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One Way

by Paul Sharp

This is a simple but deceptive spelling effect that is disguised with the beauty and intrigue of Tarot
A packet of Tarot cards are mixed. A spectator cuts them and deals them into four piles. He
chooses one pile. These cards are turned over and displayed on the table. The spectator
mentally selects a card. The cards are picked up and placed into the middle of the other cards.
The spectator names their card. For each letter of the name, a card from the top of the packet is
placed on the table. When the name is spelt out the top card is turned over to reveal the
spectator's selection.
Ideas and Method
This effect can use the same set up as 'Well Hanged Spectator'. Well Hanged Spectator is an
excellent card effect by Sean Carpenter. It's a murder mystery type effect that uses good
audience participation. After seeing his effect, I went out and bought a set of Tarot cards. So here
is my attempt of a card effect using Tarot Cards and utilising a similar set-up to Well Hanged
Spectator. To the original set up, I've added the 'Lovers' card as a revelation. So instead of using
16 cards, I use 20 cards. Now the revelation cards are:
Hanged Man
If I re-arrange the cards and put in brackets the number of letters in each word, something
amazing starts to scream out 'SPELL ME, SPELL ME !!'
Devil (5)
Lovers (6)
Justice (7)
Magician (8)
Hanged man (9)
There is another important revelation that the cards tell me! Good old Rider Waite, gave us
magicians a set of one-way backs to play with (did you know that?). The rose designs in the
centre of the card have five petals. The simplicity of the effect could not be achieved without
using this principle.
In the set-up, "X" indicates an indifferent card, and the letters DLJMH indicate the revelation
cards that will be inverted (yes, turned upside down). So the set-up is:

Shuffle and Deal
Shuffle the cards using a Charlier shuffle. Although this shuffle doesn't retain the complete order,
it does retain the sequence of the cards. You can give the cards as many cuts as you like, but
don't rotate the cards like in some fancy cuts (remember we're working with the one-way back
principle). The spectator cuts the cards and is asked to deal the cards into four piles. As the
spectator starts to deal the cards, indicate (by gesture) where on the table you want him to deal
the four piles. This is done one at a time, until you have four cards on the table. This is an
important sequence of the effect. In indicating where the cards go, you are looking for the
inverted card. The card with the rose design at the centre of the card, that is facing the opposite
way to the other three. That is the pile that contains all the revelation The spectator can carry on
dealing to the four piles. Your glance can be away from the cards at this time because all of the
inverted cards will be dealt in the same pile.
Spectator's Choice
Did I write spectator's choice, I meant the magician's choice. The spectator is choosing the pile
that contains the revelation cards (of course).
Ask the spectator to choose a pile. If he chooses the correct pile, excellent! If not ask him to
choose another pile as well. If that's the correct pile, then pick up the two remaining piles and put
them on your left (away from the forthcoming display). If the revelation cards are in the remaining
piles, then put the chosen piles to the left. As you put the two piles down on top of each other,
keep a step between the piles (preparation for the mix).
The spectator now has a choice between two piles. It doesn't matter which pile he chooses
'cause you're going to keep the revelation cards and put the other pile down to your right.
The Display and Pickup
The chosen revelation cards are turned over and strategically placed on the table (see diagram
opposite). Put down the centre card and then the four surrounding cards. This is done to create
intrigue as this resembles part of the Celtic Spread used in some Tarot readings. But more
importantly this allows you to pick up the cards in the order you want. If the cards were in a
straight line it would be ilogical to pick cards 3,4,5, then 1,2 (Devil card being in position 3 in this
Ask the spectator to mentally select one of the cards. 'There is one card in the display that your
focus is drawn to. Don't tell me what it is but remember it.'
It's time to pick up the display one at a time on top of each other. Starting with the Devil, then
Lovers, Justice, Magician, and finally Hanged man. Turn the cards face down (Devil is now on
top), and hold in your left hand.Pickup the pile on your right (five cards)face down in your right
hand, add the revelation cards to the top of this packet. At this stage I've added a flourish, Dai
Vernon thumb push through move, to turn the cards over, then turn them face down again. This is
done to misdirect the audience as to which packet is on top (Devil card is still on top). Cut the
tabled cards at the step and add the 10 card packet into them. Square the cards up and that's it!
To recap - The revelation cards have been added and placed in the middle of the other cards.
They are ready to be spelt out. The Devil card is in position 6, and the other revelation cards
follow in order.
The Revelation
I didn't want to just spell the card out straight away, just incase he back tracks his thoughts to
how I just mixed the cards. So here I've added an element of time misdirection.
'What was the card you thought of? .. Really!!

The Devil card - although it has a sinister quality, it should not be feared. The card indicates
adaptability and the need to focus your energies on positive thoughts and actions, ummm!
The Lovers card - represents love, beauty, romance, harmony and attraction (give a blank
expression or eye them up and down in agreement).
The Justice card - represents equality, rightness, triumph and a balance of mercy and retribution
while holding a pair of scales and a big pointed sword!
The Magician card - represents diplomacy, subtlety, self-confidence and skill in sleight of hand!
The Hanged man card - represents wisdom, intuition and ability to dominate change while
hanging upside down!
If this is the card that truly represents you then the cards will tell us!' (If you mess the effect up,
the spectator obviously had chosen the wrong card!!) Also I wanted to add a bit of humour in the
patter so that the spectator doesn't take the chose of card too seriously.
Pick up the cards. For each letter of their card deal one card face down on the table. When this is
complete, the next top card is their revelation. Pick up the top card and look at it. Look at the
spectator and ask him to repeat the name of their card. Pause. Turn the card over to show the
spectator and everyone the correct card. Bow to your applause!!
This ends the effect, but why not print souvenir cards on white card (business card size). This
could be the revelation card on one side, and the other side could describe the positive qualities
of the card and your business details (five designs, but this serves as an elaborate business card
that the spectator keeps as a souvenir).
Or, if you liked this effect you could make up three sets from a deck of Tarot Cards. Use an
elastic band to separate the sets. Then you're all ready for three performances without any
additional set-up. Spelling cards could be:
Hanged Man

The Sun

Have fun in creating other card effects using Tarot cards.

Paul Sharp (aka Scholar-Acute)

Seven (swords)
The Fool
The World
Ace of Cups

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