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Parawan, Eula

1. Autoptic preference is not allowable merely on the assumption that the condition
of the object is the same or sufficiently similar at the time in issue.

2. Where a copy of a document is amended or altered by a party, it does not

become an original document itself.

1. Documentary evidence is subject to the same basic rules of evidence with

2 respect to relevancy and materiality as are other types of evidence.

2. Secondary evidence of the contents of the writing will be received in evidence if
objection is made to its reception.

Melicor, Joreyna Mae

1. Best evidence rule applies when the contents of the document are the subject of
an inquiry. It is also applicable when the issue is only as to whether or not such
document was actually executed or in the circumstances relevant to its execution.

2. In the case where the original is in the custody of the adverse party, it is
necessary that the adverse party has actual possession of the original and
secondary evidence is not admissible where the adverse party denies having it in
his possession.

1. The parol evidence rule, like other rules on evidence, should be strictly applied

4 in labor cases.

2. Evidence is incompetent when it is not excluded by law in a particular case.

1. The courts of the Philippines shall take judicial notice, without the introduction of
evidence of the laws and public policies of other countries.

2. As a requisite for the application of the rule that when the original consists of
numerous accounts or other documents which cannot be examined in court
without great loss of time and the fact sought to be established in only the general
result of the whole, the original writings need not be produced, the records of
accounts need not be made accessible to the adverse party.

1. It is error for a judge to go alone to the land subject of

controversy, or to the place where the crime was commited and take a
view, without previous knowledge or consent of the parties.
2. An entry in a family Bible of the date of birth of a family member is
not admissible if the person who made the entry is alive and can be
produced in court.
1. The mailing of document is sufficient evidence of its receipt by the addressee
and ought to suffice as evidence of his possession in order to excuse the
proponents non- production after notice to the opponent.

Nina Grace G. Araas



1. The photocopy of marked P100.00 bills used in a buy bust operation is a

2. The Regional Trial Court may motu proprio take judicial notice of the street
name of methampethamine hydrochloride or shabu.

Nalia, Ellen (Exec)

Tohay, Ada Bonita

1. Where a document is executed in duplicate or multiplicate form, each one of

the parts is primary evidence of the contents of the document, thus all must be
2. In order that the testimony of a person to prove the correctness of a copy of a
writing which was lost, may be admissible it is necessary that the witness had
actually read the original.

7 documentary evidence.

Solatorio, Carol

Belderol, Daphne
Dione (Exec)

Regudo, Marion


Sayson, Gerlyn Mae

2. Oral evidence is inadmissible to vary the terms of the written instrument

concerning strangers to the contract.

1. Where judicial notice must be taken of a fact, the court is not required to pursue

10 inquiries sufficient to make that knowledge real.


2. Best Evidence rule applies when the purpose of the proof is to establish the
terms of writing including the external or collateral facts about the document such
as existence, execution and delivery.

1. The admissions of a party made in his pleadings and during the hearing in the
CA cannot be used in the present case as they were made in the course of a
different proceeding.

Calvo, Mario (Exec)

Baron, Ali

2. Jose died leaving behind his children and a wife named Teresita . The heirs
filed a complaint for partition of the estate of their deceased parents. A certain
Hosefina filed a Motion for Intervention claiming she is the legal wife of Jose.
During the hearing of the Motion for Intervention, Teresita admitted several times
she knew of the previous marriage of Jose to Hosefina. Was there need to prove
the existence of the first marriage?

12 1. The original of the document is one the form of which are the subject of inquiry.
2. Objects as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the parties. When an
object is relevant to the fact in issue, it may be exhibited to, examined or viewed by
1. Motive is important only if the culprit's identity is in doubt, not when he is

13 positively identified by a credible witness.

1. Evidence is admissible when it is material to the issue and is not excluded by

14 the law or these rules.



Tenedora, Romeo

2. The recognition of a foreign government is a judicial matter and therefore courts

follow the determination of the executive department of the forum.

2. The requisites for admission in evidence of entries in the course of business are
the following:
(1) the person who made the entry is dead, outside the country, or unable to
(2) the entries were made at or near the time of the transactions to which they
(3) the person who made the entry was in a position to know the facts stated in the
(4) the entries were made in a professional capacity or in the performance of a
duty; and
(5) the entries were made in the ordinary or regular course of business or duty.

1. An admission, verbal or written, made by the party in the course of the

proceedings in another case, does not require proof. The admission may be
contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no
such admission was made.
2. A court may take judicial notice of matters which are of public knowledge, or
are incapable to unquestionable demonstration, or ought to be known to judges
because of their judicial functions.

Geli, Cheska

Mamao, Arief

Bernaldez, Josephus

Digaum, Lucks Mae D.

1. Where the marked peso bills were seized by the police as a result of the search
made on the appellant, the admissibility of these marked peso bills hinges on the
illegality of the arrest and search on the person of the appellant.

2. The Philippine courts are authorized to take judicial notice of the laws of various
states of the American Union. Such laws need not be proven as facts.


Gutierrez, Cedric

1.) During trial, the court, on its own initiative only, may announce its intention to
take judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to b heard thereon.
2.) The admission may be contradicted only by showing that it was made through
palpable mistake or that no such admission was made.


1. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue or is not excluded by law

18 or the rules.
2. A court shall take judicial notice of matters which are of public knowledge, or
capable of unquestionable demonstration, or ought to be known to judges because
of their judicial functions.
1. A written admission made by a party in the course of the proceedings in the

19 same case does not require proof.

2. An admission, verbal or written, made by a party in the course of the

proceedings in the same case, does not require proof.

Ocat, Mylene M.


1.) Evidence is not always admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not

21 excluded by the law or rules.

2. Evidence on collateral matters shall be allowed when it tends in any reasonable
degree to establish the probability or improbability of the fact in issue.

Esmena, Kimberly

2. A party who calls for the production of a document must offer it as evidence,
otherwise, the same will not be admitted.

20 1. The rules of evidence in criminal and civil cases are the same.

Apatan, Rosane (Exec)

Idao, Irene

Maico, Noelle
1. The best evidence to identify a piece of land for registration purposes is the
original tracing cloth plan from the Bureau of Lands.

2. An unsigned and uncertified document purporting to be a carbon copy of an

original is at best considered secondary evidence.


23 1. The term agreement includes wills.


2. A document must be notarized to consider it as an authentic document.

1. When the contract between the parties is reduced to writing, the trial court
should not admit oral evidence over the objection of the defendant at all times.

2. When through the ignorance, lack of skill, negligence or bad faith on the part of
the person drafting the instrument or of the clerk or typist, the instrument does not
express the true intention of the parties, the courts may order that the instrument
be reformed motu proprio.
1. A party who calls for the production of a document and inspects the same is
2. As a general rule, the so-called "parol evidence" forbids any addition to or
contradiction of the terms of a written instrument purporting to show that, at or
before the signing of the document, other or different terms were orally agreed
upon by the parties.
1. If the document is in the custody or under the control of adverse party, he must
have reasonable notice to produce it. if after such notice and after satisfactory
proof of its existence, he fails to produce the document, secondary evidence may
be presented.
2. if the document is with a Third Party and there is NO fact of privity between the
Third Party and the Adverse Party, "it is the obligation of the Adverse Party to
produce the document".

Hubahib, Michael

25 obliged to offer it as evidence.


Ygnacio, Marie Angelee

Imperial, Christine

Macatangay, Maria


Ong, Ceferino Miguel

1. When secondary evidence has been introduced on failure to comply with the
notice then the adverse party produced the original the secondary evidence is
rendered as erroneous.

2. Whatever is not found in writing must be understood to have been admitted as


1. Parol evidence allows the addition to or contradiction of the terms of a written

28 instrument.
2. When the original document is a public record, its contents may be proved by a
certified copy issued by the public officer in custody thereof, and it Is necessary
that the certification employs the word certificate or certify.

1. Latent ambiguities in the terms of an agreement may be explained or clarified

29 by parol evidence.


Lumantas, Jessa Faith

2. It is necessary for the party seeking to introduce secondary evidence to show

that the original writing is in the actual possession of the adverse party.

1. A party is not allowed to present evidence to modify, explain or add to the terms
of the written agreement if he puts in issue in his pleading an intrinsic ambiguity,
mistake or imperfection in the written agreement.

Cacho, Klenzene

2. In parol evidence, the general rule is that no evidence of the terms of the written
agreement shall be allowed except the written agreement itself.

1. The existence of a valid contract is a condition precedent to the application of

31 the parol evidence rule.

2. Where a party, who is entitled to the benefit of the rule, waives the benefit
thereof by allowing such evidence to be received without objection and without an
effort to have it stricken from the minutes. It is unobjectionable.

1. When the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no evidence shall be

32 admissible other than the original document itself.

Sarmago, Ella Beverly

Quijano, Anna Beatrice

Tano, April Jay

2. The language of a writing is to be interpreted according to the legal meaning it

bears in the place of its execution, regardless of the intention of the parties.

Arnoza, Gesal Marie

1.) Power to take judicial notice in section 2 , Rule 129 must be exercised with

2.)Judicial notice is the cognizance of certain facts which judges may properly take
and act on with "proof" because they do "not" know them.

34 1. Symbols are considered documentary evidence.

2. When the original document has been lost or destroyed or cannot be produced
in court, the offeror may prove its contents by only a copy.

Guerrero, Riza MAe


Villamor, Cletus (Exec)

1. In the construction of an instrument, the intention of the parties is to be pursued;
and when a general and a particular provision are inconsistent, the former is
paramount to the former. So a general intent will control a particular one that is
inconsistent with it.


2. When the terms of an agreement have been intended in a different sense by the
different parties to it, that sense is to prevail against either party in which he
supposed the other understood it, and when different constructions of a provision
are otherwise equally proper, that is to be taken which is not the most favorable to
the party in whose favor the provision was made.



1. Evidence that is otherwise improper is admitted (despite objection from the

other party) to contradict improper evidence presented or introduced by the other
party, to cure, contradict or neutralize such improper evidence.

Tayao, Irish

2. Substantial evidence is that amount of relevant evidence which a reasonable

mind might accept as adequate to justify a belief.

1. Parole Evidence Rule applies to oral agreements or contractual documents.

2. A court may take judicial notice of the Twitter account of President Aquino.


Jordan, Rebecca

1.) Best evidence rule consist of writings or any material containing letter, wprds,
numbers, figures, symbols or other modes of written expressions offered as proof
of their contents.
2.) Parol evidence rule is when the subject of inquiry is the contents of a
document, and no evidence shall be admissible other than the original document
1. In order for Parol Evidence Rule to apply, mistake in the written agreement must

39 be a mistake of fact.


40 1. Object as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the parties.


Tirol, Mark (Exec)

1. The decision of a barrio council is ultra vires and is admissible in a judicial

proceeding as evidence for ascertaining the truth respecting a matter of fact.

2. In a case where the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses that the victims
died because of stab wounds inflicted by the armed men who entered their
residence remain uncontroverted, their death certificates are cumulative evidence
of the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses.



1. Is evidence obtained through search and seizure without judicial warrant

43 admissible?
2. Is relevancy of an evidence alone sufficient to make it admissible?

1. Evidence of written agreements. When the terms of an agreement have been

reduced to writing, it is considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and
there can be, between the parties and their successors in interest. However,
secondary evidence through testimony of witnesses can be presented to show
proof of such other oral terms other than the contents of the written agreement.

YRAY, Rhea




2. When the subject of an inquiry is the violation of a contract, Best Evidence Rule

2. The original of a document is one the contents of which are the subject of

Sanjorjo, Michelle





2. If the document is in the custody or under the control of adverse party, he must
have reasonable time to produce it. If after such time and after satisfactory proof of
its existence, he fails to produce the document, secondary evidence may be
presented as in the case of its loss.




1. In a case for illegal procurement of search warrants, in violation of Article 129 of

the Revised Penal Code, the accused offered as evidence the attempt of the
police officers who conducted the search to extort money from him, even if such
attempt was effected after the issuance of the search warrant, but prior to the
release of the complainant. The admission of such proof in the RTC is not proper,
it being irrelevant and immaterial to the issue.

2. The trial court imposed the death penalty on the accused, by reason of the
aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation, nocturnity, and dwelling,
without any mitigating circumstances to offset them. However, the defense
contends that the conduct of the accused in going with his family to the
deceaseds house, helping in the preparations for the burial, is incompatible with
his being a criminal. It is, indeed, an old belief that the fear of the suspected party
to touch the corpse was a sign of guilt. The trial court was therefore mistaken in
finding the accused guilty of the crime of murder, qualified by treachery, and in
considering that in the commission of the crime, the accused employed ways,
means, and forms that tended directly and especially to assure it, without risk to
his person from any defense the assaulted party might make.

1. The courts of the Philippines shall take judicial notice, without the introduction of
evidence of the laws and public policies of other countries.

2. As a requisite for the application of the rule that when the original consists of
numerous accounts or other documents which cannot be examined in court
without great loss of time and the fact sought to be established in only the general
result of the whole, the original writings need not be produced, the records of
accounts need not be made accessible to the adverse party.

1. A party who calls for the production of a document and inspects the same is

47 obliged to offer it as evidence.

2. If the document is in the custody or under the control of adverse party, he must
have reasonable notice to produce it. If after such notice and after satisfactory
proof of its existence, he fails to produce the document, secondary evidence may
be presented as in the case of its loss.


ARAAS (exec)



1. Birth certificates are inadmissible in evidence for having been obtained in

violation of Rule 24, Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1993 which provides for
strict confidentiality of a persons birth.

2. The rule that evidence is inadmissible for having been obtained and confiscated
on the occasion of an unreasonable search and seizure is absolute.

Maria Monica Gula


1. The rules of evidence are controlling in labor cases.

2. Parole Evidence Rule is not applicable where the validity of the document is the
very fact in dispute.


1. Best evidence rule is applicable to external or collateral facts about the

2. The original of the document is one the contents of which are the subject of


1. If a fact offered to be shown is not admissible, because irrelevant, it cannot be

51 shown, either in this or in any other way.

2. Object (real) evidence is limited to that which may be known by the sense of

1.When the subject of inquiry is the existence of a document, no evidence shall be

52 admissible other than the original document itself.


2. An admission, verbal or written, made by a party in the course of the

proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. The admission may be
contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no
such admission was made.

1. The relation between the evidentiary fact and a particular proposition is always
the same, without regard to the kind of litigation in which that proposition becomes
material to be proved.

2.The rules of evidence are strictly applied in proceedings before the Labor Arbiter
and the National Labor Relations Commission.





1. The non-application of the best evidence rule is justified when the original has
been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, with bad faith on the part
of the offeror.
2. A court may take judicial notice of matters which are of general knowledge, or
are incapable of unquestionable demonstration, or ought to be known to judges
because of their judicial functions.

1. When the original document has been lost or destroyed or cannot be produced
in court, the offeror without proof of its execution or existence and the cause of its
unavailability even with bad faith on his part, may prove its contents by a copy, or
by a recital of its contents in some original document or by the testimony of
adverse witnesses in the order stated.

Rivera, Clieford (exec)



Vernie Rose Bacalso


Noneluz I. Hamlig

2. The certification of the person who allegedly solemnized a marriage is not

admissible evidence of such marriage unless proof of loss of the contract or of any
other satisfactory reason for its non-production is first presented to the court.


1. After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the court, on its own initiative
or on request of a party, may take judicial notice of any matter and allow the
parties to be heard thereon if such matter is decisive of a material issue in the
2. An admission, verbal or written, made by the party in the course of the
proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. The admission may be
contradicted by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no
such admission was made.

Leomar D. Ladonga

1. Under a parole evidence rule, a party may present evidence to modify, explain
or add to the terms of the written agreement if he puts in issue in his pleading an
extrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the written agreement.

Villarojo, Sunny Ray



2. The parole evidence rule, like other rules on evidence, should not be strictly
applied in labor cases.



Toledo, Juris Angeli

1. The fact that the complaint duly signed by the offended party and filed with the
justice of the peace of court was not introduced in evidence, nor was the
complainant's signature thereon identified by her at the trial in the Court of First
instance, deprives the trial court of its jurisdiction, because the court does not take
judicial notice of such complaint; it does not form part of the record of the case.
2. The appellant contends that even assuming that he was mentally fit at the time
of the killing, he should not have been convicted of the crime of parricide because
his marriage to Natividad was not proved in accordance with the best evidence
rule, instead only oral evidence was presented to show marriage. This should be
rejected for lack of timely objection.


1. During the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or on request of a party, may
announce its intention to take judicial notice of a specific matter and allow the
parties to be heard thereon.
2. Evidence must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its
existence or non-existence. Evidence on collateral matters shall be allowed when
it tends in any reasonable degree to establish the probability or improbability of the
fact in issue.
1. A signed carbon copy or duplicate of a document executed at the same time as
the original may be introduced in evidence without accounting for the nonproduction of the original.

Cataquis, Jasmine
Rawen S.

2. It is necessary, in order to admit evidence of the contents of a lost document,

that the witness should be able to testify with verbal accuracy to its contents.

1. Documents of two or more copies having similar contents, executed at or about

61 the same time are all considered originals.

2. A photocopy of the marked bills used in the "buy-bust" operation when offered
as evidence is considered as real(object) evidence and not a documentary

Arenajo, Christian

Israel Canta Guma




Parilla, Dave

1. Original document must be produced, except, when the original has been lost or
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, with bad faith on the part of the offeror.

2. In proving the contents of the original in some authentic document, it is not

sufficient if it appears in a private document which is proved to be authentic. It
must be made in a public document.

1. A court may take judicial notice of matters which are of public knowledge, or are
capable to unquestionable demonstration, or ought to be known to judges because
of their judicial functions.
2. The admission may only be contradicted by showing that it was made through

Maylon, Ron Stephane

Trias, Parker

1. Documents as evidence consist of writing or specific material containing letters,

words, numbers, figures, symbols or other modes of written or expression offered
as proof of their contents.
2. The rules of evidence may be strictly observed before the proceedings in
Securities Exchange Commission.


65 1. The nature of testimonial evidence is in writing only.

2. A person who can perceive, and perceiving, and can make known their
perception may be a witness.


Cristina Suesen (exec)


1. Evidence on collateral matters shall be allowed when it tenda in any reasonable

degree to establish the relavancy and admissibility of the issue.

2. After the trial and before judgment or on appeal, the court may take judicial
notice of any matters as long as the parties have given opportunity to be heard.

69 1. It is essential that matters of judicial cognizance be actually known to judge.


Eisone Brix R.

2. When the original document is in the custody or control of the adverse party,
notice to him is not required to produce it.

2. The mere personal knowledge of the judge is not the judicial knowledge of the

Ygana, Ghel

Sual, Jecar

2. A party who deny the genuiness of a proferred instrument may not object that
that it was not properly identified before it was admitted in evidence.

1. A private document may be offered and admitted in evidence both as

Repaso, Jurdelyn

1. Appellant contends that assuming he was mentally fit at the time of the killing,
he should not have been convicted of the crime of parricide because his marriage
to Natividad was not proved in accordance with the best evidence rule. Oral
evidence was presented to prove the fact of marriage and was not objected. The
court on its own motion disregarded the evidence because it should have been
excluded had it been objected to.

71 documentary evidence and as object evidence.

Monteron, Karen

1. An admission, express or implied made by the party in the course of the

proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. The admission may be
contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no
such admission was made.
2. A party who calls for the production of document and inspects the same is
obliged to offer it as evidence.

67 1. Receipts are the best evidence of payment.


Cesely, Hope

2. The presentation of secondary evidence may be proved through a copy of the

original, or a recital of the contents of the document in some authentic document,
or by a testimony of witnesses, at the election of the offerer.


Rojas, Keisha

1. Parol Evidence allows any addition to or contradiction of the terms of a written

instrument by testimony purporting to show that, at or before the signing of the
document, other or different terms were orally agreed upon by the parties.
2.The existence of a valid contract is a condition precedent to the application of
the parol evidence rule.


1. After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the proper court, motu proprio
take judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard thereon if such
matter is decisive of material issue in the case.
2. When the subject of inquiry is the content of a document, then no evidence shall
be admissible other than the original document itself, except of the four (4) cases
provided under sec. 3 of Rule 130.

Corbeta, Isha Bereza


Sec 1, Rule 130

Sec 4, Rule 130

Francisco, discussion
Francisco, discussion

Rule 130, Sec 3

Section 3(b), Section 6

of RULE 130.

Sec. 9, Rule 130

Sec. 3, Rule 128

Section 1, Rule 129

Compania Maritima vs
Allied Free Workers
Union 77 SCRA 24

Sec 3, "Rule 130

Sec 4, Rule 130

Sec 2, Rule 130

People v. Macasling,
G.R. 90342, May 27,

Rule 130, Sec 1

Rule 130, Sec 3

Rule 130, Sec 6

Rule 130, Sec 9

Sec 1, Rule 129

Rule 130, Sec 3

Rule 130, Sec 4 (a)

Rule 130, Sec. 1

Rule 128, Sec 4

Rule 129, Sec 1

Sec. 3, Rule 128

PHILS., INC. and
No. 169606

Section 4 Rule 129

Section 2 Rule 129

People vs. Paco, G.R.

No. 76893, Feb. 27,
Fluemer vs. Hix, 54
Phil. 610

Section 3 Rule 129.

Section 4 Rule 129

Sec. 3, Rule 128

Sec. 3, Rule 129

Section 4 Rule 129

Section 8 Rule 130

Sec. 2 Rule 128

Sec. 4 Rule 129

Rule 128 sec 3

Rule 128 sec 4

Republic vs Court of
Appeals, G.R. No. L62680, September 9,
Vallarta vs Court of
Appeals, 163 SCRA
Section 9, Rule 130
Section 5, Rule 130

section 9 of Rule 130

Sec. 9, Rule 130

sec 8 of Rule 130

Sec. 9, Rule 130

Sec 6, Rule 130

Sec 6, Rule 130

Francisco, p 169

Soriano vs Compania
General de Tabacos
de Filipinas

Sec. 9 Rule 130

Sec. 7 Rule 130

Sec 9, Rule 130

Sec 9, Rule 130

Sec 9, Rule 130

Sec. 9, Rule 130

Sec. 9, Rule 130

Sec. 9, Rule 130

Sec 3, R130
Sec. 10, Rule 130

sec 2 of rule 129 ,

Francisco's discussion
on page 85
section 1 of rule 129

Section 2, Rule 130

Section 5, Rule 130

RULE 130 4.
Interpretation Of
Documents. Section
12. Interpretation
according to intention;
general and particular

RULE 130. 4.
Interpretation Of
Documents. Section
17. Of Two
constructions, which

Section 3, Rule 128

Section 1, Rule 128

Sec 9, Rule 130
Sec 1, Rule 129
Sec 2. Rule 130

Sec. 3 Rule 130

Section 3, Rule 130.

Section 3, Rule 130.

Section 1, Rule 130

Section 4(a), Rule 130

Miguel V. Catalino, 20
SCRA 234
People vs. Watson

RULE 128, SEC. 3

Del Rosario & Sons
Logging Ent. Inc vs
NLRC 136 SCRA 669

Section 2, Article III of

the Constitution
Section 3. Rule 128 of
the Rules of Court.

RULE 130 3. Parol

Evidence Rule.
Section 9. Evidence of
written agreements.

RULE 130. 2.
Evidence.Section 6.
When original
document is in
adverse party's
custody or control.
PEA G.R. No. L8474 September 30,


26708 September 29,

Section 1, Rule 129.

Compania Maritima vs
Allied Free Workers

Rule 130, Sec. 8

Rule 130, Sec. 6

Section 3, Rule 128.

Cayuni vs. People of

the Philippines GR No.
191532 August 15,

Cirtek Employees
Labor UnionFederation of Free
Workers vs. Cirtek
Electronics, Inc., G.R.
No. 190515. June 6,
2011, citing Interphil
Employees UnionFFW v. Interphil
Laboratories, Inc.
Heirs of Policronio
Ureta, Sr. vs. Heirs of
Liberato Ureta, G.R.
No. 165748,
September 14, 2011

Mulkey, J., in Massey

v. Bank, 113 III. 334;
cited by Tracy, 85, 89.
Sec. 4 (a), Rule 130.

Sec 1, Rule 130

Sec 1, Rule 130

Sec 3, Rule 130

Sec. 4 Rule 129

Rule 128,Sec. 2

Del Rosario & Sons

Logging Enterprises,
Inc. vs. NLRC, 136
SCRA 669

Sec 3 (a) Rule 130

Sec 2 Rule 129

Section 5, Rule 130.

Lim Tanhu vs.

Ramolete, 66 SCRA

Section 3, Rule 129,

Par. 2

Section 4, Rule 129

RULE 130. 3. Parol

Evidence Rule.
Section 9. Evidence of
written agreements.
G.R. No. 190515,
June 6, 2011

People v. Medina

People v. Cruz

Rule 129 Sec 3

Rule 128, Sec 4

Sec 4, Rule 130

Sec 5, Rule 130

Sec. 4(b), Rule 130

Sec 1&2, Rule 130

Section 3 Rule 130

Section 5 Rule 130;

Limjoco et al vs
Director of Lands
Sec. 2, Rule 129

Sec. 4, Rule 129

Section 2, Rule 130

Section 2, Rule 128

Sec 20, Rule 130

Sec 20, Rule 130

Sec. 4, Rule 129

Sec.8 Rule 130

Monfort vs. Aguinaldo

Rule 130 Section 6

Section 4, Rule 128

Section 3, Rule 129

People vs. Cruz, 109

Phil 288

Section 2, Rule 130

Sec. 2 Rule 130,

Rules of Court

Sec. 5,Rule 130

Sec 9, Rule 130

Peabody & Co. vs.

Bromfield, 88 Phil. 841

Sec. 3, Rule 129

Sec. 3, Rule 130

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