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Example 1:

The first example is the easiest case - the resistors placed in parallel have the same resistance. The goal of the
analysis is to determine the current in and the voltage drop across each resistor.

As discussed above, the first step is to simplify the circuit by replacing the two parallel resistors with a single resistor
that has an equivalent resistance. Two 8 resistors in series is equivalent to a single 4 resistor. Thus, the two
branch resistors (R2 and R3) can be replaced by a single resistor with a resistance of 4 . This 4 resistor is in series
with R1 and R4. Thus, the total resistance is
Rtot = R1 + 4 + R4 = 5 + 4 + 6
Rtot = 15
Now the Ohm's law equation (V = I R) can be used to determine the total current in the circuit. In doing so, the
total resistance and the total voltage (or battery voltage) will have to be used.
Itot = Vtot / Rtot = (60 V) / (15 )
Itot = 4 Amp
The 4 Amp current calculation represents the current at the battery location. Yet, resistors R1 and R4 are in series and
the current in series-connected resistors is everywhere the same. Thus,
Itot = I1 = I4 = 4 Amp
For parallel branches, the sum of the current in each individual branch is equal to the current outside the branches.
Thus, I2 + I3 must equal 4 Amp. There are an infinite number of possible values of I2 and I3 that satisfy this equation.
Since the resistance values are equal, the current values in these two resistors are also equal. Therefore, the current
in resistors 2 and 3 are both equal to 2 Amp.
I2 = I3 = 2 Amp
Now that the current at each individual resistor location is known, the Ohm's law equation (V = I R) can be used
to determine the voltage drop across each resistor. These calculations are shown below.
V1 = I1 R1 = (4 Amp) (5 )
V1 = 20 V
V2 = I2 R2 = (2 Amp) (8 )
V2 = 16 V
V3 = I3 R3 = (2 Amp) (8 )
V3 = 16 V
V4 = I4 R4 = (4 Amp) (6 )
V4 = 24 V

The analysis is now complete and the results are summarized in the diagram below.

Example 2:
The second example is the more difficult case - the resistors placed in parallel have a different resistance value. The
goal of the analysis is the same - to determine the current in and the voltage drop across each resistor.

As discussed above, the first step is to simplify the circuit by replacing the two parallel resistors with a single resistor
with an equivalent resistance. The equivalent resistance of a 4- and 12- resistor placed in parallel can be
determined using the usual formula for equivalent resistance of parallel branches:
1 / Req = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 ...
1 / Req = 1 / (4 ) + 1 / (12 )
1 / Req = 0.333 -1
Req = 1 / (0.333 -1)
Req = 3.00
Based on this calculation, it can be said that the two branch resistors (R2 and R3) can be replaced by a single resistor
with a resistance of 3 . This 3 resistor is in series with R1 and R4. Thus, the total resistance is
Rtot = R1 + 3 + R4 = 5 + 3 + 8
Rtot = 16
Now the Ohm's law equation (V = I R) can be used to determine the total current in the circuit. In doing so, the
total resistance and the total voltage (or battery voltage) will have to be used.
Itot = Vtot / Rtot = (24 V) / (16 )
Itot = 1.5 Amp
The 1.5 Amp current calculation represents the current at the battery location. Yet, resistors R1 and R4 are in series
and the current in series-connected resistors is everywhere the same. Thus,
Itot = I1 = I4 = 1.5 Amp
For parallel branches, the sum of the current in each individual branch is equal to the current outside the branches.
Thus, I2 + I3 must equal 1.5 Amp. There are an infinite possibilities of I2and I3 values that satisfy this equation. In the
previous example, the two resistors in parallel had the identical resistance; thus the current was distributed equally
among the two branches. In this example, the unequal current in the two resistors complicates the analysis. The
branch with the least resistance will have the greatest current. Determining the amount of current will demand that

we use the Ohm's law equation. But to use it, the voltage drop across the branches must first be known. So the
direction that the solution takes in this example will be slightly different than that of the simpler case illustrated in the
previous example.
To determine the voltage drop across the parallel branches, the voltage drop across the two series-connected
resistors (R1 and R4) must first be determined. The Ohm's law equation (V = I R) can be used to determine the
voltage drop across each resistor. These calculations are shown below.
V1 = I1 R1 = (1.5 Amp) (5 )
V1 = 7.5 V
V4 = I4 R4 = (1.5 Amp) (8 )
V4 = 12 V
This circuit is powered by a 24-volt source. Thus, the cumulative voltage drop of a charge traversing a loop about the
circuit is 24 volts. There will be a 19.5 V drop (7.5 V + 12 V) resulting from passage through the two seriesconnected resistors (R1 and R4). The voltage drop across the branches must be 4.5 volts to make up the difference
between the 24 volt total and the 19.5-volt drop across R1 and R4. Thus,
V2 = V3 = 4.5 V
Knowing the voltage drop across the parallel-connected resistors (R1 and R4) allows one to use the Ohm's law
equation (V = I R) to determine the current in the two branches.
I2 = V2 / R2 = (4.5 V) / (4 )
I2 = 1.125 A
I3 = V3 / R3 = (4.5 V) / (12 )
I3 = 0.375 A
The analysis is now complete and the results are summarized in the diagram below.

Developing a Strategy
The two examples above illustrate an effective concept-centered strategy for analyzing combination circuits. The
approach demanded a firm grasp of the series and parallel concepts discussed earlier. Such analyses are often
conducted in order to solve a physics problem for a specified unknown. In such situations, the unknown typically
varies from problem to problem. In one problem, the resistor values may be given and the current in all the branches
are the unknown. In another problem, the current in the battery and a few resistor values may be stated and the
unknown quantity becomes the resistance of one of the resistors. Different problem situations will obviously require
slight alterations in the approaches. Nonetheless, every problem-solving approach will utilize the same principles
utilized in approaching the two example problems above.
The following suggestions for approaching combination circuit problems are offered to the beginning student:

If a schematic diagram is not provided, take the time to construct one. Use schematic symbols such as those
shown in the example above.

When approaching a problem involving a combination circuit, take the time to organize yourself, writing down
known values and equating them with a symbol such as Itot, I1, R3, V2, etc. The organization scheme used in the
two examples above is an effective starting point.
Know and use the appropriate formulae for the equivalent resistance of series-connected and parallel-connected
resistors. Use of the wrong formulae will guarantee failure.
Transform a combination circuit into a strictly series circuit by replacing (in your mind) the parallel section with a
single resistor having a resistance value equal to the equivalent resistance of the parallel section.
Use the Ohm's law equation (V = I R) often and appropriately. Most answers will be determined using this
equation. When using it, it is important to substitute the appropriate values into the equation. For instance, if
calculating I2, it is important to substitute the V2 and the R2 values into the equation.
For further practice analyzing combination circuits, consider analyzing the problems in the Check Your Understanding
section below.

Check Your Understanding

1. A combination circuit is shown in the diagram at the right.
Use the diagram to answer the following questions.
a. The current at location A is _____ (greater than, equal to,
less than) the current at location B.
b. The current at location B is _____ (greater than, equal to,
less than) the current at location E.
c. The current at location G is _____ (greater than, equal to,
less than) the current at location F.
d. The current at location E is _____ (greater than, equal to,
less than) the current at location G.
e. The current at location B is _____ (greater than, equal to,
less than) the current at location F.
f. The current at location A is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than) the current at location L.
f. The current at location H is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than) the current at location I.
See Answer

2. Consider the combination circuit in the diagram at the

right. Use the diagram to answer the following questions.
(Assume that the voltage drops in the wires themselves in
negligibly small.)
a. The electric potential difference (voltage drop) between
points B and C is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than) the
electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points J
and K.
b. The electric potential difference (voltage drop) between
points B and K is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than) the

electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points D and I.

c. The electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points E and F is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than)
the electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points G and H.
d. The electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points E and F is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than)
the electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points D and I.
e. The electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points J and K is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than)
the electric potential difference (voltage drop) between points D and I.
f. The electric potential difference between points L and A is _____ (greater than, equal to, less than) the electric
potential difference (voltage drop) between points B and K.



( )



1.5 V

0.50 Amp


3.0 V


4.5 V

1.5 Amp


1.5 V

0.25 Amp


3.0 V

0.5 Amp


4.5 V

0.75 Amp


4.5 V

0.50 Amp

1 Amp

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