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10 Dec 94

The Continuation Report serves two purposes:

As a continuation report:

Whenever additional crimes are reported and additional

writing space is required to continue a narrative that was
begun on a crime, offense, supplemental or technician

Whenever the incident on the original Crime Report was a

domestic dispute, you advised a suspect of the terms of a
restraining order or if the crime you are reporting is related
to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence - Abuse committed against an
adult or fully emancipated minor who is a spouse,
former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or a
person with whom the suspect has had a child or has
or has had a dating relationship. A Crime Report is
required in addition to this form in all Domestic
Dispute incidents.
Abuse Intentionally or recklessly causing or
attempting to cause bodily injury, or placing another
person in reasonable apprehension of imminent
serious bodily injury to himself, or another.


As a supplemental information report

Whenever new or additional information regarding domestic

violence is reported to the Department regarding an
incident covered by another written report.

Whenever new or additional information regarding

additional crimes is reported to the Department regarding
an incident covered by another written report.

Whenever more than three crimes are reported, use the

narrative space to list them.

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10 Dec 94

When reporting additional information, leave RD # blank. When
reporting supplemental information, always enter the R.D. number of
the original report.
Enter the crime from the original Crime Report. Enter the common
name of the crime, followed by the section number (including any
applicable subsection), and the code abbreviation.
Enter the incident number from the original Crime Report.
Enter the name of the primary victim from the original Crime Report.
Enter last name first, then first name and middle name or initial. Darken
the Business Name box to indicate that a business is the victim.
If this is a continuation of an arrest, offense, supplemental or technician
report, enter the name of the first listed suspect, if known. Otherwise,
leave blank.
Enter the location of the original offense or arrest.
Enter the current date and the date of the original report. Use military
Darken the appropriate box to indicate the relationship between the
complainant and the suspect. If the Other box is darkened, enter a
description of the relationship in the narrative section.
If the complainant relocated to an alternate shelter, darken Y. DO NOT
include the name or address of the location in the report.
Enter the dates) of previous incidents of domestic violence/disputes, if
any, between the complainant and the suspect.
Enter the total number of previous incidents, if any.
Darken the box which best describes the severity of the complainant's
injuries. Briefly describe the injuries and the medical treatment
received, if any. Enter the name of the medical facility which provided
the treatment (e.g., ACH, Allied Ambulance, Kaiser). Darken the

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10 Dec 94

appropriate box to indicate whether photos were taken of the

complainant's injuries. Indicate if a restraining order is in effect by
darkening the Yes or No box. If yes, enter the restraining order
number, the expiration date and the issuing court. If a restraining order
is in effect and the suspect has not been served with the order, advise
the suspect of the provisions of the restraining order. Sign your name
and enter the date and time of the advisement. This will serve as proof
of service. Whenever you have advised a suspect of the terms of a
restraining order, route an extra copy of the report to the Warrants
If you gave the victim a Domestic Violence Resource Card (TF-869),
darken Yes; otherwise, darken No and explain in the narrative
If you advised the victim of citizen's arrest procedures, darken Yes;
otherwise, darken No and explain in the narrative section. If the
victim refuses to prosecute, briefly state the reason.
If you advised the victim to notify the investigator of any address or
telephone number changes, darken Yes; otherwise, darken No and
explain in the narrative section.
Enter up to two common names of any additional crimes, if any,
followed by the section numbers (including any applicable subsections),
and the code abbreviations. Indicate which of the victims the crime was
committed against (i.e., 1 or 2 etc.).
List additional crimes. List additional vehicles. Itemize and describe loss
items. List all evidence where found, by whom found and disposition.
When listing property, indicate the item number and status (L for loss,
E for evidence, S for safekeeping and R for recovered), i.e., #1L,
#2L/R. Summarize the details of the crimes) in a logical order. Include
all elements of the offense(s).
Enter your first initial, your last name and your serial number. Enter
your watch number and your district number.

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10 Dec 94

Enter your supervisor's name and serial number.

Indicate the page number and the total number of pages in this report.

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