rD. Richard Kibler entertained a S~II~: ~\~~~':l. IlIl e o.t Warrell
DIl t d t hlo ~71 h dny or Ap r iL. 1027.
Now we slam' the old fedora on the get independence while fifty million
There are valuable mineral lIalta numbo.r of the sclboolmates of her
W . Z. ROLL,
JUj1!1' or tho f>rohnte C"Urt
\e.k and-:-;-for the first time realize manled.ll.\ n he~e in the U. S. are al- dill80lved In the liquid that sul'roundll daudghter , Gheneva, a'~ her hon;te ~edWllrr" ounl y. 01110.
that age 18 upon u_ that truly the 80 ba.t thng lor Itt
d it h uld
t (Ies ay i n onor 01. Geneva s mnth
~1?r:~~'~lo w, Ivins. A ILl'.
new era enveloPII u_we are In mld:n~~ vege
C8, ~n It: 0
no birthday.
Tholle present included,
a ay.
.- - - .
e ed
I l e n a aauee Virginia Buckley, Gladys Carr, HelsJ;ream Ond a weak swimmer
It has come. The lalt ban-ier hal
Again it hu been pr~ven that Ilug se" w t t e vegetable, or in IIOUP en Rhodes, Cleo Craig, Lavone ClevLF.GAL",NOTJ E
fallen. There is no lonier a du,I- cen crab aU the limehght-u wit- or gravy. Boil eanned vegeta~les enger, Martha Jane Foley, Verda and
swdard for 'man and. woman In thta neliaed by the . way the Gray-Snyder
at least 6 m = before U8lRg. Loretta Lawllon, .Winona, Helen and
Stote or Oh io. ' Van'en ounty.
, ]" th e ollr l or Commo n Plcu .
country of oura. Wom"n i.- with UII C.1Ie ~ .,ullhed Ruth, Cobb, SpeakM Id b
b d
Carl Brown, Vivian and Joe Wilmer
Lido. M. SMvln. 118 rxec lltrlx
- in b~.ine_in our spon.-the er and ' Hornsby et al. to the baekth b
d mayb fe u-: I? wrthap- Underwood, Sara and Thelma Kib- of
th e J Q ~ t will ur Su snu E .
L e vote and--U.'en
e . reIa u P ' Ie kre Ift IS ' or- ler. Games were enjoyed by all and Halnos. docena.d,

l '

coo, or to ae: 0 care 0 f

PI .. It\U~C.
Our good old g-randrnotheJI..-God - It may be a 'fact that ree t
bread box: In addition to airing . The. township spelling contest was
leea her_moked a pipej a 'mea liquor doesn't go all far .: In e
bread box frequently, sometimes held .at IiBS Ellis' room, Friday af, ~ack old. clay pipe, and lI~e enjoyed days, .. claimed' by bootleRer e Pat- scald It thoroughly, and dry it in a ,t ernoon. There we:re seven entriee
it. But whea company ell",e, rraJlil- rona But-the ' IIhould _lao reme
warm oven ' or on the back at the in the fifth grade, Mary Edith Davis,
motber could' have been seen alippm. b 'thl_ IthY d
mor directly In .the sun Holda of Hicioryville, win'n ing the prize-n"
to th
Oclah:t7tf 'I
lit- er
ne er OH
e person

e :'iI',0
. e
0 a qUae
who drinks it.
not like dry bot air or sunshine.
a ?X 0 .8~Uonery, wltb VlI'glDia
tie whl~. !:Ihe dl It to keep from
-0DaYls merltang homorable mention.
~Iacraclll&' the famUy. '. I

Sew up the buttonholes before you pnly four entrlee in the sixth grade.
DOH her P'mnddaurbte~ today do
Cal and AI had ten-minute
a lIW'eater, 10 they won't IItretch- :racy Shirden, of -Hlckoryvllle, won
~t! Sh~ does h o t . .
whe~ the Preaidtnt visited liew
it before wuhhir, and af- the prize - penci:ls and ta!.olets.
'I'r\Ie, '!lot every ,femUllnc: Imoker ' thla ' week, the New York
, it out, nck 'd own, on ll'l the seventh grad~~ there were five
tod.y )jail the freedom of tlie Iltreet, e:allil1&' at the Coolldee hotel
of soft clean ma- entriee, Beatrice P!iDney, otl Har... office, amueement place, or home, but Tjlls may ~ve rincai.ilen the
shape It to the. original !leysburg', winning the prize, a copy
still, quite generally, ahe hal been ~unity to yell
Pin jt in place' if It of Robinson OrUlloe, .and Fannie ColgetU~ her "whiftl" without mu~b thick of the ' I928 battle.
inclined to Ihrink. Of caUl'III
winning honorable men tion.
pubhc discrace or great Ine:onven _ ~__
you would only wuh a Iweater in
' entries in the eighth glade,
lence. .
lukewarm water and neutral 10ap,
Paul, of lfa"eysburg, won the
Th~ woman IImoke.r ',today bas' beFAIR ENOU.GH .
dnlling it in several waters 'ot the
a loose-leaf DClte book. AU oth.
. lame temperature and squeezing the er atudenta taking part did themcome Buch an accepted ~~ In our
national Ilte--that commerce now
Scboolmuter - "Give me a rood dirt out, rather ~n rubbing it.
lIelyes proud and arel' a credit to their
t~8 to bid' for her patronage.
. eJUlmple of a eolncidene:e."
' . _

The Judgl!s included Mrs.

All of this hu to do wltjl a new
PUpil-'llIy lather and mother
Carr, Miss Merl<l Ellis and
and a radical trend-the appearan were married on the aame dayr'
Cha, les Moore.



"Inside Inforrnatiol'''

7h 'h





VCJ9'cim Tube 4CJq TimeJ

Stronger in Tr.oeloe Yea,.

- - _._ - -

Mrs. 'Lynn Marlatte, who has been
very lll, II recovering.
. Miea Lot:en DrewclS left Friday for
her bdIne near Napoleon.
Mrs. ' Hudable tEill one day last
week breaking hel~ leg below the

are long tllslnuee (elop bone cnlls tim e d ?

Is a IJ uesllon thnt Is often ns ked and IH, at tho same Ume,
one of th o moat Impo rtan t from bo th tho tcl ephone subscrlber's and
-lhe tolep hone cOIOIIOn)"8 vIewpoin t that a ri ses.
In every long dIstance office, at e\' ry long distance operator's
haud Is nn Ins trum ent co iled the cnlcula brra pb, n. comblnatlon clock
nnd m.eohanlcal dovlce thnt works with almost Aupe rhuDlon Intelligence. It figur es In every long dlst"nce call ond upon ,It Is bas&d
the cbarge to the subscriber.
Fol' Orlecn years tIl ls Instrument has beon In uae and since Its
bogln.n lng many Improvemelrta bave h on made to It. The diagram
IIhows the Inst stom ping by th e clllcuingraph on a toll ticket dO.De
at tbe finIsh at conver atnlon . From the length at coovct'llntion
stamped on the t icket th e proper charge Is mndo. This ticket the IUIr.
scriber can "8ee and believe" nnd be a88ured he haa been correotl,.

17' 00' W. 2.s! eh . to a olo no: th ence TI'J' tla. Miami CaseiN for Jell,. . . .
S. 38' 00' W. 1.04 clio, to lhe boglnnlng
?~ntg~~~~g .l~, 9 ~::rti'l;o legnclCle ,gIven
I;y the wHl or til 8ald Susnn E.
H n Incs. decensed. nnd prny lng In tho
pr,wer or the IInld peti tion th nt the
cou rt m o)' cance l n. e erlnln tcnle to
Josiah Davis n.nd Lloyd DlLvls or 8n.ld
n nl Estnto 0.11(1 tha t th e ou rt m(lY
mo ko 1111 order f\uthorl ~ lnl'\' una dlrecl
Ing her n. e"eoutrl" of ~h InAt w ill
or Susun E. Hu ln . decens d to sell
lhe r 0 1 81nto herelnb lor o ilo~crlb"d
1(or tbe purposo ot IIlLyl",.- lile legaclejl given by tho Illst .wlll of th e an ld
Su enn E. guln e8 deceased. "tid for 0.1\
oLher n.nd rllrth r (ln dlng.. ordera.
dec rees. und roll er to
which this PI"lnUfC Is ntilled In th e
pr!f,'l:!8~~bO"O ' named Pe"9nns \\"11 1 tflll
tl otl ce lI 'u~ they n.re ptl.-Iy cl ere,,,lBnl.
lo lho .Bld n, lion "nd 0 8 Huch "ra rcqulred to On8\\'cr tho p llUon On or
b for til ~r. th IItw or J\uI~. I O~ 7 , or
Judgment ,will be tnk otl "(Colnsl them.
Executri x ot tho Iast w(1l or
Susan l!J, Ha ines, decensoa.
1IIny -6t. '


Tru~ k

M..nufllcture ... aad Dealei'll'

proposo.ls will be recolvo(l by

S (lled
th e Bo"rd or Tr ustees ot Way ne Town
"hhl. Wn rrcII CO UII I)'. 'Ohio... a t th e orlice -of tile Clerk ot enid -,l.ownelll0 nt
tit 'lI'arn8lvlll 'Natlon(ll Bank. until
twe lv e ocloc.k no on. Eutero Standard
FIUtl.\V, MAV 8, llY.'-'T



burl... olI-....

tor rurnlshlng lho rollowlng equlp- wide remedyforJdduey;

1 ~ ton elc 1 botly lr uek 1>( aubladder
lornatlc gravlly or hl",,1 holyt dump
dOBlgn wllh. wood ur Itoel cab [or lumba&o and uric acl4
EBOh bidder shl\lI Bubmlt with hIs
bid 8p ell (lco.lIons "or tho truck offered
with the limits abovo apeel tloll.
The 130arG or Tru Hlll s ro" rVe th o
right to Tejcct nny or nll .bIds,
C !\. I ' S \ l . '
ay order or thoE.B~.rd'rf.fo~~~.tceB.
W. E. CORNl!lLt..
Tru8lee8 or Wayne Township;
J . O. CARTWRIOEIT. Cl erk .
at -ru4-5t

~!k , .

.Mrs. Are.h .Copse,y and daughters

ali! visiting a few dsys With relatives
~n Springfield.
,Mrs. .KaW ,Boye:e and children, of
Yellow Springa, IIp~mt tbe week-end
with her parents.

Dravres,. of Delaware,
visited over. Sunday with
. ~.uu.". Drewes and Iu Lorena

POlltmuter F. 'M. Hiatt and Wife

I .~I""""'" ,Sunday . in ~4UlkfOrt:, Ohio,

their aunt, MI'II. Sarah. McGInaDd daupter, J.lllla. . -~




-- -- ~

The,Miami Gazette Office

'F. T. Martin

Centerville, O.
P.bODe No.1

Better and Cheaper

than Syrups





F l'hln:.J' ovening, May 1$, at 7 :30,
.olmeln' lI)' Nt. RI)\'. 'l'. I. Rces , of
Cul\lmllus ; nt this ~ ervice the rector,
t h ~ Rev. J. J .
eha !fer, will present
<lInn of fly for continlla tion.
T hlr\1 Sunlluy an"r 'E aster, Mny
- Church choo\ nl. 9 :45 ; Morning
Prol)'er nnd sermon at 11 o'clock.
Rev. John J. Scbaetfer. Rector.


.F.... E. timate .

'H oney



Two Shows

Late Cia Bili }1 Ads:


8.30 aad -8 ,30 p. m.


- -----II'OTATOE


.~." "'lII&al Gaull. for Job Work

orman No. 3 fol' Mle
at D. Hollinlr.lworth. '2.00 per
bushel. Oregon ia R. R 2, l,hone


rated by my father, the late I. W.

All wllrk wJU be of the
See E. P. Harlan for ,..11 kindll of
hi~h(oat. oharu ter lUI presc,lbed b,
Owing, lit th e olicltlltlon
Piiectri~l Work.
lh~ Slate laws, allll at reaao~ble
in Woyn..lwiJlc, I havJI
ery truly,
Cabbag(l anti toml\ ~O el; p\llnts {or ud to Cl\~'ry 11'1 tho buainc l!S' of p'lunl b
Ed lIopkins,- Wuyn IIvi\lo. O. ing :1lld I .clrical wllI,k, l ute!y ope.
MI SI1 Emma H ighw6Y wus tM d
lIer guest of Mills 1I1oy W" ig ht on
W. n. Allen , wns in Xenia lind un dllY.
Dayto n todny.
H. G. F it'zpatrick, of Frank11n, Vis10
E. P. lIai'lun for 1111 kinds of itcd his sister, Mrs. Cynthi Evulls,
Electrical Work.
Motbers Da, ' nut Sunday, May 8.

- mil

Sub.cribe to the MiUQi c.uette.

INow New York



~ .-,

' --"'.


~ -~ ~





anel deli"ered.
Ifiyen at bo'me.
akin plea of eoyeriD"
Seael in ,our addre to




Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m.; Prench
ing Service at 10 :30 a. m.; Epworth
League at 6 :45 p. m. ; Evening
Preaching Service at 7 :30 P. m.
L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

-,,---- --:L-=-~

---- -- -



Mrs. Celia Grllham was 11 Daylon

shopper Monday.
1821 E. Fifth She.t, Day taD; Obi.o
Mr. Everett Early and daught~r9
In Waynesville May 30th or 31st
spent Monday In Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were
. 't
I ors, Th urs day.
Mrs. . Kesler Graham purchased
a new frlgidnlre last week.
ft d
e cou~ty roa ~rew scarl e an
graded MaID street In Lytle, Monday.
Mrs. Oharles Johns was sick last
wee.k, but Is now able to be out

ring You r Egg s t 0 roger

- ..... B

, iriiiiiiij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ii~~lagaln'

Mr. Glenn Jonns, of Dayton, visited

his a
t Mr and Mrs C E Johns
p ren s,
Miss Editb Sides, of Dayton,
a week-end guest of het: couBin,
Vt;lma S/llith. .
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fox returned
home, Sunday, after a two weeu'
. D
stay In RytOn.
Miss Eliiabeth Carr, of
burg, spent the week-eIid with
Gladys Bergdoll.
Mr. and. M~. Harry Cornell, of
Ferry, vi8ite~ Mrs. Frank Ragen
S~day' afterno,on.
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Stowe were
Sunday callen at th~ home of
and Mra. Kesler Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and
daughters were Sunday qaests o~ I
atives at Tippecanoe Qitj.


r:e -

cut, Ib ...... 47e

Mr. and, Mrs. W. E. Copp, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ida Da~ __ ~
Mr. and Mrs. Carl -Albrlrht, of
t Sat rd
S . b
prmg oro, spen
. 11 ay even g
with Mr. and Mrs. K. Graham,
Mrs. ElleJ1 C~psey has returned 'to
her home after an extended
with relatives at spring Valley..
.T he Ladies Aid will hold the ,
meeting ne~t Saturday alternoon
the home of Mrs. William Brown.

=!!.~P~~~~ 15c




MIS. Hannah Rogers vjllited. in

C- Iara l<ile spettt-;Sat urday
L bonnon todny.
and Sunday with relatives in Green

Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires were Leb county,

MillS' Emma Heighw~y spent Tuesanon visitors, Monday.
day with 1\,IIS. Edith FJurris nnd ' Mrs.
M.iss Edith Sides, of Dayton, WIiS Laura Mosher.
the week-end g uest of Miss Velml,l
Mrs. A. V. Argo, nce Kot herine
Alexandel', of Dayton, was in WayG. W. Townl!lcy 0 !the Western neaville, SundllY.
Star, Lebanon, was in Waynesville,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J ohns w I'C
guests of Amos Cook nnd fllmil y,
One of our specialties III flne Monany evening.
Cal'y's J ewelry
wntch repturlng.
hop, Leban on, Ohio.
Mrs. Eloise Thom pSon, of in innati, is visiting her paren t", Mr. 'and
Mrs. J. O. Cart wright nnd Mrs. G. J. Smith.
Mrs. H. E. Hathaway were in Cin
cinnnti today.
Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Stahl, of Frnnk
lin, were Sunday guests of W. H.
MI'. Bnd Mrs. A. L. Sides
Allen and family.
Sunday with Samuel Smi t h and fam
ily, of Route 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris RapCI', of
Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Beauti Cul diamonds f or the sweet Mrs. W. O. Raper.
heart 0 1' g radUate. Select YOUt'S
nt or1's J ewelry Shop, " The Home
Several members of the local chup.
o C G irt ~," Lebanon, Ohio.
ter attended O. E. S. inspection lit
1' 0
Lebanon, Tuesduy night.
The Friendship club wiII meet Wed'
Mrs. Fted M. Cole lind children
n esday afternooln, May 11, at the
B: rt Acosta and cia renee Chambcrlal n. Amcrican civilian "Viato~..
home of Mrs. John Shultz.
have returned ft'olll a visit with l'el:
""ho last 'wec:k broke tl1& \\'or\(l's SlIstai ned fl ight record by siayin. hln.
iltivcs in Brown county.
tilt ai r 51 hours are now the fn,Vo ri tcs in the New York to Pans ml t
Mrs. Lizzie Joy was called to Dayfor .' " r i,z~ of $2S.0()O. They may hop' otT an:y <lay now.
ton last week on !\ccount of tbe deat h
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure, Mrs.
of Mrs. Elizabet h Kauffman.
Walter McClure and Mrs. Lester
., .
Miss Mary Leah Edwards spent the Gordon were in Dayton, Monday. \!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!~~!!!!
week-end in D~lyton, the gueat of
Mrs. Kate Coleman had n8 dinner _~------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..
Dr. Gail Russum and family.
guests Sunday, Mr. and M rs. Harry
Turner an'd son, of Bellbrook,' and.
Latest in Jewelry and unusual gifts F. B. Henderson. and family.
for 'the graduat<!, at Cary's Jewelry
Shop, "The Home of Gi!ts," Lel:ia- . The regular meeting. of St. Mary's
non, Ohio.
Guild will be held at the ,home of
' On May 1.1 th, we will colebra~e our Third Anniversary at bUBi-

T h 1 r d

Mr. and Mrs. Emmette Fryar and

son spent SundllY 1n Lebanon, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Siren Wi!kerson.
On account ot Illness Rev. John J.
Shaeffer was unllble to conduct
church last Sun-

Ev~ry diamond
th~ highest val~e

we s~lI represents
obtlunabl.e at the
price. See U8 before b.uYITlg. Caris Jewelry Shop, Lebanon" Ohio.
Little MiSll Mirlllln Jean Fife, of
Wilmington, is sJpending a few weeks
with her grand:mother, Mrs.
Mr. and MrS. Ronald Hawke and
Mrs. James McClure visited Mr. and
Mrs.d G. fte
W. Hllwke at OIarksville,
un ay a moon.
' .
Mrs. George (_,mlth,
who bas been
in Cincinnati lIev'eral ",eeks for
ment has returnled Mme very much
in bealth.
Mrs. St Cl~ !~Ie, nee Lllli.an
kerson, of Wilmington, submItted
a ~errous operation in ~ Mia~1 Valley
DaytoJI' Monday.. ,
W~ sell ParkElr ..Duolold. pens and
pencils,. they have n n~breakable
pe.r malpte ,tllllTela and pOInts guaranteed ~5 years. CIll'Y,'II Jeweln'

Mrs. George Hartsock, on Thursday

afternoon,'. May 6th qt 2 o'elock.
Mr. an'd Mrs. Frank Elbon lind
Miss Clara LUe attended the reunion
of the teachers and pupils of the
Richland school in Green c.ounty, last
"Yourex" Silverseal- if' you want
the best ,in silverware. Start your
hope chest now. Beautiful llattems
for your selection at Oary's Jewelry
Shop, Lebanon, ' Ohio.
!frs. H. V. Walter, Mrs. Dan Wal;
ter, ~Ii.sa Pearl' Starry, of Lebanon,
Mrs. Ethan ' Crane, of Dayton, Mrs.
Kate Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B ~
Henderson spent Thursday with Mr.
and Ml'II. D. L. Crane.

A n. n .I ve.r s a r y

. ness in this eommunity. Our bu'S intllS8 hU8 increased by leaps and
bounds, nnd w~ wan t to s how ou r upprecintion or your '{J'ith atld
con.flde nc in us an d let you h(!l p us celebrnt . We will have a


'From 1 t 9 [I t m. < Every hour f rom 2 un~ il 8 , p. m.,
be pa, \:Icts of. Ir'oceries and other prizes j;'\ven away,
So~veni rs

t o all' who yisit tho store on ha~ day.

Next \\leek we will have a generlll ou t~ne of the good lIiue in .tore
40r you.

' Qroc~ry
. "":"We Dellver- -

Make every day Motber's Day in

\.Vayn~ville, Ohio
'the service of your gilt. Select
something beautiful and lasting for
Oary's Je",elry
of Gifts"
Lebanon Shop,
Ohio "The

-Hr. .an~C. T Harn~d

Mts: Estella Ball"of Xenia, we.re dillner guellts ,sundaY' of Mr. and 'Mrll.
G. D. ~ills. Afternoon &,ues~ . of
Mr and Mrs Milla were Mrs Marth~ Keenan ~nd Mrnd 'M;" Edward Keenan, of Belmont. .

By selecting a Gruen . Watch. for

the graduate you enjoy the certainty
that you have a time piece of renulad juatable, each .......... ..
ine ",orth and. nation-wide prellt!a'e,'
Mr. William Grahal!) left Saturday
See our newest models. Cary'~ Jew
for Grand Rapidll; Micb., where he
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. Comell, Mr. elry Shop, "The Home 'of Qiff:!!/I
~n ~it hla 8On, Bert Graham, and arid Mrs. Ralph .MilI~r a~d children Lebanon, Ohio.
Wan. Paper, " cant
spent SundllY m Cinclnnati, the
M~. and Mrs. Jo~eph Grassi and r' auests (If 'Mr, ~~d Mrs. E. V. Bam- Mr. and Mrs. George ' Ileal, Mr.
and Mrs. liarlan 'West, of, Springfield
children, of Dayton, were Tbursday h 11;,
dinner guests a\; the home of Mr. and
were 'week~end guests of 'Mr. and
1I ,000anllea, 176 ai.e, do .......
Mrs. Walter Kenrick.
Tuesday . 9 a. ' m., un~1 3:80 p. Mrs.- J . O. Cartwrirht. rhe , Cartm.; Satur~~y 9 a. m., . until 'I P. !D" wrights and their guests llpent SunMr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyce and Dr. Rudolph, the eyeSIght speelahst, day with Miss Rhea Janet Cartwrirbt
children, of lJayton, IIpent Saturda~ is at ~~ry's ~ewelry Shop, Leba- at Oxford.
YeUow ripe fruit, 4 lb . '
and Sunday with tbe latter's parents non, OhIO,
M r.and Mrs. .J. E. Smith.
d M
L wr . Ott and
and M':"
Messl'll. H. A. CorneU, J . B.Pence,
r. an Vlrsl' ad ~~e C tb
M.- - 'Martha Gr-"-IIWWJ
. - F.
R. ' Moomaw and J.B. Crabbe
0 a an
_ry a erVirginia , Wa.s h visited their 'Unci,
in Mason Sunday afternoon to
and son, O\uu;'I.1I, 'of D..,ton,
Win apa, 3 11............................. 25.
a~d aunt, Mr. and Mr". Harley Ow
tlie dedi~lation Qf the Muonl~
and Mrs. Raymond ' Wilson '~d
ens, in Xenia, Monda};"
aRlle-nters,' ,Mary Cathepne and Jean. Mrs. Walter Whitaker op"ned herltemD.le.
. w.e re pleasantly entlerllithled,
home Tuesday afternoon to the mem- . If your watc'h needs adjusting, Sunday; a'Vthe hom'e 'of Mr. and ?tin.
3 to 5 lb e~~., lb .......... ::
bers of the WaYllesville W. C. T. U. '
or repailting~ we have an ex- Percy Reason.
'.' '.
Several Lytle ladies w~re guests. ' I~~"C". workman to give you service.
We , alllO repair jewelry of every
With 'eommencement at "hand, we
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and character. Cary's Jewelry Shop, are better prepared than ever ,bUfol'e
to serve you. We have an unusualchildren were Sunday ' dmner guests Lebanon, Ohio.
at the home of the latter's mother,
Iy fine selection of Diamonds, 'WatehMrs, Belle Dinwiddie, in Waynesville
Mrs. Ernest 'Harlan, Mrs. HllJ'old es" and beautiful gifts for. the boy' 011
Mr. and Mrs. J. Beme Jones and Earnhart, Mrs. Viola Harlan and girl graduate and ' hivite you to come
wm 'St John attended Eastern in and inllpect our dlsphiy. Cary's
Mr. and Mrs. Edd ' Longacre IIpen~
SundaY' afternoon with Rev. and Kn Star inspection at tebanon, Tuesday Jewelry Shop, "The Home of ,Gifts,"
Lebanon, Ohio.
J. D. Wiant and 80ns, at Bradford, evening'.
Graduation I . Nothing serves so
Mrs; Will, St John, asllisted. by Mrs
Mrs. RU$aeil ' BentMrs. Edwin Lln~eman,. lion and well.as a watch too sy.mbolize this day Irving'
'children Sat;.:
daughter, of Dayton; are Vlai~lr her of days. . See our display of Gruen, ley .
, ..
pa~ents, 'Mr. and Mrs~ Henry Fo:ulka, ,Elgin, Dlinoill, ~Ilinllton ~atche8, ex'.in honor, of Miss
w~lle M~. Linneman III at the reser- .e ellent timekeepelrs. CarY's Jewelry
birthday. 'GameS'
vOU' fishing.
Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
were enjoyed, after
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray, Clar.'
pond" added mucll to
ence and George Gray left Jut week
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, 'Mr. and
merriment. ; Late in tlIe afterfor San Antonio, TelUUl, where the Mrs. Charles E1Ii!1 and sona, Mr. and n90n refretihmenta were servea' to
former Mr. Gray has the contract of Mrs. S. S. Ellis and family, Mr. and Betty Hartsock, Eileen and Howard
erecting steel tanks.
Mrs. W. E. O'NeaD and family IIpent Hall, 'Anna Treadway, Ruth and 'Leo
Mr: and 'Mrs. Emory ~rlton e.n.- Sunday at t~e hO.me of M!at and Mrs. -Conner, Ohas. arid H~rold ,Anders.on,'
tertained to dinner Sunday. )(r,' and
Oornwall, 1n Dayton.
Barbara Grar, Reba Ed,wardlli, Mary,
. '.
Adams,:, CharI". Fires, .Charlell Le
Mrs. Frank Charleton . and ,lion, of . .
Middletown and , MrI and Un, Chu. . Dr. Rudolph, our eyellig~t ,s pecial. May, VIOla ' and A\lna . C~mpbel~, ~o'b." .Charleton and daughter. :
I8t, is .kllled ~n ' 1~. he, practIce of op- by .Hym.~, 'BOb~:rvli, Mirgle' ~~.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schooley and tOmetry. ,..ee ~dmil\a~on..of your warda, Howard . !i!~rj ;Jane Fu~~ .
daughter of Ple '"~t Flain M- eyes eve~ Tuea"'IlY untIl 8 .: 80, and ~d Roaem~
at Cary' II
. .. ..
- aud daughter
of Stud
a r ay untl 7 "m.,
Samuel Charleton
near Lebanon, were . Monday ~OIJta
,Sho'p, Lebanon, Ohio.

Scraane Window
wood frame,

Paris Air Fa';riJ]

. '


T h 'a tt ndon ce wal! fin last Sunday. A lil1'g
l.'owd at the evening
service. \ We nre gTat.ef-ul t o tho Bell
brook orchestrll for .exeellent music
a~ d ,to 1\1 i s 'Lucy Emley for a splen
d id 8010.
On unday, May 8, we are. to have
a " Mother's Day" service, with sermon on "Some Notable Mothers."
Evening ser vice, 8 o'clock, 8crmpn
on "Whnt God Snys to Me/ ' All invited.
Nathan Johns on, Minister
Sunday-School at 9 :80:
Everybody cordially invited.

furniture UpholsteredRepairi.ng
~ '1 ~ .



. . . . 25c
Oranges . 47', c'
~a"'~a.~ ,~!!.o..: 17
_ Juice
15c. ~~!!!~ :it'~~~,... 25c

~2. ~; . . . . 20c BaeODS ar ~ur.d'~2c



. Ie. price

ca&..... : ...





People . \V~(i wOtlld~~{t th.i nk,of j go:

ing to ,any . but a good reputable',
dealer for food, clothing or furni. ' lUre, patronIze the w.orst kind of
~:d:umps:" wneh .it , 'coine~ ' -time to ,
.' bu a tire.







'do :this fhink,ing it is necess~

,. ry, ih ovde~ : 10~lgef a tire' oar:gaip/ . .

,We'll sell 'y ou the best tire rriade~
a Goodyear~ at " ~ pri~e as low,as
' you can' g~t a~)1where.


of Mr. and Mrs, Emery Charleton.

Mrs. Clyde Cox went to see
doctor In DaytOn Silturday, . who
sh "
. g I I
ta~. -IS Improvem n ce y.
~ng the rest cUre and the.
says ahe can now be up, half '
~ ' ,-.

, Mrs. Jldl~b Hanis, Mr. H~nis 'Mosher, Master Frank Hawke, Mr. and
Mrs. D. . L, Crane, ' Mr. and Mrs. ' J:
W. Edwards, Misses Mary ',1;eah and ...eIDallonl, c
Marjorie ~d Master George EdwBrd
resented St. Mary'a' Church sehool
at the ' PrellentatiDtl 'S&:VIce at Chrilit
~hureh" DaYton, S~Dday a~tern,90n
I )

c.~dY ~



~,i '.

., .


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