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An avulsion is a complete tissue-tear...

As a coach, you cannot give first aid to a minor
without consent
A fracture with the bone partially thru the skin is
called a/an open-fracture
The Trainer's Angel or an FM Extractor is a device
designed to remove an athlete's face-mask
without removing the helmet
People who work in sports medicine must know
the most about anatomy
The ABC of basic life support stands for airway,
breathing, and circulation
Arterial signs of external-bleeding include rapid,
bright red blood flow; capillary signs involve
slow, oozing blood, and venous signs involve
rapid, dark blood
The general rule for moving an injured-athlete is
to err on the side of caution.
Ophthalmologists are sometimes called eyedoctors
The purpose of pre-season conditioning is to help
athletes condition themselves before the season

Orthopedists are sometimes called bone

Pre-season physical exams are important
because they help assess the overall health and
conditions that could lead to an injury of an
Most injuries are due to situations that you have
some control over or could have been
When the air temperature is between 80 and 90
degrees F and humidity is at or above 70%,
athletes should rest and drink-water frequently
Heat transfer that takes place when a liquid is
converted to gas is called evaporation
As a coach, you should treat a face laceration by
covering the injury with sterile gauze and
Tendons attach muscle to bones.
The most common reason for an adult's heart to
stop beating is due to heart-disease
Bones that "pop" out and immediately "pop"
back in are called subluxations
Injuries to internal organs must be evaluated,
treated and cleared by a physician

Diabetes and seizures are types of suddenillnesses

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood-sugar
Common symptoms of spine injury include
numbness-or-tingling in the extremities and pain
on or near the spine
The most important reason for checking-thescene before approaching to help an athlete is
that you could become injured if the scene is
A sign and symptom of hyperventilation is
increased pulse rate
An accepted type of moving-technique for an
injured player is four-handed carrying assist
According to the textbook, for safety, athletic
equipment should be checked every 3 years
PRICE is the best strategy to minimize local
tissue damage
After you determine a person is not conscious or
is not breathing, call EMS immediately
A collapsed lung would not typically be caused
by choking
Anaphylactic-shock is a severe reaction to a

substance causing the body to respond with

swelling of the throat
Asthma can be caused by exposure-to-smoke
A spinal-injury that occurs when, for example, an
individuals head is moved, sharply bent to the
side, is called a burner / stinger
A bruised kidney often refers pain in the lower
A cramping feeling felt in either the right or left
side, most often felt by runners or athletes who
lack cardiovascular endurance is called a sidestitch
The number one sign of a broken-collarbone
(clavicle) is a deformity of the collarbone
The most commonly injured organ in the
abdominal region is the spleen
Low insulin levels may result from certainmedications
Depressants can cause seizures and coma
Grades I, II, and III are the levels of severity of
An epiphyseal (growth plate stress fracture) is a
common condition of the elbow

Fainting can be brought about by low blood

If the lower jaw is injured, the athlete will have
pain and difficulty biting down
In sports, most dislocations occur in the
For eye-abrasions the best procedure to apply
first is to wash the eye
Signs for a jaw injury include swelling, deformity,
and an inability to close the mouth
Bacterial infection of a hair-follicle will cause a
Non-contagious skin problems include blisters,
abrasions, boils, and poisonous plant rash
Blisters can either be open-or-closed
Ringworm is a skin problem that accounts for
83.8% of reported skin conditions
To treat athlete's foot, the most logical first step
would be to apply antifungal-cream

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