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General Format

The Ever-Rott Blood Bowl Leagues inaugural season will commence with a single JuniorVarsity (JV) Division. The first season of the league is called JV Season 1, and will feature
a schedule format that will be declared after the teams have signed up, so that a full and fulfilling
season can be established. At this time, we anticipate that future seasons will feature JV
divisions for brand new rosters and Varsity rosters for teams that have completed a season of JV.
Rules Documents
The Ever-Rott Blood Bowl League uses the latest edition of the Living Rule Book, known as
LRB6 or the Competition Rules Pack/CRP. It can be found here:

This rules pack is also available through the following path:
o Specialist Games
Blood Bowl
Blood Bowl Resources

In the future, 3 supplemental teams (Chaos Pact, Underworld, Slann) that are endorsed by the
Blood Bowl Rules Committee (BBRC) and Nuffle Amorical Football (NAF) may be used;
however, such teams are ineligible for JV Season 1.
The following play conventions are expected when playing in the Ever-Rott Blood Bowl League:
1. Turn Activated Players - Turn your players 180 degrees after they have taken their turn
(activated). This helps both you and your opponent keep track of who has and hasnt
activated yet this turn. At the end of your turn, turn them all back to facing forward.
2. Dice - Players may use their own dice for playing a game. Upon the request of either
player, both players will use the same set of dice when playing a game. This request can
be made before a game or at any point during a game. This eliminates any arguments or
suspicions of lucky dice or other shenanigans. If the players cant agree on whose dice
to use, the Home teams coach gets the choice.
3. Rule Mishaps - Since many people will be fairly new to Blood Bowl, there is near
certainty that there will be some rules confusion. If an action by a player on the field is
taken with an improper rule or incorrect interpretation, then it can only be undone or
corrected if the next player on the field has not taken its move. This helps the game
move forward and encourages players to look up the proper rules or interpretations as the
game is being played or during an action, without re-winding history.

4. Painted Miniature Bonus Painted miniatures make a game of Blood Bowl better, for
both the playing and opposing coach. These League Rules incentivize painted models by
providing bonuses to FAME (see 5. FAME & Bonus for Painted Miniatures below) and
Gold for playing teams (see 3. Additional Cash for Short-Term Leagues below).
5. Painted Miniature Standard To receive the bonus above, the miniatures must be
painted with a good faith attempt to paint the model. This does not mean that the
miniatures must be painted well, or that miniatures must be washed and based, but it does
mean that an honest attempt to paint the model (beyond just priing) must be made, even if
there could be additional efforts taken to pain the model. This is a purposely subjective
standard that has been put in place to reward honest efforts, and discourage minimum
efforts to obtain the Painted Miniature Bonuses without making an honest attempt. The
Commissioner will have the final ruling in determining if a miniature rises to this
standard. In the event a game is taking place without the Commissioner present, than the
staff of Mugu Games is delegated this responsibility.
6. A Note About Sportsmanship It is not poor sportsmanship to foul every turn, call
Illegal Procedure, or run up the score. Gloating or ridiculing your opponent while doing
so is. Fouling and Illegal Procedure are a part of the game, just like Passing and Going
For It are.

Optional and Modified CRP Rules

Optional League Rules
1. MVP Determination - MVP is randomly determined from players eligible to play in the
match that were not induced and have not died during the match as per option #2 under
the Awarding the Most Valuable Player optional rules listed on Page 32 in the CRP. As
discussed in League Format, each time a team completes a game in JV Season 1, each
team is awarded a second player MVP that determined at random (excluding the first
MVP of the match).
Note: Journeymen ARE eligible to earn MVPs as they are not induced, Star Players ARE
NOT eligible to earn MVPs as they are induced.
2. No Special Play Card Inducements - For JV Season 1, all Special Play Card
inducements are prohibited, as to focus on game fundamentals. These are listed on Pages
55-62 in the CRP. Upon revision by the Commissioner, Special Play Card inducements
may be eligible in the future.

Modified League Rules

3. Additional Cash for Short-Term Leagues Instead of the gold determination listed on
Page 29, the following calculations will be used to determine gold for Winning, Losing,
and Tied teams.
1. Winning Team Calculation for Gold Earned
1. (1D6 + Fan Factor) x 10,000
2. + Match Bonus: 5,000
3. + Painted Miniature Bonus: # Painted Miniatures x 1,000
4. + Primetime Bonus: 5,000 for games played on Thursday nights
5. Spiraling Expenses
2. Losing or Tied-Teams Calculations for Gold Earned
1. (1D6 + Fan Factor) x 1,000
2. + Match Bonus: 5,000
3. + Primetime Bonus: 2,000 for games played on Thursday nights
4. Spiraling Expenses
Note: Fan Factor (not FAME) is used in Step 1 in both calculations above.
Note: Painted Miniature Bonus is the number of Painted Miniatures that are
on the winning teams roster as the beginning of the match, so players that
are killed during the match still count. In addition, any induced players that
are painted also count toward this value.
4. JV Season 1: Illegal Procedure
On page 7 of the CRP, replace the 2nd paragraph under Moving the Turn Marker with the
A coach who is called for illegal procedure suffers no penalty. However the opposing
coach immediately gains one re-roll. If a coach forgets to move the Turn marker, but
rectifies his mistake before the opposing coach notices the error, then he cannot be called
for illegal procedure. If a coach incorrectly calls illegal procedure, then his opponent
immediately gains a re-roll.

5. FAME & Bonus for Painted Miniatures

On page 18 of the CRP, replace the calculation for The Fan Advantage Modifier (FAME)
with the following:
The number of fans supporting your team during the game is calculated as follows:
(1) Role 2D6,
(2) Add Fan Factor to the total,
(3) Add the number of painted miniatures on your roster (as of the time the game
(4) This value is the FAME
(5) Multiply the result by 1,000
Example: You are playing a Dwarf team in the JV Season 1. You role 2D6 and the result
is a 7. You add your Fan Factor of 3 for a total of 10. You have painted 9 of the 12
miniatures on your roster. So you would add 9 to the previous total of 10, for a new total
of 19. After multiplying that number by 1,000, you have determined that you have 19,000
fans cheering you on during your match.
6. Time Limits
For JV Season 1, there will be no round timers, but teams should strive to complete each
turn in 5 minutes or less. That said, please do your best to finish your turns in a timely
manner. In rare cases the Commissioner may choose to enforce timed play if team
coaches raise concerns.
7. Coin Toss
All scheduled matches have set Home and Away Team designations. No coin toss is
necessary because the Home team is given the option of kicking first or receiving first.
8. Overtime
During the regular season, a tie score at the end of the 2nd half is a Tie. Matches in a
Tournament will however go to Overtime if the score is tied at the end of the 2nd half.
9. Byes in the Regular Season Schedule
If a Bye is necessary, the Bye week will be considered an extra training/fundraising
week for the team getting the Bye. The team rolls a straight 1d6 for winnings (x10,000
gold pieces), and gets 2 randomly determined MVPs. The team getting the benefit of the
Bye does not receive the 15,000 Additional Cash for Short Term Leagues bonus or any
other bonus not stated here. The MVPs cannot both go to the same player. These rolls
must be witnessed by another member of the League.
10. Byes in the Playoff Schedule
In the event that we have a playoff structure that awards Byes (12 players in the playoffs,
for example), no additional money or MVPs will be awarded to the team with the Bye.
The purpose of the Bye is that your team gets a free round in the playoffs without the
chance to get eliminated.

11. Play-off and Post-season Break

Prior to the first round of Playoffs, players who were injured to the point of Missing Next
Game after their last game are returned to healthy status and do not miss the first round of
Playoffs as if a game had been played between their last game and Playoffs. All further
injuries suffered throughout the Playoffs are treated as normal.

League Structure
Pre-Game Team Procedure
The following must be taken care of prior to playing a game JV Season 1:
1. Model Numbers - All models on your team should have clearly visible numbers on the
front and back of each base. This will not be strictly enforced in JV Season 1, but will be
enforced in subsequent seasons. For JV Season 1, the models must have some numbering
system present that will enable the opposing teams coach to identify the number of the
model by simply looking at the model.
2. Player Names - All players on a teams roster must be named prior to being fielded.
Names cannot be offensive (profane or degrading language) or descriptive (i.e. Lineman
1 etc.).
3. Proxies - All models must reasonably represent the position or race they are supposed to
be. Obvious proxies are fine. The Commissioner alone will be the determining agency.
4. Bring Two Roster Sheets - Two current roster sheets of your team must be brought to
each game one for yourself and one for your opponent.
In-Game Team Procedure
Game Report Sheets - For each game that is played in JV Season 1, a Game Report Sheet must
be filled out and turned in (or emailed) to one of the League Administrators. These can be
downloaded in PDF or Excel format from the Forms page on . If you are
e-mailing the report in, please e-mail to [email protected] .
League Fees
The fee for JV Season 1 is $10.00 and is non-refundable. This will be collected when you join
the league or (at the latest) on Opening Day. This fee covers to be expended League expenses
(website/forums, flyers and other advertisements), tourney prizes, and league property like
clocks, pitches, dice towers, etc. Fees are also an effective means of validating commitment to
playing in the league, so the enjoyment of all players will be enhanced.
Although Blood Bowl is a game played by Ages 12 and up, the Rat City Blood Bowl League is
an adult League. Members must be 16 years of age or older:
1. Members must be of an age where they can set up their own make-up games without
buffers being involved. All matches will be played at Mugu Games unless approved by
the Commissioner.

League Format: JV Season 1

JV Season 1 is where the new teams looking to show their stuff come to play. Teams in JV
Season 1 receive a lot of extra media attention and funding much more so than the standard
scrub leagues you find in other cities.
Each coach may have one team in JV Season 1. Only brand new team rosters with no games
under their belt may participate in JV Season 1. During the season, each team will receive an
extra (randomly determined) MVP in the postgame of each round of the Regular Season (cant
go to the same player that got the normal MVP). When the Regular Season ends, these benefits
go away.
The full season of JV Season 1 will have a length to be determined after team registration and
before play commences on Opening Day. This is for the Commissioner to determine a full and
fair league season based on the number of committed coaches. League matches will be played at
Mugu Games in Everett, Washington. Schedules for the regular season will be based on the
notion that a coach can play 2 games every 2 weeks by arranging the play times with the
opposing coaches.
Coaches MUST play the regular season matches they are scheduled to play in the order they are
scheduled, and cannot refuse to play a match unless they forfeit. If a coach is forced to forfeit a
match due to not playing or arranging to play said match, then his team must abide by all the
Conceding rules on page 29 of the CRP with the exception that he is not required to roll to see if
players leave his team. If a coach forfeits a match during play, then ALL Conceding rules apply
to his team. In either case, the winner of the forfeited match receives the standard benefits.
The Playoff schedule will be played at a rate of 1 game every 1 week until complete. Seeding in
the tournament depends on the teams regular season final League Point standings.
During the regular season, teams are awarded 3 League Points for a win, 1 League Point for a tie,
and 0 League Points for a loss. Any ties in the standings are resolved in the following order:
1. Total wins
2. Head to Head record (if applicable)
3. Touchdown +/Tournament Structure
JV Season 1 will end with a tournament that a team can qualify to play in based off their regular
season performance. Due to the numbers of teams for JV Season 1 being unknown as of this
writing, the number of teams able to participate in the tournament will be solely determined by
the Commissioner.

Pre-Season Schedule
After registering for JV Season 1 and before any Regular Season games are played, Coaches may
play up to 2 Pre-Season games. The purpose of Pre-Season is for coaches to gain familiarity
with the Blood Bowl and League rules before the season starts. Pre-Season is 100% optional;
however, coaches who participate in Pre-Season will keep any of the Star Player Points earned
and may level up players before the Regular Season begins if the players have accumulated
enough points to do so. The added bonus is that after the completion of EACH Pre-Season
game, any injury, death, or other casualty sustained during the game is waived. This means that
no injuries will carry on with the player and that any player who would otherwise be dead or
would miss the next game continues on the roster as if they were not injured during the match.
Updated 5/16/2012

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