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5 rounds of 4 phases each - Ragnarok follows the 5th round.

At the Beginning of every Round.
- Mimir, Surtr, and Fenrir are not available for the first round.
- They rise as follows
2nd Round - Mimir
3rd Round - Surtr
4th Round - Fenrir
- Place a seal on each risen God that doesn't have one at the beginning of the round.
If there are no seals take from the player who has the most.
If there is a tie for most then the First player chooses.
- Refresh Asgard tiles
Remove face down tiles from the board and replace those with ones from the stack.
If the stack is exhausted shuffle discarded tiles.
One less tile than the number of players is turned face up.
- A player cannot have fewer than 2 influence discs at the start of a Round, if so then (may not retrieve discs if you have 2 or more):
Retrieve 1 or 2 discs from
Support Slots
Victory Area
Middle of the board
Phase 1 - Select God Cards
Select God cards based on the number of Influence discs you have.
Each player starts the game with 3.
Phase 2 - Select Actions
In turn order reveal 1 God card to place influence disc.
Repeat until all select God cards have been revealed.
Phase 3 - Take Actions
In turn order take actions.
a. Select a disc from the board
b. Take seal, if any, next to the God of action taken
c. Immediately perform action
Request Slot
Temple Slot
Asgard Area
d. Take influence discs back to personal supply. (unless Temple slot was selected)
Request Slot
Take 2 Enchanted stones from that God.
If disc is in the upper slot then do the special skill as well.
Temple Slot
Build a Temple from one of the face up tiles with the stones collected.
- put stones back in common supply.
Move disc from Temple slot to the top most support slot.
- place the EXACT requested recruits from your supply.
- place the recruits on the God space.
Place face up God tile on one of the worlds.
- Replace the population tile and take the population tile put face up in front of you,
if tile is NOT face down (See Gods special skills). If it is face down then
it is discarded from the game.
- God tile cannot replace another God tile in Yggdrasil.
- If the God tile is placed in one of the lower worlds then gain 5VP.
- No battles happen in the lower worlds.
- Gods in lower worlds do not participate in Ragnarok.
- Turn over the next God tile from the stack.

Asgard Area
Flip one of the face-up tiles face-down and receive the bonus immediately.
- If all tiles are face-down, skip this step.
May obtain 1 or more recruits by paying the appropriate amount of light or dark seals from your supply.
May take 1 or more influence discs from the stacks.
- take the left most one of your discs.
- spend 1 light or darkness seal as indicated below discs, plus any seals below any non-empty
space to its left.
- take the disc into your personal supply. (additional action disc for future rounds).
- Put the disc just received on an empty Battle Slot.
- Gain 1 Wizardry or Weapons tile as indicated by the Battle Slot.
(may choose any from face-down stack).
- Place the acquired tile face down in front of you.
- Put stack face down after choosing.
- 1 disc per Battle Slot
- Only 1 disc on World 7, must choose either Light or Dark side.
- Cannot place disc on Battle slot if already have disc in Victory Area.
- If you have discs in the middle of the board (from previous lost battles)
may now place on Battle Slots of your choice.
(No Wizardry or Weapons tiles awarded).
- Take back your disc from the Asgard Area into your supply.
- If you have 2 or more discs in the Asgard Area you perform all the normal actions of the
Asgard Area, but when taking discs from the track may take 1 for free
(all influence discs are then taken back at the same time as if it were only one action).
This disc can be placed in a Battle Slot instead of taking into personal supply.
Phase 4 - Battles
Gain VP for any Temple you have built.
Turn over the top most tile of the 2 Ancient Weapons stacks.
In Number order (1-7) where a disc is on a Battle Slot resolve those battles.
- 2 Population tiles - add the population tile to the corresponding Ancient Weapons tile
- 1 Population tile and 1 God Tile - the population tile is irrelevant. The one Ancient Weapon tile versus the
God tile + corresponding Ancient Weapon tile.
- 2 God Tiles - each God tile plus corresponding Ancient Weapon.
- If the disc in the Battle Slot is on the winning side, move it to the Victory Area.
- If the disc in the Battle Slot is on the losing side or if tied may use 1 or more Recruits from his supply.
Giants = 2
Warriors = 1
- Warriors used in this manner go to Valhalla, Giants go to the common supply.
- Move disc to Victory Area.
- If the disc is on the losing side and you cannot or wish not to use Recruits then your disc is
placed in the middle of the board.
Battle Tiles
- Check discs in Victory Areas
- Starting with player in last place on VP track.
- Take battle tiles from the appropriate stack based on how many discs you have
in the Victory Areas on the board (place the battle tile in front of you face down).
- If a stack of tiles is exhausted the take the next highest level tile, if none then take none.
- If players are tied then take tiles according to the player order.
After the 5th round.
Score Battle tiles taken.
Remove all discs from the middle of the board and from the Victory Areas.
- NOT from the Support Slots.
Shuffle all Ancient Weapon tiles and place next to the board in 2 respective stacks.
God/Population tiles in lower worlds don't participate in Ragnarok.
Influence discs
Take discs from Support Slots and place underneath respective God.

If there is a disc in each of the 2 Support Slots the place the both discs under the God in Yggdrasi,
the top disc stacked on top of the other.
If the God has 2 tiles in Yggdrasil then take an extra disc from the players supply and place the respectively.
If not enough discs use the colored tiles.
Population Tiles
Check each world 7 - 1.
If 2 Population tiles then remove them both they don't take part in Ragnarok.
If 1 Population tile and one God tile.
Take from the corresponding stack of Ancient Weapons tiles and place the top one under the
Population tile face down.
If the Ancient Weapons stack is exhausted that Population tile receives no tile.
Deployment of Recruits
Take recruits from each God and place next to the relevant God tile in Yggdrasil, if any.
If there are 2 God tiles, split the recruits into 2 equal groups of the same strength.
If cannot split into equal groups than the God tile with the lower value
gets the stronger group of recruits.
If there are no God tiles in Yggdrasil then the recruits are removed from the board.
In turn order players that support 1 or more Light Gods
Take one Warrior from Valhalla, if any, and place it next to any one of the Light Gods they support.
Pass (cannot jump back in once passed).
Continue taking Warriors from Valhalla until all players pass.
Weapon and Wizardry Tiles
In turn order each player places one Weapon or Wizardry tile under any God tile they support.
Continue until all tiles have been placed, skipping anyone who has no tiles.
Ragnarok Results
Check all worlds 1-7.
Winning side is one with highest value.
Determine values as follows:
Reveal tiles placed under Gods.
Apply the effects of the Wizardry tiles.
Sum the values.
God/Population tiles
Weapons/Ancient Weapons (add the Ancient Weapon Value to the Population Tiles).
Victory Points
If tied nobody collects points.
If the winner is a God
If only 1 disc below the God that player gets points for both I and II.
If 2 discs the disc on top gets points for I and the bottome disc for II.
Winner is player with the most points.
Ties - Winner is the player with the lowest valued player order tile.

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