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Strengths Insight and Action-Planning Guide



Your Top 5 Themes

What's in This Guide?

Section I: Awareness
A brief Shared Theme Description for each of your top five themes
Your Personalized Strengths Insights, which describe what makes you stand out from others
with the same theme in their top five
Questions for you to answer to increase your awareness of your talents
Section II: Application
10 Ideas for Action for each of your top five themes
Questions for you to answer to help you apply your talents
Section III: Achievement
Examples of what each of your top five themes "sounds like" -- real quotes from people who
also have the theme in their top five
Steps for you to take to help you leverage your talents for achievement

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Section I: Awareness

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique
qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work
together productively.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you help individuals acquire knowledge and gain skills. You are a fine
instructor, tutor, and/or trainer. Instinctively, you welcome a wide array of people into your life. You
generally offer them the assistance and support they need. By nature, you repeatedly let people
benefit from your sound reasoning and logical assessment of opportunities, problems, regulations,
policies, or proposed solutions. Its very likely that you undertake projects on your own. This is apt to
occur when individuals delay decisions, block approvals, or continue meeting without finalizing plans.
You probably help them overcome their objections and quell their fears by starting to work. You simply
intend to prove to them that the impossible is possible. Chances are good that you sense that every
person is one of a kind. You can quickly discover what makes someone distinct from everyone else.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to
continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
By nature, you thirst for new ideas and knowledge. Often you lose yourself in a book. You pore over
the ideas contained on its pages for long stretches of time. Why? You want to absorb as much
information as you can. Driven by your talents, you enjoy sharing your point of view with individuals
who ask, What do you think? When you are familiar with the topic, problem, or people involved, you
are quite comfortable expressing yourself. Otherwise, you set out to discover the facts and weigh
them with care before speaking your mind that is, giving advice or openly stating your ideas. Its
very likely that you normally dedicate yourself to acquiring knowledge and gaining skills. You probably
devote many hours to mental labor. Chances are good that you choose to spend each week working
toward clearly defined goals. When you have performance targets, you are more methodical about
gathering information, data, facts, or evidence. Lacking weekly objectives, you know you risk
collecting lots of interesting but useless knowledge. You realize that if you wander off course, time
may be wasted and the objectives you set for yourself may be ignored. Because of your strengths,
you want to acquire additional knowledge. Your desire to study enables you to talk about a variety of
topics with newcomers or outsiders. Knowing more increases the likelihood of your having something
in common to talk about with a stranger.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced
with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Because of your strengths, you are known for your ease with language. This ability serves you well
when you need to talk with newcomers or outsiders. Your vocabulary probably allows you to tell
stories or express your ideas with great clarity. Instinctively, you have acquired valuable skills and
knowledge. You spend time considering numerous courses of action before choosing one. You invent
original and innovative techniques for dealing with expected and unexpected challenges. You use the
same approach to take advantage of promising opportunities. Driven by your talents, you notice that
the right word usually pops into your mind exactly when you need it. Your comfort with language
makes the oral or written expression of your ideas or feelings appear almost effortless. Others benefit
from your ability to transmit information, thoughts, or emotions by using a vocabulary they can easily
understand. Chances are good that you work diligently to invent alternative courses of action. You
notice new as well as unusual configurations in facts, evidence, or data. Others, however, can see
only separate, unrelated bits of information. You are fascinated by problems that puzzle, confound, or
frustrate most people. Its very likely that you easily enter into dialogue with others. When you have an
idea, the right words, stories, or examples quickly come to mind. The animated give-and-take of
debates stimulates your thinking. Often you gain the advantage by emphasizing irrefutable that is,
cannot be disproved facts to support your key arguments. Victory for you means having the final

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Competition theme measure their progress against the
performance of others. They strive to win first place and revel in contests.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you labor tirelessly when you know your performance and results are being
compared to those of other people. You probably find it hard to recall a time when you failed for lack
of effort. You are naturally motivated to be the very best not merely one of the top finishers. Your
satisfaction comes from being number one. Because of your strengths, you likely are motivated to
vie against a variety people for the top award or the best score. Winning makes you eager to test your
knowledge, skills, and talents again and again. Knowing scores, ratings, or rankings are being tallied
undoubtedly keeps you interested in selected activities. When these measurements are missing, you
probably struggle to stay fully engaged. Instinctively, you frequently outthink and outmaneuver people.
You concentrate on what you need do more completely or more perfectly in the future. Its very likely
that you simply cannot have too much information. It is impossible. Like a miner searches for gold day
after day, you continually collect new bits of knowledge. Depending on your other talents, you can
delve into one or two interesting topics, or you can opt to know a little about a wide range of subjects.
Your longing for knowledge is unlikely to be satisfied until you are recognized by others as the
ultimate expert in a field or the grand champion of trivia. By nature, you often scare people by
comparing your performance to theirs. They probably grow quite edgy as your drive to be the best
becomes more evident to them. You typically take advantage of your rivals timidity that is, lack of
boldness and determination. By doing so, you likely earn the best scores, ratings, or rankings.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through, and make
the corrections necessary to stay on track. They prioritize, then act.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you sometimes improve your chances of reaching desired goals by making a
list of them. Perhaps you progress more efficiently when you take time to attach a written explanation
to each objective. Instinctively, you might be comfortable conversing with individuals who know a few
things they want to accomplish personally and/or professionally. Perhaps you can bond with certain
people when they are open and honest about their goals. Typically you derive much satisfaction from
helping others design performance objectives for themselves. Because of your strengths, you
possess a high level of skill and/or knowledge about specialized issues, subjects, processes, or
programs. You probably combine this expertise with your ability to set definite goals for the coming
weeks, months, years, or decades. Its very likely that you might adhere to your orderly plan for the
coming months, years, or decades. Maybe you document the steps leading to the future you desire.
Perhaps measuring your progress on a regular basis is a priority. Chances are good that you have
little difficulty giving intense effort to projects, problems, or opportunities that capture and keep your

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

1. How does this information help you better understand your unique talents?
2. How can you use this understanding to add value to your role?
3. How can you apply this knowledge to add value to your team, workgroup, department, or
4. How will this understanding help you add value to your organization?
5. What will you do differently tomorrow as a result of this report?

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Section II: Application

Ideas for Action:
Select a vocation in which your Individualization talents can be both used and
appreciated, such as counseling, supervising, teaching, writing human interest
articles, or selling. Your ability to see people as unique individuals is a special talent.
Become an expert in describing your own strengths and style. For example, answer
questions such as: What is the best praise you ever received? How often do you like
to check in with your manager? What is your best method for building relationships?
How do you learn best? Then ask your colleagues and friends these same questions.
Help them plan their future by starting with their strengths, then designing a future
based on what they do best.
Help others understand that true diversity can be found in the subtle differences
between each individual regardless of race, sex, or nationality.
Explain that it is appropriate, just, and effective to treat each person differently. Those
without strong Individualization talents might not see the differences among
individuals and might insist that individualization is unequal and therefore unfair. You
will need to describe your perspective in detail to be persuasive.
Figure out what every person on your team does best. Then help them capitalize on
their talents, skills, and knowledge. You may need to explain your rationale and your
philosophy so people understand that you have their best interests in mind.
You have an awareness and appreciation of others likes and dislikes and an ability to
personalize. This puts you in a unique position. Use your Individualization talents to
help identify areas where one size does not fit all.
Make your colleagues and friends aware of each persons unique needs. Soon people
will look to you to explain other peoples motivations and actions.
Your presentations and speaking opportunities will be most engaging when you relate
your topic to the experiences of individuals in the audience. Use your Individualization
talents to gather and share real-life stories that will make your points much better than
would generic information or theories.
You move comfortably among a broad range of styles and cultures, and you intuitively
personalize your interactions. Consciously and proactively make full use of these
talents by leading diversity and community efforts.
Your Individualization talents can help you take a different approach to interpreting
data. While others are looking for similarities, make a point of identifying
distinctiveness. Your interpretations will add a valuable perspective.

1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ideas for Action:
Refine how you learn. For example, you might learn best by teaching; if so, seek out
opportunities to present to others. You might learn best through quiet reflection; if so,
find this quiet time.
Develop ways to track the progress of your learning. If there are distinct levels or
stages of learning within a discipline or skill, take a moment to celebrate your
progression from one level to the next. If no such levels exist, create them for yourself
(e.g., reading five books on the subject or making three presentations on the subject).
Be a catalyst for change. Others might be intimidated by new rules, new skills, or new
circumstances. Your willingness to soak up this newness can calm their fears and
spur them to action. Take this responsibility seriously.
Seek roles that require some form of technical competence. You will enjoy the
process of acquiring and maintaining this expertise.
As far as possible, shift your career toward a field with constantly changing
technologies or regulations. You will be energized by the challenge of keeping up.
Because you are not threatened by unfamiliar information, you might excel in a
consulting role (either internal or external) in which you are paid to go into new
situations and pick up new competencies or languages quickly.
Research supports the link between learning and performance. When people have
the opportunity to learn and grow, they are more productive and loyal. Look for ways
to measure the degree to which you and others feel that your learning needs are
being met, to create individualized learning milestones, and to reward achievements
in learning.
At work, take advantage of programs that subsidize your learning. Your organization
may be willing to pay for part or all of your instructional coursework or for
certifications. Ask your manager for information about scholarships and other
educational opportunities.
Honor your desire to learn. Take advantage of adult educational opportunities in your
community. Discipline yourself to sign up for at least one new academic or adult
learning course each year.
Time disappears and your attention intensifies when you are immersed in studying or
learning. Allow yourself to follow the trail by scheduling learning sessions during
periods of time that will not be interrupted by pressing engagements.

1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ideas for Action:
Take the time to fully reflect or muse about a goal that you want to achieve until the
related patterns and issues emerge for you. Remember that this musing time is
essential to strategic thinking.
You can see repercussions more clearly than others can. Take advantage of this
ability by planning your range of responses in detail. There is little point in knowing
where events will lead if you are not ready when you get there.
Find a group that you think does important work, and contribute your strategic
thinking. You can be a leader with your ideas.
Your strategic thinking will be necessary to keep a vivid vision from deteriorating into
an ordinary pipe dream. Fully consider all possible paths toward making the vision a
reality. Wise forethought can remove obstacles before they appear.
Make yourself known as a resource for consultation with those who are stumped by a
particular problem or hindered by a particular obstacle or barrier. By naturally seeing
a way when others are convinced there is no way, you will lead them to success.
You are likely to anticipate potential issues more easily than others. Though your
awareness of possible danger might be viewed as negativity by some, you must
share your insights if you are going to avoid these pitfalls. To prevent misperception
of your intent, point out not only the future obstacle, but also a way to prevent or
overcome it. Trust your insights, and use them to ensure the success of your efforts.
Help others understand that your strategic thinking is not an attempt to belittle their
ideas, but is instead a natural propensity to consider all the facets of a plan
objectively. Rather than being a naysayer, you are actually trying to examine ways to
ensure that the goal is accomplished, come what may. Your talents will allow you to
consider others perspectives while keeping your end goal in sight.
Trust your intuitive insights as often as possible. Even though you might not be able
to explain them rationally, your intuitions are created by a brain that instinctively
anticipates and projects. Have confidence in these perceptions.
Partner with someone with strong Activator talents. With this persons need for action
and your need for anticipation, you can forge a powerful partnership.
Make sure that you are involved in the front end of new initiatives or enterprises. Your
innovative yet procedural approach will be critical to the genesis of a new venture
because it will keep its creators from developing deadly tunnel vision.

1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Ideas for Action:
Select work environments in which you can measure your achievements. You might
not be able to discover how good you can be without competing.
List the performance scores that help you know where you stand every day. What
scores should you pay attention to?
Identify a high-achieving person against whom you can measure your own
achievement. If there is more than one, list all the people with whom you currently
compete. Without measurement, how will you know if you won?
Try to turn ordinary tasks into competitive games. You will get more done this way.
When you win, take the time to investigate why you won. You can learn a great deal
more from a victory than from a loss.
Let people know that being competitive does not equate with putting others down.
Explain that you derive satisfaction from pitting yourself against good, strong
competitors and winning.
Develop a balanced metric a measurement system that will monitor all aspects of
your performance. Even if you are competing against your own previous numbers,
this measurement will help you give proper attention to all aspects of your
When competing with others, create development opportunities by choosing to
compare yourself to someone who is slightly above your current level of expertise.
Your competition will push you to refine your skills and knowledge to exceed those of
that person. Look one or two levels above you for a role model who will push you to
Take the time to celebrate your wins. In your world, there is no victory without
Design some mental strategies that can help you deal with a loss. Armed with these
strategies, you will be able to move on to the next challenge much more quickly.

1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Ideas for Action:
When you set goals, discipline yourself to include timelines and measurements.
These will provide regular proof that you are indeed making progress.
Seek roles in which you can function independently. With your dominant Focus
talents, you will be able to stay on track with little supervision.
Your greatest worth as a team member might be helping others set goals. At the end
of meetings, take responsibility for summarizing what was decided, for defining when
these decisions will be acted on, and for setting a date when the group will
Others will think, act, and talk less efficiently than you do. Pay attention. Sometimes
their detours will lead to discoveries and delights.
Stretch your goal setting beyond work. If you find yourself becoming too focused on
work goals, set goals for your personal life. They will give weight to your personal
priorities and thereby help create balance in your life.
Hours can disappear when you are intent on a task; you lose track of time. Make sure
that all of your objectives are met and all of your priorities are followed by scheduling
your efforts and sticking to that schedule.
You function best when you can concentrate on a few well-defined initiatives and
demands. Give yourself permission to reject projects or tasks that do not align with
your overall mission. This will help you concentrate your efforts on your most
important priorities and will help others appreciate your need for focus.
Take the time to write down your aspirations, and refer to them often. You will feel
more in control of your life.
At work, be sure to tell your manager your mid-term and short-term goals. This might
well give your manager the confidence to give you the room you need.
Make sure that the focus points you set for yourself take into consideration both
quantity and quality. The integrity of your objectives will ensure that the application of
your Focus talents leads to solid and long-lasting success.

1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Section III: Achievement

Look for signs of achievement as you read these real quotes from people who share your top five

Individualization sounds like this:

Les T., hospitality manager: Carl is one of our best performers, but he still has to see me every week.
He just wants a little encouragement and to check in, and he gets fired up a little bit after that meeting.
Greg doesnt like to meet very often, so theres no need for me to bother him. And when we do meet,
its really for me, not for him.
Marsha D., publishing executive: Sometimes I would walk out of my office and you know how
cartoon characters have those balloons over their head? I would see these little balloons over
everyones head telling me what was in their minds. It sounds weird, doesnt it? But it happens all the
Andrea H., interior designer: When you ask people what their style is, they find it hard to describe, so
I just ask them, What is your favorite spot in the house? And when I ask that, their faces light up, and
they know just where to take me. From that one spot, I can begin to piece together the kind of people
they are and what their style is.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Learner sounds like this:

Annie M., managing editor: I get antsy when I am not learning something. Last year, although I was
enjoying my work, I didnt feel as though I was learning enough. So I took up tap dancing. It sounds
strange, doesnt it? I know I am never going to perform or anything, but I enjoy focusing on the
technical skill of tapping, getting a little better each week, and moving up from the beginners class to
the intermediate class. That was a kick.
Miles A., operations manager: When I was seven years old, my teachers would tell my parents,
Miles isnt the most intelligent boy in the school, but hes a sponge for learning, and hell probably go
really far because he will push himself and continually be grasping new things. Right now, I am just
starting a course in business-travel Spanish. I know it is probably too ambitious to think I could learn
conversational Spanish and become totally proficient in that language, but I at least want to be able to
travel there and know the language.
Tim S., coach for executives: One of my clients is so inquisitive that it drives him crazy because he
cant do everything he wants to. Im different. I am not curious in that broad sense. I prefer to go into
greater depth with things so that I can become competent in them and then use them at work. For
example, recently one of my clients wanted me to travel with him to Nice, France, for a business
engagement. So I started reading up on the region, buying books, and checking the Internet. It was all
interesting and I enjoyed the study, but I wouldnt have done any of it if I wasnt going to be traveling
there for work.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Strategic sounds like this:

Liam C., manufacturing plant manager: It seems as if I can always see the consequences before
anyone else can. I have to say to people, Lift up your eyes; look down the road a ways. Lets talk
about where we are going to be next year so that when we get to this time next year, we dont have
the same problems. It seems obvious to me, but some people are just too focused on this months
numbers, and everything is driven by that.
Vivian T., television producer: I used to love logic problems when I was a kid you know, the ones
where if A implies B, and B equals C, does A equal C? Still today, I am always playing out
repercussions, seeing where things lead. I think it makes me a great interviewer. I know that nothing
is an accident; every sign, every word, every tone of voice has significance. So I watch for these clues
and play them out in my head, see where they lead, and then plan my questions to take advantage of
what I have seen in my head.
Simon T., human resources executive: We really needed to take the union on at some stage, and I
saw an opportunity a very good issue to take them on. I could see that they were going in a
direction that would lead them into all kinds of trouble if they continued following it. Lo and behold,
they did continue following it, and when they arrived, there I was, ready and waiting. I suppose it just
comes naturally to me to predict what someone else is going to do. And then when that person reacts,
I can respond immediately because I have sat down and said, Okay, if they do this, well do this. If
they do that, then well do this other thing. Its like when you tack in a sailboat. You head in one
direction, but you jinx one way, then another, planning and reacting, planning and reacting.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Competition sounds like this:

Mark L., sales executive: Ive played sports my entire life, and I dont just play to have fun let me
put it that way. I like to engage in sports I am going to win and not ones I am going to lose, because if
I lose, I am outwardly gracious but inwardly infuriated.
Harry D., general manager: I'm not a big sailor, but I love the Americas Cup. Both boats are
supposed to be exactly the same, and both crews have top-notch athletes. But you always get a
winner. One of them had some secret up their sleeves that tipped the balance and enabled them to
win more often than lose. And thats what I am looking for that secret, that tiny edge.
Sumner Redstone, chairman of Viacom (now known as CBS Corporation), on his efforts to acquire
that company: I relished every minute of it because Viacom was a company worth fighting for and I
enjoyed a contest. If you get involved in a major competitive struggle, and the stress that inevitably
comes with it, youd better derive some real sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from the ultimate
victory. Wrestling control of a company like Viacom was warfare. I believe the real lesson it taught me
was that it is not about money, its about the will to win.

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Focus sounds like this:

Nick H., computer executive: It is very important to me to be efficient. Im the sort of guy who plays a
round of golf in two and a half hours. When I was at Electronic Data Systems, I worked out a set list of
questions so that I could conduct a review of each division in 15 minutes. The founder, Ross Perot,
called me The Dentist because I would schedule a whole day of these in-and-out, fifteen-minute
Brad F., sales executive: I am always sorting priorities, trying to figure out the most efficient route
toward the goal so that there is very little dead time, very little wasted motion. For example, I will get
multiple calls from customers who need me to call the service department for them, and rather than
taking each one of these calls as they come and interrupting the priorities of the day, I group them
together into one call at the end of the day and get it done.
Mike L., administrator: People are amazed how I put things into perspective and stay on track. When
people around the district are stuck on issues and caught on contrived barriers, I am able to pole-vault
over them, reestablish the focus, and keep things moving.
Doriane L., homemaker: I am just the kind of person who likes to get to the point in conversations,
at work, and even when I am shopping with my husband. He likes to try on lots of things and has a
good time doing it, whereas I try one thing on, and if I like it and it is not horribly priced, I buy it. Im a
surgical shopper.

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2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Talk to friends or coworkers to hear how they have used their talents to achieve.

2. How will you use your talents to achieve?

623153891 (VO NGOC DUY NGHI)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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